Dr. Dara

Psychologist • Mom • Author • Change Maker
and no-nonsense optimist on a mission to help you b You need someone who gets you–what you want and what you need.

When you’re looking for help, guidance or support, you need to feel understood. Someone who can help you experience meaningful change, whether you are looking to transform your life entirely or just make the SHIFTS that will help you reach your potential.

What I do…. I am a licensed psychologist who specializes in rapid transformation, helping people move from crappy to happy, from ordinary to

Photos from Dr. Dara's post 11/27/2023

It has been a hot sec, or over a year since I posted. I think these few pictures sum it all up- I’ve been WITH my babies!

I am not sure how often I will find myself on here, but I do miss connecting with some people. Old fashioned phone calls and even new fashion texts don’t seem to really keep up. I would love to know how some peeps are…

If you are wondering who you are that I want to hear from, you know if when you saw this post with my name, face or kids you felt a warm feeling or like a soulful smile.

Let me give you a short wrap up of my life- Elyah and Nevin are amazing! THRIVING! We continue to hike and travel in between competitive soccer, chess club, drama, book club… They both have straight A’s and are all around amazing humans (biased proud momma).

Merlin and Denzel continue to be our loyal fur family. Merlin has really come into his personality since being rescued from the tracks with shenanigans and Marmeduke moments. Denzel is as cuddly as ever. They both earn their keep as therapy dogs and go to nursing homes with me.

Me- Being Elyah and Nevin’s mom is still my best gig ever. Randy went back to work on the road, so the kids and I fly solo now. I still write in my SHIFT every morning before working out, get outside every chance I can in Asheville’s magical mountains, check snow forecasts to ski, squeeze in some “work”, and loving competitive body building.

The pictures look “perfect” and Facebook posts are all rosey but there has been some real hard lifing (and lifting) going on too. So, I have been digging in. I am really, really seeing and feeling the essence of time and maybe, just maybe beginning to grasp an understanding of BEING IN MY LIFE.

If you took the time to read this- please reach out to me! Preferably email or text or dial the rotary phone!

Photos from Dr. Dara's post 09/26/2022

Rving, soccering, hot springs, resting and a 🐷!

What Exactly Is Cuffing Season And When Does It Start? 09/23/2022

Hello fall! Baby it is getting colder out and we are wanting WARMTH!!

It's the colder seasons that bring out the cuffing, these arrangements or situationships aren't really meant to last. They're relationships of convenience thanks to the weather. "People tend to feel more lonely during these months and have higher levels of testosterone, driving people to cuff up," licensed clinical psychologist Dara Bushman, Psy.D., tells Cosmopolitan. "In the winter, days are shorter and colder — with less outside activity. Feelings of isolation and boredom start to set in."

Read More:

What Exactly Is Cuffing Season And When Does It Start? Cuffing season may be here before we know it, but when exactly does it start? And how can you get in on it?


It has been a while since I blogged. I was feeling conflicted.

Do I write without my heart in it and go through the motions because I committed to myself to be consistent, or do I take a break to find my mojo?

I was not feeling creative, plus I was feeling overwhelmed.

I was struggling to find the balance of being present for my family and following my calling as a writer and healer. As a “doer” I did not take into account the energy major life events take and how they were sucking the life out of my love cup (and creativity).

But, I kept pushing until I realized I was burnt-out. So, as a result, I wrote this-

Dear Burn-Out,

I felt you. I saw you lurking in from behind, creeping with a stare that you don’t think I noticed. You were not overt or friendly. You were not respectful enough to be direct and tell me what you needed. You are cunning, baffling, and silent. I felt your presence in the air as it thickened and distorted my perception with a film of jadedness and overwhelmingness. You pulled down from the atmosphere like a dark, dewey, humid day sucking the joy out of the light. You created a wind like an undercurrent pulling in thoughts of doubt and uncertainty.

I heard you. You thought I didn’t because I usually block you out with preoccupation and busyness. I justified taking on more and more tasks as “needs”. I ignored you with denial until getting away from you was like sludging through quicksand with desperation and despair.

