Ballie Baits

I make hand rolled soluble boilies and groundbait for carp anglers. Made here in the usa.

Photos from Ballie Baits's post 08/15/2024

So I got bored and threw 4 of my new mix in a mason jar. I don't have an accurate time frame. ( Was chasing my feral kids.) I think I have finally made a bait that matches up to my theory. This bait turned active in under 24 hours. I believe big carp are at the top of the food chain and life brings life. So in under 24 hours this bait not only released everything but started to create its own attraction. It's an active soluble! I will do some better tests to get water temp and a time to gauge the breakdown. This boredom experiment definitely intrigued me. Remember I do this all without vegetable glycerin or propylene glycol.

Photos from Ballie Baits's post 08/10/2024

It's been seeded

Photos from Ballie Baits's post 08/04/2024

How a cow moo's under water.. My seeds are picked for the deed.


I have been tossing around the idea of a YouTube channel. It wouldn't be strictly bait or fishing. I have a format in my brain but I figured I would ask everyone else? Would you want to hear me talk.


The last ingredient came in today for the new bait. Can you guess the mad science seed I am playing with? I don't add to sell, I add to catch fish.


The sea cow is in engineering. God bless my family for the sins about to commit against their noses.


We all are in trouble. Feels like the lab mice have taken the lab. 🙃 Got power ran. I have tools dangling in the right places. Stand mixer setup, will fire up the freezer tomorrow. I have a plan to try and see if I can label and have a bit of inventory. Fresh is king and I know I get reports of year or more old bait catching. But that bait is in your hands for that time.
I do feel guilty for not producing what I know I can produce. Because I love when I get the pretty pictures. I genuinely love seeing the pictures.

On another note there's this whole carp warrior police force that's going around. I am the first to educate but if someone proudly posts a dirt covered carp. Please congratulate them and redirect them to carp care. I want to be the start of the funnel to carp fishing and the person you debate at the end. you probably taught me a lot along the way. I want to start the your journey but have a debate about bait and jello. Thank you Jason Edwards for the ongoing debait. Or better yet...... We are going to write a starter book for carp anglers. I want your guys food stamp way of getting into carp angling. I will write down mine and my sins of bait making. Well not all I will cover the worst of my convictions. I just got to think of a title that doesn't sound p***o lol.


What a crazy year it's been for me. I know I have been a bit absent between son's health and then my health took a downturn. Then we moved to a new place which allowed me to have a separate place for a bait shop. Which I am extremely excited to get set up and running. Now we have had a sudden death in the family. This year has been a rollercoaster for Ballie Baits but I am still here and moving forward. I am trying to get everything setup so I can start producing bait again. I will try to get back to writing posts about bait and carp angling in general as soon as possible. Then lastly I will be researching and designing new bait. I appreciate everyone's patience and support. I do have the best customer base surrounding me. I am very grateful and thankful for that. As always you can message with any questions.

Photos from Ballie Baits's post 04/21/2024

Boilies and more boilies a busy day rolling. Hydro corn and clam bake fishmeal. Gearing up for the carp social.

Photos from Ballie Baits's post 03/13/2024

I am going to be fishing Scout Park at CJ Strike Saturday March 16. If anyone wants to learn about Ballie Baits, carp fishing or just want to chat.



We are looking at doing the idaho carp social May 3, 4 and 5 th at Scout park CJ strike reservoir. So if you want to come out for a social and fish these are the dates we are looking at.

Photos from Ballie Baits's post 02/28/2024

Not a bad day at all caught 4. Lost 2 fish which always makes my heart sink. The angler accompanying me caught 5. All caught on the new corn bait. I also got to meet 2 different groups of carp anglers. Which was awesome to meet other people enjoying carp fishing. The sport is growing it's a wonderful sight.


