Masters of Lending Team, NMLS #181106

Masters of Lending Team
Eric Newman, NMLS #97776
Jim Stryker, NMLS #962532 You deserve to be a successful homeowner. We will guide you there.

After many years of working together and building a close friendship, Eric Newman & Jim Stryker joined forces. They have over 50yrs combined housing market experience, and are ranked as top mortgage loan originators in the nation. Both of them possess a deep desire to educate homeowners about the right way to obtain a home purchase or refinance loan. The Masters of Lending Team is focused on build


Thinking about downsizing but not sure what type of home you want?
If you haven’t considered a 55+ community, here are a few reasons you may want to:
- Lower maintenance
- Great on-site amenities
- Accessible floor plans
- Like-minded neighbors
Want to see what’s available in our area to find out if it’s right for you? DM me.


As inventory grows, the market is starting to balance out a bit. But don’t worry – this isn’t close to an oversupply that would cause a crash.
It just means buyers are regaining negotiation power as their options grow. And sellers need to price their house right and may want to consider some repairs to help it stand out.
Let’s connect to talk more about how this impacts you.

How To Avoid Today's Top Seller Mistakes 08/31/2024

How To Avoid Today's Top Seller Mistakes

Want to know some of the top mistakes sellers are making today and how to make sure they don’t happen to you too? The biggest missteps are pricing a house too high, skipping repairs, not being objective, and not being willing to negotiate. And the best way to avoid falling into any of these traps is to partner with a trusted real estate agent who knows exactly what to do. Let’s connect so you have someone to lean on for advice.

How To Avoid Today's Top Seller Mistakes Want to know some of the top mistakes sellers are making today and how to make sure they don’t happen to you too?


How To Avoid These Top Seller Mistakes

Want to avoid making some of the top seller mistakes? The key is working with a real estate agent so you don’t overprice your house or skip necessary repairs. Let’s connect so you can avoid making these costly mistakes.

What Mortgage Rate Are You Waiting For? 08/29/2024

What Mortgage Rate Are You Waiting For?

You won’t find anyone who’s going to argue that mortgage rates have had a big impact on housing affordability over the past couple of years. But there is hope on the horizon. Rates have actually started to come down.

Expert Projections for Mortgage Rates

Experts say the overall downward trend should continue as long as inflation and the economy keeps cooling. But as new reports come out on those key indicators, there’s going to be some volatility here and there.

What you need to remember is it’s not wise to let those blips distract you from the larger trend. Rates are still down roughly a full percentage point from the recent peak compared to May.

Know Your Number for Mortgage Rates

So, what does this mean for you and your plans to move? If you’ve been holding out and waiting for rates to come down, know that it’s already happening. You just have to decide, based on the expert projections and your own...

What Mortgage Rate Are You Waiting For? You won’t find anyone who’s going to argue that mortgage rates have had a big impact on housing affordability over the past couple of years.


Want to know the top mistakes sellers are making today? It’s overpricing their house.

A price that’s too high is going to cost you. It turns buyers away and may mean you need a price drop to re-ignite interest in the home.

To make sure you don’t end up making this mistake, DM me, and let’s price it right from the start.


There’s some misinformation out there and it’s time to set the record straight.

If you think home prices are going to crash, you should know the national data doesn’t support that theory. There just aren’t enough homes on the market today.

What else have you heard about the housing market that you’re worried about? Drop a comment below and let’s have a conversation.

How Growing Inventory Benefits Today's Buyers 08/26/2024

How Growing Inventory Benefits Today's Buyers

While the number of homes for sale varies by local area, nationally we’re up over 36% year-over-year, but still down almost 29% compared to what’s normal. Here’s what that means when you buy: more options for your search, more negotiation power for you, it’s more likely sellers will make select repairs, and more moderate price growth. If you want to talk more about what rising inventory means for you, let’s connect.