Burn-out, you no longer serve me as a protectant to my fear of not doing enough or being enough. I have hidden behind you before to avoid the pain of emptiness or void.

You can no longer seep in when I am not grounded. You can no longer squeeze in the cracks when I do not healthfully make choices that are good for me and leave me balanced. YOU can no longer attack me to perpetuate shortness of my nerves or reactiveness to be an a**hole in relationships or fuel financial insecurity.

I heard you…One more session, one more floor to clean, one more page to write, one more dollar to make, one more workout to get in, one more project to complete, one more person to please…I got it, I understood your message. I can now respect your voice.

You recently followed me on my vacation. It took days for the stern echo of your voice to dissipate. You had me thinking I had to vacation perfectly and know exactly what my future should be with the perfect plan to conquer the world.

I saw YOU that night. You did not think I did. I was driving in the dark. I was feary (weary+fear). The road ahead figuratively and literally seemed uncertain and undefined. It was as if I risked falling off the side of the road at every turn. But then I heard a sharp and assertive voice, “You don’t have to know what is up ahead. You just have to look straight in front of you”.

Looking back only distracted me. Trying to look too far ahead overwhelmed me. In driving and in life I only need to know what was two car lengths ahead.

Burn-out, see me, hear me, FEEL me–you no longer have the power–I do!



This letter to Burn-Out may seem dramatic. And yes, I am ok, I am not suicidal or losing my shift. I am real. I am just saying what we all think and are often too scared to admit out loud.

The moral of the story is, we are all human and we show up in the best way we can. The key is having grace and to keep showing up in an imperfectly perfect way.

I don’t have it all figured out, but I do see the strength in honoring myself and having increased awareness of what I need to keep my SHIFT together.


I love being part of a community that prioritizes family and wellness.

Thank you biltmore park for including my contribution and tips about talking to our kids on bullying as we head back to school.

Photos from Dr. Dara's post 08/02/2022

I am so excited and humbled to see S.H.I.F.T. Powerful Planner and Journal for an Unapologetically Kick Ass Life spreading, especially in my old, peaceful stomping grounds. Thank you Yoga Factory Fort Lauderdale for the support and love.


Thank you Dania Rios De Azpurua for your support and for sharing S.H.I.F.T with Rivera point.

This Breathing Exercise Can Help You Feel Calmer In Minutes 06/02/2022

I remember when I first became a psychologist I told a client to breathe.
There she was all upset, short of breath, crying and thinking her world was ending.... I tried a bunch of fancy breathing tecnhiques I learned in school.
Then I realized, the more I asked her to focus on breathing, the more she freaked out! I stopped all efforts to MAKE HER BREATHE.
So we talked, and put some music on. Becuase you cannot talk or sing without breahting.
I saw the below article and think it is good. Sometimes there are a few ways when we are not freakign out to regulate our breahing.
But, my first all time go to will be to put good music on and SING! Makes you feel better in seconds!

This Breathing Exercise Can Help You Feel Calmer In Minutes They're the fastest way back to your zen state.


Thank you for the continued love and support.
A special shout out to Beck for continuing to send inspiration as bright as the sun.

Get your copy of S.H.I.F.T. Powerful Planner and Journal for an Unapologetically Kick Ass Life!


Dear everyone wondering what they will be when they grow up or playing the role of grown up and pondering the meaning of life,

Current events of somberness and sadness leave us with heavy hearts. Shootings, violence, and death leave questions about the importance of our continual fight in the rat race of society, perpetuating the constant battle to continue to be more, want more and do more. We are in this rush to be perfect parents, make more money, earn more accolades in our careers, and constantly chase degrees and titles. Every sound bite from the media leaves indications that we are not good enough or doing enough while we compare our insides to other people's outsides while obsessively staring at the picture-perfect lives portrayed on social media. And for what, and at what cost?

In this fast-paced high-tech world, are we losing track of what is important?

