Massachusetts Association of Community Colleges

The MACC mission is to advocate, communicate and collaborate to strengthen community colleges.

“Be Mass Competitive” Program 10/05/2021

Do you know someone looking for an upwardly-mobile career at one of the Commonwealth's largest businesses? Join us for an Information Session to find out more about the Be Mass Competitive Partnership - up to12 weeks of training at Bunker Hill Community College or Roxbury Community College at no charge to the student, on-the-job work experience, stipend provided throughout the program, and wrap around support services to promote success. Massachusetts Competitive Partnership

“Be Mass Competitive” Program The Massachusetts Association of Community Colleges (MACC) in partnership with the Massachusetts Competitive Partnership (MACP) is pleased to announce the …

Financial Well-Being Series: Balancing School & Life 09/21/2021

Would you like to learn more about your financial well-being as you balance school & life? Sign up to join us for a free to all.

Financial Well-Being Series: Balancing School & Life MACC presents the ARIES Foundation for Financial Education webinar


Today the Massachusetts Community Colleges announced that students, faculty, and staff at the Commonwealth’s 15 community colleges must be vaccinated for COVID-19 beginning in January 2022.

Read the full statement on our website:

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FLOTUS Surprises Glamour's Community College Women of the Year: Watch Two applicants thought they'd be jumping on Zoom for a quick chat with us. Instead, they signed on to find Dr. Jill Biden.

Office of Economic Empowerment and Money Experience Partner with the Massachusetts Association of Community Colleges 07/21/2021

Office of Economic Empowerment and Money Experience Partner with the Massachusetts Association of Community Colleges The Office of Economic Empowerment and Money Experience combines their collective expertise to offer engaging financial education to MA community colleges.

Want to Learn More about the Workforce Training Fund? 07/08/2021

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Free Community College Could Help Equitable Economic Recovery BOSTON -- Community colleges have helped push recovery forward in past times of economic hardship, and their advocates say federal funding will help them do it again. President Joe Biden's American Families Plan includes $109 billion for two years of community college tuition for anyone. Dave Koffma...


President John Cook of Springfield Technical Community College with a very special congratulatory message for All-Massachusetts Academic Team member Miranda Kamukala!

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society


Springfield Technical Community College Professor Reena Randhir congratulates Miranda Kamukala for being named to the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society All-Massachusetts Academic Team!


We've reached our final community college AND community college student of ! Meet Springfield Technical Community College student Miranda Kamukala!

Miranda Kamukala of Agawam, MA was born in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. A general studies major at STCC, Miranda is taking nursing prerequisites to begin nursing in the fall. She aspires to join the nursing profession and then get a masters in midwifery to be a Certified Nurse Midwife. Miranda participates in the honors program at STCC.

Miranda's favorite courses are psychology, human biology and sociology. For honors projects, she has examined how addicted parents affect their children and has explored how the COVID-19 pandemic affects public health and the environment. She also joined an honors seminar called “Picturing Atrocity,” which studied war photography.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Miranda worked at an afterschool program and a summer camp where she enjoyed working with children. Her other hobbies include running, playing the clarinet, and reading.

Congratulations on being named to the 2021 Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society All-MA Academic Team, Miranda!


President Valerie Roberson of Roxbury Community College congratulates RCC students Hamid, Jon Luc, Merlicia for being named Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society All-MA Academic Team members!


Our final Roxbury Community College All-MA Academic Team member is Merlicia Miles!

Merlicia was born on the island of Dominica. She migrated to the United States of America in 2007 with her family. Her goal is to be a Nurse Midwife, a career that’s personal to her for several reasons. Merlicia is currently working as a professional nanny as she completes her Associate Degree in Health Careers at Roxbury Community College.

After her expected graduation in May 2021, she plans to transfer to UMass Boston, where she will complete a bachelor’s degree in the Registered Nursing Program and then move on to graduate school. She is the treasurer of RCC’s chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and has worked hard to help her fellow students whenever given the opportunity.

Congratulations, Merlicia, and best of luck as you continue working towards your career!


Our next student feature is about Roxbury Community College's Jon Luc Dumornay!

