Country Chiropractor

Growing Health One Person at a Time Dr. Joell Hathaway is a board certified and licensed chiropractor. She is also a certified nutritionist.

Dr. Hathaway has been involved with the chiropractic field since 1995 and has been practicing in Cartersville, GA since 2005. Her love of helping others face reality and their health inspires others to make and achieve obtainable health goals.

Tucker Carlson Network 08/16/2024

Must Listen

Tucker Carlson Network Tucker Carlson Network


Helping colleague this week 7/24 in the afternoon and possibly early afternoon on 7/26 so office hours might be limited. I'll be in the office but also sneaking out to help for a few hours on the above mentioned days. Please message me directly for appointment @ 7706088871 or leave a message at the office 7703866243.


"Start your week with a strong mindset! Remember, small steps lead to big changes. 💪

5 Fast + Easy Homemade Electrolyte Drink Recipes 07/08/2024

5 Fast + Easy Homemade Electrolyte Drink Recipes But what about making your own homemade electrolyte drinks?


“Chiropractic Care: A Path to Pain-Free Living”

Chiropractic care is a holistic approach to health that focuses on diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal issues, particularly those related to the spine. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help alleviate chronic pain, improve posture, and enhance overall health.

5 Fast + Easy Homemade Electrolyte Drink Recipes 07/01/2024

Electrolytes - Who are they for? When do you drink them? Is homemade better than commercial drinks?

Who Needs to Drink Electrolyte Drinks?

Electrolyte drinks are essential for people who:

*Engage in Intense Exercise: Athletes or individuals who participate in prolonged, vigorous activities like marathon running, cycling, or high-intensity interval training.

*Experience Heavy Sweating: Those who sweat excessively due to hot weather conditions, intense physical activity, or certain medical conditions.

*Have Illnesses: Individuals suffering from illnesses that cause dehydration, such as diarrhea, vomiting, or fever.

*Are in Recovery: People recovering from surgery or illness where hydration levels need to be carefully managed.

*Endure Physical Labor: Workers involved in strenuous physical labor, especially in hot climates.

Best Time to Drink Electrolyte Drinks

*During Extended Workouts: Consume during prolonged exercise sessions exceeding one hour to replenish lost electrolytes.

*After Intense Physical Activity: Drink post-exercise to aid in recovery and rehydration.

*During Illness: When experiencing symptoms like vomiting or diarrhea to prevent dehydration.

*In Hot Weather: During periods of extreme heat when excessive sweating is likely.

*Before and After Surgery: To maintain hydration and aid in recovery, as directed by a healthcare professional.

Top 5 Reasons Commercial Drinks Are NOT Good to Drink

*High Sugar Content: Many commercial electrolyte drinks contain high levels of sugar, which can contribute to weight gain and negatively impact overall health.

*Artificial Ingredients: They often contain artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives that may not be beneficial for health.

*Cost: Commercial electrolyte drinks can be expensive compared to homemade alternatives.

*Excessive Sodium: Some commercial drinks have high sodium levels, which may not be suitable for everyone, particularly those with hypertension.

*Lack of Nutrients: Commercial drinks may lack other essential nutrients found in more natural or homemade options.

Top 10 Reasons Why Homemade Electrolyte Drinks Are Good to Drink

*Control Over Ingredients: You can control the quality and quantity of ingredients, ensuring no artificial additives or excessive sugars.

*Customizable Recipes: Tailor the recipe to fit specific dietary needs and taste preferences.

*Nutrient-Rich: Homemade drinks can include additional nutrients such as vitamins and minerals from natural sources.

*Cost-Effective: Generally more affordable than purchasing commercial electrolyte drinks.

*Hydration: Provides essential hydration with the right balance of electrolytes.

*Natural Flavors: Use natural fruits and herbs for flavor, avoiding artificial additives.

*Lower Sodium: Control the amount of sodium to suit individual health needs.

*Environmentally Friendly: Reduce plastic waste from commercial drink bottles by using reusable containers.

*Allergy-Friendly: Avoid allergens or unwanted ingredients that might be present in commercial options.

*Health Benefits: Incorporate ingredients like coconut water, which is naturally rich in electrolytes, or honey, which has additional health benefits.

There are many homemade electrolyte recipes available on-line. Here's just one to try.

5 Fast + Easy Homemade Electrolyte Drink Recipes But what about making your own homemade electrolyte drinks?


Would you be interested in learning how to cook with protein powders?


Hydration is important on many levels. Water is best resource. Don’t forget watermelon, celery and cucumbers in your diet.

If exercising over 60-90mins continuously in the heat replace minerals with homemade electrolyte drink.

If skin goes dry seek help immediately. Get out of the sun and cool off.


Call 770-386-6243 for an appointment!

In the office Monday - Wednesday - Friday and Saturday this week.