As I have been continuing to dig into the essence of keeping my own SHIFT together, while trying to be of value and to support others, the word integrity repeatedly rings in my ears. Integrity to me is being honest, real and showing up consistently, in all areas of my life (even when no one is looking!). We all want the fast path to reach the peak of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Self-Actualization without respecting the fluidity of constant change. Like Heraclitus said, “The only constant in life is change.”

Being “grown up” like self-actualization is not a fixed state nor is having your SHIFT together. It is a constant practice, like an art.

Having balance in spiritual connections leads to healthfully making choices to fill your own self-love cup. Filling your own self-love cup with nourishment, rest, and movement reflects in the way we connect with others, interpersonally setting limits as we prioritize ourselves. Time to ourselves and with our peeps is similar to how we spend money or save. All of this in turn equates to how we define being a grown up or how we evolve in the way we parent, work, or provide education. Life has meaning if it feels fulfilling and full, from the ground up.

Then you take the current ruthless acts of hatred and crimes of pain that are occurring in our communities that cause soulful devastation and the annihilation of our purpose and make us question the meaning of life.

The reality of our purpose is really not about what we are doing, but how we are doing it. Are we showing up with integrity? Are we being part of the solution? Are we being the change we wish to see in the world?

I send much love to all the families affected by the recent shootings and to all that have ever been saddened by acts of unkindness. I also welcome the opportunity for introspection of the role and responsibility we each have in raising our babies and in the nurturance of ourselves to fulfill our soulful purpose–not to grow up, but to grow in.

Your No bull-shiFt, mental fitness, advice giving, S.H.I.F.T. Powerful Planner and Journal for an Unapologetically Kick Ass Life author, shame abolishing, health advocator and doer, Dr. Dara

P.S. If you are pondering the meaning of life or interested to grow-in, please join me: https://www.facebook.com/groups/449342648806770. And make sure you have a copy of S.H.I.F.T. Powerful Planner and Journal for an Unapologetically Kick Ass Life to solidify your purpose and be intentional with the way you wish to be in YOUR world.



Dear my peeps or anyone that has ever felt vulnerable?

I wrote a journal/planner, (un)workbook, and a dream manifestation book. It was published 2 months ago. For several years, I have used this system–it has evolved over time. I thought it would be a cute idea to make “a little” word doc spiral notebook out of it for me and my peeps. I don’t do anything little and cute and it turned into something grand. I did not know it was going to be this THING–like be really cool. But then, I didn’t NOT know it was going to happen. I manifested it. I wrote it down on paper, described it, pictured it, did a mock up, pretended, used construction paper and crayons, made a fake one hoping someday it would happen! And now people are sending me messages and texts describing THEIR great experiences with it and bonus–Amazon KDP is sending me a royalty check A.K.A., I am getting $$!

I think about other times I went through the motions of LIFE and SHIFT happened.

In December/January 2020 we took a family vacation to North Carolina. All kinds of craziness was going on in our world. The spirit moved me and I declared (my husband thought I lost my mind) that we were moving to Asheville, NC. I did not have a pre-plan to move, but I did not NOT know. For years I globally traveled, interviewed for graduate schools and applied for internships outside of Florida, and clipped pictures of glorious mountains on vision boards.

Two years ago this weekend I packed up our house, loaded up our car with 2 kids, 3 dogs and pulled a UHAUL full of clothes to NC. I had no idea our house would have multiple offers in 3 seconds and the heavens of Asheville would open up and welcome us! But, again, I didn’t NOT know that would happen. I did the leg work, I leaned in and took the chance.

S.H.I.F.T. Powerful Planner and Journal for an Unapologetically Kick Ass Life was a development that grew out of a dream of mine to write a book. But see, this is not “THE BOOK” I was planning to publish first. “THE BOOK” I was planning is still happening, but it did not show up exactly how I expected, but the power of writing “THE BOOK” inspired more.