Jon Luc is proud to be one of the honorees for RCC’s 2021 Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society All-MA Academic Team. He is in his fourth semester at RCC and plans to graduate in May 2021 with a degree in Business Administration. He prides himself on his academic achievements and was grateful to have earned the President’s List Award in the summer of 2020. He plans to continue his studies this fall at a four-year university and has always envisioned himself in a business-focused career.

Jon Luc uses his business skills while working part-time at a bank, but also devotes time to the Peer Tiger program at RCC, supporting other students with their studies as a peer tutor and advocate. In his spare time, he enjoys reading and riding his bike around Boston.

Congratulations, Jon Luc, on your wonderful accomplishments and best of luck as you pursue your goals!


We have reached our 14th community college: Roxbury Community College! First we're hearing about RCC student Hamid Malik.

Hamid is a Broadcast Media Technology student at Roxbury Community College who has been interested in creative expression since he was a child. Growing up, Hamid loved art and would write wrote stories and poems. Later he developed an interest in movies and filmmaking. Hamid enrolled in the BMT major to learn practical aspects of filmmaking, and has rediscovered his creative passions in the process.

In his major, Hamid has made short films, learned how to edit, and has also worked as an audio operator, technical director, and CG operator for various shows produced in his classes, all while keeping up with his writing. Hamid did not pursue these artistic activities before entering Roxbury Community College, and he is proud to be an RCC student. After graduation, he has plans to work in a TV station and gain more experience in this field.

Congratulations on being named to the 2021 Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society All-MA Academic Team, Hamid! Best of luck in your future career!


President Luis Pedraja of Quinsigamond Community College congratulates QCC's four 2021 Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society All-MA Academic Team members: Edmilse, Alex, Vincent, and Bradley.


Our final Quinsigamond Community College All-MA Academic Team member is Vincent Strzelecki. Everyone, meet Vincent!

"My name is Vincent Carl Strzelecki and I came to Quinsigamond Community College to pursue a degree in Computer Science. QCC’s math and writing centers both were vital parts of my education.

You will often find me building, modifying, or experimenting with things, and I always encourage others to join in. My favorite core school subject is science, particularly physics.

My life goal is to help as many people as I can, and I am working hard to continue down the path of video game development, so I can create games that are inexpensive, highly accessible, and greatly enjoyable."

In addition to being named to the 2021 Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society All-MA Academic Team, Vincent was also the recipient of the New Century Workforce Pathway Scholar award and a $1,250 stipend. Congratulations, Vincent!


On to our next student, Bradley Sylvestre, from Quinsigamond Community College!

"My name is Bradley Sylvestre and I am currently part of Quinsigamond Community College’s Class of 2022 Nurse Education program, and I am loving it. Despite classes being online and having limiting time in a physical classroom, I have been able to learn from the best and apply that knowledge in my clinical settings. I was able to go to a local nursing home in Westborough and make a difference with the elderly; see a birth at UMass Hospital in Leominster, and have been able to bond with patients in need of companionship. I was able to do all these things thanks to the hardworking educators at QCC, who were constantly advocating for me and my fellow nursing students, despite the grueling process of nursing school during a pandemic.

QCC is a community college, and for me, a new nursing student from Rhode Island, QCC has become my community. I used to work at a windowless warehouse, Monday – Friday, when I decided that I wanted to have a career where I would be able to something meaningful. I quickly became an Emergency Medical Technician, bringing patients from walks-of -life to the closest emergency departments. It was here that I met emergency room nurses, who were literally keeping their patients’ alive. It was through this experience that I realized I wanted to become a nurse.

Now, I work as an Emergency Room Technician at UMass Memorial Medical Center (a level 1 trauma center) in the Emergency Department. I hope to do what those nurses showed me so long ago, when I was still unsure of my own career path. My goal is to be an emergency department registered nurse and specialize in pediatric emergency care, where personal connection and quality nursing makes such a big impact on little ones and family alike."

Congratulations on being named to the 2021 Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society All-MA Academic Team, Bradley, and best of luck as you continue pursuing your career!


Next up, we have Quinsigamond Community College student Alex Riopel!

