Redemption Community Church

Redemption Community Church is a small church on the west side of Columbus, Ohio.

Virtual service times are:
Sundays at 6pm - message/sermon from the pastor
Wednesday at 11am - zoom bible study
Saturday at 11am - zoom bible study


Merry Christmas to everyone and I hope you’re all doing well!


Today is the day when Christians gather together where they can in order to celebrate the king of all creation.

I pray that you are celebrating with others today and if you find yourself without a body of believers to congregate with, consider Shiloh Mennonite Church. It is where Pastor Steve and his family have started attending.


It’s Sunday! RCC maybe be transitioning into something new but those who follow Christ follow him regardless of how we socially, collectively come together to follow him.

Make some time today, if you have not found a new gathering place, to dedicate to reading the Bible that a Jesus was so passionate about teaching. Spend some time today engaging with those that Jesus was so passionate about fellowshipping with. Spend some time today practicing the grace and mercy that Jesus was so passionate about instructing us to become fluent in.

God bless you, and keep spending time.

Humanity 21': In Closing... 05/16/2021

Where are we going? What happens when we die? How do we read the book of Revelation and what does “apocalypse” even mean?

Join us for the end of the series and the last message from Pastor Steve to Redemption Community Church.

Humanity 21': In Closing... Where is humanity heading? What's the end? Does the bible talk about the end of the world? Join us as we look at the term, "Last Days," the word, "Apocalypse...

Humanity 21': Heaven, Hell, and Discipleship 05/09/2021

Heave, Hell, life, community....we can have a lot of questions in this life about what we do as disciples of Jesus and what it means to live in discipleship.

Tonight we explore Matthew 18 and how Jesus speaks about his little children as well as the children of hell. Grab your bibles and coffee, it’s time for church.

Humanity 21': Heaven, Hell, and Discipleship We already know for the most part what it means to be discipled. But do we understand how Jesus feels about our relationships with one another? Let's look at...

Since Your Love (Live) (feat. Brandon Hampton) 05/06/2021

Living into a life defined by Jesus means that we are able to accept who we are and what we were made for. I can't say I am a supporter of the idea that we were created for worship. Rev. 4 tells us that there are beings that worship God day and night without ceasing. If this is true, then I was created for something different. I think we were created for communion, we were created to exist and live in relationship with God.

I understood this concept better when I had kids. I never once wanted a child so that child could shower me with adoration and love. I had children because I loved them before they were born and desired for their existence and I think this is how and why God created me and you.

We are defined by God in Christ but we are our own person and God wants us to live our life in discovery of what that personal identity is. For some, it will be parenthood. For others it will be discipleship, and still for another it will be evangelism. For others it will be environmental work because after all, we were placed in authority over the earth.

We were all created for a purpose and I don't think you need to have God in your life to understand what that is, after all we were created in his likeness and part of that is being self aware. But I do not believe we will ever live into that purpose in its fulness without him.

Being in a small group with other people on the journey of what it means to be human, what it means to be a christian, what it means to be me, is one of the most enriching experiences you can be a part of if you give it everything you have. Speak even when you're afraid of being laughed at. Be vulnerable even if you're scared of their reactions. Confess your sins to others as if you were trying to turn away from the person you once were.

When we lean into community with one another, an amazing thing happens. God shows up.

Because we were not meant to be alone and God decided the answer to that was another human and not more of himself, we need to lean into the community aspect of what it means to be in relationship with God because this is where Jesus lived. This is where Jesus taught us to live.

You want to commune with God and find out what it means to be loved by him and love like him? Invest in others.

Since Your Love (Live) (feat. Brandon Hampton) Provided to YouTube by TuneCoreSince Your Love (Live) (feat. Brandon Hampton) · United PursuitSimple Gospel (Live)℗ 2015 United Pursuit RecordsReleased on: 2...

Never Going Back (Live) (feat. Brock Human) 05/04/2021

Coming to Christ for those in the first century was like coming home. Home stopped being a place and it started being a person.

Jesus is our King but he is also our safe space.

Sometimes, especially to our democratic republic minds, a king doesn't represent something good or even something we can comprehend. But we can comprehend, home. Jesus is our home.

In Jesus, we have all we need. We have the ability to be free and ourselves. Our sins no longer hold a weight around our necks that keep us stationary and stagnant.

