Radiant Light Intuitive Healing

Prenatal + Pediatric + Family Chiropractic and energy healing.


Today I listened to my favorite podcast episode of the year - Re*****on Donovan’s ( ) annual breakdown of the numerology of the year. 2024 is “The 8 Year of Power.”

He was talking about how one of the main focuses this year is going to be adding more life to your life.
This can look like cleaning up your diet - eating more vegetables, fruits, protein, etc.
Or you could dedicate time each day to establish a movement practice - whether it be walking, yoga, strength training, swimming, dancing.
Getting outside more to be in the sun or get fresh air.
Drinking more water.
Improving your sleep hygiene.
Doing more things that light your heart and soul on fire.

You can follow it up with asking yourself: What is depleting my field? And take necessary action to remedy that.

It’s a year of calling us to be more intentional. Are we making choices to add more life to our life? Or are we making choices that are leaving us feeling depleted and burnt out? Are we using our time in a way brings us value and enriches our life? Or are we wasting it away by sitting around and doing nothing?

What will you do this year to add more life to your life?


At the end of this month, my concierge chiropractic services will be going away.

In September, I will be joining the amazing team at Ability Chiropractic and seeing patients in their Westerville office.

Don’t fret! Radiant Light will continue to live on!

I first started Radiant Light in the fall of 2019 to do remote energy healing for individuals and groups. I plan on continuing to do this.

For months now things have felt incredibly shifty for me and I haven’t been able to make sense of what all wanted to come into form - which is partially why I’ve gotten so quiet on here. At this point, though, I feel like I’m getting closer to figuring out what things will look like moving forward. In this in between space, I’m going to remain introspective and pause my content creation, as well as my Patreon community.

There’s a newer version of Radiant Light that wants to be birthed and I want and need to take the step back to discover what that is.

In the meantime - I will keep some availability for remote sessions and will still be reachable via phone or email!



The mind, body, and soul are intimately woven together. Addressing one, addresses another and must be done with intention and thoughtfulness.

The three work together in concert with one another to orchestrate your human experience.

It’s up to you to find practitioners who will help you with all 3 while you do the work to establish the harmony within to live in tune with your greatest expression of self.

Nothing is separate. Everything is interwoven perfectly and beautifully connected. 🩷🫶🏼🌻🌈

Use the link in my bio to schedule a remote energy alchemy session with me or a concierge chiropractic appt! ⭐️


If you know, you know. 🖤🩷


In my dream this morning, I was handed a letter that my grandpa wrote to me before he passed. I was only able to read a few sentences before my alarm started going off. 😫 Instead of being upset, I immediately pulled my phone out and started writing what I remembered and I could tell I was starting to channel him and kept on writing.

So, this is part of that note from my grandpa.

He was the absolute sweetest and jolliest man. His dad jokes were sharp and he was always putting a smile on your face just because he shined so brightly and aimed to make you feel special and like you were his favorite.

That twinkle in his eye with his smile. 🤩 Gah. He was just the cutest.

Even when our loved ones pass onto other realms, they stick with us and sprinkle their love in whenever they can for us to receive. 💜

The entire message I am sharing in my patreon community - link below to join that! ✨



Let’s flip the script and focus on what women CAN do and support them and empower them in ways they can nourish their bodies and growing babies.

Instead of focusing on all of the bad and negative things that are running rampant through society of things to avoid because you’re pregnant… here are some resources and things you can do to help you gain more wisdom, strength, and confidence to maneuver your way through this journey of motherhood.

👉🏽9 Golden Months - Heng Ou
👉🏽The First 40 Days - Heng Ou
Both of these books are filled with practices to be more intentional and recipes to nourish you during each sacred time.

👉🏽Nourishing Traditions - Sally Fallon
A cookbook full of foods that are deeply nourishing for you and your family

Clearing the interference in your nervous system so your body can be more fluid in its movement and expression is profound. Seeing a doc who does Webster to make sure baby has plenty of room in the womb and knows how to modify taking care of YOU is key.

Training for labor and motherhood will give you the strength and confidence you need to trust your body’s ability to show up in one of the biggest events of your life will be everything you didn’t realize you needed. Honestly.

Learn how to find the quiet and stillness now. Diving deeper into yourself will give you that strong inner peace that you’ll need to access when your baby is crying and you need to help soothe them.

With yourself. With your baby. With your partner. With your other children.

Take the time to learn more about birth and parenting.
How and where can you be more intentional with this motherhood journey you are on?

