Foxy Fitness & Wellness LLC

Foxy Fitness & Wellness Mobile Fitness is based out of Storrs Connecticut and provides In-home and outdoor fitness training and Nutrition counseling.

Mobile Fitness Training:
In-home and outdoor fitness training and nutrition consultation for weight-loss, improved health and fitness! Caroline will meet you where you are at to get you where you want to go! Schedule a consultation today, email at [email protected]

You're Consuming Your Protein Wrong, Experts Offer Tips for the Ideal Protein Plan — Women’s Health 08/29/2024

No need to buy those super extra high protein shakes folks! It seems the body best utilitizes up to 30grams of protein at any given meal. And yes, excess protein intake will likely end up breaking down into glucose molecules/stored as fat.

I love the concept of the diet-method of consuming more protein vs restricting calories. It’s a more additive vs restrictive mindset and approach to weight/fat-loss…. But the facts need to be straight!

Calculate your caloric needs, use a metric like .8-1.4 g/kg body weight (if BMI > 30 use adjusted body weight) or about 60-100 grams protein/day for an excerising individual consuming 1200-1800 calories/day. Spread it out between meals and snacks…

Even if you are practicing IF you should still aim to have about 2-3 eating intervals within your window to avoid this overload of nutrients and calories at one time!

You're Consuming Your Protein Wrong, Experts Offer Tips for the Ideal Protein Plan — Women’s Health Spread out the muscle-booster for max results.


🥦 Line 1: Fast, nutritious weight-loss; no joy.

🍎 Line 2: Slow weight-loss or none, some good nutrition; plenty of joy.

🥗 Line 3: Steady, moderate weight-loss, good nutrition; enough joy to keep going!

Take your pick…!

Yes, cashews are good for you. But here's why it's critical to eat them in moderation. — USA TODAY 08/18/2024

Calories people, nuts have a lot of calories…
All nuts. And nut butters. 🥜 🌰

Some people appear to be able to lose weight or maintain a naturally lower weight eating a relatively high-fat, high calorie diet (genetics, big exercisers, ketogenesis). But most of us will need to watch our overall caloric intake if we are going to lose or maintain weight. Which means eat those nutritious nuts & nut butter in moderation!

You don’t need more than 1-2 ounces of nuts/day, which can already add up to - 400 calories. An ounce or ~2 Tbsp nut butter lends about 5-8grams of protein and a bit of fiber.

Not a bad snack choice but you likely need to pair it with a lower calorie/high Protein & Fiber item to get more bang for your buck, ie Greek yogurt, soy milk, high protein/fiber bread slice or 1/2 cup fruit. *Powder peanut butter like PB2/PBfit is much lighter than regular or “reduced fat” peanut butters.

My tips:
🌰 Adhere to caloric guidelines for snacks, typically

Yes, cashews are good for you. But here's why it's critical to eat them in moderation. — USA TODAY Cashews contain a huge amount of protein - over 20 grams in a single cup - plus more than 4 grams of dietary fiber.


Protein PSA- the more you know!

Another good example of how over-simplifying (or poorly explaining) health recommendations can leave us confused and not getting weight-loss results.

When it comes to diet & weight-loss, the correct message about Protein is to eat more of your calorie budget from Protein, or to eat filling Protein items first (before starch), not simply “Eat more Protein”. Many people translate this message into “if I eat more foods with protein I will build muscle and lose fat/weight! “ but misunderstand the key pieces that to lose fat/weight you need to create a calorie deficit and to build muscle you need to workout regularly.

So, for someone who is both trying to lose weight/fat and build muscle 💪🏽, they need to be consuming a reduced-calorie diet and performing exercise consistently enough to build muscle mass & contribute to calorie deficit. This is a different scenario than some more naturally thin/high-metabolism folks face who may need to eat more calories in general (including from protein) to gain weight & muscle mass.

Adding on extra protein shakes, bars, and meat will more likely result in weight-gain unless you are exercising hard/frequently and/or using these to replace otherwise higher-calorie, higher-carb choices than you did before. There are some exceptions to this, but I have met too many people who are missing the punch-line of the Protein recommendation and it’s not doing them any favors.

First, get an accurate calorie goal for weight-loss, then devise Protein gram goals based off of that. If you feel you are having to eat more than you would like to meet a Protein goal and you aren’t really losing weight- the math for your nutrition targets is probably wrong/needs to be adjusted; and/or the exercise isn’t optimized for fat & weight-loss.

