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Doula Connections
Doula Connections

new update coming soon Advanced Chiropractic is a Neurologically-Based Chiropractic Center located in Costa Mesa, CA.

Our purpose is to provide a comprehensive solution to resolving problems of the spine and nervous system, to allow your body to work at its highest capacity. We are proud to serve patients from Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, Laguna Hills, Aliso Viego, and all over Orange County. Advanced Chiropractic has served people of all ages with a variety of different health conditions. Use ou

🛑 Stop Eating Seed Oils 🛑 08/25/2024


🛑 Stop Eating Seed Oils 🛑

The Most PROTEIN Rich Foods You Can Eat 08/24/2024

Looking For Protein?

The Most PROTEIN Rich Foods You Can Eat Use code BOBBYYT to get up to 30% off EveryDay Dose Mushroom Coffee: you're trying to hit protein goals every day, you may want to i...


Published research and laboratory investigations have found that gastrointestinal inflammation from gluten sensitivity can lead to white matter lesions in the brain. ⁠

White matter lesions are areas of damage seen on MRIs in neurodegenerative conditions such as multiple sclerosis. Even inflammatory bowel disease has been shown to cause white matter lesions due to the gut-brain relationship, or gut-brain axis.⁠

Even though research has established a link between gluten and neurological diseases, most doctors overlook this mechanism in clinical scenarios.⁠
Neurologists typically don’t look at gastrointestinal mechanisms — they don’t do gastrointestinal or food protein sensitivity testing, and they don’t evaluate for celiac disease. Those matters are left to the gastroenterologist.⁠
However, because most people with neurological problems don’t have gut complaints, they typically don’t land in the office of a gastroenterologist.⁠
Also, the standard healthcare model typically only considers celiac disease and not gluten sensitivity.⁠

Download my free guide “Gluten and the Brain” under Free Education at

Learn more in my course Save Your Brain at
Practitioners can learn more in my two-day Neuroinflammation course at

⁠ ⁠ ⁠



I'm posting this partly cause I'm tired, cranky, bitchy, and my body aches. 🤣 But mostly because many of you go through this and don't know it!

I've made some very deliberate choices over the past couple months. Choices yes for my physical health. But even more than that, choices for the energy level and standard with which I choose to live.

The only way I can create, conduct, and compose music at the level I KNOW, is with s**t tons more energy! Mental energy, emotional ease, physical vitality and purpose! There is a very special and unique way with which I can help and serve the world. And it requires a LOT MORE energy, fitness, vitality, resourcefulness, and more than what was the previous norm. And that's just the musical part of life! There's a LOT more

So how has this manifested? Many ways, here's some examples:
- regular and daily jazz piano practice
- regular and daily sight singing practice
- nearly daily prep for Jazz Singers audition on Aug 25
- cold showers 4-5x/wk
- daily gardening. Grounding, physical, enriching
- an umbrella for the backyard so I can be outside more
- near daily eye exercise to improve eyesight, focus, and "vision"
- 3-4 infrared/red light saunas per week

One of the biggest choices was to have new labs done to assess where I'm at biochemically and make necessary changes. This has led to some radical upgrades and changes with diet, supplementation, more.

This is all fantastic right?! Super effortless. Totally inspired by the call for MORE!

And holy f**k has it HURT sometimes! omg

The demand for more has required literal and physical change. Changes in biochemistry. Changes in sleep patterns. Changes in bloodflow and available metabolic energy. Change in daily habits and routine. On and on.

What I'm finding is that my body is DETOXING a ton. Sometimes I'm achy. Sometimes my energy level feels like a 2 on a scale of 1-10. Sometimes I have full robust energy, and bam it drains in like half the time of normal.

I know that heavy metals are detoxing out of my cells. I know that viruses, bacteria, and more are purging from hidden corners.

Since Saturday, my throat has been so swollen that I could barely speak or swallow. Yet I'm not sick. I feel great. AND sometimes require hours and hours and hours of naps. LOL

You can Google things like Keto Flu or Detox Symptoms, and you'll find more.

What I really wanted to do here is point out that this s**t is REAL! And what may look like "sickness" sometimes is not. It's not a breakdown. It's not a weakness. It's not a failure.

It's actually part of a healthy process. Almost like an addict weaning off of drugs, or an alcoholic who gets sober.

When we choose to make a change in our lives, when we choose MORE, when we upgrade, optimize, advance, etc, it requires a new blood chemistry. It requires a new standard of emotion. It requires different upgraded thinking. It requires more Community and connection with spirit.

