EastWest Healing

Revolutionizing nutrition for thyroid health! Another very interesting observation was the enormous spectrum by which food affected one person vs. another.

Josh and Jeanne are revolutionizing nutrition for thyroid health by teaching people how to use food as supplementation, reduce stress and build the most sound foundation for the body to heal. After many years of following the functional medicine path coupled with teaching people about “healthy” food Josh and Jeanne began to see some common trends. People began qualifying themselves by their labs,

Photos from EastWest Healing's post 08/30/2024

Here is how we helped a TNNS member fix her chronic fatigue in less than 2 weeks!
Now let’s preface this with she is not healed but finally going in the right direction.
This is someone who has had chronic fatigue, histamine issues, feeling dizzy all the time for the last 4 YEARS to the point of not being able to get out of bed to do anything! Not to mention how debilitating this is being a breastfeeding STAHM!!
Just like you she…
💊 Tried all the supplements
🧪 Did all the labs
🥼 Worked with all the specialists
…and tried all the modalities!
But she still struggled and got to a point where all those things made her worse. So, what did we do differently?

We focused on her story, her patterns, her environment, and the things she had control over to change. What we have done so far that has helped is amazing because the program has not EVEN STARTED YET!
⚓️ We focused on resourcing herself in the morning to anchor the system before the kids wake up, to create cues of safety for the system
☀️ We focused on stepping outside in the morning sun first thing to do her devotion vs inside under blue light.
🥤We focused on eating a light and easy protein dominant snack if she woke up with no appetite.
🥩 But if she did wake hungry, she would adapt and eat a protein and fat dominant dense meal.
⬇️ We focused reducing her carb intake the first half of the day.
This alone has gotten her to the point in 2 weekswhere…
“I have only been doing what was suggested and have already seen improvements! I was able to clean my entire house by myself and was able to do a massive amount of laundry, two loads of dishes, sweep my floors, run to the grocery store and did it all on the same day! The next day I thought I would feel awful and decided to make sure I took it easy, but I woke up feeling energized and it was a good energetic feeling not an adrenal rush where I felt panicked. I feel encouraged!”
Enrollment for The Nourished Nervous System is OPEN! 

➡️ If you’re ready for real change and tired of the same old methods that keep giving you the same old results, DM us ‘program’, and we’ll send you the link.

Photos from EastWest Healing's post 08/29/2024

If you are ready to Heal your hormones, Restore your metabolism and Nourish your nervous system…
.:without dozens of supplements, expensive labs or non-sustainable diets…

DM or comment ‘program’ and we will show you how!

Photos from EastWest Healing's post 08/26/2024

How I Helped My Client Wake Up Hungry in Less Than 2 Months

Your body is always talking to you—are you listening?

Ideally, you should wake up with the sun and a healthy appetite. If you don’t, it’s a sign that your body might be stressed. Stress can disrupt your normal hunger signals, even if you don’t feel stressed.

Here’s a proven method that’s worked for 100s of clients:
☀️ Morning Sunlight: Step outside and soak up some morning rays. This helps lower cortisol levels and kick-start your HPA axis, setting you up for a better day.
🥛Light Snack : Start with something light, like a small 4oz protein shake. Think of this as kindling for your metabolism.
🥩Dense Breakfast 🍳: About 60-90 minutes later, have a hearty breakfast. It doesn’t need to be huge, just nutrient-dense—like 2 eggs, 1oz ground beef, and some veggies.

There’s more to it, including personalized habits, workouts, and nutrition. But this simple routine has helped many people start waking up hungry again within just 2 months.

When you stop pathologizing and start seeing your symptoms as messages from your body, healing will truly begin.

Photos from EastWest Healing's post 08/22/2024

The difference between you and me/us?

When it comes to helping people, we teach them how to fish so they’re fed for a lifetime—not just for a day.

A transformational gift we learned through our own personal journeys.

