Masjid Al Farooq

Daily and Jum’ah

Masjid Al Farooq is a 501(c)(3) Islamic Organization located on the Southeast side of Chicago, IL., Masjid Al Farooq serve West African, African American, Middle Eastern, and South Asian as place for worshiping Allah (s.w.t.)

MASJID AL FAROOQ || Celebrating Family and Faith at MAF's Annual Family Baking Contest 2024 08/31/2024

MASJID AL FAROOQ || Celebrating Family and Faith at MAF's Annual Family Baking Contest 2024 MAF proudly hosted its first annual Family Baking Contest, where 12 talented participants showcased their skills in baking cakes, pies, cookies, and bread. T...


Jumuah notes

“O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salaah (prayer) on Friday (Jumu‘ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allaah [Jumu‘ah religious talk (Khutbah) and Salaah (prayer)] and leave off business (and every other thing). That is better for you if you did but know!” (Surah al-Jumu’ah 62:9)

The congregational prayer (Jumu’ah prayer) is one of the obligatory acts in Islam and one of the great gatherings of Muslims. The angels sit in wait for the arrival of people.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “On the day of Jummah, the angels stand at the entrance of that masjid in which Jumuah salat is to be offered. They write down the name of the person who enters the masjid first, and thereafter the name of the person who follows, and they continue doing this. The person who entered first will receive the reward of sacrificing a camel in the path of Allah; the one who followed him will get the reward of sacrificing a cow, thereafter a chicken, thereafter the reward of giving an egg as charity in the path of Allah.Once the khutbah commences, the angels close the register and begin listening to the khutbah.”
[Bukhari and Muslim]

Narrated Salman-Al-Farsi: The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, Whoever takes a bath on Friday, purifies himself as much as he can, then uses his (hair) oil or perfumes himself with the scent of his house, then proceeds (for the Jumua prayer) and does not separate two persons sitting together (in the mosque), then prays as much as (Allah has) written for him and then remains silent while the Imam is delivering the Khutba, his sins in-between the present and the last Friday would be forgiven. (Sahih Bukhari 883)

The day of Jumu’ah includes an hour during which all supplications are accepted. Abu Hurayrah, narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), said: “On (the day of) Jumu’ah is an hour during which Allah gives to a Muslim servant standing in prayer whatever he asks for.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

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Jazakallah Khairan

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Jumuah notes

“O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salaah (prayer) on Friday (Jumu‘ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allaah [Jumu‘ah religious talk (Khutbah) and Salaah (prayer)] and leave off business (and every other thing). That is better for you if you did but know!” (Surah al-Jumu’ah 62:9)

The congregational prayer (Jumu’ah prayer) is one of the obligatory acts in Islam and one of the great gatherings of Muslims. The angels sit in wait for the arrival of people.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “On the day of Jummah, the angels stand at the entrance of that masjid in which Jumuah salat is to be offered. They write down the name of the person who enters the masjid first, and thereafter the name of the person who follows, and they continue doing this. The person who entered first will receive the reward of sacrificing a camel in the path of Allah; the one who followed him will get the reward of sacrificing a cow, thereafter a chicken, thereafter the reward of giving an egg as charity in the path of Allah.Once the khutbah commences, the angels close the register and begin listening to the khutbah.”
[Bukhari and Muslim]

Narrated Salman-Al-Farsi: The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, Whoever takes a bath on Friday, purifies himself as much as he can, then uses his (hair) oil or perfumes himself with the scent of his house, then proceeds (for the Jumua prayer) and does not separate two persons sitting together (in the mosque), then prays as much as (Allah has) written for him and then remains silent while the Imam is delivering the Khutba, his sins in-between the present and the last Friday would be forgiven. (Sahih Bukhari 883)

The day of Jumu’ah includes an hour during which all supplications are accepted. Abu Hurayrah, narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), said: “On (the day of) Jumu’ah is an hour during which Allah gives to a Muslim servant standing in prayer whatever he asks for.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

Thank you for supporting MAF

Jazakallah Khairan

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Jumuah notes

“O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salaah (prayer) on Friday (Jumu‘ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allaah [Jumu‘ah religious talk (Khutbah) and Salaah (prayer)] and leave off business (and every other thing). That is better for you if you did but know!” (Surah al-Jumu’ah 62:9)

