Starfish Assignment

Strengthening the bond between law enforcement and the community. Non-partisan, all-volunteer. If I don’t throw them back in, they’ll die." What should I do? No.


Why are you called "The Starfish Assignment"? We try to make a difference for one, based on this parable:
One day a man was walking along a beach when he noticed a boy picking up starfish and throwing them into the ocean. He asked the boy what he was doing.

“Throwing starfish into the ocean,” the child replied. “The surf is up and the tide is going out. The man laugh


Congratulations, K9-2! 🎉🐾

Today marks the end of an era, as the dynamic crime-fighting duo of Officer David Jones and K-9 Ayko has retired from the Columbus Division of Police. Officer Jones devoted his nearly 31-year career to serving, protecting, mentoring, and uplifting. He never slowed down, never stopped being a leader, one to look up to, a friend, someone to aspire to be. As an officer, man, and friend, he makes everyone he comes in contact with a better, happier person.

Not to be outdone, K-9 Ayko always did his partner proud, devoting nine years of his life to catching bad guys and finding narcotics. Truly, he loved to work, but he loves Davey more, so when Davey said it was time to go read to kids or show people how K-9s do their things, he was right there with him. Ayko scared a lot of adults--we remember being at a police substation one time, and all the officers in the room moved to one side to avoid him--but he seems to have a special kind of patience for children.

Sometimes a little bit grumpy, Ayko nonetheless knows that a child brave enough to approach him and give him some love should be respected and permitted a pet or two. We've never seen him be anything but professional and eager to work. Also, he's mellowed a lot over the five years that we've known him, so those pets he allows have become increasingly more frequent. There have even been a few selfies with him.

Starfish would be a different charity without Davey and Ayko. He gave us ideas and supported initiatives. He was always there and encouraging others to be there as well. He is kind, patient, funny, loving, and we're so grateful to know him. Davey, heartiest of congratulations to you and Ayko. Give your family hugs for us and thank them for letting us borrow you for so long.

Photos from Starfish Assignment's post 07/04/2024

Helping a Young Entrepreneur Rebuild His Business 🌟🏠

This week, as the country prepared for Independence Day celebrations, Franklin County Sheriff's Office deputies worked to give an 11-year-old boy from the West Side of Columbus a chance at financial independence. This young man had a lawn care business that helped support his family, but after his lawn mower was stolen, he started to get in trouble with the law.

Long-time Starfish partner, Patrol Deputy Lowell Wood, along with deputies from the FCSO Special Investigations Unit, the Central Ohio Violence Eradication Response Team, and the Specialized Tactics & Investigative Narcotics Group, reached out to Starfish for help. They asked if we could provide a lawn mower for this deserving child, and we were thrilled to assist. Thanks to donations from Byers Auto Group and individual donors to our general fund, we were able to purchase a lawn mower and gas can within hours of their request.

The deputies not only helped the young man assemble the new lawn mower but also gave him valuable advice on maintaining it and ensuring it is securely stored to prevent future thefts. The very next day, he and two friends were seen traveling around the West Side, looking for customers.

We hope that if you're lucky enough to have them knock on your door, you'll give them the opportunity to take care of your lawn.

A big thank you to the deputies for bringing this Assignment to us and to our generous donors for making this possible. 🙏✨

More photos:


Our deepest condolences to Cleveland Division of Police as it mourns the tragic loss of one of its officers. We send our prayers and love to the officer's family, friends, and fellow officers as they work to navigate this imaginable loss. We are so very sorry.


🎉👏 Congratulations to all the Special Olympics athletes, organizers, coaches, volunteers, and supporters on another successful year! We at Starfish Assignment were thrilled to participate and see the joy and achievements of these incredible athletes. Keep up the amazing work! 🌟💪

A huge thank you to the law enforcement officers for volunteering their time and support. Every officer and deputy we've spoken with is already looking forward to next year's games.

Photos from Starfish Assignment's post 07/03/2024

Celebrating Achievements at Special Olympics Ohio Track & Field 🏅👮‍♂️

Officers from the Columbus Division of Police and New Albany Police had the honor of interacting with and presenting medals to the amazing track & field athletes of Special Olympics Ohio this weekend. As you can see, the officers enjoyed every moment of the experience, celebrating the incredible achievements of the athletes along with their families and friends.

It was a day filled with hugs, high-fives, and a strong sense of community. The dedication and determination of these athletes are a testament to their hard work and passion for their sports.

