Studio U

Studio U

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Give yourself the best 40-minutes of your day. Studio U changes the fitness paradigm. You're busy. You probably put other people's needs before your own.

Welcome to the only individualized total wellness program that gets you the results you want and the fun you need. That combination can lead to a lack of confidence that results in bad habits and even low self-esteem. At Studio U, it's our mission to help you develop your confidence. We strive to help you realize your potential through habit-based lifestyle changes. Surrounding yourself with like-


Shout out to our evening U crew that brought amazing energy as they devoured this beast of a workout. They came, did hard things, and left feeling empowered. 🐘🍴


🤔 Commonly Asked Question: What’s the best exercise for fat loss?

The answer: The best workouts for fat loss are the same as the best exercises for HEALTH and general fitness.

When I work with clients, we focus on Slow, weighted workouts with at least 24 hours between working the same muscle groups. Then, we add more weight to the mix every 2-3 weeks.

This works because Building muscle actually raises your metabolic rate even at rest, unlike cardio which JUST burns calories while you’re in motion.

Have more questions about this? Start a trial and meet with a coach to discuss your goals!



THIS is how you achieve ANYTHING that’s important to you! 👇

If you keep setting health and fitness goals that fizzle out before you see results, this framework will be nothing short of life-changing (seriously!).

Here’s what you do…

1️⃣ Make three columns on a piece of paper.

2️⃣ Label the first column “I’m the kind of person who…”, the second column “And it’s important to me”, and the third, “So I’d feel good about accomplishing.”

3️⃣ And then fill it out.

🔥 All you have to do now is take action!

From there, it’s a matter of continuing to take action, celebrating your small wins, and reminding yourself WHY you set your goal!

Was this helpful?

If you’re a busy adult who wants to drop pounds and, add build your strength, save this and follow me for more! 🎯🚀


🔥What you put in is what you get out…

And at some point, you can’t keep pouring from an empty cup.

If you are:

✖️Constantly on edge
✖️Putting off your hobbies
✖️Struggling to find motivation
✖️Feeling disconnected from your passions
✖️Sacrificing your well-being for others

Then it might be time to fill up your cup with things like:

🧘 Meditating
🏋️‍♀️ Work out
📖 Reading
🤸‍♀️ Stretching
🧖‍♀️ Do a face mask
✏️ Writing a gratitude list

Or even sitting outside to get some fresh air and nature!

Even if you only have 10 minutes per day for self-care, I guarantee you’ll come back to your to-do list feeling more focused and more productive.

(All that “busyness” will still be there waiting for you when you’re done, I promise. 😉)

Need help creating more space for yourself? Save this list!


👔 Happy Father's Day from your friends at Studio U!

Here's to all the incredible dads who provide inspiration, guidance, and support. Cheers to you — enjoy your day! 💙🎉


Slow cookers are AWESOME… until you have to fight to clean off stubborn spots that seem to get baked in! 🤦

Here are a couple of ways to safely deep clean your slow cooker using simple “green” cleansers:

🧽 Simple stains: Make a paste with baking soda mixed with dish soap. Let sit for a couple of minutes to an hour, depending on how stubborn the spot is, and then scrub.

🧽 If you have seriously baked-on stains:
Fill your slow cooker with water until just above the food line. Then:

👉 Add ½ cup (120 ml) distilled white vinegar for a 3-quart slow cooker, or 1 cup (240 ml) for a 6-quart slow cooker.
👉 Slowly pour in ½ cup (110 g) of baking soda for a 3-quart slow cooker, or 1 cup (120 g) for a 6-quart slow cooker. It will bubble! Once it settles down, add a little extra baking soda.
👉 Cover and set your slow cooker to LOW for 1 hour.
👉 When the hour is up, turn off and unplug the slow cooker and remove the lid. Once the water cools, use a soft sponge to scrub away the stains.
👉 Once your slow cooker is fully cooled, wash it in the sink. Let dry.

🤔 Have any easy tips to share? Tell us in the comments!


🥥 🍗 Want a 15-minute healthy meal that tastes like it’s from a restaurant?


