MuscleRx - University Blvd

The Home of Corrective Therapy! A SIMPLE and EASY 3 Step Process that leads you to a PAIN-FREE life!


When you get a random text from a friend/client and all you can do is giggle and say YAY!!

Photos from MuscleRx - University Blvd's post 11/24/2023

We are excited to introduce our new Red Light Therapy Sessions and 3D Body Scans!!

Photos from MuscleRx - University Blvd's post 11/24/2023

Come in to get our best deals of the season! Offered today only!


Who wants a sneak peak at the NEW products and/or services??

Better yet, can anyone guess what is getting ready to roll out??

Hmmm... best guess gets their first service FREE!!


Timeline photos 01/20/2023

Pop Quiz! What is the best sleeping position for your body?
A: Stomach
B: Back
C: Side

If you answered B, you’re correct! Sleeping on your back - with no pillow or a small bolster - is the optimal position to keep your body balanced. If you’re a stomach or side sleeper and tired of aches and pains, it’s time to schedule your Discovery Session and find out how we can help you get a good night’s rest! To schedule with us, text 828-979-8556 today!

Timeline photos 01/19/2023

“MuscleRx never ceases to amaze me. I went in today with tingling/burning pain down my spine and right arm, uneven legs and tilted hip. Came out straight as an arrow and all tingling/burning has subsided. Thank you Jenna and all of the MuscleRx team!”
-April B.

The only summer body we want you to worry about working on is the one that’s strong enough to take you where you want to go. Side effects of Corrective Manual Therapy include: better views, longer walks, and more time spent living in the moment. Celebrate Earth Day by getting your body ready to grow, plant, and explore! Text us today to get started at 828-979-8556.

Timeline photos 01/18/2023

Hopefully, you’ve been catching - and correcting - yourself crossing your legs and sinking into one side of the couch over the last few weeks. 😉 That means you are finally ready for the last of our top three at-home corrections.

Today, we’re taking a virtual field trip to lovely Pisa, Italy... That’s right - we’re talking about “The Lean!” We all do this without thinking. That is why it is so HARD to fix yet so simple to address once you bring awareness to it!

When you lean to one side, you over extend the knee and rotate one leg out to keep the balance. This puts too much pressure on your knees, wearing down the bursa and cartilage protecting the joint. The best thing you can do to correct the lean is to simply switch it up! By regularly switching sides, you can give that knee a break and stay balanced.

We’re curious - which of the three at-home corrections is the most difficult for you? Which has been the easiest to correct? Let us know in the comments!

Timeline photos 01/17/2023

You might need MuscleRx if:

You bingewatched Netflix all weekend. You hiked Grandfather’s Mountain. You got a little overzealous with the DIYs. You’re potty training. You’re still in bed from a migraine that started days ago. You slept funny (hello 30s). You headbanged too hard at your first concert in over a year. You decided to try out the bounce house at the birthday party. You walked 18 holes.

MuscleRx is for everyone! We provide corrective and preventative care to keep your brain and body balanced and free of pain. Live your best life with MuscleRx. Book your Discovery Session by texting 828-979-8556 today.

Timeline photos 01/16/2023

Happy MLK Day!

Today is a day of remembrance for Martin Luther King jr and his achievements, and we appreciate everything he did to bring us all closer together peacefully

So whether you're off work today or on the job, remember to take time to appreciate how we have all grown together!

Office Hours Operate Regularly Today!

Timeline photos 01/12/2023

Meet Sydnie Lail!

Sydnie is definitely the mama bear of the team! Her heart is as big as it can be for her family, friends and clients. Sydnie received a Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science from Appalachian State University. Sydnie has a beautiful heart and passion to serve, and she does it each day with a smile on her face! She goes above and beyond to ensure that each client she touches receives optimal care and compassion during each session. In her free time, she loves working out, cooking and taking her daughter on fun adventures.

We are so happy to have her on the team! Let’s show her some love today!


Leg day is the best day! And it would be in your best interest to not forget to strengthen your calf’s!

Do this exercise to strengthen your calf’s and make a complete leg day strengthening the whole leg

By doing simple raises on your toes you can do this exercise!