Use nutrition trackers, look into meds if you can’t get past excess hunger & cravings, do challenging workouts at least 3 days/wk + lots of movement every day…

and read between the lines!! 🥩🏃‍♂️🏋️‍♀️ 🥗 🍏

Doctors Wanted To Tackle Obesity. They May Have Stumbled Onto A Radical New Treatment For Addiction Instead. — Women’s Health 06/24/2024

Articles and research are starting to acknowledge the farther reaches of GLP-1 medications outside of just making you feel full more easily. The more intriguiging report I get from my patients is their decreased interest in & pre-occupation with food, often specifically the more sweet/salty non-nutritious snacks and notably reduced interest in alcohol.

Since this medication targets a hormone with receptors in the brain and stomach, the feedback loop allows someone to not only feel full more easily but also have reduced cravings. For people with food addiction/binge-eating disorder, substance abuse, or alcohol addiction treatment of this pathway may help those struggling to achieve or maintain lifestyle changes. Whether it’s sticking to a diet or “staying clean”, GLP- 1 can make it more likely they will be successful from the get go.

What I tell my patients is that diet and lifestyle change is hard, very hard, and you need to stick with it- forever! So if there is something out there to assist with your efforts, make it more likely you can start and continue these changes- it is worth the shot 😁.

So as a Clinical Dietitian specializing in weight-management at this point it is rarely a question of SHOULD someone who fits the criteria try the medication, it’s a matter of managing the numerous barriers people face to having access to them.

Doctors Wanted To Tackle Obesity. They May Have Stumbled Onto A Radical New Treatment For Addiction Instead. — Women’s Health A neuroscientist and leader in the field of addiction explains why popular weight-loss drugs might hold the key to radical new treatments.

Photos from Foxy Fitness & Wellness LLC's post 06/12/2024

Not exactly the prettiest view for my little workout this morning but the wild lavender and poppy were a nice touch!! Despite walking a kazillion steps over the last few days sometimes you still just need a good “workout”.

If a gym or other equipment isn’t available a bench offers lots of possibilities! In about 15 mins I did nice light HIIT set with JJacks, bench push ups, steps ups, triceps dips, lunges, and core crunches. Feeling grrrreat!!

15-Minute Grilled Chicken Caprese Salad (34 grams Protein) 05/23/2024

I love SkinnyTaste as a resource for recipes for myself and patients- check out the website and cookbooks!

This Caprese salad looks like a great light yet filling way to enjoy Italian flavors in the Summer 😋 🥗

15-Minute Grilled Chicken Caprese Salad (34 grams Protein) I ordered this from the Pizzeria a few weeks ago (I swapped grilled chicken for the breaded fried cutlets) and got so many requests for the recipe, so here it is!

Baked Ziti & Summer Veggies 05/19/2024

Pasta is one of my favorite ways to eat veggies! Even if you are on a weight-loss journey pasta can still fit- it’s all about portion size… 🍝 🥗.

When you practice the “Plate Method”, you scale down your carb portion while adding more non-starchy vegetables = you are proportionally cutting down on Calories/Carbs but still getting to eat something satisfying- like a bowl of pasta!

And it doesn’t have to be whole grain or bean pasta either- those have the same amount of calories/carbs as regular pasta anyway and sometimes less protein. You will be adding filling fiber from all the veggies anyways! 🥕🥦

Optionally, add some sort of animal or vegetarian protein to keep it more satisfying (beans, low fat cheese, fish/chicken etc) and a low-fat sauce (basic tomato sauce or low-fat creamy sauce) for extra flavor and richness.

Adding veggies to pasta (or even puréing into a sauce) is a great way to get more vitamins/minerals and fiber. Plus a pasta dish is a great way to use up little bits of items (last bit of cream cheese, that wilted bag of lettuce, teeny bit of tomato sauce in a jar) to extend your dollar.

To keep pasta calories in check keep your serving of cooked pasta to

Baked Ziti & Summer Veggies Add pops of color to baked ziti with summer veggies like squash, zucchini, and tomato.

Ask the Dietitian: What's the Best Carb, Protein and Fat Breakdown for Weight Loss? 04/08/2024

This is a great breakdown of what weight-loss looks like from a physiological/macronutrient standpoint; and demonstration of how nutrition tracking can (and should be) your meal-planning tool!

When you have a good understanding of the big picture about diet (Calories & Macros) then specific food recommendations make more sense and we can better identify & adjust what is working/not working!

Ask the Dietitian: What's the Best Carb, Protein and Fat Breakdown for Weight Loss? An RD weighs in on how eating more protein can help fuel weight loss.

This is the No. 1 healthiest cooking oil, according to dietitians 04/05/2024

Very good overview about cooking oils which is a specific question Dietitians still get asked about a lot. This is also a great example of how varied and often conflicting Nutrition research/headlines can leave the every day person very confused.

