Empowering you in your Divine service & the joyful expression of your soul. Let Your Soul Soar!™


Here are the card meanings for today’s Tea Reading. I hope these provide you with some Divine, inspirational guidance with any question you have. Until next time, take care of yourself!

Card #1 – Go Forward Fearlessly. This card is a sign that you’re on the right path and that it’s safe for you to move forward with your plans. As long as you hold intentions that are focused on your heart’s desire, your steps will automatically be in the right direction. Right now, it’s important for you to take action—no matter how small or seemingly unimportant—toward your desired outcome. A prayer: “Thank you for walking with me every step of the way, for holding my hand, giving me confidence and courage, and guiding my thoughts and actions in the direction of love and my true life’s purpose”.

Card #2 – Explore Your Options. You’ve worked hard to make your current circumstances agreeable, and now it’s time to look at alternatives. Your coping and adaptation skills are admirable; however, Archangel Michael reminds you that it’s important to be honest and authentic with yourself at all times. You don’t need to compromise in any way, for Michael assures you that your needs will be met in gentle and loving ways. A prayer: Dear God, thank you for your wisdom and love, helping me see, understand, and assess all of my alternative options. Please guide me in the best direction for my health, happiness and life’s purpose.

Card #3 – Your Inner Guidance is Real and Trustworthy. Archangel Michael knows that you’re feeling uncertain or confused, so he’s sending this card to you as verification that you are hearing him accurately through your thoughts, ideas, and feelings. You’ve recently felt the urge to take action but may have hesitated for fear of making the wrong move. This card confirms that it’s safe to move forward with those changes. A prayer: Please help me clearly hear, see, feel, and know the Divine guidance that I have asked and prayed for. Allow me to keep my ego out of the way so your wisdom can come streaming through me…for my own benefit and for those around me.


For today's Tea Reading Tuesday, the card deck is Virtue's "Archangel Michael". Focus on a question or concern and pick from the three below. Later, I'll post the card meanings for each. Have a good day!


Here are the card meanings for today’s Tea Reading Tuesday. I hope these provide you with a little divinely inspired guidance with any question you have. Until next time, take care of yourself!

Card #1 – Simplifying Your Life. “I cherish the simple pleasures of life”. Focus on what is important to you, and let everything else go. Scan all areas of your life and clear out the internal and external clutter, and you’ll experience remarkable transformations. Rest and rejuvenate. Do what matters, and release whatever is left.

Card #2 – Sharing Your Life. “I am an incredibly generous being”. Share who you are with others. Give what you have, what you do, and who you are. Be generous. The more freely and fully you share of yourself, the more freely and fully the Universe will give to you.

Card #3 – Cherishing Yourself. “I accept and love myself”. There are times to put your own needs above the needs and expectations of others. Put yourself first today. Buy yourself roses, invite yourself out to a sumptuous dinner, or buy that special gift for yourself that you’ve been putting off. Treat yourself the way you would treat an honored guest.


For today's Tea Reading Tuesday, I chose Denise Linn's "Gateway" oracle cards. Focus on a question or concern and pick from the three below. Later, I'll post the meanings for each. Have a safe, Halloween!


Here are the card meanings for today’s Tea Reading. I hope these provide you with a little inspirational guidance with any question you have. Until next time, take care of yourself!

Card #1 – Salamander / Mindfulness
Move cautiously. Be open to new routes, new ways of passage. Be mindful that you don’t get caught in a dead end. Always be looking ahead to the path and watch for twists and turns.

Card #2 - Wood Nymph / Sentinel
Have you been feeling tired and run down? You are being guided to spend time in nature, in a forest. Find a quiet place under a tree, close your eyes, open your ears to the sounds of nature. Open your heart to allow the light of the forest to reactivate your heart light bringing you energy and healing.

Card #3 – Foxglove – Listen
Foxglove asks that you take the time to look around you and learn to listen with your heart. Take note of what makes your heart sing. What touches your heart and makes you feel as if you are truly present on this Earth. What makes you feel aligned and not separate from the life force of the Earth? Do whatever it is that makes you aware and present in this life. Learn how to take the energy of the Earh and use it to create a life filled with joy.


For today's Tea Reading Tuesday, the deck is Ingrid Koivukangas' Eco Heart Oracle. Focus on a question or concern and pick from the three below. Later, I'll post the card meaning for each. Have a good day!


