Idaho SHIBA, a service of the Idaho Department of Insurance, provides free, unbiased Medicare counsel

For help and information:
• Call (800) 247-4422
• Visit
• Email IdahoSHIBA @

Senior Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA) is Idaho's provider of Medicare benefits assistance programs for the federal network of State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (SHIPs) operated under the Agency for Community Living. It is a service of the Idaho Department of I


🏥National Health Center Week is August 4-10, when we recognize the amazing work that Community Health Centers do every day! 👩‍⚕️

After all, Community Health Centers are not-for-profit organizations are driven by the mission to improve the well-being of the communities they serve. 👭💖 As a result, health centers play an important role in preventing illness, addressing the social drivers of health, and promoting health equity. 😮

They provide care to:
✔️1 in 5 uninsured 🚫💼
✔️1 in 3 living in poverty 💔
✔️1 in 5 rural residents 🏞️

If you’ve ever gone to a Community Health Center, this week is the week to let them know you appreciate what they do! 🌟


☀️💪 Last month we gave you a few ideas for how to get or stay active and enjoy the outdoors this summer. Since there are so many ways to get out and enjoy the summer, we thought we’d give you a few more ideas for how to get outside and get your body moving! 🏃‍♀️

🧘‍♂️Outdoor Yoga: Find a shaded spot in your garden or a nearby park (or join an outdoor yoga class) and practice yoga for improved flexibility, strength, and overall mobility. In a wheelchair? Try seated yoga poses while outside!

🚲Ride a Bike: Take a leisurely bike ride on flat, paved paths. Cycling is easy on the joints and a fun way to explore new areas.

🌳Outdoor Group Fitness Classes: Check out local community centers or senior centers for outdoor fitness classes that are tailored to seniors, such as chair yoga or senior aerobics.


🔍 Have you checked your skin for changes recently?🔍Taking time to routinely do skin checks can save your life. Here's why it matters:

✅Early Detection: Regular skin checks help spot changes like new moles, growths, or changes in existing ones, which can be crucial for catching skin cancer early.
✅Self-awareness: Knowing your skin helps you notice any changes over time. Look for changes in size, shape, color, or texture of moles or skin spots.
✅Protection: By staying vigilant and protecting your skin from UV rays with sunscreen, hats, and clothing, you reduce the risk of skin damage and skin cancer.

In addition to checking your skin regularly, be sure to schedule an annual skin check with your doctor or dermatologist!

Also, if you notice any concerning changes in your skin, contact your doctor immediately. Your skin deserves attention and care! 💙

How to Stay Safe From Third-Party Seller Scams - NerdWallet 07/26/2024

Check out this article on how to protect you and your loved ones from third-party seller scams.

How to Stay Safe From Third-Party Seller Scams - NerdWallet When shopping online, strategies like reading reviews carefully and paying with a credit card can help protect you from third-party seller scams.


🌟 🌟Did you know that probiotics (good bacteria) promote a healthy gut and offer a range of benefits? They can aid digestion and potentially ease issues like bloating or constipation. A healthy gut also contributes to a stronger immune system, which can help you fend off infections and illnesses. 🌈

Ready to add more probiotics to your diet? Here are some delicious sources:
🥛 Yogurt: Look for varieties with live and active cultures.
🥗 Fermented Foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickles are a good source.
🧀 Cheese: Certain types like cottage cheese, gouda, cheddar, and mozzarella have probiotics.
🥦 Kefir, a fermented milk drink, is packed with probiotics.
🍞 Sourdough bread is made through a fermentation process and is a good source.
🍢 Miso is a fermented soybean product with probiotics.

Give your gut some love and explore these tasty probiotic-rich foods! Your body will thank you. 💚


🥵As temperatures rise, it's crucial to take extra care, especially if you have chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, or arthritis. Here's a few ideas for how to stay safe and comfortable ☀️😎:

🥛Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to prevent dehydration, which can worsen conditions like heart disease and diabetes.
💦Keep Cool: Stay indoors during the hottest part of the day. Use fans, air conditioning, or cool baths to lower body temperature and ease arthritis symptoms.
👩‍🔧Monitor Medications: Some medications can interact with heat, so talk to your healthcare provider about adjustments that may be needed during summer months.
⛱️Protect Your Skin: If you're managing diabetes, take extra care of your skin to protect yourself from things like heat rash or infections.
👂Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how you feel. If you experience dizziness, weakness, or increased symptoms, seek shade and rest. Contact your doctor if your symptoms don’t improve.