Some bottom lines:

🫒 🥑 Plant-based non-tropical oils are best, olive oil and avocado oil are the most common I recommend.

🥥 Coconut oil is not particularly good for you, it has the highest amount of saturated fat of almost any oil, and the whole MCT factor/claim (That it’s good for health or fat-burning) just isn’t substantiated for a regular (non-ketogenic) diet.

🥄 PORTION! All oil is fat, fat is high in calories. If you have to watch your weight, ie struggle with overweight and obesity, you should avoid excess calories from fats in cooking.

Rule of thumb for full fat products like oil- no more than 1 Tbsp (~ 100 kcals) per meal. Use spritzer bottles for a more thin, even coating of oil on your pan and foods.

This is the No. 1 healthiest cooking oil, according to dietitians Cooking oils are a kitchen staple. Which type of oil has the most health benefits? Dietitians share the healthiest oils to cook with and oils to avoid.

As obesity rises, Big Food and dietitians push ‘anti-diet’ advice 04/04/2024

Ahem, I have some thoughts…

As obesity rises, Big Food and dietitians push ‘anti-diet’ advice General Mills, maker of Cocoa Puffs and Lucky Charms cereals, has launched a multi-pronged campaign that capitalizes on the teachings of the anti-diet movement.

Is almond or oat milk healthier? A registered dietitian settles the debate, once and for all 03/18/2024

FYI items do not necessarily mean . Recently Dunkin started using Oatmilk as their hot new item and many of my patients are drinking this sweeter/higher carb option somehow thinking it is “healthier”

Oatmilk tends to have a higher carb content as compared to nut milk and even cows milk and is often more likely to be sweetened/flavored. If you have a dairy or nut allergy Oatmilk could be a good choice and it may have a richer texture/flavor as compared to almond milk if you are looking more from a taste perspective vs calories.

I recommend unsweetened soymilk outside of low-fat/fat free cows milk because it has comparable Protein content and low-moderate carb content. If you have a soy allergy or other almond and coconut milk are low carb (as long as they are not sweetened) but be aware there is typically no protein in almond/rice/coconut milk on their own.

Is almond or oat milk healthier? A registered dietitian settles the debate, once and for all Almond milk and oat milk are two of the most popular non-dairy milks out there. If you're trying get as much nutrition in your diet as possible, which should you choose?

Your Guide to Daily Calorie Intake After Metabolic and Bariatric Surge 01/28/2024

Calories are back, and I’m happy to see it! Counting calories has gotten a bad rap over the years particularly because of the fact that it is very tedious and for some triggers/worsens symptoms of restrict eating disorders. When used correctly- such as for short-term “data collection” to learn about your baseline eating intake and to help to adhere to an overall portion-controlled/ lower-calorie diet; tracking your calories/macros ie with an app is the gold standard of weight-loss.

I meet people where they are at when it comes to tracking but it is and will remain to be my number one recommendation when you want to lose weight and keep it off- even for folks on medication or who have had WLS.

The more you know the better!

Your Guide to Daily Calorie Intake After Metabolic and Bariatric Surge Unlock your post-surgery weight loss success! Discover the vital link between metabolic surgery, caloric intake, and sustained wellness. Dive into expert insights on calculating your unique calorie needs, portion control, and macronutrients. Explore a comprehensive guide for post-op dietary choices.

Don’t quit booze – just drink differently: 15 ways to change your life without trying all that hard — Guardian US 12/30/2023

Moderation and Reframing!

It’s like setting small goals as steps to reach a bigger goal or changing the way you think about a problem may make it more likely to find a “solution” and/or reach your bigger goal…

Good tips for this crazy thing called life, cheers to a New Year!!

Don’t quit booze – just drink differently: 15 ways to change your life without trying all that hard — Guardian US We ask the experts for the small life changes that can make a big difference


Practice moderation! (In moderation) 😎
Happy Holidays!! 🦊

What Eating the *Right* Amount of Protein Every Day Actually Looks Like — Shape 12/20/2023

Protein is an important nutrient! It helps maintain & build muscle mass and is integral to basic metabolic functions & hair/skin/nails integrity. People are often told to “eat more protein” in lieu of tracking calories or carbs…

This can work as higher protein foods tend to be more filling and can be lower in calories if “lean”. But if you are on a high protein diet and not seeing the weight-loss you are looking for- know that excess calories from protein foods can still ultimately store as fat!