Slow Cooker Coconut Lime Chicken
(Serves 6)

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (about 2 lbs/900 grams)
14 oz (400 ml) can light coconut milk
Juice and zest of 2 limes
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 Tbsp coconut aminos or tamari
1 Tbsp honey
½ tsp ground ginger
¼ tsp red pepper flakes (optional, for heat)
Salt and pepper, to taste
Fresh cilantro, chopped (for garnish)
Lime slices (for garnish)

Place the chicken breasts in the slow cooker. Season with salt and pepper.

In a bowl, whisk together the coconut milk, lime juice and zest, minced garlic, aminos or tamari, honey, ground ginger, and red pepper flakes (if using).

Pour the coconut lime mixture over the chicken in the slow cooker.

Cover and cook on low for 5 to 6 hours or on high for about 3 hours, until the chicken is cooked through and tender.

Once the chicken is tender, remove it from the slow cooker and shred it using two forks. Return the meat to the pot to soak up more sauce. Taste and adjust seasoning, if needed.

Garnish with chopped cilantro and lime slices. Serve with rice, quinoa, or steamed vegetables.

📷 If you make this recipe, be sure to grab a photo and tag us with it!


🤸‍♂️ How often do you feel 100% or at your best? 🚀

A lot of us settle for feeling just “OK”... and before we know it, we forget we’re designed for SO much more: energy, vitality, and strength.

It’s like we’re driving with the brakes on. We forget what we’re capable of!

The first step in releasing that brake: deciding NOW to prioritize your health every day. ⭐

Not sure what 100% would look like or feel like yet?

Then let’s talk.

We’ve helped hundreds to reach their fitness goals in as few as 4 weeks — which means there’s a good chance YOU can, too.

Start a trial and let’s get started!


I couldn’t be more proud of Nicole, who just finished their first WORKOUT with us! 🙌

…and they are just getting started. Lots more greatness to come!

Welcome to the U Crew!


❌ Want to stop quitting on your goals?

✅ Then start aligning them with your values.

Think about it: when something is important to you, you do it, right?

So, it’s not about “having more willpower,” it’s about defining your core values and using them as the “filter” you run your goals through.

Here’s how to figure out what matters MOST to you right now 👇

✔️ Step 1: Write down some values that matter to you. Ideas: health, family, happiness, security, freedom, money, or fun.

✔️ Step 2: Choose 2-3 of the top values on your list (they’re the ones that get you the most fired up!).

✔️ Step 3: Using your own words, using specific examples, write down what your top values mean to you in your everyday life.

For example, if you chose “health” as a top core value, you might write about how being healthy means you have the energy to pursue the business you want to create, or being more present with your kids. Make it real.

✔️ Step 4: Read your values list every morning! Post them where you can see them, when you’re faced with a decision, make the choice that aligns with your values.

🧘 Now, run your biggest goals through these values. Do they align? If not, how CAN they be more aligned?

This is how you create goals that are important enough for you to keep…

So save this exercise and keep coming back to it whenever you need a tune-up!


🍏 Happiness isn’t something we “find” — it’s something we CREATE.

Drinking water instead of soda? Going for a quick walk instead of scrolling on your phone for hours?

They may not seem like much…

But eventually, all those small choices add up to a happier, healthier life.

So, what’s a small habit you can change today that could move you a little closer to happiness?

Some ideas:

👉 Start your day with water before your coffee
👉 End your day by writing a short gratitude list
👉 Stretch every 2-3 hours if you work at a desk

You might be surprised at how much better you feel in just a few days!

Tell me ONE small habit you’re committing to this week in the comments!



💡 If you don’t already do this… make INTENTIONAL time to relax at night!

I know that may sound like a big ask — especially if you have “fun” stuff like household chores on your to-do list.

Here’s something to think about: This downtime allows your brain to recharge, improving problem-solving and creative thinking skills.

Plus it can help you unwind from a busy day.

AND it also will help you relax and refresh so you can hit it hard tomorrow!

Need some healthy ways to unwind — or some more info? Book a meeting with a coach to Learn More.