Too many people, including practitioners, are telling you how to fish—offering quick fixes like:
❌Weight loss through calorie cutting and over-exercising
❌Detoxes and cleanses
❌Massive supplement and hormone protocols
❌Endless healing modalities that “fix” you
❌Expensive labs that mimic conventional approaches

But here’s the problem: when you chase the effectsof how you’re living, eating, breathing, and moving, you sacrifice long-term health for short-term results.

After the book, course, 30-day detox, or pricey protocol—what then? You’re back at square one, without having addressed the root causes of your symptoms.

Sticking to the same path is insanity! It leaves you more confused, symptomatic, overwhelmed, stuck, angry, exhausted—and deeper in debt. You don’t want that, right?

What if instead, you focused on building long-term health? Imagine saying, “I have all the pieces to MY healing puzzle, I just need help rearranging and aligning them.”
Now, think about how your future would look:
✅ You’ll see both short-term improvements AND long-term vitality.
✅Health becomes a natural part of your life, not something that dictates it.
✅You’ll feel more confident, energized, and free—with a simplified approach that saves you money.

The path to lasting health doesn’t have to be complicated—it just needs to be sustainable.

Join us August 28th as we are hosting a FREE webinar…
Nutrition for Nervous System Healing 🙌🏻
Last time we had so many people Zoom had to cap it and people couldn’t get in!!
➡️ Comment or DM ‘nourish’ and we will send you the link to grab your seat!

Photos from EastWest Healing's post 08/20/2024

3 Reasons the Adrenal Cocktail (or any mocktail) isn’t working for you

Adrenal cocktails and mocktails are often hyped as “magic” potions in the metabolic world. While they can be useful tools, they’re often misunderstood and misused. Let’s clear up some common misconceptions:

1️.They’re not a meal. Mocktails are not food substitutes and shouldn’t be used as your primary source of carbs, meals, or snacks.

2. They’re not a quick fix for imbalances. The sodium-potassium ratio on your HTMA won’t magically resolve by just sipping a mocktail.

3. They’re not the foundation of healing. True healing starts with lifestyle and food foundations. Incorporate the adrenal cocktail only when those are solid and your body is more regulated.

While some people swear by them, many others heal perfectly fine without ever touching a mocktail. Healing isn’t about any single solution—no one thing will heal you. The real magic happens when you take a whole-body, integrated approach.

Remember: You hold the power to heal yourself. ✨ That’s your greatest superpower!

Early bird enrollment MAY end today 😂 It’s supposed to but we are being transparent and may or may not extent it. Haven’t decided.

Photos from EastWest Healing's post 08/18/2024

You cannot heal if you’re committed to being sick.

I say this with all the love and compassion in the world, but think about it…

If your goal is health and healing, why then is so much of your focus on the dis-ease?

Here’s a glimpse of the fear-driven narratives shaping people’s healing journeys:
👎🏻 “GMO foods are toxic! And don’t forget fluoride—it’s harmful too!”
👎🏻 “EMFs will wreck your nervous system!”
👎🏻 “You’re drowning in excess estrogen!”
👎🏻 “Gluten, sugar, and dairy are the enemy!”
👎🏻 “Watch out for PUFAs—they’ll destroy your health!”
👎🏻 “The soil is dead, so you need endless supplements!”
👎🏻 “Parasites are eating you alive from the inside out!”
👎🏻 “You must have blue blockers, red light therapy, and every gadget out there to heal!”

The concerns are real—yes, we’re exposed to many things that can disrupt our balance and impact our health.

BUT here’s what I really want you to hear: the constant fear and stress of trying to take every “right” step toward perfect health is counterproductive.

Fear triggers a chain reaction in your body. The amygdala, the brain’s fear center, signals the hypothalamus to activate your fight-or-flight response. Your adrenal glands then pump out stress hormones that spike your heart rate, elevate blood glucose, convert fats to sugar, suppress your immune system, and create chronic inflammation.

