Cupid’s Nook

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Do You Know Best Who Is Right For You? — Dr. Jane Greer 12/30/2023

Navigating love and relationships is like steering a ship through open waters – thrilling and unpredictable. 💕🚢 I stumbled upon DRG’s article and it got me thinking. We all hear it, right? Someone chiming in with their 'two cents' about our choice of partner: too this, not enough that. 🙄 But here's a twist: what if among the unsolicited advice there's a nugget of truth we might have missed?

I'm half in DRG’s boat. Trusting our judgment is key – after all, we're the captains of our own ships. Yet, isn’t it also fair to say some outside perspectives can be the lighthouse guiding us safely to shore? 🗺 Perhaps it’s not about ignoring the naysayers, but about learning the art of discernment, sifting gold from the grit.

DRG advises confronting criticisms with assurance and understanding our own reasons for choosing our partners. This makes sense – having clarity strengthens our resolve. ✨ But isn't there merit in considering that our blind spots in love can be caught by an outsider’s eye? 🕶️

Standing strong in our relationship choices is powerful and yet, shouldn’t we also remain open to reflections that could help us grow? Balance seems to be the secret ingredient here. 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️

So, what do you think? Should we always trust our own judgment in relationships, or is there wisdom in listening to others? Can outside opinions about our relationships be as caring as they are critical? Let's unpack this together below!

Do You Know Best Who Is Right For You? — Dr. Jane Greer Do You Know Best Who Is Right For You?

The Emotional Toll Of Breakups: 9 Reasons To Avoid Driving Post-Split 12/29/2023

Feeling the Post-Breakup Blues on the Road?

In times of emotional heartbreak, we are often advised to avoid making major decisions or engaging in activities requiring our full concentration. 🧐 According to experts, driving right after a breakup can be risky due to emotional distractions and impaired judgment. But is this universally applicable? Surely, we all cope with breakups in our own unique ways.

On one hand, it’s clear that emotional turbulence can lead our thoughts astray, potentially making driving dangerous. Thoughts preoccupied with "what went wrong" and "could I have done something different?" might cloud our judgment and distract us from the attention the road demands. Certainly, taking a cab or asking a friend to drive you can be the safer option in such emotionally charged times. 🚕

However, let's consider the other side. Could driving also offer a sense of control and normalcy, maybe even a temporary escape from heavy thoughts? For some, it is a chance to clear their mind, focus on the task at hand, and find a moment of peace. 🛣️

So, here’s a dual-sided coin for thought -

Is it better to steadfastly avoid driving when grappling with the emotional whirlwind of a breakup? Or might it be that for some, the simple act of driving is a step towards regaining composure and control?

What do you think? Have you ever found driving to be therapeutic in difficult times, or do you agree that it's a risk not worth taking? Share your experiences and thoughts below. 🗣️✨

The Emotional Toll Of Breakups: 9 Reasons To Avoid Driving Post-Split Spread the love       Breakups, universally acknowledged as one of life’s most challenging events, thrust individuals into a maelstrom of contrasting emotions. These feelings, which can span the spectrum from profound sorrow to seething anger, and occasionally a sense of liberation, often l...

Important, Hard-Won Lessons on the Journey of Becoming a Man 12/28/2023

Exploring the Journey of Manhood: A Dual Perspective 🔄

Today, I chanced upon an insightful post by Reece Stockhausen on the profound journey into manhood, and it got me thinking about the many faces of growth and self-discovery. Reece's candid sharing of his own path, including the pain of a breakup and the reclaiming of one's s*xual power, truly highlights a raw, unfiltered side of personal development that we often shy away from discussing publicly.

While I absolutely agree that self-sovereignty and taking responsibility for our lives are pivotal steps towards maturity, and Reece's point about integrating our shadow selves is spot-on, the idea that manhood or growth is tied to the recovery of 'mojo' or s*xual prowess seems to simplify a deeply intricate transformation.

It's admirable to observe someone advocating for an embrace of the primal and animalistic aspects of s*xuality, suggesting that vulnerability and acceptance can free us from societal repressions. Yet, I also wonder if by focusing heavily on s*xuality, we might inadvertently overshadow other aspects of personal growth and responsibility that also define the rich tapestry of manhood.

Manhood is not monolithic, and the recognition of one's inherent worth, separate from any 'hard-won lessons', is perhaps as significant.