The congregational prayer (Jumu’ah prayer) is one of the obligatory acts in Islam and one of the great gatherings of Muslims. The angels sit in wait for the arrival of people.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “On the day of Jummah, the angels stand at the entrance of that masjid in which Jumuah salat is to be offered. They write down the name of the person who enters the masjid first, and thereafter the name of the person who follows, and they continue doing this. The person who entered first will receive the reward of sacrificing a camel in the path of Allah; the one who followed him will get the reward of sacrificing a cow, thereafter a chicken, thereafter the reward of giving an egg as charity in the path of Allah.Once the khutbah commences, the angels close the register and begin listening to the khutbah.”
[Bukhari and Muslim]

Narrated Salman-Al-Farsi: The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, Whoever takes a bath on Friday, purifies himself as much as he can, then uses his (hair) oil or perfumes himself with the scent of his house, then proceeds (for the Jumua prayer) and does not separate two persons sitting together (in the mosque), then prays as much as (Allah has) written for him and then remains silent while the Imam is delivering the Khutba, his sins in-between the present and the last Friday would be forgiven. (Sahih Bukhari 883)

The day of Jumu’ah includes an hour during which all supplications are accepted. Abu Hurayrah, narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), said: “On (the day of) Jumu’ah is an hour during which Allah gives to a Muslim servant standing in prayer whatever he asks for.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

Thank you for supporting MAF

Jazakallah Khairan

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Jumuah notes

“O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salaah (prayer) on Friday (Jumu‘ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allaah [Jumu‘ah religious talk (Khutbah) and Salaah (prayer)] and leave off business (and every other thing). That is better for you if you did but know!” (Surah al-Jumu’ah 62:9)

The congregational prayer (Jumu’ah prayer) is one of the obligatory acts in Islam and one of the great gatherings of Muslims. The angels sit in wait for the arrival of people.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “On the day of Jummah, the angels stand at the entrance of that masjid in which Jumuah salat is to be offered. They write down the name of the person who enters the masjid first, and thereafter the name of the person who follows, and they continue doing this. The person who entered first will receive the reward of sacrificing a camel in the path of Allah; the one who followed him will get the reward of sacrificing a cow, thereafter a chicken, thereafter the reward of giving an egg as charity in the path of Allah.Once the khutbah commences, the angels close the register and begin listening to the khutbah.”
[Bukhari and Muslim]

Narrated Salman-Al-Farsi: The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, Whoever takes a bath on Friday, purifies himself as much as he can, then uses his (hair) oil or perfumes himself with the scent of his house, then proceeds (for the Jumua prayer) and does not separate two persons sitting together (in the mosque), then prays as much as (Allah has) written for him and then remains silent while the Imam is delivering the Khutba, his sins in-between the present and the last Friday would be forgiven. (Sahih Bukhari 883)

The day of Jumu’ah includes an hour during which all supplications are accepted. Abu Hurayrah, narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), said: “On (the day of) Jumu’ah is an hour during which Allah gives to a Muslim servant standing in prayer whatever he asks for.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

Thank you for supporting MAF

Jazakallah Khairan

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Jumuah notes

“O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salaah (prayer) on Friday (Jumu‘ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allaah [Jumu‘ah religious talk (Khutbah) and Salaah (prayer)] and leave off business (and every other thing). That is better for you if you did but know!” (Surah al-Jumu’ah 62:9)

The congregational prayer (Jumu’ah prayer) is one of the obligatory acts in Islam and one of the great gatherings of Muslims. The angels sit in wait for the arrival of people.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “On the day of Jummah, the angels stand at the entrance of that masjid in which Jumuah salat is to be offered. They write down the name of the person who enters the masjid first, and thereafter the name of the person who follows, and they continue doing this. The person who entered first will receive the reward of sacrificing a camel in the path of Allah; the one who followed him will get the reward of sacrificing a cow, thereafter a chicken, thereafter the reward of giving an egg as charity in the path of Allah.Once the khutbah commences, the angels close the register and begin listening to the khutbah.”
[Bukhari and Muslim]

Narrated Salman-Al-Farsi: The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, Whoever takes a bath on Friday, purifies himself as much as he can, then uses his (hair) oil or perfumes himself with the scent of his house, then proceeds (for the Jumua prayer) and does not separate two persons sitting together (in the mosque), then prays as much as (Allah has) written for him and then remains silent while the Imam is delivering the Khutba, his sins in-between the present and the last Friday would be forgiven. (Sahih Bukhari 883)

The day of Jumu’ah includes an hour during which all supplications are accepted. Abu Hurayrah, narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), said: “On (the day of) Jumu’ah is an hour during which Allah gives to a Muslim servant standing in prayer whatever he asks for.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