Booster liquids:

I want to talk about my booster liquids. Why, I chose to include a booster liquid in my kits. Also why I mix it into my ground bait instead of on the boilies. This is intentional by design. I wanted my bait to be used without mass amounts of bait or without pre-conditioning carp to feed on boilies. Now my boilies, already contain everything that is in my booster liquid. The reason behind adding the booster to the ground bait is to pump attraction into the water column at a faster rate. As the ground bait takes on water, it releases the booster into the water column. This replaced the need to crumb up boilies or sell flake boilies. Ground bait absorbs the booster liquid quickly for easy preparation. Once put in the water the ground bait starts to absorb water and break apart. Allowing disbursement of attraction. A good example is liquid soap in a sponge. As the water fills the sponge, the soap is then pushed out. By my design my boilies and ground bait work in the same manner. They work in conjunction with each other. My ground bait and boilies have the same profile, protein source and active ingredients. Once a boilie and ground bait are cast out into the water, what happens? Both start taking on water but at different rates. The ground bait is taking on water at a faster rate and releasing attraction at a much faster rate then the boilie. Carp in the area start following this trail back to it's source. Carp being cautious creatures will start to take mouthfuls of the ground bait to start. The Boilie at the same time has been absorbing water at a slower rate. Its attraction is slowly escaping into the water column. The carp are feeding on the ground bait but a lot of the attraction has been washed out. Leaving the main source of attraction coming from the boilie itself. Allowing the carp to hone in on your boilie. Because the ground bait and boilies have identical profiles the carp start to pick-up boilies without hesitation. This is how I accomplish catching carp without pre-baiting or pre-conditioning carp to a boilie. I use the carp's own senses against them.
Let's talk about how I apply this to a fishing scenario. I am going break this down as if it was a body of water I have never fished. I would start with either a method feeder or a 2oz to 3oz lead. I prefer to start out a new area with braided line so I can feel the bottom better. I will make a couple of casts with just a lead no hook or bait attached. I will be counting down the lead and feeling for the lead to hit the bottom. I can get an estimated depth by counting down the lead. A 2oz lead will fall roughly 3ft per second. Now there are variables to this. What's your main line, shape of the lead and size of bait. This at least gets me a ball park guess without using a marker rod. Now I have counted down the lead. Did the drop feel good? As I drag the lead on the bottom. Does it feel like gravel, mud, sand, big rocks or the heavy tow of weeds. Am I happy putting bait there to start? If I am comfortable with a bait there. I will start will small amount of bait. Instead of using PVA bags or big balls of ground bait. Cause I know I am going to be recasting every 10 to 15 mins. I am going to be casting over and over working each section of water. Looking for the different depths, different bottom types and trying to locate the carp as well. I don't want big piles of bait laying around that's going to cause the carp to hang up and stop moving. I want a small mouthful of food that a carp can pick up and then moves on. While the carp is seeking out food. I am seeking out the best place to present a bait. Once I have found my spots that's when I will decide my baiting strategy. If I am getting quick bites I may stay with what I doing. Now if I am getting long delays between bites. I will move to PVA sticks or bags. Putting more bait on the spot and not casting as frequently. Cause I know where I want to pull the carp down to and that the trap is set. Now I can focus getting the carp on boilies and feeding competitively. If I started out with heavy baiting Everytime I recasted the carp would stop short and feed on those bait piles instead of seeking out the one with my hook. I do try and bait tightly once I have found my spots. Especially on urban ponds. If a carp spooks it will spook everything. Now they have to work back into your bait. Being tighter with my baits won't leave the carp hung up 20 yards from my hook.
I hope this helps others understand my thoughts and the process of my bait. I know I fish differently than most carp anglers. Due to fishing regulations of Idaho. Which is in line with many Western states.


This month topic: Hydrolyzed protein, fermented liquids and some amino talk.

