Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP)

The Center for Effective Philanthropy is a nonprofit organization focused on the development of data and insight to enable higher-performing funders.

Foundations can take on pressing challenges that other actors in society cannot, or will not. Given this unique opportunity, foundations have a moral imperative to maximize their effectiveness. Living up to that imperative requires foundations to assess their performance, gathering the relevant data to fuel continuous improvement. For more than a decade, CEP has led the movement to improve philant


NEW on the CEP Blog: As social impact leaders tackle the world's biggest challenges, it is just as important for them to prioritize their own well-being. Read below as Carolina García Jayaram, Elevate Prize Foundation, offers some helpful practices for social impact leaders to approach self-care.

Read the full blog here:

Read CEP's State of Nonprofits report here:

Four ‘T's for Better Funding Relationships and Healthier Nonprofits | The Center for Effective Philanthropy 07/18/2024

NEW on the CEP Blog: Matt Stephenson, cofounder and CEO of Code2College, addresses the tension between the funders seeking a (social) return on investments and hamstrung nonprofits, outlining four T's for building better relationships between funders and grantees and supporting healthier nonprofits.

Read the full blog here:

Four ‘T's for Better Funding Relationships and Healthier Nonprofits | The Center for Effective Philanthropy How funders can, at once, stretch their own impact with grantees while addressing some of the core challenges that those organizations face?


What factors are are contributing to nonprofit burnout? One nonprofit leader mentions concerns with paying their staff as one cause of burnout among their organization. Read the full State of Nonprofits report to find out more.

Read the report here:


New on the CEP Blog: Sec. Julián Castro, CEO of the Latino Community Foundation , and Anais Amaya, director of the Foundation's Latino Giving Circle Network, explain how the giving circle model of philanthropy has changed grantmaking for the Latino Community Foundation.

Read the full blog here:

Where are we seeing sustained changes in grantmaking practices to reduce grantee burden? 07/15/2024

Are funders continuing shifts in grantmaking practice to reduce burden on grantee organizations, as many pledged to do in 2020? CEP's Elisha Smith Arrillaga examines the data so far, writing for Candid that "early evidence suggests that many funders have stayed the course, especially in the areas of grant reporting requirements, funding restrictions, and proposal processes.

Read the full article here:

Where are we seeing sustained changes in grantmaking practices to reduce grantee burden? Candid insights | In 2020, many funders pledged to streamline grant application and reporting processes to reduce the grantee burden; learn about what progress has been made to date and which areas need continued improvement.

Elections Are Coming, and the Time for Funders to Act Is Now | The Center for Effective Philanthropy 07/11/2024

NEW on the CEP Blog: with fall right around the corner and election season already underway, Natalie Roetzel Ossenfort of Alliance for Justice outlines what funders can do to ensure all voices are heard this November.

Read the full blog here:

Elections Are Coming, and the Time for Funders to Act Is Now | The Center for Effective Philanthropy Funders have an important role to play in encouraging civic engagement and upholding democratic processes in this high stakes election cycle.


Phil Buchanan and Grace Chiang Nicolette are back in the recording studio for another season of the Giving Done Right Podcast! Look for season 4 of CEP's podcast all about how to make an impact with your charitable giving, out this fall.

Find previous episodes of Giving Done Right wherever you get your podcasts, or browse the full library here:

Making It Count: Expanding the Ford Foundation’s Diversity Data Collection Beyond the United States | The Center for Effective Philanthropy 07/09/2024

NEW on the CEP Blog: Eric Li, Luc Athayde-Rizzaro, and Bess Rothenberg share how the Ford Foundation has taken steps to collect grantee demographic data beyond the U.S., adapting to local contexts - and what they have learned about the challenges of demographic data collection internationally in the process.

Read the full blog here:

Making It Count: Expanding the Ford Foundation’s Diversity Data Collection Beyond the United States | The Center for Effective Philanthropy As a global funder, we often hear from, and share with, our peers the challenges of collecting grantee demographic data internationally.