A moderately active adult following a calorie controlled diet ~1200-1800 calories/day) needs on average between 50-100 grams Protein/day. Protein foods vary greatly in Protein content/ounce. Use apps like to track macros and calories. Food scales are particularly useful for measuring the weight of protein foods (ie how many ounces) for accurate tracking.

What Eating the *Right* Amount of Protein Every Day Actually Looks Like — Shape Figuring out how much protein to consume per day can be confusing. Here, experts explain how much of this important micronutrient you need and how to get it daily.

How to Create a Push and Pull Day Workout Plan 12/05/2023

This is a really nice review of how to start/structure strength training workouts! Push-pull alternating is a good option for people who may be able to get to gym/workout more frequently but need/prefer shorter duration workouts. 🏋️‍♀️🏋🏻‍♂️

How to Create a Push and Pull Day Workout Plan

What 1,500 Calories Looks Like (Thanksgiving Edition) 11/23/2023

Happy Thanksgiving!! I love these infographics from MFP demonstrating what a calorie-controlled day of eating looks like- still pretty substantial! 🦃 🥧 🥗

I would say don’t fret over tracking on the Holiday but it is good to see you can still eat and lose weight. Pick what looks most delicious and aim to not go over ~800 extra calories from your usual weight-loss intake to stay on track and not feel sickly full…

And of course balance out the eating with extra movement/exercise 🏃‍♂️ 🏋️‍♀️

Enjoy the day!

What 1,500 Calories Looks Like (Thanksgiving Edition) Having a plan on Thanksgiving can help you enjoy the festive foods without going overboard.


Nice little gym setup for today! Time for some cross-training.. moderate to heavy weights, medium reps interspersed with body-weight resistance or light free weight dynamic cardio exercises. HIIT!

Counting time instead of calories also controls blood sugar and belly fat | CNN 11/05/2023

Right, so time-restricted eating “vs” calorie counting… 🤔 The vs is in quotations because they are both methods that result in the same thing- a reduction in total calorie intake to produce weight-loss.

I am a proponent of calorie-counting (even if just once in your life and short-term), because it helps you really understand how calories add up, what true portion sizes are, and learn about general Nutriton content of food.

Is it tedious? YES! But really even a few days of rigorous kcal counting can help assure you that you are, in fact, following a reduced calorie diet and realize you may not need to restrict as many foods or entire time-frames.

On thé other hand, time-restricted eating is a perfectly good method for some people. “Simply” by cutting off the morning/evening window of eating; people tend to eat less calories especially from late night munching which is the real fat-builder.

Issues with TRE?
⏰ For those that don’t have very set schedules with work/exercise this can be hard to pull off, and it may certainly become a problem for social eating (whether out to dinner with friends or trying to eat with family).

⏰ In my experience as an RD and Diabetes educator, I find many people with severe obesity and active weight gain do technically follow TRE, as in they don’t eat all day and then consume large amounts of typically low nutrient-dense calories in the evening (especially night owls and shift workers). This pattern is actually one of the main things contributing to the excess weight… so teaching to distribute kcals more regularly over the course of the day is a better option. (Cutting off evening window to set a boundary, however, would still be useful in this scenario).

⏰ Per the article, this style of eating may contribute to more lean muscle mass loss given the large window of no energy intake, which can ultimately make quick weight regain more likely and “slow” the metabolism. Counter this by focusing on eating adequate protein (>= 60-100 grams/day), exercising/strength training, and eating high nutrient foods during your window. But hey now that’s getting complicated…

So what’s the answer? They say whatever works best for you! I am team calorie counting- I find it in actuality to be the least restrictive and most flexible way to achieve weight-loss, and once you are really good at it you absolutely don’t need to be counting every day and every thing you eat.

Cutting off the evening window of eating/drinking to promote calorie deficit is also incredibly effective in itself and can really help people see fat-loss results (ie wake up skinny).

On the other hand, cutting off a morning window of eating when you are truly hungry and starved for nutrients doesn’t sit right with me. Try a small, nutrient dense breakfast of

Counting time instead of calories also controls blood sugar and belly fat | CNN If you have type 2 diabetes and can’t stand counting calories, counting time by eating within a set period of hours may help control your blood sugar and reduce your belly fat.

Photos from Foxy Fitness & Wellness LLC's post 09/15/2023

!! Again with the whole girl-dinner thing, I realized my breakfast definitely falls into the that template- and that’s not a bad thing!. Being in a rush and generally grumpy- I don’t tend to have defined meal in the morning…

I aim to have some good fiber and probiotic rich items in the morning after a few sips of cofffee and lots of citrus water, I feel like laying the foundation of some gut-friendly bacteria in the stomach is a good way to start the day.

