Council Member José "Chito" Vela

José "Chito" Vela is the City Council Member for Austin's District 4. He was elected in January 2022


We're 1 WEEK away from our Joint Budget Open House.

Estamos a 1 SEMANA de nuestra jornada de puertas abiertas sobre el presupuesto conjunto.

Austin’s budget should serve everyone in our community. That’s why this month, we are teaming up with Council District 4 and City Staff to host our Joint Budget Town Hall. Come on out to discover how the City budget process works, get your budget questions answered, and talk to our expert city staff! See you on July 29th!


Congratulations to our incredible high school intern, River, for successfully graduating from the Austin Public Health Internship Program! 🎉

Grateful for his assistance researching pressing City issues. We can't wait to see all the amazing things he will achieve in the future!

ESP: ¡Felicitaciones a nuestro increíble pasante de secundaria, River, por graduarse con éxito del Programa de pasantías de Austin Public Health! 🎉

Agradecido por su ayuda en la investigación de problemas urgentes de la ciudad. ¡Estamos ansiosos por ver todas las cosas increíbles que logrará en el futuro!



Join us for an open house for the St. Johns Site (Home Depot Redevelopment).

Learn about the history of the St. Johns neighborhood, receive project updates, and connect with project staff.

📅 Tuesday, July 16, 4-7pm
📍 Virginia L. Brown Recreation Center


Únase a nosotros en una jornada de puertas abiertas para el sitio de St. Johns (renovación de Home Depot).

Conozca la historia del vecindario de St. Johns, reciba actualizaciones del proyecto y conéctese con el personal del proyecto.

📅 Martes 16 de julio, 4-7pm
📍 Centro recreativo Virginia L. Brown

Photos from Council Member José "Chito" Vela's post 07/09/2024

Help Shape I-35 Caps to Reconnect Austin!

Our Future 35 is the City's goal is to create public spaces along the I-35 corridor in Central Austin and connect East and West Austin.
With Texas Department of Transportation's (TxDOT) plans to lower the highway’s main lanes between Lady Bird Lake and US 290 East, and the City of Austin has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to construct “caps” and “stitches” over those sections. These will serve as platforms with amenities that bridge over the highway, once it is rebuilt.

There are many possibilities of what amenities can go on these caps. Some include:
🛝 Parks
🏞️ Natural spaces
🏃 Trails
🏙️ One/Two-story buildings for dining or cultural events
🖼️ Outdoor art exhibitions

Tell us what you would like by completing the OF35 survey. no later than Aug. 2.

ESP: ¡Ayúdenos a dar forma a las tapas de la I-35 para reconectar Austin!

El objetivo de Our Future 35 es crear espacios públicos a lo largo del corredor de la I-35 en el centro de Austin y conectar el este y el oeste de Austin. Con los planes del Departamento de Transporte de Texas (TxDOT) de bajar los carriles principales de la autopista entre Lady Bird Lake y la US 290 East, la ciudad de Austin tiene una oportunidad única en una generación de construir "tapas" y "puntadas" sobre esas secciones. Estas servirán como plataformas con servicios que cruzarán la autopista, una vez que se reconstruya.

Hay muchas posibilidades de qué servicios pueden colocarse en estas tapas. Algunas incluyen:
🛝 Parques
🏞️ Espacios naturales
🏃 Senderos
🏙️ Edificios de uno o dos pisos para restaurantes o eventos culturales
🖼️ Exposiciones de arte al aire libre

Díganos qué le gustaría completando la encuesta OF35 a más tardar el 2 de agosto.


El presupuesto de Austin debe servir a todos en nuestra comunidad. Por eso, este mes, nos asociamos con Council Member Natasha Harper-Madison, la oficina del Distrito 1, y el personal de la ciudad para organizar nuestro ayuntamiento conjunto sobre el presupuesto. ¡Ven a descubrir cómo funciona el proceso presupuestario de la ciudad, obtén respuestas a tus preguntas sobre el presupuesto y habla con nuestro personal experto de la ciudad! ¡Nos vemos el 29 de julio!