Reimagining the Philanthropic Resource Chain: Lessons from Fiscal Sponsorship and Intermediary Funds | The Center for Effective Philanthropy 07/02/2024

NEW on the CEP Blog: Phoebe So, Co-lead at Fenomenal Funds, reflects on the vital role intermediaries and fiscal sponsors can play in shifting power and funding grassroots movements. She also offers four next steps both for intermediaries and donors to intermediary funds.

Read the full blog here:

Reimagining the Philanthropic Resource Chain: Lessons from Fiscal Sponsorship and Intermediary Funds | The Center for Effective Philanthropy Intermediaries and fiscal sponsors are the critical links that connect resources from donors to historically overlooked causes.


CEP is excited to announce new Board Chair Tony Richardson as well new Board members Don Chen, Caroline Altman Smith, and Alesha Washington to our Board of Directors. Please join us in welcoming them!

Read more about the changes to CEP's Board here:

Effective Matters: The CEP Newsletter — June 2024 06/27/2024

Our June newsletter is out! Throughout the month of June, CEP has been busy. We have released new research, hosted a webinar in partnership with Philanthropy California, published a new series on our blog, shared our 2023 Annual Report, and so much more.

Catch up on the latest from CEP in our June newsletter.
Read the full newsletter here:

Effective Matters: The CEP Newsletter — June 2024 Chen began his term on the CEP Board effective June 1, 2024, while Richardson will begin his term as Board Chair and Altman Smith and Washington each begin their terms on July 1, 2024.

A Pride Month Call to Action: Highlighting the Less Positive Experiences of LGBTQ+ Grantees | The Center for Effective Philanthropy 06/27/2024

NEW on the CEP Blog: CEP's Kevin Bolduc and Liz Kelley Sohn examine data from CEP's Grantee Perception Report (GPR) revealing that LGBTQ+ grantees report less positive experiences with their funders.

Read their analysis - and a Pride month call to action for funders - here:

A Pride Month Call to Action: Highlighting the Less Positive Experiences of LGBTQ+ Grantees | The Center for Effective Philanthropy We still have a long way to go to achieve a world in which LGBTQ+ people are fully seen, safe, loved, and liberated - and philanthropy has a role to play.

CEP Webinar: What Funders Need to Know: The State of Nonprofits and Grantee Well-Being 06/26/2024

Available now: "What Funders Need to Know: The State of Nonprofits and Grantee Well-Being," a webinar hosted by CEP in partnership with Philanthropy California. Watch CEP's recent webinar for a discussion on current nonprofit challenges, staff well-being, tips for funders, and more with our incredible panelists.

Watch the full webinar recording here:

And, read the research reports in discussion during the webinar:

CEP's new State of Nonprofits report:

CEP's Research Snapshot on how foundations are supporting grantee staff well-being:

CEP Webinar: What Funders Need to Know: The State of Nonprofits and Grantee Well-Being Nonprofits play a pivotal role in the U.S., often providing essential community services or taking on vexing social challenges. During the COVID-19 pandemic,...

Let’s Go Beyond ‘One Foundation’: The Promise of Changing Practices in Philanthropy | The Center for Effective Philanthropy 06/25/2024

NEW on the CEP blog: In response to CEP's State of Nonprofits 2024 survey, Claire Poelking reveals how the MacArthur Foundation has embraced changes to their grantmaking practices, aligning with the key findings of the CEP report.

Read the full blog here:

Read the full State of Nonprofits 2024 Report here:

Let’s Go Beyond ‘One Foundation’: The Promise of Changing Practices in Philanthropy | The Center for Effective Philanthropy The changes we have made to our grantmaking processes as an institution are because we are listening, and we want to be good partners.

Adopting a Mental Health Mindset Will Help Both Funders and Nonprofits Thrive - The Center for Effective Philanthropy 06/20/2024

NEW on the CEP blog: In response to CEP's State of Nonprofits 2024 Report, Beth Brown, Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation, urges for a mindset prioritizing mental health for both funders and nonprofit leaders and provides examples and resources.

Read the full blog here:

Read the full State of Nonprofits 2024 Report here:

Adopting a Mental Health Mindset Will Help Both Funders and Nonprofits Thrive - The Center for Effective Philanthropy In addition to funding a new model of nonprofit workplace well-being, funders should consider a mental health mindset in their funding.

