Tonya Elliott, Health Coach

Health coaching others live their best lives through nutrition. Feeding the body and mind!


I find this to be true in so many areas of life.

The bravest person in karate is the white belt. It take courage to step on the mat for the first time.

It take courage to say yes to your health.

It takes courage to ask someone for a date.

It takes courage to start anything that is new to which you aren't comfortable.

Get comfortable being uncomfortable! Watch your life change in ways you never believed!


I love Tracy's flip to saying No. There are things when you say No to, you get to say YES!

"Saying NO can start you on the way to better health 💪
I said no to sugary drinks and unhealthy processed foods because I said Yes to my future healthy self!
I had to remind myself often that saying no didn’t have to be hard or make me feel guilty, especially when I was saying no for the sake of my health.
Every time I said No on my weight loss journey, I reclaimed aspects of my life such as:
* confidence
* time
* control
* respect
* energy
I have lost 165lbs and I am confidently standing tall in a bathing suit holding a drink that serves me! Thank you for this program for providing me with all the support, resources, tools and blueprints for my lifelong transformation ! Thank you to my amazing friend, health coach 💕💕🎉🎉"


Try this with your family this summer to create a healthy bubble!

-Cook together. Healthy recipes can be delicious, and an hour in the kitchen chopping vegetables and reading instructions can be a fun way to spend time together while also eating better.

-Share active hobbies. Simple walks, going golfing, or shooting a few hoops are accessible (you don’t need to be a star athlete) while also allowing for conversation that can strengthen your relationship.

-Put away the screens. Whether it’s for an hour at dinner or for a weekend camping trip, find opportunities to leave cell phones off or in the other room so that you can be present in the moment.

-Be kind. Don’t be afraid to let the people around you know that they are important to you. If you are thinking about someone, let them know. A brief but sincere text message could be the defining moment of their day.

-Integrate family into your routine. The chaos of our lives can mean that we go whole days without talking to our spouse or connecting with our children, even if they are in the same house. Schedule regular time to give your loved ones your focus, whether that’s a weekly date night or going to the gym together a few days a week.


I want to shout out to a new client for her HUGE wins this week!

As the school year is winding down, there are lots of celebrating. Unfortunately most people have been ingrained to celebrate with food. It's not your fault! It's society.

She was gifted a donut from her student on multiple occasions this week. She made a choice! a HUGE choice to accept the gift for what it was ( a thoughtful gesture of appreciation) But chose NOT to consume it!!

She said NO, but it's not just saying no to a donut. She said YES to her health!!!

That is a HUGE win!!!


Tip for the day from Dr A-

When you go to the grocery store-shop the perimeter. All your fresh foods are where you want to be.
Also, take your shopping list to avoid unnecessary or compulsion buys.


Are you all in?


How about some Surf and Turf?

I keep frozen shrimp on the ready!


1 lb. flank steak

8 oz. large, raw shrimp, peeled and deveined

¼ tsp salt

¼ tsp ground black pepper

2 garlic cloves, minced

1 tbsp minced fresh oregano (or 1 tsp dried)

¼ cup cider vinegar

2 tsp extra virgin olive oil

8 cups chopped romaine lettuce

1 cup fresh diced tomatoes

1 cup sliced cucumbers


Pre-heat grill or grill pan over medium-high heat.
Season steak with salt and pepper, and grill until steak is cooked as desired (note: for medium-rare, cook the beef to an internal temperature of 125°F; for medium to 135°; for medium-well to 145°F; for well-done to 160°F).
Remove, allow to rest for about 5 minutes, and slice into cubes or strips.
Meanwhile, season shrimp with salt and pepper.
Spray with nonstick spray and grill about 2 to 3 minutes per side.
To make the dressing, whisk together the vinegar, garlic, oregano, and oil.
For one portion, place 2 cups of lettuce, ¼ cup of cucumbers, and ¼ of cup tomatoes in a bowl. Top with 4 ounces sliced steak and 2 ounces of shrimp. Drizzle 1 tablespoon of the dressing over the salad.



I just listened to a podcast on the same thread.

Failure is good. How you comeback is empowering. You will comeback stronger and wiser for having lived it!

Don't let doubt take away your future!


Help me celebrate Andrea! This is what she says about her journey👇
“The first picture was a few weeks before I said yes to a health program that would change how I approach nutrition and long-term wellness for the whole person. As a Registered Dietitian I had all the knowledge, but what I didn’t have was the habits or the support. Puffy, inflamed, masking myself in all black clothing, tired…. No more! Down 25lbs and so happy to guide others on their journey to healthier living and brighten things up! 💕”


Thank you fallen soldiers for your greatest sacrifice so that we can continue to live in freedom.


