Genesis BioHealth

Genesis BioHealth sells holistic health products. These include vitamin and mineral supplements, Org


‼️ Magnesium and Vitamin K2-MK4 can be a helpful allies in managing stress, including the kind that comes with heading back to school. Head on over to our site and check out our Regenesis line and premium supplements. Use promo code, BACKTOSCHOOL for 10% off of your order today!


Making your own electrolyte drink is a healthier, more cost effective way of keeping up with summer hydration when water just isn't cutting it. It is also a great way to flavor your water for those who just don't crave plain water.

Many sports drinks have artificial colors, flavors, and are heavy on sweeteners. By making it at home, you'll know your ingredients, can customize to your preferences, and save money.

Basic recipe:
2 cups water (or coconut water, cooled tea, etc.)
1/8 tsp pink Himalayan se salt
Juice from 1/4 - 1/2 lemon
1-3 tsp local raw honey
1 capsule Genesis BioHealth Magnesium emptied (optional)
Ice cubes (optional)

Run for a few seconds in a blender. Alternatively, use slightly warm liquid and shake vigorously to dissolve before adding ice. Serve cold.

- Experiment with other flavors and add-ins like stevia, lemon/lime, orange, pineapple & coconut water, a splash of apple cider vinegar, and herbs like mint.
- This may taste saltier if left overnight, but keeps up to a week. Make sure to shake any leftovers vigorously, or add more water.
- Easily doubles or triples for a party.
- Freeze this mixture into ice cubes, then simply add water.


Going back to school can definitely be a stressful time, and finding ways to manage that stress and maintain energy levels is important. Magnesium and vitamin K2 are crucial in a lot of biological functions in the body. Consider adding them to your daily regimen for increased energy and overall wellness. Use promo code BACKTOSCHOOL for 10% off of your cart.



Please visit our website to browse and purchase products


We are so sorry that we will not be able to make the Tomball Farmer’s Market this Saturday. Please visits our website to learn and shop!

Photos from Tomball Farmers Market's post 09/23/2023

This Saturday, August 19th, will be our last day at the Tomball Farmers Market until after labor day. We will not be there on the last weekend of August and the first weekend of September.

Please stop by this weekend to stock up or order on our website. See you again later in September!

Tomball Farmers Market


We've been working on something big! We can't wait to show you our fresh, new look with the same formulations you know and trust.

Coming soon!

Tomball Farmers Market


Exciting news!
A new website is coming! 😀
But a few speed bumps have popped up. 😞

Thanks for all your support and feedback. We've been thoughtfully working on an updated website that is easier to navigate, order, and find helpful information. We can't wait to share it with you!

However, we've run into some issues, and apologize for any inconvenience. To shop, please go directly to: (link in bio).

The top navigational tabs are down, but you can find many working links within the homepage itself or by searching specific tops in your browser. 😬

If you run into any issues ordering, please don't hesitate to reach out directly at [email protected]. Or for those local, we'd love to see you at the Tomball Farmers Market!

Thanks for your patience and understanding!


We had the privilege of meeting some of the Woodlands Crunchy Housewives on their bus tour a couple of weeks ago. Thanks for stopping by!

We started our business to help others improve their health. Our approach has been grassroots, including educating our customers. Along the way, it has been such a blessing to get to know many of you at the Tomball Farmers Market and to hear about your lives and your stories of health improvements. Thank you for sharing this blessing with us!

Dr. Collin Cross & Diana Cross


We couldn't agree more!

Thanks for your kind review, Diane. As one of our first clients, we also appreciate your long-term and continued support. We are happy that our products continue to help support your health strategy. Best regards, Dr. Cross

Your feedback and reviews are priceless for a small business like yours. We truly appreciate you.


