New Covenant Church

New Covenant Church is not just a church building or an organization, it's a place of worship and great fellowship.

Here we the body of Christ join together and rejoice for Jesus is Lord. Don't Just be a member of New Covenant, be part of our family.

"Fighting the Good Fight of Faith" 1 Tim. 6 Pastor Jess Taormina 7/14/2024 07/19/2024
Sunday, 7/14/2024's anointed message is online! Watch & be blessed! Looking forward to seeing you "in" church next Sunday!

"Fighting the Good Fight of Faith" 1 Tim. 6 Pastor Jess Taormina 7/14/2024 Address: 757 Bellmore Ave., East Meadow, NY 11554***Service starts at 10:30AM every Sunday (Downstairs Sanctuary)***Prayer & Bible Study Tuesday at 7pm (down...

"Mystery of Godliness & End Time Falling Away" 7/7/2024 Pastor Jess Taormina 07/11/2024

Sunday, 7/7/2024's anointed message is online! Watch & be blessed! Looking forward to seeing you "in" church next Sunday!

"Mystery of Godliness & End Time Falling Away" 7/7/2024 Pastor Jess Taormina Address: 757 Bellmore Ave., East Meadow, NY 11554***Service starts at 10:30AM every Sunday (Downstairs Sanctuary)***Prayer & Bible Study Tuesday at 7pm (down...

"An Encouraging Word" from Scott Nicolich & Joe Valle 7/7/2024 07/10/2024

"An Encouraging Word" from Scott Nicolich & Joe Valle 7/7/2024 Address: 757 Bellmore Ave., East Meadow, NY 11554***Service starts at 10:30AM every Sunday (Downstairs Sanctuary)***Prayer & Bible Study Tuesday at 7pm (down...


Happy, Blessed 4th of July!

"Seek Him First" by Pastor Stephen Brower 6/30/2024 07/02/2024

Sunday, 6/30/2024's anointed message by guest speaker Pastor Stephen Brower of Faith & Victory Fellowship is online! Watch & be blessed & strengthened in the Lord! Hope to see you "in" church next Sunday.

"Seek Him First" by Pastor Stephen Brower 6/30/2024 Address: 757 Bellmore Ave., East Meadow, NY 11554***Service starts at 10:30AM every Sunday (Downstairs Sanctuary)***Prayer & Bible Study Tuesday at 7pm (down...


This coming Sunday, June 30th, we are excited to announce that we are having Pastor Stephen Brower minister the Word of God in the power of the Holy Spirit. He will be accompanied by his beautiful bride Adriane. Come out and be blessed.

"Leadership in the Church" 1 Timothy 3:1-13 Pastor Jess Taormina 6/23/2024 06/26/2024

Sunday, 6/23/2024's anointed message is online! Watch & be blessed! Looking forward to seeing you "in" church next Sunday!

"Leadership in the Church" 1 Timothy 3:1-13 Pastor Jess Taormina 6/23/2024 Address: 757 Bellmore Ave., East Meadow, NY 11554***Service starts at 10:30AM every Sunday (Downstairs Sanctuary)***Prayer & Bible Study Tuesday at 7pm (down...

"Encouraging Yourself w/the Word Just Like David" Elder Tom Bruno 6/23/2024 06/25/2024

A very encouraging 4 minutes.

"Encouraging Yourself w/the Word Just Like David" Elder Tom Bruno 6/23/2024 Address: 757 Bellmore Ave., East Meadow, NY 11554***Service starts at 10:30AM every Sunday (Downstairs Sanctuary)***Prayer & Bible Study Tuesday at 7pm (down...


A WOMAN ASKED JOHN G LAKE TO PRAY FOR HER. After hearing about her many ailments he replied, “Dear Sister, anybody can see that Christ dwells in your spirit... Let your mind extend just a little bit. Let your thoughts comprehend that just as Jesus dwells in your spirit and also possesses your soul, in just exactly the same way He is possessing your blood and your kidneys and your old rheumatic bones, and that the very same thing will happen in your bones when you realize that truth as happened in your spirit when you were converted.”
She said, “Brother, lay your hands on me and pray for me, and I will be healed.” I answered, “No, I want you to get well by realizing that right now that same Christ that dwells in your spirit and your soul is in your bones and in your blood and in your brain.” Presently the lady hopped to her feet and said, “My God, He is.” She had it. Christ had been imprisoned in her soul and spirit, now He was permitted to manifest in her body."
Did you know that you too don't actually need someone else to pray for your healing, but that Jesus has done it all? If you have submitted your life to Jesus, then the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead is within you, so just like this woman, hop to your feet and receive His life and His healing in your mind, your emotions and your body!


