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Popp Chiropractic & Rehab clinic is locally owned and operated by Scott Popp, D.C.
Body alignment, injury rehabilitation, and exercise therapy
Helping you heal through nature, not centralized medicine.
New therapy in our office. Pulsed electromagnetic radio frequency therapy for vagal nerve stimulation. This new method is a non invasive way to treat the vagal nerve. Read this article on the possible benefits.
Vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) is a medical treatment that involves delivering electrical impulses to the vagus nerve, which extends from the brainstem to the abdomen. This treatment is primarily used for patients with epilepsy and treatment-resistant depression, but it has shown potential benefits for other conditions as well. Here are the detailed benefits of VNS:
Benefits of Vagal Nerve Stimulation
Epilepsy Treatment
Reduction in Seizures: VNS can reduce the frequency and severity of seizures in patients with epilepsy who do not respond well to medications. Some patients experience a significant reduction in seizure frequency, while others may see a more modest improvement.
Improved Quality of Life: Patients often report an improved quality of life due to fewer seizures, increased alertness, and a reduction in postictal periods (the state of altered consciousness after a seizure).
Treatment-Resistant Depression
Mood Improvement: VNS has been approved by the FDA for treating major depressive disorder in patients who have not responded to traditional treatments like medications and psychotherapy. Many patients experience an improvement in mood and overall mental health.
Enhanced Cognitive Function: Some studies suggest that VNS can lead to improvements in cognitive functions such as memory and attention in patients with depression.
Potential Benefits for Other Conditions
Anxiety Disorders: Preliminary research indicates that VNS may help reduce symptoms of anxiety disorders.
Chronic Pain: VNS has shown promise in managing chronic pain conditions by modulating pain pathways in the central nervous system.
Inflammatory Diseases: VNS may help in reducing inflammation by influencing the body's immune response, which can be beneficial for conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn's disease.
Heart Failure: There is ongoing research into the use of VNS for treating heart failure, with some studies suggesting improvements in heart function and symptoms.
Migraines: VNS may reduce the frequency and severity of migraines, providing relief for patients who suffer from chronic migraines.
Mechanisms of Action
Neurotransmitter Modulation: VNS influences the release of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and serotonin, which play a crucial role in mood regulation and seizure control.
Anti-inflammatory Effects: VNS can activate the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway, reducing levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the body.
Neural Plasticity: VNS promotes neural plasticity, which may help in the recovery and adaptation of brain functions.
Ben-Menachem, E. (2002). Vagus-nerve stimulation for the treatment of epilepsy. The Lancet Neurology, 1(8), 477-482.
Rush, A. J., Marangell, L. B., Sackeim, H. A., et al. (2005). Vagus nerve stimulation for treatment-resistant depression: a randomized, controlled acute phase trial. Biological Psychiatry, 58(5), 347-354.
Groves, D. A., & Brown, V. J. (2005). Vagal nerve stimulation: a review of its applications and potential mechanisms that mediate its clinical effects. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 29(3), 493-500.
Bonaz, B., Sinniger, V., & Pellissier, S. (2013). The vagus nerve in the neuro-immune axis: implications in the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Frontiers in Immunology, 4, 143.
Kirchner, A., Birklein, F., Stefan, H., & Handwerker, H. O. (2000). Left vagus nerve stimulation suppresses experimentally induced pain. Neurology, 55(8), 1167-1171.
Koopman, F. A., Chavan, S. S., Miljko, S., et al. (2016). Vagus nerve stimulation inhibits cytokine production and attenuates disease severity in rheumatoid arthritis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(29), 8284-8289.
Daban, C., Martinez-Aran, A., Cruz, N., & Vieta, E. (2008). Safety and efficacy of Vagus Nerve Stimulation in treatment-resistant depression. A systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders, 110(1-2), 1-15.
These references provide a broad overview of the current understanding and applications of VNS, highlighting its benefits across various conditions.
If you suffer from difficulty breathing through your nose, you may want to consider my sinus expansion technique. it’s safe effective and easy to perform. In this video, I demonstrate how I expand the sinuses with a simple cot that I blow up with this sphygmomanometer bulb. Patients often have long lasting results and breathe much better following treatment
The sinus expansion technique demonstrated In this video, I demonstrate a technique that opens up the sinus passageways. It’s a very effective technique to improve nasal breathing and chronic congesti...