What is 1 thing you can take on today to shape your tomorrow?


I agree with Chad- This program has allowed me to work on being my best version of ME!

"I am one of hundreds of other men, right? Carrying a few pounds hiding their hard work from the time in the gym. Eating it all back, not having a plan just winging it, and working out harder. I saw my coach post a story similar to mine and I was like, dang! I’ve been eating all wrong lol This program taught me how to fuel my journey, how to stay accountable (thanks Coach!), seeing others win in our community motivated me when I felt like slacking. Shoot, even my habits got better. I didn’t know how many habits I had that were keeping me from the best I could be. I was a cop, dad of 4 so you could say many people counted on me to be my best. Was I? I mean many would say so, but I wasn’t MY best💪 I am not done though, and thanks to this program I literally have a new community of people that hold me accountable and challenge me. I am forever grateful my coach made that post!"


This will make your day magical if you do!


Trust me! Healthy is different than just skinny.

Healthy is how well your body is functioning, how well you are sleeping, how energized you are through the day, your ability to deal with stress.

Finding and now coaching our easy program has taught me how to be healthy in mind, body and finances.

I'm so grateful to be able to share this wealth of health with all my clients!


I can totally relate with Summer's journey.

Great job!

"The first photo was when my oldest graduated from high school (I was age 40) The second photo is from last night when my youngest son graduated (age 47)
Thanks to changed habits, better nutrition, my coach, and learning how to believe in myself again I’m able to live a more productive life."


Building a Healthy Bubble can help you be successful in your journey. Here's 5 tips to try out from Dr A.

1. Cook together. Healthy recipes can be delicious, and an hour in the kitchen chopping vegetables and reading instructions can be a fun way to spend time together while also eating better.

2. Share active hobbies. Simple walks, going golfing, or shooting a few hoops are accessible (you don’t need to be a star athlete) while also allowing for conversation that can strengthen your relationship.

3. Put away the screens. Whether it’s for an hour at dinner or for a weekend camping trip, find opportunities to leave cell phones off or in the other room so that you can be present in the moment.

4. Be kind. Don’t be afraid to let the people around you know that they are important to you. If you are thinking about someone, let them know. A brief but sincere text message could be the defining moment of their day.

5. Integrate family into your routine. The chaos of our lives can mean that we go whole days without talking to our spouse or connecting with our children, even if they are in the same house. Schedule regular time to give your loved ones your focus, whether that’s a weekly date night or going to the gym together a few days a week.

How do you build Habits of Health with your family? What have you learned from that journey?


Congratulations Robin! So glad to see you living your best life again!

"Why am I so passionate about our programs? This is why! 200 pounds did not look good on me and it sure didn’t feel good on me! I didn’t want to go and do and be around people because I tried to let food take the stress of life away from me and it didn’t work. It added more stress to my life! Why did I post this horrible picture of me on the left that I’d like to say was a bad angle 😬? I posted it because I want to give HOPE to someone out there who is struggling! For someone who didn’t even want to leave the house, I now enjoy traveling to different countries! I released 60 pounds in 5 1/2 months and life is fun again! "


Health tip for sleep!!! It's essential to your well being!

According to the CDC, here are some tips for better sleep hygiene:
Be consistent:
Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, including weekends

Create a restful environment: Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark, and at a comfortable temperature

Remove electronic devices: Keep TVs, computers, and smartphones out of the bedroom

Avoid large meals, caffeine, and alcohol before bedtime: These can prevent deep, restorative sleep

Get some exercise: Include physical activity in your daily routine, but not close to bedtime

Limit daytime naps: Keep them short, and avoid taking naps after mid-afternoon


Health tip of the day!

Start your day with 12 oz of water when you wake-


-Better skin. Dehydration can really damage your skin. Drinking water in the morning will lead to better-hydrated skin and reduced wrinkles and will increase your skin’s natural glow.

-Better hair. Your hair is 25% water. Too little water can make it dry and brittle. Drinking water in the morning can increase its shine and strength.

-Weight loss. Water has no calories but can help you feel full. Sometimes we even confuse thirst for hunger. This can cause us to overeat. Drinking enough water will prevent this problem.

-Improved metabolism. Your metabolism can increase by up to 25% when you drink water on an empty stomach. A faster metabolism will make your entire body feel better and more energetic.

-Increased energy. Besides the energetic boost from your increased metabolism, drinking water on an empty stomach also increases your red blood cell count. These added cells increase the amount of energy in your body.

-A boosted immune system. Drinking water on an empty stomach helps balance your lymph system — an important part of your immune system. This makes it easier for your body to fight off infections.

