Mountain State Directory of Sovereign Grace Congregations

Connecting Reformed, Calvinistic, & Sovereign Grace Christians with local churches in West Virginia.


An excerpt from Samuel Prime’s account of The New York Revival of 1858:

“At the end of the fourth month [of a series of prayer meetings], the Fulton street prayer-meeting occupied three lecture-rooms in the consistory building, and all were filled to their utmost capacity. So were all other places filled in the cities of New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Newark, and their vicinity.

But the spread of the meetings requires a more special mention, in order that we may trace the hand of God in this revival. The three lecture-rooms at the Old Dutch Church had become filled to overflowing, one after the other, until no sitting room or standing room was left. And scores, and perhaps hundreds, had to go away, unable even to get into the halls. How noticeable is one fact, (and it must be noticed in order that we may see that 'the excellency of the power is of God'). There had been no eloquent preaching, no energetic and/or enthusiastic appeals — no attempts to rouse up [superficial] religious interest. All had been still, solemn, and full of awe. The simple fact, the great fact was, the people were moved to prayer.

So noiseless was this work of grace… Every moment in it seemed to be following, not leading; not creating, but following the developments of a plan already marked out — the end, by no means, seen from the beginning, and no part of the plan seen — only as it was unfolded, from day to day, by Him Who devised it all.

Who would have foreseen the connection of the meeting of six men for prayer in that upper room, in which was: one Presbyterian, one Baptist, one Congregationalist, and one Dutch Reformed, with the events which were to follow?”

Prime continues his account on how these particular prayer meetings and solemn assemblies grew in number and gives a list of those churches which began to meet daily for prayer:


• Seventh Avenue Reformed Dutch Church, 6 A.M.
• Broome & Elizabeth Baptist Church, 7:45 A.M.
• Church of the Puritans (men), 8 A.M.
• Church of the Puritans (ladies), 10:45 A.M.
• Hope Chapel, 8 A.M.
• Fourteenth Street Presbyterian Church, 8 A.M.
• MacDougal Street, 9:30 A.M.
• Home Chapel, Twenty-ninth street, 8 A.M.


• John Street Methodist Episcopal Church.
• Fulton Street Reformed Dutch Church.
• Mission Chapel, 106 Centre Street.
• Duane Street Methodist Episcopal Church.
• 27 Greenwich Street.
• Broome Street Reformed Dutch Church (corner of Greene).
• Spring Street Hall (an African-American congregation).
• Twelfth Street, near Avenue C (workingmen).
• Fourteenth Street Presbyterian Church, and others, in rotation.


• 69 Broadway (merchants), 3:30 P.M.
• John Street Methodist Episcopal Church, 3:30 P.M.
• Mercer Street Presbyterian Church, 4 P.M.
• North Presbyterian Church, 4 P.M.
• Fiftieth Street Presbyterian Church, 4 P.M.
• Central Methodist Episcopal Church, Seventh Avenue, 4 Р.М.
• Sullivan Street Congregational Church (an African-American congregation), 5 P.M.
• Stuyvesant Institute, 5 P.M.

Prime continues: “And besides these, other meetings were established in almost every part of New York and the surrounding cities. The great features of all these meetings were union, and prayer, and corresponding effort. A careful inquiry in regard to the facts convinces us that not less than one 150 meetings for prayer in this city and Brooklyn were held daily at the time of which we are now writing — ALL, without one single exception, partaking of the same general character… Prayer meetings almost simultaneously were established in all parts of the land, both in city and country — Boston, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Charleston, Savannah, Mobile, New Orleans, Vicksburg, Memphis, St Louis, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago, and other cities, shared in this glorious work. The whole land received the 'spiritual rain.’”

Pray for the churches in West Virginia, that:

1.) Churches would be reminded of the importance of prayer in the Christian life.

2.) Churches would repent of a lack of prayer, and/or of dead and lukewarm prayer.

3.) Pastors would call for weekly prayer meetings and invite surrounding churches and communities.

4.) Revival would come to our mountains, Christ be glorified, His kingdom expanded, and the saints satisfied.