Thank you for supporting MAF

Jazakallah Khairan

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Jumuah notes

“O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salaah (prayer) on Friday (Jumu‘ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allaah [Jumu‘ah religious talk (Khutbah) and Salaah (prayer)] and leave off business (and every other thing). That is better for you if you did but know!” (Surah al-Jumu’ah 62:9)

The congregational prayer (Jumu’ah prayer) is one of the obligatory acts in Islam and one of the great gatherings of Muslims. The angels sit in wait for the arrival of people.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “On the day of Jummah, the angels stand at the entrance of that masjid in which Jumuah salat is to be offered. They write down the name of the person who enters the masjid first, and thereafter the name of the person who follows, and they continue doing this. The person who entered first will receive the reward of sacrificing a camel in the path of Allah; the one who followed him will get the reward of sacrificing a cow, thereafter a chicken, thereafter the reward of giving an egg as charity in the path of Allah.Once the khutbah commences, the angels close the register and begin listening to the khutbah.”
[Bukhari and Muslim]

Narrated Salman-Al-Farsi: The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, Whoever takes a bath on Friday, purifies himself as much as he can, then uses his (hair) oil or perfumes himself with the scent of his house, then proceeds (for the Jumua prayer) and does not separate two persons sitting together (in the mosque), then prays as much as (Allah has) written for him and then remains silent while the Imam is delivering the Khutba, his sins in-between the present and the last Friday would be forgiven. (Sahih Bukhari 883)

The day of Jumu’ah includes an hour during which all supplications are accepted. Abu Hurayrah, narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), said: “On (the day of) Jumu’ah is an hour during which Allah gives to a Muslim servant standing in prayer whatever he asks for.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

Thank you for supporting MAF

Jazakallah Khairan

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Jumuah notes

“O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salaah (prayer) on Friday (Jumu‘ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allaah [Jumu‘ah religious talk (Khutbah) and Salaah (prayer)] and leave off business (and every other thing). That is better for you if you did but know!” (Surah al-Jumu’ah 62:9)

The congregational prayer (Jumu’ah prayer) is one of the obligatory acts in Islam and one of the great gatherings of Muslims. The angels sit in wait for the arrival of people.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “On the day of Jummah, the angels stand at the entrance of that masjid in which Jumuah salat is to be offered. They write down the name of the person who enters the masjid first, and thereafter the name of the person who follows, and they continue doing this. The person who entered first will receive the reward of sacrificing a camel in the path of Allah; the one who followed him will get the reward of sacrificing a cow, thereafter a chicken, thereafter the reward of giving an egg as charity in the path of Allah.Once the khutbah commences, the angels close the register and begin listening to the khutbah.”
[Bukhari and Muslim]

Narrated Salman-Al-Farsi: The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, Whoever takes a bath on Friday, purifies himself as much as he can, then uses his (hair) oil or perfumes himself with the scent of his house, then proceeds (for the Jumua prayer) and does not separate two persons sitting together (in the mosque), then prays as much as (Allah has) written for him and then remains silent while the Imam is delivering the Khutba, his sins in-between the present and the last Friday would be forgiven. (Sahih Bukhari 883)

The day of Jumu’ah includes an hour during which all supplications are accepted. Abu Hurayrah, narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), said: “On (the day of) Jumu’ah is an hour during which Allah gives to a Muslim servant standing in prayer whatever he asks for.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

Thank you for supporting MAF

Jazakallah Khairan

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Jumuah notes

“O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salaah (prayer) on Friday (Jumu‘ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allaah [Jumu‘ah religious talk (Khutbah) and Salaah (prayer)] and leave off business (and every other thing). That is better for you if you did but know!” (Surah al-Jumu’ah 62:9)

The congregational prayer (Jumu’ah prayer) is one of the obligatory acts in Islam and one of the great gatherings of Muslims. The angels sit in wait for the arrival of people.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “On the day of Jummah, the angels stand at the entrance of that masjid in which Jumuah salat is to be offered. They write down the name of the person who enters the masjid first, and thereafter the name of the person who follows, and they continue doing this. The person who entered first will receive the reward of sacrificing a camel in the path of Allah; the one who followed him will get the reward of sacrificing a cow, thereafter a chicken, thereafter the reward of giving an egg as charity in the path of Allah.Once the khutbah commences, the angels close the register and begin listening to the khutbah.”
[Bukhari and Muslim]