Female Pastors:
The topic of female pastors and their role in ministry is a significant and often debated issue within many Christian denominations. Here are some key arguments that justify and validate the inclusion of female pastors giving sermons and functioning as ministers equal to men:
Biblical Interpretation and Theological Arguments
1. Creation Equality:
• Genesis 1:27 emphasizes that both men and women are created in the image of God, implying equal worth and capability.
• Galatians 3:28 states, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." This verse is often interpreted to mean that gender distinctions should not restrict roles in ministry.
2. Historical Precedents:
• In the New Testament, women played significant roles in the early church. Examples include Phoebe, who is referred to as a deacon (Romans 16:1-2), Priscilla, who, along with her husband Aquila, taught Apollos (Acts 18:26), and Junia, who is noted as outstanding among the apostles (Romans 16:7).
• Mary Magdalene is recognized as the first to witness and proclaim the resurrection of Jesus, effectively making her the first evangelist (John 20:18).
3. Spiritual Giftings:
• 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 describes the distribution of spiritual gifts by the Holy Spirit to both men and women without distinction. Teaching, prophecy, and leadership gifts are given based on God's sovereignty, not gender.
• Joel 2:28-29, reiterated in Acts 2:17-18, speaks of God's Spirit being poured out on all people, sons and daughters prophesying, and both men and women receiving and exercising spiritual gifts.
Sociocultural and Historical Context
1. Cultural Context of Biblical Passages:
• Some restrictive passages (such as 1 Timothy 2:12 and 1 Corinthians 14:34-35) are understood by many scholars to be addressing specific cultural issues in the early church rather than providing a universal prohibition against women in ministry.
• Understanding the historical and cultural context of these passages can lead to a more nuanced interpretation that supports women's leadership roles.
2. Role of Women in the Early Church:
• Historical records and early church writings indicate that women served in various ministerial roles. This historical precedent provides a basis for contemporary practice.
Practical and Ethical Considerations
1. Effectiveness in Ministry:
• Many denominations have observed that women are effective leaders, preachers, and pastors, contributing significantly to the growth and health of congregations.
• Female pastors often bring unique perspectives and approaches to ministry, enriching the spiritual life of the church community.
2. Justice and Equality:
• The principle of justice calls for equal opportunity and the dismantling of unjust barriers that prevent women from serving in their full capacity within the church.
• Promoting gender equality in ministry reflects broader societal values of fairness and nondiscrimination, aligning the church's practices with its teachings on justice and love.
Denominational Practices
1. Inclusive Denominations:
• Many mainline Protestant denominations, such as the United Methodist Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church (USA), ordain women and support their full participation in all aspects of ministry.
• These denominations provide models for how inclusive practices can be implemented and maintained, demonstrating the positive impact of women in leadership roles.
Counterarguments and Responses
1. Traditionalist View:
• Traditionalist perspectives often cite specific biblical passages to argue against female pastors. However, proponents of women's ordination argue that these passages must be interpreted in their historical context and balanced against the broader scriptural witness to equality and mutual service.
2. Complementarianism:
• Complementarians believe in distinct roles for men and women based on biblical teachings. In response, egalitarians argue that leadership and teaching should be based on gifting and calling rather than gender.
In conclusion, biblical interpretation, historical precedent, recognition of spiritual giftings, and principles of justice and equality support the justification for female pastors giving sermons and functioning as ministers equal to men. These arguments collectively provide a robust foundation for the inclusion of women in all areas of ministry. God bless the woman! Posted by Frank Grasso 👍 🙏💜🙏

Father's Day 6/18/2024 - "Lord's Prayer" w/Joe Tancredi & other NCC Dads sharing. 06/19/2024

Father's Day 6/18/2024 - "Lord's Prayer" w/Joe Tancredi & other NCC Dads sharing. Other NCC Dads sharing:Tom BrunoRandell BradeenAlan AdcockScott NicolichAddress: 757 Bellmore Ave., East Meadow, NY 11554***Service starts at 10:30AM every S...


Happy, Blessed Father's Day to all Dads & Spiritual Dads!

"Praying for All & Conduct in the Church" - Are women to be silent? 1Tim. 2 w/Pastor Jess 6/9/2024 06/11/2024

Sunday, 6/9/2024's anointed message is online! Watch & be blessed! Looking forward to seeing you "in" church next Sunday!