A Hydrolyzed protein is a mixture of amino acids, peptides, polypetides and denatured proteins. These protein sources can be plant base or animal. These proteins can be produced by chemical, enzymatic, or thermal hydrolysis. Breaking down an item and unbinding the amino chains. So your down to free aminos and simple polypetides. Example would be milk broken down to whey protein then broken down to hydrolyzed whey protein. Hopefully I haven't hurt your head to much.
How does this apply to carp fishing? As an angler I use a lot of liquid attraction or hydrolyzed food additives in or on top of my bait. Corn steep liquor, fish sauce, Hydrolyzed milk or wheat, and molasses for a few examples. There's plenty of research on which single aminos are attractive to carp in tank test. Plenty of research on the effects of single aminos benefits to carp. Of course as a bait maker I want a bait that is more attractive, digestible, and benefits the carp. Cause its going to give me an edge in my carp fishing.
I am still learning about how these aminos work in harmony or against each other in a bait. If I wanted to boost a single amino profile in a bait or liquid because I read a research paper that says this amino is super attractive to carp. Let's take the amino cysteine as an example. For this example I will say optimal level of cysteine is 3%. So every 100 grams I should have 3 grams of cysteine. ( Remember this is a made up example just to demonstrate.) So I go and buy cysteine powder and add 3 grams to my 97 grams mix for 100 gram total. Job well done, correct? Let's take a look at foods rich in cysteine. Egg yolks, garlic, oats, onion, poultry, wheat germ, yeast and red bell pepper. So if I had added any of these to my bait I have elevated my levels of cysteine in my bait. So now I have canceled out the 3% of pure cysteine I just added. Because my levels are to high I am overwhelming the carps sensory.
I feel as an angler this information about aminos allows you to have a better understanding of why an ingredient works. Or when two ingredients are paired together they work in harmony. Cysteine is attractive to carp look at those foods that are rich in cysteine. Would be hard to create a bait with out adding one of those ingredients. Even red bell pepper would be difficult because paprika is dry bell pepper. which is used in robin red. This is why single amino or combination amino feed stimulates are hard to use in a bait. This why I prefer looking at hydrolyzed or fermented liquids that contain broken chain and free aminos.

Hope you enjoyed this article. Feel free to ask questions.


Is there something as a bait maker or an angler that you would like me to expand on? Why does something work or doesn't work? I am currently working on more little articles. The bait world is so vast sometimes it's easier for me to be given a window then try and explain the entire mountain range.


I am fully invested and the smells are free. 🤣😂🤣


oh the fun of winter fishing. At least when I blank in the spring. I have hope that's summer is right around the corner.
Winter fishing is a different monster itself. The information i am sharing here for winter fishing is based off my fishing experience and science research we have to date. My fishing is done with no pre-baiting, spodding or pre-conditioning. My boilies are soluble with no egg. Which means I can get maximum attraction in the water. That does me no good if it's not in front of the carp. You have to locate active winter carp and put the bait close to them. In my area that means I tend to switch to the rivers with current. That's where I do most of my winter sessions. Locating active winter carp is a rough game. Trying to find showing carp or where they might be shoaled up. Even a cast 5 feet off the mark might be the difference between a fish or blank. I usually start one rod farther out and one closer to shore. Then every 15 to 30 minutes I will move the close rod out 5 ft further and the far rod in 5ft. Closing the gap on where the carp might be active. Fine tuning location is key to winter success. Work the water in sections. Break the water into sections left, center and right section. This allows me to Narrow down the zone where those active carp are located.
Winter baits do get tricky. Because of the cooler water temperatures everything slows down. From activity to digestion. I personally use fish meal baits until the carp switch off them. Here in my personal waters, its often like a light switch. They won't even line bite a fishmeal. That's when I switch to a milk protein boilie or a peanut boilie. Now there's a few schools of thoughts when it comes to choosing a winter boilie. I am just going to cover my personal thoughts.🧐 I choose to switch to a peanut boilies because of the fiber content, fats and oils they contain. They add a lovely crunch factor. Once paired with a dry milk it makes a wonderful combination. Yes, peanuts and powder milk are great additions to ground bait or pack bait. I am a firm believer in matching ground bait to the boilie. That's why my ground bait has the same profile as it's matched boilie. I will add more fiber to my ground bait to help things pass threw the carp with out filling them up. Items like wheat bran and wheat germ are great additions. Now I usually use a scale and percentages when I make bait. I am also very detailed oriented like to know to exact amounts. A basic recipe would be 1 1/4 cups panko mixed with 1/4 cup wheat germ and 1/2 cup wheat bran. This would yield 2 cups of dry mix or roughly 500 grams half a kilo of bait. This as basic as it comes. Now you could take a 1/4 cup of bran away and add oats, ground peanuts or prepared tiger nuts.
As for dried spices there are a range of spices from chili flake, dried garlic, tumeric, thyme and cinnamon just to name a few. Each one has its own benefit. Chili flakes and cinnamon have thermogenic properties. Meaning they can give the carp a warm feeling in the simplest of terms. Now when using spices start off using a small amount and work up. If a teaspoon is roughly 4 grams. I would start with a 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of total spice to kilo of bait or 4 cups of total dry mix. Then increase at 1/4 teaspoon increments at a time. Remember you can easily overload a carp sensory system and they won't eat your bait. This goes true with flavors as well.
My baits are designed to food source with the highest attractive amino profile. I also take into account the digestive system of carp. A carps digestive tract is alkaline. i take this this in consideration when choosing ingredients for a winter bait. I also take in consideration absorption rate and gut transit time. Since digestion takes longer in winter if a bait contains too much fat or protein it will can put carp off the feed as they sit and digest their food.
I hope this helps other anglers in their search for winter carp. Next I will try to tackle liquids and rigs. Feel free to ask questions in the comments or direct message me.