As always, if you experience any concerning symptoms, ask your doctor for advice about how to stay safe and manage your condition!


☀️ UV Safety is important all year round, but in honor of UV Awareness Month, we’re putting a spotlight on this important topic! So, let's talk sun safety! 🕶️

First, the basics: UV (ultraviolet) rays are invisible rays from the sun that can damage your skin and eyes. ❤️‍🔥🔥There are three types: UVA, UVB, and UVC (mostly absorbed by the ozone layer).

Now, here’s how to stay safe:
🕒 Seek Shade: Limit sun exposure during peak hours (10 AM to 4 PM), when UV rays are strongest.
🧴 Use Sunscreen: Choose broad spectrum SPF 30 or higher and apply generously 15 minutes before going out. Reapply every 2 hours, or more often if swimming or sweating.
🕶️ Wear Sunglasses: Look for sunglasses that block 100% of UVA and UVB rays. Protecting your eyes is as important as protecting your skin!
🧢 Cover Up: Wear wide-brimmed hats, long sleeves, and pants when possible. Lightweight, tightly woven fabrics offer better protection.
Let's enjoy the sun safely and protect our skin and eyes from UV damage! ☀️😎


🌟 Today, we recognize National Chronic Disease Day with a reminder to prioritize your health every day! 💪

Chronic diseases affect millions worldwide, but awareness and proactive steps can help prevent them.

🔍 Remember to take charge of your health with regular check-ups and lifestyle choices that promote wellness. (You know the drill—make sure you do things like exercise regularly 🏃‍♀️, eat a balanced diet 🍎, get your regular checkups 👩‍⚕️, and incorporate stress management tools into your daily habits 🌬️.)

With some good habits, you can reduce the impact of chronic diseases and, with more awareness, we can all live our best lives! 🧡💙


😎While sunshine is essential for your body to process vitamin D, ultraviolet radiation (UV) can quickly damage your skin. ❤️‍🔥🔥 In honor of UV Safety Awareness Month, let’s share some UV-related facts.

☀️UV rays can damage skin no matter what your skin tone is
☀️UV light exposure causes most skin cancers
☀️1 in 5 Americans get skin cancer
☀️Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the U.S.
☀️Just five sunburns doubles your risk of developing melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer

What can you do to protect yourself? The American Academy of Dermatology Association recommends the following safe-sun practice year-round: ⛱️seek shade when appropriate, wear sun-protective clothing 🕶️, and apply a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher 🧴.

What is Medicare and How Does It Work? 07/03/2024

What is Medicare and How Does It Work? If you’re about to turn 65, signing up for may be on your mind. What does it cover? When should you enroll? Get all the answers in our Medicare guide.


Heading out to celebrate July 4th?🧨 Here are some tips to enjoy Independence Day while staying healthy and safe:

🥛Stay Hydrated: It's going to be a scorcher! Plan ahead to make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day.
⛱️Stay Cool: Avoid heat exhaustion by wearing lightweight, loose-fitting clothing in light colors that reflect the sun's rays. A wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses can also provide protection.
🦺Safety First: If you or your loved ones are handling fireworks, prioritize safety guidelines to ensure a fun and accident-free evening.


😊✨ Looking to boost your happiness? Cultivating positive habits can make a big difference in your overall well-being. Here are some simple habits to incorporate into your daily life for a happier you:

🙏Practice Gratitude: Take a few moments each day to reflect on what you’re thankful for.
🏃‍♂️Stay Active: Regular physical activity is a powerful mood booster.
🧑‍🤝‍🧑Connect with Others: Spend quality time with family and friends, engage in meaningful conversations, and nurture your relationships.
🌬️Embrace Mindfulness: Practice being present in the moment through mindfulness or meditation.
🧩Pursue Your Passions: Whether it’s a hobby, learning something new, or volunteering, doing what you love can significantly enhance your sense of happiness and purpose.

