Greta Luhar Holistic Acupuncture

Greta Luhar has her Masters in Acupuncture from Tai Sophia Institute and has been in practice for 13 It’s time to focus on your health. Weekend hours available.

Acupuncture treatments with Greta Luhar, L.Ac, M.Ac, can help your body heal from injuries and help calm your mind, so that you can feel well again. Sleep issues, body pains, menstrual irregularities, headaches and migraines, upset stomach, stress, anxiety, depression, restlessness are all signs that your body and mind are out of balance. Acupuncture treatments can help you feel rejuvenated so tha




It’s almost time to celebrate the Lunar New Year and welcome in the Year of the Dragon - a year that is forecasted to bring new opportunities, changes, and challenges to us. This will create growth in our lives, so get ready for a beautiful year ahead! 🐉

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Dragon represents authority, prosperity, and good fortune. Specifically, 2024 is the year of the Wood Dragon. In the Chinese culture, each zodiac sign is associated with one of five elements: Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, or Earth. If you recall from my last post, the Wood element is related to creativity and plans and growth. When the Dragon energy is combined with the nourishing Wood element, it will bring evolution, improvement, and abundance. It is the perfect time for beginnings and setting the foundation for long-term success.

Remember, that in Chinese mythology, Dragons are known to be powerful and confident. They are not afraid of challenges, and are willing to take risks. They strive to break away from traditional norms and pave the way for a brighter future. If you're seeking a shift in your current life, this year is the year to take a chance. Are you hoping to improve your personal life or your career or health? Focus on it this year and let the energy propel you forward.

On February 10th, we welcome the beginning of the Year of the Dragon! Happy Lunar New Year to everyone! Wishing you happiness and health ♥️


My most favorite part of any acupuncture is working with moxa 🔥 Have you had a moxa treatment with acupuncture before? It is AMAZING, zero exaggeration there!

Moxa works to improve circulation, promote healing, and bring warmth to the body. And it is just so so relaxing! By helping to improve the body’s energy, moxa also helps to boost the immune system. And with a needle treatment afterwards, it feels like magic. 🧘🏻‍♀️

Next time you come in, especially in the cold months of Autumn and Winter, let’s always add a little moxa and warmth to the treatment plan! ♥️


When my patients come in for a treatment, they see a poster on the wall and one of the first questions I am asked is “what are those circles about?” And that is often one of my favorite places to start our conversation.

There are so many layers to five element acupuncture, which is the style I was taught and practice. There is a richness and depth to all the details that make us who we are. The five elements are Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal. We are each of them and each element exists in all of us. The elements correspond to a part of us that is physical as well as emotional and spiritual and is related to each of the seasons.

💧 Water - The Water element corresponds to Winter, fear and power, the kidneys and bladder, restfulness, looking inward, the ability to push forth (perseverance) or completely become paralyzed when a task seems insurmountable.

🌳 Wood - The Wood element corresponds to Spring, creativity and planning, the liver and gallbladder, creating new fresh ideas or on the other hand, feeling like it is so difficult to complete a task.

🔥 Fire - The Fire element corresponds to Summer, joyfulness and compassion, having fun, the heart and pericardium, the small intestine and triple heater, seeking intimacy and connection with others or completely closing off access to those around us.

🌾 Earth - The Earth element corresponds to Late Summer (that time of the summer when everything feels full, around August in Maryland), being grounded, nurturing, the spleen and stomach, being able to take care of others and on the other side, accepting care from others.

💎 Metal - The Metal element corresponds to Autumn, when the energy goes down, a time to let go of what no longer serves and making room for something new, appreciating the preciousness of life, silence, the lungs and large intestine, acknowledging those around us and taking in acknowledgment when given.