"Praying for All & Conduct in the Church" - Are women to be silent? 1Tim. 2 w/Pastor Jess 6/9/2024 Address: 757 Bellmore Ave., East Meadow, NY 11554***Service starts at 10:30AM every Sunday (Downstairs Sanctuary)***Prayer & Bible Study Tuesday at 7pm (down...

"Pentecost/Shavuot" message given by Debra Machado 6/9/2024 06/11/2024

"Pentecost/Shavuot" message given by Debra Machado 6/9/2024 Address: 757 Bellmore Ave., East Meadow, NY 11554***Service starts at 10:30AM every Sunday (Downstairs Sanctuary)***Prayer & Bible Study Tuesday at 7pm (down...

"The Two-Headed Christian" 6/21/2020 Pastor Rob Taormina 06/08/2024

"The Two-Headed Christian" 6/21/2020 Pastor Rob Taormina Address: 757 Bellmore Ave., East Meadow, NY 11554 Service starts at 10:30AM every Sunday Visit our website: Facebook: https://www.fac...

"Guidance From Paul to Timothy" 1 Timothy 1 Pastor Jess Taormina 6/2/2024 06/03/2024

Sunday, 6/2/2024's anointed message is online! Watch & be blessed! Looking forward to seeing you "in" church next Sunday!

"Guidance From Paul to Timothy" 1 Timothy 1 Pastor Jess Taormina 6/2/2024 Address: 757 Bellmore Ave., East Meadow, NY 11554***Service starts at 10:30AM every Sunday (Downstairs Sanctuary)***Prayer & Bible Study Tuesday at 7pm (down...


May you have a Blessed & Happy Memorial Day as we remember all those who sacrificed their lives to give us the freedom that we enjoy today.

"Getting Battle Ready" Eph. 6:10-24 Pastor Jess Taormina 5/26/2024 05/27/2024
Sunday, 5/26/2024's anointed message is online! You will be blessed! Looking forward to seeing you "in" church next Sunday.

"Getting Battle Ready" Eph. 6:10-24 Pastor Jess Taormina 5/26/2024 Address: 757 Bellmore Ave., East Meadow, NY 11554***Service starts at 10:30AM every Sunday (Downstairs Sanctuary)***Prayer & Bible Study Tuesday at 7pm (down...


Meta last Hello 🔵 It’s official. Signed at 8:18 PM. It was even on TV. Mine really turned blue. Don't forget that tomorrow starts the new Facebook rule (aka... new name, META) where they can use your photos. Don't forget the deadline is today!!!

I do not authorize META, Facebook or any entity associated with Facebook to use my photos, information, messages or posts, past or future.
With this statement, I notify Facebook that
it is strictly prohibited to disclose, copy, distribute or take any other action against me based on this profile and/or its contents. Violation of privacy may be punishable by law.

Here's how to do it:
Hold your finger anywhere in this message and “copy” will appear. Click “copy”. Then go to your page, create a new post and place your finger anywhere in the empty field. “Paste” will appear and click Paste.
This will bypass the system….

He who does nothing consents.


Come to church and be part of the Body of Christ as we celebrate Pentecost & precious Holy Spirit ❤️‍🔥🕊.


We are excited to announce that this Sunday, May 19th we will be having Pastor Robert Iannuccilli minister at our Sunday service. Come out if you want yo hear a solid message from the Word of God. Our service starts at 10:30am.

"Submitting One to Another in Family & Life" Eph. 5:21-6:8 Pastor Jess Taormina 5/12/24 05/13/2024
Sunday, 5/12/2024's anointed message is online! You will be blessed! Looking forward to seeing you "in" church next Sunday.

"Submitting One to Another in Family & Life" Eph. 5:21-6:8 Pastor Jess Taormina 5/12/24 Address: 757 Bellmore Ave., East Meadow, NY 11554***Service starts at 10:30AM every Sunday (Downstairs Sanctuary)***Prayer & Bible Study Tuesday at 7pm (down...


Happy, Blessed Mother's Day❤️🩷❤️🩷!!!

Come & join us for our Sunday service at 10:30am @ 757 Bellmore Ave in the downtown sanctuary 🥰!

"Living in God's Love, Light & Wisdom" Eph.5 Pastor Jess Taormina 4/5/2024 05/06/2024
Sunday, 5/5/2024's anointed message is online! You will be blessed! Looking forward to seeing you "in" church next Sunday.

"Living in God's Love, Light & Wisdom" Eph.5 Pastor Jess Taormina 4/5/2024 Address: 757 Bellmore Ave., East Meadow, NY 11554***Service starts at 10:30AM every Sunday (Downstairs Sanctuary)***Prayer & Bible Study Tuesday at 7pm (down...