In Jesus, we are strengthened and encouraged despite our sins. Jesus is our home where our sins are forgiven and we are able to be as we are without shame or condemnation.

In Jesus, we find security and acceptance. Love unconditional and for those of us who have found him, we are never going back to what life was without him.

Never Going Back (Live) (feat. Brock Human) Provided to YouTube by TuneCoreNever Going Back (Live) (feat. Brock Human) · United PursuitSimple Gospel (Live)℗ 2015 United Pursuit RecordsReleased on: 2015...

Humanity 21': The In-laws 05/02/2021

Every family has issues with the in laws. When we marry the person that we can forgive and overlook the shortcomings of, it feels right. Then 6 months in, we realize, we married all those people that our spouse came from too!

Joining Christ can feel that way sometimes and it certainly did to the first church as well. How do we move forward?

Humanity 21': The In-laws The Jew and the gentile are now part of the same family and even though they have a common king in Jesus, there are still a lot of ruffles to work out as far...

Crowder - Back To The Garden 05/01/2021

A garden represents a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Biblically speaking, it's a place of provision and peace, natures temple. A place where one lacks for nothing.

This idea of Eden that we've been exploring for the past three months is about so much more than literal gardens but gardens within us cultivated by the Spirit of Christ active in our own lives. Are we tending to that garden? Are we partnering with the Spirit to do the work of clearing out the weeds and planting the right crop to yield a harvest of good fruit that feeds our own soul and our neighbors?

Are we expanding that garden into the world around us?

Crowder - Back To The Garden Crowder – Official music video for “Back To The Garden” Subscribe to Crowder on YouTube: the latest album, I KNOW ...

Come Together (Re-Mastered) 04/29/2021

Learning to live together is an old adage that every parent of multiple children have uttered at some time or another. It's a boiled down, simplification of what we as believers should be doing as well. The New Testament letters are written to multiple different groups of people who were all coming together and learning to live with one another.

Today, we may not be arguing over kosher laws, circumcision, or even who is slave or free. But we do argue over doctrine, modesty, sexual ethics and more. In the end, we have to learn what it means to love and come together under the banner of Christ in the power of the Spirit of Christ.

The hard truth is that if the church isn't a light in the world, it's just as dark as everything else and isn't a place of hope at all. Christ is hope. Be Christ to someone today.

Come Together (Re-Mastered) Provided to YouTube by Sony Music EntertainmentCome Together (Re-Mastered) · Third DayChronology, Volume Two: 2001-2006℗ 2007 Essential RecordsLyricist: Mac ...

Hold Us Together (Matt Maher) 04/27/2021

There is a unifying theme in the New Testament letters that Paul, Peter, and John consistently pull our attention to and that is love. Not a love that is soft or bends easily. But a love that is dependable and strong. A love that is defining.

The kind of love that the church rallies around was a love that was defined by Christ and expressed in relationship with one another. It's a love that a church should be defined by still today. Not worship, not great preaching, or insightful teaching but our love first for Christ who directs us into relationship with one another.

Hold Us Together (Matt Maher) This is a music/lyrics video I made to Matt Maher's awesome song "Hold Us Together" from his album "Alive Again".NOTE: I do not claim ownership of this song ...

Humanity 21': Inclusion 04/25/2021

“Whosoever” is a term that we should revel in. We read the words of Jesus, “Whosoever believes in the Son shall not perish but have everlasting life” is the greatest promise and the greatest news to all outside of the covenant of Abraham.

This week we are looking at the induction of the gentiles into the new covenant under the blood of Christ.

Humanity 21': Inclusion The enaction of the sabbath means that all people are able to come to God without restriction just as the Jews are. What did this process look like? Let's fi...

Humanity 21': Priests and Temples 04/18/2021

Spring is upon us! And so are Steve’s allergies. Not Going to lie...this was tough to record so I can sympathize with you if it’s hard to sit through. I had to make a million cuts because I kept sneezing through the whole thing.

That being said

The Holy Spirit is upon us as well! Haha
Join us as we look at a recap over the series and talk about the priesthood in Christ and identifying ourselves as individual temples.

Humanity 21': Priests and Temples There was that God had when he freed Israel from Egypt that they would be a nation of priests, people who would represent God to the rest of the world. That ...