"My name is Alexander Riopel and I chose QCC because of its MassTransfer program with UMass Amherst. Due to COVID-19, this year has been a little different from others; however, QCC has done a great job adapting to online classes and helping students make the transition as smooth as possible.

I am currently a business transfer major and plan on pursing a finance degree at a four-year university in the fall. QCC has done a great job preparing me for a four-year university. As the former president of QCC’s Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society, I was fortunate to be part of a group that affected real change within the community. Along with many other students and staff members, we worked to make our community and the world a better place.

Outside of PTK, I have continued to push myself academically by participating in the Commonwealth Honors Program. In addition to my extracurricular activities and academics, I consistently work 20-plus hours a week, to support myself financially while in school. I am proud to say that I have made the most of my time at QCC, and look forward to continuing on to a four-year university."

Congratulations, Alex, on being named to the 2021 Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society All-MA Academic Team!


We've reached the last day of our Community College Excellence Week celebration. Thank you all for following along! We have several remarkable students to introduce you to today, and we are starting with Edmilse Diaz from Quinsigamond Community College!

"My name is Edmilse Diaz and I am a part of Quinsigamond Community College’s Class of 2022 Dental Hygiene program. I am originally from the Dominican Republic and moved to the U.S when I was young.

I received a Bachelor’s in Psychology from Saint Michael’s College in 2015. Throughout my life, I have continued to pursue learning and challenge myself. I decided to pursue a career in dental hygiene because I wanted to help raise awareness on the importance of oral health and its effect on a person’s overall health. I love working with my hands, and feel I am making a difference in the health of my patients.

I also train in Jiu Jitsu and mantis boxing in my spare time. I love spending time with my dog, 'Johnny,' and when the sun is shining, you can often catch me on a hiking trail somewhere."

Congratulations on being named to the 2021 Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society All-MA Academic Team!


President Lane Glenn of Northern Essex Community College ending our day by congratulating his Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society All-MA Academic Team members, Michelle, Cathalina, and Jay.


Northern Essex Community College Professor Paul Cavan congratulates Jay Anaya for being named to the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society All-Massachusetts Academic Team!


Our final student feature of the day is Northern Essex Community College's Jay Anaya!

Jay, a Lawrence, MA native, is graduating with a perfect 4.0 GPA and an associate degree in criminal justice. She has already begun taking courses at UMass Lowell while enrolled at Northern Essex, and she anticipates that she will graduate with her bachelor’s in criminal justice with a legal studies minor in just one year. A master’s degree is definitely in her future.

Jay’s short term goal is to be a juvenile probation officer and long term she plans to become a criminal justice professor. She says that because of her experience growing up in an urban area, she would most like to work with youth who may be troubled or at risk.

Jay has volunteered in her community in the past, and, most recently, she has committed 400 hours as a crisis counselor at Crisis Text Line, helping those in need.

Congratulations on your remarkable achievements, Jay, and good luck in your future endeavors!

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society


Northern Essex Community College Professor Kevin Fleese congratulates Cathalina Eisan for being named to the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society All-Massachusetts Academic Team!


Our next student from Northern Essex Community College is Cathalina Eisan!

Cathalina’s goal is to be an interpreter for the Deaf, and her passion is working with Deaf children. After earning her associate degree in American Sign Language Studies in May, she plans to return to Northern Essex for her Sign Language Interpreting Certificate, an intensive program which will help her hone her signing skills.

When she graduates with the certificate in 2022, she plans on pursuing her interpreting license and eventually landing a position in a school system. Cathalina has a 3.71 GPA and she’s been working part time at TJ Maxx to pay for her schooling. A resident of Rowley, she spent her early years in Derry, NH and graduated from high school in California.

Congratulations, Cathalina, on being named to the 2021 Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society All-MA Academic Team!


Northern Essex Community College Professor Amy Callahan congratulates Michelle Colbert-Mason for being named to the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society All-Massachusetts Academic Team!


We're thrilled to hear directly from Northern Essex Community College student Michelle Colbert-Mason about her nomination to the 2021 Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society All-MA Academic Team!

