Truth Ignited

Truth Ignited is a Torah-positive, Yeshua following ministry. CashApp: $TruthIgnited Truth Ignited is the ministry of Tom Steele.

A 2003 honor graduate of World Harvest Bible College (now Valor Christian College), Tom has spent countless hours studying to develop a whole Bible theology. Through this experience Tom has not only strengthened his knowledge of the Gospel message of salvation through Yeshua HaMashiach (the Lord Jesus Christ), but also the application of the Tanahk (Torah, Writings and Prophets known as the Old Te


Recently I saw a video making its rounds of a person talking about who they thought The Bible calls reprobates. This person apparently thinks reprobates are people who left their church and stopped giving financial support to it.

In this message I am going to explore who The Bible actually refers to as reprobates. And it surely is not people who have moved on from a particular church, especially one that does not uphold The Torah.

Reprobates: Anti-Torah Christians 09/09/2024

Hey everyone, remember to tune in tonight if you can, 7:30pm U.S. Eastern time, for the premiere and live chat on YouTube. If you can't make it, no worries, it will be available to stream afterward on YT, FB, and Spotify.

Recently I saw a video making its rounds of a person talking about who they thought The Bible calls reprobates. This person apparently thinks reprobates are people who left their church and stopped giving financial support to it.

In this message I am going to explore who The Bible actually refers to as reprobates. And it surely is not people who have moved on from a particular church, especially one that does not uphold The Torah.

Reprobates: Anti-Torah Christians SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠$TruthIgnitedRecently I saw a video making its rounds of a...



Me encanta El Sabado. Cuando miras todo lo que el Sábado representa en las Escrituras, ¿cómo puedes no amarlo?

En Génesis 2 el Sábado se convierte en una celebración de la creación. Entonces se convierte en una señal eterna de estar en pacto con Dios. Yeshua dice que el Sábado fue hecho para el hombre, mostrando que es un regalo de Dios para nuestro beneficio y bendición. En Hebreos 4:9 dice que el Sábado permanece para los que están en pacto con Dios.

El día de reposo es un regalo increíble y maravilloso de nuestro padre. Es una pena que la mayoría de los cristianos se priven de ello.

¡Para aquellos que guardan el Sábado, sean bendecidos y disfruten del día!



I just love The Sabbath. When you look at all The Sabbath represents in Scripture, how can you not love it?

In Genesis 2 The Sabbath becomes a celebration of Creation. Then it becomes an eternal sign of being covenant with God. Then Yeshua says The Sabbath was made for man, showing that it's a gift of God for our benefit and blessing. Then in Hebrews 4:9 it says The Sabbath remains for those who are in covenant with God.

The Sabbath Day is such an amazing and wonderful gift from our father. It is such a shame that the majority of Christians deprive themselves of it.

For those who do keep The Sabbath, be blessed and enjoy the day!


Be sure to join me on Monday September 9, 2024 at 7:30pm U.S. Eastern Time for the premiere and live chat on my new message "Reprobates: Anti-Torah Christians" on YT. Can't make it? No worries, the message will be available afterward on YT, FB, and Spotify.

Recently I saw a video making its rounds of a person talking about who they thought The Bible calls reprobates. This person apparently thinks reprobates are people who left their church and stopped giving financial support to it.

In this message I am going to explore who The Bible actually refers to as reprobates. And it surely is not people who have moved on from a particular church, especially one that does not uphold The Torah.

Reprobates: Anti-Torah Christians 09/05/2024

Be sure to tune in Monday September 9th at 7:30pm U.S. Eastern Time for the premiere and live chat for this new message. Can't make the premiere? No worries, it will be available on Facebook, YouTube, and Spotify afterward.

Recently I saw a video making its rounds of a person talking about who they thought The Bible calls reprobates. This person apparently thinks reprobates are people who left their church and stopped giving financial support to it.

In this message I am going to explore who The Bible actually refers to as reprobates. And it surely is not people who have moved on from a particular church, especially one that does not uphold The Torah.

Reprobates: Anti-Torah Christians SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠$TruthIgnitedRecently I saw a video making its rounds of a...



You know, The Bible literally tells us that there will be a day when the message that tickles the ears will be the message of the masses. Yeshua Himself said that many will come to Him with stories of all the devils they cast out, miracles they performed, and prophecies they gave, claiming this was all done in His name, and these would be rejected for lawlessness.

