This LoveWorks - Marianne Marlow

Hi, I'm Marianne Marlow MA LMHC. My practice supports Raising the Bar for Exceptional Relationships.


🔍 Effective Strategies for Setting and Maintaining Boundaries with Clients 🔍

Setting and maintaining boundaries with clients is crucial for therapists. Here are key strategies:

Establish Clear Policies: Communicate your policies on appointments, cancellations, and confidentiality from the first session. Written agreements set clear expectations.

Be Consistent: Apply your policies consistently with all clients. This helps clients understand the structure of your relationship.

Use Professional Language: Always use professional language when communicating with clients. This reinforces professionalism.

Set Limits on Availability: Define your availability. Let clients know your working hours and response times. This prevents burnout.

Avoid Dual Relationships: Maintain a clear distinction between your professional and personal life.

Model Boundaries: Demonstrate healthy boundaries in your behavior, helping clients understand their importance.

Address Boundary Crossings Promptly: If a client oversteps a boundary, address it immediately and professionally.

Use Supervision and Peer Support: Discuss boundary issues with your supervisor or colleagues for guidance.

Setting boundaries is essential for a healthy therapeutic relationship. It protects both you and your clients.

How do you set and maintain boundaries? Share your tips in the comments! 📝💬


Performance anxiety is common among therapists, especially when starting out or facing challenging cases. Feeling nervous about helping clients is natural, but persistent anxiety can hinder your performance and affect the therapeutic relationship. Here are some techniques to manage performance anxiety and stay calm during sessions:

Prepare Thoroughly: Know your client's history and treatment plan before the session. This boosts your confidence and reduces anxiety.

Practice Mindfulness: Use mindfulness techniques to stay present. Before sessions, practice deep breathing, muscle relaxation, or short meditation to calm your nerves.

Visualize Success: Spend a few minutes visualizing a successful session. Positive imagery can set the tone for a successful interaction.

Develop a Routine: Establish a pre-session routine for stability. This might include reviewing notes, deep breathing, or listening to soothing music.

Focus on the Client: Shift focus from your performance to your client’s needs. Concentrating on their concerns reduces anxiety.

Use Positive Affirmations: Combat negative thoughts with positive self-talk. Remind yourself of your skills, successes, and positive impact on clients.

Seek Peer Support: Talk to colleagues about your anxieties. They can offer support, share experiences, and provide valuable advice.

Reflect After Sessions: Reflect on what went well and what could be improved. This helps you learn from each experience and build confidence.

Engage in Self-Care: Prioritize activities that help you relax and recharge outside of work. Regular exercise, hobbies, and socializing with friends reduce stress and improve mental well-being.

Consider Professional Help: If anxiety is overwhelming, seek help from a mental health professional. Therapy can provide strategies to manage anxiety effectively.



Clinical supervision is crucial for your growth as a therapist. It’s an opportunity to gain insights, enhance your skills, and receive guidance from experienced professionals. Here are tips to maximize this vital aspect of your development:

Prepare in Advance: Reflect on recent experiences. Identify cases, challenges, or questions to discuss. Coming prepared shows your supervisor that you are engaged and proactive.

Be Open and Honest: Supervision is a safe space to explore uncertainties. Don’t shy away from discussing mistakes or doubts. Transparency fosters richer learning and helps you grow.

Set Clear Goals: Define what you hope to achieve. Are you looking to improve a skill, understand a concept better, or get feedback on a challenging case? Clear goals guide your sessions and make them more productive.

Actively Participate: Engage actively. Ask questions, seek clarification, and express your thoughts. The more you participate, the more you will gain.

Seek Feedback: Constructive feedback is essential for growth. Encourage your supervisor to provide honest feedback. Use this to reflect on your practice and identify areas for improvement.

Reflect and Implement: After each session, reflect on what you discussed. Apply the insights and recommendations to your practice. Implementation is key to progress.

Document Your Progress: Keep a journal of your supervision experiences. Note key takeaways, feedback, and personal reflections. This serves as a valuable reference and tracks your development.

Build a Strong Relationship: Establish a good rapport with your supervisor. A strong relationship is built on trust, respect, and open communication. This foundation enhances your learning experience.

Remember, supervision is not just a requirement; it’s a powerful tool for professional development. Embrace it fully, and you’ll grow not just as a therapist, but as a person.