We were honored to be invited to partner with Special Olympics Ohio for this event. Supporting these remarkable athletes was incredibly rewarding, and we're already looking forward to next year.

Special Olympics Ohio
Columbus Division of Police
New Albany, Ohio Government
Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Ohio


New Albany Officer LA Kelly enjoys a moment of celebration with a winning athlete at Special Olympics Ohio this weekend.

Special Olympics Ohio
New Albany, Ohio Government
Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Ohio

Photos from Starfish Assignment's post 07/02/2024

Volleyball Fun and Tall Tales at Special Olympics Ohio 🏐👮‍♂️🐶

Officers from Columbus Division of Police and Marysville Police, along with therapy dog Mercy, had an amazing time interacting with the athletes and their families at the volleyball events during Special Olympics Ohio. The atmosphere was filled with energy, laughter, and unforgettable moments.

One memorable anecdote we overheard was an athlete excitedly telling his friend, "You see that cop? He's 6 feet five inches, but that Ohio State volleyball player is even taller than he is! That almost never happens." We were just as surprised as the athlete was! It was so much fun!

The officers and Mercy enjoyed every moment, from cheering on the teams to sharing stories and high-fives. The connection and joy shared with the athletes and their families made the day truly special.

Just a few more Special Olympics posts to come, but they're fun ones. Stay tuned for more heartwarming highlights!

Special Olympics Ohio
Columbus Division of Police
Marysville Police Division
Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Ohio

Photos from Starfish Assignment's post 07/02/2024

Creating Connections and Sharing Joy at Special Olympics 🤝😊

This weekend at Special Olympics Ohio, officers and deputies had an incredible time engaging with the athletes and attendees. From handing out stickers to sharing laughs, it was a time filled with connection and joy.

Officers spoke to the athletes about their journey to the state games and encouraged them in their efforts. There were laughs, high fives, and one officer even received a marriage proposal.

Stay tuned for more highlights from the Special Olympics Ohio. We’re excited to continue sharing the incredible spirit and unity that these games bring to our community.

Special Olympics Ohio
Columbus Division of Police
Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Ohio
Marysville Police Division
Hilliard Division of Police

Photos from Starfish Assignment's post 07/01/2024

Bowling Fun at Special Olympics Ohio 🎳, Day 2

This weekend, the athletes of Special Olympics Ohio gave it their all in the bowling alley, showcasing their incredible skills and sportsmanship. Officers from Columbus Division of Police and deputies from the Delaware Sheriff's Office--including therapy dog Otto--joined in the excitement, witnessing the competition, chatting with the athletes, and maybe even picking up a few pointers to improve their own games.

The competition was fierce, but the sense of friendship and unity was even stronger. Watching the athletes bowl strike after strike, and cheer for their teammates, was truly inspiring. We loved being reminded of the power of sports to bring people together, create lasting memories, and empower individuals to reach their full potential.

Stay tuned for more photos and stories from the Special Olympics Ohio events. We are excited to share the highlights and the incredible spirit that make these games so special.

Special Olympics Ohio
Columbus Division of Police
Delaware County, OHIO, Sheriff's Office
Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Ohio

Photos from Starfish Assignment's post 07/01/2024

Track & Field, Part 1 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🥇

We had such a wonderful time with the track & field athletes of Special Olympics Ohio that we can't possibly fit all the fun into one post. Yesterday, the athletes competed against each other, and there was even a special race with one of our officers for fun! The excitement and energy were incredible.

The athletes demonstrated remarkable speed, agility, and determination. It was inspiring to see them encourage one another, celebrate each other's achievements, and share moments of pure joy and triumph. The support from their families, friends, and volunteers added to the festive atmosphere.

The officers were thrilled to be there to acknowledge these achievements and present medals to the outstanding athletes. Witnessing the athletes' commitment and enthusiasm was incredibly uplifting. It was a warm, humid day, but they went out there and made sure to give each event their all. The enthusiasm and community spirit were infectious, making it a memorable experience for everyone involved.

Stay tuned for more photos and stories from the track & field and other events. We're excited to share additional highlights and the amazing spirit of the Special Olympics Ohio Summer Games.

Special Olympics Ohio
Bexley Ohio Police Department
Columbus Division of Police
Marion, Ohio Police Department
New Albany, Ohio Government

Photos from Starfish Assignment's post 06/30/2024

✨Lifting Dreams: Special Olympics Ohio Powerlifting✨

The athletes of Special Olympics Ohio are truly amazing! 🏋️‍♂️ Their focus and determination are something to behold, and we were all so impressed with their performances.