Here are the card meanings for today’s Tea Reading. I hope these provide you with a little inspiration guidance with any question you have. Until next time, take care of yourself!

Card #1 – Compassion. “I see and feel others’ points of view with forgiveness and kindness”. This angel card intends to uplift the way you’re seeing your current situation and the people in it (including yourself). As a sensitive person, you’re affected by others’ negativity, and this has recently darkened your emotions and thoughts. To bring more light into your world, see people’s situations through the eyes of Mother Mary and the angels. Know that they (and you) are doing the best they can. Although we all make mistakes, ultimately everyone wants the same thing: peace and love.
This card calls for you to be the peacekeeper in this situation, and to make the first move toward a harmonious resolution. By sharing peace and love, you bring healing blessings to this situation and increase your own self-esteem.

Card # 2- Children. “My heart is filled with love for children, which creates miracles and positive change for them and me”. Miracles occurs as God’s healing love flows through an open human heart. You are a vessel for miracles involving children. This card comes to you because the answer to your question has to do with young people. Mother Mary oversees everyone whose life purpose involves children, as she cares deeply for their welfare. Work in conjunction with her to bring more of them into your life, and to help youths in need. She will guide your every step if you’ll listen carefully to the wisdom within your heart.

Card #3 – Signs. “I watch for, notice, and trust the signs that heaven continually sends”. This card is a message for you to pay close attention to the signs that come to you in answer to your prayers. These can include a song that you hear, words that you read, a sight that you see, a conversation you overhear, and so forth—the possibilities are unlimited. Signs tend to repeat themselves until you notice them and take some form of action. However, it’s also possible to notice one the first time it presents itself.
As you listen to these signs, you get a sense of heaven’s continuous participation in your life, which helps you feel safer and more loved. You can also pray for clarification if you don’t understand a sign. After all, Mother Mary and the angels want to clearly communicate their love to you.


On this Tea Reading Tuesday, it's a beautiful sunny fall day, and the cards are Virtue's "Mary Queen of Angels". Focus on a question or concern and pick from the three below. Later, I'll post the card meanings for each. Have a good day!


Here are the card meanings for today’s Tea Reading. I hope these provide you with a little Divine guidance with any question you have. Until next time, take care of yourself!

Card #1 – Prayer Works! This card calls for you to pray more personally and you may ask loved ones to join you in the healing power of prayer. The more people that pray for a cause, the better the result – regardless of denomination. Instead of worrying about something, pray about it. Be in touch with your true feelings regarding this situation. Talk honestly with God and the angels – ask for help and then accept assistance when it’s offered. The answer to your prayer is usually better and different from what you may expect. A prayer – Dear God and Archangel Raphael, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer of (add the details).

Card #2 – Unconditional Joy. This card is a reminder that it’s possible to experience joy no matter what is happening in life. Too often, we put conditions on our happiness. However, maintaining a lighthearted, cheerful mindset can be a potent health prescription for increased vitality and strength. Focus on things you’re grateful for. As you allow yourself to be happy today, you attract more circumstances that will enhance your sense of well-being even more. Remember: love is the answer to all our questions. A prayer – Dear God and Archangel Raphael, thank you for helping me appreciate everything that makes me happy right now.

Card #3 – Children. This card indicates that children are involved in the situation as well as the answer to your prayers. Children’s faith in fairness and in life is a powerful healing cure, and you’re advised to perceive this experience through a child’s eyes. Trust and have faith. Connect with your child innocence, awe and playfulness. Trust and follow your Divine guidance about your home. Take guided action to help your child and/or children – they are watched over and protected. A prayer – Dear God and Archangel Raphael, thank you for helping me to help children.


For this end of August, Tea Reading Tuesday, I chose Virtue's "Archangel Raphael Healing" cards. Focus on a question or concern and pick from the three below. Later, I'll post the card meanings. Have a good day!


Here are the card meanings for today’s Tea Reading. I hope these provide you with a little Divine inspirational guidance with any question you have. Until next time, take care of yourself!

Card #1 - Darkest Fears: Key words – Anxiety, Doubt, Resolve, Release. Don’t let your anxieties paralyze you into a total state of inaction. Dwelling on your worries only feeds them with energy, allowing them to consume you and overshadow everything else. Take a moment to determine what might be troubling your heart. The anxiety may be obvious or quite subtle. Once you identify it, decide if it is something you can resolve on your own or if you need assistance, and then take the appropriate action. If you determine that it’s a worry over which you have no control, ask God to help you release it.