🚀 So, what are your thoughts?

Can the reclaiming of s*xual power be seen as a universal cornerstone in the journey towards authentic manhood?

Should we consider manhood as a spectrum of experiences that go beyond just s*xual liberation and self-realization?

Have you encountered a 'Significantly Big Event' that redefined your journey?
Comment below! Let's unravel the multiple dimensions of personal growth together.

Important, Hard-Won Lessons on the Journey of Becoming a Man There's a lot of crap to navigate on the journey through manhood. Here's part of my personal story to help you in mastering your masculine mojo.

Am I Too Traumatized to be in a Relationship? 12/27/2023

🌱 On Healing and Growth: A Dual Perspective 🌱

Wondering whether our past traumas shape our present and future or not is a journey many of us navigate through. The article by Anna Aslanian on The Gottman Relationship Blog offers deep insights into how trauma can alter our ability to connect and fundamentally change our self-perception. It suggests that healing from trauma requires experiential therapy and emphasizes the importance of self-compassion in our healing journey—a message that resonates deeply with many of us seeking to mend old wounds.

However, can one-size-fits-all approaches truly account for the diverse, complex fabric of human experience? The notion that our nervous system needs cues of safety to heal perhaps overlooks the unique resilience many have developed without the conventional safe spaces suggested. While the antidote to trauma, as proposed, is experiential healing and fostering safe relationships, it could seem to oversimplify the grit and multifaceted nature of individual healing processes.

Moreover, is the pathway of finding emotionally safe people and therapists the only route to true healing? Can we not also find strength and self-regulation within, sometimes in the absence of these recommended supports?

Engage in this conversation with me:

🧠 Do you believe that every trauma response requires outside assistance or can inward work be just as effective?

♥️ How do you practice self-compassion, and does it help you in seeking fulfillment in relationships?

🤝 What do you think of the five elements Dr. Gottman suggests we look for in a relationship? Are there any you would add or challenge?

🐾 Have non-human relationships, like those with pets or even nature, played a part in healing your traumas?

Let's explore the diverse tapestry of human healing together.

Am I Too Traumatized to be in a Relationship? Past trauma can make the dating world in the present challenging to navigate. However, you can find a loving relationship. Here’s how.


Unlock the art of ! 🌐💞 Explore how to set expectations, dream together, plan visits, resolve conflicts, and build trust. Dive in for the ultimate relationship guide! 🤞🏾😮💨

What Men Want in a Woman Physically 12/26/2023

Oh, look at this gem of a webpage telling us all about what men want in a woman physically! A genuine smile, healthy appearance, and oozing confidence – groundbreaking stuff, really. Don't you just adore how simple they make it sound? Like tossing on a little black dress and voila, you're the epitome of allure.

Let's not forget the classic indicators of femininity and grace. If you can muster a poised ballet twirl with your full lips and soft jawline on full display, apparently, you’re all set to captivate hearts across the land. And if style could kill, we'd all be fashion victims by tomorrow, as Emma apparently was, winning hearts left and right with her ensemble alone.

But hold on, maintain eye contact, have good posture, and suddenly Ryan's writing sonnets under your balcony? If these tips are the holy grail, sign me up for my fairy tale ending already.

And hygiene, who knew that showering could be so seductive? Thank Sarah for setting that bar so high for us mere mortals.

So, dear friends, as you ponder the mystical secrets to everlasting attraction, I have to ask: Do you think following a list can truly capture someone's heart? Or is there more to the story of attraction than perfect posture and stylish outfits? Can we really distill the complex nature of physical allure to a top ten? Share your thoughts, experiences, and maybe your own sarcastic tidbit on the matter!

What Men Want in a Woman Physically This post discusses what men want in a woman physically and provides examples to illustrate the importance of attraction in a relationship.


Navigating the aftermath of a toxic love isn't about a broken heart, it's about mending an ego wound. 💔🌱 Are you truly heartbroken, or is it your confidence that's been shaken? Let's heal, not just from loss, but from betrayal's deep cut. 💪🔄

Signs You Will Never Find Love: Five Hacks to Overcome Them 12/25/2023

🌟 Embracing Love: A Dual Perspective 🌟

Love is a journey, a myriad of highs and lows that reflects our deepest desires and fears. Recently, I came across a thought-provoking page that offered insight into why some of us might feel like love is elusive. The page suggested that if we exhibit signs like negative self-talk, a critical attitude towards potential partners, or carry scars from past relationships, we might be challenged in finding love. And there's truth to that—our mindset can significantly impact our love life.

