South Eastern Kambo

Kambo has been used in South America for thousands of years. It is one of the biggest immune booster

Kambo have the ability to heal the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Unlike pharmaceutical medication Kambo has the ability to cross the blood brain barrier. Kambo also works through the lymphatic system and essentially cleans everything out that is toxic to the body. One of the best detoxes and immune boosters not to mention releasing traumas that is stored in the body, physical and emotional traumas.


Honoring the sacred space where transformation begins. My Kambo altar is more than just a setup—it’s a living, breathing reflection of the powerful healing energy Kambo brings. Here, we connect deeply with the medicine, setting intentions to release what’s weighing us down and make space for renewal and growth. 🌿✨

After a year spent deepening my connection to Kambo and expanding my practices, I’m thrilled to invite those who feel called to join me for a ceremony. This isn’t just about detoxifying the body—it’s about cleansing the spirit, aligning with your true self, and stepping into your power.

If you’re ready to embark on this transformative journey, let’s create magic together.


Embracing the healing power of Kambo, a sacred medicine that detoxifies the body, strengthens the immune system, and reconnects us with our inner self. After dedicating the past year to deepening my practices, I’m excited to welcome new clients on this transformative journey.

Benefits of Kambo:

• Detoxifies the liver and intestines
• Boosts the immune system
• Clears emotional blockages
• Provides mental clarity and focus
• Relieves pain and inflammation
• Enhances physical and emotional resilience



Sometimes the biggest lesson the Universe can give is when it seems like you have completely lost everything and you don’t know where you are going.

Trust the process. Trust yourself. Have no fear. Place one foot in front of the other, one step at a time.

You got this.

P.s. reposting…because grammatical errors. 😅


Sometimes the biggest lesions the universe can give is when it seems like you have completely lost everything and you don’t know where you are going.

Trust the process. Trust yourself. Have no fear. Place one foot in front of the other, one step at a time.

You got this.


Let’s chat about Kambo. It’s time that I start talking about this wonderful medicine again and to bring him back into the forefront. Kambo is my first love and the medicine I have personally worked with the most.

I am beginning to offer Kambo ceremonies in the Columbus and Atlanta area again beginning this month.

I am also hosting a medicine retreat March 31st-April 3rd right here in Georgia.

Message me if you would like information for Kambo Ceremonies or for more information about the retreat.

✨ mental clarity
✨ depression
✨ anxiety
✨ Lyme disease
✨ hormonal imbalances
✨ addiction
✨ cancer
✨ chronic pain
✨ infertility
✨ infections
✨ migraines

Are you ready to start doing the healing work? Kambo is here to help you!


Here is an Astrology tidbit for 2023:

The last time Saturn was in a Jupiter ruled sign was Sagittarius during 2014-2015.
I highly recommend to reflect back to see what was going on during those years to analyze what is to come for your personally in 2023.

For me personally, I was ending a 7 year relationship in an abusive marriage. Healing deep wounds and understanding the abuse I endured after having a blind eye for so long. While at the same time venturing out on my own as a single mother to my 3 and 1 year old. Constantly shedding skins to become who I am today.

As I am reflecting now, I am seeing the cycle repeat in my current reality. Yet it looked much much different this time. Finally closing the door to something that was doing more harm than good. I didn’t even realize how deeply rooted it was until a friend could see what was happening around me energetically and spiritually.

Strength is learned in these moments. We do not get to where we are today without the lessons of our past.

✨✨Take time over the next few days to truly feel into the energy of the new year. ✨✨

Stay tuned for more new year tidbits tomorrow ✨

Photo by



Let’s be honest. There is no magical wand that you can wave and be automatically healed of everything you have ever carried within this lifetime and beyond.

Healing is never ending, once you have worked through everything that has been on the surface you realize you have now peeled back another layer that reveals everything that’s been laying underneath. Then you have a deeper understanding how that one thing you have been working on is so deeply intertwined with all these other emotions. Even if you have been doing all this healing work on past trauma and wounds there is still generational healing, ancestral healing, healing your soul from past lives, and on and on.

But that doesn’t mean
you have to spend your whole life focused on healing. You have to LIVE in this process!!

The whole purpose of healing work is so that you can fully LIVE and be in connection to you Truth and Higher self. Don’t forget that!!

To learn what love truly is and become an embodiment of that space. It is incredibly beautiful.

You are here on this planet during this time to do great work, and you are doing it! Rejoice in that and find play in these moments.


Contact me if you are searching for answers long your healing journey. Here is what I offer:
✨Traditional Kambo Ceremonies
✨Guidance Coaching
✨Spiritual Guidance Coaching
✨Psychedelic Integration
✨Expansion Retreats

As always lots of love from my heart to yours ❤️


As we are approaching the start of 2023 let’s get to know the energetics a little bit. 2023 is the year of 7 in numerology. Which is a year of blessings and prosperity. 7, is generally associated with wisdom, spiritually, and good fortune.

