Skin Deep Aesthetics Salon

Skin Deep Aesthetics Salon’s owner/esthetician, Tricia, is dedicated to offering a rewarding, rela

Skin Deep is located in west carmel, right outside Zionsville and Indianapolis. Located inside bodybar md, skin deep is a perfect place to get all your skin care needs


Available spot for Monday June 10th at 12
Text me if interested! 317.605.6316


Hi!!! I’m posting this because I can only get to my fb business account through my ig due to my acct fb being permanently deleted by a hacker. I have a new fb acct, so please accept my request. If you have your acct set to only being able to accept request from people you know, then I’m not able to send request to you! It’s crazy! So if you are my friend, client, or just want to be friends with me.. please send a fb request for me to approve. I just want my people back 😫😫😫

Photos from Skin Deep Aesthetics Salon's post 05/31/2024

All the feels today as my main squeeze finishes 3rd grade ❤️ so proud of him every single day! These years are so fast! First pic the first day, 2nd pic the last. He’s grown so much❤️ Side note: I still don’t have a fb due to hackers so I’m posting this on business page through ig


So my Facebook was hacked, tied to an unknown false ig acct and then suspended indefinitely. It’s crazy. My skin deep fb page still exists but I am unable to get on it without having my main fb acct. The only way I can post on it is through this connected ig acct. I don’t want to lose my page so I’m just waiting to see if I’ll get it back but for now, if you need appointments, do not use messenger. Please just text me at 317.605.6316. Thanks!!

Photos from Skin Deep Aesthetics Salon's post 05/24/2024

My sweet Devin ended our wonderful time at Calvary learning academy today ❤️ Boy have we all grown! What a joy this school has been.. loving, supporting and teaching both my kids through the years. Thank you to all the wonderful teachers/staff. My heart is so full today! Off to kindergarten, how dos this happen? I love you baby❤️ …. Side note: my Facebook acct was hacked and suspended so I’m feeling very lost with just ig


I have 2 spots to fill if interested!
Thursday may 23rd at 945
Wednesday may 29 at 1145

Please text me if interested ❤️


I just got an open spot for tomorrow, Tuesday, May 21st at 3 if anyone is interested.
Please text me at 317.605.6316
My next opening isn’t until June 6


If you don’t apply enough sunscreen, you might as well be applying nothing at all. The higher the number doesn’t mean the less you need to use.

+ 1 teaspoon of Sunscreen: for the face including ears, front and back of the neck, and decollete.

+ 1 ounce of Sunscreen: to cover all exposed body parts in the sun, assuming you're exposing your arms, legs, tops of feet, and anywhere else exposed to the sun.

On average, a shot glass or two tablespoons of sunscreen should be used per body part (face, neck, arms, legs, back, etc). You don’t need to apply it so thickly that you can’t even see your skin, but if you think you’ve used too much, apply some more just to be safe.

If you're going to be outdoors all day, you must reapply sunscreen every 90-180min or you will burn! One application at the start of your day will not protect you from sunburns.

When it comes to makeup, sunscreen should be applied after your moisturizer but before your primer. You should also reapply every two hours. If you don’t want to do this because of your makeup, try using a setting powder that contains sun protection.


It’s so sad to me that women have been doing ridiculous things for centuries to impress men and the coveted status symbol. I found this so interesting and wondered what we are doing now physically to ourselves at different levels to impress others.
Couldn’t post on my originally page so here you go, since crazy history for you 😉

Foot binding, or footbinding, was the Chinese custom of breaking and tightly binding the feet of young girls in order to change their shape and size. Feet altered by footbinding were known as lotus feet, and the shoes made for these feet were known as lotus shoes.
In late imperial China, bound feet were considered a status symbol and a mark of feminine beauty. However, foot binding was a painful practice that limited the mobility of women and resulted in lifelong disabilities.


Last call on a facial in May

May 15: 10
May 16: 3
May 21: 515
May 28: 515

Text me at 317.605.6316 if you want to fill a spot

Photos from Skin Deep Aesthetics Salon's post 05/08/2024

It’s tough to see this amazing transformation in just pictures but I promise you, it’s been a journey! So glad my client trusted me with her acne journey. So proud of her dedication as well. The journey continues with working on PIE and some scarring.