Card #2 – Seek the Truth: Key words – Intuition, Question Deception, Inequity. Trust what your intuition is saying right now. Be cautious and avoid allowing yourself to be placed in a vulnerable position. Be wary of one-sided relationships in which the other person is avoiding obligations and responsibility. Now is the ideal opportunity to get to the bottom of this behavior. At all times, be sure that your role in your relationships is above board and based on honesty.

Card #3 – Strengthening Bonds: Key words – Stability, Reality, Grounded, Health. The potential exists now to bring greater stability to your relationships. Be realistic about what you can expect from others and what you can offer in return. Be consistent and clear in your actions and demand the same. By taking a down-to-earth approach, your expectations of other people are more likely to be met, and relationships will be strengthened. Scattered emotional energy will not serve you. Be sure to ground yourself. Steady and calm energy will translate into secure and strong relationships.


For today's Tea Reading Tuesday, I chose John Holland's "Psychic Tarot for the Heart" cards. Focus on a question or concern and pick from the three below. Later, I'll post the card meanings. Have a good day!


Here are the card meanings for today’s Tea Reading. I hope these provide you with a little inspirational guidance with any question you have. Until next time, take care of yourself!

Card #1 – Circle of Life. All things are possible. Stand in your center and be open. The Four Winds are bringing your dreams to fruition. Embrace and accept where you are in the great circle of life. Bounty and abundance are flowing to you. If you’ve had relationship or financial challenges, things are about to change.

Card #2 – Spirit Keeper of the East. A fresh cycle is occurring in your life. Wipe the slate clean; it’s now time to release the old and start again. No matter what has happened in the past, it doesn’t need to repeat in the future.

Card #3 – Smudging Ceremony. Let go of the past. Purify. Detox. Release whatever doesn’t serve or support you in your life. Cleanse your body and environment by doing space clearing and clutter clearing. Let go of the old, discarded, and unused to make way for new energy and new beginnings. Eat lightly, drink lots of fresh water, and consume food with strong life force.


Here it is, August 1st already! For today's Tea Reading Tuesday, I chose one of my favorite decks, Denise Linn's "Native Spirit". Focus on a question or concern and pick from the three below. Later, I'll post the card meanings. Have a good day!


Here are the card meanings for today’s Tea Reading. I hope these provide you with a little inspirational guidance with any question you have. Until next time, take care of yourself!

Card #1 – Tsunami / Wake Up Call. You’re getting a wake-up call. It may be in the form of a significant loss or other dramatic event in your life, typically one that you were not prepared for initially. You may feel stunned at first, surprised by the unexpected events that are occurring. Yet you also know that it is time to draw back the curtain of avoidance & denial, and confront the truth that exists in the subtext of this event. You are experiencing a real-life drama, so there is no need to amplify it more than it already is.
Often when you look back at something after it has passed, you can recall signs that foreshadowed it happening. There may have been obvious clues that you ignored or omens that were subtle and were easy to dismiss as imaginings of the mind rather than your divine instinct. There are many anecdotes about animals, operating purely on instinct, picking up clues and naturally seeking higher ground before an approaching tsunami reaches the land. To negotiate this wake-up call, listen closely to your instincts, while at the same time seeking the higher ground of spiritual truth.

Card #2 – Milky Way / Perspective. You have lost your perspective, so it is time to step back, breathe, and allow yourself to detach in order to gather information from your senses and regain your perspective about the situation. Detachment does not mean that you no longer care—it simply indicates that you are looking at things from a different point of view. It is an outlook that is not clouded by emotions, judgment, or attachment to outcome, but instead maintains a nonreactive awareness of these things.
The Witness, that internal aspect of yourself that simply observes everything in your life, offers his or her eyes here. Through these lenses of pure awareness, you can examine all aspects of your experiences—physical, emotional and mental—without denying anything. By doing so, you will come to understand a greater perspective than is typically justified by the ego, which allows you to see what is before you with clear vision and an open mind.