Start small, be consistent, and you may be surprised by how these habits improve your mood! 🌟


With the heat of summer, it’s especially important to stay hydrated. In addition to your trusted drinking water, here are some snacks that will help. 💦

🍉 Watermelon – it’s over 90% water, it tastes great, and it’s refreshing!
🥒 Cucumber slices – another hydrating snack, this can be eaten alone or dipped in dressing or hummus.
🍓 Berries – strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries – juicy and delicious!
🥤 Coconut water – this is a great alternative to sugary drinks and it has natural electrolytes.
🍊 Oranges – not only do they have lots of water content, they’re packed with vitamin C.
🍍 Pineapple – juicy, sweet, and hydrating, this is perfect for a tropical treat.
What’s your go-to hydrating snack? 🌊

How Trusts Can Protect Your Inheritance and Your Government Benefits 06/25/2024

How Trusts Can Protect Your Inheritance and Your Government Benefits An inheritance doesn’t have to affect your government benefits eligibility. Learn how a trust can protect your extra income.


Protecting your eyes during sunny days is crucial. ☀️👀 As you spend more time outside, it's also time to give your eyes some extra love! Here’s how:

😎Wear Sunglasses: Choose shades with 100% UVA and UVB protection to shield your eyes from harmful rays.
🤠Don a Hat: A wide-brimmed hat can provide extra shade and reduce glare.
🥛Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to reduce dryness in your eyes.
⛱️Avoid Direct Sunlight: Stay in the shade, especially during peak sun hours (10 AM - 4 PM), to minimize exposure.

Your eyes are precious, so make sure to protect them this summer. 😎



Summer is the perfect time to get or stay active and enjoy the outdoors! ☀️💪 Here are some ideas to inspire you:

🚶‍♀️Walk in the Park: Take a stroll in the park or around your neighborhood and enjoy the fresh air. If you’re in a wheelchair, many parks offer wheelchair-friendly routes.
🏊‍♀️Swim: Head to the pool for some low-impact exercise (also a great way to stay cool in the summer heat). If you’re in a wheelchair, join a wheelchair-friendly water aerobics class.
🙆‍♀️Tai Chi: Join a local Tai Chi class to improve balance, flexibility, and mental well-being.
🏡Gardening: Planting, weeding, and watering are excellent forms of exercise that also provide mental relaxation.

Stay active, stay healthy, and make the most of the summer sunshine! What's your favorite way to stay active in the summer? 🌻


In honor of National Safety Month, take some steps to stay safe and secure! 👍Here are three important actions you can take:

✔️Prevent Falls: Falls are a leading cause of injury among older adults, so prevent falls by removing clutter and hazards. Install grab bars and handrails in areas like bathrooms and staircases. Stay active with exercises that improve balance and strength. And use mobility aids if needed.

✔️Practice Medication Safety: Keep an updated list of all medications, including dosages and schedules. Use pill organizers to ensure you're taking the right medications at the right times. Regularly review your medications with your healthcare provider to avoid interactions or side effects.

✔️Stay Connected: Maintain open communication with loved ones and neighbors, especially if you live alone. Keep emergency contacts easily accessible and consider investing in a medical alert system.

✔️Keep Informed: Pay attention to news about common scams and fraud targeting seniors. And never hesitate to ask for help or clarification if something seems suspicious.


☀️🍵 Ready to make a refreshing and healthy drink? Try sun tea! Here’s how:

1) Fill a large glass jar with water.
2) Add 4-6 tea bags (black, green, or herbal – your choice!).
3) Seal the jar and place it in direct sunlight for 3-5 hours.
4) Once brewed, remove the tea bags and chill in the fridge.
5) Pour over ice and enjoy!

Why sun tea?🌞🍹It’s a natural way to brew tea without boiling water, which preserves more antioxidants. Plus, it’s hydrating, can boost your immune system, may support your heart health, and can even improve digestion. Just be careful about drinking green or black tea in the afternoon–the caffeine may disrupt your sleep.

Have you tried making sun tea? What’s your favorite flavor? 😎🌻


Check out the latest news from the Idaho Department of Insurance!

Check out the Idaho Department of Insurance June newsletter for the latest on DOI happenings!