Mountain State Directory of Sovereign Grace Congregations 08/16/2024

Are you a Reformed, Calvinistic, or Sovereign Grace Christian searching for a home church in West Virginia?

If so, the Mountain State Directory of Sovereign Grace Congregations is here to assist you in finding a church near you!

With over 65 churches in our exhaustive state-wide directory, we are committed to connecting you with a Christian community where the Scriptures are faithfully preached and exposited, communion with God is nurtured through prayer, rich hymns and psalms are sung, and fellowship thrives among believers.

Whether in the biggest city or the smallest holler, the Mountain State Directory of Sovereign Grace Congregations is dedicated to the proclamation of the gospel, the expansion of Christ’s kingdom, and the edification of the saints across West Virginia. May our banner always be:

For Christ’s Kingdom in Christ’s Mountains!

Learn more at!

Mountain State Directory of Sovereign Grace Congregations Connecting Reformed, Calvinistic, and Sovereign Grace Christians with local churches in West Virginia

Photos from Mountain State Directory of Sovereign Grace Congregations's post 08/15/2024

What is revival?

“A sovereign and extraordinary work of God, wrought in His perfect and appointed season, wholly independent of man-made endeavors and methods, wherein He pours out His Spirit to revive and quicken His people, bringing forth lasting fruit of faith and repentance, for the sanctification of His church, and to the glory of His name.”

Learn more about the Mountain State Directory of Sovereign Grace Congregations at!

A Call to Preserve Evening Worship Services 07/29/2024

A call to bring back evening corporate worship!

“Since the keeping of His day is a mark of God’s covenant community that sets it apart as holy and reminds its members that they are pilgrims on the way to the eternal Sabbath, evening worship provides a beautiful rhythm for the Lord’s Day.”

A Call to Preserve Evening Worship Services The following was published as ‘Preserve Evening Worship Services!’ in the October 2007 edition of the Banner of Truth Magazine (Issue 529). It was written by Michael G. Brown, who at the time was pastor of Christ United Reformed Church, Santee, CA. He currently pastors Chiesa Riformata Filadelf...

Finding a Church in the Mountain State with Chris Curry 07/15/2024

Chris was recently invited on the Stay Reformed podcast to discuss the Mountain State Directory of Sovereign Grace Congregations. You can watch the interview on YouTube, or listen to it on Apple or Spotify.

If you haven’t heard of the Stay Reformed podcast, we highly recommend you follow them. They’re doing wonderful things and are always releasing edifying content and material.





Finding a Church in the Mountain State with Chris Curry Bobby and Garrett had the opportunity to sit down with Chris Curry. Chris is the founder of a church search directory that aids people in Appalachia, specifi...


Next to the word “blessed,” “grace” is possibly the most misunderstood biblical word used by Mountaineers.

We often hear phrases such as:

“By God’s grace, we are country folks.”

“By God’s grace, I’m an American.”

“By God’s grace, ________________ (insert something about you that has nothing to do with Christ or the gospel).”

While these things can indeed be blessings for many Mountaineers, we must never confuse them with God’s grace, but instead place them under the broad umbrella of God’s common benevolence (goodness). Grace is indeed God’s goodness, but it is so much more!

What are the differences?

God’s common goodness is shown to all: “For He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust” (Matt. 5:45). This divine goodness is shown to both believers and unbelievers alike, but it does not save anyone from their sin.

God’s grace, however, is not common, and is only shown to some — that is, the “great multitude” (Rev. 7:9) who have had their sins washed away by the blood of Christ:

“And those whom He predestined He also called, and those whom He called He also justified, and those whom He justified He also glorified” (Rom. 8:30).

“But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to His own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by His grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.” (Titus 3:4-7)

When we speak of God’s grace, we are speaking of an unfathomable, unchanging, perfect love and favor that God showed His people in eternity past that will last all the way into eternity future. Grace can never be separated from our union with Christ, nor the gospel message (the latter being the instrument used by the Holy Spirit to awaken our dead hearts to the beauties of Christ).