How Growing Inventory Benefits Today's Buyers While the number of homes for sale varies by local area, nationally we’re up over 36% year-over-year, but still down almost 29% compared to what’s normal.

How Mortgage Rate Changes Impact Your Homebuying Power 08/25/2024

How Mortgage Rate Changes Impact Your Homebuying Power

If you’re thinking about buying or selling a home, you’ve probably got mortgage rates on your mind. That’s because you’ve likely heard that mortgage rates impact how much you can afford in your monthly mortgage payment, and you want to factor that into your planning. Here’s what you need to know.

What’s Happening with Mortgage Rates?

Mortgage rates have been trending down recently. While that’s good news for your homebuying plans, it’s important to know that rates can be unpredictable because they’re affected by many factors.

Things like the economy, job market, inflation, and decisions made by the Federal Reserve all play a part. So, even as rates go down, they can still bounce around a bit based on new economic data. As Odeta Kushi, Deputy Chief Economist at First American, says: “The ongoing deceleration in inflation, coupled with the Federal Reserve’s recent indication of potential rate...

How Mortgage Rate Changes Impact Your Homebuying Power If you’re thinking about buying or selling a home, you’ve probably got mortgage rates on your mind.


How Growing Inventory Benefits Today's Buyers

Inventory is growing and that means more options for your search, more negotiation power for you, it’s more likely sellers will make select repairs, and more moderate price growth. If you want to talk more about rising inventory means for you, let’s connect.


Not all agents are the same. When you’re making a move, you want to be sure you have a great agent by your side.

Here are a few tips on what to look for. You want someone with a strong reputation, in-depth knowledge of the local and national market, and good communication skills and availability.

I’d love to have a conversation to see if we’d be a good fit to work together.

Today’s Biggest Housing Market Myths 08/22/2024

Today’s Biggest Housing Market Myths

Have you ever heard the phrase: don’t believe everything you hear? There’s a lot of misinformation out there. And right now, making sure you have someone you can go to for trustworthy information is extra important.

1. I’ll Get a Better Deal Once Prices Crash

If you’ve heard home prices are going to come crashing down, it’s time to look at what’s actually happening. While prices vary by local market, there’s a lot of data out there from numerous sources that shows a crash is not going to happen. So, if you think waiting will score you a deal, know that data shows there’s not a crash on the horizon, and waiting isn’t going to pay off the way you’d hoped.

2. I Won’t Be Able To Find Anything To Buy

If this nagging fear about finding the right home if you move is still holding you back, you probably haven’t talked with an expert real estate agent lately. Throughout the year, the supply of homes for sale has...

Today’s Biggest Housing Market Myths Have you ever heard the phrase: don’t believe everything you hear?


Thinking about buying a home? It’s important to know how mortgage rates can affect your monthly payment. Because even a slight change in rates can have a big impact.

Overall, rates have been trending down lately. So, this could be your chance to make your move a reality. Send me a message today if you want to talk about starting your search.


Affordability has been a challenge for a while now.
There are three main factors that impact it: mortgage rates, home prices, and wages.
Here’s the good news. There are early signs that all three are starting to improve. Mortgage rates are coming down, home price growth is moderating, and wages are going up.
If you’re thinking about kicking off your search, DM me.

3 Reasons To Move in Today’s Shifting Market 08/19/2024

3 Reasons To Move in Today’s Shifting Market

The housing market is in a transition. And that gives you 3 key opportunities going into the fall. There are more homes actively for sale. Builders are motivated to sell, so a newly built home may be more achievable than you think. And mortgage rates have come down from their recent peak. If you’re ready and able to buy, you may find the housing market this fall a bit easier to navigate. Let’s connect to get started.

3 Reasons To Move in Today’s Shifting Market The housing market is in a transition. And that gives you 3 key opportunities going into the fall.

Photos from Masters of Lending Team, NMLS #181106's post 08/18/2024

If you’re thinking about buying a home, there are 3 reasons you may want to make your move this fall.

