Human Innovations, LLC

Human Innovations LLC creates innovative technologies that enhance our lives.

Photos from Human Innovations, LLC's post 08/12/2024

Our Article on 'Aphrodisiacs - Do They Actually Work?' is out in the latest edition of Biohackers Magazine (on page 55).[Bryan%20Johnson%20-%20Architect%20of%20the%20blueprint%20protocol].pdf


Our Article on 'Aphrodisiacs - Do They Actually Work?' is out in the latest edition of Biohackers Magazine (on page 55).[Bryan%20Johnson%20-%20Architect%20of%20the%20blueprint%20protocol].pdf

Photos from Human Innovations, LLC's post 07/19/2024

Last week we had a great start the Women's Health and Beauty Program!

In week 1 you learned an easy, but powerful morning routine that transforms your day. With just 5 minutes looking into your bathroom mirror you can dramatically boost your confidence and self esteem.

This simple process by itself causes women to feel and look noticeably better.

This week we cover a simple hi® routine that helps you completely relax.

A key point here is being able to transition from your busy day to a time when you can recover and heal.

We also cover how breath work (breathing practices) can be combined with hi® to help you completely reset your body.

This sets you up for a great nights sleep and wake up feeling amazing. Over time this helps your body catch up on healing, so you age gracefully - and enjoy the process!

Current members of the class will get an email with the zoom link to the class.

he program is available to current hi® customers & those that join during the presentation. In the future this will be a separate paid program.
If you're currently a hi® customer - respond to this message with JOIN in the subject.

We'll get you enrolled in the full program. Please make sure to use the email address you used to order your hi® system so we can link it to the right account.

If you are a current hi® customer and haven't taken advantage of the program, respond to this message with "JOIN" in the subject. Please use the email that you used when you purchased hi® so we can set up your account.

Curious what the program covers? Below is an outline of the 6 week course.


Want to see a free overview of the course this Saturday?

Click on this free google preview: =id.g27e5bef86dd_0_260

Why Some Women Look So Much Younger Than Others | Getting The Most Out Of hi® 07/07/2024

Join us Live next Saturday July 13th at 1PM for a free seminar on the latest anti-aging advances, plus an overlooked routine that profoundly helps women look younger.

Why Some Women Look So Much Younger Than Others | Getting The Most Out Of hi® coming Saturday July 13th is the first part of the 6 week hi® Women's ...


Saturday July 13th there's a free seminar on a little known reason some women seem to age much more slowly than others.

Plus why some women appear to age much faster.

Photos from Human Innovations, LLC's post 07/03/2024

Our latest article in Biohackers Magazine is out (we're on page 50). You can view it at:

Photos from Human Innovations, LLC's post 06/15/2024

Join the free community at

BIOHACKERS MAGAZINE: Issue 27 04/21/2024

How are things in your Bedroom?

Want to make your relationship more exciting (even if you've been stale for decades) Biohackers Magazine has given public access to their March Edition!

This is part 2 second part of the article series. You can find our article on relationships on page 30.

BIOHACKERS MAGAZINE: Issue 27 Created with the Heyzine flipbook maker

Photos from Human Innovations, LLC's post 04/02/2024

The latest edition of Biohackers Magazine will be out at the end of the week. Wendy & my article begins on page 30. Check it out at

BIOHACKERS MAGAZINE: Issue 26 03/23/2024

Want to make your relationship more exciting (even if you've been stale for decades) Biohackers Magazine has given public access to their Feb Edition.

You can find my article on relationships on page 82 (right after the Interview with Sergey Young - who is an AMAZING innovator).

BIOHACKERS MAGAZINE: Issue 26 Created with the Heyzine flipbook maker

Episode #051 | Wellness, Or**sm, and Love | Steve and Wendy McGough 03/21/2024

We had a nice interview by Jean Fallacara CEO of Biohackers Magazine.

Episode #051 | Wellness, Or**sm, and Love | Steve and Wendy McGough 🎙️ About This Episode: Join us on "The Lifespanner Podcast" as we delve into an enlightening discussion with Steve and Wendy McGough. From personal tragedie...

