Radiant Wholeness Healing

Radiant Wholeness Healing sessions will help you heal and overcome blocks and habitual patterns so you can live a whole and integrated life.

Radiant Wholeness Healing-Jenny Brav specializes in helping people struggling with anxiety, grief, trauma, and burnout. The work is multi-dimensional, and impacts the physical, emotional, and spiritual/energetic realms. Jenny incorporates a number of different modalities in her work, including Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT, also known as tapping), acupressure, Hakomi somatic psychotherapy, mat

EFT for Driving Anxiety 06/11/2024

Many people have some fear and anxiety about driving. For some, it's generalized, for others, it's specific (like driving long distances, on highways, on bridges, to new places). And we've found that EFT, and especially getting to the root of the fear, can help. The fear can also be correlated with blocks to fully being in the driver's seat of one's life. If this is the case for you, this video might be helpful.


Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwunVHlAI96z40esJcdmP1g

EFT for Driving Anxiety Many people have some fear and anxiety about driving. For some, it's generalized, for others, it's specific (like driving long distances, on highways, on bri...

Guided Meditation for Deeper Sleep 06/04/2024

In this guided meditation for deeper sleep, you will be visualizing golden light entering your crown and spreading through your body a few times. First, to switch you from thinking/doing mode to rest and relaxation mode. Second, to bring relaxation to your muscles and bones, so you start feeling everything soften and loosen. Finally, to reset your mind and body to the slow frequency of Delta waves. You will then see yourself at the top of stairs that light up as you go down them. By the time you get to the last one, you will (hopefully) be floating in the subconscious realms of sleep.


Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwunVHlAI96z40esJcdmP1g

Guided Meditation for Deeper Sleep In this guided meditation for deeper sleep, you will be visualizing golden light entering your crown and spreading through your body a few times. First, to s...

Guided Meditation for Connecting to the Spirit of Your Business 05/28/2024

If you are wanting to connect and communicate with the spirit of your business, practice, or any creative endeavor you are putting out in the world, this guided meditation might help open that portal of communication. You can do this meditation as often as you wish, and at any stage of your endeavor (about to launch, in the fledgling stages, when it’s well established, when it’s on the brink of a shift...). https://youtu.be/6ihIKvCGhe8

If you have been wanting to connect more deeply to your business/creative endeavor, and/or feel like it's been trying to communicate with you, this channeled message may be helpful for jumpstarting that conversation.

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwunVHlAI96z40esJcdmP1g

Guided Meditation for Connecting to the Spirit of Your Business If you are wanting to connect and communicate with the spirit of your business, practice, or any creative endeavor you are putting out in the world, this gui...

EFT for When You're Dissociated 05/21/2024

Many of us have been going through big energetic shifts in recent months and weeks. And radical change often triggers old patterns. For many of us (especially if we have trauma histories of any kind), that can in turn activate old strategies of disconnecting from our bodies. If you have been feeling frozen, numb, scattered, lost, in your head, going into distractive/addictive patterns, or staying busy/going into hyperdrive, the following video might be helpful.


Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwunVHlAI96z40esJcdmP1g

EFT for When You're Dissociated Have you felt triggered lately? And as a result, did you feel frozen, numb, scattered, lost, in hyperdrive? If so, there are chances you've dissociated from ...

Tips for Making the Mundane Sacred 05/14/2024

If you have been feeling frustrated, stressed, dissatisfied, and/or depressed, and life has been seeming more like drudgery than anything else, this video on tips for making the mundane sacred (and examples of how I've done that recently), might help.


Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwunVHlAI96z40esJcdmP1g

Tips for Making the Mundane Sacred If you have been feeling frustrated, stressed, dissatisfied, and/or depressed, and life has been seeming more like drudgery than anything else, this video on...

EFT for Slowing Down When Feeling Rushed 05/07/2024

Are you feeling stressed, and pressed for time? Is there so much going on that you're worried if you slow down, you'll never catch up? But part of you is really tired, and is begging for space to integrate all the shifts or it's going to collapse? If so, this video might be for you. Also, this is a preview for the next video on how to turn the mundane into sacred ritual (which requires a LOT of slowing down).


Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwunVHlAI96z40esJcdmP1g

EFT for Slowing Down When Feeling Rushed Are you feeling stressed, and pressed for time? Is there so much going on that you're worried if you slow down, you'll never catch up? But part of you is rea...


he energies have been very intense recently, and for many of us that means being confronted with our core wounds and fears. Which can show up as depression, struggle, feeling stuck, resistance and so on. If you are at a low point right now, this Letter from Life that I channeled for these times might be helpful.

Dear one,
I know you’re struggling. Perhaps you’re feeling like I let you down, or abandoned you. That I misled you, maybe even betrayed you. I know probably I’m not in your good graces right now.

I’m sorry that things haven’t turn out the way you wanted, and you feel trapped in a difficult situation. Impossible, at times. I know it’s so hard to see any way out from where you are right now. That the harder you try, the more caught you feel. That maybe it seems easier to give up.