Yesterday, officers had the pleasure of spending time with these incredible athletes. They chatted with them, learned about their training programs, and cheered them on as they showcased their strength and dedication. The camaraderie and support were unforgettable.

One of the highlights was seeing athletes lift incredible amounts of weight with such passion and pride. Their efforts reflect their hard work and the fantastic support from their coaches, families, and friends.

We were honored to be part of this event. It was heartwarming to see the joy and satisfaction on the athletes' faces as they achieved their goals. The officers loved encouraging them and gaining a deeper appreciation of the discipline and dedication they devote to their sport.

Stay tuned for more photos and stories from the Special Olympics Ohio Summer Games. We can’t wait to share the incredible spirit, sportsmanship, and community that make these events so special.

Columbus Division of Police
Special Olympics Ohio
FOP Capital City Lodge #9

Photos from Starfish Assignment's post 06/30/2024

Check out those grins! Bowling and Bocce Ball kept us happily occupied yesterday at Special Olympics Ohio. Officers enjoyed talking to the athletes, learning about their journey to the state games, and handing out medals.

We had an amazing time connecting with everyone, and the smiles were contagious! Pictured here are some of the fantastic officers with the athletes and volunteers who made the day special.

Stay tuned for more photos showcasing the joy, sportsmanship, and community spirit that make the Ohio Special Olympics so unforgettable.


Special Olympics Ohio is bringing joy to everyone involved. Here, Columbus Division of Police Sergeant Shawn Gruber receives a warm welcome from an athlete.

Photos from Starfish Assignment's post 06/29/2024

Special Olympics Ohio kicked off its Summer Games yesterday with energetic opening ceremonies at Ohio Stadium. The event included the lighting of the torch, which was escorted in by the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Ohio. Dedicated officers and deputies have been ushering the torch on its journey across the state and have raised nearly $100,000 for Special Olympics along the way!

As you can see, we got to connect with many Starfish friends from Columbus Division of Police and Hilliard Division of Police! We were there with Marion, Ohio Police Department Lieutenant Mark Elliott, his daughter Mckenna, and K9 Ranger as they greeted athletes, handed out Ranger's card, answered questions, and posed for photos. The athletes from Marion County were thrilled to see a K-9 team from their home area and crowded around Lt. Elliott and Ranger to choruses of "Thank you for coming to see us!"

Ranger was incredibly popular and did an amazing job. After hours of walking around in the heat, all the humans were tired, but he was still energized. It's safe to say he had as good a time as the athletes did. Such a good boy!

We'll have more photos from the Summer Games. We're partnering with Special Olympics of Ohio to invite officers and deputies to hand out medals and interact with the athletes, so stay tuned for more fun and smiles.

Photos from Franklin County Sheriff's Office's post 06/28/2024

This is devastating news. Mattis was a true pioneer. Our deepest condolences to Deputy Metz, the Franklin County Sheriff's Office, and everyone else who loved him.


We're thrilled to be mentioned by the Department of Justice's COPS Office. Thank you to Columbus Division of Police Deputy Chief Tim Myers and Lieutenant Chris Lieb for speaking so eloquently about our positive impact on the community.

Discover how one small action can make a big difference! Starfish Assignment in Columbus, OH, demonstrates how helping one person at a time strengthens community-police bonds and supports those in need.


🌟 Megaload Moments 🌟

Check out the excitement of Columbus Division of Police Lieutenant Michael Holbrook and Starfish President/Founder Nicole Banks! They had a blast during Sunday's Megaload move. Big shout-out to everyone who helped get the load safely to the new Intel site. 💪 Teamwork makes the dream work!

Photos from Starfish Assignment's post 06/26/2024

What a fantastic Starfish Connect event we had yesterday with the Boys & Girls Club of Newark!

We spent the day with Newark Law Director Tricia Moore, Licking County Municipal Court Judge George, Licking County Sheriff's Office Deputy Shook, and Captain Barbuto. The highlight was visiting Judge George's courtroom, where the children got a firsthand look at the judicial system.

Ms. Moore captivated the children with her insights on the legislature. When she asked, "What is a prosecutor?" one child cleverly responded, "It's almost like a game of Clue!" Ms. Moore then explained Congress, the House of Representatives, City Council, the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony, what an arraignment is, and the presumption of innocence.