Photos from Radiant Light Intuitive Healing's post 07/09/2023

My heart is so full after getting so much family time the last couple weeks. 🩷🫶🏼✨


Mamas, you deserve the world with all that hard work you do growing + raising babies. I love getting to be part of your motherhood journey bringing you ease where I can!

Side note: this little one was so eager to get adjusted and soaked up every bit of it. She was the cutest! 🫶🏼🩷




Sunset adjustments hit different 🫶🏼

Photos from Radiant Light Intuitive Healing's post 07/03/2023

Someone I think everyone needs to have in their life: someone who inspires you to challenge yourself.

My brother is that person for me and has been since we were kids.

He’s 6 years older and naturally growing up, I wanted to be like him and try all the things he was doing. Especially when it came to sports.

This weekend at my parents was no different. I caught him doing a sandbag workout outside and immediately had to check it out for myself. After trying a couple moves with it, I geared up and took my turn with it.

That was the first time I’ve used a sandbag, so it was a fun challenge for me to see what I could do with it. I’m definitely feeling the soreness today and I love it.

Who is someone that inspires you to do better, to try new things, and/or challenge yourself? 👇🏼


I’m bringing my membership back y’all!

This time there are two different tiers.

There will be…
🫶🏼Live group healings
💜Live teachings on a range of topics - including but not limited to: spiritual, movement, energy, preconception/prenatal/postpartum goodness, spirit babies, polyvagal exercises, etc
✨Card pulls
🌈Channeled messages

It's very much giving wisdom + tools for the lifelong pursuit of health and wellness for women. 🫶🏼

Anyway, it’s going to be lit.

Link is in bio to join!


I cannot stress the importance of this enough.

Especially when it comes to your body and your intuition.

It’s really hard to discern what’s being projected onto you from others and your own inner wisdom if you’re not taking the time to intentionally connect to yourself.

You need to know your body better than any doctor or practitioner so you can take their recommendations and make choices for how you’d like to proceed with their care with what you know and feel to be true for you.

You are the gate keeper for yourself - your health and well-being.

Daily check ins with yourself: slowing down and breathing to drop down into your body to listen to what it and your soul needs is a requirement. Finding ways to move your body so you can learn to trust the connection. Listening to and acting on the subtle cues from your intuition will help you strengthen that bond of communication too.

Don’t underestimate the value of your own inner guidance when it comes to making the decisions for your life. Even (and especially if) when they don’t make sense to other people.


Any chance I get - the shoes are coming off to get my toes in the grass! 🦶🏼

Getting your feet in the grass can be done while watching games (like me - watching my niece’s lacrosse game), at the park, or taking the time to be mindful and do some intentional breath work.

Giving your body the opportunity to connect with nature regularly helps:

🌱Improve Sleep
🌻Boost Immune System
🍀Decrease Anxiety
🌺Balance Nervous System
🌳Balance Biological Rhythm
🌸Boost Energy
🌿Relax Muscle Tension
🪻Protect Against Harmful EMFs


Remembering those who have fallen to secure the freedoms of our nation.❤️🤍💙

Photos from Radiant Light Intuitive Healing's post 05/23/2023

Our wombs are our sacred creativity centers, our portals into other dimensions bringing new life to earth.

They carry wisdom from generations past, survival + mothering instincts, and our sensuality.

They can also hold onto deep emotional wounds + trauma related to birth and s*x, altering how we operate and interact in intimate relationship and with the world at large.

You do not need to continue carrying the burdens of the trauma.

They have gotten you to this point and it’s time to let them go.

Starting in June, I’ll be offering remote sessions where I hold space for you to heal and transmute those lower vibrational energies to higher vibrational energies that nurture you so you can thrive in new ways. Being able to connect to your womb space, feeling its creative power flow through your body is something you deserve and can cultivate!

Also coming in June are Field Scans!!
I’ve been doing these for years for friends who just feel off - like something isn’t right in their physical or energetic body. I’ll check in with them and get energy flowing again, chakras balanced, make sure they’re grounded and connected to source, and reinforce their boundaries.

For more info refer to my website.
Starting June 1 you’ll be able to book online for the remote healings!

All concierge chiro appts can still be made thru DM or email.


Monday morning mood


The face of a girl who LOVES her adjustments. 🤗🥰


Eclipse season is upon us… which means we have the possibility for sudden shifts in pretty much any area of life.