Yes, we face a lot of external stressors—pesticides, GMOs, EMFs, poor water and soil quality, and more. But when we live in constant fear, we only add more inflammation and weaken our resilience.

When we let go of what we can’t control and focus on what we can—like surrounding ourselves with things that nourish us physically and emotionally—we create health. By giving ourselves permission to relax, enjoy food, and savor life, we bring our bodies into a more balanced, supportive state.

So, I challenge you: Shift your focus to what’s right in your body, what you can eat, what you do have, and the time you do get.

This shift reduces stress, reconnects you with your body, and creates safety so your body can find its balance.

Ready to take on this challenge?

Photos from EastWest Healing's post 08/15/2024

How I am going to help my client her energy back in the next 3 months.

To be honest, it doesn’t matter what disease or symptoms our clients have, fatigue is always at the top of the list.

This client, actually practitioner, came to me with severe hormone issues, weight gain, leptin resistant, headaches, low cortisol, and extreme fatigue.

Just like you she tried the conventional route of labs and taking hormones, adrenal supplements and more but it didn’t work. Even her own methods didn’t seem to do the trick.

But the missing piece that I identified was her morning routine. Its been like this for 18yrs, creating her current state. But not one person identified this and kept throwing labs and supplements at her.

She would wake up, not eat, and go train because she had to…it was a part of her job. She would wake as early as 4:30am, teach all morning without food, then eat mid day finally and have to take a nap.

No food, no sunlight, tons of blue light = all the above!

What we did instead was…
Worked on adding blue blockers when needed to protect against the blue light.
Working on her schedule to get other staff members to teach.
Focused on waking up and seeing the sun first thing, then eating breakfast.
Eating a dense breakfast outside or at sunrise.
Going for walks 3x a day instead of working out right now.

And guess what, after only one month her energy is way better, her digestion is better, and her sleep is better.


How our client healed her histamine intolerance – no histamine diet necessary!

To eliminate your histamine issues once and for all you have to look at the habits, behaviors and environment CAUSING the histamine issues. When you begin to change the input, the outputs correct themselves.

Can food elimination help? Sure, as it can be a trigger but it is not the solution.

Elevated histamine is a result of chronic, unmitigated stress, which controls chemical output from the adrenal glands and sympathetic output via the spinal cord, which activates mast cells (especially in the gut), and therefore the release of HISTAMINE.

Consequently, this process shuts down the energy management system in the body and interferes with proper histamine metabolism.

When the production of DAO enzyme (needed to break down histamine) is inhibited histamine will accumulate in the blood, leading to an array of symptoms such as increased gut permeability, malabsorption, and inflammation (SIBO, Histamine issues, MCAS, etc).

As a result, the chronic nature of these stress adaptations are being communicated to the brain locking you in a vicious cycle of inflammation.

When it comes to histamine issues what shines:
🍴 Eating more nutrient rich foods like kidney (contains DAO), liver, heart, fatty fish, white fish, eggs and dairy
☀️ Getting outside at sunrise, UVA and UVA to sync back in with your biological rhythms
🍽️ Eating thymus gland or supplementing with it to help your body produce more DAO
🫖 As needed using nettle and holy basil teas. One inhibits the H1 receptor and the others acts on the mast cell.
�Let’s be clear, doing the above is a “solution,” but not a personalized one. Nor is it step one. Before any of this can work you have to take the proper steps to restore the energy systems in your body.

Then and only then, foods and teas can be used therapeutically with great success!


Grab your spot here…

There are only 20 spots available so LETS GO!!


Struggling with hormone imbalances? Here’s what I wish I’d known sooner.

For years, I battled hormone issues, starting as early as 10 years old 😳. Like many of you, I tried countless supplements, diets, and treatments, only to find myself back at square one.

But everything changed when I focused on balancing my cortisol naturally—no labs, no supplements, just simple lifestyle tweaks that transformed my health.

