BTBA-Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Association

BTBA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Follow us!

We are building a Taiwanese biomedical scientist community by holding symposiums, academic seminars, career panels, and more. Official Website:
Facebook Group:
Twitter: (@Boston_TBA)
Podcast: https://www

Photos from BTBA-Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Association's post 09/13/2024

🎉🎉🎉The 12th Annual BTBA Symposium was successfully held at Harvard University on Aug. 24th-25th. We would like to thank all the speakers and attendees for your engagement and enthusiasm, especially for many of you who flew a long way for this event.

🧬The symposium showcased the incredible diversity and innovation within the biotech community, and we are grateful for the insights and connections shared throughout the event. We hope you found the discussions and networking opportunities valuable and inspiring.

🧬As we continue to grow and improve our events, we would greatly appreciate your feedback. Please take a few moments to complete our survey if you haven't done so by clicking here:

🧬In the survey, you’ll have the opportunity to rate your favorite parts of the symposium and share your suggestions for future events. Your input is invaluable in helping us improve future symposia.

🧬Thank you once again for being a part of this vibrant community. Please stay tuned for more in-person or online events in the following year! Cheers!






Photos from BTBA-Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Association's post 08/23/2024

📣📣📣We are excited to announce that in just 2 DAYS, the 12th BTBA Annual Symposium will take place at Northwest Building, Harvard University!!!📣📣📣

🔔Here are some event reminders we would like to share with you:
📍Onsite registration and check-in will begin at 8:00 am on both days at the basement level of Harvard University Northwest Building. Badges must be worn for admission to all sessions and the gala.
📍Parking permit instructions and directions to the venue are included in the images below.
📍WIFI instructions are also included in the images below.

🙌 Please check out the BTBA program book for the 12th Annual Symposium for more comprehensive details.
🥳 Check Program Book Here: 📒

👏Lastly, we thank our sponsors for their generous sponsorship of our symposium; their support has been instrumental in making this event a success.

Photos from BTBA-Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Association's post 08/19/2024

📣📣📣We are excited to announce that in just 6 DAYS, the 12th BTBA Annual Symposium will take place at Northwest Building, Harvard University!!!📣📣📣

👉Check out the most diverse and pioneering topics/ panels of biotech industry here:

👉Forgot to register? Sign up right now when there are still tickets left!

✨Don’t miss out the chance of improving your soft skills for better career development and knowing more of other career options in the biotech field!

📍 Featured keynote speeches- Genome editing entrepreneurship guru Dr. Laura Sepp-Lorenzino, and drug delivery pioneer Dr. Samir Mitragotri

📍 Special talk- Robert Ang: “The Story of Double Migrant in Biotech"

📍 Trending Topic- Antibody Drug Conjugate: Challenges and Opportunities

📍 Panel discussions- Advanced Bioprocessing and CDMO, Business Development, Translational Science, and Entrepreneurship

📍 Lunch and breakfast sessions with speakers and experts led by professionals in both the academia and the industry

📍 Poster & oral presentations

📍 Networking and more!

🎉See you next weekend at Harvard!

📣📣📣BTBA小編以十分興奮的心情和大家宣布:再過六天,我們第12屆年會就要在哈佛大學Northwest Building正式登場啦!📣📣📣




📍本次Keynote Speakers邀請到Intellia Therapeutics的CSO Dr. Laura Sepp-Lorenzino 以及哈佛大學的Dr. Samir Mitragotri。兩位分別在oligonucleotide therapeutics development以及novel drug delivery system development有卓越成果。

📍今年Special talk也特別邀請到Vor Bio的執行長Robert Ang來分享他在生技產業創業的經驗以及職涯分享,所以別錯過這次可以現場聽他們分享以及面對面交流的難得機會喔!