And despite The Bible telling us repeatedly about all of this, knowing that it has to be this way for The Bible to be prophetic truth, I am still perplexed when I see so many people flocking to the demon-inspired antinomians.

And look, it doesn't matter the level of antinomianism, if there are things in God's Law, His Torah, that someone tells you no longer need to be followed, that person is doing the exact same thing Satan did in the midst of Eden.

Even some of these people... I had discussion with one here recently... try to use animal sacrifice or some other such thing as a means to justify their antinomianism. But look, The Bible says that in the end times an anti-Messiah figure will rise up and cause sacrifices to cease. So, they have to resume again. Also, in Ezekiel it tells us that in the millennium people will make sacrifices. These things tell us that animal sacrifice has not ended, even if it cannot be carried out today because there is no physical Temple in Jerusalem right now. So the fact remains that this is no "proof" that The Torah need no be followed.

But really, that's a strawman argument anyway. It's just the antinomians grasping at straws, straining gnats, to try to find anything they think is a loophole that supports their anti-Torah beliefs. And at the end of the day, these people telling you that this or that part of The Torah no longer applies are doing exactly what Satan did in Eden. Think about it.

Satan asked: Did God really say you cannot eat the fruit?

Christians ask: Where does The Bible say Christians have to keep The Torah... the food laws, The Sabbath, the Feasts, and so on?

Satan said: You will not surely die.

Christians say: It's not a salvation issue, nobody is going to hell for that.

Satan said: God knows that when you eat it you will be like God.

Christians say: If you try to follow The Torah you've fallen from grace, voided the cross, insulted the work of "Jesus".

See, it's the same message. And it's preached from most Christian pulpits around the world today.

It's not limited to the popular antinomians like Joseph Prince, Andy Stanley, Frank Turek, Andrew Farley, and numerous others.

Even people like Michael Brown, a popular Messianic Jewish theologian, insists that Christians are not bound to The Torah, that they do not have to keep The Sabbath or follow the food laws, and such things as that. You have people like John MacArthur, an outright Calvinist, saying things that "sound like holiness", but ask him about the food laws or other parts of The Torah.

And I could go on naming a lot of the "big names". But the reality is that the vast majority of pastors teach this message, the lie that we no longer need to follow The Torah. It's the message of Satan. It's the same message that the serpent gave from the branches of the tree in the midst of Eden. And if you are smart, you will run every time you hear it.

Blessings and Shalom
CashApp: $TruthIgnited


Does the antinomian Christian position hold up? Can they prove that we are not to follow The Torah of God? Are we at a stalemate in this debate? Or does the Torah-positive approach to Scripture put the antinomians in checkmate?

I have issued a challenge with a $10,000 award if any antinomian can provide actual proof that we do not have to follow The Torah as Christians. Proof is not an argument for which there is a more logical pronomian counter-argument. At the very least that creates a stalemate scenario. Proof would be hard evidence that cannot be countered with a pronomian understanding of Scripture. Can they do it? Time will tell. But for now, perhaps we are at a stalemate, or perhaps the Torah-positive folks have the antinomians in checkmate.



El sábado surgió como una celebración de la obra de Dios, un día en el que se deleitaba en todo lo que había hecho. Mientras el sol se sumergía bajo el horizonte en el sexto día, Dios miró a Su creación y vio que era buena. En ese momento de satisfacción divina, santificó el séptimo día y lo bendijo, apartándolo como un momento especial de celebración.

El sábado se convirtió en un día de recuerdo, recordando a la humanidad el acto inspirador de la creación. Es una invitación a unirse a la celebración de la creatividad sin límites de Dios, a apreciar los detalles intrincados de su obra y a reconocer el arte divino que se muestra en cada ser vivo. Es un día en el que nos alejamos de nuestras rutinas diarias, para hacer una pausa y dar testimonio de la grandeza de la obra de Dios.



The Sabbath emerged as a celebration of God's handiwork, a day where He delighted in all that He had made. As the sun dipped below the horizon on the sixth day, God looked upon His creation and saw that it was good. In that moment of divine satisfaction, He sanctified the seventh day and blessed it, setting it apart as a special time of celebration.

The Sabbath became a day of remembrance, reminding humanity of the awe-inspiring act of creation. It's an invitation to join in the celebration of God's boundless creativity, to appreciate the intricate details of His work, and to acknowledge the divine artistry displayed in every living being. It is a day where we step away from our daily routines, to pause and bear witness to the grandeur of God's handiwork.