Funders: Let’s Stop Making Nonprofits Choose Between Balanced Budgets and Burnout - The Center for Effective Philanthropy 06/18/2024

NEW on the CEP Blog: In response to CEP's 2024 State of Nonprofits report, Jamie Allison, Executive Director for the Walter & Elise Haas Fund, explains how funder demands have been fueling nonprofit burnout and provides four steps that funders can take moving forward.

Read the full blog here:

Read the State of Nonprofits 2024 report here:

Funders: Let’s Stop Making Nonprofits Choose Between Balanced Budgets and Burnout - The Center for Effective Philanthropy Overcoming burnout and building cultures of well-being in the social impact sector will take all of us — funders and nonprofits.

Here We Go Again (and Again and Again): Let’s Stop Looking for the One ‘New Approach’ to Philanthropy - The Center for Effective Philanthropy 06/14/2024

NEW on the CEP blog: CEP's Phil Buchanan writes about the myth of a "one size fits all" approach to philanthropy, responding to a recent article in the Stanford Social Innovation Review Social Innovation Review.

Read the full post here:

Here We Go Again (and Again and Again): Let’s Stop Looking for the One ‘New Approach’ to Philanthropy - The Center for Effective Philanthropy If one thing is clear to me about philanthropy, it’s that there is no single right model or approach that makes sense in every context.

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: What Funders Need to Know: The State of Nonprofits and Grantee Well-Being . After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. 06/13/2024

In ONE week: Join us for a free webinar in partnership with Philanthropy California to discuss nonprofit staff well-being, challenges nonprofits are currently facing, how funders can be supportive, and more. This discussion will feature the findings from CEP's two newest reports: (1) State of Nonprofits 2024 and (2) How Foundations are Supporting Grantee Staff Well Being. You will not want to miss this deep-dive into nonprofit well-being and ongoing concerns about burnout.

Our panel features: Gloria Corral, PIQE, Tim Delaney, National Council of Nonprofits, and Elizabeth Brown, Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation. CEP's Elisha Smith Arrillaga will present new CEP research and CEP President Phil Buchanan will moderate.

Register for the June 20 webinar here: #/registration (Registrants will receive a recording of the webinar following the event)

Read CEP's new State of Nonprofits report here:
Read CEP's new grantee well-being research:

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: What Funders Need to Know: The State of Nonprofits and Grantee Well-Being . After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. June 20, 2024, 2-3:15pm ET | 11am-12:15pm PT Nonprofits play a pivotal role in the U.S., often providing essential community services or taking on vexing social challenges. During the COVID-19 pandemic, nonprofits stepped up in vital ways, even as they themselves faced an unprecedented period of cha...


Delve into CEP's 2023 Annual Report to see what we've been up to this last year, including updates on the CEP Learning Institute, a recap of our research and programming from the year, and more.
Read it here:

Enhancing Grantee Well-Being Leads to Long-Term Impact - The Center for Effective Philanthropy 06/11/2024

NEW on the CEP Blog: Linda Bell Grdina from The Wellbeing Project responds to new CEP research finding that burnout remains a top concern for nonprofit leaders and examining funder actions on grantee well-being. She shares a research study in response to CEP's revealing five key learnings about the long-term impact of well-being practices, offering practical actions both nonprofit leaders and funders can take to prioritize well-being.

Read the full blog here:

Read CEPs new State of Nonprofits report:

Enhancing Grantee Well-Being Leads to Long-Term Impact - The Center for Effective Philanthropy When nonprofits are supported by funders to prioritize well-being, they can enhance resilience, organizational sustainability, and impact.

To Ensure Nonprofit Well-Being, Invest in Wages, Workload, and Working Conditions - The Center for Effective Philanthropy 06/06/2024

NEW on the CEP blog: Why is burnout growing across nonprofits and what can be done? Rusty Stahl from Fund the People uses new CEP research to discusses the underlying problems behind staff well-being and the need for sustained investment in the nonprofit workforce.

Read the full blog here:

To Ensure Nonprofit Well-Being, Invest in Wages, Workload, and Working Conditions - The Center for Effective Philanthropy The future of effective philanthropy is going to be all about investing in the workforce of nonprofits and social movements.