💤 Is your bedroom sleep-friendly? 💤

You might love falling asleep to your favorite TV show…

Or, maybe you have a habit of scrolling through your phone before bed...

But having a dark, cool, quiet environment can play a big role in how well you sleep.

Here’s what to keep in mind:

🛌 Temperature: Aim for 60ºF to 71.6ºF (15.6ºC to 22ºC)
🛌 Noise: For most people, quieter is better — or use a white noise machine
🛌 Light: Keep your bedroom dimly lit at night to fall asleep faster
🛌 Bedding: Get a great mattress and wash your sheets regularly
🛌 Keep it Clean: Only 26% of people with messy bedrooms get a good night of sleep

So, does your bedroom pass the test? 😉

If not (or if it depends on the day!), set aside a few minutes every morning or night to keep your sleep space tidy!

Save this and follow me for more health and wellness tips!



Have you ever hit a roadblock with a problem, taken a break, and then the answer just "magically" popped into your head?

There’s a scientific reason for that.

When you RELAX, you activate an important part of your brain called your “default mode network.”

It controls your memories, sense of self, creativity, and other more abstract functions…

So when you take some downtime and let your brain wander, it’s like pressing the “refresh” button!

That means the next time you’re feeling stuck, give yourself permission to take a break and let your mind wander. You might just find the solution you've been searching for!

Looking for more balance in your fitness and health journey? We've helped more than hundreds of goal getters because we blend mindset with fitness. If you want more of THAT, let’s talk. Book a meeting to Learn More


☕ Bedtime Golden Milk Recipe ☕

Here’s a recipe for a healthy, soothing, anti-inflammatory bedtime drink that can help you relax and sleep better!

😋It’s called golden milk, and we have a simple, delicious version that’s easy to whip up at home.

Bedtime Golden Milk
(serves 1)

✅ 1 cup (about 240ml) of milk (your choice: almond, dairy, oat, etc.)
✅ ½ tsp ground turmeric
✅ ¼ tsp ground ginger
✅ A pinch of black pepper (to enhance turmeric absorption)
✅ ½ Tbsp honey or maple syrup (adjust to taste)
✅ Pinch of ground cinnamon

Combine the milk, turmeric, ginger, and black pepper in a small saucepan. Heat the mixture over medium heat until it starts to simmer. Reduce the heat and continue to simmer for about 5 minutes to allow the flavors to meld.

Remove from heat. Stir in the honey or maple syrup to sweeten, and carefully pour into a cup. Sprinkle a pinch of ground cinnamon on top for garnish.

Nutrition Info (based on almond milk): Calories, 62; Fat, 2 g; Carbohydrates, 10 g; Protein, 1 g

🤳 If you make this, make sure you take a pic and tag me with it!

Photos from Studio U's post 05/22/2024

The U Crew came together and gathered up a nice haul of supplies for NC Support our Troops. These supplies will be separated and then individually packed to provide a care pkg per service member. Not only is this a great little reminder of home for many, but it's many times the only treats or supplies they will get for months on end. Thanks so much to those who donated, and thanks to NC Support our Troops for facilitating this amazing service.

As you can see the Girls Scouts cookie fairy visited them just before me. 🤣


😋 3 Nighttime Snack Swaps! 😋

This might surprise you, but nighttime snacking isn't a dealbreaker.

If you're eating enough during the day and you're STILL craving sweet, salty, fatty snacks at night, here are a few alternatives:

Pizza 👉 Half of a turkey sandwich on sprouted grain bread
The turkey is a better choice because it has less fat and calories, PLUS it contains tryptophan, an amino acid that helps you feel tired.

Ice cream 👉 Greek yogurt
Swap out ice cream’s calories, fat, and sugar for Greek yogurt’s high protein. Tip: top it with berries to add potassium and melatonin, both of which can help you sleep.

Sugary cereal 👉 Oatmeal
Upgrade the empty carbs and low fiber of breakfast cereal with oatmeal, which is warm, soothing, and loaded with fiber — not to mention sleep-boosting melatonin.