📍今年的熱門話題是抗體藥物偶聯物 (Antibody Drug Conjugate) 的機會與挑戰。此外,會議還設有四個專題討論環節,分別是商業拓展 (Business Development)📈、先進生物藥物製程與CDMO (Advanced Bioprocessing and CDMO)🔬、現代轉譯科學 (Translation Science)🧬、以及生技企業經營 (Biotech Entrepreneurship)💡




🎧 #生技來一刻 S4 EP19:魔術子彈──抗體藥物複合體 Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC) ft. 張瑄玶博士 🎧


“魔術子彈” (magic bullet) 的概念從二十世紀初期被提出,指藥物針對特定治病微生物或特定細胞攻擊,而幾乎對身體無害。最初是由德國科學家 Ehrlich 提出,他合成的小分子Salvarsan,是首款能專一針對梅毒螺旋菌毒殺的藥物,被認為是第一顆魔術子彈。遺憾的是,在其後 50 年由於技術等種種限制,這領域始終沒有太大的進展,直到 1967 年 ADC 的概念提出、以及之後單株抗體等技術的進展,這領域才慢慢有所突破。即便如此,也一直到了 2000 年,才有首款 ADC 藥物被 FDA 核准,真的是非常漫長的歷史。

抗體藥物複合體 Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC),是蛋白質抗體和小分子藥物的結合,此技術利用抗體的專一性,將藥物帶至特定區域來殺癌細胞,減少對正常細胞的傷害。ADC 在近幾年發展的很快。2023 年,ADC 藥物的全球銷售額為 100 億美元,預計在 2028 年成長到將近 200 億美元,15% 的年複合成長率非常驚人。

我們在這集的節目中,很榮幸邀請到目前在 AstraZeneca 擔任資深科學家的張瑄玶博士,他與我們分享關於 ADC 的設計與開發流程。如果上述簡史讓你對 ADC 藥物感興趣,那就千萬不能錯過這集訪談!

✨ 節目連結、講者Linkedin連結請見留言處!感謝講者提供詳盡的延伸閱讀連結和文章!

🎧 #生技來一刻 S4 EP19:魔術子彈──抗體藥物複合體 Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC) ft. 張瑄玶博士 🎧


“魔術子彈” (magic bullet) 的概念從二十世紀初期被提出,指藥物針對特定治病微生物或特定細胞攻擊,而幾乎對身體無害。最初是由德國科學家 Ehrlich 提出,他合成的小分子Salvarsan,是首款能專一針對梅毒螺旋菌毒殺的藥物,被認為是第一顆魔術子彈。遺憾的是,在其後 50 年由於技術等種種限制,這領域始終沒有太大的進展,直到 1967 年 ADC 的概念提出、以及之後單株抗體等技術的進展,這領域才慢慢有所突破。即便如此,也一直到了 2000 年,才有首款 ADC 藥物被 FDA 核准,真的是非常漫長的歷史。

抗體藥物複合體 Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC),是蛋白質抗體和小分子藥物的結合,此技術利用抗體的專一性,將藥物帶至特定區域來殺癌細胞,減少對正常細胞的傷害。ADC 在近幾年發展的很快。2023 年,ADC 藥物的全球銷售額為 100 億美元,預計在 2028 年成長到將近 200 億美元,15% 的年複合成長率非常驚人。

我們在這集的節目中,很榮幸邀請到目前在 AstraZeneca 擔任資深科學家的張瑄玶博士,他與我們分享關於 ADC 的設計與開發流程。如果上述簡史讓你對 ADC 藥物感興趣,那就千萬不能錯過這集訪談!

✨ 生技來一刻感謝國科會與駐波士頓辦事處科技組贊助我們製作節目。我們也歡迎聽眾小額捐款生技來一刻,您的支持能幫助我們製作更優質的節目。

✨ 節目連結、講者Linkedin連結請見留言處!感謝講者提供詳盡的延伸閱讀連結和文章!


🙌 We are delighted to introduce the BTBA program book for the 12th Annual Symposium—a comprehensive and essential guide to this prestigious event.

🥳 Check Program Book Here: 📒

📢 This meticulously crafted publication provides invaluable insights into the symposium’s highlights, including contributions from our distinguished keynote speakers: Dr. Laura Sepp-Lorenzino, Chief Scientific Officer at Intellia Therapeutics, and Dr. Samir Mitragotri, Professor and Entrepreneur in Bioengineering at Harvard University.
The book also features a special talk by Robert Ang, CEO of Vor Bio, who will share his perspectives on the challenges and successes of double immigration in the biotech field.