Keep those legs strong and your muscles pain free with MuscleRx!

Timeline photos 01/10/2023

Friends don’t let friends see RED! Give them the gift of more green days. Be sure to refer your friends and you can both win big this month!

Timeline photos 01/09/2023

What hurts today? We want to know! Tell us what hurts in the comments, and we’ll let you know how we can help.

Timeline photos 01/06/2023

Teamwork makes the dream work, and when you come to MuscleRx, we take a team approach. This , we want to introduce you to another member of our dream team: Natalie Williams!

Natalie is the most loving of our group. Her hands are just as comforting as her compassion for her clients. Natalie comes from an Athletic Training and Massage background, and she was excited to create a new career with Corrective Manual Therapy. She was a long-time client before joining our team and has an amazing ability to teach and explain to her clients exactly what this therapy is all about.

We couldn’t be more thankful for the value she brings to our team! Have you worked with Natalie? Let’s show her some love in the comments!

Timeline photos 01/05/2023

Are you having a green, grey, or red day?

We use a color system to accurately assess your pain. Many people can memorize a number, but your brain switches gear to think in more detail to describe pain in a color.

GREEN: You are doing great! No pain!
GREY: Starting to come back but not as bad. (Call the office- this is the sweet spot!)
RED: The pain came back to where it started or is worse.

You can put your own spin on the color and add descriptions such as light or dark to help describe where you are in the color wheel. Let us know what kind of day you’re having in the comments, and if you’re Grey or Red, call us today!!

Timeline photos 01/02/2023

I know - I know - The first Monday of the year and we are closed!
We are spending this time doing what we love! LIVING PAIN-FREE with those we love :) What are you doing today?

Timeline photos 01/02/2023

What you do at home matters, especially during your Correct Me program. That’s why we want to share with you our top three at-home corrections that you can start doing today. Not only will these corrections help your current treatment progress, but they’ll also help prevent future imbalances.

This week, we’re talking about crossed legs! You may have been taught that this is the polite way to sit, but your body would disagree! This one action creates hip and foot imbalances leading to misalignments in the knee and knee pain. Remember: every time you cross your legs, your MuscleRx practitioner sheds a tear. (Just kidding... mostly!)

If you find that you just cannot stop crossing your legs, switch it up and start crossing the other leg. Yes, it will feel strange at first, but it will balance you out! :)

Let us know how you’re doing with Correction #1 this week! Is it tough? Is it a quick fix? We want to know! Be ready for Correction #2 next Tuesday!


Happy New Year from your favorite Muscle Whisperers!!

Start the New Years off by being pain-free by making an appointment at one of our offices in Hickory or Charlotte!

We look forward to a Pain-Free New Year!!



Did you know that your posture has a direct impact on your future?

Your posture effects how your body moves, how fast it can bounce back after an injury, even how bad you would hurt after a car accident.

So, it’s not a far stretch to say that your posture, good or bad, could be the reason you hurt or feel GREAT! Posture… could it really be that simple?

The answer is YES, it is that simple!

Timeline photos 12/29/2022

We love to hear from our friends like David!
He is such an awesome guy that works his tail off running his own business!

David can’t afford to be down. He can’t afford to have one moment of not being able to function... and that is why he called us!
So if you are tired of pains costing you time and money, call us today! Don’t wait until it hits again and has you down for the count. Take care of it today and make the choice to own your time and body! 828.322.6979

Timeline photos 12/29/2022

Let’s talk approval ratings… Did you know that we have a 98% success rate at MuscleRx? In fact, we have over 5,000 testimonials from clients who we’ve helped to live a pain-free life. If you want more , more , and more , don’t wait four score and seven years to take control of your health - do it now. It’s up to you how you’ll live life the fullest after your program. We only have 3 New Client appointments left this week in Charlotte! Call or text us at (980) 224-8257 to book yours today.


Stop caring so much about what everyone else thinks!
No one, and I mean literally NOT ONE PERSON, is perfect, including you.

