Rose Garden Consulting LLC.

We help companies develop and scale their sales process
& sales teams. We ignite revenue growth with transformative solutions based on behavioral economics.

Our impact goes deeper than revenue – we change your sales culture, transforming the sales process into a sales experience that aligns with the emotional needs of your target. To this end, we work with visionaries who know their personal limitations but are ready to push the boundaries to get things done.

Timeline photos 10/28/2022

Our best self is the one that takes full advantage of the opportunities around us.
Awakening this version of ourselves is a matter of cultivating our strengths and awareness.
Why are you waiting to become your best self?

Timeline photos 10/24/2022

It’s easy for a leader to get stuck on a particular path while their competition takes a different direction and explores new opportunities.

I see this happen regularly.

I also see businesses seeking to hire their way out of their sales problems. They look to new marketing services, training companies, and sales consultants to solve anything and everything.

Know that there are charlatans everywhere.

Photos from Rose Garden Consulting LLC.'s post 10/21/2022

The truth is that most job roles, industries, and business activities benefit from in-person interaction.

Office teams consistently outperform remote teams across all departments, divisions, and skill levels. Our experience working with industry-leading clients informs this knowledge.

Avoid Survivorship Bias in your Sales Process Evaluation - Rose Garden 10/18/2022

Most sales leaders do not correctly evaluate their sales processes. Leaders review whether or not they’ve hit their goal retrospectively, but that’s effectively survivorship bias.

Avoid Survivorship Bias in your Sales Process Evaluation - Rose Garden Most sales leaders do not correctly evaluate their sales processes. Leaders review whether or not they've hit their goal retrospectively.

Why communication goes wrong...and how to fix it | Tim Pollard | TEDxBillings 10/17/2022

In his TED talk, Tim Pollard coined the term “retellability” or “representability,” arguing it to be the most critical communication tool in sales.

The problem is salespeople fixate on the wrong meeting, a meeting that is not the most important.

Why? Because the decision didn’t get made in that initial meeting. And, it’s a meeting you don’t get invited to join.

The decision-making body (buying group) will decide on the sale at this meeting.

So, if you are not in the decision-making meeting, you’re retellability is more critical.

It changes the way we think about communications because rather than fixating on the first meeting – ensuring your message is crisp, clean, and compelling to sell to that individual.

Why communication goes wrong...and how to fix it | Tim Pollard | TEDxBillings Most people understand that communication is a vitally important skill in life and business...and yet most people still struggle to communicate effectively. ...

Timeline photos 10/14/2022

Your best self must believe in its own abilities.
This may not be confused with stubbornly thinking that we are invisible.
Self-reliance and confidence in our abilities are simply the act of recognizing that we have prepared ourselves and the strength and training to do what needs to be done.

Photos from Rose Garden Consulting LLC.'s post 10/10/2022

Here’s what we don’t discuss. Turnover on its own is not bad. It’s the kind of turnover you need to pay attention to.

There’s bad turnover. And then there’s the right turnover.

The bad turnover sees your top salespeople leave. But good turnover flushes out poor performers and low accountables, optimizing your organization’s sales.

Should you hire a remote sales team? My answer is no - Rose Garden 10/07/2022

At Rose Garden, we are not pro-remote sales teams, but we are not against teams working remotely either. Let us clue you in.

Office teams consistently outperform remote teams across all departments, divisions, and skill levels. Our experience working with industry-leading clients informs this knowledge.

Are we saying virtual sales teams are the worst decision sales leaders can make? No.

But you must look at your end goal. If your end goal is to maximize capability and performance, a remote sales team will not help you achieve that goal.

This is true across all departments.

Should you hire a remote sales team? My answer is no - Rose Garden Office sales teams consistently outperform remote sales teams across all divisions and skill levels and it's true of all other departments.

Timeline photos 10/06/2022

We need to stop letting our impulse to seek other people's approval jeopardize our self-centeredness.

Your best self must be confident in your own abilities and center your goals without looking for shortcuts.

How much time should you spend coaching your sales team? - Rose Garden 10/04/2022

The reality is there's no one size fits all approach to this answer. You spend all the time coaching your sales team until they are self-sufficient without you. Every chance, moment, and mistake is a coaching opportunity.

Do you see professional NBA coaches coaching their team only during timeouts? No.

Pro-team coaches constantly yell, call plays and correct things on the floor. They run the plays, drills, and practice during the designated time. They give one-on-one feedback, and they course correct constantly and consistently.

That is the reality of coaching.…-your-sales-team/

How much time should you spend coaching your sales team? - Rose Garden The reality is there's no one size fits all approach to this answer. Sales coaching is constant - you take every moment, chance & opportunity.