📢 This year’s program book emphasizes the symposium’s trending topic on antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs), exploring the latest advancements and challenges in this dynamic area of biotech research and development.
Additionally, it covers the diverse range of topics addressed at the symposium, including Advanced Bioprocessing and CDMO, Business Development, Translational Science, and Biotech Entrepreneurship.

📢 In addition, the program book provides detailed information about our two career networking events, offering you the opportunity to consult with experts from various fields face-to-face:
👉 Breakfast and Meet: Enjoy a delicious breakfast while engaging in discussions with industry experts and peers, and gain insights into the latest industry trends and developments.
👉 Lunch Career Diagnosis Room: Take advantage of your lunch break to participate in the career consultation room, where you can receive professional advice and guidance from career consultants to help plan your future career path.

✨ With detailed agendas, speaker biographies, and presentation abstracts, this program book serves not only as a comprehensive guide for navigating the event but also as a valuable keepsake. Secure your copy today to gain a deeper understanding of the current trends and future directions in biotechnology and to celebrate your participation in BTBA’s esteemed symposium.

Don’t forget to promptly register for events through the symposium website! Join us in celebrating the 12th BTBA Annual Symposium!

🙌 期待已久的第十二屆波士頓台灣生物科技協會(BTBA)年會手冊終於釋出啦!手冊提供全面的年會指南和資訊,讓你更全面理解年會內容喔!
🥳 年會手冊連結:


Intellia Therapeutics 的首席科學官 Laura Sepp-Lorenzino 博士,她將分享她在基因編輯和創新治療領域的藥物發展經驗;哈佛大學生物工程學教授兼企業家 Samir Mitragotri 博士,他將帶來關於先進藥物傳遞系統的深度討論。另外,也別錯過 Vor Bio 首席執行官 Robert Ang 的特別演講,他將分享在亞裔移民在生技領域中的挑戰與成功故事,帶來他獨到的個人經歷與豐富的領導經驗。


👉 午餐職涯診斷室:利用午餐時間參加職涯診斷室,獲得專業顧問的職業建議和指導,幫助您規劃未來的職業道路。

✨ 年會手冊可以幫助你了解講者的背景,也提供各主題下的介紹,不僅是您了解年會的全方位指南,更是BTBA眾夥伴們的心血喔!想了解更多年會資訊嗎?點擊年會手冊查看更多內容喔!
也別忘了趕緊透過年會網站報名活動!一同加入第十二屆 BTBA 精彩生技年會慶典吧!

Photos from BTBA-Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Association's post 08/12/2024

🤩Join us for inspiring keynotes at the BTBA Annual Symposium on August 24-25!🤩

🥳We are honored to welcome Dr. Laura Sepp-Lorenzino, Chief Scientific Officer at Intellia Therapeutics, and Dr. Samir Mitragotri, Core Faculty at Wyss Institute at Harvard University, as our keynote speaker. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to meet and talk with our keynote speakers! Register now for the symposium at:

📍Dr. Sepp-Lorenzino is a trailblazer in the field of genome editing, leading innovative research aimed at turning genetic medicines into reality for patients. Her distinguished career includes leadership roles at Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Alnylam, and Merck & Co., where she made significant contributions to gene and cell therapies, as well as drug discovery.
In her keynote address, titled "A Journey In Innovation: Making Genetic Medicines a Reality for Patients," Dr. Sepp-Lorenzino will share her insights and experiences from her remarkable biotechnology journey. This is an exceptional opportunity to hear from one of the foremost experts in the field.

📍Dr. Mitragotri’s research is focused on drug delivery. His research has advanced fundamental understanding of biological barriers and has led to the development of new materials as well as technologies for the treatment of various ailments including diabetes, cancer, skin diseases, multiple sclerosis, and infections, among others.
In his keynote address, titled “A Hitchhiker's and Backpacker's Guide to Drug Delivery ” Dr. Mitragotri will share insights from his journey that have profoundly influenced him, along with experiences and individuals that shaped his approach to research, education, and entrepreneurship. He will conclude by discussing their current research and strategies for nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems.