Out of office 6/4-6/8


In office Monday, 6/3, 830-6pm.
Afternoon appointments available.
6/4-6/8 on vacation.

Rapeseed Oil (Canola Oil) 06/01/2024

Rapeseed Oil - is a term for Canola oil. Being used more in “healthy” foods. Can be processed for industrial or culinary purposes.

No matter the name. Still not good for the body and is considered a hormone disrupter.

Read ingredients

Rapeseed Oil (Canola Oil) Rapeseed, or canola, oil is widely used for cooking, baking, and food processing. This article reviews rapeseed oil, including its nutritional content, benefits, and potential downsides.


Out of office today (5/31)
In office Saturday(6/1) 10am - last person seen (1230ish)
In office Monday(6/3) 830am - last person seen
Tuesday (6/4) - Saturday (6/8) on Vacation
That should be the last of the crazy hours!....maybe 🤪


Nutrition room is ready for you!


Extending heartfelt gratitude for your incredible sacrifices and unwavering dedication to protecting and serving our country. Your bravery has safeguarded our freedoms, and your commitment has allowed businesses like mine to thrive in a free nation. To the families, your support and resilience are deeply appreciated and recognized. Thank you for your service and for making our community and country a better place.


**ODD HOURS this week**
Monday 830 - 345
Tuesday 830 - 1045
Wednesday 830 - 4
Thursday Closed
Friday 830 - 1230

For appointments
Call 770-386-6243
Text 770-608-8871


Happy Mother’s Day to all the mama’s out there!


Jordan's racing track Regionals Monday and Wednesday. Office hours will be limited. Call the office (770-386-6243) to schedule or message me directly at 770-608-8871.

Monday - 830 - 1230
Tuesday - 10-11 (Out of office appts)
Wednesday 830 - 1210
Thursday - Closed
Friday - 830 - 530
Saturday - Closed(Out of town)
Sunday - Closed (Out of town)
Monday - Closed (Out of town)


May you be filled with blessings of Life over death and with the Hope of Salvation.
Happy Easter!


How are supplements different?

Some are synthetic and whole food

Here are 10 differences between synthetic supplements and whole food supplements:

1. **Source**: Synthetic supplements are chemically synthesized in a laboratory, while whole food supplements are derived from real food sources.

2. **Nutrient Complexity**: Whole food supplements contain a complex matrix of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phytonutrients, and other cofactors, whereas synthetic supplements often contain isolated nutrients.

3. **Absorption and Bioavailability**: Nutrients in whole food supplements are typically more readily absorbed and utilized by the body compared to synthetic supplements, which may have lower bioavailability.

4. **Synergistic Effects**: Whole food supplements provide nutrients in combination with other compounds found naturally in food, which may have synergistic effects on health, whereas synthetic supplements lack these natural synergies.

5. **Digestibility**: Whole food supplements are generally easier for the body to digest and assimilate due to their natural food matrix, while synthetic supplements may be harder on the digestive system.

6. **Nutrient Balance**: Whole food supplements provide nutrients in balanced ratios as they occur in nature, while synthetic supplements may disrupt natural nutrient balances.

7. **Nutrient Integrity**: Whole food supplements preserve the integrity of nutrients in their natural form, whereas synthetic supplements may contain artificial additives, fillers, or binders.

8. **Long-Term Health Effects**: Whole food supplements are believed to support long-term health and wellness by providing nutrients in their natural context, while the long-term effects of synthetic supplements are still debated.

9. **Quality Control**: Whole food supplements may have stricter quality control measures to ensure the integrity and purity of the ingredients, while synthetic supplements may vary in quality depending on manufacturing processes.

10. **Cost**: Whole food supplements can seem to be more expensive than synthetic supplements due to the higher cost of sourcing, processing, and manufacturing real food ingredients. However, Standard Process supplements are not only effective they are budget friendly.


Three reasons people often seek chiropractic treatments:

1. **Pain Relief:** Chiropractic care can help alleviate various types of pain, including back pain, neck pain, and headaches.

2. **Improved Mobility:** Chiropractic adjustments can enhance joint mobility and function, making it easier to move and perform daily activities.

3. **Preventive Care:** Regular chiropractic adjustments can help maintain spinal health and prevent future injuries by addressing misalignments and imbalances before they become more serious issues.

Call for your appointment 770-386-6243


Office Hours 3/25-3/30
Monday 830 - 430
Tuesday 10-1230
Wednesday 830-6
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed - Good Friday
Saturday Closed


Veggies for breakfast??? YES PLEASE! Lots of veggies with some lean ground beef. Yum!


National Nutrition Month Part 1


Spices have been utilized for thousands of years not only to add flavor but also for their potential health benefits. They contain various phytochemicals with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Some of the oldest spices date back to ancient civilizations like Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley.