Card #3 – Dragonfly / Emergence. You are in an intense process of emergence into the next cycle of your life. Unlike more gradual shifts in awareness you have experienced, this one is happening quite rapidly and came somewhat unexpectedly, without any pauses for contemplation or indecision. You may even think that you are unprepared for such dramatic changes in your life, yet you are prepared - and can put to use the experiences and wisdom you have accumulated up to now.
Life is demanding that you move into the next stage of maturity. This requires you to adjust your thinking about yourself, others, and your community. It calls for you to shed yet another layer of your ego-filled defenses and let go of any illusions of being less than who you are.
This period of emergence is one of broadened consciousness and heightened perceptual capacities; and since it is inevitable, it is best to surrender to the flow and allow yourself to gracefully move into the next cycle of your life.


For today's Tea Reading Tuesday, the deck is Steven Farmer's "Earth Magic" cards. Focus on a question or concern and pick from the three below. Later, I'll post the meanings for each. Have a good day!


Here are the card meanings for today’s Tea Reading. I hope these provide you with a little guidance on this Independence Day. Until next time, take care of you and yours!

Card #1 – Energy-Healing Work. This card signifies that your present situation would benefit from healing energy, which you can elicit from a qualified healer, the angels and God, just ask!, and from your own intentions and energy. Take measures to boost your energy such as exercising and eating healthfully. A Prayer: Thank you for sending healing energy to me and through me, for my own blessings and for all those around me. Thank you for connecting me to loving and high-integrity healers and teachers of energy-healing modalities.

Card #2 – Detach From the Situation. You’ve become embroiled in a situation to the point where you can’t see it objectively. This card indicates that it’s time to step back and obtain a bigger view of the picture. Archangel Michael asks you to detach from the surrounding emotions, and he’ll help you do so. Michael will also guide you in depersonalizing the experience so you don’t take offense at others’ behavior. This will prevent you from reacting defensively—instead, your actions will stem from love and wisdom. A Prayer: Archangel Michael, I ask you to use your flaming sword to cut any attachment to fear or drama so that I may be centered in the knowingness that peace is everywhere within me and this situation.

Card #3 – Romance Angels Are Helping You. This card validates that your prayers concerning your love life have been heard and answered. To manifest a soul-mate romance, you must express the qualities you desire in a partner, and may also need to make healthful lifestyle changes, focus on self-improvement, or take up new interests and make new friends. Maybe you are learning to love yourself. The more you listen to your intuition, the faster your prayers for a loving relationship will be answered. A Prayer: Dear guardian angels of my soul mate, thank you for preparing my soul mate and me for love, for giving us the motivation to make healthful life changes, and for arranging for us to meet. Thank you for helping us recognize each other and have the courage to say “Hello”, so that we can eventually delve into a truly intimate relationship.


Happy July 4th! For today's Tea Reading Tuesday, I chose Virtue's "Archangel Michael" cards. Focus on a question or concern and pick from the three below. Later, I'll post the card meaning for each. Have a peaceful, joy-filled day!


Here are the card meanings for today’s Tea Reading. I hope these provide you with a little inspirational guidance with any question you have. Until next time, take care of yourself!

Card #1 – Patience. Dense fog. Water represents our emotions, our feelings, our subconscious, and our nocturnal dreams. When the water becomes condensed as fog, we can’t see clearly. We can’t see what’s ahead, and things that look one way in the fog look another way in the light. However, when you can’t perceive what’s on the horizon in life, your imagination can surge forward, and your sixth sense can be ignited.
This card wants you to know - in dense fog, it’s best to be quiet and still. For now, don’t go forward – wait. It’s hard to see what lies ahead, and things may not be as they seem. Things that seem one way may, in fact, be completely different. Be patient; the truth will emerge. In this state of obscured visibility, your imagination and intuition can be sparked. If you wait long enough, your dreams and inner yearnings can come to fruition. Listen to your intuition and pay attention to those seemingly random thoughts.

Card #2 – New Beginnings. Radiant Sunrise. The sun is the most profound symbol of life. In ancient cultures the rising sun represented hope and the understanding that life begins again, fresh and new. Responsible for the climate and weather of the earth, it is the symbol of birth and rebirth. It can also represent resurrection and a time of profound spiritual awakening. It symbolizes the end of darkness and the beginning of light, and an initiation of a whole new cycle.
This card wants you to know – your life is expanding in profound and wonderous ways. New experiences and ideas are emerging. Vitality and wide-open opportunities are at hand. Seize the day! This is a perfect time to begin that new project or give birth to an emerging idea. Timing is everything, and the time is now. Anything and everything is possible. Good fortune awaits you. The rising sun is the ultimate symbol of the yang principle: expanding power and activity. You are radiant and luminous. There is a glow within you that can be felt by all.

