Ananda Wellness Center

A functional approach to pediatrics

Timeline photos 05/31/2021

Happy Memorial Day πŸŽ†

Try out this refreshing treat that uses honey as a natural sweetener. 🍯 πŸ‹ The lemon is also great for helping detox processes in your body. -->

Timeline photos 05/30/2021

Women can start feeling the effects of perimenopause as early as their mid-30s. πŸ₯΅

πŸ₯€ Symptoms of perimenopause can be hard to deal with and wreak general havoc throughout the body.

- Changes in your cycle
- Hot flashes
- Sleep disturbances
- Mood swings
- Fatigue
- Low s*x drive
- Hormonal imbalances, which bring on their own host of problems

πŸ‘‰ Here are some ways to cope with these symptoms when you feel them start to settle in:

1. Exercise - It's good for the body, stabilizes your mood, and helps produce endorphins.
2. Address Hormone Irregularities - There are plenty of ways to naturally regulate hormone production when big changes happen within the body.
3. Up Your Calcium - Bones start to lose calcium when you hit perimenopause, so consuming enough calcium-rich foods helps lower your risk for osteoporosis.
4. Handle Hot Flashes - You can avoid hot flash triggers such as hot air, spicy foods, or hot beverages, and practicing deep breathing when they do pop up allows your body room to self-regulate.
5. Mental Health - Hormonal upswings are mostly unavoidable, and the challenges of experiencing menopause can take their toll. Seeking help or just being extra aware of your mental state as you go through these changes is extremely important.

⭐Our office can help you with all of life's transitions in a way that is easy to implement and sustain. ☎️ Get in touch to learn more!

Timeline photos 05/29/2021

πŸ’₯ If you're ready to break free of chronic illness, stubborn belly fat, fatigue, digestive issues, or autoimmunity call our office to get started!

Timeline photos 05/28/2021

Are you suffering from poor blood circulation? 🩸

πŸ‘‰ Symptoms of this include:
- numbness and tingling in hands or feet
- cold hands or feet
- swelling in feet, ankles, legs
- memory loss
- difficulty concentrating
- digestive issues
- fatigue
- joint or muscle cramping
- skin color changes
- varicose veins

πŸ’‘ There are many possible solutions to better blood flow, exercise and massage being the most well-known. An easier change to start might be to include certain foods that promote better blood flow.

- Green tea
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- Cruciferous veggies
- Beets
- Dark chocolate

🍫 Try including some of these common foods in your diet, and then call our office for a more comprehensive and individualized plan to promote better circulation and overall health! ☎️

How to Make Vegetable Stock - Lexi's Clean Kitchen 05/27/2021

We talk a lot about the health benefits of bone broth. 🌿What if you're on a plant-based diet? Veggie stock can still pack tons of nutritional benefits and is super easy to make! πŸ₯¬ Here's instructions for on the stove OR using an Instant Pot -->

How to Make Vegetable Stock - Lexi's Clean Kitchen Ever wonder how to make your own vegetable stock? It’s really quite simple, and homemade veggie stock is so flavorful.

Timeline photos 05/26/2021

🌟The three macronutrients you should be paying attention to are carbs, fats, and proteins.🌟

When people hear protein, they often think red meat or poultry, but fish is a great way to incorporate more protein in your diet, and it has nutritional benefits not found in more traditional meats.

🐟 Fish is considered a lean form of protein, which encourages muscle building and maintenance of a healthy weight. Fish provides the body with essential omega-3 fatty acids, like EPA and DHA, fat-soluble vitamin D, B-complex vitamins, iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, and more. However, not all fish are created equal, so it's important to choose the healthiest type that are sustainably sourced from uncontaminated waters.