What element intrigues you the most? Did you see yourself in some of these characteristics? It’s a great place to start learning about acupuncture and how it all ties in together. Stay well and see you in the treatment room soon! 🧘🏻‍♀️


Just two weeks away from 2024! Make the new year YOUR year to focus on health and feeling well, mentally, physically, and spiritually. See you in my office soon! 🧘🏻‍♀️♥️


Welcome, Fall. 🍁🍂 Autumn is the perfect time to begin a holistic healthcare routine. It is the season of coming inward, slowing down, letting go, focusing on self-reflection. It is also the time in Chinese medicine when, as acupuncturists, we focus on keeping the lungs and large intestine healthy. The lungs can be susceptible to viruses and illness during the Autumn, so with treatment, it is important to strengthen the immune system. The large intestines are responsible for letting go, physically letting go of what the body doesn’t need by way of bowel movements, and mentally and spiritually of letting go of ideas and thoughts that no long serve.

Nutmeg, cinnamon, pumpkin spice, and everything nice. Stay healthy in the Autumn by eating the right foods - afterall, food is medicine. Longer cooking times and heartier ingredients are recommended in Autumn to nourish the body. This is the time to eat soups and stews, squash and pumpkins, pears, apples, lemons — all foods that help avoid dryness and help lubricate the lungs. Add warming spices when you are cooking - cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, rosemary are all flavorful and good for your health.

The Autumn is also the time to be at peace, sleep a little more, and nourish your body with good home-cooked food. It is also the time to really go inwards and give ourselves some attention and love — so instead of focusing so much on outside validation, such as making money and seeking power, it is a time to be content and know we have everything we need to feel complete. Stay well, everyone. ♥️


Make time for you. Relieve your aches, feel focused, get back to feeling like yourself again - physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Come experience the relaxation of acupuncture.
💻: [email protected]
☎️: 410-417-7587

See you soon! 🍁


Welcome to summer! This is the season of growth and expansion and activity. Get ready for it!

A little lesson 🤓: In Traditional Chinese Medicine the season of summer is related to the Fire element. Fire is symbolic of maximum activity and is the most “yang” element (the other elements are Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood). There is so much to learn about how the elements interact with each other; how, when healthy, each element helps keep the body in flow and free from illness. For example, from an elemental perspective, too much water will extinguish the fire. From a mind, body, spiritual perspective - follow me here, just stay with it, it will make sense — the season of summer is related to the element of fire. Each element also corresponds to an emotion - for the Fire element, the emotions are joy, love, and fun. Now, as an example, the Water element corresponds to the season of Winter and the emotions related to winter are perseverance, bravery, and fear. Now to explain how the elements and emotions are related to each other — when someone has too much fear and feels paralyzed by it, it extinguishes their flame (the Fire element) — potential joy in a moment can disappear, connections with others and oneself can also fizzle. The learning here is that we must do what we can to keep all the elements healthy — keep the elements in flow with each other, remember to recognize which emotions are “acting up” and need to be tended(this is where acupuncture treatments come in ♥️), and physically remember to take care of your body and be conscious about what we eat and drink. In the summer, cooling foods such as cucumbers, watermelon, seafood and fish, cantaloupe, mung beans, summer squash, mint are highly recommended to keep the body from overheating. And drink plenty of water.

Stay well and have a fun summer. Fill up your days in the company of friends and good food! 💛

Photo: the view from my treatment room 🌳🧘🏻‍♀️


So so true. Experience all the emotions, be present, and keep moving through them. You’ve got this. ♥️


Part of healing and feeling calm is who and what you surround yourself with — spend more time with people who lift you up and support you, help you feel joyful, and who want good things to come your way.

When you are around people who are negative (speak negatively, cause unnecessary drama, make you feel uneasy), observe how you feel. Be clear to yourself and put that out in the universe - positivity and good people will find you. ♥️🧘🏻‍♀️


Welcome Spring!

I am excited for bright days, warmer weather, seeing plants and flowers bloom around the neighborhood, and being outside more. For me, Spring is a welcome relief and I already feel a bit more clear-headed.