But here's a flip side to consider—sometimes, the idea that we're "doing it all wrong" can be just as harmful. Not everyone fits into a mold, and what might be a hurdle for one person can be a stepping stone for another. Embracing our uniqueness is what makes the search for love real and beautiful—not a one-size-fits-all approach.

The webpage also shared some strategies to overcome these challenges, like expressing gratitude and rewarding every small step towards love. It hints at the power of self-belief and the magic of a positive mindset, which I wholeheartedly agree with! However, it's equally important to recognize that love doesn't have a deadline or a certain look—we all bloom in our own time and way.

The real question is: Can we strike a balance between self-improvement and self-acceptance? 🤔

What do you think? Have you ever felt "love-challenged"? How do you reconcile the advice on "fixing" your approach to love with the concept of self-acceptance? And what are your unique affirmations or rewards that keep you optimistic in your love journey? Let's talk about the realities of finding love in a world that often seems to have a surplus of advice.

💬 Share your thoughts and l

Signs You Will Never Find Love: Five Hacks to Overcome Them Are you wondering about signs you will never find love? Most singles felt this way. Here are 10 signs that you've given up on finding love.


Strength will replace sadness. 🚫🤥 No looking back, only growth. 🌼💪


Dive deep into self-healing with somatic breathwork. 😌🌀 It's a journey through past pains to emerge resilient & reborn. Embrace every tear & memory; they lead to pride in your strength. Begin anew. 🌱✨

How Much Time Should You Spend Together? — Dr. Jane Greer 12/23/2023

🤔 Finding the sweet spot in togetherness can be trickier than a tightrope walk, don't you think? On one side, DRG highlights the dance of balancing our own needs with those of our partners. There's beauty in being upfront about when we're booked and when we're free, creating a harmony between 'me time' and 'we time.'

💞 Yes, it's crucial to set boundaries and have that understanding with your partner to nurture a healthy relationship. And surely, choosing to spend time apart doesn't mean we care any less. It means respecting and valuing each other's individuality and commitments.

But here's a thought... 🧐 Is it possible we're being too dismissive of that longing to be together? Can setting too many boundaries stifle the spontaneity and connection that come from unplanned togetherness?

What about those moments when being with our partner might just be the refreshment we didn't know we needed amidst our busy schedules? 🕒

Let's talk about it:

👀 Have you ever felt that setting boundaries made your partner assume you're not as invested in the relationship?

📅 Do you think there's a risk that structuring 'together-time' can suck the joy out of a relationship?

✨ How do you find balance without making your time together feel like another appointment on your calendar?

Sound off in the comments, and let's share our experiences and insights!

How Much Time Should You Spend Together? — Dr. Jane Greer How Much Time Should You Spend Together? -Relationship Blog by Dr. Jane Greer

Lying By Omission And Its Consequences On Relationships 12/22/2023

🤔 In life and relationships, truth and honesty aren't just virtues; they are the bedrock upon which trust is built.🌟 I stumbled upon an interesting piece today, discussing the intricate subject of 'lies by omission' – a fascinating yet controversial topic.

On one hand, I can see where the proponents of complete transparency are coming from. It's undeniable that for a relationship to flourish, trust must be cultivated through openness and sincerity. Hiding important details could sow seeds of distrust and lead to emotional distress or even betrayal – a cost too steep in the pursuit of love and friendship. 🌱🤐

However, here's the twist – is it really practical or even necessary to share every facet of our lives with our partners? Could there be scenarios where withholding information equals kindness, or maybe even self-preservation? After all, not every unsaid word is a lie intended to deceive. Sometimes, it's a cushion against irrelevant details that might do more harm than good. 🛡️🗣️

So, where do you draw the line? How much should be shared, and how much should remain unsaid for the greater good of the relationship?

Do share your thoughts:
- Have you ever faced a situation where 'lying by omission' seemed to be the better choice?
- Can withholding information ever be justified in your eyes?
- What do you consider a 'healthy' level of honesty in relationships?