And I want you to know that you are loved. I’m 100% on your side, although it might not feel like it in this moment. I’m so happy you didn’t turn your back on me, even though there were times when you wanted to, and you may still be tempted to now.
Keep clawing your way back. Release your victim stories. Find your way back to your power.

And I will be here, waiting, always.

Love (so MUCH love),

© 2024 Jenny Brav

If you prefer to listen to this love letter instead of read it, you can do so here on my YouTube Channel:


As often happens, heeding the Oracle's call kicked up a lot of old fears, especially in the wee hours of the morning. This poem is about that. Stay tuned to see what's next. I admit I'm impatient to know as well.

"The Battlefield for My Soul"

The early hours of morning
are a battlefield for my soul.

Fear, with my mind
as trusted steed,
knocks my Wise Self
to the ground,
kidnaps my heart,
leaves sleep in her wake.

These witching hours
are a battlefield for my soul.

My Wise Self picks herself up,
brushes feardust off her wings,
rises above the chaos.

It does not take her long
to catch up with Fear–
who has run out of steam
and is huddled by a tree.
For she is not a witch
but a scared child
wanting reassurance,
yet not trusting it to be real.

Wisdom cradles us both,
crooning us back
into fitful slumber.

Who knows who will win
when I wake?

© Jenny Brav, 2024

If you prefer, you can listen to the spoken word version of this poem on YouTube: https://youtu.be/E1dqr2gZgSg?si=_dy6HM-J3lGgXbDW


You might have noticed a progression in my last few posts. A period of death and rebirth led to new beginnings, followed by my heart's request to make more space for her. I did, and it is thus that I began to hear the call of the Oracle.

As I've mentioned before, the lines between healing and writing are starting to blur for me, and this time the words came to me as an actual poem rather than as a channeled message or poetic mediation. I am continuing to let go of any attachment to form, and to allow source energy to flow through in whatever way it chooses.

I'd love to hear about where your healing journey might be taking you right now.

"The Call of the Oracle"

I release the density
of self, step into stillness.
My brain kicks up resistance,
fighting a futile battle
against the inevitable.
The call is too great.
This is (my) destiny.

I release this tired cloak of doing,
air out my being in a playful breeze,
delight in the lightness of nothingness.

Nothing to do but wait
for the Oracle to speak,
and heed the invitation
to be a vessel
for Her wisdom.

If you prefer, you can listen to the spoken word version of this poem on YouTube: https://youtu.be/0nBhKGmk_p4?si=-y8NBAt5FEbwwbT8


I am so much bigger than you give me space for. So much stronger and more resilient than you give me credit for. Let go of any grudge or resentments you might be holding. That may serve the mind, but does not protect me in any way. Much to the contrary, in fact.

I would like room to fully express my immense capacity to love, without limits. To play, and dip into magic. To return to my full innocence and trust. That’s what I was made for.

There is joy and beauty hidden in every moment, and I can show you where, if you slow down enough to listen. Do not hide me or chain me. I cannot be broken or misused. Those are just stories you tell yourself, which then seem like reality. In truth, all pain is in service to my growth and your evolution.

While your mind is grasping for the illusion of permanence and for false guarantees of safety, I am not scared of loss or grief, for I know that my sadness is commensurate to my capacity for love. I am big enough for all of it. And the more you orient towards gratitude, the more space I have.

Let me be in the driver’s seat for a while, so you can test the boundaries of how much joy you can let in. You might surprise yourself, and I promise you a lot of fun and play along the way.

If you prefer to listen to this message, you can do so here: https://youtu.be/FS5XzkeMM3I?si=HOoVqEkv_HJVD-EG


It was touch and go for a while, but I was able to move into my new home with minimal symptoms, and things are looking up.

Here's a message that came to me on a morning walk about new beginnings:

The sun is peeking out from between the leaves, breaking through the dark clouds that have been crowding your mind and heart for days or weeks. Months, perhaps. The rays are starting to thaw the frozen fear state you’ve been in.

The pathway forward is emerging as the fog dissipates. You feel a glimmer of hope. The call to trust. There is still the tremor of trepidation, and your foot trembles as you lift it.

Breathe. With each exhale, release that which no longer serves you. The old fears and need for control. That’s the gift this fresh start is granting you. For all that is required of you in this moment is to take the next step. You don’t need to know where the road will lead you. That’s the beauty of the journey.

Slow down. Tread gently. Relish the unfolding, for therein lie the gems that line your life with twinkles of joy.

If you prefer to listen to this message, you can do so here: https://youtu.be/cMhBt9_pjBQ

Somatic Tip: Getting Out of Your Head 03/07/2024

Are you finding it hard to turn your mind off? Are you feeling scattered and ungrounded as a result? If so, this quick and effective somatic tip for gathering your energy and getting back into your body might really help.


Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwunVHlAI96z40esJcdmP1g

Somatic Tip: Getting Out of Your Head Are you finding it hard to turn your mind off? Are you feeling scattered and ungrounded as a result? If so, this quick and effective somatic tip for gatherin...