我們非常榮幸地邀請到 Intellia Therapeutics 首席科學官 Laura Sepp-Lorenzino 博士以及Wyss Institute 的教授 Samir Mitragotri博士作為我們的主題演講嘉賓。

Sepp-Lorenzino 博士是基因組編輯領域的先驅,領導著旨在將基因藥物轉化為患者現實療法的創新研究。她在 Vertex 製藥公司、Alnylam 和默克公司等多家領先企業擔任過重要領導角色,在基因、RNA療法及藥物發現領域提供了重大進展。
在她的主題演講中,題為《A Journey In Innovation: Making Genetic Medicines a Reality for Patients》,Sepp-Lorenzino 博士將分享她藥廠職涯之旅及基因編輯在現代治療方法中的變革潛力。

Mitragotri 博士的研究專注於藥物傳遞。他的研究增進了對生物屏障的基本理解,並促成了新材料和技術的發展,可用來治療包括糖尿病、癌症、皮膚病、多發性硬化症和感染等各種疾病。
在他的主題演講中,題為《A Hitchhiker's and Backpacker's Guide to Drug Delivery 》,Mitragotri 博士將討論他在研究過程中對他產生深遠影響的經歷,並總結那些為他的研究、教育和創業方法奠定基礎的經驗和人脈。最後,他將討論實驗室最新的研究-基於納米顆粒的藥物傳遞系統。

Photos from BTBA-Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Association's post 08/10/2024

📣🌟 Join us at the 2024 BTBA Annual Symposium Oral Presentations 🌟📣

After critical judging and careful considerations among the 20+ poster abstracts submissions, we are excited to announce the three oral presentation winners. They will present on cutting-edge biotechnology topics such as nanotechnology, machine learning, and CRISPR-Cas9. BTBA is also privileged to have the popular blogger THE BIOLOGIST|紐約生 joining us to share his research and experience. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity!

🗓 Date: (Sat) Aug. 24, 2024 4:40-5:40 PM
📍 Location: Northwest Building, Harvard University, Cambridge, 02138

⚛ Si-Sim Kang (Johns Hopkins University): Using nanoparticles as artificial antigen presenting cells to activate human CD4 T cells for immunotherapy

💻 Hsin-Ting Chen (University of Michigan): Predicting Antibody Developability Properties using Machine Learning

🧬 Pei-Feng Hsu (New York University): Genome-wide Screening Identifies Trim33 as an Essential Regulator of Dendritic Cell Differentiation

本次由20+份海報投稿中脫穎而出的三位講者將分享奈米科技、機器學習、CRISPR-Cas9等近期生技界最夯的話題。同時BTBA非常榮幸能邀請到人氣部落客 THE BIOLOGIST|紐約生來分享他的研究及經驗。機會難得,不要錯過呦!

Photos from BTBA-Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Association's post 08/08/2024

🎉 Introducing the New Souvenir: Formosan Blue Magpie Folder! 🎉

✨We’re excited to add a unique touch to our BTBA 12th Symposium souvenir set with the addition of the Formosan Blue Magpie Folder. This beautiful folder features the iconic Formosan Blue Magpie, a symbol of Taiwan’s rich heritage, and showcases our BTBA pride.

✨Don’t miss your chance to own this limited-edition souvenir set, which also includes:
🌟 2 Vibrant BTBA Stickers: Show your BTBA pride.
🖼️ 2 Unique Postcards: Perfect for sending or collecting.
👜 1 Stylish Tote Bag: Featuring the symposium theme, BTBA logo, and iconic Taiwanese elements. (Dimensions: Width 18.5", Depth 4.7", Height 13.4")
🗂️ 1 Formosan Blue Magpie Folder: A beautiful addition to your collection.

🎈Each item is thoughtfully designed to commemorate this prestigious event, making it a perfect memento for attendees. Plus, your purchase supports BTBA’s mission and future events.