Austin’s budget should serve everyone in our community. That’s why this month, we are teaming up with Council District 4 and City Staff to host our Joint Budget Town Hall. Come on out to discover how the City budget process works, get your budget questions answered, and talk to our expert city staff! See you on July 29th!


Happy ! 🇺🇸

Let's celebrate our nation's progress while acknowledging there's still work to be done for a brighter future.

Wishing everyone a fun & safe .


Congratulations to our Spring ‘24 intern, Mo, for completing her internship this week at our office!

From assisting with community outreach to supporting policy initiatives, Mo has been an invaluable part of our team & we are grateful for all her hard work. Best of luck to you!

ESP: ¡Felicitaciones a nuestra pasante de primavera de 2024, Mo, por completar su pasantía esta semana en nuestra oficina!

Desde ayudar con la divulgación comunitaria hasta apoyar iniciativas políticas, Mo ha sido una parte invaluable de nuestro equipo y estamos agradecidos por todo su arduo trabajo. ¡Mucha suerte!

Intersections in Transit Townhall w/ Senator Sarah Eckhardt 06/24/2024

THIS WEDNESDAY: Join me, Senator Sarah Eckhardt, and other local experts for a townhall on all things transit!

We'll discuss the intersectional challenges & solutions of transit and the future of mobility in .

📅 Wed, 6/26 at 6pm
📍 ACC Highland

Intersections in Transit Townhall w/ Senator Sarah Eckhardt Sen. Sarah Eckhardt will be joined by community experts to talk the intersectional challenges and solutions of transit & the future of ATX!


Thank you to UMLAUF Sculpture Garden & Museum for the tour of your beautiful grounds and the exciting discussion of your upcoming expansion & preservation plan. I had a great time exploring this beautiful gem, and I look forward to working with you to support Charles Umlauf’s legacy in Austin.


THIS SATURDAY: Join us for the 2nd annual Party at the People's House!

ESTE SÁBADO: ¡Únase a nosotros para la segunda fiesta anual "Party at the People's House!"

Heading downtown this weekend? 📍 Add City Hall to your route + join us for the second annual Party at the People’s House celebration!

📆 Saturday, June 22, 6-10pm

🥳 Live music, art market, family-friendly activities, food vendors, + more

📌 Learn more + RSVP:


Happy !

On this day in 1865 the last enslaved people in Texas learned of their freedom, marking a pivotal moment in American history. It stands as a reminder of the struggle for justice and the ongoing fight for equality.


This morning we broke ground for the Lancaster, a 60-unit supportive housing project. 🏘️

The Lancaster will aid homeless individuals & survivors of domestic/sexual violence with trauma-informed care and comprehensive wraparound services.

ESP: Esta mañana comenzamos la construcción de Lancaster, un proyecto de vivienda de apoyo de 60 unidades. 🏘️

Lancaster ayudará a las personas sin hogar y a los sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica y sexual con atención adaptada al trauma y servicios integrales.

City of Austin Government Travis County, Texas - Government SAFE


Happy Month! 🌈

Our city celebrates and honors the strength, resilience and contributions of our LGBTQIA+ community. Let's continue to foster an inclusive Austin for ALL! 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️

Photos from Council Member José "Chito" Vela's post 05/29/2024

Your input is needed!

Austin Water invites you to attend an Open House to learn about the water & wastewater system, planned investments and proposed rate changes.

📅 Saturday, June 1
🕙 10AM-1PM
📍 Little Walnut Creek Branch, 835 W Rundberg Lane

ESP: Se necesita tu opinión!

Austin Water lo invita a asistir a una jornada de puertas abiertas para conocer el sistema de agua y aguas residuales, las inversiones planificadas y los cambios de tarifas propuestos.

📅 Sábado 1 de junio
🕙 10AM-1PM
📍 Little Walnut Creek, 835 W Rundberg Lane -46898


We want to invest in what is most important to you. 👏 Now through May 31, tell us your priorities for the by taking a quick survey at


Queremos invertir en lo que es más importante para usted. 👏 Ahora hasta 31 de mayo, díganos sus prioridades para nuestro presupuesto llenando una encuesta corta en


District 4 team 🤝 Master Chief

Thanks to Certain Affinity for having us at their HQ for our office's team retreat!