The harder we resist and hang on to the way it was, the more difficult the shifts will be for us. That’s just the rule of resistance.

Even when the change is what we would consider positive.

Alternatively, we can choose to let go of expectations, detaching from the outcome. Because really, we’re here to live and experience life to the fullest. Meaning the full spectrum. The highs and the lows.

For this healing circle we’re going to focus on softening and surrendering to those shifts and changes so we can ride the waves of life with more ease.

Let’s choose to make this life a fun adventure, full of courage and resiliency, ready to embrace the waves of change at any time - and not just during eclipse season when we potentially get hit the biggest shifts.

Join me Wednesday April 19th at 8pm EST for a powerful alchemization!!

Don’t worry if you can’t make it - I’ll be sending out the replay for you to experience it again at your leisure within 24 hours!

Grab your ticket here! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/april-new-moon-solar-eclipse-healing-circle-tickets-619475988357 💜


There’s something about working outside that makes working more fun😆

With that said, if the weather is nice when I come to you and you want to get adjusted outside, let’s do it!!

I’m all for it 😎


There’s a better chance on your physical symptoms being a physical manifestation of the emotions you’re holding onto than they are being purely physical.

When energy becomes stagnant it resides in the auric field and shows up as a physical symptom to let you know where you still have work to do.

This is one of the ways in which your body communicates with you.

Chronic shoulder pain can show you how you feel burdened by the weight of what you’ve been carrying. Even if it’s strictly emotional.

Constipation can indicate your resistance to letting go of something. Conversely, diarrhea can indicate you feel like things are out of your control.

Those are just a few examples of how your soul tries to get you to tune in - through the body talking to you - to let you know where you still have healing to do and what needs to be healed.

If you are experiencing a physical issue that you can’t quite shake, try taking a look deeper to see what your soul needs from you, where you need to take a look at your emotions to find clarity or squelch fear.

If you need help, shoot me a message and we’ll get you on my schedule to help you find the alignment within.


Something I tell other people to do all the time but forget to do it myself?


Emotional freedom technique (tapping) is one of the easiest ways to disrupt old physiological patterns and create new ones. New patterns + belief systems that are actually beneficial to you and support your healing + growth.

There are many people putting out videos these days and you can follow along with them! Or some practitioners offer it - like EMDR.

Do you tap?

Photos from Radiant Light Intuitive Healing's post 03/01/2023

Life is a constant communication between your body, mind, and spirit.

Are you participating in the conversation or ignoring it completely?

Photos from Radiant Light Intuitive Healing's post 02/07/2023

Your lifestyle - the things you eat, how you move, what you do, how you think - plays a bigger role in the functionality of your body than you may realize.

If you injured part of your body, find and explore different somatic therapies to see what helps your body heal and clear the injury pattern.

Your parent’s “bad back” has nothing to do with yours. Their lifestyle choices do not have to be yours. If you follow their footsteps, you may have similar issues as your parent even though they were ultimately your choices that led you there, not your genetics.

There are so many different therapies out there, you’ll be able to find something that helps you move past the current perceived limitation.

➡️Some of my favorite somatic therapy techniques include:
•Neurokinetic Therapy
•Physical Therapy
•Massage therapy
•Active Release Therapy
•Graston Technique

There are multiple techniques and styles within chiropractic, acupuncture, and massage therapy too , that you may need to explore the differences within those disciplines. Even physical therapy has so many different tools to use.

The point though, is that accepting your fate that you “just have a bad ____.” Is bull s**t.

It’s always up to you to create a lifestyle that supports your health and wellbeing. Are you doing things to help you be stronger, more fit, overall healthier every day? Are you moving your body, eating nutrient dense foods, getting adequate sleep, drinking water + electrolytes, getting outside, taking the time to breathe and connect with your inner being?
These things can’t be overlooked either. (Doing a detox regularly + lessening toxic load are just as important too, but that’s a different post for a different day.)

Stop using your past injuries and parent’s health history as a cop-out for taking full responsibility of your own health today.

I’ve seen too many people work to improve their issues with consistent daily action working with others and by themselves to know that YOU CAN DO IT, TOO. I’ve also done it myself. It takes consistency, curiosity, and a willingness to explore new methods to see what will work for you.

This is your permission slip to cancel your subscription on the belief that you’ll “have a bad ____” forever.

What other therapies have you tried that have really helped? 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼


I’m going to be real with y’all, this last week has been all sorts of intense. To the point where I had to call up my astrologer and figure out what in the actual hell was going on with my chart.