πŸ‘‰The best fish to add to your meals:

1. Wild Alaskan Salmon
2. Albacore tuna (look for troll or pole-caught)
3. Mackerel
4. Sardines
5. Cod
6. Halibut
7. Oysters
8. Lake trout
9. Freshwater whitefish
10. Herring

πŸ‘‰Try to avoid:

- Bluefin tuna
- Chilean sea bass
- King mackerel
- Marlin
- Monkfish
- Shark
- Swordfish

😣These are much more likely to be contaminated by mercury, carbon, and other toxins. By adding fish twice a week you can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and boost your immune system. ❀️

Looking for more guidance on what nutritional changes are right for you? πŸ“² Send us a message!

Timeline photos 05/25/2021

The journey is all about perspective. πŸ’«

Timeline photos 05/24/2021

If you're suffering from gut problems, you may have SIBO. 😒

πŸ‘‰ SIBO stands for small intestinal bacterial growth and is a symptom of underlying issues going on in the gut. Gut problems are often linked to too much stress, but there are many things that can cause gut health problems: food sensitivities, allergies, leaky gut, inflammation, poor brain function, and autoimmunity, to name a few.

πŸ‘‰ SIBO results from too many bacteria that belong in the large intestine migrating into the small intestine. When these bacteria consume sugars and carbs, they produce gas that causes bloating, belching, and flatulence, as well as other symptoms of gut imbalance.

πŸ‘‰ SIBO does not have a one-size-fits-all solution. Proper testing, dietary changes, and natural supplementation are all necessary to find the best strategy to improve gut function and prevent relapses of SIBO.

☎️ Call our office for more info on how we can help tailor an action plan to your digestive needs!

Timeline photos 05/23/2021

Homemade dressing is so much better than anything you can get at the store! πŸ₯£πŸ₯— Start with a base of your favorite oil and vinegar and then get creative from there.

😁 Here's one we're excited about -->

Timeline photos 05/22/2021

We love blueberries! 😍

Blueberries are one of our favorite fruits because, though they are small, they pack a huge punch of vital nutrients. They are full of protein, fiber, potassium, vitamins D and B6, are high in antioxidants and a bunch of other nutrients. Just one serving delivers a whole host of health benefits and is super tasty.

Here are some the great things blueberries do for you:

πŸ’™ Aid muscle recovery.
πŸ’™ Increase heart health.
πŸ’™ Fight urinary tract infections.
πŸ’™ Protect from disease with their high level of antioxidants.
πŸ’™ Promote muscle growth and density.
πŸ’™ Lower blood pressure by improving cellular function in blood vessels.
πŸ’™ Improve insulin sensitivity, which lowers risk of type 2 diabetes.
πŸ’™ Aid weight loss and healthy digestion.
πŸ’™ Prevents skin damage by providing vitamin C to aid in collagen production.
πŸ’™ Improve cognitive function.

Blueberries are great fresh or frozen and are easily incorporated into your diet. However, everyone's needs are unique, and everyone needs different things to live their most optimal life.

πŸ’‘ Have questions about which nutrition moves might be the best for you? Shoot us a message! πŸ’Œ

Timeline photos 05/21/2021

πŸ₯Ί Taking the first step toward change is intimidating, uncertain, sometimes even discouraging. But even that one step is a BIG DEAL. πŸ€— We are proud of you for being brave enough to try!

Timeline photos 05/20/2021

Who here suffers from allergies? 🀧

Itchy skin, red eyes, a runny nose, sneezing, sinus pressure, and headaches are all things you could experience if you suffer from seasonal allergies - and those aren't even the worst possible symptoms! 😱 You may react to certain foods or chemicals with hives, headaches, nasal congestion, skin problems, a racing heart, or irritability.

What causes reactions in both scenarios? πŸ‘‰ Histamines.

Histamine is a protein that is produced in response to environmental or dietary proteins known as antigens. When the antigen encounters the body, the immune system registers it as an intruder and produces antibodies to it. ⚠️ These antibodies cause a release of histamine into your bloodstream resulting in inflammation to fight the offender.