Looking forward to an engaging discussion! ✨👥

Lying By Omission And Its Consequences On Relationships What's lying by omission? Is leaving out key facts about something as harmful as a false statement? Find out in this article.


Let nature take its course in healing. 🌱 To truly heal, we must resist the urge to meddle with our wounds. Trust the process. Your resilience is your Band-Aid. 🩹💪

How to Fix Low Libido: 7 Important Truths That'll Blow Your Mind 🤯 12/21/2023

🤯 Today I stumbled upon Jodie Milton's article on low libido, and it brought up some interesting points. On one hand, it's liberating to hear that libido isn't a fixed biological drive that's out of our control. That means we actually have power over our s*xual desire, which is pretty empowering!

🚦 I love the analogy Jodie uses about s*xual arousal having a 'brake' and 'accelerator.' It’s a helpful way to understand that what turns us on and off isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation.

🧩 However, I can't say I completely agree with the idea that there's no such thing as a libido. It seems like it could be a combination of both that drive and the brakes and accelerators she mentions. Maybe calling it something that can be universally 'fixed' isn't right, but surely it's a complex aspect of human biology and psychology that exists in some form or another?

🛌 Also, saying that if the s*x isn't enticing enough, it's just not worth having, seems a bit one-dimensional. Relationships and physical connections require effort, compromise, and sometimes pushing past the initial ‘meh’ feelings to find a deeper connection. It's not always about immediate gratification, right?

🔍 But here's the kicker: she ties s*x drive to overall zest for life, which really resonates. When you're burned out or feel life is constantly at a high-stress level, surely this affects every aspect of your existence, including your intimacy with your partner.

So, what do YOU think?

🗝️ Is the term 'libido' outdated, or is it a useful way to describe our s*xual desires?

💕 Can looking at 'libido' as zest for life transform how we experience desire?

🛠️ Have you found that tackling stress and burnout was the answer to improving your intimate life?

Jump into the conversation and share your thoughts!

How to Fix Low Libido: 7 Important Truths That'll Blow Your Mind 🤯 If you're a woman wondering how to fix low libido, forget everything you think you know. These 7 truths will blow your mind and help you reignite your desire.


Dive into self-worth & heal past wounds to attract deeper connections in love & friendship. 🌱💕 It's about more than s*x or validation; it's embracing your value to foster trust & support in all relationships.

How to Know a Relationship is Too Much Work 12/20/2023

Embarking on couples therapy often feels like steering a boat through stormy seas – it's daunting but can also be the start of an empowering journey. 🌧️⚓ In therapy, pouring out your heart might bring relief, a sense of finally addressing the silent struggles that have pushed you and your partner apart. Yet, it's not rare to feel a mountain of issues looming ahead, making you question if your relationship can weather the climb. 🏔️💔

Andrew G. Marshall puts it elegantly when he says that every committed relationship deserves a "best shot" or a "decent burial." But the query that tickles my mind is, "How do I know if our relationship seeks too much repair?" 🤔

On one hand, Marshall’s focus on practical application, inviting us to ask probing questions about our partners and ourselves, feels like a grounded, realistic way of addressing relationship woes. It's not just about passion and connection, but also about the willingness to put in the work, face the challenges, and learn from the process. 🛠️❤️

Contrarily, I can't help but wonder if sometimes this perspective leans heavily on rationalizing every struggle and underplays the simple truth that some relationships might organically thrive more than others. Is love really a series of strategic moves and intensive labor, or is there room for that enchanting, effortless connection we all yearn for? ✨

Despite my musings, the advice on the site cuts deep and true for many. It serves a reminder to look within, weigh the stakes, understand our patterns, and most importantly, remember that growth often sprouts from discomfort. 🌱

But what do you think? Is love really about hard work and dedication, or should there be a spontaneous magic to it? How do you decide if a relationship is worth the effort, or when it’s time to let go? 🤷‍♂️✨ Let's chat in the comments!

How to Know a Relationship is Too Much Work Can this relationship be saved or is it too far gone? All relationships take work, but here’s how to know when to say when.


In search of true connection? Intimacy goes beyond the surface, embracing every part of us, flaws included. It's about being vulnerable and finding love that endures beyond the known. Don't settle for less; seek the soul-deep bond. 💞

Fear of Commitment in Women 12/19/2023

On today's read, I stumbled upon an intriguing webpage detailing the phenomenon of "Fear of Commitment" in women, famously coined as "gamophobia." 📖✨ It's refreshing to see the stereotype that only men fear commitment being challenged. Women, too, can find themselves navigating the murky waters of emotional vulnerability and relational permanence.

