Idaho Parents Unlimited

Idaho Parents Unlimited, Inc. supports, empowers, educates and advocates to enhance the quality of life for Idahoans with disabilities and their families.

Photos from Idaho Parents Unlimited's post 09/11/2024

Free In-Person Workshops
Weiser, Idaho
September 17, 2024

✔️Understanding the Individualized Education Program
✔️Understanding Idaho Medicaid
✔️Positive Interventions and Supports

For more information:


Ready to level up your organization game? These apps are designed to help you stay on top of tasks and manage your schedule!🚀
🗂️ Task Apps: Master your to-do lists with Todoist or Google Keep to keep track of all your tasks and deadlines.
📅 Planning Apps: Microsoft To Do, Google Calendar, and Notion perfect for managing your calendar and setting reminders.
📝 To-Do List Apps: Use MyStudyLife and Habitica break tasks into smaller steps.
🎯 Visual Assistance: Aira helps to navigate tasks and environments.
🌟 Note-Taking Wizardry: Evernote takes notes, sets reminders, and keeps everything organized.
Got a favorite organization app that we missed? Share it in the comments so we can level up together! 👇


Shout out to everyone that made it to the Adventure Island Playground 20th Anniversary and Resource Fair. It was a wonderful day filled with sharing of resources and getting to know families and organizations in our community. We tried to tag as many as possible if we missed you or if you have other pictures from the event please feel free to comment with a picture.

Photos from Idaho Parents Unlimited's post 09/06/2024

Free In-Person Workshops
Caldwell, Idaho
September 24, 2024

✔️Understanding the Individualized Education Program
✔️Understanding Idaho Medicaid
✔️Positive Interventions and Supports

For more information:

Photos from Idaho Parents Unlimited's post 09/06/2024

Twin Falls
Date: September 17, 2024
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Location: Center for
Independent Living
417 Shoup Ave W
Twin Falls, ID 83301
(Treasurer Ellsworth is unable to join us for the Twin Falls event)

Date: September 26, 2024
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Location: Meridian Library
Cherry Lane
Large Conference Room
1326 W Cherry Ln
Meridian, ID 83642

Date: Tuesday October 8, 2024
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Caldwell Library
Dean E. Miller Community Room
1010 Dearborn St. Caldwell, ID 83605

To request disability accommodations, including ASL, contact the SILC at least 10 days in advance.
Phone: 208-334-3800
Email: [email protected]


September 2024
Youth Corner

Back to School: Ideas for Getting Organized

Getting ready for school can be a bit tricky! But with a few simple steps, you can stay organized and make each day easier.

Start by using a planner. This can be a notebook or an app. Write down your class times, homework, and activities each day. Make it fun by using different colors or stickers to help you see what’s important.

Using a planner will also help you set a routine. Make it a priority to wake up, eat, and study at the same time every day. Doing things the same way each day can make your life feel more organized and less stressful.

Keep your school supplies and homework in order by using folders or binders with labels. Then prepare and pack your backpack the night before. That way you won’t have to rush in the morning.

Communication with your teachers is crucial. Discuss any specific needs or accommodations that support your learning, whether it’s extra time on tests or seating arrangements. Building a good relationship with your teachers can make a big difference.

Use sticky notes or posters as reminders in your study area. Visual cues can help you stay on track and reinforce important information.

Joining a study group or finding a study buddy can make learning more fun. Collaborating with others allows you to share notes, discuss challenging topics, and support each other’s learning.

Finally, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Prioritize sleep, healthy meals, and regular breaks.


Life Hacks for Organizing Your Healthcare Needs

* Create a health binder
* Set medication reminder alarms
* Color-code your calendar (google makes this easy)
* Keep a health journal
* Track appointments with a calendar or app
* Use telehealth when appropriate
* Use your support team for help
* Create a list of questions before each appointment
* Use pill organizers
* Talk to your pharmacy about automating your medication refills
* Use mindfulness techniques when feeling stressed
* Join a support group
* Create and Keep a routine or schedule
* Use voice assistants for setting appointment reminders, creating questions lists, and keeping a health journal.

Back to School Tips for 2024 Video


Septiembre 2024
Rincón Juvenil

Regreso a clases: Ideas para organizarte

¡Prepararse para la escuela puede ser un poco complicado! Pero con unos simples pasos, puedes mantenerte organizado y hacer que cada día sea más fácil.