Histamines are also found in many common foods such as sauerkraut, aged cheese, wine, processed meats, sweet potatoes, and more. Eating too many foods high in histamine can cause levels to skyrocket, making your body think it is being attacked and causing more unnecessary inflammation. πŸ”₯

The first step to relieve symptoms is reducing inflammation in the body by adopting a healthy lifestyle and diet overall. 🧯 Things that cause high histamine are often things we should have in moderation anyways and will naturally be removed as you focus on proper nutrition and exercise.

Call our office for more information on relieving allergy symptoms! πŸ“ž

Timeline photos 05/19/2021

Grilled fruit has never sounded so amazing. 😍😍 I love that you can top these peaches with anything! πŸ‘

Timeline photos 05/18/2021

Is yoga your exercise of choice? 🧘

Practicing yoga is a great way to center your mind, get your body moving, and take much-needed time every day to practice self-care. The best part is you can have successful yoga practices at home! 🀩 The trick is to set yourself up for success and try to minimize distractions as much as possible.

βœ”οΈ Set your space. Make it easily available, calming, and somewhere you look forward to going every day. It can be as simple as a corner of the living room, your back patio, or you can devote a whole room to it. Dim the lights, light candles, play music, whatever gets you in the relaxation zone.

βœ”οΈ Don't bring electronics into your space! Leave all phones, computers, tablets at the door so you have minimal distractions. If there are other people at home while you practice, try to be in a different room or area where you can’t hear the TV or conversations, or request that during this time they keep background noise to a minimum.

βœ”οΈ Planning is the key to success. Schedule which days and times you'd like to set aside time for yoga that work for your availability and motivation level, look up which videos/yoga flows you'd like to do ahead of time. Knowing exactly when and what you have waiting will set you up for success!

✨If you're looking for support implementing more movement into your life, our office is here to help!✨

Timeline photos 05/17/2021

Stress is a HUGE factor in chronic and acute health concerns. πŸ˜΅πŸ™ˆ

For help managing excessive stress, reach out to our team. πŸ’¬

Timeline photos 05/16/2021

The digestive issues you're having can say a lot about what's going on in your body. 🀒

If you're experiencing bloating, constipation, IBS, SIBO, or gastritis this means you're suffering from health imbalances directly in the digestive process. These include improper food chewing, low stomach acid, low digestive-enzyme production, gallbladder issues, or leaky gut. Most often symptoms can be rectified easily with diet and lifestyle changes.

πŸ‘‰ If your symptoms look more like skin breakouts, autoimmunity, allergies, asthma, sinus congestion, or frequent colds, then your immune system-gut relationship has likely been compromised. As much as 70% of the immune system is housed in the gut and people who suffer from these issues typically have a genetic or early-childhood predisposition.

πŸ‘‰ Especially important to watch out for are symptoms such as mast-cell activation syndrome, chemical sensitivity, multiple food sensitivities, mold illness, Lyme disease, vertigo, or chronic infections. These symptoms are signs of a toxic gut type that has trouble moderating pathogens and oxidative stress. If it seems like you're ""doing all the things"" and nothing is helping, this may be your sign as well.

πŸ‘‰And those are just a few of the different ways gut problems can manifest! There is also the gut-brain connection, hormonal, and metabolic imbalances that cause other symptoms. Your digestive health really does influence all areas of the body.

☎️ If you're suffering from any of the above symptoms and want to learn more about healing your gut - contact us today!

