Atlanta Geological Society

Atlanta Geological Society

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One Sri Lanka Dialogue
One Sri Lanka Dialogue

Officers-President: Dr. Pamela Gore; VP: Scott Harris; Secretary: John Clarke; Treasurer John Salvino

Are you getting the newsletter with all the up to date information about meetings and workshops?


Professional Geologist Candidate Workshop: Petrology and Petrography

Steven Stokowski

When: 10am-12noon, July 27, 2024, Where: Zoom presentation. Contact Ben Black at [email protected] for login information (AGS membership required or at least encouraged)

Course Syllabus: This review will cover petrography and petrology relevant to minerals and rocks. Emphasize will be on facts and calculations that are likely to be presented in the ASBOG Exam. The petrography review will focus upon the microscope tools and microscope methods used by geologists to perform their duties. The primary focus will be on reflected light (RL) and polarized light microscopes (PLM), ubiquitous in classic geology departments, but often optional in departments that emphasize groundwater and environmental geology. The petrology review will cover the classification and origin of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks, including coal. I will discuss field and laboratory classifications based upon color, grain size, and mineral content.


Updated Agenda

Tallulah Gorge - quartzite and stream capture 06/23/2024

I remember Bill talking about this a few years ago and it is one of the most fascinating geomorphological events in recent Georgia history. Keep in mind the theory of delamination of the subducted tectonic plate (the remains of which is the little Juan de Fuca Plate), which could be the cause of continental uplift across almost all of North America.

Tallulah Gorge - quartzite and stream capture This silent video is an excerpt from Roadside Geology of Georgia co-author Bill Witherspoon's June 22 slideshow presented at Terra Incognita Vineyard.


AGS June 25, 2024 BBQ Dinner Social and Movie Agenda at Fernbank Museum:
5:00-5:30 Set up Dining area and Posters
5:00-6:15 Member and Guest Check in, Greetings and T-Shirt Pick up
5:45-6:30 Posters Viewing and Socializing
6:00-6:15 Food Set up
6:15-6:40 MC Welcome Address, Dinner and Door Prizes
6:40-6:45 President's Address
6:40-7:15 More Door Prizes
7:15-7:30 Clean up the Room
7:30-8:15 Movie: Into America’s Wild
8:30 Depart the Building and Enjoy the rest of the Summer


I am changing the dates of my epic geology excursion and show due to the scheduling of a medical procedure and to allow more time to plan a few special things along the way. Plus, it will now end with fireworks!!!


AGS could use a few more sponsors for the June 25 BBQ Dinner Social and Big Screen Movie. Also if you would like to volunteer to help out, please let me know in the comments.


Annual AGS Apparel Sale—Order before May 28
AGS T-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, polos and coats are now available to order. These can be picked up at the annual BBQ dinner on June 25 for free or shipped to you at additional cost. To see the selection and place your order:


AGS's Monthly Meeting is Tuesday May 28 after the Memorial Day Holiday. Pizza at 6:00 and at 7:00, Jessica Turner from GEI Consultants will talk to us about Brownfields. You know those blighted industrial or commercial sites that can be remediated and put back on the tax roles to the benefit of everyone. See you at Fernbank Museum.


I sent an attendance survey out for the June BBQ social. Please let us know if you are going and if you are bringing guest. I'm trying to get a headcount to order the right amount of food.
If you didn't get a survey just respond in the comments below if you want to attend. The dinner is open to all AGS friends and family and is free with your membership. Guests are $5.


✨Save the date✨


Meeting tonight at Fernbank Museum. I'll bring the pizza at 6:00. Anthony Boxleiter will bring the science to us at 6:45. Check the newsletter for details or message us if you have questions.

Atlanta Geological Society 04/18/2024

If anybody got an email recently, from an odd or suspicious email address, that said it was from one of our officers, asking you to do something and requesting confidentiality, please know that it is from a scam person, and was not from us. I am not sure how many emails were sent, purporting to be which of our officers, but we would like to know how widespread the problem is. If you got one you can reply below or send one of our officers a private message. You can also forward the suspicious email to the officer that it appears to be from, so we know what is going on out there. Do not reply to any suspicious emails. Thanks.