However, while the page presents patterns seemingly common in fear-of-commitment scenarios, there's a point of contention. The examples posit a rather one-dimensional view of women's relationships with commitment. Not every erratic relationship trajectory is a signpost for deep-seated phobias, and sometimes, a mismatch is just a mismatch—not a labyrinth of psychological fears. 💔🤷‍♀️

For example, the "Flame Out" highlights intense beginnings that fizzle out abruptly, but can't this also be a simple misalignment of expectations? The "I'll Make You Love Me" pattern talks about over-giving to capture affection, yet couldn't this simply reflect poor boundaries rather than a commitment phobia? Lastly, "Chase Me" implies a desire for pursuit, but can this not just be a way some manage anxiety in relationships?

What I'd love to know from you all:
- Have you ever experienced these patterns in your relationships?

- Do you think they always signal a fear of commitment, or could there be other factors at play?

- And finally, can someone's "fear of commitment" actually be a healthy defense mechanism?

Drop your thoughts and experiences below - let's try to unpack this complex baggage together! 👇💬

Fear of Commitment in Women Fear of commitment in women, known as "gamophobia," can stem from numerous factors and can significantly affect a woman's love relationships.


Beyond touch, true is seeing into someone’s soul with trust and honesty. 🌟 Embrace your authentic self and let trust build the bridge to deeper bonds. 🌉💕 🤗✨

10 Smart Habits Long Distance Relationships Need To Succeed 12/18/2023

As a relationship enthusiast, I recently delved into an intriguing article by Lolo and Nate from Lasting The Distance, where they share heartfelt insight into making long-distance relationships (LDRs) not just survive, but thrive. Their candid approach, infused with personal anecdotes and research, presents ten pivotal habits for LDR success. I appreciate their emphasis on 'going all in' and 'purposeful connection,' reinforcing the notion that commitment and deep communication are crucial. Moreover, their practical strategies on 'manufacturing quality time' resonate with the reality of juggling time zones and busy schedules.

However, while their suggestions are thoughtful, the idea that there's a one-size-fits-all blueprint to LDR success can be somewhat disheartening. What if some couples can't uphold the rigorous standards of communication or quality time due to extenuating circumstances? The piece glosses over the nuances that each unique relationship might face, and there's a hint of presumption that all LDRs must follow the same trajectory to be considered successful.

Engagement Questions:
1. What are your thoughts on the concept of "going all in" for a long-distance relationship? Do you believe it's always plausible?
2. Have you found any particular tips for LDRs to be unrealistic in your personal experience?
3. What other factors do you think contribute to the success of a long-distance relationship that might be beyond the 'ten habits' covered in the article?
4. For those of you who've transitioned from LDR to living together, what challenges did you face that weren't mentioned?
5. Can LDRs really thrive on a structured set of habits, or is there more to them that's often unaccounted for in such advice articles?

10 Smart Habits Long Distance Relationships Need To Succeed Praying doesn't help long distance relationships work. But practicing these habits and traits of successful long distance couples will.


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Clearing Out The Old And Making Way For The New When You Divorce — Dr. Jane Greer 12/16/2023

🔄 Life After Divorce: A Reset Button or An Eraser? 🔄

As I stumbled upon an article by DRG about how the tough journey of divorce is an opportunity to "clear out the old and make way for the new," it resonated with a part of me. The concept of using this tumultuous time to redefine oneself and even transform one's jewelry, echoes transformation and rebirth. It's like hitting a reset button on personal style and autonomy - out with the old wedding band and in with a vibrant watch that says, "It's my time now!"

But here's where I pause. Can we really package this transformation so neatly? Is it too simplistic, even insensitive, to equate selling off matrimonial mementos with personal growth? And is the acquisition of new jewelry a true step towards self-worth, or is it painting a thin veneer over the deep emotional work that must be done following such a life-changing event?

So, here’s the million-dollar question for our hearts and our jewelry boxes: Does clearing out the old truly make room for something new, or is there value in the sentimentality we might be too quick to discard? 💭✨

Let's have an open chat:

Have you ever let go of a sentimental piece of jewelry? How did it make you feel afterward?