How do you prepare for your supervision sessions? Share your tips and experiences in the comments! 📝💬


Starting as a therapist can be incredibly rewarding, yet it often comes with challenges like imposter syndrome – the persistent feeling of being a fraud despite evident success. This can lead to self-doubt and anxiety, affecting your performance and overall well-being.

Here are some practical strategies to build your confidence:

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings: Recognize and accept that feeling like an imposter is common. Simply acknowledging these feelings can diminish their power over you.

2. Reflect on Your Achievements: Write down your accomplishments, big or small. Reflecting on what you've achieved can remind you of your capabilities and growth.

3. Seek Support: Connect with colleagues, mentors, or supervisors who can provide reassurance and validate your experiences. Sharing your feelings with trusted peers can help normalize your experiences.

4. Continuing Education: Engaging in continuous learning can help bolster your confidence. Attend workshops, webinars, and conferences to stay updated and deepen your expertise.

5. Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Remember that making mistakes is part of the learning process. Treat yourself with the same compassion you would offer a client.

6. Set Realistic Goals: Break down your professional goals into manageable steps. Celebrate small victories along the way to build momentum and confidence.

7. Mindfulness and Self-Care: Practice mindfulness techniques to stay grounded. Regular self-care routines, such as exercise, meditation, and hobbies, can also reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

8. Challenge Negative Thoughts: When self-doubt creeps in, challenge those thoughts with evidence of your competence. Reframe negative thoughts into positive affirmations.

Remember, even seasoned therapists have faced imposter syndrome. By using these strategies, you can build the confidence you need to thrive in your practice. 💪✨

What's your experience with imposter syndrome, and what strategies have helped you? Share your thoughts and let's support each other! 🤝❤️


On this Memorial Day, we honor and remember the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. 🇺🇸

At This LoveWorks, we have the privilege of working with first responder couples who exemplify courage and dedication every day. Your strength and resilience inspire us all.

Today, we stand with you in honoring the memory of our fallen heroes and offering our heartfelt support to those who continue to serve. Let us reflect on their sacrifices and express our deepest gratitude.

May this day be filled with remembrance, unity, and hope. ❤️


1️⃣ I wish I knew that I wasn't letting anyone down by not having an answer or a plan for moving forward.

I think we put a lot of pressure on ourselves, especially at first, to be able to move people along in an orderly fashion. After all, they are using precious resources—time, energy, money—to see you, and they need help.

Stan Tatkin gave me a huge gift when, in one of his teaching sessions for PACT, he commented that partners are responsible for being in one another's care. 💡

It is not our job and, in fact, we can help them best by creating conditions to make them uncomfortable so that they can practice being there for each other.

It gives me permission to relax a little bit when my first job is to really deeply listen and respond in ways that help them know they have been heard. 👂❤️


Offering virtual therapy? 📱 Here are key legal points to keep in mind:

🔖 Licensure Laws

● Ensure you’re licensed to practice in both your location and the client’s location.
● Stay updated on state-specific telehealth regulations.

🔒 Confidentiality

● Use secure, HIPAA-compliant platforms.
● Communicate privacy measures and potential risks to clients.

📝 Informed Consent

● Update consent forms for telehealth specifics.
● Document client agreements thoroughly before starting sessions.

🚨 Emergency Protocols

● Establish and communicate clear emergency procedures.
● Know local emergency resources for your clients.
● Keep detailed records of all interactions and interventions.

By following these guidelines, you can provide effective and legally compliant virtual therapy, ensuring trust and safety in your therapeutic relationships. 🌟


As a therapist, you may sometimes encounter clients whose needs fall outside your expertise. Handling these situations professionally and compassionately is crucial for the client's well-being and your professional integrity.

Firstly, acknowledge your limitations. Recognizing when a client's needs exceed your competence ensures they receive the most appropriate and effective care. When a referral is necessary, approach the conversation with sensitivity. Express your commitment to the client’s well-being and explain that their needs might be better served by another specialist.

Provide concrete recommendations. Having a network of trusted colleagues and specialists to whom you can refer clients is invaluable. Offer several referral options and explain why these referrals might be better suited to their needs. Detailed information about the referred professionals can help ease the client’s transition. Assist with the referral process whenever possible. Facilitate the introduction by contacting the referred professional on behalf of the client or providing all necessary information for the client to make the connection themselves.