Hi friends ❤️
I know I’m super bad at posting but I promise that wonderful things are happening in my treatment room every day! Social media is just not my priority sometimes 🤷‍♀️ I’m very old school 😂
I’m slaying acne, peeling away layers and creating healthy skin always!
With that said, this time is busy and I want to see my kiddos off into summer! June and July hours will be modified slightly to accommodate my family. I will announce that at a later time but below are my appointment availabilities left in May. Please text me if you want a spot! Also please text me if you want a spot but don’t see one available and I’ll put you on the cancellation list

Monday may 13: 1245
Thursday may 16: 1030, 300
Thursday may 30: 12, 515

These are hour appt slots. Waxing and dermaplaning can be squeezed in 👍👍

I will be on vacation July 4-7
July 15 - 21

Please text me at 317.605.6316

Thanks for the continued support!! I appreciate you ❤️❤️❤️


My dental office in Zionsville are looking to hire a hygienist. I can only imagine it’s a fun (and professional) environment 😃
If you want the opportunity to get to clean my teeth, this is the place to be!
Any of my social media friends looking, let me know!


May Is Melanoma & Skin Cancer Awareness Month!

Overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays causes most cases of melanoma, the deadliest kind of skin cancer. To lower your risk of skin cancer, protect your skin from the sun and avoid indoor tanning.

Summer is full of outdoor activities. You probably put sunscreen on yourself and your kids when you go to the pool or the beach. But do you know you should protect your skin with more than just sunscreen anytime you’re outside?

Sun protection is essential all year round, and it’s best to use several different kinds. Make sun safety an everyday habit when working in the yard, watching a ballgame, or taking an afternoon walk to avoid sunburn and lower your chance of getting skin cancer.

The 7 best ways to be sun safe:
+ Check the UV Index every day
+ Seek shade
+ Cover-up
+ Slap on a hat
+ Wear sunglasses
+ Use sunscreen properly
+ Limit sun exposure between 10am and 4pm.


Hi friends ❤️
I know I’m super bad at posting but I promise that wonderful things are happening in my treatment room every day! Social media is just not my priority sometimes 🤷‍♀️ I’m very old school 😂
I’m slaying acne, peeling away layers and creating healthy skin always!
With that said, this time is busy and I want to see my kiddos off into summer! June and July hours will be modified slightly to accommodate my family. I will announce that at a later time but below are my appointment availabilities left in May. Please text me if you want a spot! Also please text me if you want a spot but don’t see one available and I’ll put you on the cancellation list

Thursday may 9: 415
Monday may 13: 1245
Thursday may 16: 12, 300
Wednesday may 22: 145
Thursday may 21: 1215
Thursday may 30: 12, 515

These are hour appt slots. Waxing and dermaplaning can be squeezed in 👍👍

I will be on vacation July 4-7
July 15 - 21

Please text me at 317.605.6316

Thanks for the continued support!! I appreciate you ❤️❤️❤️


Under normal conditions, the immune system protects the human body from foreign invaders like bacteria, viruses, and other harmful microorganisms. However, immune cells can do more harm than good, particularly in inflammatory skin disorders like rosacea.

Rosacea inflammation is caused by a wonky innate immune system whose primary reaction is inflammation. When it sees something it doesn’t like, such as bacteria or a skin mite, it goes off (like a burglar alarm), causing inflammation. In the skin, this causes redness, swelling, inflammation, pain, and even increased blood vessel growth. Sound familiar?

We now know that parts of the innate immune system, specifically Toll-like receptor 2 and a protein called Cathelicidin, are way too active in rosacea clients. In rosacea sufferers, the immune system simply overreacts to facial inflammation and chronic bouts of flushing, creating a false-positive response. Over time, the immune system, due to the overstimulation response, becomes exaggerated and counterproductive to rosacea skin types.


I’m home from spring break and will be returning all my texts and calls by tomorrow…thanks for your patience ❤️❤️❤️


Out of the studio until April 9th!
Have a wonderful spring break!
Have a great Easter!
Wear those glasses for the eclipse!
Happy Birthday to me!


Vitamin B5 for Skin Health

Pantothenic acid, a water-soluble member of the B vitamin family, is transformed into 4′-phosphopantetheine and then into coenzyme A (CoA) by the action of adenosine triphosphate. Through the metabolism of CoA, pantothenic acid controls keratinocyte differentiation and the function of the epidermal barrier. A recent clinical trial also showed that topical products containing pantothenic acid soften skin.

It helps the body break down food, such as complex carbohydrates, into simple forms of sugar, such as glucose, as well as fats and proteins, which in turn provide energy for performing various bodily functions. The adrenal glands also produce numerous hormones, new red blood cells, and cholesterol.

Pantothenic acid, or vitamin B5, is crucial for converting energy for several bodily functions. Additionally, it assists in transforming other B vitamins into different forms for your body to use. Vitamin B5 also strengthens the immune system and brain functions, thus identifying itself as a powerful antioxidant and neural compound. Additionally, it helps with stress reduction and fat metabolism.