Card #3 – Power. Mountain Thunder. Thunderbolts crash down on all sides and the sound is deafening as it echoes from mountain peak to mountain peak. Mountains represent strength, power, and permanence, as well as being a potent symbol for attaining spiritual heights, as they extend into the sky toward the heavens. Thunder and lightning traditionally represent surging power, enlightenment, and revelations of divine matters. Thunder ignites our deeper self and activates our primal and deep emotions. Together, the mountain and thunder symbolize immense power, vitality, and strength.
This card wants you to know – this is your time! This is the time to claim your power and step into your potential. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be without fear. You might feel uncertain, but do it anyway. Be courageous. Let the world hear your voice. Take a stand. Stand up for yourself and for others. Share your passion. Teach from the heart. Write, and your words will have great meaning. Hold your body as if you are incredibly valiant, noble, and brave…after all, you are.


For today's Tea Reading Tuesday, the cards are Denise Linn's "Sacred Destiny". Focus on a question or concern and pick from the three below. Later, I'll post the card meanings. Have a good day!


Here are the card meanings for today’s Tea Reading. I hope you received a little inspirational guidance with any question you have. Until next time, take care of yourself!

Card #1 – Making a Choice. You’re required to come to a decision now. You’re faced with a fork in the road and need to make a conscious choice regarding the next right action. Whatever the choice is you need to take responsibility for it—but you don’t need to be afraid. You may not have all the answers right now, because the way ahead can’t be known until you’ve travelled a few steps on the path. Trust your intuition and ask for signs from God, Spirit, and you will be led to the right choice at this time. Life is always about learning, and you’ll be successful following your guidance.

Card #2 – Magical Map Shifter. Spirit orchestrates everyone’s destiny. When this card appears, it comes with a mission—making you aware of the people who come into your life to impact your personal growth. Perhaps you may meet a soul mate whose presence invites you to be the best “you” that you can be, or someone who leads you out of difficulty and into place of safety or success. Pay attention to those individuals who cross your path and cause you to reflect on your journey. Be awake and aware, and you’ll recognize them for the important change crew that they are. Your whole perspective about who you are and why you’re here may shift. The Magical Map Shifter always initiates you into a better version of yourself.

Card #3 – Stuck in the Mud. You’re being invited to stop and savor the wonder of your life. Becoming stuck is sometimes the only way to trick yourself into slowing down and looking around you. In fact, this is a sign that you need to shift your focus away from what you’re doing and place your attention elsewhere. Struggling will only get you to even muddier places. Now is not the time to move forward, but to observe. Clarity about your circumstances will come a little later. Stop and find the joy in what you’ve been overlooking. Soon you’ll be out of the mud, but for now, be still and know that Spirit has a plan for you.


For today's Tea Reading Tuesday, I chose Colette Baron-Reid's Enchanted Map cards. Focus on a question or concern and pick from the three below. Later, I'll post the card meanings. Have a good day!


Here are the card meanings for today’s Tea Reading. I hope these provide you with a little Divine guidance with any question you have. Until next time, take care of yourself!

Card #1 – Smudging Ceremony. Let go of the past. Purify, Detox. Release whatever doesn’t serve or support you in your life. Cleanse your body and environment by doing space clearing and clutter clearing. Let go of the old, discarded, and unused to make way for new energy and new beginnings. Eat lightly, drink lots of fresh water, and consume food with strong life force.

Card #2 – Prayer Feather. Love is flowing to you and through you. No matter what an individual is saying or doing, love him or her anyway. Gather your inner forces; silently and secretly love deeply and fully, with every ounce of your being, even if someone isn’t fulfilling your expectations. It’s easy to love people when they’re acting wonderfully; the true challenge is to love them when they aren’t.

Card #3 – Sweat Lodge. Cleanse yourself: body, mind, and soul. Purify. Clutter-clear. Let go of objects and relationships that no longer serve you. Purify your body. Go within. Meditate. Talk to the Creator. Give thanks. Sometimes this card chooses you when it’s time to do some physical detoxification. Fast for a day. Drink green juices. Clear out some clutter: Love it, use it, or get rid of it. Every bit makes a difference.