Set A Fire - Jesus Culture w/ Lyrics 04/17/2021

The first revival sermon preached came from Peter in the book of Acts. Jesus had ascended to Heaven, the Holy Spirit had come and the men that were just fisherman were now holy spirit empowered enthusiasts for the gospel.

At 9 am, Peter stands before a crowd of doubters and hecklers telling them, "People of Israel, listen! God publicly endorsed Jesus the Nazarene by doing powerful miracles, wonders, and signs through him, as you well know. But God knew what would happen, and his prearranged plan was carried out when Jesus was betrayed. With the help of lawless Gentiles, you nailed him to a cross and killed him. But God released him from the horrors of death and raised him back to life, for death could not keep him in its grip..." Acts 2 goes on to tell us that, "Peter's words pierced their hearts, and they said to him and to the other apostles, "Brother's what should we do?"

Peter replied, "each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. this promise is to you, to your children, and to those far away--all who have been called by the Lord our God. Then Peter continued preaching for a long time, strongly urging all his listeners, "Save yourselves from this crooked generation!"

The new covenant starts off with a bang, that very day 3,000 people are baptized and added to the church. You and I bear witness to this very message of Christ resurrected and endorsed by God to listen to, follow after, and preach in the name of.

As we approach the time after Christ in our humanity series, my prayer is that this holy spirit power that dwells inside of you would kindle and spark into a flame that drives your desire to know and be known by God. That there would be revival in your heart that causes you to see every single day as a day for reaching new people for the sake of the gospel, to live out the blessing of Abraham in your own life, to live out the truth of the gospel in your own life, and to represent Christ as he represented you in your own life.

I want more of you God

Set A Fire - Jesus Culture w/ Lyrics Set A Fire by Jesus Culture with lyrics. This video is good to use for both personal and group worship! God Bless!

Never Going Back (ft. Brock Human) 04/15/2021

Repentance is a word of hope that we have to tell ourselves sometimes multiple times in a day. Learning to live a life modeled after Christ is a life long endeavor and it's a commitment that a person often makes multiple times over the course of their life because sin is ever present in our heart and mind calling us away from our faith.

The good news is that Christ forgiveness us and is our strength when we are weak. As we sing these songs like, "I'm never going back" and "I surrender" I think it could be a dangerous trap for us to think that we will have a kind of commitment that doesn't come with equal parts of wrestling and doubt. Psalm 89 for instance is a great example of what it looks like to live a life of commitment to God and still wrestle with the flesh, doubt, sin, and apathy.

Repentance is continual mode of being as we live this life. Let us repent quickly, let us repent often, let us repent sincerely.

Never Going Back (ft. Brock Human) Listen the rest of the album here to our channel for more videosAll Simple Gospel videos: United...

I Surrender - Hillsong Worship 04/13/2021

At the heart of what the gospel talks about is the idea that you are individually able to intersect and interact with God himself without having to be good enough, or righteous enough, or intellectually proficient in ancient Judaism, Christian theology, or active in sanctimonious ritual.

God invites us to himself through his son Jesus. When we embrace and accept Jesus, scripture tells us that we embrace and accept God and the wonderful news that Jesus brought is that God already embraces you.

Repentance is a word of hope because it's achievable for all people everywhere to repent and turn to Christ. Jesus asks us to surrender who we are to him and learn what it is to love, live in mercy and grace, and walk with purpose.

I surrender

I Surrender - Hillsong Worship Click here to listen to the latest from Hillsong Worship: to our YouTube channel:

Humanity 21': Repentance 04/11/2021

The offspring of the serpent is a topic that some talk about at length with no real clear understanding of who the offspring are and what it means in relation to the offspring of the serpent. Tonight we dive into the topic and the way that Christ calls us to in laying down our lives, picking up our cross, and following him.

Join us for the conversation!

Humanity 21': Repentance Jesus was born to us, died, and was resurrected. He called and challenged us to address the sin that is in our life and challenged us in a sobering reminder ...

Jesus Is Alive (feat. Zadok Priesthood Choir) // Chris Burns // The Dirge And The Dance 04/06/2021

Two thousand years ago, Jesus rose from the grave and I imagine on their Tuesday, they were sitting around a table with him, eating a meal in wonderment as they talked and laughed.

If you find yourself gathered around that table of believers in the risen Christ, sing with me, "Jesus is alive!"

