Stéph B Yoga

Psych-sensitive Yoga and birth preparation with Steph, in Barcelona in-person, and everywhere online

Photos from Stéph B Yoga's post 03/24/2024

Hello friends,

I just wanted to drop this information here about a prenatal yoga and mental health series that I teach in English with my dear colleague and therapist Hannah Lee.

It’s from a studio I still work with in Chicago, USA but since it’s online, and I teach from Barcelona, people in Barcelona and everywhere in Europe have easy access also 🙌🏻

My purpose is to help pregnant folks to feel well being, safety and calm in their body and nervous system to prepare for birth and beyond 💖

I’m also a birth doula and hypnobirthing practitioner here in Barcelona, so if you have any questions, feel free to drop me a message.

Hello Everybody

I just wanted to drop this information here about a prenatal yoga and mental health series that I teach in English with my dear colleague and therapist Hannah Lee.

It’s from a studio I work with in Chicago, USA but since it’s online, and I teach from here, people in Barcelona have easy access 🙌🏻

My purpose is to help pregnant folks to feel well being, safety and calm in their body and nervous system to prepare for birth and beyond 💖

I’m also a birth doula here in Barcelona, so if you have any questions, feel free to drop me a message.


Happy Women’s day!! Feliz día de la Mujer!!
Thank you to my beautiful prenatal yoginis for striking the pose after class today to wish you all a special day 🌸💫🌸

Photos from Stéph B Yoga's post 03/06/2024
Photos from Stéph B Yoga's post 03/06/2024

Anoud 💫💛

Photos from Stéph B Yoga's post 03/06/2024

Riding Bedouin’s territory 🐪


Entering my 40’s with a spirit of adventure 🧿

Photos from Stéph B Yoga's post 01/26/2024

Gros coup de cœur pour Lou, et sa marque . Génial!
Le plein d’inspiration et de bonnes énergies pour finir la semaine. Stay tuned, on vous concocte des petits projets sympas pour 2024.
Bon week-end à tous ☀️


Contemplation. For me this view can symbolizes how we might feel when we are on the verge of giving birth to a child - and to ourselves - as a new parent.
How can I get to the impressive other side that I can’t even see ?
Will I be capable of getting through this impressive journey?
Mindset is a lot and you can do hard things,
but before flying across the Grand Canyon, you can start preparing a strong body and mind with yoga ☺️
A growing number of studies show the effectiveness of Yoga therapy for managing anxiety, perceived stress, enhancing mood and sleep, including in high risk pregnancies, and improving birth outcomes (positive impact on normal births, shorter duration of labor, better experience with pain management overall)

Photos from Stéph B Yoga's post 01/10/2024

Joli témoignage d’une famille fraîchement débarquée à Barcelona que j’ai accompagnée pour l’arrivée de leur premier enfant fin 2023 💝
Dad shares his experience in English at the end.

Photos from Stéph B Yoga's post 12/18/2023

Un peu Noël avant Noël, je viens de recevoir ce joli partage d’expérience qui me conforte dans mon chemin professionnel ici à Barcelone.
Make your dreams happen! De jolis fêtes de fin d’année à tous ✨✨✨


My Inner / Outer world 🫀

Photos from Stéph B Yoga's post 10/10/2023

About last week 🇵🇹🧘🏼‍♀️🌊
Tribute to a wonderful first collaboration with , on a Portugal retreat specially designed for the highly sensitive people and introverts was a success.
It’s been moving for me, as a introvert facilitator to witness such openness of heart, respect, compassion and creativity in a group. I am in awe of the magic that happens when sensitive women gather in community with authenticity and support each other in reclaiming who they are.
I had so much joy crafting the restorative and nidra classes with each participant’s needs in mind, co-creating with and holding space to offer possibility for profound nervous system rest and connection.
Accompanying the group in the discovery of astonishing Algarve’s nature and traditions felt so fun and nourishing.
I can’t be more grateful and I am SO looking forward to coming back next year 👉🏻 June 16-23, 2024.
If you long for connection with people who get what it’s like to be sensitive, check out Melissa’s website ✨her work is a rare gem ✨

Photos from Stéph B Yoga's post 08/02/2023

Yes, Breast/chest feeding can be very hard sometimes, but if you decide with your heart that it’s the right decision for you, it’s all worth it in the end.
Feeding from your body whenever and wherever you want, for how long you want is your right mama 🥛
Don’t hesitate to ask for support, as soon as you feel the need. Feeding is a learning curve and all difficult moments pay back. Never underestimate your capacity of knowing what’s best for you and your baby.
Happy world breast/chest-feeding week!
First picture is me, breastfeeding Matheo 10 months old, during a hike in Grand Teton, Wyoming, USA .
The following two are pics snapped (without my consent!) by Ella, 4 years old, during harder rawer times of breastfeeding Mathéo, at 6 and 3 months (in distress, seeking support)


Happy Summer! Felices vacaciones!
I’ll be away for a few weeks from Barcelona city but still available on demand online. Wishing you all a restful and beautiful summer.
Tomando una pequeño pausa de algunas semanas por mis clases presenciales pero continuando online al pedido.
Petit break d’été en ce qui concerne les cours à Barcelone, mais je continue à la demande en ligne depuis la France.
Je vous souhaite de prendre le temps et de faire le plein de belles énergies cet été!