May 2nd - Ephesians 5:2
"And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma."

Our supreme example of love is Christ Himself who put aside what He deserved in order to give us what we could never earn.

"Our New Life in Christ unto Maturity" Eph.4:7-32 Pastor Jess Taormina 4/28/2024 05/02/2024
Sunday, 4/28/2024's anointed message is online! You will be blessed! Looking forward to seeing you "in" church next Sunday.

"Our New Life in Christ unto Maturity" Eph.4:7-32 Pastor Jess Taormina 4/28/2024 Address: 757 Bellmore Ave., East Meadow, NY 11554***Service starts at 10:30AM every Sunday (Downstairs Sanctuary)***Prayer & Bible Study Tuesday at 7pm (down...

"Love That Overflows & Walking in Unity" Eph. 3:14-4:10 Pastor Jess Taormina 4/21/2024 04/22/2024

Sunday, 4/21/2024's anointed message is online! You will be blessed! Looking forward to seeing you "in" church next Sunday.

"Love That Overflows & Walking in Unity" Eph. 3:14-4:10 Pastor Jess Taormina 4/21/2024 Address: 757 Bellmore Ave., East Meadow, NY 11554***Service starts at 10:30AM every Sunday (Downstairs Sanctuary)***Prayer & Bible Study Tuesday at 7pm (down...

"On The Threshold of a New Season" Randy Bradeen 4/21/2024 04/22/2024

"On The Threshold of a New Season" Randy Bradeen 4/21/2024 Address: 757 Bellmore Ave., East Meadow, NY 11554***Service starts at 10:30AM every Sunday (Downstairs Sanctuary)***Prayer & Bible Study Tuesday at 7pm (down...

"Unveiling of Passover" with Debra Machado 4/21/2024 04/22/2024

"Unveiling of Passover" with Debra Machado 4/21/2024 Address: 757 Bellmore Ave., East Meadow, NY 11554***Service starts at 10:30AM every Sunday (Downstairs Sanctuary)***Prayer & Bible Study Tuesday at 7pm (down...

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Videos (show all)

"It is Finished" Resurrection Sunday 4/12/20 w/Pastor Rob Taormina
Be Reconciled To God and Others Tom Bruno
Testimony Of Steve Baum
For We Are Members Of His Body



757 Bellmore Avenue
East Meadow, NY

Opening Hours

Tuesday 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Sunday 10:30am - 12pm

Other Religious Organizations in East Meadow (show all)
Jesus is Light Youth Jesus is Light Youth
242 East Meadow Avenue
East Meadow, 11554

This is the official page for the Youth of Jesus is Light. — Pagina Oficial de Jovenes Jesus Es Luz

Ministerio Internacional De Misiones Jesús Es Luz Ministerio Internacional De Misiones Jesús Es Luz
East Meadow, 11554

Página oficial del Ministerio de Misiones de la Iglesia Jesús Es Luz. Todo lo relacionado con nues

StRaphaelparish StRaphaelparish
600 Newbridge Road
East Meadow, 11554

Catholic Church, East Meadow, NY

Iglesia Cristiana Biblica La Nueva  Cosecha Iglesia Cristiana Biblica La Nueva Cosecha
757 Bellmore Av
East Meadow, 11554

East Meadow United Methodist Church Sunday School East Meadow United Methodist Church Sunday School
470 E Meadow Avenue
East Meadow, 11554

Long Island Muslim Society Long Island Muslim Society
475 E Meadow Avenue
East Meadow, 11554

Long Island Muslim Society (LIMS) is strictly a member-supported organization. It is located on East

Dayspring Family Worship Center Dayspring Family Worship Center
2066 Front St.
East Meadow, 11554

Pastor Darwin Polanco Pastor Darwin Polanco
East Meadow

¡Dios les bendiga y bienvenidos a nuestra página!

Jesus and The Cross Ministries Jesus and The Cross Ministries
2421 6th Avenue
East Meadow, 11554

Jesus and the Cross Ministries is a non profit ministry thats main purpose is to spread the Good News of the Gospel and the Love of Jesus Christ.

St. Raphael Religious Education St. Raphael Religious Education
600 Newbridge Rd
East Meadow, 11554

We are the Religious Education Program for St. Raphael's Parish in East Meadow, NY. Our Faith Program begins with First Grade and end with Eighth Grade.

New Life Christian Ministries Pastor Silaycio Gerald New Life Christian Ministries Pastor Silaycio Gerald
470 East Meadow Avenue
East Meadow, 11554