1) Inventory is growing, giving you more options
2) Newly built homes may be more budget-friendly than you’d expect
3) Mortgage rates have come down from their peak last October

Want to talk about what this means for your move? DM me.


Did you know? You don’t always need a perfect credit score to buy a home.
Loan types and qualifications vary, so you may be closer to owning a home than you think.
If you want to explore options that might work for you, reach out to a trusted lender.


Reasons To Move in Today’s Shifting Market

You have 3 key opportunities if you’re looking to move this fall. Inventory is growing, homebuilders are motivated to sell, and mortgage rates have come down from their recent peak. Let’s connect if you want more information.

What Credit Score Do You Really Need To Buy a House? 08/15/2024

What Credit Score Do You Really Need To Buy a House?

When you're thinking about buying a home, your credit score is one of the biggest pieces of the puzzle. Think of it like your financial report card that lenders look at when trying to figure out if you qualify, and which home loan will work best for you. As the Mortgage Report says:

"Good credit scores communicate to lenders that you have a track record for properly managing your debts. For this reason, the higher your score, the better your chances of qualifying for a mortgage."

The trouble is most buyers overestimate the minimum credit score they need to buy a home. According to a report from Fannie Mae, only 32% of consumers have a good idea of what lenders require. That means nearly 2 out of every 3 people don’t.

So, here’s a general ballpark to give you a rough idea. Experian says:

“The minimum credit score needed to buy a house can range from 500 to 700, but will ultimately depend on the...

What Credit Score Do You Really Need To Buy a House? When you're thinking about buying a home, your credit score is one of the biggest pieces of the puzzle.

The Great Wealth Transfer: A New Era of Opportunity 08/14/2024

The Great Wealth Transfer: A New Era of Opportunity

In recent years, there’s been a significant shift in how wealth is distributed among generations. It’s called the Great Wealth Transfer.

Basically, as more Baby Boomers retire, sell businesses, or downsize their homes, more substantial assets are being passed down to younger generations. And this creates a powerful ripple effect that’ll continue over the next few decades.

Impact on the Housing Market

One of the most immediate effects of this wealth transfer is on the housing market. Home affordability has been a concern for many aspiring buyers, especially in high-demand areas. The increase in generational wealth is expected to ease some of these challenges by providing future homeowners with greater financial resources. As assets are passed down through generations, buyers may find themselves in a better position to afford homes.

Impact on the Economy

But the Great Wealth Transfer doesn’t just...

The Great Wealth Transfer: A New Era of Opportunity In recent years, there’s been a significant shift in how wealth is distributed among generations.

Are There More Homes for Sale Where You Live? 08/13/2024

Are There More Homes for Sale Where You Live?

One of the biggest bright spots in today’s housing market is how much the supply of homes for sale has grown since the beginning of this year.

Recent data from shows that nationally, there are 36.6% more homes actively for sale now compared to the same time last year. That’s a significant improvement. It gives you far more options for your move than you would’ve had just a year ago. And with supply improving, you’re also regaining a bit of negotiation power. So, if you’re someone who thought about buying a home over the last few years but were discouraged by how limited inventory was, this should be welcome news.

As Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist at NAR, says, “Increased housing supply spells good news for consumers who want to see more properties before making purchasing decisions.”

While we’re up by almost 37% year-over-year, we’re still not back to how much inventory there’d be in a...

Are There More Homes for Sale Where You Live? One of the biggest bright spots in today’s housing market is how much the supply of homes for sale has grown since the beginning of this year.

What Every Homeowner Should Know About Their Equity 08/12/2024

What Every Homeowner Should Know About Their Equity

Curious about selling your home? Understanding how much equity you have is the first step to unlocking what you can afford when you move. And since home prices rose so much over the past few years, most people have much more equity than they may realize.

Here’s a deeper look at what you need to know if you’re ready to cash in on your investment and put your equity toward your next home.

Home Equity: What Is It and How Much Do You Have?