Maintain open communication during this process. Check in with the client to ensure they feel supported and address any concerns they might have about the referral. Your continued involvement can help smooth the transition and reassure the client. Finally, document the referral process thoroughly. Keeping detailed records of your referral conversations and actions ensures you maintain a clear professional trail, important for both ethical and legal reasons.

By handling referrals thoughtfully and proactively, you can ensure clients receive the best possible care, maintain your professional integrity, and build a network of collaborative relationships within the therapeutic community.


New to Private Practice? Here's what I wish I knew starting out...

Hire a billing company! This would have saved me a lot of time, energy, and money.

The amount that I pay my billing company is invaluable.

One of the best pieces of advice I got for running any business, is to only do the things that only you can do. Meaning, I am the person in the chair listening, responding, and designing appropriate interventions and I need to let my billing company do what they are experts at.

My billing company works with the insurance companies, makes the calls I don't have time to make and responds to the changes in the industry.


Balancing well-being and effectiveness amidst a heavy caseload is crucial for therapists. It's essential to prioritize self-care amidst the demands of the job. Engage in activities that replenish your energy outside of work, such as exercise or spending time with loved ones. Setting clear boundaries with clients is key. Establish expectations regarding session frequency and communication outside of sessions to manage workload effectively.

During sessions, practicing mindfulness can help you stay focused and present with each client. Incorporate grounding techniques like deep breathing to center yourself before sessions. Additionally, utilizing time management tools can streamline your workflow and reduce stress. Organize your caseload using scheduling software and prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance.

Seeking professional support and supervision is vital for your growth as a therapist. Supervision sessions provide opportunities for reflection and feedback on your clinical work. Furthermore, ongoing professional development ensures that you stay updated on best practices and interventions.

It's important to remember that self-care isn't selfish—it's essential for providing quality care to your clients. By prioritizing your well-being and implementing these strategies, you can maintain effectiveness as a therapist while managing the demands of a high caseload.


Addressing issues like anxiety and mindfulness often requires a holistic approach that respects the client's worldview while promoting their well-being.

When clients bring up their spiritual language and beliefs in therapy, it's essential to validate their experiences. Acknowledging the significance of their spiritual framework can foster trust and create a safe space for exploration. I've found that actively listening and showing genuine curiosity about their beliefs can deepen the therapeutic alliance.

Navigating the integration of spiritual beliefs involves a collaborative process. I engage in open dialogue with clients to understand how their spirituality influences their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This exploration allows us to tailor therapeutic interventions that align with their spiritual values and goals.

Respecting clients' autonomy is paramount. While I may offer insights or suggestions from a psychological perspective, I always prioritize their preferences and choices. Empowering clients to define their spiritual journey within the therapeutic context fosters a sense of agency and self-determination.

Incorporating mindfulness practices can be particularly beneficial in bridging spirituality and therapy. Mindfulness encourages clients to cultivate present-moment awareness and non-judgmental acceptance, aligning with many spiritual traditions. By integrating mindfulness techniques into sessions, clients can deepen their connection to their spiritual beliefs while developing coping skills for managing anxiety.

Ultimately, the integration of spiritual beliefs in therapy is a personalized process that honors the uniqueness of each client. By fostering collaboration, respect, and mindfulness, therapists can create a therapeutic environment that embraces clients' spiritual dimensions while promoting growth and healing.


🤔 How can a therapist handle a client who isn't progressing, struggles with participation, and crosses boundaries while still maintaining professionalism and creating a comfortable therapy environment?

Engaging with a client who struggles with progress, participation, and boundary-crossing behavior requires a delicate balance of professionalism and empathy. As a licensed mental health counselor, I understand the importance of creating a safe and comfortable space for clients to open up and engage in therapy.

· Firstly, it's essential to approach the client with compassion and non-judgment. Acknowledge their challenges and validate their experiences, while gently exploring the underlying reasons for their behavior.

· Setting clear boundaries is crucial. Clearly communicate expectations regarding behavior and participation in therapy sessions, while also being flexible and willing to adapt to the client's needs.

· Maintaining professionalism means upholding ethical standards and prioritizing the client's well-being at all times. This may involve addressing boundary violations calmly and assertively, while still conveying empathy and understanding.