In addition to “THE BOOK” being in final editing phases and S.H.I.F.T. out and available, I keep feeling compelled to shout out, explain and spread the word about what S.H.I.F.T. is and how it can be of value. So, I have been doing that, the best I can, which never feels enough or good enough in between LIFE-ING (mommying, psyhologisiting, house renovating, RVing, and keeping my SHIFT together-ING!)

The F in S.H.I.F.T. has been heavy and preoccupying my mind. The F is supposed to stand for FINANCIAL but the biggest word that keeps coming up for F is F*ck It! I can’t even wrap my mind around financial security, organization, or goals when I literally gasp for air with financial anxiety and insecurity in the midst of renovating a house and seeing money vanish into thin air!

My F is on fire with all the past financial inadequacies and traumas on high alert. F is for freaking out and failure and fraud and F*ckin unrealistic budgets and F*ckin financial pressure to keep up with the Jones’. (Before anyone goes getting all worried about me and calling to do an intervention–I am not in jeopardy of committing financial su***de and I am not depressed. I am only writing out loud what probably you (if you admit it) and everyone else is thinking, but too scared and ashamed to SAY!)

So needless to say, living in an RV (for the first time) while our house is being renovated has me all kinds of messy. My F ain’t the only thing out of whack! Like Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, my foundation is out of balance. Spiritually my walks and ways I connect are different. Healthfully I am improvising to do exercise and eating differently than my usual, sleeping with 5 sets of nostrils very close to me, and forget about making a hair appointment right now! Interpersonal time is non-existent other than momentary 5am wake-ups and relationships with my squad that are NON stop! Then there is financial–I will spare you the repeated rant! Trade is on autopilot (Thank God) with intentional cutbacks to stay at the top of my game and not completely lose my SHIFT!

Being out of whack comes with VULNERABILITY. It has me questioning and doubting with my ENOUGHITIS on overdrive. Should we have bought this house? Should we spend the money to renovate it? Is having my kids living in an RV what is best for them? Have I put too many changes on my kids; moving during a pandemic and now out of their house? Am I focused on my business enough with all the distractions? Am I doing enough to promote S.H.I.F.T.? Am I taking good enough care of myself? Will my kids (and husband) hate me forever because MOMZILLA rears her head out with insanity, insecurity and frustration? I feel raw and exposed in so many ways.

What is crazy is how in the midst of my current panic, the chances I took of moving and publishing a book have faded in the distance. Those scenarios, like now, had SO MUCH FINANCIAL RISK-EMOTIONAL RISK AND VULNERABILITY–but I did them! I freaked and did them anyway.

See, for too much of my life, I thought vulnerability, mushiness, or emotion meant weakness. I was scared to be VULNERABLE.

I still feel the same things, but what I have learned is it is time to let the little girl inside of me know, I get her pain. And she is okay now. SHE IS SAFE.

The freak-outs, the doubt, the fear–it is not about the current situation, it is about my brain remembering old stories, old memories and reading them as the current truth. But it is not TRUTH, only past stories.

I know now (most of the time!) my ability to be authentic, raw, emotional, and sometimes messy is VULNERABILITY. This vulnerability is strength. This vulnerability is my strength that leans in to move, and write books, and renovate houses and live in RV’s and cry and SCREAM and sometimes be MOMZILLA! It is THIS vulnerability that lets me be alive and CONNECT.

My vulnerability is the fire burning in my soul. I kept thinking the fear would dull, but it only blazed my passion stronger. I was imprisoned in my own passion. But now, my vulnerability fuels connection and SHIFT.

YOUR vulnerability is the fire burning in YOUR soul. YOUR fear is past stories and blazes YOUR passion stronger. YOU were imprisoned by YOUR own passion. But now, YOUR vulnerability fuels connection and SHIFT.

What does vulnerability mean to you? How do you define it? What SHIFT are you ready to lean into? What is in your way?