There is a link between acne and a deficiency of pantothenic acid, which reduces the body’s ability to metabolize fats that would otherwise be burned for energy. As a result, some of these fats, which need to be eliminated from the body, are deposited as lipids (fats, oils, & waxes) in the skin’s sebaceous glands. This situation results in an enlargement of the sebaceous glands and the associated skin pores as the lipids are conveyed to the skin's surface as sebum (skin oil). The normal function of sebum is to provide lubrication for the skin. However, when excess sebum is produced, it may combine with dead skin cells and form plugs in the skin's pores.


Why Reducing Inflammation is Key to Clear Skin?

Understanding the difference between good and bad inflammation and how it affects your skin is essential.

Minor inflammation can be a good thing. It’s part of the body’s immune response that aims to get rid of foreign invaders and heal itself. Acutely, it causes heat, redness, swelling, and pain, healing the body and preventing further damage.

Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, is the bad guy. It’s caused by poor diet, food intolerances, stress, sugar, and a sedentary lifestyle. Chronic inflammation can contribute to a wide array of diseases, including autoimmune conditions, arthritis, joint conditions, and more. Many theories suggest chronic inflammation is, in fact, at the heart of ALL diseases.

Chronic inflammation activates a group of enzymes known as Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs) in the skin. These enzymes can destroy healthy collagen and prevent the production of new collagen. You definitely don’t want this to happen because collagen helps keep your skin plump and firm, among many other functions in the body. Inflammation is also responsible for making those pesky pimples look even redder and swollen.

So, how does this impact acne? Consider that in the case of chronic inflammation, inflammatory compounds are always at the ready—any blocked pore can easily invoke a significant inflammatory response, resulting in the redness, swelling, and pain that are so frustrating.


Your liver health affects your skin and hormone health.

+ Nutrient Stores: Your liver is an important storage site for key nutrients, especially fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, which are also essential for skin health. Your liver also stores water-soluble vitamin B12, which is necessary for methylation and hormone synthesis.

+ Hormone Metabolism: Your liver plays a crucial role in hormone metabolism. When it gets bogged down, it can’t metabolize your hormones well, especially estrogen and thyroid, leading to symptoms of hormonal imbalance. This can lead to estrogen dominance; the liver is overwhelmed, and the excess estrogen gets recirculated through the body. This inevitably results in acne.

+ Liver Detoxification: We live in a toxic modern world. When our liver is overburdened with extra toxins and waste, your body will try to eliminate these toxins in other ways, such as through your skin, leading to symptoms of itchiness, dry skin, acne, rosacea, and eczema.

You can improve the health of your liver by reducing your intake of coffee, alcohol, fried foods, and drugs. Foods that can help improve liver function include beets, artichokes, and all dark leafy green vegetables, including kale, swiss chard, spinach, garlic, and onions.

Nutrients such as b vitamins, antioxidants like glutathione, n-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), and liver-specific herbs like milk thistle, dandelion, and burdock. By helping the liver detoxify, you can simultaneously detoxify and clear the skin.


Did you know even our smallest units of life—our cells—have their own circadian rhythm and function on a continuous 24-hour day-night cycle?

We know circadian rhythms affect the skin in two ways: protection during the day and repair overnight. These natural rhythms are generated from within the body but are modified in response to environmental cues such as light, dark, and temperature. They influence a multitude of physical, mental, and behavioural processes including sleeping and waking in animals and the opening and closing of petals in plants.

Looking at stem cells specifically, this endogenous, or biological, “clock” regulates the processes of cell division and cell differentiation, providing repair and renewal of tissues and, therefore, may be key in the aging process. Additionally, most of our cells sync up and follow the same rhythm.

But modern life puts those rhythms under constant attack. Pollution, temperature, UV light, and blue light emitted from laptops and smartphones impact our internal clock. How? Studies show stem cells, which renew our skin overnight, are sensitive to pollution, while blue light shifts circadian rhythms, altering the hormones that trigger sleep, overnight detoxification, and cell renewal.

Our bodies, as a whole, function best when they are in tune with their circadian rhythm, and the same can be said for our stem cells. For example, artificial lights from our computers and electronics at night are detected through our photosensitive retinal ganglion cells. This slows the secretion of our sleep hormone, melatonin, making it difficult to get to sleep or stay asleep and disrupting our circadian rhythm. When our circadian rhythm is disrupted, it doesn't just affect our sleep cycle, it affects our whole body, including our stem cells which can prevent the ability to keep stem cells healthy as you age. While it's long been believed that stem cells lose their circadian rhythm as we age, a new study suggests that they don't lose it, they just reprogram it.