Stop holding yourself to some ridiculous standard that is setting you up to destroy your own image of self-worth! I am not sure who created this imaginary road with SUCCESS at one end and FAILURE at the other, but they were SO WRONG! That vision is a guaranteed road to resentment, hostility, and unfulfilled dreams! Because without failure, we do not learn. If we do not learn, we do not succeed. Period. End of story.

Take a breath, give yourself permission to fail, screw up, and PLEASE drop THAT ball! And then I want you to laugh. Yep, laugh at yourself. And then ask yourself, “What in the world just happened?” Evaluate this situation you put yourself in. Were you doing it to look a certain way? Did you feel the need to take on this responsibility because you felt no one would/could do it like you?

Self-awareness of what you can and cannot do effectively, is waiting for you. Failure is some of the most LIBERATING moments in your life. Do not avoid them. Push into them… and teach your kids that failure is a necessity for SUCCESS. Your ultimate job as a parent is to create a well-rounded, thought-provoked, common sense human being that can survive and thrive in this world without you. You are their example of what to do and not to do. Show them your failures. Don’t hide them. Teach them how to get up, learn from it, and shake it off. Give yourself some grace and realize it’s a part of the process.

Timeline photos 12/23/2022

When all else fails: “K.I.S.S.” – Keep It Simple “Super-Mom”

I actually learned this saying as “Keep it simple, stupid” but for the sake of not offending anyone, I put my own spin on it!

I literally could lecture for days on how we keep complicating our own lives and then make excuses about why we do this and then COMPLAIN about it! How crazy is this… no wonder we sit and talk about how men have it so easy. If ONLY our brains were as logical as theirs.

I happen to see this problem a lot in healthcare. Things are looked at so microscopically, that we lose the BIG picture of how simple the problem really is. A lot of times it comes down to one small issue that started it all and all it would really take is one small change to make a BIG difference. Want to start the process of shedding a few pounds? For some, it may be as simple as dropping the soda, sweet tea, or in my case, the Caramel Frappe ;)


Time is your most VALUABLE resource. Stop wasting it!

Time is the most valuable resource that you will NEVER get back!

So why waste your time doing things that are not benefiting you, your family, health, business, etc.? Seriously, what are the main objectives for your life? Do you want to play with your kids more?

Do you want to make a good living and not be separated from your family all day?

Do you want to climb a mountain and go zip lining now or maybe when you're 80 years old?

I’m sure you have all kinds of dreams, but what are you doing about it? How many excuses are you making for why you can’t do something? Are social ‘norms’ getting in the way of you living your best life? What if you said “NO” to that thing that keeps holding you back? And “YES” to the things that scare you or challenge you to move forward and toward your goals?

I’m sure most of you know exactly what I’m talking about. This is not easy. It takes work, dedication, and most of all COURAGE to make this change.
Own your time. Take responsibility for your actions. Ask yourself, should I be doing this? Is this a waste of my time?

Does this get me to my goal or objective or does it hinder me?

Don’t forget you are setting an example for your team, your kids, and those around you who look up to you. Take the same advice you would give to them. AND don’t apologize for it… own it.


Do you consider yourself a frantic Super-Mom, especially during this holiday season? And ladies, we all know this is not bragging... it's not even a title we asked for. It's the cape we must step into so we don't end up crying in a corner somewhere...

Definition of a "Super-Mom" - an identity moms give themselves when actual life is crazier than people realize, yet everyone thinks they have it all together.

If only they knew, am I right ladies!?

I get it... I run a business and am a mother to three rambunctious kids with hectic schedules, travel sports and apparently a social life! But I know the minute I get sick, the minute I go down hurting, everyone's schedule goes down.

How many times during the year do we say "I can't afford to get hurt/sick".

So, ladies - I am calling you out! Right here and Right NOW!

Take care of yourself... or else you won't be able to take care of them!
Book your appointment at

And before you say "It's Christmas - I can't afford it..." we now have AfterPay! Which is INTEREST FREE! And you can break it into 4 easy payments or even small monthly payments! And guess what!!

NO CREDIT CHECK is needed for AfterPay!