She confirmed some progressed aspects that validated my experiences this week. (I love astrology to explain what is going on and to help me utilize the energies of what’s going on for my betterment.)

Being brought down to my knees made me anchor in a new way.

I kept up with my daily basics of moving my body, getting outside, eating nourishing foods, and drinking lots of water.

I made more time for a nap, a full moon ritual, an epsom salt bath, lots of journaling, to get adjusted 2x, and space to process the emotions that were coming up by myself and with a close friend.

I also had to reinforce energetic boundaries for myself and my apartment. I got a few more protective crystals to place over my door, swapped out my “welcome” mat for one that is neutral, and cut energetic cords.

It felt like so much needed a quick revamp and I had to go all in with it.

Emotions can be dark, deep, and heavy and all consuming. If you let them be.

I chose to let these emotions come up to be felt, processed, and integrated. I got curious with them to figure out where I need to shift my focus and daily intention, my mindset and my approach to life. They came up to show me where I need to let something go and pivot to a new direction. How beautiful is that? Was it also painful and brutal as hell? Absolutely.

I’ve gone through many of these death + rebirth cycles already and know that there will be countless more in my lifetime. It’s part of who I came here to be - according to my birth chart. And each time I go through one, I’m learning how to lean in and surf the waves with more grace.

I wanted to share this with y’all to let you know that if you’ve been going through it, it’s not just you. I’m right there with you. Lean into it, charge through the storm, and love on yourself in the biggest + simplest ways you need right now. You got this. 💜


For my people going through it right now. 💜

How can you support yourself through this transition?
What do you need that you can do for yourself?
What’s something (big or small) that will bring you joy?
In what way can you dive in and connect with yourself on a deeper level?

It may be uncomfortable right now as you navigate through these choppy waters. As you charge into the storm, you’ll find your way out sooner, as it’s temporary and meant to help you grow. 💜


A sense of humor is critical to survival. Sure, you need food, water, shelter and other stuff like that - but a sense of humor is what holds your s**t together when life is being a mo********er.

In all seriousness, laugh some more at yourself.

At the ironies of life.

Enjoy every bit of it that you can.

We’re not getting out of this alive. 💜


The weather outside has been frightful across most of the country the last few days. 🥶

I hope you enjoy your holiday - even if your original plans were spoiled!! 💚❤️


May y’all have a blessed holiday 🦃💛

I’m feeling grateful to be home with my family today. 🧡

Photos from Radiant Light Intuitive Healing's post 11/21/2022

Got to adjust some of my favorites today while they visited from PA 💜

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Videos (show all)

When pregnant, walking regularly can help:⭐️Lower risk of developing gestational diabetes 🌻Slow weight gain ⭐️Bring reli...
Rainbows hold so much magic 🌈✨They’re incredible energy cleansers - having the sun catchers in my windows to clear my sp...
Bringing you a little Tuesday coffee chat today. 💜
Join us this Friday at 12pm PST as we go live to talk about all things women’s health!  Send us your questions ahead of ...
Happy Friday! ✨🌈Pause and take a few slow, deep breaths into your belly.  In your nose. 2. 3. 4. And out your mouth. 2. ...
Hey y’all!  It’s time for another group healing session.  The next one is tomorrow, Wed July 1 at 6:00pm PDT.  The group...
This week’s group power adjustment message - Rise up, open your wings and shine. Bring your projects and plans out into ...




Columbus, OH

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 6pm
Wednesday 3pm - 5:30pm
Friday 10am - 6pm
Saturday 10am - 2pm

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Columbus, 43228

DON'T DO PAIN. DO YOU. Whether you are seeking relief from everyday aches and pains or looking to maintain a healthy, active life, we can help.

Stephen T. Urbanek, DC Stephen T. Urbanek, DC
6040 Cleveland Avenue
Columbus, 43231

Chiropractic Care Created Precisely For You

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175 E Campus View Boulevard
Columbus, 43235

Your Family's Health Begins with Us.

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3380 Tremont Road Suite 190
Columbus, 43221

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Potent Chiropractic Potent Chiropractic

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Revive+Bloom Chiropractic Revive+Bloom Chiropractic

- COMING 2023- ❀ pediatric + perinatal ❀ webster-technique certified ❀ empowering women

Buckeye Accident & Injury Center Buckeye Accident & Injury Center
1495 Morse Road Ste 101
Columbus, 43229