📅 Act now! These sets are available for pick-up only at the BTBA annual symposium. Secure your limited-edition souvenir set through the ticket sale link today and be part of something special.

🔗 Click here to register for the BTBA 12th Annual Symposium and select your souvenir:

🎉 全新推出:BTBA台灣藍鵲資料夾! 🎉


🌟 2張BTBA貼紙:我BTBA我驕傲!
🖼️ 2張BTBA明信片:適合郵寄或收藏。
👜 1個時尚手提袋:結合12屆研討會各活動主題、BTBA標誌故事以及可愛臺灣元素。(尺寸:寬18.5吋、深4.7吋、高13.4吋)
🗂️ 1個BTBA台灣藍鵲資料夾:獨特設計,用漫畫風展示可愛的台灣藍鵲特色。


🔗 點擊這裡註冊BTBA第12屆年度研討會,並選擇您的紀念商品
2024 BTBA年會網站:
2024 BTBA年會售票系統:


😊Design Credit:
🤝台灣藍鵲資料/ Formosan Blue Magpie Folder: Min Yu Jou & Mina Lin
🤝主題限定包包/BTBA Special Tote bag: Min Yu Jou & Mina Lin
🤝貼紙/Sticker: Mina Lin & Amy Kao & Pei-Jung Wu
🤝明信片/Postcard: Mina Lin & Pei-Jung Wu


📢📢📢 Join Us for an Enlightening Symposium with Robert Ang, MBBS, MBA, President & CEO at Vor Bio

✨ Have you ever encountered imposter syndrome in your career, particularly in relation to the cultural expectations prevalent in Asian traditions—such as the emphasis on diligent work, maintaining modesty, and allowing results to speak for themselves? Are you interested in a novel, first-in-class approach to treating blood cancers that shields healthy cells and attacks cancer by using a cutting-edge cell engineering platform.

✨ We are thrilled to announce a special talk by Robert Ang, the distinguished President & CEO of Vor Bio. We invite you to delve further into Vor Bio’s Science, Robert's professional journey, exploring the unique challenges he has encountered as an Asian American and how he has navigated through them. The content of the talk will focus on:

🎤 1. Vor Bio: An in-depth look at Vor Bio, its vision, mission, and the innovative strides it has made under Rolbert's leadership.
🎤 2. Career Journey: Robert's career trajectory, highlighting his experiences and milestones in the biotech industry.
🎤 3. Migrant Story: Robert’s personal recount as a double migrant, detailing the cultural and professional hurdles he has overcome.
🎤 4. Life Lessons Learned: Valuable insights and lessons from Rolbert's life to inspire and guide others in their professional and personal endeavors.

✨This is a unique opportunity to learn from Robert’s journey, and gain valuable insights on navigating the Biotech industry as double migrants. Join us to listen to Robert's story “The story of a Double Migrant in Biotech” at the BTBA Annual Symposium! RSVP here:

Photos from BTBA-Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Association's post 08/02/2024

📢🌟 Join us at the 2024 BTBA Annual Symposium with Biotech Influencers!!! 🌟

This year's BTBA Annual Symposium offers a wealth of content, including:
✨2 Keynotes: Genome editing entrepreneurship Dr. Laura Sepp-Lorenzino, and drug delivery pioneer Dr. Samir Mitragotri

✨1 Special Talk: Robert Ang: “The Story of Double Migrant in Biotech”

✨1 Trending Topic: Antibody Drug Conjugate: Challenges and Opportunities

✨4 Panel Discussions: Business Development, Advanced Bioprocessing, Translational Science, and Biotech Entrepreneurship.

Oral/Poster presentations:
✨2 Networking Sessions and more!

This year, the BTBA Annual Symposium is honored to invite several renowned biotech influencers to join our event!

🙋🏻‍♂️Do you want to discuss the latest biotech industry trends or investment opportunities with 生醫前線觀察員的閱讀筆記?

🙋🏻‍♀️Interested in talking about the latest research or New York life experiences with THE BIOLOGIST|紐約生?

