Rockstar Doggy Momma

Rockstar Doggy Momma

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Rockstar Doggy Momma is a healthy lifestyle community for women and their dogs. Join us as we share Well, guess what? I thought so. What a load off your shoulders!

Marilyn Monroe may have believed that “diamonds are a girl’s best friend,” but I beg to differ. A girl’s real best friend is her furry companion, as all you Doggy Mommas know. My own best friend, Gatsby, inspired me to create the lifestyle brand Rockstar Doggy Momma (RDM), which is a healthy lifestyle community for women and their dogs. Join us as we share simple lifestyle tips for both you and y


Woof! 🙌 Have a great day!


Air-popped popcorn is a great snack for Mommas and - without the extra butter and salt - can be a healthy treat for your pup. Plus, the herbs in this recipe have great medicinal properties for your dog.

🍃 Rosemary is high in iron, calcium, and Vitamin B6 and has also been shown to act as an antioxidant.
🍃 Oregano is an antimicrobial that helps with digestive problems.
🍃 Thyme is used to add flavor, improve digestion, and act as an anti-bacterial agent.
🍃 Parsley is often added to dog treats as a breath freshener or used to soothe the stomach.

1. Take a stock pot and evenly disperse the popcorn kernels, cover them in the grapeseed oil, and shake. Cover the stockpot with the lid and turn the gas on high. Leave covered until you do not hear any kernels popping.
2. Transfer the popcorn to a bowl and sprinkle the herb mixture and nutritional yeast. Toss until it is evenly divided.
3. Mommas may add a sprinkle of salt over their servings.


Every day is a golden adventure with my golden girl Daisy! 🚎 ☀️


Keep your dog cute and comfy with regular at-home grooming between appointments.

Here are some grooming tips:
🐶 Try not to bathe them more than once per month as it can irritate their skin.
🐶 Gently clean ears with a cotton ball or damp cloth. Do not use a Q-tip.
🐶 Check your dog's nose. If it's dry, use a high-quality balm made for a dog's nose.
🐶 Aim to brush their teeth at least a couple of times per week. Use dog toothpaste. If your dog doesn't like it, try dental chews.
🐶 Brush their hair/fur a few times per week or more if needed.
🐶 Use clippers or curved scissors if your dog needs a trim. If you feel uncomfortable doing this, leave it for a professional.
🐶 Treat your dog to a gentle massage as often as you'd like!


There is no bad day that a dog can’t turn around!


Put this on your summer dog treat list! These “Pupsicles” make a great, nutritious dog treat year-round - but especially in the hotter months. Yogurt is a healthy treat for your dog because it is high in calcium, zinc, and protein. Plus it is a natural probiotic, which supports a healthy digestive system.

🍏 Blend ingredients in a blender until smooth.
🍏 Fill a popsicle mold (you can buy inexpensive ones on Amazon) or an ice cube tray for mini snack bites.
🍏 Freeze overnight and share with your pup!


Did you know that speaking to your dogs with a high-pitched rhythmic pattern helps them bond with you and improves their attention?

So keep talking to your dogs in that loving way, they are better off for it! ❤️


Just like humans, dogs can get heatstroke, so it is important to keep them cool in warmer temperatures. Here are some easy tips to avoid any heat-related harm to your sweet furry friend:

☀️ Walk at cooler times of day: Early morning and evening walks are great for your dog. Another tip is to avoid concrete as much as possible and walk your dog in grassy areas. Their paws will thank you!

☀️ Frozen treats: Making a lick mat with peanut butter or yogurt and then sticking it in the freezer makes a delicious and cooling treat for your dog. Or simply adding ice cubes to their water bowl helps too!

☀️ Water Play: Sprinklers, beaches, misters, and backyard pools give your dog plenty of opportunities to get wet and cool down!

☀️ Let your dog rest after any vigorous activities.

☀️ Don’t leave your dog in the car - even if it’s just for a few minutes!

Who’s ready for summer?!


One, of many, reasons to love our dogs is that they are the perfect motivator for exercising. If you’re feeling unmotivated to move your body, just grab the leash and your very excited dog will have you out the door in no time!

😍 This photo is a throwback of me and Gatsby!


With summer approaching, the temperatures are rising! As you enjoy the outdoors with your doggy on these warm, sunny days, remember to pack water for yourself and your furry friend.


There is nothing that beats the unconditional love of a dog.