Here’s what worked for me:
👓 Blocking Harmful EMF: I started wearing blue light blockers before sunrise and after sunset, and during screen time. (Yep, I thought it was hogwash too!)

☀️ Morning Sunlight Exposure: I make it a point to soak in the morning sun to reset my HPA axis and activate my parasympathetic nervous system.

🚶‍♀️ Midday Walks: I walk during UVA hours and at solar noon to naturally boost hormone production.

🌅 Sunset Ritual: I step outside at sunset to help my body transition from day to night, moving from pituitary activation (alertness) to pineal stimulation (rest), supporting my parasympathetic nervous system.

If you’re on a journey to regulate your cortisol and balance your hormones, and you’re NOT taking these steps, you’re missing a powerful piece of the puzzle.

Remember, you have the power to take control, and it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Ready to take control of your hormones?

👉 DM or comment ‘group’ to join the waitlist.

🗓️ Early bird enrollment for The Nourished Nervous System Program opens Aug. 14th! Enjoy amazing bonuses, including a $350 coupon + instant access to lessons and a Metabolic Blueprint Makeover before the program starts!

This early bird offer is available for two weeks only to a select number of people.

Photos from EastWest Healing's post 08/12/2024

Probiotics are a waste of money if you are not managing your stress.
It would be equivalent to moving new furniture into a house that’s on fire. Doesn’t make sense eh.
In simple terms, chronic stress > decrease hydrochloric acid > alters the pH of the entire GI system > affecting how the small intestine releases lactase, lipase, sucrase > affecting the release of pancreatic enzymes and the dominos keep falling.
Additionally, decreased HCL production alters pH signaling, reducing gastric motility, the fermentation of food in the gut and the perfect breeding ground for harmful bacteria. This is how SIBO forms, showing you that SIBO is not the primary issue, stress is.
It also needs to be noted that HCL is an official gate keeper of the small intestine, ensuring nothing seeps back out into the stomach. Anytime HCL drops, your stomach’s ability to digest and absorb protein is affected. This means mineral and fat- soluble vitamin deficiencies begin to develop.
As we always say, if you do not make the appropriate changes, nothing can or will change.

So why take something to reduce inflammation when you can  make simple shifts to address the variables causing it?


What works better, taking supplements to heal your gut or…

Making lifestyle changes, creating new habits and change might be even more effective? 🤔

Let’s dive into the science behind it, using SIBO as an example.

Your body’s systems are regulated by a central clock called the SCN. This clock manages your circadian rhythm and affects every cell in your body. When your rhythm is off due to:
🌙 Sleeping in too late or staying up too late
📱 Too much blue light and not enough natural sunlight
🚶‍♂️Not moving enough or not moving in ways that meet your needs
🍽️ Eating the wrong foods at the wrong times, perpetuating the underlying physiological instability

…you create stress on your body because it can’t thrive when it’s out of sync.

Just like your body has a central clock, your microbiome (gut bacteria) has its own clock too. These clocks synchronize through various environmental signals called zeitgebers.

For your body’s master clock (SCN), the primary zeitgeber is light. But your gut microbiome’s clock is mainly influenced by the feeding/fasting cycle.

What happens when your feeding/fasting cycle is disrupted? It can throw off the balance of bacteria in your gut, increasing the Firmicutes:Bacteroidetes (feeding:fasting bacteria) ratio, contributing to SIBO. This imbalance can lead to more inflammation and symptoms.

Simple Starter Solutions to Sync Your Gut Clock:
☀️ Eat your meals between sunrise and sunset.
🌄 Get outside in the morning to soak up sunlight.
🥪 Have breakfast in the sun to help sync your microbiome clock.
🍽️ Consider eating more frequent, nutrient-dense meals to start.
🌙 Block blue light in the evening with blue light blockers.
🚗 Open windows in your car & office for natural light.

Give these tips a try and see how they can help you feel more balanced and in tune with your body’s natural rhythms.

Ready to get to the root of your gut issues?