· Ultimately, the goal is to establish a trusting therapeutic relationship where the client feels supported and empowered to work towards their goals, while also respecting the boundaries and guidelines of therapy.

Marianne Marlow, LMHC 05/06/2024

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Marianne Marlow, LMHC


As mental health counselors, our commitment to supporting clients' authenticity and expression is paramount. We understand the importance of creating a safe and nonjudgmental space where clients feel empowered to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences openly.

At the same time, honesty and truthfulness are foundational elements of the therapeutic process. We recognize that transparency and trust are essential for building a strong therapeutic alliance and facilitating meaningful progress in therapy.

Balancing these two aspects requires a delicate approach. It's about fostering a supportive environment where clients feel validated and understood while also gently guiding them towards greater self-awareness and insight.

Encouraging open dialogue is key. By actively listening to our clients, validating their experiences, and offering empathetic support, we create opportunities for them to express themselves authentically. This allows for the exploration of deep-seated emotions, beliefs, and vulnerabilities that may be hindering their growth and well-being.

At the same time, we remain committed to upholding ethical standards and promoting honesty within the therapeutic relationship. We understand the importance of addressing any discrepancies or inconsistencies that may arise, always with the client's best interests at heart.

Ultimately, our goal is to create a collaborative partnership where clients feel empowered to explore their truths authentically while also recognizing the value of honesty and transparency in their journey towards healing and self-discovery.


🤝 Rebuilding trust and vulnerability after a partner's infidelity can feel like an uphill battle. As a licensed mental health counselor, I've walked alongside many individuals navigating this challenging journey.

It starts with acknowledging and processing the deep-seated resentment that often accompanies betrayal. Through therapy, individuals can explore their feelings, gain insight into their triggers, and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

From there, rebuilding trust requires open and honest communication, setting clear boundaries, and establishing mutual accountability. It's about creating a safe space for both partners to express their needs, fears, and desires without judgment.

Vulnerability is cultivated through gradual steps of emotional risk-taking and reciprocation. This may involve sharing intimate thoughts and feelings, practicing empathy and understanding, and demonstrating consistent actions that align with rebuilding trust.

Ultimately, healing from infidelity is a journey that takes time, patience, and commitment from both partners. With the support of therapy and a willingness to confront difficult emotions head-on, individuals can rebuild trust and create a stronger, more resilient relationship. -Marianne Marlow, LMHC


Empathy is a cornerstone of healthy communication and emotional connection between partners.

When working with couples, it's common for individuals to project their own assumptions, interpretations, and judgments onto their partner's experiences.

However, true empathy requires setting aside our preconceived notions and truly attempting to understand our partner's perspective from their point of view, without imposing our own biases onto their narrative.

Believing our partners as they see themselves validates their feelings and experiences, fostering an environment of trust and emotional safety.

This validation doesn't necessarily mean agreeing with their perspective or experiences, but rather acknowledging and respecting their reality.

In couples therapy, I often encourage clients to practice active listening and validation techniques to enhance their empathy skills.

By genuinely listening without judgment and empathizing with their partner's emotions, couples can build stronger connections and navigate conflicts more effectively.

Ultimately, embracing Brené Brown 's wisdom can lead to deeper emotional intimacy and mutual understanding within romantic relationships.


Addressing the underlying issues of a client with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), particularly one who is highly action-oriented and perfectionistic, requires a comprehensive approach.

While Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based practice widely used for treating anxiety disorders, it's important to recognize that each client is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach may not always suffice.

In cases where CBT alone doesn't alleviate persistent negative feelings, integrating additional therapeutic modalities can offer fresh perspectives and more tailored interventions. As a mental health counselor, I understand the importance of flexibility and openness to exploring alternative approaches to better meet the needs of our clients.

Incorporating elements of other evidence-based therapies, such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), or mindfulness-based interventions, can provide valuable tools for addressing the deeper issues underlying the client's symptoms. These modalities focus on enhancing emotional regulation, promoting acceptance of discomfort, and fostering greater self-awareness and resilience.

However, I also recognize the importance of collaboration and adherence to supervision guidelines. Communicating openly with your supervisor about your client's unique needs and exploring the possibility of integrating complementary techniques within the framework of CBT can facilitate a more holistic and effective therapeutic approach.