Openings left before spring break

March 12 4:00
March 13 11:00
March 14 2:30
March 15 11:30
March 19 11:45
March 21 10:15

I will be out of the studio April 1 through
April 8

Please text me to fill an appointment



I’m a solo woman show surrounded by an entire world of women I admire and respect! Thank you to all the beautiful women who educate me, believe in me, befriend me, entertain me, trust me, and have chosen me as their service provider. I am so grateful. Happy international women’s day to all the hardworking, strong females! Keep on believing in yourself!


Happy Valentine’s Day to my beautiful clients ❤️❤️❤️


What Is Seed Cycling?

Seed cycling is a gentle way to balance your hormones throughout the two phases of your menstrual cycle using the nutrients found in seeds. By boosting estrogen in the first phase and progesterone in the second phase, seed cycling can help relieve PMS, increase fertility, ease pain from conditions like ovarian cysts, endometriosis, and PCOS, and regulate irregular cycles. It can be effective for women who are menstruating, pre-menopause, postpartum, and post-menopause.

The menstrual cycle is comprised of two main phases:

(Day 1-14 beginning on the first day of your period)
1tbsp daily of each (2tbsps) - Ground Flaxseeds & Pumpkin Seeds (optional pairing instead Chia Seeds & H**p Seeds)
(optional: high-quality fish oil)

+THE LUTEAL PHASE | Progesterone Boost
(Day 15-28 beginning right after ovulation)
1tbsp daily of each (2tbsps) - Sunflower Seeds & Ground Sesame Seeds
(optional: evening primrose oil)

Why seed cycling?

In a perfectly healthy woman, the estrogen/progesterone balance will happen naturally throughout the cycle. However, in today’s world, stress, environmental toxins, food additives, digestive issues, food intolerances, and excessive consumption of alcohol and coffee can disrupt this balance. That is why seed cycling can be such a great hormone-balancing tool. Not only can it easily be added to your diet, but it’s gentle on the body, non-invasive, low in cost, and delicious too!

It can take several cycles (3-4 months) to begin feeling changes. Seed cycling is not an overnight fix or meant to cure serious health or hormonal conditions. However, it can be a powerful yet gentle and natural way to support your hormones and regulate your cycle.

Photos from Skin Deep Aesthetics Salon's post 02/02/2024

I don’t get fillers but I do dislike how thin my face has gotten as I age
A more natural approach to filler is prf, which is spun from your own blood and injected encouraging collagen and elastin stimulation. It’s also plumps up acne scarring which is always a concern of mine!
Bodybar md now offers prf injections


Humectants, Emollients, and Occlusives...Oh My!!!

The term “moisturizer” was originally coined to talk about any cream or product that was created to increase the skin’s moisture. It was believed that this was done, primarily, by preventing transepidermal water loss (TEWL) through something called occlusion. In simpler terms, this means that moisturizers were meant to prevent the loss of water from the skin by creating a layer on the skin that trapped that water inside (aka an occlusive layer).

But here’s the thing: not all moisturizers are occlusives, and effective occlusive action is not the only thing that actually contributes to healthy skin. Lipids - particularly ceramides - also play a really important role in skin hydration, and true hydration involves a combination of:

+ Repairing and strengthening the skin’s natural barrier
+ Increasing water content in the skin
+ Reducing transepidermal water loss
+ Restoring the lipid barrier

You need a combination of all three components of humectants, emollients, and occlusives, and to complete all these functions. To get the amazing benefits from each ingredient profile you need to apply them in the correct order, which is: Humectants, Emollients, and Occlusives.


January Openings:
Mon Jan 22- 2:00
Tues jan 23 - 2:00, 3:00, 4:00
Weds jan 24 - 4:45
Thurs jan 25 - 11:15, 1:30

Those are one hour time slots
If you need just dermaplane or waxing, please text me so I can fit you in

Please text me at (317) 605-6316 to book your appointment!

Stay warm 🥰🥰🥰

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Videos (show all)

Fa la la la la!#dailyholidayspirit#kohlsdeals
I’m so excited to announce that I will be moving my business into the Bodybar MD starting Monday Feb 14th! This has been...
I’m so excited to announce that I will be moving my business into the Bodybar MD starting Monday Feb 14th! This has been...


Inside BodyBar MD At 9650 Commerce Drive Suite 510/511
Carmel, IN

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 8pm
Tuesday 11am - 8pm
Wednesday 10am - 6pm
10pm - 6pm
Thursday 11am - 8pm
Friday 12pm - 8pm
Saturday 11am - 5pm

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Nanny Jen's Udderly Creamy Goats Milk Soap Nanny Jen's Udderly Creamy Goats Milk Soap
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