Photos from Stéph B Yoga's post 06/16/2023

A radical act of self-compassion
Never underestimate how important it is to drop your awareness into your body, to open moments dedicated to stop and feel what’s going on around your hips, back, neck and shoulders, but also in your soft tissues. These quieter parts of ourselves that needs equal amount of attention.
If yoga is not your thing, fine, are there other activities, that foster this receptive and compassionate conversation with your body?
How can we use movements to shift our awareness to our bodily experience?
Movements might be broad and fast but it doesn’t have to, even just sensing the finest inner flow of your breath, inside out counts.
Find time to explore practices that create a sense of safety, curiosity, and pleasure in your body. With or without guide.
Pictures by

Photos from Stéph B Yoga's post 06/02/2023

🌺 Nuevo retiro urbano para mamás embarazadas de Barcelona el 14/6
y yo os invitamos el próximo miércoles 14 de Junio en la floresta a celebrarte, conectarte a tu bebe y descansar profundamente durante un dia.
Esta experiencia ha sido creada para honrar uno de los momentos más bonitos de la vida y celebrarlo entre mujeres que se entienden y se apoyan.
El embarazo es uno de esos momentos excepcionales de la vida, tanto por la increíble transformación, celebración y alegría que suponen, como también por la carga mental y física. Sin embargo, sentirse plenamente relajada, en confianza y en conexión con su cuerpo y su bebé es esencial para dar a luz de la manera más positiva y consciente posible.
Este tiempo es para ti, Desconecta de la rutina y únete a nosotras en un día entero de cuidados y mimos para ti misma.
Marie y yo, somos profesionales del Nacimiento Respetado, sumamos más de 10 años de experiencia. Marie como haptónoma y educadora Quantik Mama y yo como profesora de yoga pre y post natal, doula y educadora de Hypnobirthing, hemos creado este retiro con las necesidades físicas y deseos emocionales de las mamás embarazadas en mente.
Quieres unirte? El vinculo esta en mi bio.

Photos from Stéph B Yoga's post 05/24/2023

Hi friends, hola amigos.
You probably all know by now how much passion and effort I put into sharing the practice of yoga nidra / Non Sleep Deep Rest with you!
I think it’s the smarter lazier way of investing your time in a 10-20 minutes zero cost break.
The magical feeling you can experience during and after is actually pure science!
Here’s why, in the carousel 💜➡️
I’m just a message away if you are curious. I’ll send you a recording. Your body and mind will thank you 🤘🏻


Better than a nap or a cup of coffee 🔋
You might have heard lately the term *Non Sleep Deep Rest*, coined by Dr. Andrew Huberman, neuroscientist and professor at Stanford Univ. of Medecine + famous podcaster, and used by Google CEO Sundai Pichar to unwind, the best thing about this yoga nidra practice is that you can experience its enormous benefits wherever you are, as long as you can rest your body and unplug your attention for 10-15 minutes.
This is NOT meditation, this is a conscious choice of radical effortlessness for your mind and body ✊🏻
During yoga nidra, you may feel like you are surfing at the edge of wakefulness and sleep, a place of deep calm and relaxation, where time feels suspended.
If you haven’t tried yet, go find a class next to you or practice with a recording. has a huge free library or just ask me to send you one of mine ☺️🙏🏻


Feliz día de la mami a todas 🌺


On Sundays I have the joy of guiding a yoga practice in English to a little group of mamas on Zoom, from 8 weeks to more than one year postpartum, all sharing the same desire to feel good physically and reconnect with a fully energizing yoga practice 💫
Coming together and moving in a skilled way is good for your holistic health. Join us!
Pictures by


Something I always talk to my students about is activating your parasympathetic nervous system - our system of calm in connection - in pregnancy, birth and postpartum, but also in any cycles of our lives.
When our parasympathetic nervous system, also called “rest and digest” system is activated or turned on, this signals to our body that it is safe to heal and create.
On a practical level, it improves digestion and assimilation of nutrients, helps our heart to work better, lowers blood pressure, improves blood flow to the reproductive organs, uterus therefore the baby if you are pregnant, decreases stress and anxiety, and increases positive joyful mood.
The regulation of the Mother’s nervous system, impacts positively baby’s autonomic nervous system’s and vagus nerve’s development.
So, how do we activate our parasympathetic nervous system?