Checkmate Or Stalemate 08/30/2024

Be sure to tune in on Monday September 2nd at 7;30pm U.S. Eastern Time for the premiere and live chat. Can't make it? No worries, the message will be available on Facebook, YouTube, and Spotify afterward.

Does the antinomian Christian position hold up? Can they prove that we are not to follow The Torah of God? Are we at a stalemate in this debate? Or does the Torah-positive approach to Scripture put the antinomians in checkmate?

I have issued a challenge with a $10,000 award if any antinomian can provide actual proof that we do not have to follow The Torah as Christians. Proof is not an argument for which there is a more logical pronomian counter-argument. At the very least that creates a stalemate scenario. Proof would be hard evidence that cannot be countered with a pronomian understanding of Scripture. Can they do it? Time will tell. But for now, perhaps we are at a stalemate, or perhaps the Torah-positive folks have the antinomians in checkmate.

Checkmate Or Stalemate SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠$TruthIgnitedDoes the antinomian Christian position hold u...


Every single person who wrote The Bible judged, called out faults, and criticized people for their sin. This is love. This is grace. This is discernment.

This is what we are called to do.


With the growing interest in Torah-positive views of Scripture, a lot of people use terms like "Jewish Roots", "Hebraic Roots", and "Hebrew Roots". From there, many refer to a specific "movement" of sorts that has been labeled "The Hebrew Roots Movement". In this message I will examine the difference between those of a Torah-positive belief that holds to sound doctrine, even when using terms like Jewish, Hebrew, Hebraic roots in a generic sense, and what is essentially a cult religion that has formed as a result. It is essential that we identify the marks of the cult and distinguish it from those with a true Torah-positive biblical faith practice, and that is the goal of this message.

The Root Of The Problem Of The Hebrew Roots Cults 08/26/2024

Be sure to tune in tonight at 7:30pm U.S. Eastern Time for the premiere and live chat of this new message. Can't make it? I'll have it available on YouTube, Facebook, and Spotify afterward.

With the growing interest in Torah-positive views of Scripture, a lot of people use terms like "Jewish Roots", "Hebraic Roots", and "Hebrew Roots". From there, many refer to a specific "movement" of sorts that has been labeled "The Hebrew Roots Movement". In this message I will examine the difference between those of a Torah-positive belief that holds to sound doctrine, even when using terms like Jewish, Hebrew, Hebraic roots in a generic sense, and what is essentially a cult religion that has formed as a result. It is essential that we identify the marks of the cult and distinguish it from those with a true Torah-positive biblical faith practice, and that is the goal of this message.

The Root Of The Problem Of The Hebrew Roots Cults SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠$TruthIgnitedWith the growing interest in Torah-positive v...

The Root Of The Problem Of The Hebrew Roots Cults 08/24/2024

Be sure to tune in on Monday August 26th at 7:30PM U.S. Eastern Time for the premiere and live chat of this important new message. Can't make it? You can catch it afterward on YouTube, Facebook, and Spotify.

With the growing interest in Torah-positive views of Scripture, a lot of people use terms like "Jewish Roots", "Hebraic Roots", and "Hebrew Roots". From there, many refer to a specific "movement" of sorts that has been labeled "The Hebrew Roots Movement". In this message I will examine the difference between those of a Torah-positive belief that holds to sound doctrine, even when using terms like Jewish, Hebrew, Hebraic roots in a generic sense, and what is essentially a cult religion that has formed as a result. It is essential that we identify the marks of the cult and distinguish it from those with a true Torah-positive biblical faith practice, and that is the goal of this message.

The Root Of The Problem Of The Hebrew Roots Cults SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠$TruthIgnitedWith the growing interest in Torah-positive v...



Mantener el día de reposo ofrece un tiempo de descanso, reflexión y relaciones. Usted crea oportunidades significativas para conectarse con sus seres queridos. Es un momento para fortalecer los lazos, compartir risas y crear recuerdos apreciados juntos.

Al dejar de lado intencionalmente las distracciones y obligaciones, demuestras tu amor y compromiso con las personas que más importan en tu vida. El sábado se convierte en un día donde el amor se expresa a través de tiempo de calidad, presencia genuina y actos de bondad.