No EXCUSES! Get in :) and take care of your family!



Knowledge is power, unless you have too much of it, then it’s just confusion.

The pharmaceutical industry's injury and illness rate is at an all-time high. The rate of misdiagnosis is even higher.

It seems like we are prescribing one pill and coming back in three months to prescribe another medication to ward off the side effects of the first.

Our food is being created in laboratories; new autoimmune diseases are being discovered daily.

Drugs, along with genetically altered food, are linked to causing cancer.

When is this going to stop?

The medical community, which we trust to help us, prescribes medications backed by the industries making us sick. Yet, facts are not enough to make a difference in our society.

When are we going to get back to the basics?

Holistic Therapy, Exercise, Nutrition...

Corrective Therapy is all about finding the root cause. No pills, No lotions, and No potions... just our skills at making you the best version of yourself that you can be!


Suffering from sore feet? Aching heels at the end of your day? Feel like your walking on pebbles when you wake up in the morning? More than likely you have done a few of the following:

- Iced your heels

- Bought a gel insert

- Looked up stretches and exercises on the internet

- Rolled your foot on a golf ball or tennis ball

- Bought new shoes with “arch supports”

- Talked to other people who have suffered the same fate

- Sought out a chiropractor or podiatrist (the foot doctor) for orthotics

After all the conversations and research, you have probably heard the same phrase over and over… “this pain is a possible result of a fallen arch.” Therefore, the answer should be an insert, shoe, or orthotic that will lift the arch right? What if I was to say “Wrong?”
I know, I know… opposite of everything you have heard, read, and even seen right?
As hard as it is to believe… let me show (and tell) you how it makes sense. Which is what I feel we lack in the medical world currently.

What causes arches to fall? Could be multiple things… from a weak muscle, to a nerve impingement, from an injury, or trauma. This one ailment can lead to many others. If your arch is not fully functioning, you could suffer from knee injuries, back pain, or even headaches, just to name a few! MuscleRx has an amazing success rate in finding root causes, such as these and eliminating them once and for all! Aren’t you ready to lead and LIVE a pain-free, FEARLESS life!? Call us today and find out when YOU can be pain-free!


Parent of a Gamer? What to watch out for…

The way your child sits for long periods of time! Posture is a big factor of pain in many adults, sitting at screens for long periods of time with bad posture will have a bad effect on their bodies in the future!

The way your wrists sit on your keyboard! This is common in adult office workers, but the same thing can happen to your kid with long hours on the keyboard
Eye Health! Long hours in front of a screen can cause your eye health to degrade

We see most of these symptoms in adults working office jobs, but with electronics taking more of a role in young kids' lives it is important to know how to keep your body in healthy shape!

Learn more today by calling us at MuscleRx!!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Leg day is the best day! And it would be in your best interest to not forget to strengthen your calf’s! Do this exercise...
Happy New Year from your favorite Muscle Whisperers!!Start the New Years off by being pain-free by making an appointment...
Did you know that your posture has a direct impact on your future? Your posture effects how your body moves, how fast it...
Stop caring so much about what everyone else thinks! No one, and I mean literally NOT ONE PERSON, is perfect, including ...
Time is your most VALUABLE resource. Stop wasting it!Time is the most valuable resource that you will NEVER get back! So...
Do you consider yourself a frantic Super-Mom, especially during this holiday season? And ladies, we all know this is not...
Knowledge is power, unless you have too much of it, then it’s just confusion.The pharmaceutical industry's injury and il...
Suffering from sore feet? Aching heels at the end of your day? Feel like your walking on pebbles when you wake up in the...
Parent of a Gamer? What to watch out for… The way your child sits for long periods of time! Posture is a big factor of p...
ATTENTION ALL MOTHERS!!We know how hard you work, to keep everything together and the kids taken care of...But who is ta...
Is holiday season a pain?Yes gift shopping, family meals, and trips can all be stressful, but have you noticed you may b...




7814 Tyner Street
Charlotte, NC

Opening Hours

Monday 7:30am - 7pm
Tuesday 7:30am - 7pm
Thursday 7:30am - 7pm

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