No One Plans to Be a Salesman - Ali Mirza, One of the Country's Leading Sales Experts, Talks About His Early Career | Fairmont Post 09/29/2022

No One Plans to Be a Salesman - Ali Mirza, One of the Country's Leading Sales Experts, Talks About His Early Career | Fairmont Post Business magazines are inundated with stories of successful entrepreneurs who claim to have an innate sales vein that drove them to success at a very young age. For Ali Mirza, a nationally renowned sales expert and the president of the Atlanta-based consulting firm Rose Garden Consulting, these ster...

Timeline photos 09/26/2022

There is a skill set that is required to be a salesperson. You are not born with certain skills; you learn them.

Hustle Your Way to Success – Ali Mirza, America’s Number One Sales Expert, Talks About the Importance of Grit to Succeed in the Sales Industry | Belmont Star 09/23/2022

Check out Ali Mirza's interview in the Belmont Star.

Succeeding in the highly intricate sales world requires salespeople to possess tenacity and resilience.

Hustle Your Way to Success – Ali Mirza, America’s Number One Sales Expert, Talks About the Importance of Grit to Succeed in the Sales Industry | Belmont Star Sales, the art of convincing others that a product or service will be the solution to their needs, is arguably one of the most complex professions in existence. The ability to cope with adversity is critical to succeeding in this industry, where uncertainty is the common denominator of every negotia...

Timeline photos 09/23/2022

A lot occurs in a sales team daily, whether good or bad. Eventually, they seem to lose any importance or value to you.

Sales leaders build up a tolerance for challenges or problems that occur regularly or day-to-day. This is normal. And it happens a lot.

Companies don’t know what’s good and what’s truly bad because they don’t have a genuine understanding of the baseline.

Photos from Rose Garden Consulting LLC.'s post 09/21/2022

The critical differentiator in each of these definitions is the role-defined group.

Ultimately, you want individuals that understand their job.

Talent and a competitive streak play somewhat of a factor, but it depends on whether your team members want it.

That ultimately boils down to their surroundings, so you must control the work environment. Control the new setting, and you have a shot at controlling the results in the outcome.

Timeline photos 09/20/2022

Read our latest blog: 10 sales excuses only Mediocre salespeople make

I’ve heard it all, and chances so have you.

Sales excuses are devices that justify why someone can’t, won’t (or didn’t) do something. Often, they are lies and self-fulfilling prophecies selling you and your business short.

A serial excuse-maker – a sales manager, rep, or even leader – is a liability for your business and sales team.

Here is a list of the most common salespeople excuses that are unacceptable in any sales organization:
❌ Quota is too high
❌ It’s a slow period
❌ My leads have gone dark
❌ Our marketing sucks
❌ We’ve got bad leads
❌ Our product/services aren’t good enough
❌ Costs too much
❌ The market is drying up
❌ Our competitor is better
❌ My workload is too much

Let’s get to it.

Photos from Rose Garden Consulting LLC.'s post 09/16/2022

The reality is that everyone’s company will eventually plateau in some way.

However, in sales, there are two different kinds of plateaus:

▪️ Sales plateau occurs once we’ve maxed out our current capacity, capabilities, or business strategy;
▪️ Sales plateau occurs before the team has fully peaked.

There’s nothing to be ashamed of, and it often is a pointer to success.

The goal is to hit a plateau once we’ve maxed out our current capacity, capabilities, or strategy. Then, you recalibrate to the new goals and deploy different strategies and solutions with additional resources from a new vantage point, even a new market.

Timeline photos 09/14/2022

The reality is micromanagement does not exist. It is a miscategorization of either poor leadership or low accountability from a team member. If you have the correct system and process for your salespeople, you will only need to “manage” your poor-performing sales rep.

So, let’s discuss the common miscategorizations of micromanagement and improve sales performance.

Why do salespeople quit? | Sales turnover advice - Rose Garden 09/13/2022

Want to know why salespeople quit?

Here’s what we don’t discuss.

✔️Turnover on its own is not bad. It’s the kind of turnover.

✔️There’s bad turnover. And then there’s the right turnover.

The bad turnover sees your top salespeople leave. But good turnover flushes out your poor performers and low accountables, optimizing your organization.

Let’s discuss what motivates different salespeople to quit; your low and top performers.

Why do salespeople quit? | Sales turnover advice - Rose Garden Salespeople quit for a whole host of reasons. But turnover on its own is not bad. There's the wrong turnover and the right turnover.

Timeline photos 09/12/2022

Traction is one of the most valuable traits you can cultivate as a leader.

Leaders with traction are the ones who can bring the best out of each individual in their team and use their talents to reach a common goal.

Cultivate traction and grow your business.

Timeline photos 09/09/2022

Check out Ali Mirza's interview in Madison Graph.

The lingering question of what makes an individual successful in any art or craft will never seize to be a topic of fascination. The debate of whether or not innate skills dominate over training inevitably generates immense controversy each time it is brought up. Read Ali's point of view.