🙋🏻‍♂️Want to learn about career experiences in the US biotech industry or how to prepare for your first industry job interview with 台灣生醫科學家在美國 Taiwanese Biomedical Scientist in US?

🙋🏻‍♀️Eager to explore animal experiments, neuroscience, or different career possibilities with 實驗鼠的七分鐘廢文?

🙋🏻‍♂️Curious about leadership in the workplace and the role of regulatory departments in pharmaceutical companies with 退休生技二姐在美國?

🙌🏻Join us at the BTBA Annual Symposium and connect with these influential biotech professionals!

👉🏻What are you waiting for? Click here for registration:

2場Keynotes、1場Special Talk、1場Trending Topic,四場Panel discussions:
商業拓展 (Business Development)
先進生物藥物製程 (Advanced Bioprocessing)
現代轉譯科學 (Translational Science)
生技企業經營 (Biotech Entrepreneurship)。
以及有最新研究的Oral/Poster Presentation,還有可以與講者/生醫專業人士面對面接觸的午餐會與早餐會。



🙋🏻‍♂️想與 生醫前線觀察員的閱讀筆記討論最新生技產業趨勢或投資標的嗎?

🙋🏻‍♀️想與 THE BIOLOGIST|紐約生討論他的最新研究或紐約生活經驗嗎?

🙋🏻‍♂️想與 台灣生醫科學家在美國 Taiwanese Biomedical Scientist in US聊聊美國生技業職涯經驗或面試準備嗎?

🙋🏻‍♀️想與 實驗鼠的七分鐘廢文探討動物實驗、腦科學或職涯可能嗎?

🙋🏻‍♂️想與 退休生技二姐在美國聊聊職場領導力及法規部門角色嗎?

🙌🏻歡迎大家來參加BTBA年會,與這些生醫界部落客交流,有可能你們就在networking event當中相遇喔!

PS. 感謝 生醫不科科:研究×生活幫忙宣傳,期待明年年會有機會見到你!



Photos from BTBA-Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Association's post 07/28/2024

📢🌟 Join us at the 2024 BTBA Annual Symposium Breakfast & Meet session!!! 🌟📢
Looking for a boost? We’ve got you covered! Take this opportunity to network with industry experts and a diverse group of attendees while recharging for an exhilarating symposium day. Don’t miss out – early birds catch the worms! Register now for the symposium at:

🗓️ Date: (Sun) Aug. 25, 2024 8:20-9:30 AM
📍 Location: Northwest Building, Harvard University, Cambridge, 02138

🥐☕️🍳Breakfast & Meet Tables🥪🥛🥯:
1. Medical Affairs
🎤 June Lin, Executive Medical Director, US & Global Medical Affairs, Regeneron
🎤 Ethen Cheng, Global Medical Director, Sanofi

2. Regulatory Affairs
🎤 Hsiao-Ling Hung, Independent Drug Development Consultant
🎤 Rose (MingJeng) Lee, Manager of Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs, Pillar Biosciences Incorporate

3. Clinical Development
🎤 Hee June Choi, Senior Clinical Scientist, Merck
🎤 Chun Mei Su, Sr. Clinical Trial Manager, Prothena
🎤 Yi-En Liao, Clinical Science and Innovation Fellow, Novartis

4. Computational Biology
🎤 Amy (Yu-Han) Hung, Principal Scientist, Translational Informatics and Predictive Sciences, Bristol Myers Squibb
🎤 Szu-Chin (George) Fu, Principal Scientist, Precision Medicine and Computational Biology, Sanofi

5. Target Identification
🎤 Yi-Chen Hsieh, Senior Scientist, Neuroscience Discovery, AbbVie
🎤 Chia-Yu Chung, Principal Scientist, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research

6. Business Development
🎤 Robert Morfino, Senior Director, Business Development, Ginkgo Bioworks, Inc.
🎤 Maurice Shen, Account Manager, Schrödinger
🎤 Anthony Wang, Analyst, ClearView Healthcare Partners

7. mRNA & LNP
🎤 Jason (Yen-Chun) Lu, Senior Scientist Group Lead, Aera Therapeutics
🎤 Jimmy Luo, Process Development Scientist, Moderna

