WaNessa B. Monk Ministries

~God bless you, and welcome to the ministry page of WaNessa B. Monk Ministries! Stay connected for a Stay connected for all of my current events right here.~


The Monk Chronicles

It's about 2:30 in the morning and Tony Andrew Monk Sr. wakes up. He starts drinking the water that's next to the bed, HARD AND FAST...breathing like he's been running.

He turns over and starts laughing hard...I automatically start laughing (i'm awake, haven't went to sleep yet), he can barely talk cause he's laughing so hard. He said to me!!! (OMG I'm laughing again)

"Lord I just got through walking in a dessert, and I was thirsty...I told them I'll be back, (in the dream)I've got to go get me some water." He then asked me, "What time is it?" I said, "It's 2:30." He said, "Oh well, Imma tell them I ain't coming back."

He said, "I kept saying, man you can wake up and get you some water, you don't have to stay in this dream." Now with all of the laughter that took place after he woke up...I got a Revelation out of it.

I had to tell myself..."WaNessa you don't have to stay here...just wake up and change the outcome of this dream." If that's you too, gwone and put a Praise To It!

Thank You Lord For The Water!!!! LOL!!!


All books that I have in person are all sold. If you want to pre-order you can inbox me your name and mailing information along with $20.00 ($2.50 s/h) or $25.00 ($3.50 s/h) and I will ship them out when they come in. Or you can order online at Amazon by clicking this link below.



Sister's You're Too Valuable To Allow Just Anyone To Have Access. Pearls Aren't Swine Worthy, So Stop Casting To Just Anyone!

Photos from WaNessa B. Monk Ministries's post 06/08/2024

In my waiting to complete Rejection Qualified Me, I created my own Prayer Journal. It'll soon be available for purchase along with Rejection Qualified Me. Book signing for "The Healed Woman - Enough" coming soon, more information on that to come. 3 publications in one year, I'd like to say that's an accomplishment. Thanks to all who have supported me on this journey of Authorship.


Just in case anyone wanted notes from "Am I A Narcissist here they are below. As it has helped me, I pray that it will help you. And PLEASE don't beat yourself up if any of these things hit home, because it ABSOLUTELY made me see myself in another way.

Narcissism refers to a personality trait characterized by several key features:

- Grandiose Self-Importance: Narcissists have an exaggerated sense of their own importance. They believe they are exceptional and deserve special treatment1.

- Lack of Empathy: People with narcissistic traits often struggle to understand or care about the feelings of others. Empathy is limited, and they may disregard the emotions of those around them.

- Excessive Need for Admiration: Narcissists crave attention and admiration. They seek constant validation and approval from others.

- Belief in Uniqueness: A narcissist typically believe they are unique and superior. They may view themselves as distinct from everyone else.

- Sense of Entitlement: Narcissists feel entitled to special treatment, privileges, and recognition. They expect others to cater to their needs and desires.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a mental health condition where these traits become extreme and significantly impact a person’s life. Individuals with NPD may exhibit the following symptoms:

- Boastfulness: Exaggerating their achievements and talents.
- Superiority: Pretending to be better than others.
- Lack of Empathy: Disregarding others’ feelings.
- Contempt: Looking down on others as inferior.
- Monopolizing Conversations: Always making discussions about themselves.
- Emotional Sensitivity: Becoming angry or depressed when criticized.
- Constant Craving for the Best: Seeking perfection in everything.
- Fragile Self-Esteem: Despite outward confidence, their self-esteem is fragile.

The exact causes of NPD remain unclear, but factors like parenting style (excessive pampering or criticism), genetic changes, and brain structure/functioning may play a role. If untreated, NPD can lead to complications such as disturbed social relationships, depression, substance abuse, and even suicidal thoughts.

Remember that while some narcissistic traits are common, NPD represents an extreme form that significantly impacts a person’s well-being and relationships. Seeking professional help is essential for diagnosis and management.


Truths of A Woman

1.) I envy other women who know how to move pass their problems.
a.) True
b.) False

2.) I would rather listen to a lie rather than believing the truth.
a.) True
b.) False

3.) If I could change the way an individual portrays another negatively I will.
a.) True
b.) False

4.) I care about how someone views me.
a.) True
b.) False

5.) I am guilty of sowing discord at least once in my life.
a.) True
b.) False

6.) I have been a victim of someone else's lies.
a.) True
b.) False

7.) I'd rather correct a lie rather than let it go
a.) True
b.) False

8.) I'm willing to converse with others in a positive way, about what someone has said negatively about me.
a.) True
b.) False

9.) Scenario: A group of ladies are holding a discussion, and the discussion comes to a halt when you walk up, what's your first thought?

10.) How would you de-escalate a situation amongst two or more women who have an issue with each other positively?