Photos from Human Innovations, LLC's post 02/21/2024

This Month in Biohackers Magazine I explore why some couples stay in their "Honeymoon" phase throughout their relationship - but sadly ~50% of other couples end up separating.

I include the first page so you get an idea ;)

Biohackers Magazine 02/15/2024

This month in Biohackers Magazine I wrote a Valentine's Article about relationships. Here's the first page:

From Frustration to Passion - Part 1

Is your relationship exciting? What if it could be even better, particularly in the bedroom?

Or, if you’re having challenges, what can you do?

Have you ever wondered how some couples somehow stay in their “honeymoon” phase? Even over the years, they’re excited to see each other? Unfortunately this isn’t the case for the majority. In fact, depending on the demographics, between 30% to 50% of relationships end. (1)

When couples are initially together, passion just seems to happen naturally. But over time this often fades. Here you’ll learn 3 common issues that cause this challenge. If they aren’t dealt with, they’ll eventually ruin your s*x life, and ultimately relationship. (2)

In this two part article you’ll later discover a simple ritual that takes care of these challenges, and transforms your experience together. Plus you’ll learn some simple biohacks that enhance both you and your partner's libido.

Having an exciting relationship with your partner goes far beyond just enjoyment. It can be the key to your success in business. As mentioned in “Sensual Success”, an article in the November issue of Biohackers Magazine, influential business leaders such as Napoleon Hill, author of “Think and Grow Rich”, believe strong s*x drive in the right relationship is the foundation for business success. There I explained from a neuroscience perspective, how your shared s*xual drive is one of the most powerful tools to enhance creativity and achieve goals. (3)

But first you need to understand the basics to bridge the gap between stress and the bedroom.

While you may think these issues are obvious, most couples have them and don’t realize it.

First, the majority of couples have very different ideas for fundamental ideas such as what ‘love’ and ‘s*x’ actually mean. They’ve never stopped to consider that their partner might not have the same views.

For example, odds are your partner has a very different idea of what s*x is, and you don’t realize it. This difference in viewpoint, and resulting motivation is a major cause of issues in the bedroom. This is because without realizing it, you’re approaching things in a way that doesn’t take care of their needs. When couples understand this, they can find a way that both partners' needs are taken care of. (4) (18)

Second, during intimate times together most women don’t get the type of physical stimulation they need. Few men realize this because their partner is embarrassed to tell them. Women often report enjoying the intimacy, but are not satisfied otherwise. (19) There’s more to this “secret” than just techniques. It’s doing things in a way that allows your partner to feel “safe” and deeply cared for.

Finally, we’ve found that the majority of couples are afraid to talk with their partner about their true needs. (2) Almost half of all women are dissatisfied with their s*x life, (5) but are afraid to tell their partner. So the man often thinks things are great. Later he doesn’t understand why his partner loses interest in the bedroom. (6) Both women and men are often hesitant to ask their partner about new experiences they can share. They’re embarrassed, plus afraid of judgment or hurting their partners feelings.

The good news is that there is a simple ritual you and your partner can do that takes care of all three challenges. ...

Biohackers Magazine Every Decision We Make, Conscientiously or Unconscientiously Impacts our Life & Health Start to Be Better Version of You


Curious what people think of this ad that will go out in Biohackers Magazine? I'll be refining it & doing others in the future but this is for Valentines. The audience are men/women in the health/biotech industry.

Photos from Human Innovations, LLC's post 01/24/2024

Cool, we just got an email that the LifeSpanning research group had reviewed our data & reference papers & approved us as "LifeSpanning Certified"

That means a separate research panel reviewed & agreed with our wellness / health benefit statements. This is kind of a geeky think, but it will give us more acceptance & credibility in the Biohacking / Wellness Space.

Photos from Human Innovations, LLC's post 12/04/2023

This week our first article goes out in Biohackers Magazine. This is fun & it's published in 43 countries.

The article covers:
-- What did Napoleon Hill say about s*xuality, and why is it important?

-- So if you’re “transmuting” s*x drive - what are you really

-- What is the association between s*xuality and creativity
from a neuroscience perspective?