8. Cell & Gene Therapy
🎤 Yi-Li Min, Associate Director of Gene Editing, Vertex Pharmaceuticals
🎤 Phoebe Tsai, Principal Research Associate, Vertex Pharmaceuticals

9. Biologics
🎤 Laurie (Yen-Chi) Wu, Senior Scientist, Global Biologics Department, Takeda
🎤 Tsung-Lin Hsieh, Global Downstream Process Development, Bristol Myers Squibb

10. Small Molecules
🎤 Hong-Guann Lee, Principal Scientist, Pfizer
🎤 Yan-Shu Huang, Digital Scientist, Takeda

Photos from BTBA-Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Association's post 07/27/2024

📢🌟 Join us at the 2024 BTBA Annual Symposium Industry Luncheon Event!!! 🌟📢
Do you want to land that dream job at a pharmaceutical company? Ready to take your career to new heights? Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to gain valuable insights from industry experts and enhance your professional skills.
Register now for the breakout groups at our upcoming luncheon event on Aug. 24!

想知道要怎樣在藥廠拿到自己夢想的offer?在美國身為一個non-native speaker要如何讓自己的職涯更上一層樓?就千萬不要錯過我們今年BTBA年會的午餐職涯診療室!聽聽前輩們的經驗分享喔!

🌮🍔Luncheon Breakout Groups🍕🍜:
1. Industry topic I: Job Hunting
Industry contract negotiation/offer
Industry postdoc
How to quickly respond and adjust mindset after a layoff
How to take care of mental health while job hunting
Resume submission techniques: mass applications or targeted applications based on career direction?
🎤 Wen-Chi Chou, Associate Director of Computational Biology, Bristol-Myers Squibb
🎤 Jason Lu, Senior Scientist Group Lead, Aera Therapeutics

2. Industry topic II: Stress Management
Work-life balance
Setting Boundaries
Time Management Strategies
Flexible Work Arrangements
Nurturing Relationships
Overcoming Perfectionism
Redefining Success
🎤 Emily Hsiue, Senior Medical Director, AstraZeneca
🎤 Mei-Hsiu Ling, Executive Director, Biometrics, Vertex Pharmaceuticals

3. Industry topic III: Leadership and Management
How to lead a team
How to help subordinates with career planning
How to manage upwards
How to do cross-functional collaboration
Project management or how to lead a project
Handling conflict/problem-solving
🎤 Yi-Li Min, Associate Director, Vertex Pharmaceuticals
🎤 Hsiao-Ling Hung, Independent Drug Development Consultant

4. Industry topic IV: Different Possibilities in the Industry
With PhD or Non-PhD? Is a PhD necessary? Industrial PhD.
Industry postdoc vs academia
Tech or non-tech
Transitioning between different roles or industries
🎤 Will Yen, Head of Search, Evaluation & Licensing, Voyager Therapeutics
🎤 Ting-Hui Wu, Senior Medical Director, Mythic Therapeutics

5. Industry topic V: Goal Setting and Strategies for Career Advancement
How to set goals for the first three months
How to set short, medium, and long-term career plans
How to ask for a promotion
Increase visibility
How to stay competitive
How to find a suitable mentor
🎤 Szu-Ta Chen, Global Clinical Program Lead, AstraZeneca
🎤 Lih-Ling Lin, Chief Scientific Officer, PharmaEssentia

🗓️ Date: Sat Aug. 24, 2024 12:00-1:45 PM
📍 Location: Northwest Building, Harvard University, Cambridge, 02138

Don't miss this incredible opportunity to learn from the best in industry. Register now to secure your spot! Click the link below to reserve your place at the luncheon event:
👉Register here:

Invest in your professional development and gain a competitive edge in your career. We look forward to seeing you at the 2024 BTBA Annual Symposium Luncheon Event!

Photos from BTBA-Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Association's post 07/25/2024

📢📢📢2024 The 12th BTBA Annual Symposium Panel 3: Bridging the gap: translational science from discovery to patient impact

🏥Transitioning a drug candidate from the preclinical stage to clinical trials marks a thrilling phase in drug development. While promising in vitro, in vivo, and in silico, the real question remains: will it work in humans?