Empieza usando un planificador. Puede ser un cuaderno o una aplicación. Escribe el horario de tus clases, tareas y actividades cada día. Hazlo divertido usando diferentes colores o pegatinas para resaltar lo que es importante.

Usar un planificador también te ayudará a establecer una rutina. Prioriza despertarte, comer y estudiar a la misma hora todos los días. Hacer las cosas de la misma manera cada día puede hacer que tu vida se sienta más organizada y menos estresante.

Mantén tus útiles escolares y tareas en orden usando carpetas o archivadores con etiquetas. Luego, prepara y empaca tu mochila la noche anterior. Así no tendrás que apresurarte en la mañana.

La comunicación con tus maestros es crucial. Habla con ellos sobre cualquier necesidad específica o acomodación que apoye tu aprendizaje, ya sea más tiempo en los exámenes o la ubicación de tu asiento. Construir una buena relación con tus maestros puede hacer una gran diferencia.

Usa notas adhesivas o carteles como recordatorios en tu área de estudio. Las señales visuales pueden ayudarte a mantenerte enfocado y reforzar la información importante.

Unirte a un grupo de estudio o encontrar un compañero de estudio puede hacer que aprender sea más divertido. Colaborar con otros te permite compartir apuntes, discutir temas difíciles y apoyarse mutuamente en el aprendizaje.

Finalmente, no olvides cuidarte. Prioriza el sueño, comidas saludables y descansos regulares.


Trucos para Organizar tus Necesidades de Atención Médica

* Crea un archivo de salud
* Configura alarmas para recordatorios de medicación
* Usa un código de colores en tu calendario (Google lo hace fácil)
* Lleva un diario de salud
* Registra las citas médicas en un calendario o aplicación
* Utiliza la telemedicina cuando sea apropiado
* Utiliza tu equipo de apoyo para pedir ayuda
* Crea una lista de preguntas antes de cada cita médica
* Usa organizadores de pastillas
* Habla con tu farmacia sobre la automatización de las reposiciones de tus medicamentos
* Utiliza técnicas de atención plena (mindfulness) cuando te sientas estresado
* Únete a un grupo de apoyo
* Crea y sigue una rutina o un horario
* Usa asistentes de voz para configurar recordatorios de citas, crear listas de preguntas y llevar un diario de salud.

Consejos para el regreso a clases 2024 (Video)


Please complete a 10-minute survey about Idaho’s standardized test.


Feedback is anonymous. Any member of the public is encouraged to take the survey. Not all questions must be answered in order to submit feedback.


*NEW* Unlimited Parenting episode this morning! Drop an emoji in the comments to let us know you listened. 🥳

With the beginning of a new school year, we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to discuss the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). In this episode you will hear everything from the dictionary definition of LRE to what it looks like in action. Knowledge is power, and we hope that knowing more about LRE can help you be the best champion for your child.

Add us on your favorite podcast platform!


Idaho Parents Unlimited
Engage + Educate + Bridge + Lead

Happy Birthday to IPUL's tech genius, Bill!

Facebook and Instagram: /IdahoParentsUnlimited
[email protected]

[Image of Bill with a white background, celebratory confetti of different colors in background]


Idaho Parents Unlimited is closed on Monday, September 2, 2024, in observance of Labor Day. We will be back in the office tomorrow.


Tomorrow! Celebrate the Coolest Playground on the Coolest Day of the Summer!

The Adventure Island Playground is 20 years old!

Anniversary and Resource Fair!

27 Great Resource Booths!


Saturday 24 AUG
9 AM-2 PM

Settler's Park
3245 N Meridian Rd
Meridian ID


Don't Forget! The Adventure Island 20-Year Celebration and Resource Fair is TOMORROW.

If you're in the Boise area, check it out at Meridian's Settlers Park from 9 am to 2 pm.

There will be a resource fair, inspirational stories about the playground's positive impact, and plenty of accessible fun!

More information is available through Idaho Parents Unlimited:


Our Executive Director, Angela Lindig was a guest on The Idaho Podcast:

You can watch the episode by clicking here:


Idaho Parents Unlimited
Engage + Educate + Bridge + Lead

Happy Birthday to IPUL's exceptional Executive Director, Angela!