Many supervisors are very interested in helping you to flex and grow your own style in the framework of a clinic or practice. Learning that framework and having experience in it without interference from other approaches, allows you to learn the particular technique or style. Stay open and collaborative.

From those I supervise, I am most interested in hearing about the thought behind what informed their choice for introducing a particular strategy or technique. Once I have confidence in how my supervisee thinks, I am a lot less rigid about what they think. Having a therapeutic framework is very important to develop and maintain treatment plans.

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New therapists - What is something you know now, you wish you knew earlier?


🌞Transitioning from group practice to private requires some strategic planning, but rest assured, with dedication and informed decision-making, you're well-equipped to navigate this exciting journey toward building your own thriving practice.

💲Financial Assessment: Evaluate insurance reimbursement rates and budget for stability.

📄Insurance Research: Compare reimbursement rates and consider transitioning to private pay.

📊Marketing Plan: Develop a strategy blending online presence and networking to attract clients.

🔗Online Presence: Establish a professional website and active social media profiles.

🤝Networking: Build relationships with professionals and organizations for referrals.

✍Establish Policies: Create administrative systems and policies for your practice.

🌟Transition Period: Expect a gradual caseload build-up and set realistic goals.

💕Seek Support: Consult with experts and invest in professional development.

🤔Monitor and Adjust: Regularly evaluate progress and adapt strategies as needed.

With careful planning and perseverance, you can successfully transition to private practice while providing quality care.



🌟 Supporting a resistant teenager with depression and anxiety demands compassion and adaptability. Here's how:

1. Empathy Builds Trust: Show genuine empathy and understanding, reassuring them of your unwavering support.

2. Respect Autonomy: Acknowledge their need for independence while gently encouraging them to consider seeking help.

3. Active Listening: Listen without judgment, validating their feelings and experiences.

4. Educate Sensitively: Provide simple, non-judgmental information about depression and anxiety.

5. Explore Coping Strategies: Collaborate on coping techniques that resonate with them, such as mindfulness or creative outlets.

6. Practical Support: Assist them in accessing mental health resources like therapy or support groups.

7. Address Barriers: Identify and tackle obstacles like stigma or fear that may prevent them from seeking help.

8. Promote Self-Care: Stress the importance of self-care through healthy habits and activities they enjoy.

9. Engage Supportive Networks: Involve family, friends, or school personnel to bolster their support system.

10. Patience and Persistence: Understand progress takes time and setbacks are normal. Stay patient and supportive.

With patience, empathy, and tailored support, we can guide resistant teens towards healing and resilience.


🌟As a therapist specializing in supporting neurodivergent individuals, I'm passionate about nurturing their authenticity while helping them navigate societal norms and boundaries. Here are some insights on how to empower your clients without compromising their unique traits:

🫶Embrace Neurodiversity: Celebrate the diversity of neurotypes and recognize that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to social interactions.

🤗Educate and Normalize: Provide psychoeducation about neurodiversity to help clients understand their own traits and how they may differ from societal norms.

✅Validate Their Experience: Validate your clients' feelings and experiences, acknowledging the challenges they may face in social settings.

💪Identify Strengths: Help clients recognize and leverage their strengths, emphasizing the value of their unique perspectives and talents.

🤝Develop Social Skills: Offer practical strategies for navigating social situations, such as role-playing, social scripts, and communication techniques.

🗣Set Clear Boundaries: Teach clients about personal boundaries and how to communicate their needs effectively while respecting the boundaries of others.

⭐️Encourage Self-Advocacy: Empower clients to advocate for themselves in various settings, whether it's at school, work, or in personal relationships.

ⓈCreate Safe Spaces: Provide a supportive environment where clients feel accepted and understood, free from judgment or pressure to conform.

😇Promote Self-Compassion: Encourage clients to practice self-compassion and self-care, emphasizing that it's okay to be themselves and to ask for support when needed.

👥Collaborate with Support Networks: Work collaboratively with families, educators, and other support networks to ensure consistency and understanding across different environments.

Navigating societal norms and boundaries can be challenging for neurodivergent individuals, but with the right support and guidance, they can learn to thrive while staying true to themselves.

Together, let's champion authenticity and acceptance in every journey towards mental well-being.

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Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
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