Here are 15 of the healthiest spices, each with unique nutritional benefits:

1. Turmeric: Known for its powerful anti-inflammatory compound, curcumin.
2. Cinnamon: May help lower blood sugar levels and reduce inflammation.
3. Ginger: Known for its anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory properties.
4. Garlic: Contains allicin, which may boost immune function and lower blood pressure.
5. Cumin: Rich in antioxidants and may aid digestion.
6. Cayenne pepper: Contains capsaicin, which may aid weight loss and reduce appetite.
7. Black pepper: Enhances nutrient absorption and contains antioxidants.
8. Cloves: High in antioxidants and may have antimicrobial properties.
9. Paprika: Contains capsaicin and may promote heart health.
10. Oregano: Rich in antioxidants and may have antimicrobial properties.
11. Rosemary: Contains rosmarinic acid, which may support brain health and improve digestion.
12. Saffron: May have antidepressant effects and contain antioxidants.
13. Cardamom: May help improve digestion and contains antioxidants.
14. Thyme: Rich in antioxidants and may have antibacterial properties.
15. Basil: Contains eugenol, which may have anti-inflammatory effects.

Incorporating these spices into your cooking not only adds flavor but also contributes to your overall health and well-being.


National Nutrition Month Part 2


Several spices are particularly nutrient-dense, offering a range of essential vitamins, minerals, and beneficial compounds. Here are a few spices known for their high nutrient content and the key nutrients they provide:

1. **Turmeric**: Contains curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory compound, along with manganese, iron, and vitamin B6.

2. **Cinnamon**: Rich in manganese, fiber, and calcium, and contains cinnamaldehyde, which may have antioxidant properties.

3. **Ginger**: Provides gingerol, a bioactive compound with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as manganese and vitamin B6.

4. **Garlic**: High in manganese, vitamin C, and vitamin B6, and contains sulfur compounds like allicin, which may have various health benefits.

5. **Cumin**: A good source of iron, manganese, and calcium, and contains antioxidants like flavonoids and phenolic compounds.

6. **Cayenne pepper**: Contains capsaicin, which may aid weight loss and reduce inflammation, along with vitamins A, E, and C.

7. **Black pepper**: Rich in manganese, iron, and vitamin K, and contains piperine, which may enhance nutrient absorption.

8. **Cloves**: Provide manganese, vitamin K, and fiber, and contain eugenol, a compound with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

9. **Paprika**: Contains vitamins A, E, and B6, along with capsaicin, which may promote heart health and reduce inflammation.

10. **Oregano**: Rich in vitamin K, manganese, and iron, and contains carvacrol and thymol, which have antimicrobial properties.

These spices can be incorporated into various dishes to not only enhance flavor but also boost the nutritional value of your meals.


Open those blinds! LET THE SUNSHINE IN!
Let’s talk about VITAMIN D ☀️☀️☀️

Vitamin D, often called the “sunshine vitamin,” is a crucial nutrient for overall health. It’s produced in the skin in response to sunlight exposure, particularly UVB rays. Additionally, it can be obtained from certain foods like fatty fish, fortified dairy products, and supplements.

To maximize absorption, it’s important to consume foods rich in vitamin D alongside healthy fats, as it’s a fat-soluble vitamin. Additionally, consuming foods rich in vitamin K2, magnesium, zinc, and calcium can enhance vitamin D absorption and utilization in the body.

Here are seven benefits of vitamin D:

1. Bone Health: Vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, crucial minerals for maintaining strong bones and preventing conditions like osteoporosis.
2. Immune Function: It plays a vital role in modulating the immune system, helping to defend against infections and reducing the risk of autoimmune diseases.
3. Mood Regulation: Adequate levels of vitamin D are associated with improved mood and may help reduce the risk of depression and mood disorders.
4. Muscle Strength: Vitamin D supports muscle function and strength, which is essential for overall mobility and preventing falls, especially in older adults.
5. Heart Health: Some studies suggest that vitamin D may help lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, and improve overall cardiovascular health.
6. Cancer Prevention: There’s evidence to suggest that adequate vitamin D levels may reduce the risk of certain cancers, including colon, breast, and prostate cancer.
7. Brain Health: Vitamin D receptors are found throughout the brain, indicating its importance in cognitive function and reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Ensuring sufficient vitamin D intake through sunlight, diet, or supplementation is crucial for maintaining optimal health and well-being.

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Nutrition room is ready for you!
Back to school Immune Boost!!!
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Our office puppy, Mick, is off to puppy school.  He was very excited upon arrival!  He’s already had fun pointing and pi...



1 Townsley Drive, Ste 1B
Cartersville, GA

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 5pm
Tuesday 10am - 2pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 3pm
Friday 8:30am - 6:30pm

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