For today's Tea Reading Tuesday, I chose Denise Linn's "Native Spirit" cards. Focus on a question or concern and pick from the three below. Later, I'll post the card meanings. Have a good day!


Here are the card meanings for today’s Tea Reading. I hope these provide you with a little inspirational guidance with any question you have. Until next time, take care of yourself.

Card #1 – Raccoon / Resourcefulness. You have all the resources you need.
Everything you need is right in front of you if you only look. There’s no need to be fussing about this or that, creating drama and turmoil, worrying about whether you’ll have enough the next hour, the next day, or the next week. Whatever you need will be there. You might have to forage a little, but it will. Trust that. There’s really nothing to fret or worry about. Use your brain and Divine intuition in partnership to help you solve the problem. At first, it may not be obvious where to look—you may have to poke around a bit until you turn up what you need for this or, any other situation. Follow your guidance and don’t get discouraged if all the steps you take don’t lead to an immediate solution. Don’t move forward out of fear or anxiety. Relax – trust that what you need will turn up.

Card #2 – Otter / Surrender. Let Go of control.
So, you think you’re in control of this situation? Well, that’s something that everybody thinks much of the time. These efforts at maintaining control are most often based on habitual, conditioned fear born out of many experiences where you witnessed others who were out of control. It was scary, dangerous, and maybe even life-threatening. You can be assured that now there’s no more danger and that you’re safe. You can now safely relinquish control. Letting go of control doesn’t mean giving up in defeat. Instead, true surrender means releasing any attempts to force your agenda on life. It means opening your heart and accepting the direction of God – life flows more easily through you and as you.

Card #3 – Squirrel / Preparation. Get ready for Big Changes.
Feel the anticipation of what you know is coming. Get everything ready and in place. This can be a new job, a new relationship, or a major move. There will no doubt be challenges, but you can prepare for them in several ways. How smoothly you move through these changes are dependent on your attitude, thoughts, and beliefs. There’s no need to worry. To be prepared, focus on what you need to do. It’s important to make each movement count. If you worry, it will just make everything harder. At this time, it’s better to stay active, focused and purposeful in your efforts. Get a sense of where you’re going, even if you may change course later. Rely on family and close friends for support before and during this transition. And most important, keep breathing!


For today's Tea Reading Tuesday, the deck is Steven Farmer's "Power Animal" cards. Focus on a question or concern and pick from the three below. Later, I'll post the card meanings. Have a good day!


Here are the card meanings for today’s Tea Reading. I hope you receive a little inspirational guidance with any question you have. Until next time, take care of yourself!

Card #1 – Grounding. “Go deep; explore your roots”. Take time to ground yourself in what is truly essential. Remember what’s important in life, and let go of everything else. Let go of the busyness and the frenetic pace of life. Be present in the moment. Release the flurry of worry about the future, or the rehashing of the past. This is a time to engage and reflect. It might be worth taking a second look at something you previously passed over. Things may not always be as they seem. Look deeper into the situations and relationships in your life. Explore your roots. Something that seems closed may, in fact, be just ready to open. If you go beneath the surface, you may find hidden gems of truth, light, or abundance.

Card #2 – Begin Now. “Take your first step”. Every journey starts with the first step. There is no moment better than the present one to begin. You might not feel ready, but nevertheless, it’s now time to start. A new cycle is beginning. Wipe the slate clean and get going. Release familiar routines, stagnant situations, or challenging relationships that no longer support you or empower you. You are at the end of an old cycle and beginning a new and exciting one. Set your sails for a new horizon.

Card #3 – Navigating by the stars. “Follow your bliss”. Trust your gut. Have faith that a higher power is directing your life. Believe. Allow your life decisions to be dictated by what opens your heart and by what brings you joy. Relax. Be patient. Follow your bliss. Your life is divinely guided. All is going according to a wonderful plan for your life. Be confident that all is well. Sometimes you can’t see the road ahead, but when you become still, you can feel the right way to go. It’s like navigating by the stars. You might not be able to see every detail of the path for your life, but when you trust your Spiritual guardians, and the joy of your guiding North Star to navigate in the darkness, in the morning light you find yourself at the right place at the right time.

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