On Jan 8, I became the proud owner of a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom condo in Hercules, CA. My dream soon became a nightmare when what seemed like a small, easily remediable nightmare turned out to be extensive and due to structural issues, and I had severe reactions to the place each time I went. More about this when I have more bandwidth, but this is the message I received from my guides about the purpose of what I was going through:

You are in a cycle of death and rebirth. Right now, it probably feels like being caught at sea in the middle of a raging storm. All the coping strategies and beliefs you have clung to for safety are all crumbling around you. Don’t fight or resist it. Don’t look for a lifeboat to save you. The more you try to hold on to the wreckage of the old paradigm, the more likely it is that you’ll get caught in the undertow, and feel trapped. Powerless. Drowning in despair. Collapsed. Let go. Allow the waves to wash away the vestiges of the past that no longer serve you.

Everything needs to fall apart before you can rise again. If you contract or resist, you will merely intensify and prolong your suffering. This experience is helping you cultivate a deep, abiding, unwavering trust that life is unfolding exactly as it’s meant to. Even in times of apparent crisis. Although you don’t have the hindsight needed to see it right now, everything is serving a purpose.

When you allow the dissolution of your safety net, of this old iteration of self, you will find freedom. Clarity. The solid ground within you that is not dependent on external circumstances aligning for you to feel safe. What is unfolding is bigger than your cognitive mind can possibly comprehend.

Unfurl your grasping fingers. Surrender to the chaos. The not knowing. Let the tides wash away your dreams, knowing that when day breaks, the sun will shine again.


Affirmations for Flow and Ease 02/20/2024

Are there areas of your life where there is a sense of struggle or stuckness? If so, these affirmations for flow and ease may help. You can tap as you listen or just let the words wash over you.


Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwunVHlAI96z40esJcdmP1g

Affirmations for Flow and Ease Are there areas of your life where there is a sense of struggle or stuckness? If so, these affirmations for flow and ease may help. You can tap as you listen...


You are entering the age of wisdom.
Deep knowing that comes from letting go
of preconceived notions—of your mind's
need to understand.
You're opening to all of the myriad,
beautiful layers of your heart.
It radiates with all the colors of your soul.
When you allow it full rein,
It lights up your vibrant life force energy
and magnetizes all that you wish
on the human and spiritual planes.

© Jenny Brav

Affirmations for Self-Love 02/06/2024

If you are wanting to cultivate more self love, this video is for you. Here are some of the highlights.

I’m letting go of the belief I need to be perfect to be loved
I am discovering that I am enough
I’m releasing any ancestral and personal blocks to letting the love in
I’m discovering that others’ inability to love me as I needed was on them
I’m stepping into my full self
I’m healing my heart
I am learning that I’m worthy of care and attention
Love is my essence

Affirmations for Self-Love Would you like to cultivate more self love and acceptance? Do you have a sense that your outer relationships are a reflection of how you view yourself? Would...

Tap Out Regrets 01/30/2024

Is there anything you have done or said (or not done or said) that you are regretting? After my homebuying experience turned out to be much more of a headache than anticipated, I was having some buyer's remorse. Even though I know regrets and what ifs do nothing but make things worse. So I decided to record this video to help you stay in the present and release any regrets you might have.


Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwunVHlAI96z40esJcdmP1g

Tap Out Regrets Is there anything you have done or said (or not done or said) that you are regretting? After my homebuying experience turned out to be much more of a headach...


Allowing life to flow through is the only way to grow. Let go of the dead branches clinging to the edge for safety. It is time. You are ready. This experience you chose to incarnate into is a dance of shadow and light. Play.


Channeled Wisdom about Transitions 01/09/2024

As I mentioned earlier, this is a time of big changes! Namely, on Jan 8, I became a homeowner! This is a message I channeled about transitions (which I don't always navigate gracefully).


Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwunVHlAI96z40esJcdmP1g

Channeled Wisdom about Transitions Many of us are on the cusp of big transitions in our lives. While this opens up new opportunities, it can also activate old beliefs, fears, and coping strate...

Bring In The New 01/02/2024

This is a guided meditation to help you feel into what you are inviting into your life in the New Year. These can be qualities you want to step into, new patterns, or intentions you want to manifest. Most effective if done following the Tapping out the Year video.


Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwunVHlAI96z40esJcdmP1g

Bring In The New This is a guided meditation to help you feel into what you are inviting into your life in the New Year. These can be qualities you want to step into, new pat...

Tap out the Year 12/31/2023

In this video, I'll be guiding you in a ritual to release the past year (in this case, 2023, but you can do it at the end of any year). In a guided meditation, you will tap into: 1) what you are grateful for in the past year 2) what were some of the lessons learned/shifts that happened and 3) what you want to let go of. You will then be tapping to anchor that and release that which does not serve. Stay tuned for the next video on greeting the new year!


Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwunVHlAI96z40esJcdmP1g

Tap out the Year In this video, I'll be guiding you in a ritual to release the past year (in this case, 2023, but you can do it at the end of any year). In a guided meditatio...

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Thursday 10:30am - 6:30pm
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