Eggs have a multitude of easily absorbed nutrients with many benefits. Pastured eggs are superior in taste and nutrition to conventionally-raised, commercially available varieties. Here’s a great summary from the Weston Price organization:

A large whole fresh egg offers about seven grams of protein and five grams of fat. Egg yolks are loaded with fat-soluble antioxidant nutrients that are highly bioavailable. One egg also serves up around 200 milligrams of brain-loving cholesterol and contains the valuable vitamins A, K, E, D, and B-complex plus minerals iron, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium. Choline, another egg nutrient, is a fatty substance found in every living cell and is a major component of our brain. Additionally, choline helps break up cholesterol deposits by preventing fat and cholesterol from sticking to the arteries.

When left to their own scavenger instincts, chickens eat bugs, worms (and even snakes if given the opportunity), grasses, and nutritious herbs. Compared to the generic supermarket variety, eggs from pastured poultry are a vivid yellow-orange—proof of a richer store of health-enhancing carotenes. The more carotenes, the darker, deeper orange color of the yolk—and the higher the levels of fat-soluble vitamins as well. Eggs produced by pasture-pecking chickens have more omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins E and A, along with higher amounts of folic acid and vitamin B12. Direct sunlight also acts as a nutrient.

Pasture-raised eggs are a great food source of nutrients which many people are deficient in our current culture. Pick some up at your local farmer's market (we offer eggs locally at the Tomball Farmer's Market) or look for them in the supermarket.

See the full article: &


Vitamin K2 (in the MK4 form) is a critical nutrient involved in cellular healing, repair, and maintenance processes throughout the entire body. It is at the core of the body's regulatory and restorative biochemistry.

Most people today have a deficiency in vitamin K2, magnesium, or one of the other nutrients that help activate K2.

Our Regenesis Protocol is a comprehensive, targeted solution to address these common deficiencies, making broad health improvements and "regenesis" possible. You can find vitamin K2-MK4 in any of our Regenesis Products.

Please like, comment, save, and share if you found this information helpful. Shop our premium quality vitamin K2-MK4 in our Regenesis line of products. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions: [email protected]


How does vitamin K2 help the body fight cancer?

Provided with what it needs, our body is well able to defend, repair, and maintain itself. As part of this process, it can detect, correct, and prevent genetic damage that sometimes results in cancer. Additionally, it can actively target and kill cancer cells that have already developed. When confronted with cancer or a virus, a set of sophisticated defenses target these threats.

There are too many biochemical response mechanisms protecting our bodies to name here but they all have some things in common. For example, they often target damage at a cellular and microscopic level. They are also largely dependent on and/or limited by the available supply of K2-MK4 and magnesium, with vitamins A and D.

In one of these studied mechanisms, cancer cells are shown to be instructed to commit su***de and die. In yet another mechanism, the K2 can cause cancer cells to undergo reverse differentiation back to normal stem cells. These mechanisms are how tumors can sometimes be observed to shrink and possibly go away.

As amazing as it seems, cells have to coordinate in tremendously massive and specific ways to protect and maintain the genetic template of the body across all its tissues and cell types. Making sure the body has ample stores of all the fat-soluble micronutrients, especially vitamin K2-MK4 and the mineral magnesium, can help ensure the most effective immune response possible. This includes the effective correction of ongoing mutation and genetic damage related to cancer as well as its active targeting and destruction.

Learn more & shop at:

Please like, comment, save, and share if you found this information helpful.

A few of the many available studies on vitamin K2 and cancer:

Tomball Farmers Market


Newer customers often ask “Why do I feel so much better on your magnesium?”

It starts with getting exactly what’s on the bottle, listed as elemental magnesium vs. total complex weight. We carefully select high-quality, tested raw materials. We use ZERO fillers that upset the GI tract and inhibit absorption.

In addition, our magnesium is expertly formulated with a balance of four fully reacted complexes. What does that mean? “Fully reacted complexes” mean better bioavailability with a minimal impact on the GI tract. Our blend provides broad secondary benefits beyond that of magnesium itself due to the multiple types of magnesium complex we compound in a balanced way, also making it easy for the body to more completely utilize.