Foundations Are Concerned About Nonprofit Staff Burnout, Too - The Center for Effective Philanthropy 06/04/2024

NEW on the CEP blog: CEP's Seara Grundhoefer shares new CEP research revealing that funders share nonprofit leaders' concern about staff burnout at their grantee organizations. Read the full blog here 👉

Foundations Are Concerned About Nonprofit Staff Burnout, Too - The Center for Effective Philanthropy How are funders understanding, approaching, and acting on the subject of burnout and well-being for their nonprofit grantees?

How Foundations Are Supporting Grantee Staff Well-Being - The Center for Effective Philanthropy 06/04/2024

NEW CEP RESEARCH out today reveals that most foundation leaders report concern about burnout among staff - and about half report engaging in practices to support well-being. The Research Snapshot (a brief, timely report on a specific issue) examines funders' perspectives and actions on well-being and burnout at grantee organizations, and includes resources for funders.

Read it here 👇

This new Research Snapshot follows CEP's second annual State of Nonprofits report, which found that burnout and staffing issues continue to plague nonprofits.

How Foundations Are Supporting Grantee Staff Well-Being - The Center for Effective Philanthropy This CEP Research Snapshot offers insight into foundation leaders’ perspectives and actions related to the well-being and burnout of staff at the organizations they fund.


NEW on the CEP blog, authors of CEP's new State of Nonprofits report Christina Im and Seara Grundhoefer share key takeaways from the report, stack it up with last year's State of Nonprofits, and highlight a few notable data points. Read it here:


NEW CEP RESEARCH out today reveals that burnout and staffing issues continue to plague nonprofits, but also that nonprofit leaders are increasingly worried about their own burnout -- and that burnout is impacting their organization’s ability to achieve its mission.

Read CEP's new State of Nonprofits report here:

Going it Together: Three Foundations, One Office - The Center for Effective Philanthropy 05/23/2024

NEW on the CEP blog: What happens when three foundations move into one shared office space? Pat Lummus, Gabby Sheely, and David Weitnauer share their experience of moving their three Atlanta-based foundations in together, and finding the benefits went well beyond cost savings.

Read it here 👉

Going it Together: Three Foundations, One Office - The Center for Effective Philanthropy Since three, small-staffed foundations co-located in the same office suite last summer, they've seen significant benefits.


NEW on the CEP blog, CEP's Emma Relle identifies an oft-unsung key to effective funding: good grants management. Read her insights here 👉

Closing the Feedback Loop with Grantees: A Conversation with the Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation - The Center for Effective Philanthropy 05/16/2024

NEW on the CEP blog, CEP's Kristy Luk is in conversation with Cynthia Rowell of the Max. M & Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation about closing the feedback loop with grantees. Read their reflections here 👉

Closing the Feedback Loop with Grantees: A Conversation with the Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation - The Center for Effective Philanthropy In this post, I share three principles we recommend to funders who are looking to close the feedback loop, and hear directly from a funder.

How Listening Helped One Funder Set Strategic Direction - The Center for Effective Philanthropy 05/14/2024

NEW on the CEP blog, Minderoo Foundation reflects on how listening at a critical moment helped set strategic direction and understand their impact on gratnees' fields, communities, and organizations. They also offer insight into the importance of finding a baseline through their first GPR and the value of collaborating within a cohort of other funders in their region. Read it here:

How Listening Helped One Funder Set Strategic Direction - The Center for Effective Philanthropy We realized that to be more effective it is essential to understand how our grantee partners think and feel about collaborating with us.

What the Music of Taylor Swift Can Teach Us About Great Philanthropy - The Center for Effective Philanthropy 05/09/2024

NEW on the CEP blog, what does Taylor Swift's music have to teach us about great philanthropy? CEP's Joseph Lee mines the Swift catalog and finds eight essential lessons for effective funding and unique funder expression.

🎤 Read it here:

What the Music of Taylor Swift Can Teach Us About Great Philanthropy - The Center for Effective Philanthropy Taylor Swift’s music, while unsparingly inward in its focus, is also about outward change — which, for philanthropy, is the ultimate goal.

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CEP's new research examines foundation leaders views and actions on #climatechange. Delve into the data here: https://ce...



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