Can new possessions ever truly replace the emotional significance of the old?

Is there a way to honor our past while still making room for the future?

Share your thoughts below, I'm eager to hear your stories and perspectives! 💬👇

Clearing Out The Old And Making Way For The New When You Divorce — Dr. Jane Greer Clearing Out The Old And Making Way For The New When You Divorce by Dr. Jane Greer


Is it all about admiration and obsession in love?💭 Dive into our "Dating Thoughts" video to explore the dynamics of looking up and being obsessed in relationships. Do you agree? Watch, reflect, and join the conversation! 🔗✨


From weekend yearnings to 6-year triumphs, Maia & her S/O prove true love knows no distance. Every second apart is worth the wait for a love that spans miles. Surviving and thriving! 🔗❤️ 🌍💑✨


Mastering the art of long-distance love? ❤️ Discuss these vital topics: communication styles 📱, future dreams 💭, visit plans ✈️, conflict resolution 🕊️, trust boundaries 🔒, and support systems 🤗. Your LDR blueprint awaits!

Understanding The Dynamics Of Short-Term Relationships 12/15/2023

🤔 Thinking out loud... While it’s true that short-term relationships can offer the thrill of exploration and the joy of living in the moment, I can't help but wonder if we're just trading depth for breadth. Yes, they're inherently time-limited, focused on the now, and often less emotionally intense, which can be perfect for those in a certain life stage or with particular lifestyle preferences. But can multiple short-term flings genuinely fulfill our deeper emotional, psychological, and perhaps even spiritual needs?

On one hand, these rendezvous can be light, fun, and stress-free! They can introduce us to new experiences, help us understand our wants, and even empower our personal growth without the pressure of longevity. Flexibility and reduced pressure? Sign me up! 💃🕺

However, I’m torn. Isn’t there something to be said for the beauty of long-term bonds; the depth, the understanding, and the shared history that only time can build? Are we potentially missing out on something truly enriching by limiting the duration of our connections? Are we undervaluing the growth that comes from navigating the complexities and challenges of deeper commitment? 🌱

I’d love to hear your thoughts:

❓ Do you think short-term relationships provide a sense of freedom that long-term relationships can’t offer?

❓ Or have you found that the investment in a long-term relationship brought you rewards that a short-term one never could?

❓ How do you balance the joy of the moment with the fulfillment that comes from a long-lasting partnership?

Let's chat about the pros and cons. Maybe we can all learn something new about what we truly seek in relationships. Your thoughts and experiences could provide a new perspective! 🔄

Understanding The Dynamics Of Short-Term Relationships These connections often thrive on spontaneity, shared experiences, and mutual enjoyment. Embracing impermanence allows individuals to appreciate the transient nature of such bonds, fostering personal growth and learning valuable lessons about themselves and others in the process. Understanding the d...

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Videos (show all)

Unlock the art of #LongDistanceLove! 🌐💞 Explore how to set expectations, dream together, plan visits, resolve conflicts,...
Navigating the aftermath of a toxic love isn't about a broken heart, it's about mending an ego wound. 💔🌱 Are you truly h...
Strength will replace sadness. 🚫🤥 No looking back, only growth. 🌼💪 #SelfHealing #StrongerThanEver #WorthMore #MovingForw...
Dive deep into self-healing with somatic breathwork. 😌🌀 It's a journey through past pains to emerge resilient & reborn. ...
Let nature take its course in healing. 🌱 To truly heal, we must resist the urge to meddle with our wounds. Trust the pro...
Dive into self-worth & heal past wounds to attract deeper connections in love & friendship. 🌱💕 It's about more than sex ...
In search of true connection? Intimacy goes beyond the surface, embracing every part of us, flaws included. It's about b...
Beyond touch, true #intimacy is seeing into someone’s soul with trust and honesty. 🌟 Embrace your authentic self and let...
Write a social media title (100 characters) and caption (280 characters including hashtags) about this video caption. In...
Is it all about admiration and obsession in love?💭 Dive into our "Dating Thoughts" video to explore the dynamics of look...
From weekend yearnings to 6-year triumphs, Maia & her S/O prove true love knows no distance. Every second apart is worth...
Mastering the art of long-distance love? ❤️ Discuss these vital topics: communication styles 📱, future dreams 💭, visit p...



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