Don’t listen to your dermatologist. UV light from sunlight prevents cancer. The more sunlight you get in your lifetime the less mortality risk you have.
Prospective study of ultraviolet radiation exposure and risk of cancer in the United States - PubMed Ecologic studies have reported that solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure is associated with cancer; however, little evidence is available from prospective studies. We aimed to assess the association between an objective measure of ambient UVR exposure and risk of total and site-specific cancer...
What this could possibly mean is that Ozempic causes accelerated disc degeneration. I may be seeing a trend in my office. To early to tell but this is not good for anyone except my Chiropractic bussiness.
Diabetes/Weight Loss Med Linked to Repeat Spinal Surgery The diabetes/weight loss drug semaglutide is associated with a significantly greater risk for repeat operations in patients with diabetes who require lumbar surgery.
Have you ever heard of light therapy for migraine treatment?
Studies show that green light exposure therapy may be a simple and decentralized way to decrease headache and migraine symptoms, and significantly improve quality of life.
It’s time we start thinking outside of the centralized paradigm of drugs for treatment.
Here is a photo of one of my patients, who suffers from severe migraines, doing red and green light therapy at my office. If this is something you or someone you know may be interested in trying it, give us a call at (307) 237-6669 📞
Your biggest obstacle in life is a limited belief system.
People have become brainwashed into thinking “I cant do this because I am getting older”, or “It is normal to need more medications”, or “Diabetes is a normal part of aging”.
Humans are designed to overcome obstacles. Our very DNA requires us to stretch our limits to be healthy.
Remember, you can fix those weak links in your life. We all have them. Your DNA requires you work hard, challenge yourself, overcome obstacles. It is really a joy to feel human with all the natural brain chemicals that come from overcoming adversity. Health is getting high on life itself!!
My technique as a chiropractor is of fascial and joint expansion. It’s slow, constant movement on my part.
Melasma or age spots are blue light related. The blue light from indoor lighting, phone and computer screens age your skin and result in hyperpigmentation in areas. Its indoor lighting thats aging your skin.
Pigmentation effects of blue light irradiation on skin and how to protect against them Visible light, in particular blue light, has been identified as an additional contributor to cutaneous photoageing. However, clinical studies demonstrating the clear effect of blue light on photoageing are still scarce, and so far, most studies have focused ...
Time to rethink diabetes as a sunlight deficiency disorder rather than a sugar excess disease. Here sugar in the diet actually improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity.
Improved Glucose Tolerance with High Carbohydrate Feeding in Mild Diabetes | NEJM To evaluate the effect of increased dietary carbohydrate in diabetes mellitus, glucose and immunoreactive insulin levels were measured in normal persons and subjects with mild diabetes maintained o...
The single worst public health disaster by big Pharma and centralized medicine is the war on the sun. this war is probably caused more deaths and obesity than any other single public health measure
Dermatology's Disastrous War Against The Sun The forgotten side of skin health and the necessity of sunlight
Compression to body tissue produces pzioelectricity. This voltage is the used by the body and is distributed by collagen and coherent water networks throughout the body. This is how my expansion chiropractic method works. It’s how all body therapies work when tissue is compressed. All disease is a loss of voltage or energy. This is why chiropractic goes much further than just pain relief.
The body electric: soft tissue makes electricity under stress Ultrasound pulses trigger an electrifying effect in samples of Achilles tendon, heart valve and more.
1 hour seminar on understanding metabolic function and why dieting does not work.
11 am at my office. I will take you on a deep dive in the understanding of metabolic function and energy production
mitochondrial function, leptin resistance, health as voltage, water and collagen as semiconductors, oxidation reduction reactions, deuterium in the body, thyroid function, electromagnetism, non visual photo receptors and the hazards of non native electromagnetic frequencies. Why fat gain is much more about metabolic dis-regulation than just macros and calories.
A donation to Jason’s friends is greatly appreciated
Weight loss programs do not work!
Diet programs do not work! They do not address the root cause!