Want more helpful content like this? Make sure you save this post and follow us for more.


You deserve to have a great day tomorrow… right?

Make sure you set yourself up to feel at the TOP of your game — by getting your Zzzzs tonight!

💪 When you sleep better, it helps you FEEL and FUNCTION better: your mood, your focus, your energy, and so much more!

Book a meeting with a coach to Learn More


🤔Commonly Asked Question: Does it really matter if I skimp on sleep?

Hate to break it to you, but it may take only ONE BAD NIGHT OF SLEEP for your body to start storing fat and breaking down muscle!

Swedish researchers found that after a sleepless night, the muscles of people participating in their study showed signs of protein breakdown.

😲 AND their fat tissue showed higher levels of compounds that help boost fat storage!

Not only that, after the sleepless night… genes in their fat tissue linked with obesity and type 2 diabetes changed.

So, what does that mean on a practical level? Here are some tips:

😴 Make time for sleep — set aside 7-8 hours for sleep every night
😴 Set yourself up for a great night of sleep with your daily habits and routines
😴 Eat a healthy diet with plenty of protein to help your body build & maintain muscle
😴 Aim for 2+ strength-training workouts in your fitness routine weekly

Save this and follow me for more health and wellness tips!



🌙💤 Sleep is the “glue” that holds your healthy lifestyle together.

It helps your brain and body recover, restore, and recharge — so you have the energy to conquer your goals!

Give it a prime spot on your list of priorities, right up there with your workouts, nutrition, and mindset! 💡


🔥 Rise and shine, it's time at Studio U! Today's mantra: Self-Empowerment! 💥 Take charge of your day, sprinkle some positivity, and watch yourself conquer mountains! 🏔️

Self-empowerment means recognizing & harnessing your inner strength and taking control of your life's direction. 🗺️ It is about taking proactive steps to create positive changes and overcome obstacles, which cultivates confidence, resilience, and self-belief! 💫

So how do you grow self-empowerment? 🌱Start with small steps. Set achievable goals, celebrate your successes, and don't be afraid to challenge yourself. 😅Surround yourself with positive vibes and supportive people who lift you higher. 👏👏

Remember, self-empowerment is not a destination, it's a journey. Keep growing because you are truly Unstoppable! 💪✨

Let's make this week amazing, U Crew! 🚀


Happy Star Wars Day, fitness rebels! 🌌From Padawans to Jedi Masters, our goal getters channeled their inner strength. Wielding their lightsabers, they mastered every rep and conquered a workout that would impress even Yoda himself! 💥💪

As they battled through all 5 rounds of training, they proved that the Force is strong with our Studio U Crew! 💫


Hello Goal Getters! Daniel here from Studio U.

As many of you may have heard, on May 24th we are hosting the Murph. The Murph is a test of physical and mental endurance that honors the sacrifice and service of fallen Navy Seal Lt. Michael Murphy. Each year, Studio U, along with many other gyms across the country donate to the Scholarship Foundation in his name for the honor to host the event. Since 2014 the foundation has raised over $2M!! It is our sincere hope that you’ll join us for the Murph on May 24th. It will make for an awesome way to kick off your Memorial Day weekend.

In concert with this challenge, Studio U is also running a donation drive in conjunction with the NC Support Our Troops organization. Our goal is simple, gather up as much goodies as we can to ship out to our deployed men and women in an effort to bring them a little joy while they are away from home.
Starting May 13th through the 15th, we will be accepting donations to our studio. We ask that you neatly bag or box the items up for easy transport. The boxes/bags will be opened and sorted before shipping. So no need to seal them up. Please only donate new and unused items. And please, only bring your items in between the 13th and the 15th so we can avoid cluttering the studio.

