Duke Memorial United Methodist Church

Duke Memorial United Methodist Church - Sharing the love of Christ from the heart of Durham


Starting Sunday, September 8th, we will begin a new Sunday School class focused on the texts of the Revised Common Lectionary and the idea of radical reckoning. This class will complement our Fall sermon series called "Radical (W)Reckoning" created by previous pastoral intern, J. Sterrett. Radical reckoning is about grounding in the theological reflection and interrogation that shapes and shifts our understanding of ourselves, the world around us, and God to center the connection between us, nature, and God. This reckoning is about grappling with scripture in ways that shape our understanding of the ways God is calling us to change in our individual and collective lives.
Sign up for Sunday School here: https://forms.gle/CtccXpBNsC7ThFeC6
Reach out to Katie Diaz with questions!

Image Description: Two torn book pages act as the borders for the black text box which reads: Radical Reckoning sunday school, Sundays at 9:45am, September eighth through November seventeenth


Sunday September 8th after worship make plans to stay and join us for a time of fellowship in Whitford hall! We will be hosting a potluck style meal for our community and you are invited! Bring your family to the meal, and stay after to enjoy popsicles with Minister Katie on the playground. Throughout the day, there will be opportunities to learn more about Duke Memorial and to sign up to become more involved in our mission! We hope you will join us!

Image Description: The front of the church and the bell tower extend into the bright sky, with the large stained glass window in the foreground, and sunlight streaming down in front of the bell tower. Text on the image reads: "Jump in Sunday, September 8th, after worship, potluck. popsicles. service"

Next week Park cleanup 08/30/2024

Next week Park cleanup -

Next week Park cleanup I hope you all enjoy Labor Day Weekend. There are no Youth Events at the church, but read below about next week’s park project! Also, Confirmation classes and Guatemala Service trip—-See below for the details!

The Weekly | August 30, 2024 08/30/2024

The Weekly | August 30, 2024 -

The Weekly | August 30, 2024 More backpack tags have been created for you to pick up this Sunday for your backpacks/diaper bags/laptop bags/keyrings. Feel free to grab some to send to college students, to give to neighbors or co-workers, or even just someone who needs to know or be reminded that they are wonderfully made!


Looks like a wonderful exhibit in Durham in August 23 - Sept. 13.
Opening Reception - August 29, 2024.


If you haven't already, make plans to join us tonight, August 29th in the Gallery for the opening reception of the art show "Pregnant Bodies: Art, Faith, and Reproductive Justice." Childcare will be available and artists will be available to discuss their art pieces. We hope to see you all there!

Image Description: A light brown background features two art pieces. The first is an abstract painting featuring mostly blue hues with yellow highlights. The second art piece is a blue ink print on a similar brown background. The text on this image reads "Pregnant bodies: Art, Faith, and Reproductive Justice Opening Reception. Enjoy the exhibit with light refreshments and words from the artists. Thursday, August twenty-ninth, seven pm through nine pm.


This past Sunday, Rev. Heather Rodrigues looked at Ephesians 6:10-20 in a new light. Catch up on the full sermon at https://www.youtube.com/live/IUfYxGwe9dw?feature=shared&t=2228.

Image Description: Heather stands in front of church steps. Large text overlays the image which reads "The strength that God advocates for is not of armies or bombs, nuclear missiles or killer drones but the world-reconciling power of God embodied in Jesus." The words "world reconciling power" are highlighted in red text, and the Duke Memorial United Methodist Church logo is underneath the text box.

End of Summer Ice Cream Party 08/23/2024

End of Summer Ice Cream Party -

End of Summer Ice Cream Party As summer comes to a close, we want to celebrate with an Ice Cream Party and outdoor games on the lawn! Also, Confirmation classes, Guatemala Service trip, and a park clean up day—-See below for the details!

The Weekly | August 23, 2024 08/23/2024

The Weekly | August 23, 2024 -

The Weekly | August 23, 2024 In worship on Sunday, August 25th we will bless backpacks, diaper bags, lunchboxes, laptop bags, and whatever else you would like blessed for this new school year. Each of these bags will be prayed over and given a backpack tag/keychain for the year!