4 Truths About Grace:

1.) Grace can never be earned, for it is a gift of God (Eph. 2:8-9)

2.) Grace can never be maintained by good works, for God shares His glory with no one (Isa. 42:8; Isa. 46:4; 1 Cor. 1:8)

3.) Grace can never be taken away, for it preserves to the very end those who receive it (John 6:36-40; Rom. 8:28-39; Eph. 1:12-13; Phil. 1:6; 1 Peter 1:3-5)

4.) Grace can never leave us in our old state, for the same grace that saves is the same grace that changes and makes us more like Christ, despite our shortcomings and struggles — God is faithful (Rom. 8:29; Eph. 2:10; 2 Tim. 2:13)

“He'll not let my soul be lost
His promises shall last
Bought by Him at such a cost
He will hold me fast.”

— He Will Hold Me Fast


West Virginia homes and shops are often filled with Southern decor that in various ways proclaim a person or household to be “Blessed.”

Yet, so many are ignorant of the biblical meaning of the word — including self-proclaiming Christians. Because of this, they embrace a superficial understanding of what it means to be “blessed” that has little or nothing to do with Christ, the gospel, or His kingdom, leaving them setting their eyes on the temporary rather than the eternal.

Let it be known: Apart from Christ, there are no eternal blessings, but only that which will vanish away with a breath.

What does it mean to be “blessed”?

(Scripture reference: Matthew 5:1-12)


Are you a pastor or an elder of a Reformed, Calvinistic, or Sovereign Grace church in West Virginia?

If so, we’d love to meet and talk with you about listing your church on the Directory so that we’re able to connect like-minded believers with your church!

Visit us at to fill out an application for a Directory listing!

We do have a standard for listing churches on the Directory. A church must already affirm the following:

• The Doctrines of Grace
• The 5 Solas of the Reformation
• Nicene Christology
• Evangelism

If you’re curious about what goes against our standard, please check out Q&A 10 on the FAQ section of our website. We always encourage church leaders to read this section before filling out an application.


Summer is finally here!

Are you or someone you know planning on traveling through the Mountain State this summer? Whether your travel plans include a family vacation or a simple weekend getaway, don’t miss out on Christian fellowship and worship on the Lord’s Day!

The Mountain State Directory of Sovereign Grace Congregations has provided a user-friendly church finder (along with an exhaustive map) that will help you find the churches closest to you.

Visit us at to view our directory and map.

Praying for safe travels and blessed Lord’s Days this summer!


Every week we get questions about our ministry:

• Is the Directory a church network?
• What is the standard for a church to be listed?
• How can I add my church?
• What’s your position on Hyper Calvinism?
• How can I support the ministry?

Our FAQ section answers 20 of the most common questions we receive.

Visit us at to learn more!


“Let us stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and not put ourselves under the curse of the law, or mingle the smoke and flame of Mount Sinai with the bright and glorious light of Mount Zion.”

— J.C. Philpot


Recommended Gospel Magazines

• The Master’s Trumpet:

A quarterly magazine published by Presbytery of the United States, of the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing)

• Free Grace Broadcaster:

A free quarterly magazine published by Chapel Library

• The Banner of Truth:

A monthly magazine published by the Banner of Truth Trust

• TableTalk:

A monthly magazine published by Ligonier Ministries

• The Gospel Standard:

A monthly magazine published by Gospel Standard Trust Publications — (the oldest Calvinistic Baptist monthly magazine still in print!)


Happy Father’s Day, Christian Fathers!

Though imperfect in many ways, you are a holy reflection of your Heavenly Father. In loving them this way you give your children a taste of the gospel and the glories of heaven.

Photos from Mountain State Directory of Sovereign Grace Congregations's post 06/13/2024

Christian parents,

Pray not only for your children, but also with them.

It was said by the Puritan Thomas Brooks that, “A family without prayer is like a house without a roof — open and exposed to all the storms of heaven.”

If you have never done this before, begin with a prayer like this:


“The mountains of West Virginia are littered with the dead corpses of once strong & vibrant churches.

Pray for revival.”



The reason false teachers prosper within the church is because the church does not know the Scriptures. Just as it was in Paul's day, so it is in our day. While the enemy is constantly changing colors, our weapon has always been the same — the Word of God.