Timeline photos 05/14/2021

Stress is a never-ending, vicious cycle. 😭

We experience stress when the natural flow of daily life is disrupted by stressors in the form of one or more events we cannot control. πŸ‘€ These stressors elevate cortisol, the stress hormone, and throw the body out of whack. Stress responses can manifest both psychologically and physiologically, bringing on symptoms like:

πŸ’” Difficulty breathing
πŸ’” Pounding heart
πŸ’” Gut issues
πŸ’” Headaches
πŸ’” Muscle or nerve pain
πŸ’” Mood swings
πŸ’” Problems with concentration
πŸ’” Insomnia
πŸ’” Extreme fatigue
πŸ’” Hormonal imbalances

Stressors can be anything from job and relationship pressure to poor nutrition or media overload. There are always ways to tackle minimizing and managing stress, and it's important to get help in objectively evaluating your unique situation and the best approach forward. πŸ‘‰ Our office specializes in addressing health concerns by getting to the root of the problem.

Give us a call if stress is getting in the way of you living your life! πŸ“²

Timeline photos 05/13/2021

Protein is an essential macronutrient your body uses to build and repair muscle, produce hormones, and provide enzymes that keep you functioning. πŸ’ͺ You should aim for a MINIMUM of 7 grams of protein for every 20 pounds of body weight, especially if you're plant based! 🌱 Include some of these veggies in your diet for more protein:

- Edamame
- Lentils
- Beans like black, cannellini, chickpeas, pinto, or Lima
- Green peas
- Soybean sprouts
- Mushrooms
- Spinach
- Artichokes
- Broccoli
- Brussel sprouts
- Asparagus
- Sweet corn

βœ”οΈ Getting the appropriate amount of protein (as well as balancing your other macronutrients) is extremely important for your overall health. Every person's nutritional needs are different, so you should investigate what your body's nutritional requirements are. 🧐 Our office can help! Give us a call.

Timeline photos 05/12/2021

Those who experience chronic pain do not have to suffer! πŸ˜” Being in pain all the time is not normal. Call our office to see how we can help provide relief! πŸ“ž

Timeline photos 05/11/2021

It's brunch time! πŸ˜‹πŸ½οΈ Try your hand at this super-simple Sweet Potato Hash Brown recipe -->

Timeline photos 05/10/2021

Have you been introduced to the happy molecule? 🌞

Serotonin (also known as 5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT) is one of the most talked-about neurotransmitters because of its role in regulating happiness, anxiety, and mood. When your body doesn't produce enough or has trouble using it properly, you can suffer from serotonin deficiency. 🌦️ Low levels of serotonin can contribute to:

- depression
- anxiety
- mood disorders
- insomnia

Ninety-five percent of serotonin is produced directly in your brain, with the other 5% coming from your gut. 🧠 In both the gut and the brain, your body makes serotonin from an essential amino acid called tryptophan. It's possible for things to go south in your body's ability to convert tryptophan into usable serotonin, the levels of serotonin readily available, and your brain's reuptake of using what's available.

πŸ‘‰ Important factors to consider when evaluating if you have serotonin deficiency:

- Getting adequate amounts of sunlight.
- Production of vitamin D, which our bodies make in response to sunlight.
- Omega-3 fatty acids play a positive role in the brain's utilization.
- Alcohol depletes serotonin levels.
- Long term use of SSRIs (a commonly prescribed antidepressant) blocks the protein that encourages serotonin longevity.
- Hormonal imbalances, specifically the hormone estradiol, directly influence serotonin production.
- Excess stress increases cortisol production, subsequently depleting serotonin.
- Inadequate diet can cause your body to not process tryptophan correctly.

😌 The time needed to restore healthy levels of serotonin varies among individuals depending on the cause, severity, treatment protocol, and other impacting factors. ☎️ Call our office to learn more about our approach!

Timeline photos 05/09/2021

A heart-felt thank you to all the mothers out there! We couldn't do it without you ❀️

Timeline photos 05/08/2021

πŸͺ Here's a no-bake cookie recipe that is vegan and gluten-free and sure to satisfy your sweet tooth -->

Timeline photos 05/07/2021

People over the age of 65 tend to have more sleep trouble than younger adults. πŸ§“

Falling asleep, staying asleep, and quality of sleep are all things that diminish with age, yet the amount of sleep we need remains fairly constant throughout adulthood. 😴 Often older adults run into these issues due to:

- Hormonal changes
- Medical complications
- Stress

πŸ₯± In general, older people tend to be less physically active, on more medications, and more prone to chronic pain and overactive bladders - all factors that diminish sleep quality.