Confirmation beginning in October 08/21/2024

Confirmation beginning in October -

Confirmation beginning in October We started signing up Confirmation participants in the spring for the program beginning in October. We want to open up the registration for the next few weeks to capture any additional participants who might have missed the earlier sign up. See the note and link below.


This Sunday, August 25th, will be the blessing of the backpacks! Bring your backpacks, diaper bags, lunchboxes, laptop bags, and whatever else you would like blessed for this new school year. Each of these bags will be prayed over and given a backpack tag/keychain for the year!

Image Description: A green backpack sits against a blue background with a thin black heart slightly offset to the left. Words on the image read "Blessing of the Backpacks, Sunday, August 25th in Worship"


Last Sunday we headed out to Camp Chestnut Ridge for worship. We reflected on God's creation and where God is leading us in our relationship with the land. Catch up on the service at https://youtube.com/live/9ofQtR5LCxc.

Image Description: a picture of a lush forest with sunlight shining through the trees is overlaid with a octagonal green textbox which reads: But in the seventh year there shall be a Sabbath of complete rest for the land, a Sabbath for the Lord: you shall not sow your field or prune your vineyard. You shall not reap the aftergrowth of your harvest or gather the grapes of your unpruned vine: it shall be a year of complete rest for the land. Leviticus 25:4-5. The words "rest for the land" are in red text, while the rest of the text is white, and the Duke Memorial logo is at the bottom of the image.

DMUMC Youth News 08/16/2024

DMUMC Youth News - https://mailchi.mp/dukememorial/dmumc-youth-news-10945740 Ice cream party and Summer Service Trip sign ups!

DMUMC Youth News Wow! I blinked and summer is coming to an end! I hope you are all getting a chance to enjoy the last few weeks of summer, and are looking forward to fall. We have some big events coming up and hope to see all of you at some or all of them!

The Weekly | August 16, 2024 08/16/2024

The Weekly | August 16, 2024 -

The Weekly | August 16, 2024 Are you wondering what Pastor Mick and Minister Katie's new roles look like? Here is a Venn Diagram to help you out! Minister Katie covers spiritual formation for adults and children. This means she organizes and facilitates Sunday school, small groups, short term studies, retreats, and fellowship e...


On Sunday, Rev. Mick Raynor preached on the example of forgiveness in the face of anger offered to us by Jesus. Catch up on his whole sermon at https://www.youtube.com/live/6H64n-OnTjY?t=2103s.

Image Description: Mick stands in front of stone steps, smiling at the camera. The text over the image reads: "Jesus is the ultimate example of forgiveness in the face of anger... He is the ultimate example of compassion, in the face of disagreement."

DMUMC Guatemala Service Opportunity 08/13/2024

DMUMC Guatemala Service Opportunity -

DMUMC Guatemala Service Opportunity Next year we will be going to Guatemala for a service project. We are leaving on Saturday June 14 and returning Saturday June 21. We will begin signing up participants now using the link below. If you have questions about this trip, please reach out. Youth and their families will have first access f...


Worship in the Woods is this Sunday!
Beginning at 11am at Camp Chestnut Ridge, join your Duke Memorial friends for a day of worship, fun, food and friendship.
There will be lunch, pool time, lake toys, canoes, and fellowship. Activities offered will depend on the weather.

Suggested donation: $20 a person.
Image description: Bright green trees surround a very still, reflective lake. There is a wooden bridge on the far side of the lake leading into the woods, and there is a large wooden cross in the foreground. Words on the image read: Worship in the Woods; Sunday, August 18.

The Weekly | August 9, 2024 08/09/2024

The Weekly | August 9, 2024 -

The Weekly | August 9, 2024 Join your Duke Memorial friends for a day of worship, fun, food and friendship at Camp Chestnut Ridge - located only 23 minutes from Duke Memorial! No sign up necessary.


This Sunday Rev. Heather Rodrigues began her sermon with a reflection on the Olympics, and invited the church to think outside the box. Hear the full sermon at: https://www.youtube.com/live/xRSviAPcegk.
Image description: Heather stands in front of a set of stairs leading to the church smiling at the camera. A text box on the screen reads "I think about all of the things that deserve gold but can never be turned into an Olympic event."