Spring is the season of growth, regeneration, increased activity and new beginnings. What plans do you have? Are there things you’ve been meaning to do and finally feel like you have the energy to accomplish them? Spring is the time for new ideas and visions, making decisions and plans, executing those plans, and looking to the future. If you feel stuck and can’t find that motivation to get things moving, seek out an acupuncturist. Keep reading to learn more about how acupuncture treatments can help you in the Spring.

There’s always a lesson 🤓: Acupuncture uses over 300 different points on the body to help keep it in balance and free from disease. Each season is associated with an element, organ systems, and an emotion. Spring is the season of wood and the Liver and Gallbladder organs. The liver is in charge of detoxification and keeping the energy or Qi (pronounced “chee”) flowing smoothly. The gallbladder is in charge of decision making and controls the sinews of the body. In perfect health, everything in the body works smoothly. However, when out of balance, symptoms can show up. Symptoms such as allergies, headaches, and tight muscles are common in Spring. Additionally, if that wood energy can’t express itself, the result can be “qi stagnation” and it feels like anger, irritability, depression, mood swings, poor sleep, migraines, pain, tension, worsening PMS, indigestion, and skin flare ups occur more often.

The Springtime is about movement. However, you can’t feel flexible and vibrant if you don’t sleep. Sleep helps us replenish our reserves, it helps heal our bodies and minds and recover from the stresses of the day. The most important time of the night for the Gallbladder and Liver to restore (when you should be in a deep sleep!) is from 11pm-3am. So, get to bed on time. It’s so important!

Stay healthy and enjoy the new season! You are different than you were last Spring, so reassess, refocus, and get going. 🏃🏼‍♀️🌱🌼


When we stop worrying about other people’s judgement on us, an entirely new life opens up for ourselves. I’m here for it ♥️


Spring treatments are wonderful! With acupuncture treatments you can
•strengthen your immune system
•relieve headaches and migraines
•ease symptoms of allergies
•reduce body pain
•feel focused and clear-headed
•focus on your own wellness goals


Happy Lunar New Year! While 2022's Year of the Tiger gave us positive and active energy, the Year of the Rabbit embodies a different energy, focusing on relaxation, quietness and contemplation. The rabbit is known for thinking things through before acting. (This is so important to living a calm life - think twice before acting). This year, we can focus on taking an approach of meeting challenges and opportunities calmly and rationally.

More specifically, we are now in the year of the Water Rabbit. The rabbit is a very gentle and clever animal. With the water energy, we also get the energy of calmness, peace, and patience. This is the year for BALANCE, CALM, and HOPE - and I’m here for it. 🧘🏻‍♀️ Wishing each of you a joyous year ahead - open your heart, let all the positivity and love in. ♥️


I’m here for the energy of a new year - staying steady in my commitment to stay rooted and grow (a lot of Earth and Wood energies right in the middle of Winter 😊). Sending wishes from each of the five elements to you this year - joy in your heart • compassion for others and for yourself • honoring what is and letting go of that which no longer serves • wisdom • growth and clarity. May 2023 be a beautiful year for you! ♥️


Welcome, Winter. Some have been waiting all year to return to this season — a time of the year that is the most Yin in Chinese medicine. It is a time of darkness, cold, slowing down, and focusing on inward energy. It truly is a time to hibernate, as best as we can. Although it seems like this time of the year, full of holidays and celebrations, is nonstop energy and socializing, in fact, this is the time to embrace some solitude and reflection. This can be really difficult for some people. Getting really quiet and focusing on oneself can feel frightening and lonely. Remember that when you save your energy during winter, you will feel revitalized and ready to go in the Spring. This is the time to fill up our vessels, so when Spring comes in a few months, we can tap into those reserves. 🌱

In Chinese medicine, every season is associated with an organ system. Winter is associated with the Kidneys which hold our body’s most basic and fundamental energy. Winter is a good time to strengthen the kidneys. One way to keep the kidneys healthy in the Winter is to get rest. While some exercise is good for the body, this is not the time to deplete yourself. If you have enough energy to be physically active, then yes! Go for a run or a brisk walk. If you’re feeling like you really want to hibernate, martial arts, yoga, and meditation are particularly helpful at this time of year — they keep the body moving and fluid without exerting too much of your energy. And remember to sleep earlier in the night and get the rest your body needs.