Narrated Salman-Al-Farsi: The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, Whoever takes a bath on Friday, purifies himself as much as he can, then uses his (hair) oil or perfumes himself with the scent of his house, then proceeds (for the Jumua prayer) and does not separate two persons sitting together (in the mosque), then prays as much as (Allah has) written for him and then remains silent while the Imam is delivering the Khutba, his sins in-between the present and the last Friday would be forgiven. (Sahih Bukhari 883)

The day of Jumu’ah includes an hour during which all supplications are accepted. Abu Hurayrah, narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), said: “On (the day of) Jumu’ah is an hour during which Allah gives to a Muslim servant standing in prayer whatever he asks for.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

Thank you for supporting MAF

Jazakallah Khairan

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TheRilwan Transformation: 1975 Christian Cathedral to Becoming a Stunning Muslim Mosque (Masjid) Pt4 06/23/2024

I'm happy with my design! Please check out the video and let me know in the comments what I could improve. Be kind, share, give it a like, and subscribe if you haven't already. As Michael Jordan said, "Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen."

TheRilwan Transformation: 1975 Christian Cathedral to Becoming a Stunning Muslim Mosque (Masjid) Pt4 I'm happy with my design! Please check out the video and let me know in the comments what I could improve. Be kind, share, give it a like, and subscribe if y...


Jumuah notes

“O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salaah (prayer) on Friday (Jumu‘ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allaah [Jumu‘ah religious talk (Khutbah) and Salaah (prayer)] and leave off business (and every other thing). That is better for you if you did but know!” (Surah al-Jumu’ah 62:9)

The congregational prayer (Jumu’ah prayer) is one of the obligatory acts in Islam and one of the great gatherings of Muslims. The angels sit in wait for the arrival of people.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “On the day of Jummah, the angels stand at the entrance of that masjid in which Jumuah salat is to be offered. They write down the name of the person who enters the masjid first, and thereafter the name of the person who follows, and they continue doing this. The person who entered first will receive the reward of sacrificing a camel in the path of Allah; the one who followed him will get the reward of sacrificing a cow, thereafter a chicken, thereafter the reward of giving an egg as charity in the path of Allah.Once the khutbah commences, the angels close the register and begin listening to the khutbah.”
[Bukhari and Muslim]

Narrated Salman-Al-Farsi: The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, Whoever takes a bath on Friday, purifies himself as much as he can, then uses his (hair) oil or perfumes himself with the scent of his house, then proceeds (for the Jumua prayer) and does not separate two persons sitting together (in the mosque), then prays as much as (Allah has) written for him and then remains silent while the Imam is delivering the Khutba, his sins in-between the present and the last Friday would be forgiven. (Sahih Bukhari 883)

The day of Jumu’ah includes an hour during which all supplications are accepted. Abu Hurayrah, narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), said: “On (the day of) Jumu’ah is an hour during which Allah gives to a Muslim servant standing in prayer whatever he asks for.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

Thank you for supporting MAF

Jazakallah Khairan

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Jumuah notes

“O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salaah (prayer) on Friday (Jumu‘ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allaah [Jumu‘ah religious talk (Khutbah) and Salaah (prayer)] and leave off business (and every other thing). That is better for you if you did but know!” (Surah al-Jumu’ah 62:9)

The congregational prayer (Jumu’ah prayer) is one of the obligatory acts in Islam and one of the great gatherings of Muslims. The angels sit in wait for the arrival of people.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “On the day of Jummah, the angels stand at the entrance of that masjid in which Jumuah salat is to be offered. They write down the name of the person who enters the masjid first, and thereafter the name of the person who follows, and they continue doing this. The person who entered first will receive the reward of sacrificing a camel in the path of Allah; the one who followed him will get the reward of sacrificing a cow, thereafter a chicken, thereafter the reward of giving an egg as charity in the path of Allah.Once the khutbah commences, the angels close the register and begin listening to the khutbah.”
[Bukhari and Muslim]

Narrated Salman-Al-Farsi: The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, Whoever takes a bath on Friday, purifies himself as much as he can, then uses his (hair) oil or perfumes himself with the scent of his house, then proceeds (for the Jumua prayer) and does not separate two persons sitting together (in the mosque), then prays as much as (Allah has) written for him and then remains silent while the Imam is delivering the Khutba, his sins in-between the present and the last Friday would be forgiven. (Sahih Bukhari 883)

The day of Jumu’ah includes an hour during which all supplications are accepted. Abu Hurayrah, narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), said: “On (the day of) Jumu’ah is an hour during which Allah gives to a Muslim servant standing in prayer whatever he asks for.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