The DOI provides a free email subscription service. Sign up to receive notifications of DOI actions, news, bulletins, annual reports, and other updates.


As part of National Men's Health Week (June 10-16), it's time to prioritize your well-being (whether you are a man or have a man in your life who you love) 👴👨‍⚕️!

Here are some simple steps you can take to take charge of your health:

🏃‍♂️Stay Active: Regular exercise is key to maintaining strength, flexibility, and overall health. Whether it's walking, swimming, gardening, or tai chi, find activities you enjoy and aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week.
👩‍⚕️Prioritize Preventive Care: Schedule regular check-ups with your healthcare provider and stay up-to-date on screenings and vaccinations. Early detection and treatment of health issues can prevent complications and improve outcomes.
🧑‍🤝‍🧑Stay Socially Connected: Maintain strong social connections with friends, family, and community members. Social engagement is important for mental well-being and can help reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness.
🌬️Manage Stress: Practice stress-reduction techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or hobbies that you enjoy. Chronic stress can have detrimental effects on your physical and mental health, so it's essential to find healthy ways to cope.

Remember, it's never too late to prioritize your health and well-being–and small steps each day can make a big difference! 💪🍏

3 Ways Older Adults Can Stay Safe From Scammers 06/07/2024

While digital tools have brought convenience to our lives, they’ve also opened new doors for scammers.

Financial expert Amanda Clayman shares 3 techniques use—and what you can do to stay financially safe.👇

3 Ways Older Adults Can Stay Safe From Scammers are master manipulators who play on people’s emotions. Watch as Amanda Clayman, a financial wellness expert, shares 3 tips to help you avoid becoming a victim.👇

How Can I Safely Send Money Online? 06/06/2024

Do you use Zelle, Venmo, or CashApp to send money?

These platforms can be a quick, easy way to send money to someone you know without carrying cash. They're also quite safe—as long as you understand how to use them wisely.

Here are 5 safety tips to keep in mind when making digital payments.👇

How Can I Safely Send Money Online? Digital offer a quick and convenient way to send and receive money. But there are some things to consider before you hit “send.” Get 5 tips now.👇


June is Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month 🧠, a great time to prioritize brain health! Here are three simple ways to boost your brain health and reduce your risk of cognitive decline:

🏃‍♂️Stay Physically Active: Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week. Whether it's walking, swimming, dancing, or gardening, staying active increases blood flow to the brain, promotes new neural connections, and improves overall cognitive function.

🥬Eat a Brain-Healthy Diet: Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats like those found in fish, nuts, and olive oil. Remember, what's good for your heart is also good for your brain!

🧩Challenge Your Mind: Keep your brain engaged and stimulated by challenging yourself with new activities and learning new things. Doing puzzles is great, but doing new things makes a bigger difference protecting against age-related cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease.

4 Ways You Can Avoid Falling Victim to a Payment Scam 06/04/2024

Think a can't happen to you? Think again.

Criminals are getting more skilled - and they know how to manipulate your emotions.

You can beat at their own game by understanding the mind tricks they use.

Here are the big ones to watch out for. 👇

4 Ways You Can Avoid Falling Victim to a Payment Scam All boil down to basic , preying on your emotions to manipulate you into giving your personal info or money. Learn 4 common types of trickery used by —and how you can beat them at their own game.👇

What Are the Top Payment Scams Affecting Older Adults? 06/03/2024

90-year-old Phyllis didn't bank on getting scammed. But after accepting "help" from thieves posing as tech support reps, she lost $20,000 of her savings.

like this are on the rise - and are a frequent target. But knowing the red flags can help you protect yourself.

Learn how you can protect yourself today. 👇

What Are the Top Payment Scams Affecting Older Adults? Want to protect yourself and the in your life against ? Learn what red flags 🚩 to look out for—so everyone can stay safe.👇

What to Know About the Latest Amazon-Impostor Scams 05/31/2024

What to Know About the Latest Amazon-Impostor Scams!