-- What are specific techniques you can follow to harness this

You can subscribe here:

Why Most People Aren’t Good In Bed & What To Do About It… Part 1 (Sexual Scotomoa) 05/03/2023

Why Most People Aren’t Good In Bed & What To Do About It… Part 1 (Sexual Scotomoa) To get access to Videos & Training we can't show on YouTube, join our newsletter at: Massimo Fontana and Dr. Steve McGough ...

Engineers Guide To The Bedroom - Proven Ways To Bring Passion Back 01/03/2023

A good relationship can help you excel in business, or be a constant source of stress and distraction.

Download this FREE guidebook on how to make your relationship an adventure that gets better every week!

Engineers Guide To The Bedroom - Proven Ways To Bring Passion Back Complete this quick form to get a free copy of the Engineers Guide to the Bedroom, plus receive the latest updates about hi® for couple's massage


How The hi® Massager Was Discovered

If you ever wondered how the hi® Massager Was Discovered, this explains it - it came from a tragedy, that led to a miracle. It's FAR more unusual than anyone could have imagined.

I'm at a YouTube Video Development BootCamp & one of the requirements is to tell the history of how it began.

After watching this you'll better understand why I shifted from Neuroscience & the Tech Industry to women's & men's pelvic health.

Learn more about Massimo Fontana at & more about Steve at

To get access to Videos & Training we can't show on YouTube, join our newsletter at:

If you would like more information on how to work with us, or for access to our training programs and individual and group therapies please find us at:




Massimo Heads To Ta**ra Conference & I Review the hi® 30 Day Couples Transformation

Learn more about Massimo Fontana at & more about Steve at

To get access to Videos & Training we can't show on YouTube, join our newsletter at:

I'm giving this chat while driving back to the office so please bear with my technical learning here. I give an update on what Massimo Fontana is up to (he'd heading to a Ta**ra conference), and introduce the hi® 30 Day Couples Transformation. This process helps couples "build a base" together that both strengthens their relationship and resparks intense passion.

Let me know if you have any questions 😉

If you would like more information on how to work with us, or for access to our training programs and individual and group therapies please find us at:




What It Takes To Have An Amazing Relationship

I'm giving this chat while driving back to the office on the common traits couples of couples who have amazing relationships. Wendy and I have had an opportunity over the past 12 years to see thousands of people - where the focus was on making things better - not trying to "fix" problems. All those with strong, fulfilling relationships were on the same page about these two major areas. Let me know what you think & if you agree, or disagree ;)

Learn more about Massimo Fontana at & more about Steve at

To get access to Videos & Training we can't show on YouTube, join our newsletter at:

If you would like more information on how to work with us, or for access to our training programs and individual and group therapies please find us at:




The Truth About "ED" - Part 1 Stress Based ED

Learn more about Massimo at & more about Steve at

To get access to Videos & Training we can't show on YouTube, join our newsletter at:

In this talk, Massimo Fontana and Steve McGough discuss the issues around one type of "ED" which is psychogenic or "Stress Based". This is often the first type of ED men deal with. Later physiological, or "Organic" ED can be the other major category. We'll cover that in the second part.

Many times stress based ED can compound challenges for men who are developing physiological ED.

Unfortunately, the USA is #1 in the world for this challenge, which often starts causing issues for men around age 40.

Later we'll review some of the different options for dealing with this challenge. Many times women unfortunately think this is due to

If you would like more information on how to work with us, or for access to our training programs and individual and group therapies please find us at:




Learn more about Massimo at & more about Steve at

To get access to Videos & Training we can't show on YouTube, join our newsletter at:

In this talk Massimo Fontana and Steve McGough discuss their experiences (from a man's perspective) of helping women transition from pain, or no sensation during intimacy, to experiencing pleasure.

We will try to schedule another call where female s*xologists can join in the conversation as well - because we can only express things from our experiences and since we are not female and can only share what we've experienced as observers.

Hopefully this talk will give some insight, particularly to other men on some of the challenges women face.

If you would like more information on how to work with us, or for access to our training programs and individual and group therapies please find us at:




The Most Common Misunderstanding In Your Love Life

Here Massimo Fontana and I continue the discussion about common misunderstandings in couples that ruin their intimate lives.