You're Entertaining Them While Their Program Has Been Canceled! Change The Channel Chile!


Truths of A Woman: Serious and Honest Answers Only.
(Copy and Paste the questions and answer truthfully)

1.) I'd rather hide my feelings and emotions inside to keep from hurting the other woman.
a.) True
b.) False

2.) If I had to describe myself honestly, would it be honest or where I'd want to be described as?

3.) Do I refrain to give a compliment to a Woman who has offended me?
a.) Yes
b.) NO

4.) What would I NOT forgive another woman for?

5.) How can I show love to those who care less of me?

6.) Is it possible for Women to walk in a Unified space Together without NEGATIVE FEELINGS towards someone inside the space?

7.) Have I done MY BEST to bring a resolve to a known situation caused by me?
a.) Yes
b.) NO

8.) Have I done MY BEST to bring a resolve to a known situation that was NOT caused by me?
a.) Yes
b.) NO

9.) Do my past hurt effect how I treat others?
a.) Yes
b.) NO

10.) Am I really angry within myself because I can't get over what has happened in my past?
a.) Yes
b.) NO


Serious Answers ONLY From Women.

1. Do you believe Women are more intimidated by each other than men? Why or Why not?

2. You're in a room full of dominate Women, all Alpha Females, yet there's a few who are Negative Nancy's, how do you handle their personalities?
a.) stay away from them
b.) try to converse with them to make them feel comfortable
c.) start to discuss them with others
d.) ignore them

3. If you sat next to an individual who looked out of place and uncomfortable in a room of confident women, do you...
a.) introduce yourself and stay quiet
b.) ignore them
c.) start a conversation to get to know them
d.) none of the above

4.) If asked how can we change how we as Women, when united, be a more healthy and united community when gathering together, how would you answer.

5.) What makes women not want to support, protect, and cover women in any situation or case?

These questions doesn't apply to all, but I still would like to get answers from All perspectives. No answer is a bad answer, even if the answer is negative. The only way to fix anything is to know what's wrong.

Thanks in advance - Ladi Monk
- Please answer openly, do not inbox me with your answers.


Don't Deny Your Make & Model!

So what you weren't built like some, maybe even most...BUT YOU WERE BUILT TO LAST! Don't compare your make and model to theirs. Yours took time, effort, and a lot of special parts! Don't deny YOUR Model...and definitely don't question The Maker! He knew what He was doing when They Test Drove YOU!

Now you're wanted by many, but not all can afford the cost of what you're made of!


It all starts TONIGHT! Bishop Marlon J. Duncan will open up starting at 7:00 doors open at 6:30 See You There!!!


Every Intercessor in Dallas…Help us close out the 21 days of Prayer for Dallas tomorrow am at 5am CST 6am EST.


Where?: 3311 Bertrand Ave. Dallas TX 75215
When?: April 1st - April 7th
Time: 7PM - (Sat-Sun) - 6PM

Bishop Toderick Miller
Bishop Marlon J. Duncan
PastorCedric Deon Beard Sr.
Pastor Gerald D. Weatherall II
Pastor DrDarrell Blair
Apostle David Ransom Sr
Apostle Tony Andrew Monk Sr.


Holy Week this week with Prophetess Janice D Mixon please TUNE IN


It’s Revival Time in the DFW area, don’t miss it! We’re Going BACK to the OLD PATH!


When God does things…He does it BIG! Not a good writer, but my own penmanship. Only a few would understand the Title, but it’s to be released by next month! “Rejection Qualified Me…The Bush” Debbie Redmon-Humphrey I know YOU remember THIS and I shared the story with Pastor Teresa W Brown. If you wanna know WHY? This is MY WHY!

Photos from WaNessa B. Monk Ministries's post 03/15/2024

7:00 CST - 8:00 EST
DALLAS TX “You’re On God’s Mind!” Tune in tonight with Apostle Michael D Shack and co-host WaNessa Bradley Monk and guest Intercessor Evangelist Twylana Dickerson-Byers let’s Pull On Heaven!!!


Hanging out in Prayer with my Auntie Prophetess Janice D Mixon! Set your schedules…Prayer Is ALWAYS in order!


The Lord says that world has taught you to be a consumer but God…HE Created you to CREATE! I was created to CREATE!!! You GET IT YET? That’s why some of our moves aren’t beneficial to us because we are CREATORS trying to be a consumer, switch it up says the Lord!

Create and the world will consume (overtake) what you’ve CREATED!!! The SCRIPT has been FLIPPED! Tap your neighbor and say…THINGS FOR ME JUST CHANGED, because my MIND has transformed into who I AM…I AM A CREATOR…created to CREATE!!!


