MuttLove Dog Rescue

501(c)(3) non profit
Our mission is to explore every medical opportunity available for each rescue, and to give them a fair shot at life. We never give up


Who recognizes this beautiful girl? She was found in the lower valley around Lomita St. No chip or tags. Look at that spectacular hairdo. She obviously has a family that loves her and takes care of her.
Please share so we can get her back home. If you know who she belongs to please send us a message and we will put you in contact with the person that found her. They can't hold her for long so we need to find her family ASAP!


This is not something we want to post. But because we are funded by your donations, you have a right to know when we mess up. Transparency matters, even when it's hard.

Yesterday, we took Rogue to the vet. She was girthy and had gained weight in the last few months, so we wanted to check there wasn't anything going on with her thyroid. While there, we realized that she was out of date with her vaccines as well as her heartworm prevention.

No problem, we'll get that knocked out.

Problem: Rogue is positive for heartworms. We dropped the ball on maintaining Rogue's heartworm prevention and now she's suffering because of it. We do have a system in place to keep up to date on all those things, but it's obviously not robust enough and we must do better.

Today, we sat down to comb through all our records and discovered that not only was Rogue out of date with heartworm prevention, many more of our dogs are as well.

There was a wave of returned dogs and a slump in adoptions right after covid and so we have many dogs that have just been stuck in foster care for unusually long periods of time and we did not adapt appropriately to it and we are sorry. It's inexcusable.

So now, not only did we have a massive unexpected vet bill from yesterday (several hundred dollars for Rogue), we have significant costs upcoming for the heartworm treatment that she's currently undergoing.

On top of that, we now have a bunch more dogs who need to go in for heartworm testing and prevention (each to the tune of more than $100). This was unexpected, but entirely preventable. This will not happen again.

We don't deserve donations, but the dogs - and especially Rogue - do. You don't have to forgive us for messing up like this, but if you'd like to donate towards her treatment and the testing for the rest of the dogs that are out of date, we certainly appreciate it. And let's all hope that no one else has heartworms. 🙏

Cashapp: $muttlovin

Photos from MuttLove Dog Rescue's post 07/26/2024

*Courtesy Post*

Update she was found in the house 😔

Have you seen Lala? She was last seen in the 79924 Tropicana area in the northeast. Her family's house unfortunately caught fire and she has not been accounted for. Please be on the lookout 👀 🚨🐕!

Photos from MuttLove Dog Rescue's post 07/26/2024

A long awaited update on Francesca the Frenchie!!

She went to the vet today for a follow-up and we're happy to report she is officially at a healthy weight! We don't know what her former owner did to her, but the emaciation was clearly not a major medical issue (like cancer) because she was able to put the weight right on with proper nutrition.

Because she happens to be a breed that humans shouldn't have created, she has some significant issues. Her rib cage is deformed and everything in that area is compressed. That means she will always struggle with breathing complications.

Her nasal passage is also compromised by breed deformities, but fortunately, we can address that with surgery. Anyone who gets a brachycephalic dog (squished face) should talk to their vet and be prepared to pay for this surgery, if appropriate, to improve their quality of life. This is a responsibility of being a good brachycephalic dog owner.

We will be having this procedure done at the same time as her spay (to reduce the number of surgeries she has to have) and need your help to fundraise for the procedure. ❤️

CashApp: $muttlovin


Bjork is seeking a home! The following are her demands:

✨ Family must provide toys at her discretion.

✨ She requires three good scritches each day (minimum)

✨ She is still a puppy, so the family will be expected to "awwww 🥺" any time she walks in the room.

✨ She WILL run the household because she's so cute. Her family will be at her beck and call.

✨ Family must have a working cell phone camera to take lots of pictures of her and show them to friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers on a regular basis.

If you can meet these demands, please send us a message.

Thank you for your time.

Photos from MuttLove Dog Rescue's post 07/21/2024

This is not a post we wanted to ever make...
Our sweet Tali has passed away.
As many of you know she has had several health concerns and was also recently diagnosed with a very severe case of Cushings disease. We are unsure why she passed but we are devastated!
To know Tali was to love her. Even after being abandoned this little fluffy tw***ie had nothing but love for everyone. She could stun you with her stinky breath and try to eat your fingers if you had a treat but when she looked at you with her puppy dog eyes nothing else mattered.
I was only her foster for 2 months but she was part of our family. We are so heartbroken.
These are just 2 of my favorite photos of her. Please give your furbabies an extra treat in memory of her!

Photos from MuttLove Dog Rescue's post 07/21/2024

**Courtesy Post**

This microscopic female dog was found on the Westside near the Sunland Park/Shadow Mountain transition. No chips, no tags! Do you recognize her? Send us a message!

Photos from MuttLove Dog Rescue's post 07/19/2024

🚨 We need your help, please share! 🚨

Nearly seven years ago, Anton was born to a dog we named Zinnia who tested positive for parvo at the shelter. We wanted them to have a shot at life so we pulled them. His mom recovered and Anton and his litter grew into strong, happy, healthy puppies and were then adopted out to their happily ever after.