Your No bull-shiFt, VULNERABLE, mental fitness, advice giving, S.H.I.F.T. Powerful Planner and Journal for an Unapologetically Kick Ass Life author, shame abolishing, health advocator and doer,

Dr. Dara

Connect with me further.
Join https://drdarabushman.us17.list-manage.com/track/clicku=e9bbd01496a62e87345d6ae8f&id=916148dbd2&e=f1010bc3e7 on Facebook and let’s make this group a powerful space to interact, ask questions, have discussions and connect to collaboratively have an unapologetically kick ass life-TOGETHER!


New RVer living my best life Thank you for the video inspiration 😅


Dear everyone with a sense of maternal instinct or the ability to nurture,

I was always the person that mocked Hallmark for making a ton of money on holidays like Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, etc. Mother’s Day is lovely, but I also believe Mom’s Days should be a daily expression of nurturance, connection and femininity to the women that surround us.

In my wisdom, A.K.A., as I get older, I find greater respect and gratitude in the circle of women that provide me with unconditional love and the inspiration for personal growth.

This Mother’s Day weekend, I feel gratitude to all the beautiful maternal forces in my life. In the energies and connections by which I am anchored to others. Because of you, I am strengthening the muscles of the “I”nterpersonal needs of my S.H.I.F.T. and getting really clear of the “inner” in connection with my “inter”personal relationships–the relationship with ME!

In doing my S.H.I.F.T. Powerful Planner and Journal for an Unapologetically Kick Ass Life I had an epiphany–If I want deeper, stronger relations with others it is for me to prioritize, connect and nurture my own soul.

What if today, Mother’s Day is a moment to mother yourself and tap into your own maternal instinct of self nurturance? Some people use the fancy term self-care! I am talking a step deeper than that.

What does your ideal relationship with YOU look like?

You don’t have to love yourself. It is not about (entity) or perfection. It is about setting priorities for yourself like you do to take care of others. It is about respecting yourself with grace.

How do you look to others to nurture you? How do you nurture others?

…Don’t you think it would look the same?

Do you like physical sensations and affection? Do you like your needs and wants heard? To feel connected? Prioritized? Or valued?

What part of this can’t you do for yourself??

Here is my promise…

If you do YOU in this moment and nurture yourself you will be amazed how other people start showing up in your life in POWERFUL ways. People will stop just passively and conveniently being in our lives. We will stop counting on others for our happiness and to fill our needs. Emotional connections will become richer and more nourishing. We will not NEED others anymore, we will want them and they will organically be attracted to us.

When our self-love cup is full we SHOW up for others and they show up for us.

Btw, a full self-love cup is when you, yourself, are anchored physically (food, rest, exercise,). When your self-love cup is consistently maintained, you are able to set limits for yourself and are emotionally able to do this with others.

Daily mothering of our feminne soul is an art. As I continue to learn, I continue to be guided with gratitude by all the beauties in my life that have led the path as mommy models, graceful pillars of maternal strength and that continue to exemplify SHIFT to me, as bad-ass, superwomen.

Thank you!


Your No bull-shiFt, mental fitness, advice giving, S.H.I.F.T. Powerful Planner and Journal for an Unapologetically Kick Ass Life author, shame abolishing, health advocator and doer,

Dr. Dara

P.S. S.H.I.F.T. Powerful Planner and Journal for an Unapologetically Kick Ass Life is the perfect gift for yourself and all the feminine sources of love in your life for a practice of self nurturance and connection.



Thank you NBC 6 Roxanne Vargas Sheli Muñiz for having me offer insight on how to cope with loss on Mother’s Day

- While many celebrate Mother's Day with cards, flowers, balloons and social media posts, the holiday can also be a reminder for some of loss and grief

-Talking about sadness and feelings with our kids helps model appropriate way to talk about feelings
• vulnerability is connection

-Celebrating yourself as a mom teaches our kids to celebrate themselves

-Ask people that may be feeling sadness the hard questions; even if you are uncomfortable



Dear anyone still striving to be healthfully free?

Is your self-love cup full? Are you still trying to live a healthy lifestyle? Are you still waiting to lose that extra weight? Wanting to get more rest? Waiting for your schedule to clear to make time to go to the gynecologist? Swearing to get your nails done for the first time since before the pandemic? Waiting until the perfect time to start an exercise program?