Because magnesium is broadly involved in so many physiological pathways, the impact of this blend can be vast. Here are some studied benefits that are experienced by many users:

- Heart health: blood pressure, atherosclerosis
- Mood: anxiety, depression, stress
- Digestion, mineral absorption, activation of vitamin D
- Muscle cramps, spasms, Restless Leg Syndrome, tics, hyperexcitability, fidgeting
- Bone health, osteoporosis
- Blood sugar, diabetes
- Some cancers
- Hormones, PMS
- Migraines, headaches
- Inflammation, pain
- Exercise performance
- Autism, ADD
- Asthma
- Fibromyalgia
- Energy
- Cellular Repair
- Fighting germs

Shop our website ( or reach out to learn more. If you need assistance with questions or ordering, please don't hesitate to email us: [email protected]


We are pleased to announce Regenesis LS, a low-strength liquid vitamin K2-MK4 option. We formulated this product with our most sensitive customers based on feedback from our functional health practitioners.

This product is ideal for those who want ultimate flexibility in dosing or have trouble swallowing pills. It has a mild flavor that easily mixes into liquids with high-fat content, such as milk, or into food. Each drop delivers 0.1mg of vitamin K2-MK4 so it is easy to incrementally adjust and build precise dosages for sensitive individuals. It's also great for families taking a variety of dosages, from lower-dosage children to higher-dosage adults.

Learn more about our vitamin K2 products, their benefits, and how they are different. Shop online:



Looking for a high-quality magnesium supplement? Look no further. This is just one of four magnesium complexes in our powerful formula. Supplementing with magnesium is one of the best things a person can do to help improve and maintain their holistic health. However, it’s estimated that 60-85% of Americans are magnesium deficient.

Already taking magnesium? We dare you to compare. We are confident you will feel the difference. Our premium magnesium supplements are pure & expertly formulated with four balanced magnesium complexes for a broad, gentle impact. Follow us and stay tuned for the benefits of each.

Visit us online to order yours today:

As a small company, our website is a work in progress filled with great info. If you need assistance in the meantime or would like a guide to tuning into your magnesium needs with your order, please email us at [email protected].

If you found this information interesting or helpful, please like, save, and share. This helps a small business like ours greatly. Thanks!

Tomball Farmers Market


Looking for a high-quality magnesium supplement? Look no further. This is just one of four magnesium complexes in our powerful formula. Supplementing with magnesium is one of the best things a person can do to help improve and maintain their holistic health. However, it’s estimated that 60-85% of Americans are magnesium deficient.

Already taking magnesium? We dare you to compare. We are confident you will feel the difference. Our premium magnesium supplements are pure & expertly formulated with four balanced magnesium complexes for a broad, gentle impact. Follow us and stay tuned for the benefits of each.

Visit us online to order yours today (link in bio):

As a small company, our website is a work in progress filled with great info. If you need assistance in the meantime or would like a guide to tuning into your magnesium needs with your order, please email us at [email protected].

If you found this information interesting or helpful, please like, save, and share. This helps a small business like ours greatly. Thanks!

Tomball Farmers Market


Looking for a high-quality magnesium supplement? Look no further. This is just one of four magnesium complexes in our powerful formula. Supplementing with magnesium is one of the best things a person can do to help improve and maintain their holistic health. However, it’s estimated that 60-85% of Americans are magnesium deficient.

Already taking magnesium? We dare you to compare. We are confident you will feel the difference. Our premium magnesium supplements are pure & expertly formulated with four balanced magnesium complexes for a broad, gentle impact. Follow us and stay tuned for the benefits of each.

Visit us online to order yours today:

As a small company, our website is a work in progress filled with great info. If you need assistance in the meantime or would like a guide to tuning into your magnesium needs with your order, please email us at [email protected].

If you found this information interesting or helpful, please like, save, and share. This helps a small business like ours greatly. Thanks!

Tomball Farmers Market


Looking for a high-quality magnesium supplement? Look no further. This is just one of four magnesium complexes in our powerful formula. Supplementing with magnesium is one of the best things a person can do to help improve and maintain their holistic health. However, it’s estimated that 60-85% of Americans are magnesium deficient.