👉 DM or comment ‘group’ to join the waitlist.

🗓️ Early bird enrollment for The Nourished Nervous System Program opens Aug. 14th! Enjoy amazing bonuses, including a $350 coupon + instant access to lessons and a Metabolic Blueprint Makeover before the program starts!


“There’s a saying that could truly change your healing journey: Stop trying to eat all the tadpoles—just eat the frog!

What does this mean? Many of you are doing all the things you think you should do based on podcasts and social media, but those might not be what you actually need. In fact, they could be the very things draining your energy, perpetuating your issues and keeping you from the very things YOU NEED to heal.

The ‘frog’ is that one crucial thing you need to do first thing in the morning—the task you’ve been procrastinating on or avoiding.

After 24 years in clinical practice, we can tell you this: More isn’t always better. In fact, doing more can be the exact opposite of what you need to unlock your healing power.

Are you ready to do less to achieve more!!

DM or comment ‘group’ to get the link to join the waitlist.

Early bird enrollment for The Nourished Nervous System Program opens Aug. 14th! Enjoy amazing bonuses, including a $350 coupon + instant access to lessons and a Metabolic Blueprint Makeover before the program even starts!

This early bird offer is available for two weeks only to a select number of people.


Here’s a simple daily habit that has dramatically improved our health (and can yours too!)!

Most people say the first thing you should do upon waking is to eat, not drink coffee. While this is partially true, they’re missing a crucial step that dictates your daily biological rhythms, as well as how well you’ll sleep at night.

Step outside and catch the morning sunrise before turning on lights, looking at your phone, drinking coffee, or eating.

Seems simple and elementary but it is grounded in tons of research and human evolution: Sunrise light is rich in infrared and red light, which activates all your energy systems. This light triggers receptors in your retina, cornea, and skin, communicating with your SCN and HPA axis to get your body ready for the day.

If you skip this and your primary light source is blue light, it overstimulates the HPA axis and raises cortisol, pushing you into a stressed state.

Your adrenals bear the brunt all day. Seeing the sunrise will:
☀️ upport the HPA axis and promote a parasympathetic state.
☀️Balance the cortisol/melatonin relationship for better sleep.

Truth is, the moment you open your eyes in the morning, you begin your bedtime routine.

If you wake up before sunrise, wear orange blue blockers until you can get outside.

If you drive to work while the sun is rising, roll down your windows and take off your sunglasses.

Spend a few minutes outside when you arrive at work to catch the sunrise.

The more morning light you get in your eyes, the better your body can meet the demands of the day.

Our culture is drifting away from nature’s rhythm, causing more health issues. Most people wake up, check their phone, rush around, skip breakfast, grab a coffee, wear sunglasses, and spend the day indoors.

Food, supplements, red light therapy, and hormones can only do so much when you are skipping over this essential step.

Light is the primary support for your cells to function properly. Without it, you’re just chasing your tail.
 Do less to achieve more.

➡️ If you are ready to simplify your journey, DM or comment ‘simplified’ and we will send you a link to our podcast.

Photos from EastWest Healing's post 08/06/2024

Reclaiming stillness within vs surviving in physiological chaos and in shutdown.

“We depend on each other for survival and we need to be able to disarm our defenses and come into a shared experience of immobilization, first to meet our early nurturing needs and then for ongoing moments of intimate connection.” Deb Dana

So how can you move toward stillness without causing complete shutdown?
Stillness is only possible through the dorsal vagal (deep parasympathetic – immobilization) and ventral vagal (parasympathetic – social engagement) circuits working together- being able to engagement between the two allows us to experience immobilization without fear. 

“When actions of immobilization are coupled with feelings of connection – feelings that don’t trigger defense – then immobilization without fear is possible” Deveraux, 2017.

Sitting in silence with someone without feeling the need to fill the space with words is a measure of feeling safe in stillness, the ability to turn inward and become quiet, physical contact like holding hands, dancing or sexual intimacy, even sleeping next to someone tests the ability to be immobilized without fear.