Eat well in the cold months. A good way to keep your kidneys strong and healthy is to eat warm, nourishing foods in the Winter - soups, stews, broths are all good choices. Using herbs in your cooking can be a big boost to your kidneys. Great warming herbs to add to cooking are basil, clove, fennel, cardamom (yum!), dill seed, cinnamon, chive seed, fenugreek, and nutmeg just to name a few. Also, drink warm water or hot herbal teas throughout the day. Fill up your body with nourishment.

And listen to what your mom has been telling you your entire life. Dress warmly in the Winter. This is no time for t-shirts and shorts! Always wear socks, do not let your feet get cold. Keeping warm protects your kidneys from experiencing damage, which will then cause other weaknesses in your body. Weak Kidneys can show up as lower back pain and weakness of the knees and legs, so make sure to not let them be exposed to the cold air in Winter. Especially important for women - avoid eating cold foods or let your lower abdomen get cold, because this can create damage your reproductive health and have a negative impact on fertility and make for more painful me**es.

I leave you with this. Use your energy wisely - on things that help you connect to your heart. In such a busy time of the year, when our bodies want to slow down, but holidays keep us moving at lightening speed, it is a good time to reflect and focus on spending time with the people that fill you up with joy, warmth, and gratitude. Happiest holidays to each of you! ♥️


Power is in the small things.


Do you also believe this? Because in my life, I truly believe that joyfulness is a state of mind - something that I can always come back to. That mindset is my rock, something steady that I know I can go back to when I waiver. For me, it means my heart is happy, at peace, and that I have love for others and myself.

It doesn’t mean you’re just happy all the time and not feeling other emotions, that’s not natural. In the style of acupuncture I practice, every meridian is tied to an emotion. We should move through all the emotions. Disruption occurs when we get stuck in worry and sadness, grief, anger, fear, and even too much joy. Can we find a way to move through a stuck emotion? Perhaps, seek therapy, call a friend, meet new people to connect with, get acupuncture treatments.

I probably repeat myself all the time to my patients, but I always remind them to be patient with themselves, especially with emotions. With acupuncture treatments - with time - the body will remember the points. Acupuncture points have an emotional and spiritual element connected with each one. With each insertion, as the needle helps to heal your body and mind, it is a reminder that “oh, yes, I remember how to move through frustration and anger. I remember what it feels like to be joyful and grateful.” And with time, you can come back to that place with a bit more ease. ♥️


My turn! An acupuncture treatment is my reset button. I know I feel “stressed” when I can’t sleep well, I feel overwhelmed and feel like I took on too much at one time, and when my attention is elsewhere. I felt like I was lying on the table for 4 hours, going in and out of sleep, with moxa burning on my back and needles inserted at just the right points. I feel calmer, my head feels clearer, I know what I need to let go of, and focus on what fills me up. Feels like magic to me. ♥️

Whatever you do to fill up and reset, please make time for it. It matters to take care of yourself, especially if you are taking care of others. Give yourself some time to feel like you again. 🧘🏻‍♀️


When life seems to be extremely busy and overwhelming, it is time to reevaluate your choices. What do you want to prioritize? What can you let go of? If you make it a commitment to prioritize family time, for example, then it becomes easier to say no to all the things that take you away from that goal. If you choose to prioritize self-care (which I think we always should), what do you need to add to your life to make sure that you are caring for yourself? What is hindering self-care and can you let go of that? Or can you make space for more time? Often times, I have found that it is easier to begin a new practice by adding to your life rather than taking away. And then — get this — when you feel that what you’re adding (exercise, good food, treatments, therapy, being with positive people) makes you feel SO much better, it is easier to let go of the negative things, behaviors, and people. So, what do you want to focus on now, TODAY?