Facebook and Instagram: /IdahoParentsUnlimited
[email protected]

[Image of Angela with a white background, celebratory confetti of different colors in background]


*NEW* Unlimited Parenting episode this morning! Drop an emoji in the comments to let us know you listened. 🥳

Have you ever wondered how to plan for your child's transition to adulthood? Have you wondered how to start the conversation? What about finding out what your child wants for their future? In this episode Melissa, Sarah, and Allison will delve into tools you can use to help your child chart their future. Stay tuned to the end to find out how to sign up for the upcoming 3-part series we're providing in conjunction with the Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities on planning for your child's future.

Register for the trainings here. --->

Questions regarding the trainings? Contact Jill Smith at [email protected] or by phone at 208-484-5750

Add us on your favorite podcast platform!


Free In-Person Workshops
Pocatello, Idaho
October 22, 2024
Understanding Idaho Medicaid
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
Deep Dive into the IEP – Individualized Education Program
For more information:
[email protected]


SIGN UP TODAY! Spots are filling up fast.

PC Thinking Training Session
September 4th - 18th
Wednesdays & Fridays
11:00 am - 2:00 pm Mountain / 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Pacific

This training is open to people who live or work in Idaho and want to learn person-centered thinking skills to help them in their work or personal lives. As Idaho moves forward to create a more person-centered service system, these skills will help plan and provide services. A certificate of completion will be provided after you have finished all training sessions.

For more information and to register visit


Soon, the familiar sights and sounds of school buses will be part of morning routines again. Let’s go over a quick refresher – when it’s required to stop for a school bus.

🛑On any road with three or fewer lanes, vehicles traveling in both directions must stop.

🛑On a road with four or more lanes, vehicles traveling in the same direction as the bus must stop. ⚠️Those traveling in the opposite direction can proceed with extreme caution.

Keep our students safe and be an engaged driver. 🚌

Kuna Jt. School District No. 3
West Ada School District
Boise School District


Adventure Island
20 year celebration Resource Fair and Celebration!
Date: August 24th
Time:9 AM to 2 pm
Location: Settler’s park 3245 N Meridian Rd., Meridian ID
Join us for a fun-filled day celebrating Adventure Island's 20th anniversary! There will be various resources and activities for everyone to enjoy.
More Information: Adventure Island Anniversary Event
Contact Us
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 208-342-5884


Adventure Island is 20!
Family Celebration and Resource Fair
Date: August 24th 2024
Time:9AM- 2 PM
Location: Settlers Park, 3245 N Meridian RD, Meridian, ID
Event Highlights
Celebrating 20 Years of Adventure Island!
Great Resources:
Boise Music Therapy
Kids Care Home Health
Healthy Foundations
Playground Equipment
Water Fountain
Picture of entrance of Adventure Island
Register a Booth:
Contact Us
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 208-342-5884


We're Out of the Office! August 5-9th we will be attending the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) conference in Washington DC. Calls and intakes will be delayed for the week. Thanks for understanding!


We're Out of the Office! August 5-9th we will be attending the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) conference in Washington DC. Calls and intakes will be delayed for the week. Thanks for understanding!


*NEW* Unlimited Parenting episode this morning!

On her journey of navigating through the worry and heartbreak of raising a special needs child, Susanna found her true life calling: to help other parents find joy and passion in their own lives. Don’t miss out on this interview with Life Coach and advocate, Susanna Peace Lovell, on her new book "Your True Self is Enough".

Add us on your favorite podcast platform!

Photos from Idaho Parents Unlimited's post 07/31/2024

July Youth Corner
Olympics for All
Access the full article:

Rincón de la juventud de julio
Olimpiadas para todos
Accede al artículo completo

Photos from Visit Idaho's post 07/30/2024
Photos from Idaho Parents Unlimited's post 07/30/2024

The US Department of Education has proposed to eliminate the requirement that parents of children with disabilities sign consent to have a school bill Medicaid for school-based services such as speech, physical or occupational therapy, nursing services, etc. This requirement is part of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which also says that children cannot lose any benefits as a result of their parents signing consent for schools to bill Medicaid for school-based services. We have heard from some parents that their child’s outpatient services (services at home, in the community, or at a provider’s office), were reduced, or eliminated, when they signed consent for the school to bill Medicaid for services.

The Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE) did a survey of their members. Their members told them that this was not happening. Now we need to hear from YOU! If you were asked by your school or district to sign consent to bill Medicaid for outpatient services (services delivered to your child in school), please answer the brief survey below.

Thank you!