What to Know About the Latest Amazon-Impostor Scams Be aware of the latest ways criminals use the company’s name to steal from consumers


As summer is nearing, the heat can become both overwhelming and, worse, dangerous.🥵 Heat exhaustion occurs when your body starts to lose the ability to regulate its core temperature. ☀️

Here are tips to avoid heat exhaustion:

💦Stay hydrated: This helps manage your body's temperature and is particularly important when you’re exercising.

☂️Dress appropriately: Physical barriers can help keep you cooler. Choose sunglasses that block out at least 99% of UVA and UVB rays, as well as light-colored and loose-fitting clothes, and a wear wide-brimmed hat. You can even take your own shade with you if you bring an umbrella!

🌞Check the heat index (a measure of how hot it really feels) on your phone or online: If it is 90 or above, then be especially careful about how much time you spend outdoors.

⚠️Watch for symptoms: Pay attention if you feel fatigue, headaches, dizziness, excessive sweating, and nausea. These are all signs of heat exhaustion. If you think you may be at risk, seek medical assistance immediately.

Aging Tools • Senior Health Insurance Benefits Advisors • Idaho Department of Insurance 05/30/2024

Planning for the future is important for both you and your family! Check out these resources that will help prepare you and your loved ones.

Aging Tools • Senior Health Insurance Benefits Advisors • Idaho Department of Insurance Additional Resources for Seniors and Caregivers Long Term Care Fraud/Identity Protections What is an Idaho MSA? Preparing for Future Health Care Needs

New to Medicare • Senior Health Insurance Benefits Advisors • Idaho Department of Insurance 05/30/2024

Check out our new Medicare Informational 6-part video series! These are both in English and Spanish.

New to Medicare • Senior Health Insurance Benefits Advisors • Idaho Department of Insurance Getting started with Medicare? Whether you're new to Medicare, or just want to review the basics, click below for information about the parts of Medicare,

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Our Story

For help and information:
• Call (800) 247-4422
• Visit
• Email IdahoSHIBA @

SHIBA offers free, unbiased counseling, education and resources that help Medicare beneficiaries and those who help them better understand their benefits and choose the best options available for them.

Senior Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA) is Idaho's provider of Medicare benefits assistance programs for the federal network of State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (SHIPs) operated under the Agency for Community Living. It is a service of the Idaho Department of Insurance Consumer Services Bureau with financial assisance, in part, through grants from the Administration for Community Living (ACL).

Videos (show all)

Medicare Preventative and Wellness Benefits | Idaho SHIBA



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Idaho Department of Labor Idaho Department of Labor
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Boise, 83735

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Idaho Lottery Idaho Lottery
1199 Shoreline Lane
Boise, 83702

The Official Idaho Lottery Facebook. Must be at least 18 to buy, sell or redeem Lottery tickets.

Idaho Transportation Department Idaho Transportation Department
11331 W. Chinden Boulevard
Boise, 83714

Enhancing quality of life through transportation

Boise Public Library Boise Public Library
715 S Capitol Boulevard
Boise, 83702

Enhance knowledge, realize creative potential, share ideas and stories.

Serve Idaho Serve Idaho
317 W Main Street
Boise, 83735

A division of the IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. We Encourage Volunteerism and Community Service

Idaho Commerce Idaho Commerce
700 W State St
Boise, 83702

Working to create jobs, strengthen communities and promote Idaho.

Boise U.S. Army Recruiting Station Boise U.S. Army Recruiting Station
8269 W Franklin Road, Ste C
Boise, 83709

This is the official page of the Boise Army Recruiting Station. Please do not post persona

Ada County Idaho,  Assessor Ada County Idaho, Assessor
190 E Front Street, Ste 107
Boise, 83702

Ada County Assessor's Office Located in the Courthouse Complex East of the Courthouse

Go Coast Guard Boise Go Coast Guard Boise
Boise, 83709

Idaho Council on Domestic Violence and Victim Assistance Idaho Council on Domestic Violence and Victim Assistance
PO Box 83720
Boise, 83270

The Idaho Council on Domestic Violence and Victim Assistance funds victim service providers in ID

City of Boise City of Boise
150 N Capitol Boulevard
Boise, 83702

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National Interagency Fire Center National Interagency Fire Center
3833 S. Development Avenue
Boise, 83705

NIFC, located in Boise, Idaho, is the nation's support center for wildland firefighting.