Thank you for supporting MAF

Jazakallah Khairan

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Jumuah notes

“O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salaah (prayer) on Friday (Jumu‘ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allaah [Jumu‘ah religious talk (Khutbah) and Salaah (prayer)] and leave off business (and every other thing). That is better for you if you did but know!” (Surah al-Jumu’ah 62:9)

The congregational prayer (Jumu’ah prayer) is one of the obligatory acts in Islam and one of the great gatherings of Muslims. The angels sit in wait for the arrival of people.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “On the day of Jummah, the angels stand at the entrance of that masjid in which Jumuah salat is to be offered. They write down the name of the person who enters the masjid first, and thereafter the name of the person who follows, and they continue doing this. The person who entered first will receive the reward of sacrificing a camel in the path of Allah; the one who followed him will get the reward of sacrificing a cow, thereafter a chicken, thereafter the reward of giving an egg as charity in the path of Allah.Once the khutbah commences, the angels close the register and begin listening to the khutbah.”
[Bukhari and Muslim]

Narrated Salman-Al-Farsi: The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, Whoever takes a bath on Friday, purifies himself as much as he can, then uses his (hair) oil or perfumes himself with the scent of his house, then proceeds (for the Jumua prayer) and does not separate two persons sitting together (in the mosque), then prays as much as (Allah has) written for him and then remains silent while the Imam is delivering the Khutba, his sins in-between the present and the last Friday would be forgiven. (Sahih Bukhari 883)

The day of Jumu’ah includes an hour during which all supplications are accepted. Abu Hurayrah, narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), said: “On (the day of) Jumu’ah is an hour during which Allah gives to a Muslim servant standing in prayer whatever he asks for.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

Thank you for supporting MAF

Jazakallah Khairan

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Jumuah notes

“O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salaah (prayer) on Friday (Jumu‘ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allaah [Jumu‘ah religious talk (Khutbah) and Salaah (prayer)] and leave off business (and every other thing). That is better for you if you did but know!” (Surah al-Jumu’ah 62:9)

The congregational prayer (Jumu’ah prayer) is one of the obligatory acts in Islam and one of the great gatherings of Muslims. The angels sit in wait for the arrival of people.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “On the day of Jummah, the angels stand at the entrance of that masjid in which Jumuah salat is to be offered. They write down the name of the person who enters the masjid first, and thereafter the name of the person who follows, and they continue doing this. The person who entered first will receive the reward of sacrificing a camel in the path of Allah; the one who followed him will get the reward of sacrificing a cow, thereafter a chicken, thereafter the reward of giving an egg as charity in the path of Allah.Once the khutbah commences, the angels close the register and begin listening to the khutbah.”
[Bukhari and Muslim]

Narrated Salman-Al-Farsi: The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, Whoever takes a bath on Friday, purifies himself as much as he can, then uses his (hair) oil or perfumes himself with the scent of his house, then proceeds (for the Jumua prayer) and does not separate two persons sitting together (in the mosque), then prays as much as (Allah has) written for him and then remains silent while the Imam is delivering the Khutba, his sins in-between the present and the last Friday would be forgiven. (Sahih Bukhari 883)

The day of Jumu’ah includes an hour during which all supplications are accepted. Abu Hurayrah, narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), said: “On (the day of) Jumu’ah is an hour during which Allah gives to a Muslim servant standing in prayer whatever he asks for.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

Thank you for supporting MAF

Jazakallah Khairan

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Contractor Drama || Running Away with Investing Partner's Hard Earn MONEY! || TheRilwan Ep. 071 05/13/2024 Top of the day! Thank you for being among the 4k viewers of the midweek episode 070. This is episode 071 👍🏾✊🏾❤

Contractor Drama || Running Away with Investing Partner's Hard Earn MONEY! || TheRilwan Ep. 071 Join me in Episode 071 of TheRilwan as I tackle contractor drama affecting our investment project. Our hard-earned money is on the line as we face setbacks s...