Stay well, everyone ♥️🧘🏻‍♀️


🍁 I hope you’re enjoying the cool, crisp air! Be sure to eat well, get plenty of sleep, keep your neck warm, and come in for your treatment. Stay well! ♥️


Autumn is the perfect time to begin a holistic healthcare routine. It is the season of coming inward, slowing down, letting go, focusing on self-reflection. It is also the time in Chinese medicine when, as acupuncturists, we focus on keeping the lungs and large intestine healthy. The lungs can be susceptible to viruses and illness during the Autumn, so with treatment, it is important to strengthen the immune system. The large intestines are responsible for letting go, physically letting go of what the body doesn’t need by way of bowel movements, and mentally and spiritually of letting go of ideas and thoughts that no long serve.

Every element - Autumn’s element is Metal - also has an emotion associated with it. Autumn is about grief and sadness. Have you felt a dip in your own emotions? That is completely natural. We tend to feel sadder, a bit solemn as Autumn enters and we inch closer to the colder, darker months of Winter. If you feel like your sadness is controllable, please reach out and get help. Acupuncture treatments can help support you and help you learn a bit about how to acclimate to the different seasons.

Stay healthy in the Autumn by eating the right foods - afterall, food is medicine. Longer cooking times and heartier ingredients are recommended in Autumn to nourish the body. This is the time to eat soups and stews, squash and pumpkins, pears, apples, lemons — all foods that help avoid dryness and help lubricate the lungs. Add warming spices when you are cooking - cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, rosemary are all flavorful and good for your health.

The Autumn is the time to be at peace, sleep a little more, and nourish your body with good home-cooked food. It is also the time to really go inwards and give ourselves some attention and love — so instead of focusing so much on outside validation, such as making money and seeking power, it is a time to be content and know we have everything we need to feel complete. Stay well, everyone. ♥️


Our minds are so powerful. What will you manifest into your life?


One of my favorite days of the month is the day I go see my acupuncturist. I have been receiving treatments regularly for the past 15 years and it has helped me in countless ways. Yesterday, I went in feeling overwhelmed and sad and rushed and just a sense that life feels heavy at times. I even fell asleep for a few minutes during my treatment and I left feeling lighter and in a brighter mood! My acupuncturist always tells me how sticking needles in me may be the only way to stop me from moving and doing and thinking. It’s true, I do keep moving all day and want to squeeze in as much as possible everyday. But after an acupuncture treatment, I can go about my days with a clear head, focused, feeling energized and calm at the same time, and knowing my sleep has been restored. Small things, but it all makes such a big impact on my physical and mental wellbeing. ♥️


Booking September and October appointments now. Call or email to schedule your treatment! It’ll be the best decision you make this week! 🧘🏻‍♀️


“Be anchored by your own intentions.” ♥️♥️♥️


New hours beginning next week! I hope to see you come through my office doors soon ♥️


I hope you’re having a restful, fun summer and making time to be with friends and enjoying the warmth of the sun on your skin. Late Summer is here and our bodies and minds need to energetically get ready for a new season. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Late Summer is considered a separate season. Can you feel the difference in the air (and in you) from the last week of June and now? Feels considerably different, right?

One way to see this season is as a transition time between the high energy of Spring and Summer (brightness and warmth) and the more inward energy of Fall and Winter (darker and cooler). It’s like a pause button between the four other seasons, so we can stop, recenter, and be present to the beauty of this time of the year. This is also the time to reflect on your experiences so far this year, feel good about everything you learned, and let go of experiences that no longer serve you.