This can have the effect of purging and cleaning house on what was there before, while going through the transition.

It sucks sometimes. Truth.

And this is what it is. Commitment is commitment.

Hopefully this helps shed a light perhaps on some of your own experiences.



This is one of the most awesome books I’ve ever read!

It’s TRUTH about the food industry

60-80% of everything we eat, especially in US & UK, is “Ultra-Processed” and NOT real food.

And yes, even if you eat organic, non-GMO, grass fed, etc like I do, you’re still affected and still need to read this.

It’s disturbing, but awesome. Truth will change your life in the best way

How Grocery Stores TRICK US!! 07/27/2024

Oh my god!

How Grocery Stores TRICK US!! Find out about the marketing tactics that will have you buying all sorts of things you never intended. Don’t fall victim to supermarket tricks!0:00 Introduct...



20 years ago today, my dear step-sister Jackie Tipper married her soulmate Geoff Tipper.

I actually knew Geoff long before Jackie did, because Geoff's mom Carol (I still call her Mrs. Tipper) was my math teacher growing up! I saw pictures of Geoff on her desk since he was 5 years old!

When they got married, I saw something that made me think I was crazy.

When Geoff and Jackie were up on the alter binding and declaring their love, for a split second I honest to god saw a light start to glow and show around them.

But it wasn't just any old ring of light. It was literally the shape of a heart. It was large enough to envelop both of them, one in each half.

For a moment, before my rational mind kicked in, I was in transcendent awe. I knew what I was witnessing. It was the shape of their conjoined energy field. It was that shape of love. When two souls commit and merge, when it's this honest and real, this is how the energy field, the field of light organizes.

And then, of course, my rational mind kicked in, and I battered myself with every form of "You're crazy. That's insane. That's impossible. Who are you? How could you know such a thing?"

But I knew

In the 20 years since then, my skills and awareness of what we would call "subtle energy fields" has grown. My sense and intuition are scary accurate. The things that I sense and communicate with my patients boggles their minds. Mine too!!!

So what I called crazy 20 years ago, now with more wisdom, awareness, and maturity, I realize was a very holy and sacred gift to be aware of and able to witness.

This afternoon I sent a voice note to Jackie and Geoff, and I think for the first time ever, let them know what I saw those 20 years ago. I guess I was too embarrassed too share it previously. Thought it was too nuts. But on this day, their 20th Anniversary, it actually seemed VERY important to share.

10 minutes ago, I was here on Facebook and saw pictures Jackie just posted from their Anniversary trip to Tulum, Mexico. They're there right now. These photos were posted 1 hour ago, maybe have even been taken today.

As I scrolled her photos, this one appeared. HOLY S**T!! Are you freaking kidding me???? I've never seen an image like this in my life....except for the energy field I saw surrounding them at their wedding 20 years ago.

I guess it's actually manifested now from just a field of energy, to something even more real and tangible. It's moved from potential energy to a bound form.

In this picture, it's the form of a heart. The manifest form of their field of love.

In daily, it's the form of their marriage. Their daughters. They laughter. Their hikes. All of it. More.

You two, I love you. You're setting a very beautiful model for SO many who ache for the love you have manifested and demonstrate.

Some people will absolutely think that what I'm saying is insane. I sure felt that way.

And some will know that this is actually all evidence of our true nature as energetic beings that take form for just a blip of a moment here on earth.

Easy Homemade Pickles Recipe | Gimme Some Oven 07/01/2024


Wow! So many people have asked! Here's the base of the recipe that I've used: -recipes-63340

That said, I've made some alterations:

1. No Bay Leaf. Gross

2. I've used at least 1 Tablespoon of chopped garlic, maybe a little more, per jar

3. I used 1 full sprig of Dill per jar. NOT chopped, cause that gets all over the pickle chips.

And I've experimented:

- White Vinegar tastes much better than Rice Vinegar

- I've made TWO VERSIONS of pickles. ALL pickles start with a base of water, vinegar, salt, garlic, & dill. HALF of them, I left with just that base (plus an additional 1/4-1/2 tablespoon of garlic). The OTHER HALF, I added the peppercorns and mustard seeds. BOTH are very good, just different

- I did make one jar with the base, peppercorns, mustard seeds, AND coriander. It's ok with the coriander, not my favorite

The flavors keeps getting richer day after day

I've done pickle chips, spears, and whole pickles. The chips take on the most flavor. The whole pickles didn't pick up even half the flavor. Still alright, but just not as flavorful.