Queridos Padres:
El Departamento de Educación de los EE. UU. ha propuesto eliminar el requisito de que los padres de niños con discapacidades firmen un consentimiento para que la escuela facture a Medicaid por servicios basados en la escuela, como terapia del habla, terapia física u ocupacional, servicios de enfermería, etc. Este requisito es parte de la Ley de Educación para Individuos con Discapacidades (IDEA), que también establece que los niños no pueden perder ningún beneficio como resultado de que sus padres firmen el consentimiento para que las escuelas facturen a Medicaid por servicios basados en la escuela. Hemos escuchado de algunos padres que los servicios ambulatorios de sus hijos (servicios en el hogar, en la comunidad o en la oficina de un proveedor) fueron reducidos o eliminados cuando firmaron el consentimiento para que la escuela facture a Medicaid por los servicios.

El Consejo de Administradores de Educación Especial (CASE) realizó una encuesta a sus miembros. Sus miembros les dijeron que esto no estaba ocurriendo. ¡Ahora necesitamos escucharte a TI! Si tu escuela o distrito te pidió que firmaras un consentimiento para facturar a Medicaid por servicios ambulatorios (servicios entregados a tu hijo en la escuela), por favor responde la breve encuesta a continuación.



What is an IEE?

Why would I need an Independent Educational Evaluation?

Our expert guest will be Emily Boles, MA, MEd and Director of Operations, Idaho SESTA

Want your organization to be the top-listed Non Profit Organization in Boise?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Food for Thought: IEEs
Food For Thought - Healthcare - Ft. ID Kids Covered
Did you know IPUL offers Self-Guided training opportunities? Register here:
We have a few open seats left...Register ASAP for Idaho Parents Unlimited's  Health & Education Training BuffetTake what...
Food for Thought - March with Chynna Hirasaki
Food for Thought with Karren Streagle: IDAA
Statewide Regional Training Event Health & Education Training BuffetTake what you need, leave what you don’t and come ba...
Food for Thought with Steve Millward - Certified Family Homes
IPUL's Giving Tuesday
Idaho Parents UnlimitedEngage + Educate + Bridge + LeadHappy Father's DayCheers to the dad who can tell the best stories...
Idaho Parents UnlimitedEngage + Educate + Bridge + LeadMay 14, 2023 Happy Mother's Day to all the incredible mothers out...
Moving to Idaho? Here's how Idaho Parents Unlimited can help!


4619 Emerald, Suite E
Boise, ID

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Other Community Organizations in Boise (show all)
Ignite Boise Ignite Boise

Ignite Boise is a 3 hour-ish idea feeding frenzy that brings together artists, geeks, etc. to share their ideas in fast-paced, bite-sized presentations.

Gem State Kiwanis Gem State Kiwanis
7189 Overland Rd
Boise, 83709

Bronco Athletic Association Bronco Athletic Association
Allen Noble Hall Of Fame, 1910 University Drive
Boise, 83725

Join the BAA today through the Horsepower Membership Drive! Help us determine What’s Next!

Idaho Press Club Idaho Press Club
Boise, 83701

Idaho Press Club is dedicated to improving journalism in Idaho.

UI Extension 4-H, Ada County UI Extension 4-H, Ada County
5880 N Glenwood Street
Boise, 83714

4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential through working and learning in partnership with caring adults. From food science to robotics and archery to fashion design, there ...

Go Listen Boise Go Listen Boise

Our mission is to support, foster, and promote the Boise area music community.

Idaho Women's March Idaho Women's March
Boise, 83702

An inclusive, non-partisan gathering of girls, women and our supporters, focused on empowering voices in our community. Give us liberty or leave us alone!

Boise Zombie Walk Boise Zombie Walk

A FREE event created to allow any age to let their inner zombie come "alive". Fun for ALL AGES. Raffle, Contest and Prizes!

BoiseDrift BoiseDrift
Boise, 83704

BoiseDrift started as a small group of friends who have a passion for the rapidly growing motorsport,

African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc.

The mission of the African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc is committed to visionary leadership and advocacy to help realize economic empowerment.

Doula Collective of Idaho Doula Collective of Idaho

A group of doulas and community partners, who own their own businesses and collaborate on things.

Warm Springs Care Farm Warm Springs Care Farm
Boise, 83712

Warm Springs offers individuals, families & groups a variety of hands-on, outdoor experiences.