Jumuah notes

“O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salaah (prayer) on Friday (Jumu‘ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allaah [Jumu‘ah religious talk (Khutbah) and Salaah (prayer)] and leave off business (and every other thing). That is better for you if you did but know!” (Surah al-Jumu’ah 62:9)

The congregational prayer (Jumu’ah prayer) is one of the obligatory acts in Islam and one of the great gatherings of Muslims. The angels sit in wait for the arrival of people.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “On the day of Jummah, the angels stand at the entrance of that masjid in which Jumuah salat is to be offered. They write down the name of the person who enters the masjid first, and thereafter the name of the person who follows, and they continue doing this. The person who entered first will receive the reward of sacrificing a camel in the path of Allah; the one who followed him will get the reward of sacrificing a cow, thereafter a chicken, thereafter the reward of giving an egg as charity in the path of Allah.Once the khutbah commences, the angels close the register and begin listening to the khutbah.”
[Bukhari and Muslim]

Narrated Salman-Al-Farsi: The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, Whoever takes a bath on Friday, purifies himself as much as he can, then uses his (hair) oil or perfumes himself with the scent of his house, then proceeds (for the Jumua prayer) and does not separate two persons sitting together (in the mosque), then prays as much as (Allah has) written for him and then remains silent while the Imam is delivering the Khutba, his sins in-between the present and the last Friday would be forgiven. (Sahih Bukhari 883)

The day of Jumu’ah includes an hour during which all supplications are accepted. Abu Hurayrah, narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), said: “On (the day of) Jumu’ah is an hour during which Allah gives to a Muslim servant standing in prayer whatever he asks for.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

Thank you for supporting MAF

Jazakallah Khairan

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Videos (show all)

Masjid Al Farooq || Lecture Live 8/16/2024
Masjid Al Farooq || Lecture Live 8/16/2024
Masjid Al Farooq || Lecture Live 8/16/2024
Masjid Al Farooq || Jumuah Live 8/16/2024
Masjid Al Farooq || Jumuah Live 8/16/2024
Masjid Al Farooq || Jumuah Live 8/19/2024
Masjid Al Farooq || Jumuah Live 8/2/2024
Masjid Al Farooq || Jumuah Live 7/19/2024
Masjid Al Farooq || Jumuah Live 7/19/2024
Masjid Al Farooq || Jumuah Live 7/12/2024
Masjid Al Farooq || Jumuah Live 7/12/2024
Masjid Al Farooq || Jumuah Live 7/05/2024




8950 S Stony Island Avenue
Chicago, IL

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607 E 75th Street
Chicago, 60619

Rah-e-Ishq Rah-e-Ishq
2740 W Peterson Avenue
Chicago, 60659

Rah E Ishq is the Journey of Love towards Allah swt

Masjid Abbu Bakar Siddiq R.A Masjid Abbu Bakar Siddiq R.A
1017 W Roscoe Street
Chicago, 60657

Five Times Daily Prayers Jummah Prayer Taraweeh Prayer in Ramadan Eid-Ul-Fitr and Eid-Ul-Adha Prayers Programs & Bayans for Holy nights and occasions Weekly Islamic Programs or Hal...

Makki Masjid Makki Masjid
3418 W Ainslie Street
Chicago, 60625

Makki Masjid Inc is a registered 501©(3) non-profit organization registered in the state of Illinois. Makki Masjid Inc is parent organization which operates Makki Masjid, Madrasah ...

Faizan e Madinah New Orleans Faizan e Madinah New Orleans
10932 River Road, St Rose
Chicago, 70087

Faizan-e-Madinah NOLA is a Masjid located in Saint Rose, Louisiana. Open 7 days for all 5 prayers.

Masjid Al-Faatir Masjid Al-Faatir
1200 E 47th Street
Chicago, 60653

Masjid Al-Faatir is named after one of The Great Names of Almighty Allah (SWT) Al-Faatir (The Originator). Est. in 1983 by Jabir Muhammad & World Heavyweight Boxing Champion - M...

DePaul UMMA (United Muslims Moving Ahead) DePaul UMMA (United Muslims Moving Ahead)
Lincoln Park Student Center; 2250 N Sheffield Avenue
Chicago, 60614

Islamic Center of Chicago (ICC Masjid) Islamic Center of Chicago (ICC Masjid)
5933 N Lincoln Avenue
Chicago, 60659

At-Takaful Islamic Society was established in 1987 to serve the cause of Allah. The Society functions on the principles of Islamic Shurah- under the guidelines of its by-laws.

Downtown Islamic Center Downtown Islamic Center
231 S State St
Chicago, 60604

In the heart of the loop, this masjid offers a place for tourists, commuters, and those who call the city home a place to rejuvenate the spirit.

Youth of MCC Youth of MCC
4380 N Elston Avenue
Chicago, 60641

Our mission is to provide young adults of the MEC community a welcoming & open environment to reach their full potential. Follow us to stay connected!

Chicago Mosque by NAFIS Chicago Mosque by NAFIS
6201 W Peterson Avenue
Chicago, 60646