Don't be fooled by expensive drops and just dieting with a low-carb diet unless you produce improved energy transfer in the body by:
1: Producing melanin in UV sunlight( getting a tan)
2: Produce Vitamin D from UV, not supplement
3: Stop eating high deuterium foods. All processed foods and supplements.
4: Reduce your iron overload and increase copper bioavailability
5: Get off of toxic indoor blue light
6: Get full spectrum red, near and far infrared light on your body
7: Increase grass-fed animal fats and seafood high in DHA in your diet
8: Improve endogenous melatonin production and get circadian rhythms in sync.
9: Become leptin sensitive
I was the Regional Rep for Ideal Protein for years in Wyoming and Montana. Almost every patient rebounded and gained more weight back than they lost. It is not treatment for the root cause of weight gain. Fad drops, and low carbs are a bandaid and will fail in the long run.
This article was written by Zach Dahjjah and beautifully explains how it’s the selected blue light that modern windows let through that damage your skin.
Your skin gets damaged by sunlight coming through a window because most conventional glass solely concentrates UV-A and blue light wavelengths while blocking a large part of the regenerative red light spectrum
Does your skin get damaged in the same way when you’re sunbathing properly without things that artificially manipulate that full light spectrum?
No, because blue and UV light wavelengths are always balanced out with the red spectrum
It’s a coupled system, but the fools in lab coats don’t understand this due to their reductionist philosophy
Blue and UV are hormetic stressors upon the skin precisely because they come packaged with red
If you isolated blue light wavelengths or UV light, you open the door for problems because every aspect of our biology evolved under that full light spectrum
When you break a coupled system via artificial means, you create a backfiring mechanism with numerous consequences
Let’s relate it to strength training
Blue and UV = lifting weights (stressor)
Red spectrum = Sleep (recovery)
What happens if you train relentlessly, but forget about the importance of sleep?
You become catabolic because sleep is actually where you build muscle
Training is the platform to break down that muscle to create the hormetic stress signal. Sleep is where you capture that hormetic stress signal to enable the process of hypertrophy
What happens when you expose your skin to concentrated blue and UV without the red?
Your skin becomes catabolic
You destroy the integrity of the skin
As a result, you make the skin more vulnerable to dysfunction, including skin cancers
Not a single dermatologist understands this
Craniocervical Dysfunction Instability and Vagus Nerve Compression
By: Scott Popp D.C.
Craniocervical dysfunction (CCD) occurs when the supportive muscles and ligaments in the upper cervical spine become strained, and inflamed, and the joint complex becomes unstable tight and restrictive. The importance and complexity of the vagus nerve is highlighted in its name. Vagus is the Latin word for 'wandering', and, as the name suggests, the vagus nerve travels widely throughout the body, resembling the root system of a tree.
The vagus nerve is the largest cranial nerve, a significant' communication highway', carrying thousands of essential signals to and from the brain and body.
For example, the vagus nerve is vital in sending sensory information for seeing and hearing. It is also critical for maintaining the average balance (homeostasis) of integral bodily functions such as heart rate regulation, digestion, respiration, mood control, and immune health.
If the vagus nerve becomes compressed due to CCD, it will be unable to communicate the signals required for homeostasis properly. This will result in an imbalance in the body's systems and daily functions, potentially resulting in symptoms that will impact overall wellness.
This article will explain how CCD can affect the vagus nerve, its associated symptoms, and potential treatment options.
How Craniocervical Instability/Dysfunction Causes Vagus Nerve Compression
With CCD, an injury, postural strain, aging, or underlying medical condition has caused the strong muscles and ligaments that support the neck to become tight, weak, lax, dysfunctional, and unstable. This allows for restriction and excessive segmental motion in the upper cervical region (where the vagus nerve originates). How can something be weak, tight, and unstable simultaneously? A tight muscle is weak and cannot contract appropriately at the correct time, so it cannot protect the joint. So it's both weak and tight.
As these supporting ligaments loosen, the vertebral discs in the spine might move beyond their usual range, some segments becoming hypo-mobile and restricted while others become hypermobile and unstable. CCD particularly affects the occiput(base of skull) C1 and C2 vertebrae, which are located just below the skull and help support the head. This is also described as the craniovertebral junction (CCJ).