Hear the Scriptures; Read the Scriptures;
Sing the Scriptures; Pray the Scriptures;
Meditate on the Scriptures.


Happy Lord’s Day!

Did you know that the Mountain State Directory of Sovereign Grace Congregations offers a Pulpit Supply?

We have compiled a list of West Virginia gospel ministers willing to serve churches in need of pulpit supply. This can include supply that is long-term (but not permanent), seasonal, last-minute, or even special events.

If you know of a church that is in need of pulpit supply, please visit us at:

If you are a gospel minister, or know of a gospel minister with our doctrinal distinctives interested in being added as pulpit supply, please contact us with the details.

For Christ’s Kingdom in Christ’s Mountains!


Did you know that the Mountain State Directory of Sovereign Grace Congregations provides a Job Board?

If your church is looking to fill a position, whether for a pastor, worship leader, church secretary, or custodian, and would like us to assist you in your search, please contact us with the details.

Visit us at to check out the current openings!

For Christ’s Kingdom in Christ’s Mountains!

Mountain State Directory of Sovereign Grace Congregations 05/31/2024

Welcome to the Mountain State Directory of Sovereign Grace Congregations!

We have officially launched and are working to connect Reformed, Calvinistic, and Sovereign Grace Christians with local churches in West Virginia.

If you, your family, or your friends are looking for a biblical church in the Mountain State where you can serve and grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, here are 56 solid churches for you to check out!

Make sure to “Follow” us to stay updated with articles written on the church in West Virginia, new church listings, church highlights, interviews, and more.

Be with us in prayer that the Lord would send revival and times of refreshing to our mountains.

For Christ’s Kingdom in Christ’s Mountains!

Mountain State Directory of Sovereign Grace Congregations


May 31, 2024



The smoking fire pot and flaming torch represent the presence of God, with God Himself passing between the animal carcasses. In an Ancient Near East covenant ceremony, the covenant partners would walk between the carcasses together, thereby symbolizing that they would submit to the same fate (should they violate the covenant). Notice that the Scripture mentions only one covenant partner walking through the pieces — God. While God does indeed command obedience from His children, it is nevertheless God Himself who will make sure the covenant demands and promises are fulfilled. In the words of Paul, “it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy” (Rom. 9:16).



“This is why the priests of Dagon and all who enter the house of Dagon do not tread on the threshold of Dagon in Ashdod to this day” (1 Sam. 5:5).

This is the biblical writer’s way of saying that the Philistines “to this day” still bear witness to the humiliation of their god. This custom is said to have survived in Gaza into the first centuries A.D.

God will not be mocked.


“Some men cannot endure to hear the doctrine of election. I suppose they like to choose their own wives, but they are not willing that Christ should choose His own bride, the church”

— Charles Spurgeon


Jesus sought me when a stranger,
Wand’ring from the fold of God;
He, to rescue me from danger,
Interposed His precious blood.

— “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”


“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day.”

— Jesus (John 6:44)


COMING MAY 31, 2024

The Mountain State Directory of Sovereign Grace Congregations is a ministry that connects West Virginia Reformed, Calvinistic, and Sovereign Grace Christians with local biblical churches in the Mountain State.

We desire to serve these Christians in finding a home church where they can take up membership, serve and exercise their gifts, and grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ through the preaching of the Word, communion with the triune God in prayer, the singing of psalms and rich hymns, and fellowship with the saints.

Along with personal connections, we also aim at corporate connections — to make churches aware of churches — for the purpose of fellowship, building relationships, partnering in ministry, and praying with one another for revival. In addition, we desire to serve the Mountain State church by providing resources to assist in pulpit supply, job searches, and printing evangelistic material to assist both the pastor and the ordinary Christian in proclaiming the gospel in their communities.

Whether in the biggest city or the smallest holler, the Directory is passionate about the preaching of the gospel, the spread of Christ's kingdom, and the edification of the saints in the Mountain State. May our banner always be:

For Christ's Kingdom in Christ's Mountains!

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