In the world we live in today, this has become a challenge for many. There is too much threat in being still and the nervous system quickly moves out of connection into collapse or disassociation. We can reshape this co-regulation between these two piece of the ANS through micro-moments: words offer a gentle entry (still, quiet, or at rest), coming into the body through reoriention to self throughout the day to remind the brain you are safe, finding breath, visualization of safe space and experiences, all provide opportunity to support relationship and opportunities for co-regulation.

It is true -our life experiences (stress, trauma-hospitalizations, traumatic births, etc.) shape our nervous system. For some it can even be preset through generational experiences. However, through taking slow and steady steps toward creating safe space, both internal and external, we ALL have the ability to take control, and reshape and create a system of resiliency and adaptability.


How Susan Transformed Her GI System and more, in Less Than 8 Weeks with TNNS Program 🌿

When Susan joined The Nourished Nervous System (TNNS) Program, she was in the same boat as many of you:
🫤 Confused: MDs and other practitioners overwhelmed her with labs.
😠 Frustrated: Supplement protocols didn’t work.
😑 Stuck: Restrictive diets were the only offered solution.

The first step Susan took was to anchor herself in the TNNS Program by shutting off all social media, podcasts, and any other noise that disconnected her. She focused on the lessons, participated in the lives, was active in the community, and followed her personalized Metabolic Blueprint Makeover to the T!

Here’s What Made the Difference: We understand your desire to heal. But often, you’re starting on Step 4 instead of Step 1, not honoring your unique story, focusing on what’s wrong instead of what’s right, and chasing symptoms instead of addressing the root cause for long-term health.

When Susan turned her attention to her basic human needs (light, nutrition, rhythm, structure, pace of life), her physiology began to significantly improve.

In Just 2 Months:
✅ No more GI or bowel issues—IMMENSE freedom! (ie. Felt free to leave her home and hike without fear of having an accident, able to enjoy massages, and the theatre, the Philharmonic, etc.!)
✅ Histamine issues? Gone.
✅ Lost 18 lbs, sleeps through the night, consistent energy, and self-forgiveness. In her words, she “has regained her personal soul energy.”

Ready to get to the root cause of your issues?

👉 DM or comment ‘group’ to join the waitlist.

🗓️ Early bird enrollment for The Nourished Nervous System Program opens Aug. 14th! Enjoy amazing bonuses, including a $350 coupon + instant access to lessons and a Metabolic Blueprint Makeover before the program starts!

This early bird offer is available for two weeks only to a select number of people.

Photos from EastWest Healing's post 08/05/2024

We challenge you to dig deep and answer this question for yourself: Why continue to do the same thing and expect a different result?

Before any labs or supplements come into your healing here are the areas we have found over 24 years of clinical practice hold all the power in your healing:

➡️Understanding your unique story and how this has shaped your physiology and the things you need day to day.

➡️Turning your attention to basic human needs (light, nutrition, rhythm, structure, pace of life) significantly impact your physiology.

➡️Learning how to optimize the health and state of your metabolism, which influences your hormones and overall health.

➡️Holding your attention on what is right with you vs. not what’s wrong.

➡️Addressing the root causes, not just the symptoms, to create lasting health.

If you’re ready for change and want to drop the old philosophy, join us.

We’re here to guide you toward your healing destiny… without labs, supplements, unsustainable diets and crazy detox protocols.

Early bird enrollment for The Nourished Nervous System Program opens Aug. 14th! Enjoy amazing bonuses, including a $350 coupon + instant access to the lessons and a Metabolic Makeover before the program even starts!

This early bird offer is available for two weeks only to a select number of people.

DM or comment ‘group’ to get the link to join the waitlist.