7, is also considered a sacred number connected to the cycles of life, nature, and the Spiritual world. It is the completion of one cycle and the being of another. This can be applied to your age as well. There are cycles every 7 years.

What will this next cycle include for you?




Imagine it. A life where you are no longer reacting based upon your triggers that have been set in place since sometimes a young child. A life where you are care free and happy regardless of situations that may occur.

You living an optimal life to your fullest potential and you finally understand everything is right in the world right where it needs to be. You have an understanding that everyone is on their own journey that is completely different than yours. Compassionate, loving, caring, yet incredibly FIERCE!

You can have this and so much more. The work begins NOW. Once you begin, 6 months from now you will be able to look back and see the differences you have made.

Photos from South Eastern Kambo's post 11/22/2022

What’s happening here??

I can tell you what’s happening here. This is the moment i realize Maestro Hernan is adding extra magic (med.icine) to my cup before he passes it over to me. All I could do was laugh at his surprise as he was simply saying “initiation“. Yet Maestro Hernan knows me quite well and knew it was not going faze me that I was drinking more than everyone else that was apart of the group.

Why Was I drinking more than everyone else? Well, you see, this was the second of three ceremonies and I had to miss out on the first ceremony because I was up all night the night before the first hike purging as the med.icine was already working with me. I simply did not have it in me to do a full hike the next day. Plus, the med.icine need me to rest so that is what I did.

The first ceremony is always the initiation ceremony and the last ceremony is the finale. Since I missed the first one Hernan made sure I was making up for it.

➡️Swipe to see what has made me laugh so hard.

📷: ,


We are all Divinely connected to our truth, to all that we are within this sacred space we call home. Within our inner worlds and our outer worlds.

May you walk forward within this life to see clearly, to know your truth, and to love unconditionally.

The true power of love can heal all.


Photos from South Eastern Kambo's post 10/04/2022

Ok ok ok I HAVE to post these group photos! First of all, I just love them. Secondly, you can literally see the difference in everyone from the final day of the retreat to the opening day of the retreat.

The first photo is of the closing ceremony before everyone started departing and the second photo is from arrival day.

Can you see everyone is smiling so much more and energetically lighter?

Take a moment and let me know what you notice in the comments.

📷 ,

Photos from South Eastern Kambo's post 10/03/2022

I am still awestruck at those we came along to the Peru retreat earlier this month and I will continue to honor each and every one of them as they stepped outside of their comfort zones and some faced their fears. They did this to relinquish all that once knew in order to see a clearer path laid out before them.

I noticed there was a collective healing energy for the retreat that everyone who attended greatly benefited from. It was one of opening the heart and stepping into who they are and truly accepting it. I literally cannot tell you how magical it is to witness such releases and see the shifts occurring within every one. Everyone grew lighter each day of the retreat. Even I did.

To be there and connect with everyone throughout the duration of the retreat and sharing the spaces I have held to close to my heart for quite some time.

The 9 people who came along to Peru are immensely powerful beings and if they did not know this before then they definitely know this now.

Here is to the beginning of something so incredibly beautiful that is happening right before my eyes. Cheers 🥂

All Photos by the beautiful

Photos from South Eastern Kambo's post 09/25/2022

I created something. I created beauty. I created a container of healing. I created a pathway for those who seek a more fulfilled life on this planet to step into their truth of who they actually are.

I have learned so much the past several years travling to these sacred lands of Peru to be able to offer and hold this kind of space. Working with different types of medicines and learning the different cultures between the Sacred Valley and the jungles of Iquitos. Teachings from not only past teachers, medicine workers, facilitators, retreat owners, but also the magic of the medicines themselves. Unknowingly I began walking this path to ultimately walk it for others who seek it. I don’t just live this lifestyle for myself but I live it for all of you.

It first started with my own healing work and immediately knowing that I was meant to share the knowledge that I have gained with others who seek it. I continue learning and my own personal healing in order to show up for those who seek my guidance.

This retreat is the first of many. My personal fulfillment. Big thank you and many blessing to who joined along side me to make a dream come into a reality.

This is my path. This is my story.

What started as an idea and has unfolded unfolded to be

More retreats are currently in the works for 2023! Be on the look out for date announcements to come.


There is a common misconception that people need more medicine to feel better or one more medicine ceremony so they can get through what they are experiencing when they have already done a series of medicine ceremonies back to back.

Take a moment to breath. You don’t need more medicine on top of medicine. What you need is to integrate the medicine work you have already done before going in again.

Integration takes time.

As the common saying goes 20% of the work is done within ceremony and the other 80% is done outside of ceremony and how you integrate it within you daily life.

You have to be committed to the path of healing and out in the work yourself and not be passive with it or it will just come right back to you later on or nothing will change.