As a result, if the dysfunctional vertebrae come into direct contact with the vagus nerve, they may compress, pinch it, or irritate.
Additionally, swelling and inflammation associated with an underlying condition can cause vagus nerve irritation. Compression or irritation of the vagus nerve can cause severe pain in the neck and shoulders or induce headaches, dizziness, and brain fog.
Additionally, since this nerve is complicated and wandering in nature if it sustains damage, many other crucial bodily systems may be disrupted.
The vagus nerve is clearly a significant sensory network critical for transmitting and receiving vital information that maintains homeostasis in various bodily systems. Specifically, the vagus nerve communicates 'rest' signals, which counteract the 'fight or flight' response to stress or danger.
It sends signals that lower heart rate and blood pressure and normalize breathing patterns. It will also send signals to promote digestion, induce feelings of calm, and boost immune function.
Consequently, a compressed or irritated vagus nerve can block the messages that generate the body's 'rest and relaxation' signals. This will overstimulate the body's 'fight or flight' response, causing symptoms of anxiety, elevated heart rate, heartburn, and many others.
Chronic Neck Pain and Craniocervical Instability/ Dysfunction
CCD results in abnormal movement between the head and neck, which can damage the neck's upper cervical facet joints, vertebral discs, nerves, and blood vessels.
The location and severity of pain typically depend on the location of instability and dysfunctional movement. In general, the greater the instability, the more severe the symptoms. Painful CCD symptoms include:
Headaches. This is brought on by the constant strain and instability of CCD, which damages the upper neck joints, muscles, and tendons. Contracted muscles/ ligaments and joint instability result in neck pain, migraines, tension, clusters, and other headaches associated with vagus nerve compression.
A constant and painful head is often described as the head feeling too heavy for the neck or difficult to support. This is due to the strained ligaments' inability to provide appropriate head and neck stability. Weak and imbalanced muscles and altered head loads on the neck.
Chronic (long-standing) neck pain in CCD is typically felt at the base of the skull or upper neck. It is often aggravated by bending the neck forward and through rotation. Pain may also radiate to the top of the head, forehead, or behind the eyes.
Causes Of Craniocervical Instability/Dysfunction
Although not always possible, it is helpful to have an understanding of how and when the neck pain or injury first occurred.
Common causes of CCD are direct trauma or medical conditions that provoke the muscles and ligaments in the neck to become overstretched or weakened.
Examples of trauma include whiplash from contact sports, motor vehicle accidents, or over-manipulation from chiropractors. These cause overstretching and weaknesses in the muscles and ligaments, which lead to neck instability.
Abnormal Posture. Forward head posture causes low-grade trauma over a long period of time, resulting in slow stretching and imbalance of pressures.
Inflammatory Conditions
Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and scleroderma are chronic inflammatory conditions that result in inflammation, injury, and pain. These conditions inflict damage and degeneration throughout the neck's bones and joints. Subsequently, surrounding muscles and ligaments are placed under great strain and can become weakened, increasing the risk of CCI.
Connective Tissue Disorders
A connective tissue disorder, such as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), directly affects the body's connective tissue. EDS causes ligaments to become lax, allowing joints to become very flexible and possibly decreasing stability.
If the ligaments of the craniovertebral junction become lax or compromised from a connective tissue disorder, it can cause CCD.
Congenital Conditions
Additionally, some congenital conditions such as Dwarfism or Down's Syndrome can also increase the risk of CCI. This is often a result of malformations of neck structures or increased flexibility seen in the muscles and ligaments.
How Vulnerable Is The Vagus Nerve To Compression Through CCD?
We often refer to the vagus nerve as a single nerve. However, it is a pair of nerves traveling down each side of the neck, which then branch out into the chest and abdomen. The vagus nerve sits directly at the craniovertebral junction just below the skull and travels closely down both sides of the vertebrae.
CCI occurs at the craniovertebral junction, and the overstretched ligaments cannot adequately stabilize the C1 and C2 vertebrae. This causes excessive side-to-side (lateral) movement of the vertebrae, and the vagus nerve is vulnerable to direct compression due to its close proximity.
Depending on the severity of the instability, the vagus nerve may be compressed on either side of the neck.