DMUMC Youth News 08/02/2024

DMUMC Youth News -

DMUMC Youth News Disc Golf on Wednesday August 14th, Guatemala information meeting on Thursday August 8th and more throughout the month. Please be sure to read the entire note below!

The Weekly | August 2, 2024 08/02/2024

The Weekly | August 2, 2024 -

The Weekly | August 2, 2024 We have already completed the recording of four books, which are available for you to listen to in our library! Our volunteers read a variety of children’s stories which you can now hear. Each book has a QR code on the back that will take you directly to the audio recording. Make sure to go check ...

Photos from Duke Memorial United Methodist Church's post 08/01/2024

Last Saturday was Durham’s second annual Disability Pride Parade and three of the parade's organizers were from Duke Memorial: Tatum Tricarico, McRae Scott, and Melissa Fretwell, as well as many other volunteers! There were Disabled speakers, artists, musicians, and popsicles at the Duke Memorial table! Thank you to everyone who came and helped represent our church and our commitment to Disability justice as we celebrated the joy and pride of the Disabled community.

Image descriptions:
-Three people can be seen in the foreground holding a banner reading: Happy Disability Pride Month . The people are waving and surrounding them are about 8 other people, all walking down a street with a brick building in the background.
-Three people stand together, smiling. Each with a disability pride sticker on their chest.
-This photo highlights two people walking in the parade, each is wearing a Disability Pride flag as a cap and one person is holding a purple clipboard. Behind them a crowd of people can be seen walking down the road in the parade.
-People surround a banner reading: Happy Disability Pride Month! . Two people appear to be cheering, with their hands in the air, one person is waving, and all are smiling.
-One person stands alone by a road sign holding a homemade poster which reads: YOU ARE LOVED! The poster features brightly colored large letters and the person is smiling at the camera.
-Four people stand together and smile at the camera. They are under a purple tent, and behind them hangs a disability pride flag. Each person has a lanyard around their neck.


In a constant effort to grow as a church community, Duke Memorial program staff have been taking steps to improve the accessibility of the church in all facets. Most recently, staff began reading the book "My Body is not a Prayer Request: Disability Justice in the Church" by Amy Kenny. We encourage you to consider making this book your next read in order to join us in the journey of growth and inclusion so vital to the life of the church.

On a wooden table there sits a copy of the book "My Body is not a Prayer Request: Disability Justice in the Church" by Amy Kenny, which features a picture of a wheelchair surrounded by flowers on its yellow cover. On the table surrounding the book is a copy of Duke Memorial's accessibility audit, a small wicker basket, and the corner of a notebook with flowers on the cover.


Last Sunday, Pastoral Intern J Sterrett shared a poignant message from John 6: 1-15 about God's involvement in both the physical and the spiritual aspects of our lives. Catch up on their whole sermon here: https://www.youtube.com/live/HbJtfAg2qFo.

J stands in front of an overlook with a mountain range and sunset in the background. J is wearing a white sweater, a crossbody bag, and glasses. Text on the image reads: Jesus comes to demonstrate what most concerns God, that is the material and spiritual condition of God's creation.


Join us for a time of fellowship with the Ministers of Duke Memorial! You are invited to spend time getting to know our ministry team at the new food truck park behind the church, The Can Opener. Feel free to drop in or stay the whole time.

Image is a picture of a purple animation style food truck overlaid with text reading:
Meet up with the ministers
Tuesday, July 30th
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
at the Can Opener


Adults and youth are invited to join in on our Environmental Justice Sunday School on Sunday mornings at 9:45AM in the Bradshaw room. Together we explore environmental theology and hear from folks in our faith family and community who have expertise on environmental issues.

Image portrays a slightly beige backdrop upon which the class schedule is listed. The text on the image reads:
Environmental Justice Sunday School
Class Schedule
Jul 28: Fast Fashion
Aug 4: Green Burial
Aug 11: Gleaning
Aug 18: Worship in the Woods
Aug 23: Clean Air and Water

The Weekly | July 26, 2024 07/26/2024

The Weekly | July 26, 2024 -

The Weekly | July 26, 2024 We’re trying something new with our children’s library and we’re asking for your help. We’d like to get some volunteers to record themselves reading some of the books in the library. Those recordings will then be turned into QR codes that will go on the back of the corresponding books, which...