Already taking magnesium? We dare you to compare. We are confident you will feel the difference. Our premium magnesium supplements are pure & expertly formulated with four balanced magnesium complexes for a broad, gentle impact. Follow us and stay tuned for the benefits of each.

Visit us online to order yours today:

As a small company, our website is a work in progress filled with great info. If you need assistance in the meantime or would like a guide to tuning into your magnesium needs with your order, please email us at [email protected].

If you found this information interesting or helpful, please like, save, and share. This helps a small business like ours greatly. Thanks!

Tomball Farmers Market


Looking for a high-quality magnesium supplement? Look no further. Supplementing with magnesium is one of the best things a person can do to help improve and maintain their holistic health. However, it’s estimated that 60-85% of Americans are magnesium deficient. Visit us online to order yours today.

Already taking magnesium? We dare you to compare. We are confident you will feel the difference. Our premium magnesium supplements are pure & expertly formulated with four balanced magnesium complexes for a broad, gentle impact. Follow us and stay tuned for the benefits of each.

As a small company, our website is a work in progress filled with great info. If you need assistance in the meantime or would like a guide to tuning into your magnesium needs with your order, please email us at [email protected].

If you found this information interesting or helpful, please like, save, and share. This helps a small business like ours greatly. Thanks!

Tomball Farmers Market


So often we first meet people when they are exhausted. They've tried many things, but the things they have tried aren't enough to move the needle sufficiently to truly thrive. After building into our Regenesis Protocol, we often get to hear things like,

"I feel great."

"I have way more energy."

“I’m sleeping better”

"I'm getting so much done."

"My thinking has become more clear."

"I've noticed that I'm handling stress better."

"I can do things again that I thought I would never be able to do."

We've created a balanced blend of activators that provides the body with the right combination of minerals and fat soluble vitamins needed to fuel maximum production of critical metabolites. We provide tools to help individuals customize and adapt over time. When the body begins to have its repair systems re-activated to full strength and the corresponding cellular repair processes begin to fix the body effectively again, we call this process “Regenesis”.

In our Regenesis Protocol, vitamin K2 (MK4 form), magnesium and other micronutrients, work in symphony to fuel the production of the enzymes, and other metabolites that constitute the “repair crews” of specialized cells and enzymes that we need in greater demand as we age.

Are you struggling with fatigue and a cocktail of symptoms you chalk up to "aging" or part of "mom-life"? We were, too. There's hope, and it's how Genesis BioHealth was born. Learn more online.

Please visit our website, stop by the Tomball Farmers Market, or reach out to learn more or schedule a nutritional coaching. As a small company, you'll find a lot of great info on our website, but it is a work in progress. If you need assistance with questions or ordering in the meantime, please don't hesitate to email us. We'll also send additional resources with your order on how to get started and begin to tune in to your body.

Timeline photos 12/24/2022

From our family to yours, Happy Holidays!

Please note these changes to the Farmer's Market schedule:

- There will be no Farmer's Market this Saturday, December 24
- We will be back on Saturday, December 31, 9am - 1pm


The holiday season is filled with special memories and traditions with family, friends, food, and drinks. However, it can also be a time of physical and emotional stress. We can find ourselves eating differently, drinking more, having busy schedules, and facing difficult emotions.

Unique demands on our body through the holiday hustle and bustle can affect our magnesium needs, which vary daily. You may notice symptoms of magnesium deficiency such as fatigue, stress, anxiety, headaches, cramps, poor sleep, and others.

We hope this helps you tune into your body and adjust your intake for a happy and healthy holiday season!


We are so sorry that we will not be able to make the Tomball Farmer's Market this Saturday due to unforeseen events out of our control.

To make it easy for you to restock and stuff those stockings, we are offering FREE 2-DAY SHIPPING this weekend only for online orders of $50. Please use coupon code: FreeShip50

Limit one order per customer. Offer expires Sunday, December 18 at 11:59pm.

Tomball Farmers Market


All natural, luxurious skincare you'll love. All the results without the chemicals, perfect for even the most sensitive skin. Order today for everyone you want to spoil this holiday season!