Home equity is the difference between how much your house is worth and how much you still owe on your mortgage. For example, if your house is worth $400,000 and you only owe $200,000 on your mortgage, your equity would be $200,000.

Recent data from the Census and ATTOM shows Americans have significant equity right now. In fact, more than two out of three homeowners have either completely paid off their mortgages.

Today, more homeowners are getting a larger...

What Every Homeowner Should Know About Their Equity Curious about selling your home?

Home Inspections For Sellers: How To Prepare 08/11/2024

Home Inspections For Sellers: How To Prepare

If you’re thinking about selling your house, it’s important to know what the home inspection is and what inspectors look for. As supply grows and buyers regain negotiation power, you may find you want to do some select repairs with a good return on investment before listing to get ahead of things a buyer may ask you to fix. To decide what's worth tackling, you need expert advice. Let's chat so you know what to prioritize.

Home Inspections For Sellers: How To Prepare If you’re thinking about selling your house, it’s important to know what the home inspection is and what inspectors look for.


Home Inspections for Sellers: How To Prepare

Wondering how to get your house ready for the inspection? You may want to do some select repairs before listing to get ahead. To decide what's worth tackling, you need expert advice. Let's chat so you know what to prioritize.

Photos from Masters of Lending Team, NMLS #181106's post 08/09/2024

Getting ready to sell your house? Here’s the scoop on home inspections and how to prep for them.

As more homes hit the market, buyers are regaining some negotiating power. That means it might be a good idea to tackle some key repairs before listing.

But how do you know which ones are worth it?

Expert advice is key. Let's chat so you know what to prioritize.

Mortgage Rates Down a Full Percent from Recent High 08/08/2024

Mortgage Rates Down a Full Percent from Recent High

Mortgage rates have been one of the hottest topics in the housing market lately because of their impact on affordability. And if you’re someone who’s looking to make a move, you’ve probably been waiting eagerly for rates to come down for that very reason. Well, if the past few weeks are any indication, you may be getting your wish.

After the latest reports on the economy, inflation, the unemployment rate, and the Federal Reserve’s recent comments, mortgage rates started dropping a bit. And according to Freddie Mac, they’re now at a level we haven’t seen since February.

Maybe you’re seeing this and wondering if you should ride the wave and see how low they’ll go. If that’s the case, here’s some important perspective. Remember, the record-low rates from the pandemic are a thing of the past. And if you wait for mortgage rates to drop further, you might find yourself dealing with more competition as...

Mortgage Rates Down a Full Percent from Recent High Mortgage rates have been one of the hottest topics in the housing market lately because of their impact on affordability.


Homebuyers are getting a bit more negotiating power these days.

And if you're buying or selling, it’s helpful to know what’s up for negotiation so you go in prepared.

From prices and repairs to closing costs and appliances, there are various levers you can pull during the deal.

If you want someone to help navigate these conversations and advocate for you, DM me.


Trying to decide if you want to sell or rent out your house once you move?
There’s a lot to consider – especially when it comes to figuring out if the profit is really worth the potential pains you might come up against.
Pro tip: Talking to another landlord plus professionals (like me) can help you decide what’s best for you and your situation.

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Videos (show all)

How To Avoid These Top Seller Mistakes
How Growing Inventory Benefits Today's Buyers
Reasons To Move in Today’s Shifting Market
Home Inspections for Sellers: How To Prepare
3 Graphs That Show We’re Not Headed for a Housing Market Crash
Unlocking the Benefits of Your Home Equity
The Biggest Mistakes Homebuyers Are Making Right Now
How Do Presidential Elections Impact the Housing Market?
What To Avoid After Applying for a Mortgage
Housing Market Forecast for the 2nd Half of 2024
The Downsides of Selling Your House Without an Agent
Why Real Estate Is Still the Best Long-Term Investment





1880 Office Club Pointe, Suite 253
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Mike Chavez - VLG, LLC Mike Chavez - VLG, LLC
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