Like "Love" we talked about yesterday, this topic is frequently overlooked because both couples assume they're meaning the same thing.

This discussion might cause you both to think about it. Just getting on the same page about this (and a few other words many people take for granted) can transform your relationship.

If you'd like to see videos we can't show here, plus learn about our free training programs, join the community at:

If you would like more information on how to work with us, or for access to our training programs and individual and group therapies please find us at:

For more information visit:




Why Is Love So Hard For Couples to Understand?

Here Massimo Fontana and I discuss why couples often have challenges with "Love". This topic is frequently overlooked because both couples assume they're meaning the same thing. In reality, we've found most people have very different ideas. This simple misunderstanding makes our lives much more complicated than they have to be.

Sadly the separation & divorce rate is more than 50% of all people. Since the pandemic that percentage is going even higher.

This discussion might cause you both to think about it. Just getting on the same page about this (and a few other words many people take for granted) can transform your relationship.

If you would like more information on how to work with us, or for access to our training programs and individual and group therapies please find us at:

If you'd like to see videos we can't show here, plus learn about our free training programs, join the community at:

For more information visit:



Are You Comfortable Receiving Pleasure? (Hint - Most Aren't)

A Weekly Routine That Transforms Your Love Life Part (9)

Here Massimo Fontana and I discuss and debunk what is preventing people from truly taking care of their partner's needs

We have broken this talk down into 10 bite-size chunks which no doubt will stir more questions to which we have many answers to.

Some of the areas that we cover are:
- Curiosity

- Enjoyment of seeing my partner's pleasure

- How the couple needs to support the same resonance and mission to keep charged

- The many different styles of pleasure

- Pleasure also starts with self-exploration

- Learning how to touch and the need for touch

- Learning how to feel with your p***s and think with your p***s rather than simply use it to thrust

- Re-sensitising yourself

If you would like more information on how to work with us, or for access to our training programs and individual and group therapies please find us at:




A Weekly Routine That Transforms Your Live Life

How To Truly Take Care Of Your Partner's Needs (Part 6)

Here Massimo Fontana and I discuss and debunk what is preventing people from truly taking care of their partner's needs

We have broken this talk down into 10 bite size chunks which no doubt will stir more questions to which we have many answers to.

Some of the areas that we cover are:
- Curiosity
- Enjoyment of seeing my partner's pleasure
- How the couple needs to support the same resonance and mission to keep charged
- The many different styles of pleasure
- Pleasure also starts with self-exploration
- Learning how to touch and the need for touch
- Learning how to feel with your p***s and think with your p***s rather than simply use it to thrust
- Re-sensitising yourself

If you would like more information on how to work with us, or for access to our training programs and individual and group therapies please find us at:




Taking Your Love Life To A New Level (Part 8)
Here Massimo Fontana and I discuss and debunk what is preventing people from truly taking care of their partner's needs
We have broken this talk down into 10 bite size chunks which no doubt will stir more questions to which we have many answers to.
Some of the areas that we cover are:
- Curiosity
- Enjoyment of seeing my partner's pleasure
- How the couple needs to support the same resonance and mission to keep charged
- The many different styles of pleasure
- Pleasure also starts with self-exploration
- Learning how to touch and the need for touch
- Learning how to feel with your p***s and think with your p***s rather than simply use it to thrust
- Re-sensitising yourself
If you would like more information on how to work with us, or for access to our training programs and individual and group therapies please find us at:

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

How The hi® Massager Was Discovered
Massimo Heads To Tantra Conference & I Review the hi® 30 Day Couples Transformation
What It Takes To Have An Amazing Relationship
The Truth About "ED" - Part 1 Stress Based ED
Helping Your Partner Heal - Transitioning From Pain Or Lack Of Sensation To Enjoyment
The Most Common Misunderstanding In Your Love Life
Why Is Love So Hard For Couples to Understand?
Are You Comfortable Receiving Pleasure?  (Hint - Most Aren't)
A Weekly Routine That Transforms Your Love Life
Taking Your Love Life To A New Level
Taking Your Love Life To a New Level (Part 1)
What is the most important thing your partner needs?



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