There is a laundry list of items that are in need. Here’s just a few:
📷individual packs of nuts
📷trail mix
📷granola bars
📷drink mixes to add to bottled water
📷Ramen noodles
📷Microwave popcorn
📷Peanut butter
📷Fruit snacks
📷Non-chocolate candies
📷Snack packs of crackers
📷Travel size toiletries of all types
📷body wash
📷travel toothbrushes
📷dental flossers
📷individually wrapped personal care wipes
📷And small travel packs of wipes they can carry in their pocket
📷Sunscreen in small tubes to carry in their pockets
📷Lip balm
📷Magazines (sports, cars, wildlife)
As well, NC Support Our Troops has an Amazon wish list if you wanted to have a look at that as well:

Again, we hope to see you for the Murph, and to shock and awe the NC Support Our Troops gals with our massive haul for the troops. Thanks and have a fantastic month of May.


Draft Day is here for our 4 Week Transformation Challenge!!

Sierra is ready to build some major strength💪, unleash her power🚀, dial in her nutrition (while still enjoying her favorite foods)🥧, and have a blast at our epically fun team events 🎠🎳🎲👯‍♀️!

It's not too late to join the excitement. Get a personalized workout and nutrition plan to hit your goals, and a dedicated team to motivate you every step of the way!. 🎯

Starts 4/26, so register today!! 🏋️‍♀️


🗣️⭐ Weekly Challenge Time⭐ 🗣️

Who is the most positive person you know?

This month we've been focusing on renewal. These week we're going to be focusing on refreshing words– but more specifically ... the words we use.

😁 Welcome to your “Positive Words” Challenge.

Have you heard the saying, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything?”

💡 There’s some surprising and interesting research on how the words we use affect us, right down to our genes.

💚 Positive words – like kindness and love – strengthen areas in your brain’s frontal lobes, promoting cognitive functioning.

🚫 But negative words can disrupt the genes that protect you from stress. A single negative word can boost the activity in the amygdala (some refer to it as the fear center) – potentially affecting your ability to reason.

🤸🏾‍♀️ Research shows that the longer you concentrate on positive words, the more it affects your brain – giving you a positive view of yourself, which can spill into your view of others.

And it works the exact opposite with negative words – potentially leading you to a more negative view.

😔 A separate study (done at Penn State) found that 50% of all the words that people use from their every day “working” vocabulary to express emotions are negative.

The rest? Only 30% are positive and 20% neutral.

So when you’re:

✅ Having conversations with others or
✅ Thinking by yourself (and having a conversation in your head)

This week be extra mindful and focus on how renew the way you think and feel just by framing your thoughts and conversations with a more positive perspective.


🥪 Check in Time 🍏

These week your challenge has been to prep your own lunch.

Restaurant and pre-made foods can be convenient, but unless you're being strategic they can also have

❌more calories,
❌more saturated fat,
❌and more sugar & salt

than homemade food.

👉 As we've been chatting about in studio, making your own lunches gives you SO much more control over what you eat.

Not to mention you’ll probably save yourself some money!

✅As we pass midweek, how are you doing? Have you been able to make your own meals this week? Let us know in the comments what is working for you! ⬇️⬇️⬇️


Starting before you’re ready isn’t easy, but if you want to change, it’s required.

We get it, life can get hectic, which is why we're here to help you find a way, not another excuse. 🐛🦋

You don't have to do it on your own, because we''re not just another gym. 🏋️

Our U Crew members come from all walks of life, who come together not only to achieve incredible results, but to provide positive, judgment free support!! 👏👏

You’re not just another number. You will never walk alone as our coaches help you navigate your fit & healthy journey with a custom plan. 😅🍏🚀

All it takes is one decision -- join the U Crew and stop starting over! 💪



💥Weekly Challenge 💥

Ready for some fun? Let's dive into our Balance Challenge!

Here's the deal:

Every day this week, we're gonna tackle one balance exercise. ⚡


- Balance is like the secret sauce of fitness, you know? It's all about coordination, strength, stability, and being bendy like a pretzel. 🥨
- Think about it: balancing helps with everything from dodging obstacles to strutting up the stairs with style.

And guess what? As we get older, our balance gets a bit wobbly. But fear not! That's why we're diving into this challenge headfirst!