-Fewer kidney stones. Water dilutes the acid in your kidneys, so fewer kidney stones form.

-Cleansed bowels. Drinking water before eating breakfast helps flush out your bowels every morning. This can help keep harmful bacteria from building up. It also helps your intestines absorb nutrients faster.

-Increased toxin flushing. Drinking lots of water will help you flush toxins out of all areas of your body. This will help your immune system and make you feel better overall.

-Decreased heartburn. Drinking water first thing in the morning will dilute your stomach acid and help you digest your food.

-Fewer headaches. Dehydration commonly causes headaches. By drinking water first thing, you can decrease the number of headaches that you get.

You need to drink water throughout the day to keep your body healthy. The best way to do this is by starting every day with a glass. Try it and see how your health improves.


The most amazing thing happens when you dial in on our program...

You can visibly see the life return to you. There's a twinkle in your can see how good our clients FEEL!!!

Listen to Lisa. I'm so excited for her!

"OMG is RIGHT!!! Now that I’m almost a Grandma, I can say it - us OLD LADIES we can totally rock our health and turn the clock back!!!
It’s never too late to take control of our health!
Since starting my jealth journey I'm down 45 lbs and 62 years old.
Recently I started working on muscle tone and strength training 💪🏼
Believe me, you are never too old to work on yourself; both mind and body!!"


Happy mother's day to all the moms out there!

Here is a gentle reminder that you need more than 1 day (today) to fill your cup.

Create time daily to fill your cup so that you can fill others. We tend to put ourselves last regularly, but imaging how much better you will be for your kids, spouse, friends and community if you were running at 100%!
Dial in your sleep-get 7-9 hours, fuel your body with good nutrition and appropriate protein, and get a little movement in. It will do amazing things to relieve stress and anxieties.

Taking just a few minutes of the day for you BEFORE you give your time to anyone else will do YOU wonders and the ripple effect will be amazing.


Pulling back the veil....

This is a picture of Jay and I. I very vividly remember this day. Mostly because this was ANOTHER one of those days that was a success for me to show up to a fun event with friends.

I say successful because back then ANY time I had to live outside my usually routine was a struggle. My stress and cortisol levels were off the chart. I was in survival mode for way too long.

I felt tired, literally sick. Anxiety attacks on a regular basis.

Today I am a new person! I've done the work and sometimes I have my days, but NOW my body can handle the stress differently, my mindset is renewed and I can LIVE!

Please don't stay stuck in survival mode. Get into LIVING!


Bob is crushing goals!

Friends- these are real people and real stories. Changing your lifestyle one health habit at a time makes WAVES in your life! You are creating health as second nature!

Face to Face Friday from Bob!
I lost 60 lbs thanks to this amazing program and have kept the weight off after obtaining my goal!
I am so happy I found a health program that keeps me healthy, looking good, and feeling good! I love sharing the gift of health with others, and it keeps me accountable for my own health


Celebrating Cindy today!
It's amazing how much life you can see on our clients faces when they choose their health!

❤️ Face to Face Friday ❤️
I had NO idea this transformation would have taken place‼️
I just wanted to lose 25 lbs to …..
👉🏼 feel better
👉🏼 fit into clothes I WANTED to wear and
not needed to wear to cover up my
middle 🙁
👉🏼 gain self confidence
Until I learned how to fuel my body properly, I had NO idea I could be heading towards disease because of my eating habits.😬
I’m so THANKFUL I said YES, I’m ready let’s do this‼️ NO turning back! Thank you!


Like jumping into a pool that's cold......take a deep breathe and just JUMP!


I heard a great quote yesterday about growth.

"If you argue your limitations, you get to keep them."

Let that sit for a moment. What's your take away from that?


I have lived it.

We fear the unknown. We fear making mistakes. So we stall. We don't move forward, we don't grow.

Remember that if you never made a mistake you wouldn't know the wrong way to do something.

Just start. Try the thing. Make a mistake. Try again a different way.

But move FORWARD!


With all things in life it's all about choices.


Wow! So excited for Kayden. He has completely transformed through his health journey! Way to go man! 👏

“There are days when I see myself and can't believe how far I've come. It genuinely makes me emotional to look back and see the struggle.

It's amazing how your life changes when you start focusing on the HEALTH aspect, rather than just the weight. Yes, getting healthy with my plan helped me lose 53lbs, but more than that, it helped me gain a life that I'm excited to jump out of bed for.

Sometimes, I look at the old Kayden, just to remember my journey and how thankful I am to have found a program that literally saved my life and set me on a path of lifelong health!”


Saying yes to your health! It’s easy!

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Being a beautiful veggie tray to the festivities!🎄🎁Here are a few ideas to share!



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Deland, FL

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