Photos from EastWest Healing's post 07/31/2024

Histamine is a chemical involved in your immune system, digestion, and central nervous system. As a neurotransmitter, it communicates important messages from your body to your brain. Histamine is produced by basophils and mast cells to dilate blood vessels, increase blood flow, and allow immune cells to reach damaged areas and fight pathogens.

The two major enzymes that reduce histamine in the body are N-Methyltransferase (HMT) and diamine oxidase (DAO). HMT works with histamine in our central nervous system, while DAO breaks down histamine in the foods we consume.

Chronic stress stimulates the hypothalamus, which controls chemical output from the adrenal glands and sympathetic output via the spinal cord. This stress activates mast cells, especially in the gut, which release histamine. This creates a vicious cycle of inflammation.

On a cellular level, when mast cells are activated, histamines eject potassium and magnesium from the intracellular space and flood the cell with calcium, sodium, and water to flush out the problem. This process, while beneficial short-term, becomes harmful when chronic. Therefore, creating change at the cellular level is crucial for balance.

Here’s what we know:
✅ Metallothionein can be increased by chronic ACTH and cortisol production, and it binds to copper trapped within cells, leading to a copper deficiency.

✅ Additionally, the adrenals regulate stress and inflammation and support the liver’s production of ceruloplasmin (bioavailable copper). Chronic stress impairs this function, causing a drop in bioavailable copper.

The solution isn’t in a supplement; it’s in creating change to produce physiological change.

“After doing TNNS Program, I no longer have any histamine issues that I struggled with for years. I am forever grateful.”

▶️ If you are struggling with histamine issues and want a personalized approach instead of a restrictive diet loaded with supplements, DM or comment ‘group’ and we’ll send you a link to join the waitlist.

Early bird enrollment for TNNS Program is opening soon, and we’re offering amazing bonuses to get you started right away!

Photos from EastWest Healing's post 07/29/2024

Anytime we talk minerals the first thing that everyone brings up is “Should I run an HTMA?”…and when they do, against our advice, here is what comes next…
…you think that all you have to do is take a supplement, or eat the food, and your will replenish your mineral tanks.
But here’s the untold secret … mineral depletion is a direct consequence of chronic stress on your system. 
No supplement, food, or modality alone can fully replenish minerals without a proper strategy to manage stress internally. Our primary focus? Down-regulating that stress response.
Chronic stress wreaks havoc—sodium retention, potassium loss, magnesium depletion, copper imbalance—the list goes on. 
To regulate this stress and inflammation, we must support cellular oxygen and nutrient uptake. And the true source? Minerals from the food we eat. But receiving these minerals isn’t just about what we eat; it’s about how we live—our habits, thoughts, breath, and movement ‼️
The daily physiological stress isn’t just an event; it’s an adaptation to our entire environment. No supplement or quick fix can replace the need for genuine change. It’s a journey of creating new, healthy behaviors—it takes time, effort, and commitment.
You all are lost in HTMAs, chugging supplements, and obsessing over mineral-rich foods, all in pursuit of someone else’s idea of ‘optimal.’
But here is the kicker, your HTMA is showing you the state of your systems and how they are adapting to chronic stress… It’s a report card on how your body handles stress, how you adapt to your external environment, and how that impacts your internal balance:
Na:K ratio reflects stress levels.
Ca:Mg ratio hints at blood sugar management.
Ca:K ratio offers insights into thyroid activity.
Na:Mg ratio indicates adrenal health.
Zn:Cu ratio relates to hormonal balance.
Ca:P ratio reflects oxidative stress.
However, none of these values will ever indicate the need for a supplement protocol. Rather, they illustrate how your lifestyle, diet, and stress management influence your biological responses. 
You can’t out eat unhealthy habits.
There is always a time and place for an HTMA but it is never Step #1.

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Our Story

Josh and Jeanne are revolutionizing nutrition for thyroid health by teaching people how to use food as supplementation, reduce stress and build the most sound foundation for the body to heal.