Like many, I’m not super hungry in the morning but I do think it’s important to jumpstart the metabolism with a little something and also helps with regularity 🚽😁.

Not pictured a couple of other nibbles- often 1/2 a protein shake or a nubbin of leftover protein bar. My roommate simply loves all the nubbins of food and half-drank beverages I leave around 😆

See next for experiment in using food scale to account for my girl breakfast- I realized I was probably over-estimating my calories a bit for this small meal- woohoo!!

What One Serving Of Different Shapes of Uncooked Pasta Looks Like 09/07/2023

Such a helpful guide!

When tracking food, pasta can be especially challenging as it is often listed in (uncooked) ounces/grams on the nutrition label, but most people recognize the cooked portion in cups.

Quick guide is that 2oz of dry pasta = about 1 cup cooked. So if using an app to track calories/macros if you measured 1 cup cooked pasta you could also use an entry for 2oz/56grams. Look here for more specific guidelines depending on pasta shape ! 🍝 😋

What One Serving Of Different Shapes of Uncooked Pasta Looks Like Shoot for this, and you're already on your way to eating more healthfully.

Lemony Lentil Salad with Feta 09/06/2023

Looks good to me!! 💪🏽

Lemony Lentil Salad with Feta This delicious and healthy lentil salad comes together in just 30 minutes, and makes a wonderful hot-weather meal. Serve with whole-wheat pitas, if desired.


Hearty Girl Dinner!! ❤️ 🥗

Lol I’ve seen this term floating around Instagram (the clutches of TikTok still haven’t found me 🤠). I love eating this way, I don’t know if it’s a girl thing to like variety and enjoy nibbling, maybe it is…

But as a weight-management Dietitian I see the as a way to get veggies, protein, fiber and a dose of YUM while being full and sticking within my calorie and/or macro targets…

Girl Dinner is served!! 🍽️

*this is actually a lot of food, personally I like to save space/calories for wine which also curbs my appetite a bit. Shame me if you feel necessary 😁

Is a Glass of Wine Harmless? Wrong Question. — The Atlantic 07/20/2023

Foxy Fitness & Wellness’s sentiments exactly 😎😁🍷

Is a Glass of Wine Harmless? Wrong Question. — The Atlantic The latest alcohol advice ignores the value of pleasure.


A. Jamie French is hilarious 😂
B. Everything about this movie was awful 🤮
C. Does reinforce that people who have never struggled with significant obesity may not ever “get it”…

Photos from Foxy Fitness & Wellness LLC's post 06/25/2023

Need some reasons to workout while on vacation??

1. Get those endorphins going and take time to center yourself
2. Beat travel bloating into submission
3. Balance out all the delicious foods I hope you are eating
4. Often hotel/local gyms have great views and free water refills!!

Honestly this workout with a view in Medellin was one of my favorite parts of the trip 🏋️‍♀️😀

"But I Never Eat Sugar!" | Secret Eaters 05/05/2023

One of my favorite weight-loss YouTuber’s going over one of my favorite weight-loss shows! 🤠
“If we want to lose weight for good we need to know how we put it on”.. Check it out!!

*Disclaimer- likely not suitable for those with restrictive ED’s or who follow Intuitive Eating/HAES.

"But I Never Eat Sugar!" | Secret Eaters How can the contestants on Secret Eaters be so blind to what they're consuming on a daily basis? We're discussing Nathalie, Sue and Laura from the TV Show Se...

UConn vs. San Diego State - National Championship NCAA tournament extended highlights 04/04/2023

Dang missed it, but this recap is showing some amazing plays , go Huskies!! Caroline Fox 🦊

UConn vs. San Diego State - National Championship NCAA tournament extended highlights UConn finished its dominant run in the 2023 NCAA tournament with yet another double-digit victory, taking down San Diego State 76-59 to earn its fifth title ...

Photos from Foxy Fitness & Wellness LLC's post 03/29/2023

Some of my fave quick, delicious, and light products for this little breakfast bite! I love thé Veggies Made Great brand- if you haven’t tried them you should… equally yummy savory egg bites and little muffins that have a wee bit of protein and fiber. More importantly they are a nice small portion, 30-60 seconds in the microwave, and TASTY! Laughing cow cheese wedges are another absolute must if you are trying to get some weight off and still enjoy cheese 🧀 with very little abandon. Red bell pepper makes a nice little sandwich boat and has a sweet pleasant crunch that seemed perfect for the other savory items. Yum!

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Sad?  But true.  If you are prone to excess weight/weight regain check your portion sizes!  Chips are an unfortunate cul...



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