We also heard from victim advocates, the court reporter, Assistant Law Director Matt Cox, Bailiff George, and Judge George himself, who answered many of the children's questions.

The excitement peaked when Ms. Moore invited nine children to serve on a mock jury, with roles for a prosecutor and a defense attorney. The children had a blast participating in a mock trial for the theft of a candy bar! After a short deliberation, the jury found the defendant guilty and imposed a $150 fine. What an expensive candy bar!

The children's curious minds and great questions made the day even more special. They were thrilled to explore the courtroom and experience all the aspects of a trial.

A huge thank you to Law Director Administrative Assistant Cindy Campbell for organizing this event, and to Ms. Moore, Judge George, the Law Director's office staff, and the LCSO for creating a lifetime memory for these children. It was truly a wonderful day!

Photos from Starfish Assignment's post 06/23/2024

🌟 Mega Load on the Move! 🌟

Starfish Founder/President Nicole Banks had the thrilling opportunity to ride along with Columbus Division of Police Lieutenant Mike Holbrook as CPD joined forces with a stellar team to move the twelfth "super load" of the year. This one, however, was extra special—a "mega load"!

The mega load, an air processor destined for the Intel facility in New Albany, is a behemoth: 23' tall, 20' wide, 280' long, and weighing a whopping 916,000 pounds. To put that in perspective, it's nearly as long as four tractor trailers and weighs as much as 279 Honda Accords!

Today's 12-mile journey was a marvel of meticulous planning and teamwork. Highway signs were temporarily removed, stop lights and various wires were raised, and every bridge and culvert was inspected by a Franklin County engineer as soon as the load passed to ensure no damage was done.

Danny from Edwards Moving & Rigging has 50 years of experience under his belt, and he expertly navigated the load, even making tight turns on two-lane roads with cool composure. One of the most interesting parts of the route involved a "counter flow" maneuver at Rager Road, where the team drove on the wrong side of the highway, and then up the wrong way on a ramp to get onto northbound Gender Road to avoid the steep curve and potential damage to the overpass.

This mega load still has a few more days of travel before it reaches its final destination. Kudos to the Columbus Division of Police, Ohio Department of Transportation, Ohio Highway Patrol, Franklin County Engineer, City of Columbus Public Utility Department, and all the dedicated professionals who made today's leg a success. It was a day to remember, showcasing incredible coordination and expertise.

Thank you all for your hard work and dedication, and a special thanks for allowing Nicole to accompany you on this remarkable journey! 🚛💪

Ohio Department of Transportation
Ohio State Highway Patrol
Columbus Public Utilities
Franklin County Engineer
Edwards Moving & Rigging

Photos from Starfish Assignment's post 06/20/2024

We are delighted to announce our partnership with the Ishpeming Police Department! Located in the beautiful Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Ishpeming is a town rich in history and community spirit.

Led by Police Chief Chad Radabaugh, the department is committed to engaging with the community and is eager to get started with our Books & Badges program. This initiative will see officers reading to children and ensuring each child receives a copy of the book, fostering positive and lasting connections between law enforcement and the youngest residents of Ishpeming. 🤗

We are excited to support Chief Radabaugh and his officers in their efforts to strengthen community bonds. Please join us in giving a warm Starfish welcome to the Ishpeming Police Department!

Photos from Starfish Assignment's post 06/18/2024

🌟 Big Welcome to Minerva Police Department! 🌟

We are thrilled to announce our new partnership with the Minerva Police Department! Led by Chief McDorman, who has an impressive 38 years of law enforcement experience, Minerva PD has 10 full-time officers.

Spanning 2.23 square miles across Carroll, Columbiana, and Stark counties, Minerva is a vibrant village with about 4,000 residents and nearly 1,950 students. It's an ideal setting for our mission of enhancing community-police relations, and Chief McDorman and Deputy Chief Gardner are excited to lead their officers in reading to the students and sending each child home with a copy of the book.

Minerva's school resource officer, Tony Albertoni, will surely be charming children with books and information about his job, and Officer Carol Wydra, who joined the agency in March 2024, already has extensive Books & Badges experience—she works part-time at another department!

We're looking forward to supporting these amazing officers in their efforts to foster strong, positive interactions between law enforcement and community members. Please extend a warm Starfish welcome to them!