Atlanta Geological Society Officers-President: Dr. Pamela Gore; VP: Scott Harris; Secretary: John Clarke; Treasurer John Salvino


AGS will be at the Decatur Earth Day Celebration. I will have a table with lots of rocks and try to promote lively discussion of the Rock Cycle. I'm bringing a bag of sand from Pamlico Sound that just might still have some sharks teeth. Stop by on Saturday at Decatur Square between 11:00 and 2:00, stay until 2:30 to help me load the rocks back into the SUV. (Why does this profession require superhuman strength. Cecil Plouse, where's Geo-Man when you need him?)


Annual AGS Apparel Sale—Order before May 28
AGS T-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, polos and coats are now available to order. These can be picked up at the annual BBQ dinner on June 25 for free or shipped to you at additional cost. To see the selection and place your order:

Photos from Atlanta Geological Society's post 04/13/2024

Congratulations to this year's Nils Thompson Memorial Award winners at the Georgia Science and Enginnering Fair.

The Junior Division recipient is Caroline Hancock from DeKalb County's GLOBE Academy. The Senior Division award goes to a team from Fayette County's McIntosh Hidh School: Sara Hoti, Sahithi Jamched. And Zackary Nizker. Sara, Sahithi, and Zackary alo won NOAA's Taking the Pulse of the Planet award.

These students did excellent research in hydrology and environmental science that is especially appropriate to honor Nils' memory. Each student received a cash award, a rock hammer (and safety goggles) and a 2-year membership in AGS.

We hope that they will be able join us for the barbecue this summer.

Earth Day Decatur 04/06/2024

I could use some company at the AGS table during the Decatur Earth Day events. Stop by if you are in the area between 11 and 2 PM on 4/20.

Earth Day Decatur Earth Day Decatur will be Saturday, April 20, 2024 from 11am-2pm on Decatur Square. We intend to have a full line up. Last year the mayor, R2D2, a biker scout, Rey, a purple BB8, and many others joined us, and we had lots of family fun activities. Free tree seedlings went to participants from our

A New Take on the Water Cycle 04/06/2024

Remember the Hydro Cycle? USGS issued an update in late 2022.

A New Take on the Water Cycle On October 13th 2022, we released a new water cycle diagram! This update re-envisions the water cycle, placing human activities at the forefront. We designed it to emphasize scientific accuracy, information design, and usability in educational settings. We hope that students of all ages better under...

Volcano | Ben Miller Comedy 04/02/2024

After the eclipse has come and gone check out Ben Miller science comedy on 4/11. Ben reached out to AGS to pass the word. Here is some info on his recent tour.

Volcano | Ben Miller Comedy In February 2023, I had the honor of spending the month as the Artist in Residence at Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park. I was the first stand-up comedian they ever selected. I learned a lot about the history, culture, and science of Hawai'i and its volcanoes. And I've taken these experiences and turn...

Alaska Earthquake - 1964 | Today In History | 27 Mar 17 03/28/2024

Yesterday was the 60th anniversary of the Good Friday Great Alaskan Earthquake. I remember people in Anchorage telling me about their experiences. I mentioned it to my dad and he told me that at one point he had a whole collection of photos from the earthquake that Bethlehem Steel commissioned to show how much better steel buildings did than concrete buildings. I never saw those photos but Aunt Dot, I think, gave me a whole set of pictures she kept. However, like father like son, I can't figure out what I did with them. For you Dad.

Alaska Earthquake - 1964 | Today In History | 27 Mar 17 On March 27, 1964, Alaska was hit by a magnitude 9.2 earthquake (the strongest on record in North America) and tsunamis that together claimed about 130 lives...