Keeping The Sabbath Day offers a time of rest, reflection, and relationships. You create meaningful opportunities to connect with your loved ones. It is a time to strengthen bonds, share laughter, and create cherished memories together.

By intentionally setting aside distractions and obligations, you demonstrate your love and commitment to the people who matter most in your life. The Sabbath becomes a day where love is expressed through quality time, genuine presence, and acts of kindness.


LOL... This is a link to the Blue Letter Bible's article on how the biblical canon was developed. How in the world is sharing a link about this an attempt to get likes, shares, or video views in a misleading way? What the whole heck Facebook???


In this message I take the word TORAH and use it to build an acronym:


Join me as I continue to expose the lies of antinomian, anti-Torah, anti-Torahism, whatever people want to call it, "Christian" religion that resists commandments from our God that were given to all people at all times in the history of this world.

T.O.R.A.H. — Truth Over Religion And Hypocrisy 08/17/2024

Be sure to tune in on Monday August 19 at 7:30pm U.S. Eastern Time for the premiere and live chat of this new message. Can't make it? No worries, it'll be available on Facebook, YouTube, and Spotify afterward.

In this message I take the word TORAH and use it to build an acronym:


Join me as I continue to expose the lies of antinomian, anti-Torah, anti-Torahism, whatever people want to call it, "Christian" religion that resists commandments from our God that were given to all people at all times in the history of this world.

T.O.R.A.H. — Truth Over Religion And Hypocrisy SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠$TruthIgnitedIn this message I take the word TORAH and use...



El sábado es un día especial para la adoración y el crecimiento espiritual. Sirve como una oportunidad para profundizar la relación de uno con Yah, contemplar las complejidades de la fe, y centrarse en la Biblia. Esta conexión espiritual se considera vital para el crecimiento personal y para fomentar un sentido de propósito y dirección en la vida.



The Sabbath is a special day for worship and spiritual growth. It serves as an opportunity to deepen one's relationship with Yah, contemplate the intricacies of faith, and focus on The Bible. This spiritual connection is regarded as vital for personal growth and for fostering a sense of purpose and direction in life.

My $10,000 Challenge To Anti-Torah Christians 08/13/2024

I put this together for anyone who needs a more detailed explanation of the challenge. This should clarify everything, and hopefully prevent people from thinking some nonsensical antinomian opinion that has plenty of pronomian counter-arguments will prove anything.

My $10,000 Challenge To Anti-Torah Christians Published August 12, 2024 The ChallengeDownload             Have you heard? I have issued a $10,000 reward to any anti-Torah “Christian” who c…


Christian pastors are becoming increasingly notorious for telling lies. Those lies are them parroted my their followers. This creates a snowball effect and before you know it, misinformation has been accepted as truth.

Once that happens, real truth is rejected because it conflicts with the lies that Christians have accepted and embraced. Sadly, this has happened so much throughout the history of Christian religion that the whole of what is called Christianity today is primarily a faith tradition built on lies.

The result is that we live in an age of lies, a time when you literally can't trust what Christians say. It has become imperative that we study the Scripture for the real truth. In this message, that is what you will be empowered to do.

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Our Story And Mission

Truth Ignited is the ministry of Tom Steele. A 2003 honor graduate of World Harvest Bible College (now Valor Christian College). Tom currently holds ministry credentials with the City Harvest Network.

Since graduating from the Bible College, Tom has not only strengthened his knowledge of the Gospel message of salvation through Yeshua HaMashiach (the Lord Jesus Christ), but also the application of the Tanahk (Torah, Writings and Prophets known as the Old Testament) to the life of the New Testament Believer.

Truth Ignited serves to be a knowledge and ministry base to educate Christians on the Jewish/Hebraic roots of the Christian faith and the importance of applying Torah in their lives. Many today are unaware of numerous important principles and instructions from The Bible and none are more ignored than those found in the Torah given by God through Moses.

Truth Ignited and Tom Steele work to provide teachings in the form of written works that explain the areas where many have deviated into error and bring them back to a solid foundation of Scripture.

One thing you will not see a lot outside of this bio is a mention of Tom or others who work with Truth Ignited. This is because of a vision to make the message wholly and solely about Yeshua and His Torah lifestyle. One of the many areas that we feel Christianity has erred is through mega-churches and celebrity pastors where idolatrous “preacher worship” has become the new Ba’al worship. So a large part of Tom’s vision is to take as much of the focus off of himself as possible.

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