• deep diaphragmatic breathing
• regenerative sleep
• high quality and balanced nutrition
• spending time in nature
• yoga, gentle exercice
• meditation, relaxation, yoga nidra
• humming, chanting, singing
• activities that release oxytocin like massage, cuddling loved ones or pets, laughing and intimacy.
Bottom line, do more of what makes you feel good in your body and mind, it has many benefits on you and your baby’s holistic health !
Beautiful picture by // Words inspiration .earth.motherhood


Imagine blissful embodied rest combined with osteopathic treatment

Restorative yoga, and osteopathy have a very specific soothing effect in common: both recalibrate your nervous system and help your body recover a state of equilibrium, relieving all tensions. Together, they basically give back to your body its innate capacity to heal.

Leslie - Perinatal Osteopath and Women’s Health expert - and I created an whole experience of self-care, with the physical and emotional specific needs of Mothers in mind.

Parenting challenges, stress, unbalanced diet, multitasking, overwork and/or birth injury can promote an array of physical and emotional imbalances, sometimes leaving you with discomforts, chronic pain, feeling depleted and drained.

Join us on March 11, in Barcelona, to experience a profound moment of letting go, and reconnection to Yourself. You will feel rejuvenated and energized.

To keep this experience as personal and therapeutic as possible, it will only be open to 5 moms.
Click on the link in comment to reserve your spot now, we are so looking forward to welcome you 🙏🏻
Thank you Aly Dawn Productions for capturing this moment.


So grateful for this lovely family who took the time to share their experience working with me. Thank you 💜

Timeline photos 09/30/2022

Best yoga training if you are interested in teaching in a way that acknowledge mental and emotional states of your future students. Plus you got to learn prenatal yoga and yoga nidra with me 😉
I’m here if you have questions!

Applications for 2023 Psychologically-Sensitive Teacher Training are open - here's a look at what our program will cover.

This yoga teacher training is unique in that it will focus on the psychological roots of yogic thought and practice, even as you learn how to teach postures and public classes for a general audience. All of the modules are supported by anatomy training, practice teaching in small groups and posture labs, and personal and group yoga practice.

Interested in learning with us? Apply through our webpage below - once your application is received, we'll schedule a 1x1 call with you to make sure this program fits your needs and answer any questions you may have.

Timeline photos 09/08/2022

Thank you Room to Breathe Chicago 🙏🏻💙

Positively *glowing* feedback for Steph's prenatal yoga series!

The next Empower Your Pregnancy series starts one week from today - link to register below + dm or email [email protected] with questions ☺️

Timeline photos 09/07/2022

Your pelvic floor works hard every day (moment of appreciation for the pelvic muscles!) - and during pregnancy, those muscles experience greater strain.

Steph's prenatal yoga series, Empower Your Pregnancy, has an entire session dedicated to understanding your pelvic floor and how to support your pelvis during and after pregnancy. You'll learn about the anatomy of the pelvic floor, its physiological and energetic functions, and explore movement to hone your awareness of this area, open your hips, and balance strengthening with relaxing.

Find a detailed outline of what to expect from all six sessions of Empower Your Pregnancy, starting next Thursday September 15, at our link in bio!


Hi friends!

Something I noticed working with pregnant folks for more than 6 years now, is that you can’t neither predict nor control your birth outcomes but feeling prepared physically and emotionally helps you to have a positive experience.
Also just as you can’t only think your way out of trauma, feeling your body’s wisdom is key in preparing for labor and birth, that’s why I like to blend yoga, somatic techniques and lecture to offer an embodied childbirth education.

There is still space for my prenatal program starting next week.

You will learn:

✨Yoga postures, intuitive flow, and breathing targeted to improve physical well being and alignment in pregnancy.

✨Hypnobirthing and yoga nidra to soothe nervous system and enhance connection to your womb and baby

✨Doula approved techniques to manage labor discomfort and facilitate your birth journey

See you soon You can find the link in my bio.


How delicate and splendid is this cactus flower ? I didn’t even know cactus had such flowers!
In my childbirth education and prenatal yoga classes, I use a lot of “flower, bloom, blossom” vocabulary to symbolize birth and the opening of the female body. For me, positive visualizations are an essential component of a good birth preparation.
By the way, if you want to catch me this week, I will be teaching:
- Prenatal in person at in Bcn, Tuesday at 10:30 and 12pm.
- Prenatal online, Saturday at 10:30 CST (Chicago) or 17:30 CET (Europe)
- Postnatal baby and me online : Thursday at 2pm CST
I also have a few openings for private Hypnobirthing Marie Mongan program for the coming weeks.
See you soon & Happy Monday Everyone!

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