Jesus Is Alive (feat. Zadok Priesthood Choir) // Chris Burns // The Dirge And The Dance Jesus Is Alive (feat. Zadok Priesthood Choir) // Chris Burns // The Dirge And The DanceOfficial audio of "Jesus Is Alive" by Chris BurnsGet the rest of the a...

HUMANITY 21': EASTER 04/04/2021

The resurrection of Christ is the single most important and influential event in human history, splitting time literally in half.

Whom did he understand himself to be? How does it relate to us today? Join us as we dive into the theology of the resurrected Christ and humanity 2.0!

HUMANITY 21': EASTER Jesus has risen and the reset button on humanity has been pressed. Join us as we examine the implications of the cross and the resurrection.

Humanity 21': Darkest Sabbath 04/03/2021

The purpose of Sabbath is to rest, refocus our vision and remember who we are in God. But what about the Sabbath between the death and resurrection of Jesus? What might the disciples have been processing? Join us as we look at the significance of the Sabbath through the lens of the Redeemer.

Humanity 21': Darkest Sabbath God declares the Sabbath day, a day of rest. But what if your Messiah had been killed? What if the Redeemer foretold by the prophets had come among you and t...

Humanity 21': Good Friday 04/02/2021

It's Good Friday, the day when we remember the life and death of our King Jesus. Join us as we look at Jesus entering into humanity and make sure to join us tomorrow night at 6 pm as well as we take part in the darkest sabbath together.

Jenn and the girls are singing us into each service as well!


Humanity 21': Good Friday The cornerstone of the Christian faith is the death of our king. A death that makes no sense without the resurrection. Join us over the next three days as we...

I see the Lord - Danny Daniels 04/02/2021

Embracing God is to admit our own sin. Isaiah, in Isaiah 6, sees the greatness of God and in the same moment comes to comprehend himself as one who has been an agent of chaos and death.

God has always worked through the fallen and sinful human to accomplish his wills and his goals in the world that he loves and declared good.

He is calling to all of us to go and be that messenger of his goodness, of your sin, and his absolution. Jesus said, "As the Father sent me, so I am sending you."

May we accept that calling, may we accept that charge, and may we walk with accountability as we interact with others and this good world that our great God made.

I see the Lord - Danny Daniels This song is on an old Vineyard CD called REVIVAL that I bought in 1999. This exact version I haven't found anywhere.So I uploaded it to my channel.It was a...

all together separate- paradigm ( 03/30/2021

The process of discipling isn't textbook. It isn't a formula that applies to every person in every situation where if you just, "follow these 3 easy steps" you'll find the outcome of one who has mastered the arts of Christianity.

Discipling is often messy and hard because it is the commitment of one to their mentor and a commitment of one to their student. If you don't think about it in these terms then you're not discipling anyone and you're not being discipled by anyone either.

People become voices in a crowd without distinction and no input value over another. This is how the world operates, thinking all voices are equal and worthy of our time and attention. Competing ideas and philosophies shifting like the sand on the beach as the tide comes in and nothing to anchor us.

Jesus asks us to change the way we think. We desires to be that sure foundation that is unchanged by the events of our lives like the tides that come in. He offers something more than the shifting sands that cause us to be unreliable people who have no real path before us.

He offers us a foundation made of stone and rock. Unmoved by tides or storms. When we submit to him, we find that our paradigms, those things that we once thought were so solid, are shifting. Those ways that we used to be in sampling thoughts and voices from a multitude begins to change and we no longer hear them with the same value that we once did and begin to filter them through the teachings of our master. Our rabbi, our teacher, our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

May we find that every day our paradigm is shifting closer towards him.

all together separate- paradigm ( music and lyrics to paradigm by all together separate

Humanity 21': Sin in Israel 03/28/2021

Being part of those whom God elects does not mean one is above the threat of sin, corruption, and decay.

Join us as we look at Israel and the struggle that God has with them leading them away from the worlds culture.

Humanity 21': Sin in Israel Being elected by God can give the impression that the elected is some how without defect but what we learn through the story of Israel is that is anything bu...

WOW! Amazing New Hebrew Worship with English Subtitles Music Video from Israel! 03/27/2021

The story of who our God is and who we are begins with a small tribe of people out of the land of Babylon in the Middle East, thousands of years ago. A culture of people steeped in blood and violence.