Any questions, post below

Easy Homemade Pickles Recipe | Gimme Some Oven This refrigerator pickles recipe only takes 5 minutes to prep and can be customized with your favorite seasonings. So crisp and delicious!




These are my Grandparents. LOVE!!! Love, love, love, love, love!!!

My Grandma would have 100 years old today. Wow 😮

I love you Grandma

(and yes, that’s me 😄)

Are Gummies Ruining Your Health? 06/27/2024


They’re pure sugar = poison

Are Gummies Ruining Your Health? Dr. Bryan has made many seminal discoveries in the Nitric Oxide field, resulting in over a dozen U.S. and International patents. He is also a successful entr...

Echo Hydrogen Water 06/23/2024


Gary Brecka's 3-day Community Water Fast starts this Tuesday June 25

When you join, you'll receive a Welcome Email with his Ultimate Guide To Fasting PDF

In it, Gary recommends some products to assist your Fast. Below are links to Savings and/or alternatives.

I just joined myself, so don't have everything on his list. But I have most of it or solid alternatives.

It may be too late to get the items below by Tuesday, but you'll have the info for future Fasts and your overall health. I use these personally and recommend to my Patients.

10% Savings on Echo Go+ Hydrogen Portable Water Bottle.

Wholesale Non-GMO Amino Acids from Live Good. Click Products, scroll down to Amino Acids

If you're local in OC, I'd recommend Fermentation Farm for the Bone Broth.

Echo Hydrogen Water Echo Hydrogen Water - Most Recommended Hydrogen Water Products. Used By Gary Brecka, Dana White, Joe Rogan and many more

☠️Plastic Cutting Boards☠️ 06/15/2024

Get Rid Of Your Plastic Cutting Board

☠️Plastic Cutting Boards☠️



I just finished my first semester in the Cal State Fullerton School of Music. HEAVEN!!!

My Music History professor held an open forum Q&A during the last week of school to discuss anything about the profession and world of Music.

The biggest topics that came up were all related to "Health As A Musician" - Physical health, Emotional health, Psychological health, and FINANCIAL health. Wise group.

I noticed something in the conversation, and decided to speak up.

I said to the class of college students, "I'm twice the age of most of you here. For me, this is my next profession, cause I've already had a few. I've been a Chiropractor (still am), a business owner, and an entrepreneur. And I've noticed something about the culture of the music industry that I find really disempowering.

I've noticed that it's commonly considered NOBLE to be a starving artist."

The classroom groaned, sighed, and practically yahoo'd all at the same time! Someone had finally spoken the truth that no one wanted to speak.

I said, "In my opinion, it's noble to be RICH! Because you owe it to the music itself and to everyone who ever listens to be AMAZING!! And how the hell can we be amazing if we're struggling??? It makes no sense."

Last thing I said was, "Someone once told me that, 'Being rich simply means you have enough money to fulfill your destiny and purpose.'.".

I said, "I'm called to be here right now. I'm called to music. I'm called to sing. To conduct. To compose. To share. It makes a difference, and I know it. I've been summoned to it. And for THIS REASON, enough money is required to fulfill THIS PURPOSE."

mike drop

I was honestly shocked by what I was saying. I've never heard those words come out of me before.

But in service to this group of kids just starting out, many already becoming good friends, I had to speak the truth.

I hope it's valuable here to you as well

The brain-changing benefits of exercise 05/27/2024

The brain-changing benefits of exercise What's the most transformative thing that you can do for your brain today? Exercise! says neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki. Get inspired to go to the gym as Suzuki discusses the science of how working out boosts your mood and memory -- and protects your brain against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzhe...

This Is One of the WORST Things You Can Eat 05/26/2024


This Is One of the WORST Things You Can Eat Find out about one of the worst foods you could eat—I'm not talking about sugar, carbohydrates, or high fructose corn syrup!DATA:https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih....

Keto-Fried Chicken "KFC" Style / by Eric and Karen Berg 05/26/2024


Keto-Fried Chicken "KFC" Style / by Eric and Karen Berg Check out the full recipe here: whole family will love this keto fried chicken recipe. Give it a try!Timestamps 0:00 Keto fried c...

Do NOT Cook with This!!! 05/26/2024


Maybe even worse than sugar!!