Father, I Repent to those who won’t repent to me, and FORGIVE those who won’t forgive me, I release myself from the minds of those who hold me bo***ge and I command them to be FREE and liberated TODAY!!! I decree and declare FREEDOM and LIBERATION to those who are bound by strongholds in their minds because of jealousy, envy, strife and bitterness! I sever the head of the pythos spirit and destroy the demonic activities of the Leviathan spirit! I declare and decree that THIS DAY those WHO READ THIS WILL BE FREE COMPLETELY, from negative emotions, thoughts, actions and reactions! I come against the witch warlock, sorcerer and sorceress that continue to trap us with their spells, curses, voodoo and potions be it ALL shall be destroyed. Word curses, altars, bloodline and demonic covenants are destroyed and NEVER to return or created again, against you, your family, children, grandchildren, ministries, businesses, friendships, relationships and fellowships! I bind the curse of poverty, lack, sickness and diseases that’s been spoken unaware out of our mouths and the mouths of others. I speak out of my mouth YOU’RE FREE TODAY! Whom The Son has set free is FREE INDEED, in Jesus Name! Amen!


I’ve Been a part of this love for the last 3 events. Apostle Michael D Shack is bringing it to Dallas by way of Streamyard…looking for Prophetic Intercessors who will bombard Heaven for the Dallas and surrounding Cities! If interested…please inbox me ASAP!

Photos from WaNessa B. Monk Ministries's post 03/01/2024

Let’s Make God MORE FAMOUS!!! Let The Praises BEGAN!!!


If any of you has been following this movement, next month its in Dallas! I have been a part of 3 States this has been in, it's through Streamyard so it will be online. I will co-host with Apostle Michael D Shack for the 21 Days. We are looking for FEW Prophetic Intercessors who will be available to pray one of the 21 Days. Please inbox me if you're interested.


I can never repay you Lord for what You've done for me...how you loosed the shackles and You set me FREE! How You MADE A WAY OUTTA NO WAY!!!! Turned my Darkness INTO DAY!
JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESUS!!!!! Anybody Else Feel Like That This Morning?!

Even thought I didn't do what You wanted me to do!!!! My God!!!! You're STILL FAITHFUL!!!!! Great IS THY FAITHFULNESS!


I just heard this and wanted to share.
God said As far as the East is to the West has He cast our sins, so it’s illegal Spiritually to go and get something God Himself has forgotten and FORGIVEN!!

SN: Stop going back to the past bringing something up that God has forgiven you for and don’t allow The Devil and anyone else to do it either! You’re not only FREE of it, but FORGIVEN! Let it go and Move On!


Getting 40 Author Copies of “The Healed Woman - ENOUGH “ selling them at $20 plus S/H let me know if you’d like a signature copy. Inbox me your address and I’ll ship it out as soon as they’re delivered.

The Healed Woman: ENOUGH 02/11/2024

I’ve Completed My First Book and is now made available on Amazon. WOW! Lord I Thank You for just being an Amazing Father.

Workbook included with affirmation & declaration pages for your personal use. Grab one and give a review!

The Healed Woman: ENOUGH The Healed Woman is a small book with activities the reader can use to work towards their personal Healing. A simple read for those who don't really like hard to read books, and it's not very long. This book was inspired by The Healthy Church written by my husband and Pastor, Tony A. Monk Sr., as...


Psalms 34:19 - “MANY are the afflictions of the Righteous: but the Lord delivered him out of them all.”

Where do we get THE RIGHTEOUS aren’t ever afflicted and even consumed with the cares and concerns of THIS WORLD?

ALL have sinned and fallen short, we are ALL striving to get to a place of Perfection. Don’t beat yourself up because you failed here and there, for Proverbs 24:16 NKJV says, “For a righteous man may fall seven times And rise again, But the wicked shall fall by calamity.”

I say to you, as I’ve said to myself several times…GET UP!!!! GET…UP!!!! You’ve got THIS and God has YOU!!!


Anyone wanna go? If so reserve your rooms now! #2024


Why do You Fast? What are you Fasting For?
Do You Really Know? And why do people need to Know You’re Fasting?

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Videos (show all)

As I take this deep breath, I share with the world my New Assignment.  As I move forward with this particular endeavor, ...
As I take this deep breath, I share with the world my New Assignment.  As I move forward with this particular endeavor, ...




3311 Bertrand Avenue
Dallas, TX

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NTUUC - North Texas Unitarian Universalist Congregations NTUUC - North Texas Unitarian Universalist Congregations
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Highland Park Presbyterian Church Highland Park Presbyterian Church
3821 University Boulevard
Dallas, 75205

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The New Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church The New Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church
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The Episcopal Church of Saint Thomas the Apostle (Dallas, Texas) The Episcopal Church of Saint Thomas the Apostle (Dallas, Texas)
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The Porch The Porch
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Dallas, 75251

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