Michelle is a third-year journalism/communication major. Obtaining her education from NECC has helped her identify her passion for reporting on and developing content that creates representation, diversity, and inclusion. Michelle has worked hard to fulfill her goal of completing her associates degree and plans to transfer to a four-year institution for her Bachelors. She has many aspirations including that of becoming a published author, recognized journalist, successful podcaster, and in the future, a television network owner.

Michelle has found a community on and outside of campus. She’s worked closely with PACE, professors, and fellow students as a Student Ambassador, and has become a member of PTK. Outside of campus, at the Big Sister Association of Greater Boston, Michelle sits as the committee chair of Marketing & Recruitment on the Junior Advisory Board.

Congratulations, Michelle, and best of luck in your future endeavors!


Interim President Nate Bryant congratulates North Shore Community College students Aryell, Chelsea, and Christopher on being named to the 2021 Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society All-MA Academic Team.


Our final student from North Shore Community College is Chelsea Edo!

"I was born in West Africa and from an early age I have been heavily involved in academics. I enjoy science and learning all about the human body. My passion is helping people, so I decided to pursue a career in nursing. Few years ago I moved to the United States. My goal is to become a General Nurse practitioner or Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA).

Besides helping others, I enjoy the outdoors like going to the beach and hiking. I love to learn about new things and experience different cultures, foods and music. I’m a member of STEM club as well as well as an active member of PTK, This Fall I’ll be transferring to UMass Boston into the Nursing program and I’m excited because my dreams are turning into a reality. Eleanor Roosevelt one said 'The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.'"

Congratulations on being named to the 2021 Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society All-MA Academic Team, Chelsea!


Next in our lineup is Chris Campbell, a 2021 Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society All-MA Academic Team member from North Shore Community College!

"My name is Chris Campbell, and I was born on May 8th, 1991 with Cerebral Palsy. I am a full-time wheelchair user and nonverbal. I grew up watching cartoons, reading fantasy series, and playing video games. The lessons I learned from these different forms of media make me who I am today. This is why I will be majoring in Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy because I want to write books about morality in pop culture.

One of my favorite hobbies is skiing at Loon Mountain. I use an adaptive ski called a sitski. In my free time I also enjoy going to comic book conventions with my friends. I am a member of PTK and the President of DaPi Honor Society, and I am graduating from NSCC in May 2021 with an associate degree in Liberal Arts. I am looking forward to studying at UMass Boston in the fall."

Congratulations on your many achievements, Chris, and we wish you good luck in your future endeavors!


Now we move to North Shore Community College to hear about their 2021 Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society All-MA Academic Team members! First up is Aryell Lula, who told us a little bit about himself:

"My name is Aryell, I am a Business and Administration Transfer student at North Shore Community College that will be majoring in Entrepreneurship at Endicott College. I am a very hardworking and motivated person, trying to pursue my dreams. Currently, I am a stock trader, and I intend to continue to do that as my future career. My hobbies are being active, being outdoors, and traveling. I know I have a big career ahead of me, and I know there are a lot of obstacles that will be coming my way, but as the motivated and dedicated person I am, I will not give up."

We have no doubt you will continue pushing towards your dreams, Aryell! Congratulations and best of luck!

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Videos (show all)

STCC Professor Reena Randhir Congratulates Miranda on PTK All-MA Academic Team Membership
STCC Student Miranda Kamukala on PTK All-MA Academic Team Nomination
President Cook Congratulates 2021 PTK All-MA Academic Team Member Miranda Kamukala
President Roberson Congratulates 2021 PTK Students from Roxbury Community College
QCC Student Vincent Strzelecki on PTK All-MA Academic Team Nomination
President Pedraja Congratulates 2021 PTK Students from Quinsigamond Community College
QCC Student Edmilse Diaz on PTK All-MA Academic Team Nomination
QCC Student Alex Riopel on PTK All-MA Academic Team Nomination
QCC Student Bradley Sylvestre on PTK All-MA Academic Team Nomination
NECC Student Michelle Colbert-Mason on PTK All-MA Academic Team Nomination
President Mabry Congratulates 2021 PTK Students from Middlesex Community College
NECC Professor Amy Callahan Congratulates Michelle on PTK All-MA Academic Team Membership


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