Join us on Saturday, July 27th at Durham's second annual Disability Pride Parade!

We will gather at 4:30pm at Duke Memorial UMC
The Parade starts at 5:00pm at the Reality Ministries Parking Lot (916 Lamond Ave.)

If you'd like to meet us down at Reality Ministries, there will be parking available in the Brightwood Square Lot.

In addition to marching in the parade, we will also have a table set up at the parade grounds.

Image features a disability pride flag background with large text reading: Disability Pride Parade
Saturday, July 27th
Reality Ministries

DMUMC Youth News 07/25/2024

DMUMC Youth News -

DMUMC Youth News We are ending July on a strong note. The survey below is one question, and will take just a moment to fill out. Everyone in the family can submit their own answers.


Last Sunday, Pastor Heather invited us to begin again across differences and divisions by recognizing God in the image of others. Catch up on her sermon at https://www.youtube.com/live/7yAUY2ggJf0?t=2146s

She offered a few concrete steps to take when it comes to political divisions in our world:

*One way to lead with peace in the months ahead is to ensure we have a free, fair and safe election. “Faiths United To Save Democracy” (https://www.turnoutsunday.com/) is offering virtual training for folks who want to be peacekeepers at the polls.

*There are also two organizations working to build bridges (and take down walls) between voters on opposite sides of the political and cultural divides- Braver Angels (https://braverangels.org/) and the One America Movement https://oneamericamovement.org/). These groups facilitate encounters that can help us break out of our social bubbles and hear from people who have very different perspectives on politics.

Pastor Heather stands outside smiling in front of a blurry picture of the church door. Words next to her read: Who do you call ‘enemy’? And how might Jesus, as your peace, allow you to know them as human? How might you begin again with them by recognizing God in them?

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Welcome to Duke Memorial

Join us in our faith journey toward discipleship in Christ with mutual respect, understanding, and love. We invite you to walk through our front doors for vibrant, hopeful worship on Sundays at 10:55 am. See you in the pews.

Videos (show all)

Happy Easter! Watch the video and listen as Pastor Heather reads the poem/praver "Easter Morning” by Rev. Sarah Speed (f...
This Good Friday, watch the video and listen as Minister of Youth Steve Anstett reads the poem/ praver "The Next Line” b...
This Maundy Thursday, watch the video and listen as Rev. Mick Raynor reads the poem/praver "With my Outside Voice” by Re...
As we reflect on Palm Sunday and move into the passion narratives, watch the video and listen as Pastoral Intern Jason C...
For the fifth week of Lent: watch the video and listen as Pastoral Intern Katie Diaz reads the poem/praver "Teach Me” by...
For the fourth week of Lent: watch the video and listen as Minister of Youth Steve Anstett reads the poem/praver "Open H...
Watch the video below and listen as Pastor Heather reads the poem/prayer “Praise the Mount” by Rev. Sarah Speed (from Sa...
If you are tired and in need of rescue this Lenten season, watch the video below and listen as Pastoral Intern Emilee Og...
As our wandering hearts tune into this Lenten season, watch the video below and listen as Pastor Jennifer reads the poem...
A poem/prayer for the baptism of our Lord. Watch the video below and listen as Pastoral Intern Katie Diaz reads the poem...
A poem/prayer for Christmas Eve. Watch the video below and listen as Rev. Mick Raynor reads the poem/prayer "There is Ro...
A poem/prayer for the fourth week of Advent. Watch the video below and listen as Rev. Heather Rodrigues reads an adapted...



504 W Chapel Hill St
Durham, NC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 9am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 4:30pm
Thursday 9am - 4:30pm
Friday 9am - 1pm
Sunday 9:30am - 12:30pm

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St. Mark AME Zion Church 531 S. Roxboro Street Durham, NC 27701 SERVICE: SUNDAYS 10AM SUNDAY SCHOOL: 8:45AM OFFICE HOURS 12 NOON-4PM TUE-FRI 919-688-2092