‎Decidedly: Ep.49 I Ali Mirza I Deciding to Take Responsibility as a Leader on Apple Podcasts 09/08/2022

If you haven't listened to the podcast yet! Why not?

✅ Recovering from bad hiring decisions (and making better hiring decisions)
✅ Taking accountability for your decisions as a leader
✅ Commitment to ongoing growth processes for yourself and your team
✅ Quick vs. slow leadership decision-making approaches

▪️ Direct download to FULL episode:
▪️A direct download to HIGHLIGHT episode (15-minutes):

‎Decidedly: Ep.49 I Ali Mirza I Deciding to Take Responsibility as a Leader on Apple Podcasts ‎Show Decidedly, Ep Ep.49 I Ali Mirza I Deciding to Take Responsibility as a Leader - Aug 10, 2022

10 Benefits of Good Sales Consulting for Sales Leaders - Rose Garden 09/06/2022

You can't read the label from inside the jar. That's a fact. Find a high-caliber sales consultant to take your business to the next level.

10 Benefits of Good Sales Consulting for Sales Leaders - Rose Garden You can't read the label from inside the jar. That's a fact. Find a high-caliber sales consultant to take your business to the next level.

Photos from Rose Garden Consulting LLC.'s post 08/30/2022

Our latest article: Why deals die after a great conversation & how to fix it

✔️Fact: Salespeople bring all the firepower to their first meeting, but the deal dies anyway.
And while we agree it is essential that the prospect meeting goes well and you communicate everything properly, that's not the most crucial thing.

✔️Fact: Knowing which meeting the decision will be made is vital. Most salespeople have no clue where, when, and how the decision will be made.

Figure that out, and you'll close your deals!


You missed your sales targerts because your quota is set too!


Is your sales leader failing your sales team?

Timeline photos 08/24/2022

What people like to call rapid success is the conclusion of many years of hard work and unbreakable commitment towards one goal.

Photos from Rose Garden Consulting LLC.'s post 08/23/2022

Most sales teams right now are run like an after-school program.
Their sales leadership team usually tells me:
We love to trust our people. Our team values autonomy. We’ve got a great work-life balance.

But it gets worse! They say:
We’ve got office basketball hoops and Friday Beers for the right mindset.
And you know what? They’re proud.

It takes a lifetime to build trust and seconds to destroy. I never give my team members a chance to break that trust or develop toxic behavior or habits. I run a sales team, not an after-school program.

Continue and learn the top six reasons you can’t manage your sales team on trust.

Timeline photos 08/22/2022

Your best self must believe in its own abilities.

This may not be confused with stubbornly thinking that we are invincible.
Self-reliance and confidence in our abilities is simply the act of recognizing that we have prepared ourselves and the strength and training to do what needs to be done.

Timeline photos 08/19/2022

Download our latest whitepaper:


I am a proponent of the culture topic, and I have lived and breathed it. Everybody wants to win, and nobody wants to lose, but very few prepare to put in the hard work required to win. They lack that intrinsic motivation, or it’s fleeting. What’s more, it is difficult to hold people accountable and to be held accountable; it’s a dual process.

Most people agree that culture is a significant differentiator. However, that’s usually where the agreement begins and ends because my definition of culture is typically very different from everybody else’s.

I see far too many of these sales thought leaders going on and on about what they believe “Sales” is all about. It’s a work-life balance. It’s providing value. And I’m not saying, at Rose Garden, we are the antithesis of that. I know that culture is more simple and less ambiguous than that. At Rose Garden, we tell you that culture focuses on completing the job and fulfilling an A-Player team role.

The sales leader must hold the team accountable to that A-Player standard. If someone on your team is underperforming, it would be irresponsible not to say anything. As a Founder and CEO, you have to reinforce a culture of winning through candidness and feedback.

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Welcome to the Rose Garden.

Rose Garden Consulting is a multidisciplinary collective of revenue generation experts who have helped dozens of companies achieve their sales targets over the past two decades.

The Rose Garden Team is a wildly passionate group of entrepreneurs who are always looking to look beyond the surface level to find what is underneath and help our clients take their business to the next level.

We are deeply committed to helping businesses accelerate their pipeline, close deals, scale the revenue they've earned. We focus on guiding business leaders to develop, document, & implement a new sales process and strategy that scales.

Videos (show all)

Your Quota is set too low
Is your sales leader failing your sales team?
Can your sales leader even sell?
Sales Leader Evaluation Rubric
Don't punch at the wall punch through it
The 90 day plan
It's the sales leader's responsibility...
Intensity is needed
The best salespeople are coin-operated
Do Salespeople Have An Expiration Date?
Creative Science Labs Testimonial
Tier 3 Media Testimonial



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Atlanta, GA

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