When the treats run out and you're rethinking your career choices! 🐾👮‍♂️

Columbus Division of Police

Photos from Starfish Assignment's post 06/12/2024

🌟✨ Celebrating Officer David Jones at Milo-Grogan Community Center ✨🌟

Today, we had an amazing event at the Milo-Grogan Community Center, marking a special moment for Officer David Jones. He will retire on July 6 after nearly 31 years of dedicated service with the Columbus Division of Police, and this was his last Starfish event. It was truly heartwarming.

Officer Jones thought he was just attending a small event with his partner, K-9 Ayko, at his chosen community center. But we surprised him with friends and fellow officers! Officers like Sergeant Redding and Officer Carter joined to share their K-9 knowledge with the children, and Officer Carter’s dog, Odja, wowed everyone with his kangaroo-like hops.

The fun continued as Officer Jones and Ayko demonstrated Ayko's incredible skills by finding a hidden cell phone in the playground, showing how these skills are used in real-life scenarios.

In honor of his incredible contributions, we presented Officer Jones with the Starfish Make a Difference Award. His career is marked by community engagement, bravery, and an unwavering commitment to service. Notably, Officer Jones was a pioneer of the Books & Badges program, and on his 28th anniversary with CPD, he heroically stopped a r**e in progress.

A touching moment came at the end of the program when a young girl told Officer Jones she wants to be a police officer when she grows up—a beautiful testament to his inspiring influence.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Officer Jones, the officers who supported him, the engaged children, the dedicated staff of Milo-Grogan and Douglas Community Centers, and our sponsor, Byers Auto Group, for providing lunch for everyone. Today was a wonderful tribute to Officer Jones's remarkable career. ❤💙


Exciting news! This month, Starfish is featured in The United States Department of Justice's Community Policing Dispatch newsletter! This article highlights our ongoing efforts to enhance community well-being through partnerships that bridge the gap between law enforcement and the community.

Starfish Board Member and Columbus Division of Police Deputy Chief Tim Myers spoke to the heart of our mission: “Community-oriented policing—done well—isn’t a program, it’s an ethos. Agencies can support community policing through training and policy, but the true work of community policing occurs in the daily interactions of officers with their neighbors. The partnership between [Columbus Police and Starfish] has always recognized this.”

The article explores some of our key initiatives, such as Books & Badges, where officers engage with children, reading to them and gifting books. Our AEP Ohio winter coat drive has provided over 2,375 coats to children in need. Our door security bar program has enabled officers to give more than 1,000 door security bars directly to crime victims at the scene, helping them swiftly secure their premises after an incident. These initiatives not only meet immediate community needs but also build trust and create meaningful connections.

You can read the full article here:

We are immensely grateful for your support and the dedication of the many law enforcement officers who help make our programs successful. Thank you for helping us make a difference, one starfish at a time. 🌊⭐

Photos from Starfish Assignment's post 06/09/2024

Congratulations to Gahanna Division of Police Officer Kelie Moffitt on her retirement last week after 28 years of dedicated public service. We're so grateful we had the opportunity to work with her. Kelie was always warm, welcoming, and deeply committed to making a difference. She left a lasting impression on everyone she met—during one Books & Badges event, a little girl even asked if she could go home with her! 🥰

Kelie has been a tremendous advocate for our Books & Badges program, sharing stories with nearly 2,000 children and making countless friends along the way. She also trained her replacement, Officer Pertz, who has already led her own Books & Badges event!

Kelie, you will be greatly missed, but we are thrilled for you and your family as you start this new chapter. Thank you for the wonderful times and all the cherished memories! ❤💙

City Of Gahanna, Ohio - Government

Photos from Starfish Assignment's post 06/06/2024

Congratulations to Starfish Board Member and Columbus Division of Police Deputy Chief Tim Myers, who graduated today from the FBI National Academy, Class 290! He and his classmates, hailing from across the country and around the world, spent 10 weeks at the FBI Academy in Quantico, learning from premier law enforcement instructors and each other while developing unbreakable bonds that will last a lifetime. Graduating from the FBI National Academy is an amazing and prestigious achievement, and we're incredibly proud of him.

Tim also completed the grueling Yellow Brick Road, a 6.1-mile run through a rugged terrain obstacle course designed by the Marines. This challenging course includes climbing walls, scaling rock faces, and navigating through water and mud.