A little lesson on Chinese medicine 🤓: In Chinese medicine and the form of acupuncture I practice, there are five elements, each associated with a season, emotion, and organ system. Late Summer is associated with the element of Earth. The Earth element is all about returning to your center, to nourish yourself and others, to take care of yourself first so that you can care for others. On a mental and emotional level, the Earth element is in charge of digesting and processing your thoughts, understanding what is being said, making it your own. For someone whose Earth element is out of balance, there is difficulty thinking clearly, taking care of oneself, allowing others to care for you, feeling unrooted. (That’s where acupuncture treatments come in! 😉)

The Late Summer Earth element is associated with the Spleen and Stomach. You can nurture your Earth element and these digestive organs through your diet. In traditional Chinese medicine the Spleen is a central organ and any blockages or imbalances in its energy can affect the whole body. The Spleen’s main job is to distribute energy from the foods you eat through every cell of your body. All other organs depend on it for nourishment and health. The Stomach’s role is to rot (break down) and ripen your food and, as the receiver of food, it takes the energy from food for the Spleen to then distribute.

What can you do to ensure the health of your Spleen and Stomach? 🤔 Although Late Summer is still warm, you should avoid excessive amounts of cold drinks and ice or raw food and salads. The Stomach actually prefers warmer foods, which will help ease the digestive process (soft stews are well-loved by the Stomach). The Earth element is also associated with the taste of ‘sweet’ foods. Eating or drinking *slightly* sweet foods in careful moderation will nourish the Earth element and its organs (fruits such as apples and pears). This is the season to sit back, take in your experiences from this year so far, and get ready for the quieter, calmer seasons as we get ready to close out the year…🍁❄️

But for now, enjoy where you are. Stay well, everyone ♥️


Welcome Summer! ☀️ We’re officially in the season known for its vibrancy, abundance, long days, warmth, joy, and friendships. (Can you tell that summer’s my absolute favorite?!💛💛) Take a few minutes to read below, you’ll learn something about yourself.

While summer often wins popularity contests, this season is completely uncomfortable for so many people. In Chinese medicine, every season has organ systems associated with it. Summer is the time of the Heart, Small Intestine, Heart Protector, and Triple Heater. Together, these organ systems regulate temperature and the distribution of fluids in the body, our ability to connect with others, our compassion and love for others and ourselves. If these organ systems are out of balance, our bodies and minds will send us the message - poor memory, anxiety, agitation, insomnia, UTIs, heartburn, or depression are among conditions that can especially arise in the Summer. If you feel chronically overheated in the Summer, keep in mind that one of the benefits of acupuncture is its ability to restore balance to the body’s temperature. Schedule an acupuncture treatment and get back to enjoying the long days of Summer (if you’re not local to me, message me and I can help you find an acupuncturist near you).

Remember that you can easily take care of yourself in every season.

☀️ Play hard, sleep hard in the Summer - take advantage of the early light in the day. Wake up early and go for a walk before the sun gets too hot and strong later in the day. Take your yoga practice outside, do sun salutations in the sun, your body will love it. If you can, take a 30 minute nap or break mid day to reenergize, so you can stay up just a little later and enjoy the extra hours of light. Afterall, ‘tis the season to be social!

💧 Hydrate - Summer is associated with the element of Fire. Naturally, it is the time of the year when we feel hot. So be sure to drink plenty of water and keep the mineral and electrolyte balance in check. Coconut water is also a great option!

🍉 Eat fresh! Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables at this time of the year - stroll through a local farmers’ market and pick up fresh ingredients for a vegetable stirfry or salad. Our diets should be light, cooling, nutrient-dense, brightly colored, and hydrating. Good options include: apricot, bananas, apples, lettuce, cantaloupe, watermelon, strawberries, tomatoes, citrus, peaches, cucumber, zucchini, asparagus, bok choy, water chestnut, corn, snow peas, and mint. These foods are plentiful this time of year, so be sure to incorporate them into your diet on a regular basis to offset the summer heat. Make fruit smoothies and salads frequently - your body will thank you.

Have a wonderful summer, everyone! I hope to see you soon. Stay well! ♥️

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Happy Friday! ☀️ I recorded this for my son’s virtual career day at his preschool. It’s a *very* simplified way of expla...
What are you waiting for? ♥️




5570 Sterrett Place, Suite 308
Columbia, MD

Opening Hours

Thursday 8am - 1pm
Saturday 7am - 2pm
Sunday 7am - 2pm

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