Timeline photos 12/10/2022

There will be no Tomball Farmer's Market this Saturday due to German Festival. Please order online of visit us next week, Saturday, December 17.


☕ Nutrition in a Cup! ☕


Stock up and Stuff the Stockings!

Enjoy the soothing, warm aroma and outstanding taste of our teas while benefiting from the many time-tested medicinal qualities of the blended herbs. Give our exceptional teas a try!
Our Herbal and Traditional Teas are designed to act as natural supplements. In addition to a substantial dose of basic minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients, they also use nature's own unique medicines to help balance, support, and stabilize the metabolism.

We blend bulk herbs in their natural state, providing a wonderful balance of colors, flavors, textures, aromas, tastes, and actions. Each of the herbs we use is certified 100% USDA Organic and are sourced from the finest fair-trade growers in the world. Our formulas blend herbs taken from the 3 major systems of herbal medicine. Each unique formula complements the others, yet offers its own individual flavors and targeted medicinal actions.
Order Today!

If you like this post, please like, follow, save and share. We are so grateful for how this helps our small business.

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About Us

Genesis BioHealth is founded, owned, and operated by Dr. Collin Cross and his wife Diana Cross. Dr. Cross is a Chemical Physicist with a specialization in molecular biology. For years he worked in the field of rational drug design developing chemotherapeutic agents and has practiced Chemistry professionally for over 30 years. Diana is a General Manager for a staffing company and specializes in Human Resources, Management, and Business Administration.

Our business model at Genesis BioHealth is to help others improve their health by using proper lifestyle and dietary changes. We help clients achieve health goals by providing a range of products and services including specialized nutritional supplements, organic and herbal teas, all natural skin care products, a structured dietary plan, and nutritional coaching. Whether the client's goal is to battle metabolic disorders, auto-immune diseases, become a better athlete, or simply regain energy and vitality, our products, diet plan, and coaching help people who want to change their lifestyle become healthier.

In addition to providing supplements, naturally healthy teas, and skin care solutions, we provide practical strategies and tactics, suggest food and shopping substitutes, teach hi-efficiency nutrient dense cooking, and suggest products and recipes. We also help clients navigate the maze of confusing and contradictory information prevalent in advertising and on the internet today. Using the tools and techniques we offer, clients rapidly learn how to make the transition to a satisfying, enjoyable, and nutritionally effective diet without costly trial and error. While our excellent support products stand by themselves, our nutritional coaching services are targeted towards clients willing to invest in changing their lifestyle and serious about improving health naturally. Our methods help people obtain the full benefits of a well-regulated metabolism.

Please contact us with any questions or interest. We would like to help support your plan to rebuild energy, health, and quality of life.

Videos (show all)

Dr. Collin Cross, founder of Genesis BioHealth exposes Calcium and the dangers around taking Calcium to prevent Osteopor...
‼️ Magnesium and Vitamin K2-MK4 can be a helpful allies in managing stress, including the kind that comes with heading b...
Going back to school can definitely be a stressful time, and finding ways to manage that stress and maintain energy leve...
Going back to school can definitely be a stressful time, and finding ways to manage that stress and maintain energy leve...
SAVE 10% OFF VITAMIN K2-MK4 PRODUCTS WITH CODE: TRYK2-MK4 Vitamin K2-MK4 helps improve bone density and reduces the risk...
SAVE 10% OFF VITAMIN K2-MK4 PRODUCTS WITH CODE: TRYK2-MK4From seasoned athletes and bodybuilders to weekend warriors, su...
Finally, clean beauty without the sacrifice. Nourish your skin with organic, all-natural ingredients. Say goodbye to ski...
You heard that right! Our new website is now live! We are proud to bring you a cleaner site that is easier to shop and l...
Here's a sneak peak of the new look you'll find on the new website. Don't worry, it's the same formula you've grown to k...
This Saturday, August 19th, will be our last day at the Tomball Farmers Market until after labor day. We will not be the...




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