Congratulations, Tim, and to all your FBINA 290 classmates! Fantastic job! 🎉

Photos from Starfish Assignment's post 05/31/2024

🎉 Congratulations to Dublin Police Sergeant Bill Morris on his retirement! 🎉

We have had the privilege of working with Sgt. Morris since our partnership with Dublin began in early 2021. His enthusiasm and joy have been infectious, and he has supported so many of our efforts, touching countless lives not just through Starfish Assignment but throughout his decades-long career as a dedicated law enforcement professional.

Bill, we are immensely grateful to have worked with you. Your impact on the community has been profound, and your presence will be deeply missed. Our love and best wishes go out to you and your family as you embark on this new chapter of your life!

City of Dublin, Ohio - Government


Columbus Division of Police Officer Chung is one of the founding officers of Starfish. We genuinely could not have done this without him! ❤️💙

Photos from Starfish Assignment's post 05/27/2024

The stellar crime fighting team of Columbus Division of Police Officer David Jones and K-9 Ayko will retire in early July. Officer Jones has served the city for nearly 31 years, and K-9 Ayko has devoted his entire life to becoming the elite crime-fighting machine he is today. Starfish President/Founder Nicole Banks was honored to go on a final ride along with Officer Jones and Ayko last night, which she shares with us here:

When he's working, K-9 Ayko is all business. The center door between his area of the vehicle and where Officer Jones sits never moves--he doesn't want to duck his head in for some pets or look out the window to see what's going on. He knows exactly what's going on. His breathing changes as soon as the GPS directions come on as Officer Jones travels across the city for a call, and if he is left in the car when he knows his partner is going to work on something, he barks furiously. And he absolutely knows the difference between Officer Jones stepping out to say hello to a colleague or to investigate a scene.

Our first call was to meet with SWAT as they looked for a person with felony gun warrants. They had been tipped off that the individual was in a specific area, and Ayko could tell that his services would likely be needed soon. When Officer Jones arrived near the scene, he stepped out to speak to a SWAT officer. Ayko barked indignantly, wanting desperately to be put to work.

He is a beautiful dog who teams up perfectly with his beautiful partner, Officer Jones. Together they not only protect and serve the citizens of Columbus, but they bring joy to everyone who knows them. As we went through our evening, every cop who encountered Officer Jones was happy to see him and glad to have him there.

It was a busy day, two missing children (one was a miscommunication, the other CPD officers found the child). There was also an allegedly stolen Kia with all occupants under the age of 18, including one under the age of 10.

Towards the end of Officer Jones's shift, we stopped by to see SWAT. Many of you may remember a moment in 1993 when a sniper shot a gun out of a man's hand during a standoff. Did you know that was CPD SWAT Officer Mike Plum? You can learn about it here and it is very much worth your time.

Thank you to Officer Jones and Ayko for your years of service to the city. We know you're looking forward to a much-deserved break, and we hope you have a ton of fun. We're looking forward to our final Starfish event with you both in June.

(I'd also like to thank Columbus SWAT. I thought I'd be fighting back tears at the end of this ride along, but you guys were great and sent me on my way tear-free.)

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Videos (show all)

Congratulations, K9-2! 🎉🐾Today marks the end of an era, as the dynamic crime-fighting duo of Officer David Jones and K-9...
Members of Columbus Division of Police's Gang Enforcement Unit and Ohio State University Men's Volleyball team had the h...
The athletes are so fast at Special Olympics Ohio. One just beat Columbus Division of Police Officer James Poole! 🎉🏃
We got to ride with Columbus Division of Police today as they worked with Ohio Department of Transportation and a WHOLE ...
Bounce, K-9 Odja! 🦘Columbus Division of Police
Columbus Division of Police K-9 Ayko shows off his searching skills for the children of Milo-Grogan and Douglas Communit...
Check out these young sleuths in action! 🕵️‍♂️🔍 Big thanks to FBI - Cincinnati for sharing their expertise at Sullivant ...
Wow! The kids at Saint Mary Magdalene are not only kind and smart, but they're STRONG, too! 💪Columbus Division of Police...
Today, REAL Secret Service agents taught the children at Sullivant Gardens Community Center how to protect the president...
Check out these students at Sullivant Gardens Community Center as REAL US Secret Service agents teach them how to protec...
Sprinting into fun today at Sullivant Gardens Community Center with Columbus Division of Police Officer Stu McGinn. Kids...
Our Founder and President, Nicole Banks, got to go on a ride along today with Columbus Division of Police Officer Dan Sn...



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