Have a specific healing intention going into ceremony and continue the work the weeks and months after. The work begins the moment you decide to sit with medicine and continues long after ceremony is over. Spirit medicine works quantumly not just physically, and does not know the constructs of time.


Photos from South Eastern Kambo's post 09/07/2022

Powerful group integration yesterday after the initiation medicine ceremony. Sitting one in one with Hernan to receive his insights on individual experiences.

There have already been major shifts occur within everyone present and more is to come.

We are gearing up for ceremony number two in these magical Sacred Mountains. May we connect to la Medicina and Pachamama in this sacred space.

Photos from South Eastern Kambo's post 09/05/2022

These mountains keep calling me back and I will forever return and keep listening to them. Yet only this time I am not solo traveling like I normally do. I have 9 other beautiful souls who have joined me on the incredible journey to become one with the magic of these lands. To reconnect with themselves and learn who they are.

This is the work. The work of healing. You are simultaneously healing yourself, your ancestors who came before you, those to come after you, and the collective consciousness. You are breaking the chains of cycles and healing deep ancestral wounds.

For the next week we are taking a deeper dive in exactly that. Let the work begin.


Times are changing. There is a massive energetic shift happening in mental health. The use of psychedelics is becoming decriminalized in various parts of the US and it’s studies are increasing. While while more and more people are reprogramming their conditioning around plant medicines.

Have you seen the new Netflix series “How to Change Your Mind”? The series is based on a top selling book written by Michael Pollan. In the series Pollan takes you on a journey showing you actual studies that are being done centering around the use of psychedelics and it benefits for mental health and people with serious illnesses.

A key component to all use of plant medicines is how you approach it and more importantly how you are integrating the eco into your day to day life. Unintegrated medicine work will leave you in a churning cycle ultimately ending right back where you started.

As the saying goes, 20% of the work is done in ceremony and 80% is done outside of ceremony.

Integration is key and we are here to assist.


Times are changing. There is a massive energetic shift happening in mental health. The use of psychedelics is becoming decriminalized in various parts of the US and it’s studies are increasing. While while more and more people are reprogramming their conditioning around plant medicines.

Have you seen the new Netflix series “How to Change Your Mind”? The series is based on a top selling book written by Michael Pollan. In the series Pollan takes you on a journey showing you actual studies that are being done centering around the use of psychedelics and it benefits for mental health and people with serious illnesses.

A key component to all use of plant medicines is how you approach it and more importantly how you are integrating the eco into your day to day life. Unintegrated medicine work will leave you in a churning cycle ultimately ending right back where you started.

As the saying goes, 20% of the work is done in ceremony and 80% is done outside of ceremony.

Integration is key and we are here to assist.

Photos from South Eastern Kambo's post 08/08/2022

You have heard me talk about it is stories and mention it in posts and if you are on the email list then you have gotten the full details already. We are headed to Peru September 4th-10th to retreat into the sacred mountains in Peru and commune in sacred ceremony with a plant medicine called San Pedro (Wachuma). We are now inviting you to come join us in this sacred healing journey. Join us as we hike these sacred mountains to connect to Pachamama and wash away the parts of us that is no longer necessary to carry within this life.

You will have 6 days of connection with like minded Individuals. 3 medicine ceremonies hiking the Andean Mountains with 2 full days of rest and integration in between each hike, along with so much more.

Take a moment and look at each picture to connect I and feel the energy of these lands and see yourself already there.

Link is in the bio for more information about registration.

Lots of Love, PachaSoul ❤️

Photos from South Eastern Kambo's post 07/29/2022

Small town neighbors, turn friends, turn collaboration. Let me talk about this incredible woman for just a second. The story of how we met still blows our mind. Growing up in a small town where everyone know everyone and people kept telling me I needed to meet Veladya. Little did I know the massive amount of synchronicity‘s that were unfolding right before me. I had no idea that someone who lived so close to me was walking down the same path I was on. When we first met, without hardly knowing anything about her, I knew that one day we will be working together in some kind of capacity.

Fast forward to today:

We are entering an exciting new chapter in our lives of medicine work that will be heald and cared for with the upmost respect and intention.

With Our combined knowledge and skill sets we make a powerful dynamic in medicine spaces.

This September 4th-10th Veladya and I are hosting a retreat in Pisac, Peru to hike the Andean Mountains and commune with a medicine called Wachuma, more commonly known as San Pedro.

We are calling in those who feel the call to join us along such a sacred healing journey. One that will heal your heart and allow you to come back home to your truth and wash away everything that is a false reality.

This is medicine.
This is healing.
This is the work.

Are you ready to ask the big questions of life?
Who am I?
What am I here for?
Where do I come from?

It’s time for your to come back home to YOU.

Link is in the bio for more information about the retreat and to register.