🏥Early-phase clinical trials are costly, often running into millions, yet the failure rate remains high. How can we design effective preclinical studies to better predict clinical trial outcomes? How should we plan early clinical trials to ensure that scientific breakthroughs smoothly translate into marketable drugs, providing more effective and safe treatments for patients?

🏥Join us for an engaging discussion with experts from academia and industry to explore this pivotal stage of drug development! Our panel will feature insights from an industry scientist specializing in clinical pharmacology, a medical director in early clinical development, and a professor with a start-up company spun off from academic research. They will delve into the journey from preclinical research to early-phase clinical trials, highlighting the contributions of various industry functions and academic experiences.

🏥Let’s discover strategies to improve the success rate and make the most of translational science!



🏥BTBA 2024 年會邀請您與學術界和業界專家一起探討藥物開發的這一關鍵階段。我們的座談會將邀請到業界的臨床藥理學領域的科學家、醫學總監,以及從學術研究衍生出的初創公司的教授和我們分享他們的見解以及在轉譯醫學中的角色。


❖ Panelists:
🎤 Emily Hsiue, Senior Medical Director, Early Clinical Development, Oncology, AstraZeneca
🎤Liang-Hui Chu, Director, Clinical Pharmacology, Immunovant
🎤 GuoPing Feng, Poitras Chair Professor of Neuroscience in the McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

(Please find speakers' short bios in the comments below)

🎤 Yi-En Liao, Clinical Science and Innovation Fellow, Novartis
🎤 Yuan-Chen Chang, Research Assistant, Broad Institute

🗓️ Date: Sun Aug. 25, 2024 10:50-12:20 PM
📍 Location: Northwest Building, Harvard University, Cambridge, 02138
👉 Register here:

Photos from BTBA-Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Association's post 07/22/2024

📢📢📢2024 BTBA Annual Symposium Biotech Entrepreneur Forum- Panel 4: Shaping the Future with Biotech Industry Leaders

✨Are you interested in the intersection of biotechnology and entrepreneurship? BTBA cordially invites you to attend the BTBA Entrepreneur Forum, a spectacular event featuring four biotech industry leaders, on Sunday (August 25, 2024) at Harvard University!

🎤Daniel Fischer (CEO of Tevard Biosciences)

🎤Robert Ang (CEO of Vor Bio)

🎤Sabrina Yang (CIO of Empress Therapeutics)

🎤David Lee (CSO of Pathcision Medicine)

✨In this forum, we will delve into the career journey of these four biotech leaders, exploring why and how they founded or took the helm of their companies. They will share their experiences and insights on topics such as identifying market opportunities, securing funding, building a team, navigating regulatory hurdles, and bringing innovative products to market.

✨Panel Highlights:
👉 Insights across Different Stages in Biotech: Featuring companies at various development stages, discussing opportunities and challenges faced by biotech startups at each phase.
​​👉 Real-World Experience Sharing: Learn about identifying market needs, securing funding, building an effective team, navigating regulatory challenges, and bringing scientific discovery to the clinic.
👉 Interactive Engagement: Engage directly with the speakers, gaining invaluable insights and advice firsthand.

✨This is a unique opportunity to learn from those who have gone through the journey, expand your network, and gain valuable insights into the world of biotech entrepreneurship. Join us at the BTBA Annual Symposium! RSVP here:

✨BTBA Biotech Entrepreneur Forum:
🗓️ Date: Sunday, August 25, 2024 (10:50 am - 12:20 pm ET)
📍 Location: Basement at Northwest Building, Harvard University
👉 Register here:

📢📢📢2024 BTBA 年度研討會 - 主題 4: 不容錯過的生技創業家論壇--與波士頓生技業界領袖共創未來


🎤Daniel Fischer (CEO of Tevard Biosciences)

🎤Robert Ang (CEO of Vor Bio)

🎤Sabrina Yang (CIO of Empress Therapeutics)

🎤David Lee (CSO of Pathcision Medicine)





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