So, if the answer was yes to any of the questions above…it is time to get your S.H.I.F.T. together! January new year's resolutions and miracle diets have faded in the distance! Yet, there is still so much time left in the year to show up in the way you WANT to.
But I get it, life gets crazy and takes on its own tempo. At times I have felt so stuck and no matter what, it always gets sticky! I thought I had to take care of everyone else. I thought their happy would make me happy. I was wrong. My feelings of discontentment resulted in less of me being available to take care of others. I was saying I was all in, but in reality they only had half of me. I mean really, if I felt guilty for eating too much ice cream, it resulted in me not setting limits for myself with others. I needed to get validation from somewhere. I needed them to complete me. When I did not prioritize my rest time and picked up phone calls to listen to other people’s dramas, it resulted in me not waking up to work out and re-started my perpetual daily s**t show all over again. BecauseI was tired, I did not work out and then I either didn't eat breakfast to make up for the calories I did not burn or I ate something crappy and felt fatter. Then, to further punish myself, I tried on five outfits and hated the way I looked in all of them. So, I slid into my Momzilla outfit and proceeded to yell at my kids because I was literally crawling out of my own skin. No need for me to tell you the rest of my day–because you get it.

Hello… the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

But see, there is this concept of integrity–what you do in one area of your life flows into the others. And how do you expect the rest of your life to flow if you are drowning at the core?

Sooo cliche, but, if your oxygen mask is not on you first, how are you going to save the others.

Filling your self-love cup is what is in the best interest of the world. What can you do today to set a realistic schedule? Can you walk extra steps from your car to the store? Can you take your dog or kids out for a walk? Can you bring workout clothes so you can walk after work (true story-when my kids were babies, I brought clothes to change into in my office and ran before i went home!) Can you sit with your window open for 5 minutes? Can you put your phone in sleep mode from 9pm to 7am? Can you drink an extra glass of water with your meals? Can you bring a snack to work so you won’t get home and ravage your refrigerator like the Tasmanian Devil? Can you plan to do a Zumba class with a friend this week? Can you make a dermatologist appointment? Can you order food on Instacart to try a new recipe?

It is time for you to be F.R.E.E.!





So again, what can you do right now, at this moment? Not, I will start tomorrow, or I have to write a perfect plan or I need more money to hire a trainer to start… What is one thing you can do when you finish reading this? You don’t have to be ready or need motivation. All that is required is the interest and wherewithal to SHIFT.

If you are feeling like I have–soooo many times, and feeling alone. S.H.I.F.T. with me, let’s S.H.I.F.T. together.

I am excited to share that not only is S.H.I.F.T. Powerful Planner and Journal for an Unapologetically Kick Ass Life available on Amazon


But, there is now a Facebook group to connect, collaborate and keep your S.H.I.F.T. together with a bunch of other bad asses wanting to optimize their bad ass journeys!


Your No bull-shiFt, mental fitness, advice giving, S.H.I.F.T. Powerful Planner and Journal for an Unapologetically Kick Ass Life author, shame abolishing, health advocator and doer,

Dr. Dara


Career day at William W. Estes Elementary! Elyah is a psychologist and Nevin…. Professional baseball player!


Dear anyone questioning their higher powers, having spiritual confusion or those completely grounded and knowing there is more for them,

I used to think spirituality had to do with religion. The idea of spirituality or religion was intimidating and I had no clue what it meant-so I avoided it.

Then there was this aha moment while I was at an intersection. The sun struck me in such a way, through the sunroof of my car, that it lit me.

I was at a pivotal time in my life. I was learning about life and death and unhappily ever after. I was in a relationship that had no relation to who I was. I was too scared to dream, so I followed someone else's. I sold my soul and made a deal with the devil to be in that relationship. I became dark. I was drowning. I hit my bottom in the way I allowed myself to be treated. I did not recognize me.