🥣 Making healthy dog treats does not have to be complicated. This 2-ingredient recipe is easy and I feel great knowing my dog treats do not have unknown ingredients like fillers and preservatives.

4 oz jar of baby food*
1 cup flour of your choice (Whole wheat or choose a wheat-free option: coconut flour, brown rice flour, or oat flour).

🐶 Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
🐶 Mix 1 cup flour with the jar of baby food and stir.
🐶 Add more flour and knead the dough until it is not sticky.
🐶 On a floured surface, roll out the dough.
🐶 Use a cookie cutter to cut out shapes.
🐶 Bake 24 minutes until the bottoms start to brown. If you want them extra crispy, turn off the oven after 24 minutes and leave them inside to remove excess moisture.

*If you do not want to buy baby food, any pureed dog-friendly fruit or vegetable will work!


Showing your dog affection has benefits for both you and your dog. When you show your pet affection, they will most likely listen to you (i.e., be a better-behaved pet) and reward you with kisses and cuddles. Studies have also shown that your loving interactions with your dog will help lessen your anxiety, lower your heart rate, and increase the release of endorphins (hormones that make you feel good).

Personally, I cannot get enough cuddles with Daisy ❤️


This is the time of year when dogs get colds, cases of flu, or respiratory illnesses. All of these are spread through direct dog-to-dog contact, contaminated objects, or through the air especially where dogs congregate such as doggie daycares, dog parks, and groomers.

If your dog is sick, provide more rest, extra fluids, and nutritional food and/or supplements. Of course, check in with your vet if symptoms persist or if you feel that something is not right. Always trust your intuition.


Sometimes our doggies are so human to us that we forget they can't eat everything that we can. Here's a reference list of foods that are okay and not okay to share.

Okay to Share:

➕ Vegetable Platters: Carrots, bell peppers, celery, and cucumbers hold a lot of good nutrients that are great for your dog!

➕ Fruit Platters: In small amounts, certain fruits are a wonderfully healthy sweet treat for your dog. Remember to avoid fruits with seeds, and DO NOT share raisins or grapes with your dog (these are very toxic to animals).

➕ Meat and Cheese Tray: If your dog is not sensitive to dairy, these can be a great source of protein for your pup. Just avoid any spicy meat.

Not Okay to Share:

➖ Meet with bones: the last thing we want is for our dog to choke on a bone accidentally.

➖ Snack foods: Chips and fatty dips contain processed ingredients that all pets need to avoid.

➖ Dessert: We all know chocolate is terrible for dogs, so it is best to avoid any dessert altogether.


I 💙 my dog!


One of the best ways to improve your dog’s intellect is through dog puzzle toys! They are designed to stimulate your dog’s brain and boost problem-solving skills. In addition to boosting your dog's “smarts”, puzzle toys can also:

🐶 Correct or curb bad behavior: Dogs love to be busy. When they aren’t, they exhibit bad behavior such as not listening, barking, chewing, digging, running around, etc.,

🐶 Improve training: Dogs who develop their ability to concentrate and solve pet games increase their mental activation which can make them easier to train.

🐶 Increasing bonding with their parent: “Helping” your dog play their games increases your interaction with them and builds your bond.


Show your dog some love today by baking some of these delicious and easy-to-make "woofies" (dog speak for "cookies!"). 🥰🤎
Complete recipe & instructions:


Where would we be without our perfect four-legged friends? 🐶 😍


Today is National Peanut Butter Day! Dogs adore this delicious snack, and peanut butter is an excellent source of protein that can help your pet build strong muscles! Here’s an easy peanut butter cookie treat recipe for your doggy today!



1. Mix all-purpose flour and whole wheat flour in a medium-sized bowl. In a large bowl, mix molasses, natural peanut butter, and canola oil. Add the flour mixture to the wet ingredients and mix until smooth slowly adding in water as needed.
2. Scoop into small balls and place on a baking sheet sprayed with cooking spray. Flatten each ball with the back side of the fork in both directions, creating a crisscross score design.
3. Bake at 350 for approximately 30 minutes. Cool before giving the treat to your dog. Store these treats in a sealed container for up to a week.


Dogs need daily stimulation and activity, but sometimes the winter weather makes it challenging. Here are activities you can do with your dog on cold days.

🐶 Hide and Seek: Hide and call their name until they find you! When they discover your hiding spot, give them a lot of praise and maybe even a small treat. This activity stimulates their brain and builds a stronger bond between you and your pup.