Thank you Kristen for highlighting an important issue regarding heavy mineral mining on the Trail Ridge next to the Okefenokee Swamp. But it was a lot to digest.
So members, here is a summary that you can study and think about as well as link to the data presentation made to AGS earlier this year.

Here are the talking points from the attorney we are working with, Josh Marks, explaining why HB 1338, the bogus moratorium bill, is terrible and needs to be stopped:

The bill does not require EPD to do a single thing during the 3-year moratorium period. No data collection; no analysis; nothing.

TPM’s demonstration project is forecast to take 4 years to complete. So, the 3-year moratorium will be over by the time TPM is ready to file new permit applications; they are not sacrificing anything with this bill.

Mandating EPD issuance or denial of a permit within 5 months defies reality and is terrible public policy. It took EPD 13 months to issue a draft permit following issuance of the draft Mining Land Use Plan in January 2023, and we still have 3-5 months of comments, review, decision making, and final permit issuance left to go. So, the total time will be probably 18 months. And that’s for the 582-acre demonstration project that is 2.7 miles from the boundary of the refuge.

As TPM expands northward, its footprints will get exponentially bigger and closer to the Oke NWR boundary, which scientists tell us will only increase the impacts on the ecosystem. Bigger/tougher/more complex issues will be raised. There’s no way that EPD will be able to review and analyze those issues within 150 days, as this bill would require. None.

As TPM gets closer to the Refuge, it will get harder to avoid jurisdictional wetlands without leaving a ton of ore in the ground. TPM will have a tough decision: does it continue to dodge wetlands and a 404/EIS that would involve leaving $ in the ground, or does it hope that under a conservative, non-conservation administration (as it is election year) it would get expedited 404 considerations? If the latter, the Corps is not/will not be subject to artificial deadlines for review, and thus a huge conflict is set up to happen between the feds/COE and state/EPD if 1338 passes. There’s no way a 404/EIS is done within 5 months.

Requiring an administrative law judge to issue an opinion within 180 days of permit issuance is impossible. Typical time for an administrative review procedure and decision is 6-12 months for simple permit challenges; this would be anything but simple. EPD Director Cown in his testimony indicated he is consulting with the Office of State Administrative Hearings and the AG’s office about that very topic, likely because he knows this is impossible.

Requiring the permit to be deemed affirmed by operation of law if the administrative law judge fails to meet the 180-day deadline is likely unconstitutional violation of separation of powers and terrible public policy. Can you imagine any other area of law where the legislature orders the judiciary branch to act or else a law becomes valid despite its defects?

Requiring the permit to be deemed affirmed by operation of law if the superior court judge fails to meet the 180-day deadline for review is also similarly unconstitutional and terrible public policy.

Not having any deadlines for judicial review of permit denial is unfair and a violation of due process of permit challengers. In other words, if the conservation community challenges the issuance of a permit, there are strict deadlines for judges; if TPM challenges the denial of a permit, there are NO deadlines. How is that fair?

Corbett falsely stated that the mine is 14 miles away from the swamp. The mine will be on the hydrologic boundary of the swamp; it will be in the swamp ecosystem as universally recognized by the scientific community.

Corbett falsely stated that Charlton County unanimously supports the mine. The resolution from the Charlton County Commission he is referencing was passed back in 2019, 5 years ago and before any of the scientific evidence against the mine, or Twin Pines terrible track record, was known. If a vote of the commission were held today, with all of the valid information that is known now, it would likely not pass.

The overwhelming majority of Charlton County citizens oppose the mine.

The scientific community overwhelmingly believes mining by Twin Pines will damage the swamp and believes both EPD and Twin Pines’ experts are wrong.

EPD used the wrong river gage when it analyzed the impacts of the mine on the swamp. Thirteen scientists from around the country wrote to EPD last year calling them out for that. See attached; here’s an article about it.

Twin Pines’ expert has been a paid consultant of EPD for over 10 years. This constitutes a conflict of interest.