What would you like as a customer? An explanation of my bait or development of bait? Would like a part in the bait? Would you like an answer and question? Would you like rig or bait theory? Some give aways?


Ballie Baits pro-staff: Welcome board Jax.


In two trips in December my new test bait has banked 12 wild water carp. Without pre-baiting spodding or pre-conditioning. Taxing carp even in the cold

Photos from Ballie Baits's post 12/23/2023

Results for the corn Hydrolyzed milk. It sucks, we caught 6 and lost one do to hook pull. In 30 degree weather. Can't sit next the fire cause the damn rods keep taking off. Then the wind picked up so bad the waves where running up stream. The rods still went off. Nope, couldnt sit in the truck where it was warm. Who the hell makes a bait that's this successful in winter.

Photos from Ballie Baits's post 12/22/2023

Working on the Hydrolyzed milk corn flavored ground bait. Only 200 ml of the booster add to 500 grams of ground bait. To start the tests off. Yes, everything that goes into making the boilies is in the ground bait. So there is milk protein in the ground bait and booster. Will be out Saturday freezing in the cold to test this bait again. 🤣😆😂 There's something truly wrong with me.

Photos from Ballie Baits's post 12/09/2023

Number 2 graciously took the Hydrolyzed corn.

Photos from Ballie Baits's post 12/09/2023

It cold this morning

Photos from Ballie Baits's post 12/09/2023

Sunrise and snowy mountains still catching fish

Photos from Ballie Baits's post 12/09/2023

With 10 to 15 mph winds. Never wanted to release a fish so fast in my life. I have to wonder what's wrong with me.

Photos from Ballie Baits's post 12/03/2023

Dialing in the corn Hydrolyzed milk . First time rolling 24mm. Definitely make my 18mm look tiny. Can't wait to get out and test these chokers.

Photos from Ballie Baits's post 10/28/2023

A few soft bites on this cold windy day. Was able to hook up in this little 15lbs. Caught on the sweet corn boilies and the sweet corn booster. I shouldn't have been lazy and changed to heavy leads and PVA sticks. Instead of 60 gram method feeders. It was to cold and windy for that much work. 😂

Photos from Ballie Baits's post 10/28/2023

Mixed up sweet corn booster on just 500 grams of panko. Just to test if I am happy with the booster. Well it lost the corn smell has more of a nutty smell this morning. The creamy ness was there and milk back notes. Now to go freeze in 27 degree weather with winds. The things I do to catch golden mermaids.


Round one of stabilizing the corn booster with digestive aids. A mixture to match its boilie counterpart. I tell you there are so many easier roads I could take. I can't or won't. I want to stabilize what goes into boilies. Cause I believe in my theory of small particles for comfort. If your small particles can't produce then why eat your boilies. I am failing you as an angler and my theories incorrect. So as soon as I stop catching without pre-baiting, pre-conditioning and spodding. I will admit I am wrong if someone can beat my standards. Appreciate the angler. Ballie Baits

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Videos (show all)

Merry Christmas to everyone and happy holidays! 6 carp caught 2 days before Christmas. On the new bait in development. I...
Just a Recap of captures caught on the Hydrolyzed milk protein sweet corn flavored soluble boilies with digestive aids.
#claimthebank no pre-baiting, spodding or pre-conditioning. Hydrolyzed milk corn flavored boilies getting it done in the...
Clam bake, 30% fish meal boilie. No pre-baiting and we are still catching carp
Awesome outing R&D of a new bait. A sweet corn flavored hydrolyzed milk soluble boilies with digestive aids.
Never gets old when they inhale two 18mm clam bake boilies. #claimthebank Ballie Baits
Fall colors coming out from Ballie Baits. #claimbank
#claimthebank Ballie Baits
A corny kind of day. Custom made sweet corn with milk protiens. A sweet corn booster liquid to go with it. Cause we all ...




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