🐶 Have a Playdate: Invite your dog’s buddy BFF (Best Furry Friend) over for a playdate. This will keep them entertained for hours!

🐶 Obstacle Course: Get creative with pillows, chairs, blankets, balls, and hula hoops, and whatever else you can think of to create an indoor obstacle course. Reward your dog with lots of praise (or a small treat) when they’ve made their best effort to get through the course.

What are your favorite activities to do with your dog on cold day?


Every year is another year with Daisy! I hope 2024 brings in more quality time with your pet and many new memories! 🐾


Christmas break is finally here, and I am ready to spend it snuggled up with Daisy. 🐶🎄


Happy Paw-li-days! Our pets are part of the family and deserve to be included in all the festive fun this season. Here are some great ways to incorporate your four-legged friend into your holiday fun:

🎄Take them with you to go caroling with friends and family in your neighborhood. You both get some exercise, and your pet gets to spend quality time with you and your family.

🎄Plan a holiday movie night with your pup! Dogs crave and need human affection, and what better way to do that than snuggling on the couch while watching a cozy Christmas movie?

🎄Host an ugly sweater party with you and your fellow dog mommas! Imagine the fantastic photo opportunities if you include your pet in this year's Ugly Sweater Party.

🎄Prepare a Christmas feast that your pup can enjoy! Instead of giving them their usual kibble, prepare dog-friendly foods like a roast, sweet potatoes, and carrots!

🎄Take them to get their photo with Santa! Check if your local pet store offers Santa photos; many do!

The creative possibilities are endless. What are some things you like to do with your dog during the holidays?


These apple cinnamon muffins are a perfect side dish for a holiday brunch! They are also perfectly safe for your dogs to eat as well. 🐶
Here's the post for the recipe:


This month is filled with gatherings, to-do lists, traveling, and more that can cause stress in our lives. Our dogs are one of the best stress relievers; take some time today to play with your pet and take them on a walk! 🎄🐶


The answer to that for many of us would be "no". While some breeds can tolerate cold weather better, many domesticated dogs are not as adept at handling cold weather anymore because they have acclimated to the warmth and comfort of a home.

Here are some healthy tips for keeping doggies safe (and warm) in the winter.

❄️ Limit time outside and engage in some interactive dog toys or games to expend energy.
❄️ Before walks - put paw wax or doggie shoes on for protection from sidewalk salt and chemicals (wipe off wax or balm when back inside).
❄️ After walks - remove ice, salt, or mud from you dog’s paws and coat.
❄️ Check for signs of frostbite - the skin can appear white or blue - especially susceptible areas are the ears and tail tips.
❄️ Avoid leaving your dog in the car, even for brief periods of time, when the weather is 50 F or below.
❄️ Make sure your dog’s bed isn’t in a drafty area. (There are heated dog beds available out there!)
❄️ Senior dogs have a harder time regulating temperature so pay close attention to them and keep them indoors as much as possible.


Halloween is fun for humans, but with costumes, decorations, and candy, there is a heightened danger for our doggies. Follow these tips to keep your favorite family pet safe so everyone can have a Happy Howl-oween!

🚫 No candy - chocolate contains a toxic compound called theobromine that can adversely affect dogs.
🧸 During the trick-or-treat time make sure your dog is secure and safe as the rush of strangers may make them feel scared or anxious or act out aggressively.
🎃 Keep pumpkins and corn out of reach so they will not be tempted to "try" them. Swallowing either can lead to choking or GI problems.
🔌 Make sure wires, electrical light cords, and decorations are out of your dog's reach.
📿 Your dog should have their collar on with an ID tag in case s/he gets caught up in the chaos and wanders out the door.


Anatomy of my dog Daisy 😍


It's pumpkin season! Besides being a natural stomach soother, pumpkin contains essential micronutrients and fiber, making it a very nutritious treat.

Here are the cooking instructions for this simple and delicious treat.

1. Preheat oven to 350 F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Set aside.
2. Mix dough. Add oats to a food processor. Process oats on high speed for approximately 2 minutes, until they resemble coarse flour. Add pumpkin puree and eggs* to the processor, and pulse until the mixture forms a stiff dough.
3. Shape the treats. Roll out the dough on a floured surface and use a cookie cutter to cut out the treats. Place on baking sheet. If you don’t want to roll the dough, use a small cookie scoop to form balls. Press each ball down with a fork, creating cross-hatch marks.
4. Bake the treats for 20-30 minutes or until the treats have stiffened up in texture. Cool completely before storing or giving to your dog.
5. Store treats in the fridge for up to 5 days in an airtight container or freeze in a zip-lock bag for up to a month.