Stay tuned, 'cause each day this week, we'll drop a new move for us to conquer together Balance Buddy!! Let's do this! 💪🤸‍♀️


🌟 Can you believe it's been 5 years already?! 🌟 Today, we're giving a huge 2 Claps for our amazing U Crew goal getter, Cindy! 👏👏 She's been rocking it with us for half a decade! 🏋️‍♀️ Talk about dedication!

Cindy's all about that consistency, proving that sticking with it pays off big time! 💥💪 She's like a superhero, showing us all what strength and discipline look like. 🦸‍♀️✨

Know what she says? "This is the best part of my day!" 💬🤩

💚 We're seriously lucky to have her as part of the U crew, inspiring us with her awesomeness every single day! 🚀

Cheers to five years of crushing it, Cindy! Here's to many more adventures together! 🎉⚡🏃‍♀️



🎉🍰 Linda and Lucy sure know how to celebrate their birthdays the Forever U way - with a cupcake after crushing their workout! 🏋️‍♀️🎂

Who says you can't have your cake and eat it too? 😄 Join us for some laughter, sweat, and of course, sweet friendship!

Celebrated more than 55 birthdays? 🎈5️⃣5️⃣🎈Come try a Forever U session for FREE and discover the joy of staying active while having a blast. 💪

Forever U workouts are specifically geared for active agers to keep you thriving and enjoying the activities you love, so you can live your best life! 💚⛳🎍🧳🏖️

Silver Sneakers and Active Renew Eligible!! 👟

Want your business to be the top-listed Gym/sports Facility in Clayton?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

#FitBodyFamily First

Fit Body Boot Camp Clayton is family owned and operated right here in Clayton, and we offer our members affordable, convenient, 30-minute fat loss boot camps that challenge the body and deliver results every time.

Our specialized Afterburn workouts use a combination of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Active Rest Training to get your body to burn up to twice the fat and calories that traditional workouts burn in only half the time. They also keep your metabolism working at a higher rate for up to 32 hours after each workout.

Every group training session is led by an experienced and certified personal trainer and is designed to be fun, high energy, and challenging so that you burn the maximum fat and tone your muscles.

We also modify our workout programs to fit your individual fitness goals and fitness level. Whether you're new to working out or you're an experienced fitness buff, our professional trainers and coaches will help modify every workout so that you'll achieve your goals!

Videos (show all)

Starting before you’re ready isn’t easy, but if you want to change, it’s required.We get it, life can get hectic, which ...
🥝✨ Dive into the vibrant world of Kiwis with Studio U's Food of the Week! 🌱 This week, we're going green with fruits and...
We all have that little voice in our head that whispers “I can’t."  🗣️ We're here to remind you, that YES, YOU CAN. You ...
Hey there U Crew! 🙌🎉 It's time to celebrate a massive WIN for our amazing U Crew member Maria! ⭐ 👏 We all know the scale...
Cheers to our U Crew all-star, Caroline 🌟🎉 Down a whopping 16lbs, and 9% body fat in just 6 months! 💥 Feeling like she w...
🚨⏲️FINAL CALL TO WORK WITH A PERSONAL COACH FOR $3.50 A DAY⏲️🚨⌛Today is the deadline to claim the early bird savings dis...
LADIES 6-WEEK CHALLENGE 💃👠💪The Little Black Dress Project is officially open for registration and it’s going to be a can...
🎉 IT’S COMING!! 🥂  The biggest challenge of the year is opening for registration Monday, Sept 4th!!Check your email, on ...
Your Words
We ran a promotion last week to gather up some supplies for deployed soldiers. Our U Crew came correct and crushed the g...
Skip the guesswork and get REAL results in just 6 weeks! Our Certified Personal Coaches will build a workout & nutrition...
This personal training client was full of joy after her check-in scan this morning. 🎊 Next time you see her, give her a ...




8928 US 70 Bus Highway W Ste 200
Clayton, NC

Opening Hours

Monday 5am - 8pm
Tuesday 5:15am - 8pm
Wednesday 5:15am - 8pm
Thursday 5:15am - 8pm
Friday 5am - 8pm
Saturday 8am - 11am

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