Twin Pines was fined $20K by EPD for numerous violations governing its exploratory drilling program. Attached is the consent order; here’s an article detailing this. This follows other violations that Twin Pines has committed during the course of the development of this project (misrepresentation of a lease on the neighbor’s property; clearing land without a land disturbance permit) and demonstrates that Twin Pines is egregious and compliance with the law is not a priority and should not be issued a permit to mine at the Oke.

This bill was introduced and voted upon in subcommittee within 24 hours, and then in full committee within 36 hours. HB 71, with 96 cosponsors and overwhelming support of the public, has been held hostage with no vote for THREE YEARS.

Twin Pines, its executives and lobbyists have donated over $100K to the Governor, Speaker, and many members of the Natural Resources Committee, including Chairman L. Smith, Vice Chair Vance Smith, and especially to Corbett. We have the data to prove that. That is the only explanation for why this bill was introduced and got the express treatment. Here is listing of contributions made by Twin Pines and its President.


The AGS Geology Workshop on Hydrogeology is this weekend. We will be online between 10:00 am and 12:00 PM on Saturday 2/24. The link is in the newsletter or contact me by messenger or email us if you need it. I put the Details in the response below. Thanks John Salvino


AGS January Presentation
Southeastern Earthquakes with Dr. Zhigang Peng


We will begin the talk this evening shortly after 7:00 p.m. EST. We have a brief business meeting to conduct. Be looking for the GoLive button or the the feed when we do go live.


Next Tuesday evening. January 30, the Atlanta Geological Society is excited to welcome Georgia Tech seismologist Dr. Zhigang Peng to discuss recent research into earthquakes in the Southeastern U.S. For AGS members who aren't able to attend the monthly meeting at the Fernbank Museum of Natural History, a Zoom link will be provided. But Zhigang also is allowing us to broadcast his talk to the general public through Facebook Live, here @ Atlanta Geological Society . The talk will start at approximately 7 p.m. EST.

American Institute of Professional Geologists 01/24/2024

Members: We have a great opportunity early next month, AIPG is having their 10th Innovative Environmental Assessment and Remediation Technology Conference on February 8 and 9 at Kennesaw State University. I just talked to conference chair, Calvin Johnson who offered to waive admission fees for students and academics. I am pretty sure that includes retired persons, as well. I have been to this conference several times. Not only are the presentation worthwhile but there are also opportunities to network with other Atlanta area geologists. Calvin offered AGS a table to promote our organization. Please contact/message Hospitality Chair/Treasurer, John Salvino for details (or comment below), or go to conference website to sign up. Even if your fee is waived, Calvin will need to know who is attending, so he can provide an accurate count for lunches and snacks. Also Conference Co-chair, Steve Stokowski, a long time AGS member, workshop lecturer and former AGS officer drafted me to sit on a panel titled "How to Get a Geology Job" (Thanks Steve) Contact me if you have some stories you want to share or let me know at the AGS meeting on 1/30. Here is the conference link.

American Institute of Professional Geologists AIPG Georgia Section - 10th Conference on Innovative Environmental Assessment and Remediation Technology - February 8-9, 2024.


Columnar joints and Pillows (?) Kiska Island 1995 (and a Weisskopf Vogel)


When you pay your annual dues online at the AGS store be sure to click on the donate button then look for your shopping cart at the top on the page. Let me know if you have any trouble.


What do you think caused the features on these two cobbles I collected along the Lake Michigan shore?


Celebrate the new year by checking in at the Atlanta Geological Society store and purchasing your 2024 annual dues. The dues are due on January 1st. Happy New Year. John Salvino Treasurer


Atlanta Geological Society is not currently selling T-shirts. But I'm sure if you contact John Clarke, he will take a pre-order for the next time we have our T-shirt sale. There have been some bogus shirt sales posted on our page. Please contact the officers including Pamela, Scott, John or me if you have any questions. We don't want anybody getting ripped off.

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Atlanta Geological Society
Atlanta Geological Society Special Presentation
Atlanta Geological Society


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