* If your dog is allergic to eggs, substitute with a 1/2 mashed medium banana or 1/4 cup applesauce.

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Our Story

Marilyn Monroe may have believed that “diamonds are a girl’s best friend,” but I beg to differ. A girl’s real best friend is her furry companion, as all you Doggy Mommas know. My own best friend, Gatsby, inspired me to create the lifestyle brand Rockstar Doggy Momma (RDM), which is a healthy lifestyle community for women and their dogs. Join us as we share simple lifestyle tips for both you and your pup. Our focus is on YOU having the freedom to live—and rock!—your life. And with your best buddy by your side, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a lot less work and A LOT more FUN!!

RDM is founded on 5 important principles that I call CLEAN: (1) to give women a community of like-minded individuals who support and are accountable to each other; (2) to heal loneliness (many women feel alone in relationships, families, work, and so on); (3) to provide an efficient plan to live your life; (4) to manage anxiety and stress; and (5) because it’s a necessity (there is nothing of its kind out there).

As a high school English teacher in Chicago’s Public Schools, I was most impacted by how precarious it was to be a teenage girl struggling to find her own COMMUNITY of real friends. It painfully reminded me of my younger years and always feeling like I never fit in. And even in adulthood it has been a struggle, as I never quite conformed to the traditional societal stereotypes. But as time marched on and I became confident in my own skin, I knew I needed to find my own tribe of like-minded ladies. RDM is all about connecting amazing women who respect, love, and support one another—judgment free. It’s embracing your independence no matter your marital status, sexual orientation, career, or familial choices. RDM is about staying true to who you are separate from all the hats you might wear in a day! And all of us Mommas can agree that the place we feel the most free is hanging with our pups.

Have you ever felt totally alone in a group of people or in a relationship—or have you just had days where you felt like no one in your life understood you? Well, guess what? If you stop and think about it, there’s one family member who always understands you—your doggy! No matter what is going on in your life, he or she provides you with unconditional love, hugs, smiles, and companionship. Through RDM you’ll never be LONELY again, because you’ll learn lots of fun ways to connect with your pup through cooking, exercise, and community. And, of course, we’ll get you into those skinny jeans, too. Think about it: Doesn’t taking your dog for a walk and cooking a meal with lots of laughs sound better than feeling sorry for yourself and crying into a pint of Rocky Road?! I thought so.

We are all busy ladies with huge rockstar lives, who want to have it all. But how in the world can you get everything checked off your To Do List and still look great? How can you have time to be a rockstar and look like a rockstar? Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s possible. I have mastered balancing my work as an attorney and nutritional counselor, while still making my mental and physical health a priority, not to mention spending time with my loved ones and of course Gatsby! I will share all of my secrets with you. After all, RDM is all about EFFICIENCY and convenience in life planning. It’s about fitting in everything in a no fuss way, whether it’s healthy eating, exercise, work, friends, or family. What a load off your shoulders!

On another note, conquering your life planning will leave you ANXIETY and stress-free. As my Momma always says, “life is too short to sweat the small stuff,” and it gives us premature wrinkles! Not to mention spending quality time with your pooch can help you focus on the here and now and not worry so much about all of life’s stresses that are beyond your control. After all, dogs live in the moment and do not worry about what happened yesterday or what might take place tomorrow. They are mindful and appreciate the joy of the present. We have a lot to learn from our furry friends. . . .

Finally, and most important, RDM provides us Mommas and our dogs a NECESSITY by meeting all of our needs—something that has long been missing from the lifestyle arena. A need for a supportive community, a need for an efficient plan to take care of us Mommas and our pups, not to mention a need for stress-free living that is focused on enhancing YOUR life. As nurturing Mommas we always try to be everything to everyone, but in order to do that the person you need to take care of first is YOU.

Learn how to live CLEAN and join Rockstar Doggy Momma, a growing community, forgoing loneliness, being efficient and anxiety-free, all of which is a necessity.

Videos (show all)

ECW Challenge #8: Try 1 New Healthy Recipe
Strawberry Chicken Arugula Salad Recipe
Doggy Good Meatloaf: Recipe for Dogs
Trick to Help You Eat More Vegetables


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