Our good God steps into the story of humanity and disciples us away from the violent and aggressive culture that we had created and shows us a new path.

It was in our nature of shedding blood that Jesus reveals himself to us. As he was raised up on the cross, our wickedness was laid bare for all of history and the world to witness. In his resurrection, his goodness was revealed and laid bare.

We leave the old ways of who we once were, not because we trade one set of shackles for another but because we see that how we were was a pale comparison of who we were created to be and in the love of Christ, we are made a wonderful new creation.

Where there was once anger, there is peace
Where there was once sorrow, there is joy
Where there was once arrogance, there is humility

We follow Christ because of who he is and who he shows us we can be.

Thousands of years ago, our GREAT God partnered with a desert tribe of people and began calling them away from who they were and he is still calling us today. We are still walking away from who we once were and calling out, "fill me, O God."

WOW! Amazing New Hebrew Worship with English Subtitles Music Video from Israel! For More Messianic worship music from Israel tune in to Israel's Messianic Radio station Take with you with our free Apple, Android and Ale...

Passion - How Great Is Our God (World Edition) [feat. Chris Tomlin] 03/25/2021

The lesson that Nebuchadnezzar learned is that the God of Israel is not only the God of Israel, but the God of even himself even if he didn't acknowledge him. He was humbled by the power of God.

It is something that we can be forgetful of as we live our lives as Christians in the western corner of the world that we are surrounded by a tapestry of people who cry out to Jesus in every tribe, nation, language in a varied and colorful image of who our God is.

Our good God is also great! He meets us where we are and the timeless story of sin and redemption, the way that it crosses all bearers and people see themselves in the story of the cross. They see themselves in the humanity of Jesus and they see Jesus reaching out to them, this is a truth that we need to get comfortable with. Our humanly Jewish Messiah is transcultural and reaches into the hearts of every people in every land!

We are all, individually the image of God, but we understand God and how we were created and we understand what it means that we are all defined by this God when we gather together in unity of his name. Our individual languages, cultures, and differences embraced, cherished, and perfected in him!

Our God is great

Passion - How Great Is Our God (World Edition) [feat. Chris Tomlin] Passion feat. Chris Tomlin performing “How Great Is Our God (World Edition)Get Passion’s Latest Album “Follow You Anywhere” Here:

Third Day - Cry Out To Jesus (Official Video) 03/23/2021

There are moments that we live through that are unexplainably tragic. There are events that take place that overwhelm the senses and take from us the ability to live in the present moment as we are consumed with the tragedies that sometimes befall us.

The bible is not ignorant of those moments and God is not oblivious to them. the Psalms are replete with people crying out to a God that they feel has abandoned them. The book of Job was dealing with the complexities of what to make of the idea that there is suffering in relation to God being good. The book of Lamentations is exactly what it says it is, a book of lamenting while people live in suffering and despair.

I take comfort in knowing that what the breathe is knocked out of my lungs, when my throat is burning from the tears that won't come, and the only thing anyone has to say are the platitudes of, "I'm so sorry" that I am not alone in my suffering. My God knows my pain.

Jesus, in his last hour, lifts his head on the cross and looks to the heavens crying out, "MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME!" Jesus was quoting Psalm 22. He used scripture to identify with what he was feeling.

Our God is big, wonderfully big. He hears our cries with hears of more than sympathy. He hears our cries with understanding. Jesus reminds us that those who mourn will be comforted. In my moments of despair and sorrow and wailing, I cry out to Jesus.

Third Day - Cry Out To Jesus (Official Video) Music video by Third Day performing Cry Out To Jesus. Facebook-

Humanity 21': Abram of Babylon 03/21/2021

Wait...Abraham is...Babylonian?! What chu talk’n Willis?

Yeah...that’s my lame attempt at humor. Anyhow, our man, Abram, is a Babylonian! Join us as we dive into the beginning of how God responds to Babylon and how humanity has strayed far from God. Let’s take a look together as we see the patient discipleship of Abram by God as he plants the seed of Israel.

Humanity 21': Abram of Babylon Humanity culminates in the biblical story with the nation state of Babylon. Babylon's mentality of take what they desire without consideration for how they m...

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Merry Christmas to everyone and I hope you’re all doing well!
As You Find Me - Performed by Frankie Alverado



222 Schoolhouse Lane
Columbus, OH

Opening Hours

6pm - 8pm

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