This Summer has been a major cycle of complete death and rebirth. When I created South Eastern Kambo 2 years ago I knew that one day it would become something more than I could have imagined and that I would expand to something much greater. I just did not know what it would be yet.

Here we are.

I am excited to announce South Eastern Kambo has transitioned to PachaSoul!! I felt it deep within my Being this shift needed to occur within my medicine work and my business just as I have in my own personal journey. There are exciting things happening as I am now a Psychedelic Integration Specialist and I am hosting medicine retreats in various locations in the Americas. PachaSoul is a beautiful Harmony of all that is and what’s to come.

Don’t worry, Kambo is not going anywhere. I am still available for all your Kambo Ceremonies needs. 😊😊

Check out my new website, the link is in my bio 🙏🏻❤️


Kambo. Returning your body back to homeostasis I order to heal it’s self. This happens through the numerous bio active peptides that make up its chemical composition.

Ceremonies last between 2-3 hours in comfort of your home in the Columbus, GA/Atlanta area. I also take out of state who travel into the Columbus area.

I combine Kambo Ceremonies with the support of proper integration so you can truly shift in ways you never have before.

✨ mental clarity
✨ depression
✨ anxiety
✨ Lyme disease
✨ hormonal imbalances
✨ addiction
✨ cancer
✨ chronic pain
✨ infertility
✨ infections
✨ migraines

Are you ready to start doing the healing work? Kambo is here to help you!


Just received fresh new Kambo sticks in the mail today! I was like a child waiting to get into a candy store for the first time.

I source all of my Kambo sticks and supplies from a Phyllomedusa (the Kambo frog) reserve located in Iquitos, Peru, at where this medicine is collected and a very ethically and humane manner. The frogs are treated with the utmost respect and collected by the Matses, who are caretakers of the reserve. They first asked for permission before collecting the medicine and sing to the frogs throughout the entire duration of the collection process.

This is so incredibly important because there are far too many people who collect the medicine and mistreat the frogs, and do not give back to the indigenous communities.

Every medicine stick is different, and I personally test each stick before administering it to somebody else. Why is each medicine stick different? Simply because no two frogs are alike and can produce different amount of peptides which determines the strength of the medicine. Also, Kambo from a female frog is stronger 💪🏼

So you all know what I am going to be doing soon… sitting with Kambo!! Viva Kambo!


It is such an honor to be able to facilitate Kambo for someone and watch their transformation unfold right before my eyes. Deep healing occurs within these moments. Physical healing, mental healing, spiritual healing. The integration of working with Kambo will take place over time, especially if you are doing a full three Kambo sessions in order to receive the full benefits. Let your soul shine ❤️👏🏻


Happy New Year my loves. 2020 was here to serve a purpose. The Universe pressed the planetary pause button to make everyone sit sill with themselves and reflect. What occurred in 2020 is actually quite remarkable. We were given an opportunity to transform what was not in alignment with our Highest Self. We all learned that literally anything can happen within a blink of an eye. Nothing is ever certain in any given moment. 2020 turned us upside down to shake us up and get our attention to wake ourselves up to endless possibilities. We cocooned for the better part of 2020, shedding our old skins, and learning new things. It was a year of radical transformations to say the least.

2021, we are here now and ready to emerge in a new beautiful form. One that is more in alignment with our Higher Self. Things don’t just change overnight though, we still have to go out and get it. Create your own path if you have to.

Thank you 2020 for all of your hard lessons, for being here to serve a purpose we all needed. So much love and gratitude 💚🐸
#2020 #2021


You can now find us on Google!

Follow this business on Google Find out more about this business by following them on Google


Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas! I hope it is joyous and relaxing. I know we had a wonderful time in our house this morning, now it’s as quiet as a mouse. Let the fires ignite in your fires places tonight on this chilly Christmas Day.

Up next, 2021 here we come!! What a wonderful year it’s going to be for South Eastern Kambo! May the bookings begin! Available for one on one private sessions. Email or Direct Message for information. 🐸💚🐸

Photos from South Eastern Kambo's post 12/21/2020

The Great Jupiter and Saturn Conjunction is here. Also known as The Christmas Star. This alignment has not been seen in 800 years. If you look in history every time this conjunction occurred there was a historic event that soon followed after. This is not only a time in the history of humanity but most importantly in Earth’s history. Every single being (not just humans) on this planet will experience a rise in consciousness. During this beautiful time we have now stepped into the Age of Aquarius.

Each and every one of us are here to serve a purpose. It is time to release self doubt and our old narratives in order to step into our Truth to who we really are.

Take a moment today and sit in silence. To connect with the Divine, to connect to the heart. To reflect on what once was, what is, and what will be. Speak to your higher power. Listen, journal the information that is received. The time is now to be who you truly are. We have arrived.

Aho ✨

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