After many years of following the functional medicine path coupled with teaching people about “healthy” food Josh and Jeanne began to see some common trends. People began qualifying themselves by their labs, resulting in increased anxiety, hyper-focus on disease and a devastating blow to the overall health of the individual. Another very interesting observation was the enormous spectrum by which food affected one person vs. another.

Digging deeper into the effects of food on human physiology and the work of endocrinology and physiology masterminds such as Ray Peat, Constance Martin, Dr. John Lee, Hans Selye and a handful of others, Josh and Jeanne began to recognize the health of the metabolism and the different effects the environment can have on two different, yet similar beings.

Underlying these differences are genetics, life experiences, nutrition, lifestyle habits and the effects of stress on the nervous system; the story. And underlying this story, working very hard to maintain health, is the living cell.

“For us to understand disease we must first understand the living cell.”- Dr. Bieber.

The role of thyroid hormone in every single cell in the body signifies the importance in having a healthy, functioning thyroid. Inspired by the work of Dr. Broda Barnes, Josh and Jeanne were able to develop a very effective and comprehensive approach to creating the perfect nutritional foundation aimed at restoring energy metabolism.

Using food as supplementation Josh and Jeanne have transformed the lives of hundreds of people around the world by working with them to create the perfect nutrition plan. They do not believe in fixing or suppressing symptoms, but do believe when you provide the body adequate resources to meet the demands of that individual body, the intelligence of the human body takes over and healing unfolds. They believe the greatest defense one has against the ever-changing environment is the health of the metabolism. When the metabolism is strong and the thyroid is functioning, all systems are working in synergy, just as they are meant to.

Josh and Jeanne pride themselves on their individualization and attention to detail. They believe unless the time is taken to listen to individual stories, to hear the story, to acknowledge the story and to respond appropriately to the story, health will be lost. To achieve optimal health they have learned it is imperative we learn more about these vessels we inhabit throughout our lives and how to support them.

Josh and Jeanne are giving people back what is rightfully theirs, their health and their lives.

Health is simple, so why is it so few have it? Because as a society we have been trained to look to someone or something to heal us and abandoned the simple laws of nature.

Josh and Jeanne are teaching people how to use food to resource their body in new ways, which in turn is building a bridge for complete mind, body and spirit growth and transformation.

They have spent the past 15 years building an approach to healing grounded in the health and innate properties of nature. They both have very different stories but have found by applying what they are going to teach you, have achieved greater health today then ever before in their lives.

They believe that the best coach is one that has walked the walk. As Albert Einstein said, “the only source of knowledge is experience.”

Josh and Jeanne have been in the shoes of their clients. They have walked step by step and live their lives based on the philosophy they teach. They know it works first hand and are excited to get to share what they have learned with you.

Videos (show all)

How our client healed her histamine intolerance – no histamine diet necessary!  To eliminate your histamine issues once ...
What works better, taking supplements to heal your gut or…Making lifestyle changes, creating new habits and change might...
How Susan Transformed Her GI System and more, in Less Than 8 Weeks with TNNS Program 🌿When Susan joined The Nourished Ne...
7 Ways You Could Be Sabotaging Your Healing1️⃣Use social media as your personalized treatment plan. It’s loaded with inf...
Is a GI Map Test the First Step in Your Healing Journey?The answer is no, and here’s why:You likely left Western medicin...
3 Reasons the Carrot Salad is Not What You ThinkBefore you get all bent out of shape, yes, it's true that eating carrot ...
In our industry estrogen gets bad wrap and is always trying to be regulated with progesterone or detoxified with supplem...
5 facts that bust the myth about Vitamin A (retinol) toxicity!Misinformation fuels fear. Blaming natural retinol for hea...
Next time you pick up a supplement, check for Citric Acid! Here’s why:Citric Acid (C Acid) is a natural compound found i...
My client came to me with horrible cramps, hot flashes, breast tenderness and dysregulated cycles. The hardest part was ...



Boise, ID

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 9am - 5pm

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