As a proud member of an Indian American family, I was honored to declare May 18th as INDIAN AMERICAN HERITAGE DAY in Austin and to join with my colleagues in thanking the Indian American Coalition of Central Texas IACCT for enriching our democracy here in Austin.


Austin City Council will meet on May 16 at 10 a.m. to consider changes to the Land Development Code that will make our city more walkable, transit-supportive, + environmentally friendly. 🏘

📍 Sign up online to speak in-person at City Hall
👉 Learn more + get involved:


El Concejo Municipal de Austin se reunirá el 16 de mayo a las 10 a.m. para considerar cambios al Código de Desarrollo Urbano que harán que nuestra ciudad sea más caminable, más ecológica y apoye más el transporte público. 🏘

📍 Inscríbase en línea para hablar en persona en el Ayuntamiento
👉 Aprenda más + participe:

Photos from Council Member José "Chito" Vela's post 05/13/2024

THIS SATURDAY: Help design the future I-35 caps!

Join the City of Austin for an open house on the future of I-35. Attendees will gain insight into the concepts of caps & stitches and have the opportunity to share valuable community feedback.

ESTE SÁBADO: ¡Ayude a diseñar las futuras tapas I-35!

Únase a la ciudad de Austin para una jornada de puertas abiertas sobre el futuro de la I-35. Los asistentes obtendrán información sobre los conceptos de gorras y puntos y tendrán la oportunidad de compartir valiosos comentarios de la comunidad.

More info / Más información:

Photos from Council Member José "Chito" Vela's post 05/10/2024

Proud to celebrate the month of May as at the Asian American Employee Network's annual luncheon!

Did you know Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders have been the fastest growing racial group in Austin since 2010?

ESP: ¡Orgulloso de celebrar el mes de mayo como en el almuerzo anual de Asian American Employee Network!

¿Sabía que los asiáticoamericanos, nativos hawaianos y de las islas del Pacífico han sido el grupo racial de más rápido crecimiento en Austin desde 2010?

Council Member Zohaib "Zo" Qadri, District 9
Council Member Natasha Harper-Madison

📸: Austin Energy


I was grateful to connect with our community at yesterday’s Land Development Code Open House. We had plenty of productive discussions and received lots of great feedback!

If you were unable to make it, you’ll have a chance to give public comment at next week’s Council meeting on Thursday, May 16th, at 10 AM. Learn more 👉🏽

w/ Council Member José "Chito" Vela, Council Member José Velásquez


Fue un honor y un placer darle la bienvenida al Presidente Municipal Chema Fraustro y la delegación de Saltillo, MX en el corazón del gobierno de nuestra ciudad.

¡Este fin de semana celebramos el Día de Saltillo en Austin y 55 años de hermandad entre Austin y Saltillo!

Austin Sister Cities International ASCI

HOME Phase 2: Coming Soon to Austin 🤠 05/06/2024

HOME Phase 2: Coming Soon to Austin. 🤠

🏘️ In just 10 days, will vote on another set of exciting, progressive land use reforms.

📅 Have questions? Make a plan to attend the last 2 in-person open houses this week.

Read more on our newsletter:

ESP: HOME Fase 2: Próximamente en Austin. 🤠

🏘️ En solo 10 días, votará sobre otro conjunto de reformas emocionantes y progresivas en el uso de la tierra.

📅 ¿Tienes preguntas? Haga un plan para asistir a las últimas 2 jornadas de puertas abiertas en persona esta semana.

Lea más en nuestro boletín:

HOME Phase 2: Coming Soon to Austin 🤠 The City of Austin is moving forward with implementing Phase 2 of HOME, our housing reform ordinance, alongside a host of other positive updates to the City’s rules!


Join me and Council Member Zohaib "Zo" Qadri, District 9 to talk about all things mobility!