Parts Of The Body Affected By Vagus Nerve Compression
The vagus nerve plays an important role in the autonomic nervous system, which is the body's control center for balancing and regulating bodily functions such as breathing, circulation, and hormones.
Subconsciously, the brain activates our autonomic nervous system through two sensory nerve feedback systems: the fight or flight (sympathetic) nervous system and the rest and relaxation (parasympathetic) nervous system.
Notably, the vagus nerve is the main sensory nerve for the parasympathetic nervous system. When functioning normally, it sends signals to the brain and body that it's time to rest, relax, and digest.
It stimulates the digestive system, slows the heart rate and breathing, reduces inflammation, and eases anxiety by boosting the release of calming chemicals.
Consequently, CCD that has compressed the vagus nerve will block the parasympathetic nervous system's key messages. This restricts the body's ability to enter a state of rest appropriately and creates imbalances in the autonomic nervous system.
This imbalance is described as autonomic dysfunction and results in an over-activation of the fight-or-flight sympathetic nervous system.
As the sympathetic nervous system takes over, the body will remain in an elevated state of stress and become chronically heightened. Symptoms that may emerge include elevated heart rates and blood pressure, gastric reflux, chronic inflammation throughout the body, and even high levels of anxiety or agitation.
How Vagus Nerve Compression Leads To Neuropathy
Constant compression of the vagus nerve from CCD can cause severe inflammation and injury to the nerve's protective layer. If left untreated, parts of the vagus nerve may become irreversibly damaged. This is also known as neuropathy.
As a consequence of the vagus nerve suffering from such severe damage or neuropathy, the key messages that balance the autonomic nervous system will be impaired. This results in autonomic dysfunction, which can cause many severe neurologic and autonomic conditions to develop.
For example, gastroparesis is a neurologic condition that causes the stomach to empty too slowly. This is a direct result of the vagus nerve's inability to send digestive messages to the stomach. Gastroparesis causes uncomfortable symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, bloating, or constipation.
Alternatively, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) is an autonomic condition that may occur from neuropathy to the vagus nerve. POTS causes your heart rate to inappropriately accelerate after standing up from a seated or lying position. This is caused by an overactive sympathetic nervous system, which sends incorrect messages to the heart.
Symptoms Of Vagus Nerve Compression Caused By CCD
It is clear that the vagus nerve is a large 'wandering' nerve. As it travels far throughout the body, it influences many bodily functions related to the parasympathetic nervous system.
As a result, compression or damage to the vagus nerve from the unstable/restrictive vertebrae of CCD can block these important messages and cause varying symptoms.
In addition to the painful symptoms described above, some more widespread (systemic) symptoms may occur throughout the body, such as:
Elevated Heart Rate
A chronically elevated heart rate may occur as the vagus nerve gets irritated or compressed from the unstable vertebrae. The compressed nerve prevents the messages from being sent, which signals the heart rate to slow down.
Our ability to hear is assisted by sensory feedback signals sent by the vagus nerve. If the vagus nerve is compressed or damaged, these signals become blocked or incorrect, leading to tinnitus or ringing in the ears. Tinnitus can be frustrating and impact quality of life. It may even cause hearing loss over time.
Eye Problems
The vagus nerve also carries vital sensory information, allowing us to see and interpret our vision. A compressed vagus nerve can interrupt this sensory pathway, causing symptoms such as blurred vision or difficulty focusing the eyes.
Chronic Fatigue
Chronic fatigue is an autonomic disorder and brings feelings of complete exhaustion. Getting out of a chair or bed seems like enormous undertakings and exhausting. This occurs when the parasympathetic nervous system is inhibited by vagus nerve damage or compression.
The sympathetic nervous system then maintains the body's high levels of adrenaline, a heightened state that results in feelings of burnout.
Treatments For CCD-Induced Vagus Nerve Compression
Upper Cervical Chiropractic Treatment
The goal of upper cervical chiropractic care is to restore craniovertebral function and stability where the neck and head meet.
This aims to stabilize the hypermobile vertebrae, restore length to contracted tissue, and reduce the pressure on the vagus nerve. However, great care is necessary because some forms of upper cervical manipulation, such as excessive high-velocity manipulation, can make the condition worse. This is why focused low-velocity adjusting, like the Popp Expansion method, is needed to restore function and not traumatize the area.