Also known as Vegetable Oils, examples are:
- Canola oil
- Sunflower oil
- Grapeseed oil
- Cottonseed oil
- Safflower oil
- Soybean oil
- Corn oil

Get some facts:

Do NOT Cook with This!!! Is there a healthy way to enjoy deep-fried foods? Find out about the best and worst oil for deep-frying!Book Links:Basic Principle of Membrane Technology: ht...


It's like this with a LOT of food produced here in the US compared to other countries.

When I lived in Singapore, I used to shop at one of the Indian markets. I noticed that the canned vegetables were JUST the vegetable in the can. No added sugars, colorings, preservatives or any of the other toxic junk added here in the States.

Are Expensive Eggs Really Worth It? 04/24/2024


Free Range? Pasture Raised?

Natural? Organic?

Are Expensive Eggs Really Worth It? What are the differences when comparing organic eggs vs. conventional eggs? Are pasture-raised eggs worth the price tag? Find out the answers to your eggcell...

WaveBlock™: Your Shield Against EMF Radiation! 03/31/2024


You can protect yourself from damaging EMF Radiation using Waveblock! And for Easter, you can get 50% off a 2nd product!

In the role of Doctor, I am constantly asked for "best in class" products that most optimize your health.

I've used countless products over the past 15+ years on my phones, computers, ipads, and earbuds (well, I would if I used earbuds!). Waveblock is BY FAR the best.

I swear by these, use them on all my devices. So when I saw the sale, I wanted to share with you

WaveBlock™: Your Shield Against EMF Radiation! Safeguard Against EMF Radiation up to 5G from Cell Phones, AirPods, iPads, and MacBooks! Our advanced technology is designed to protect your world by reducing harmful electromagnetic waves. Experience the peace of mind you deserve.

Stop Drinking Water 03/29/2024


This is very real. Critical to pay attention

Stop Drinking Water



April Fools Day is my favorite holiday!!!

So that's clearly the best day to host Your Ultimate Health Class! (nice segue, huh! 😂)

Next Monday April 1, you can find simple solutions to easily and rapidly boost your Energy, your Ease, your Productivity, and your Impact on others!

You will learn take-home DIY skills you can use immediately to Reduce Your Stress, Lessen Your Fatigue, Improve Your Mood, and More!

You will have the opportunity to learn pragmatic tips & exercises from an expert Doctor with more than 25 years International experience.

Monday, April 1, 6-7pm
Costa Mesa, CA

Space is limited, so your RSVP is required.

The Real Benefit of Rebounding Exercise 03/19/2024


There is nothing like Rebounding.

- encourages lymphatic flow, thereby boosting your Immune Health like no other exercise
- improves balance
- enhances microcirculation, circulating more oxygen to your tissues
- increases bone density
- stimulates healthy digestion, absorption, and elimintion
- increases respiratory capacity. BREATHE BETTER!
- invigorates metabolism
- creates purer sleep and relaxation
- etc


I rebound 20-30 min/day, and since I started it's been profoundly changing my life.

The Real Benefit of Rebounding Exercise What is the real benefit of trying rebounding exercise? Watch to find out. Timestamps0:00 The real benefit of rebounding exercise0:28 What is rebounding exer...

A carb that is more dangerous than sugar. It can spike blood sugars significantly. What is it? 03/12/2024


A carb that is more dangerous than sugar. It can spike blood sugars significantly. What is it? Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book...

Milk & Butter Review - How To Buy The BEST Milk & Butter At The Grocery Store 03/11/2024


Milk & Butter Review - How To Buy The BEST Milk & Butter At The Grocery Store Click to get 2 months of Skillshare for FREE!Here's the long awaited grocery haul for milk and butter. It's really important to buy ...

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Costa Mesa?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

WOW!!!Adjusted a few of the Marines at our big Charity Toy Drive tonight, here’s one of the results.  😮



1001 W. 17th Street, Unit R
Costa Mesa, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 11pm
Tuesday 1pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 12pm
3pm - 6:30pm
Thursday 1pm - 6:30pm

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Costa Mesa, 92627

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Costa Mesa, 92626

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1525 Mesa Verde Drive E #108
Costa Mesa, 92626

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Costa Mesa, 92627

Harbor Family Chiropractic

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Costa Mesa, 92627

Dr. Allex Walters is a sports chiropractor who treats using a holistic approach to the human body. S

100% Chiropractic Costa Mesa 100% Chiropractic Costa Mesa
1835 Newport Boulevard , Suite D-263
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Inspired Flight Hypnosis Inspired Flight Hypnosis
2900 Bristol Street Bldg G-202
Costa Mesa, 92626

This page is about hypnosis and hypnotherapy.