RSVP using the link below. 👇

REMINDER: We are less than a week out from Council Member José "Chito" Vela and I's mobility town hall! RSVP & submit your question here:


Council Member Vela's statement on the UT Austin protests.


JUST PASSED: Item 64 on today's agenda, which seeks to deprioritize Texas's trans healthcare ban, passed with overwhelming support.

To our trans & LBGTQIA+ community, we are proud to have you here, in Austin, with us.

Thank you to supporters of the resolution who came to city hall to make their voice heard. Special shoutout to my co-sponsors Council Member Zohaib "Zo" Qadri, District 9, Council Member Ryan Alter, Council Member José Velásquez, and Councilwoman Vanessa Fuentes.


RECIÉN APROBADO: El punto 64 de la agenda del de hoy, que busca despriorizar la prohibición de la atención médica trans en Texas, fue aprobado con un apoyo abrumador.

Para nuestra comunidad trans y LBGTQIA+, estamos orgullosos de tenerlos aquí, en Austin, con nosotros.

Gracias a los partidarios de la resolución que acudieron al ayuntamiento para hacer oír su voz. Un saludo especial a mis copatrocinadores Council Member Zohaib "Zo" Qadri, District 9, Council Member Ryan Alter, Council Member José Velásquez, y Councilwoman Vanessa Fuentes.


🚧 A section of Braker Lane between Burnet Road and Kramer Lane will be closed for emergency railroad repairs from 5 p.m. on Sunday, January 7 until 5 a.m. on Monday, January 8.

Please plan your travels accordingly and use the detour route below.

Photos from Council Member José "Chito" Vela's post 01/03/2024

Join Austin Animal Center and partner organizations for a FREE drive-thru microchip & vaccination clinic! /¡Únase para una clínica de vacunación y microchip GRATIS!

📅 Saturday, January 6
📍 Del Valle High School
🕗 8AM-12PM

Revamped downtown Austin homeless shelter for women, transgender clients opens its doors 12/21/2023

Had the opportunity to tour the newly renovated Eighth Street Shelter, which was purchased by the City from the Salvation Army earlier this year.

Starting today, the shelter will be welcoming women & transgender people and will hope to fill 150 beds by March 2024.

ESP: Tuve la oportunidad de recorrer el recientemente renovado Refugio en 8th St, que la ciudad compró al Ejército de Salvación a principios de este año.

A partir de hoy, el refugio dará la bienvenida a mujeres y personas transgénero y espera llenar 150 camas para marzo 2024.

Revamped downtown Austin homeless shelter for women, transgender clients opens its doors The former Salvation Army facility, now city-owned, will house up to 150 clients by the spring.

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Videos (show all)

JUST PASSED: Item 64 on today's #ATXCouncil agenda, which seeks to deprioritize Texas's trans healthcare ban, passed wit...
As our community reels from a violent hate crime, I want to echo my statement from October of last year. Islamophobia is...
What is the HOME initiative and what does it do? Check out my latest video where I discuss how #ATXCouncil seeks to solv...
Transparency around public safety is critical for building community trust. That is why my office authored a resolution ...
Yesterday's last #ATXCouncil meeting before the summer break had some major housing items on the agenda. My compatibilit...
Excited to talk about all things Project Connect with @atp_org tomorrow! Join us tomorrow at Kickbutt Coffee from 5:30-7...
Repost from UT Division of Diversity and Community Engagement (DDCE) UT Austin Center for Community Engagement•So gratef...
"The Austin Police Oversight Act, if passed, would go much farther than any type of police oversight accountability syst...
We’re ONE week away from our townhall with Councilwoman Vanessa Fuentes, Council Member José Velásquez Council Member Ry...
“Necesitamos añadir calles que cruzan 35 para mejorar la movilidad.” Escucha mi entrevista con CBS Austin sobre la propu...



PO Box 1088
Austin, TX

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Council Member Ryan Alter Council Member Ryan Alter
301 W 2nd Street
Austin, 78701

Dad. Husband. Longtime Capitol staffer. Austin City Council Member for District 5.

Council Member José Velásquez Council Member José Velásquez
P. O. Box 1088
Austin, 78767