Just one insurance companies payout program to doctors. You can bet the original source is Pharma. Your doctor is getting bribed
What is Denervation Hypersensitivity?
When you have an injury the cascade of inflamation can cut off the incoming nerves permanently. This results in an activation of the sympathetic nervous system both locally and systemically. As we age this sympathetic overactivity resuls in what's called " sympathetic hypersensitivity". It contracts blood vessels, activates pain fibers and results in the downward cycle of degenerative change.
My Expansion stretching and adjusting technique results in a burst of incoming neurological activity and results in down regulating of this hypersensitivity. You will feel the relaxation response following this treatment. It results in a major change in immune response due to a large shift to your parasympathetic system, your rest and relax part of the autonomic nervous system.
Ever wonder why food diets always fail? It’s because your light diet is primary. Your light diet is more important than your food diet. Think sunlight first food second or third
Food As Medicine: A Great Idea That Didn't Work Even laudable, plausible concepts have to be thoroughly tested, writes John Mandrola, MD.
Lack of outdoor sunlight is the root cause of most modern chronic health disorders. .
Insufficient Sun Exposure Has Become a Real Public Health Problem - PubMed This article aims to alert the medical community and public health authorities to accumulating evidence on health benefits from sun exposure, which suggests that insufficient sun exposure is a significant public health problem. Studies in the past decade indicate that insufficient sun exposure may b...
Sunlight is more important than both food or exercise for health. Know your light exposure timing for optimal health. Red light at sunrise and all day, UVB an hour later until around 5 pm. UVB from 10:30 to 3:30. Complete darkness at night. Circadian rhythm correction beats everything else. FYI get tan. Melanin is your friend.
Check out my blog post https://wix.to/VkqRXOP
Sunlight is natures healer. UVB light is now back at solar noon. No supplement or food comes close to this light frequency for your health
1: vitamin D,
2: Testosterone production
3: Melanin, your natural sunscreen
4: B endorphins. Your natural opiods
5: enkephlons. Analgesia
6: Leptin hormone. Hunger control
7: weight loss. Directs fat burning
8: antiviral antibacterial.
Build your solar callus now so you don't need sun screen in the summer and
Stop using sunglasses. It inhibits melanin production
You gave been lied to by centralized medicine. Yes, the more ultraviolet light you get over the course of your lifetime the longer you will live and the less chance of heart disease and cancer. Just like exercise which technically damages muscle,UV light damages the cell but your body adapts with a more stronger response. the benefits of ultraviolet light are greater than any medication. And no it’s not from a tanning booth. It’s from the sun. You need to get tan!!!!
Higher ultraviolet light exposure is associated with lower mortality: an analysis of data from the UK Biobank cohort study Objective To examine to what extent UV exposure is associated with all-cause and cause-specific mortality. Design Prospective population-based study. Setting UK Biobank. Participants 376,729 participants with white ancestry and no missing data. Two UV exposures were assessed: sun-seeking behaviour (...
Here is why Vitamin D made from sunlight is superior. The sun makes Vitamin D carrier protein. It delivers vitamin D where you need it in the right amount. Oral D grabs LDL proteins. They deliver it randomly. Having D where you need it is very important. Also sun Vitamin D has a much longer 1/2 life. Time to build your solar calus! Get outside at noon!
Red light and infra red light lower blood glucose. Blue light raises blood glucose. The outdoor solar spectrum is mostly red and infrared light. Modern windows block infrared light and indoor lighting is highly blue. Our indoor lifestyle gets us fat. GET OUTSIDE!
PoppKinetics • A new method of Chiropractic
Using expansion adjustments, stretching, and exercise to heal and nurture our bodies rather than centralized medicine.
By Scott Popp D.C.
Big Pharma controls healthcare in the United States, but actually provides no benefits statistically. The United States consumes 45% of the world pharmaceuticals yet our life expectancy is shorter than Cuba. Cuba has a life expectancy of 78 year vs 77 for the US. Cuba literally has almost no available prescription medication‘s yet their country is healthier than the United States. Let this sink in.
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