At that stop light, I looked up at the sun and I loudly spoke these words, “God, I do not know if I am making the right or wrong decision, but please let me know I have the strength to get through it”.

Then I used my strong voice and spoke my truth and it was then I realized thatI had the strength to get through it.

As a child I remembered talking to God and asking for emotional pain to stop or to make situations better. Because I was not religious, I figured I was a bad girl and God wasn’t comin for me or helpin!

As the light in the car warmed my essence, I knew there was something greater than myself. My spiritual journey deepened. It continued to unfold with connection, with fluidity and with discovery. For me, my spirituality has guided me to root within nature and self-empowerment. It is there I found Grace. Grace to me is appreciation and recognition of gratitude which is what I want more of in my life as energy grows where energy flows.

Spirituality identifies what makes me feel connected at a deeper level. I find spirituality in walks outside, writing unconscious flows of thoughts in the early morning, walking barefoot in the grass, doing yoga, meditation or breath work, time with myself, feeling fresh air, listening to the birds, noticing gratitude and identifying “I am” statements and affirmations of self. Spirituality is the foundation of S.H.I.F.T. and looks uniquely different for everyone. There is no formula or exact science.

Identifying gratitude increases my mood and the perspective of how I see the world through a warm, rose colored, clear lens.

Today, I celebrate and give gratitude to all the wonderfuls that have loved me and supported my S.H.I.F.T. journey. It is because of all of you, today marks one month since S.H.I.F.T. Powerful Planner and Journal for an Unapologetically Kick Ass Life was released on Amazon. I am humbled by the feedback and reviews. I am in awe of the pictures, texts, and posts that have been shared on social media and to me directly.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making S.H.I.F.T. Powerful Planner and Journal for an Unapologetically Kick Ass Life successful in its first month. I am excited and exhilarated for what is to come.


Your No bull-shiFt, mental fitness, advice giving, S.H.I.F.T. Powerful Planner and Journal for an Unapologetically Kick Ass Life author, shame abolishing, health advocator and doer,

Dr. Dara

P.S. If you are ready to get your S.H.I.F.T. together and set the foundation for change, please join me for an Unapologetically Kick Ass Life.

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Dr. Dara

Dr. Dara grew up as a collegiate competitive tennis player. She chose the field of psychology because she is passionate about the specific areas of peak performance, peace of mind and accelerated healing coaching.

  • Licensed Clinical Psychologist

  • Rapid Resolution Therapist

  • Board Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
  • Videos (show all)

    New RVer living my best life #shifthappened Thank you @that1crazy72 for the video inspiration 😅
    Interview with Michelle Marie Valladares-Diaz: Mental Wellness Tips During a Pandemic
    Truth with Dr. Dara Vlog
    Truth with Dr. Dara Vlog: Relationship Upgrade
    Truth with Dr. Dara Vlog: Saying NO


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    10400 Griffin Road
    Cooper City, 33328

    Beth Sullivan-Jawitz is a Master Certified NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioner and Coach, Practitioner of Time Line Therapy® and Hypnotherapy and she has practiced as a...

    Massage By Pavel Massage By Pavel
    10036 Griffin Road Cooper City
    Cooper City, 33328

    Soft tissue therapist based in USA. Remedial massage and soft tissue manipulation.

    Zur-Vibe Zur-Vibe
    5846 S Flamingo Road, Suite 127
    Cooper City, 33126

    Dietary supplement Caffeine free. Low-glycemic. No sugar added. No fillers or animal testing. No artificial colors, preservatives or ingredients.

    Backyard Bootcamp Backyard Bootcamp
    Cooper City

    Currently on hiatus � Check back later! Backyard Bootcamp is a circuit style fitness class incorpo

    Meljestic spa Meljestic spa
    2555 N Hiatus Road Suite 11
    Cooper City, 33026

    Laser hair removal & skincare 🫶🏼

    Lactation Spot Lactation Spot
    Cooper City

    Lactation/Breastfeeding Consulting & Support https://linktr.ee/LactationSpot