πŸ‘‰ Some ways you can combat these night time interruptions:

- Find a consistent sleep-wake schedule that works for you
- Get plenty of physical and mental stimulation during the day
- Make sure you are getting enough sunlight
- Reduce caffeine and alcohol intake during the day
- Avoid sugary snacks or large meals before bed
- Shut down electronics at least an hour before bed
- Maintain a cool dark sleep environment

As you can see, frequency and quality of sleep is deeply intertwined with overall health. ❀️ Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will not only improve your sleep but it will also support the longevity and quality of your life.

If you're struggling with sleep and want to learn more about improving your vitality as you age, give us a call! ⏰

Timeline photos 05/06/2021

There's a new trend taking over - chlorophyll water! 🌱

Potential benefits include clearer skin, managing inflammation, and more. Is this health trend something that can be trusted? πŸ€” While there is limited research surrounding the benefits of these supplements, here is some science on the topic and whether this is a health move you should be making.

πŸ’š Chlorophyll is the pigment in plants that is essential for photosynthesis, in which plants convert sunlight into energy.
πŸ’š Since it's produced naturally by plants, it's possible to consume it via green plant foods like spinach, asparagus, or broccoli.
πŸ’š Typically, supplement forms contain a derivative of chlorophyll called chlorophyllin, or sodium copper chlorophyllin, which is known to help acne topically as well as possess antioxidants.
πŸ’š While the chlorophyll and chlorophyllin do offer health benefits, the nutrients found in these liquid supplements are limited compared to what you get eating whole veggies.
πŸ’š One serving of spinach contains not only chlorophyll, but also vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber not found in liquid supplements.

Ultimately adding these liquid supplements likely will not cause harm unless you're allergic, but you're probably better off (both benefit-wise and price-wise) opting for a balanced diet rich in good 'ole veggies. πŸ₯¦

πŸ€” Have more questions about your nutrition and what may be right for you? Call us today to see how we can help! πŸ“ž

Timeline photos 05/05/2021

Those following a Paleo or dairy-free diet do not have to miss out on the deliciousness that is nachos πŸ§€ with this tasty queso recipe 🀀 -->

Timeline photos 05/04/2021

Happy National Teacher's Day! 🍎

Our office specializes in educating you on a natural approach to health that is individualized and sustainable. πŸ“ž Give us a call to learn more!

Timeline photos 05/03/2021

Are you feeling burnt out? πŸ’£

Burnout refers to a state of emotional and physical exhaustion that results from poorly managed stress. ☹️ This most often is related to workplace struggles but can bleed into other areas of life. Symptoms of burnout include:

πŸ”₯ Fatigue
πŸ”₯ Pervasive feelings of cynicism or negativity
πŸ”₯ Feelings of inefficacy
πŸ”₯ Low motivation
πŸ”₯ Overwhelming anxiety
πŸ”₯ Mood swings

Whenever stress becomes out of control, your body suffers from the cortisol overload and can manifest profoundly serious symptoms. Often, the first step to getting your health under control is identifying areas of stress in your life and working toward either reducing the stressor or reforming how you respond to it.

πŸ‘‰ If you are feeling any of the above symptoms and want to explore ways to transform your quality of life, call our office!

Timeline photos 05/02/2021

This is one of our favorite ways to get a healthy dinner handled on busy nights...throw everything on a sheet pan and bake! πŸ˜‹ --->

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Integrative approach to ADHD


160 Macgregor Pines Drive. STE 301
Cary, NC

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 4pm
Tuesday 10am - 4pm
Wednesday 10am - 4pm
Thursday 10am - 4pm

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