Yesterday, we got a message from his family. Life circumstances had changed for them. 💔

Once a dog has been a MuttLove dog, we do everything in our power to make sure they have happy ending forever. Whether that means driving all the way to northern California get one of our dogs that had been picked up by the shelter and not claimed. Or whether that means coordinating with other rescues down in Chiapas to track down a family after the dog got out and ensure they got reunited. Sometimes it means repossessing a dog that we no longer believe is safe where we placed him.

In this case, it means taking Anton back after being with his family for more than six years. 😭

We are urgently seeking a foster for Anton so that we can ensure he finds himself a second shot at a happily ever after.

If you can make a little space for Anton while he transitions into this new phase of his life, please send us a message! If you can't, please help share this post so we can find him a spot! ❤️❤️


Every time we post anything on Francesca the Frenchie, we get 87,537 messages from people wanting to adopt her. And while we're glad she has so much love out there, it's very frustrating to us. First of all, we're MUTTLove, meaning we're all about mutts. Pure breeds like Francesca should honestly not even exist anyway. Brachycephalic dogs (meaning they have shortened respiratory passages) have all kinds of issues and shouldn't have been bred. But that's a discussion for a different day.

We have lots of MUTTS with winning little personalities (which is what it should all be about anyway) who are looking for loving homes like Kurt and Bjork who DON'T get 92,738 messages.

Kurt and Bjork are little and cute. They're only about 5 months old. And they're sitting here waiting to be adopted while Francesca gets all the attention. :( Fransha, Fransha, Fransha!

Can we get a little love for Kurt and Bjork and maybe a forever home for them?? 🙏


We delayed posting this until tonight thinking that the majority of you work standard working hours and we didn't want to ruin your whole day.

We euthanized Ember Spark last night. The good Samaritan who initially found him and ensured he got care was with him as he passed. She spent time with him and showered him with love so he would have only that in his mind as he went. Once he is cremated, he will forever have a loving home with that family.

We gave it all we had to save him, but the challenges were insurmountable. We learned that not only was his pelvis crushed, it was detached from his spine. And sure, maybe we could have tried reconstructive surgery to build his pelvis back and MAYBE it would have worked. But we also had a consultation with a neurologist who determined he had no feeling in any of his bottom half and was unlikely to recover.

It seemed like too much to ask him to go through the reconstruction of his pelvis including reattaching it to his spine if it wasn't going to give him any function.

We briefly considered amputating both legs, but he would still have been in pain and that didn't seem fair to him either.

We tried intensive anti-inflammatory medications and treatments including a few hyperbaric oxygen chamber sessions in the hopes that maybe the swelling was causing a pinched nerve and he could regain feeling, but it was not to be.

His fight was over. We knew it and so did he. We're sorry we couldn't do better for him.

If you donated in the hopes of it being used towards a surgery for him and would like to have your donation returned to you, please send us a message. Otherwise, we will use the little bit of extra donations we ended up with towards other costs. ❤️

Photos from MuttLove Dog Rescue's post 07/10/2024


She's doing well - safe and healing. She's obsessed with toys and steals them all. 🧸 She sends her love and thanks to everyone. ❤️


Courtesy post BOLO


Today's update on Ember Spark!

He's doing ok. He's stable. He's comfy. He's drugged up.

We have exciting news though: he has deep pain sensation in one of his legs!! That means something is happening in there neurologically in the right direction.

Unfortunately, his other leg still doesn't elicit any response. We're going to give him at least one more day for recovering (hospitalized) and then have a neurological consultation to see what the next steps are. We don't want to do a big pelvic reconstructive surgery only to end up amputating a leg.

So for now we're just in a waiting game.

Thank you for all of your support. Ember feels the love. ❤️❤️❤️

CashApp: $muttlovin


What's especially sad about Ember Spark is that we believe this is the same dog Bridge Pups Rescue had been trying to catch right before he was hit. This is why it's so important that people don't produce a bunch of backyard bred dogs that end up without a safe place to go and end up undersocialized to where they're wandering the streets, unable to be caught. If Ember had been properly loved and wanted as a puppy, maybe he wouldn't have been so hard to catch and this all could have been avoided. Now he's in a dire predicament.

He's currently been hospitalized for the next 24 hours. We know his pelvis has been crushed and his femur is dislocated. But he also doesn't seem to have any deep pain sensation in his feet which makes us concerned for potentially a spinal injury. The prognosis starts to worsen significantly when there's no deep pain.

For tonight, he's tanked up on fluids, pain meds, antibiotics, and they'll be catheterizing him as well since he hasn't been able to p*e for anyone so far.

Depending on how things look in the next day or two, we might be looking at an MRI and big bills, so please stay tuned. If you haven't already liked our page, please do so. The more of a following we have, the more reach we can get for the fundraising we're going to need to do here in a second.

CashApp: $muttlovin

Photos from MuttLove Dog Rescue's post 07/07/2024


The vet is concerned he might go into shock, he's increasingly lethargic. As much as we want to save money to use towards surgery, shock can be lethal and we don't want to take any chances, so we're running some fluids and pain meds and then taking him to Airway. That means we're going to have to raise hospitalization money and we barely have enough to cover just this exam. 😭😭

Further update: he has a shattered pelvis and a dislocated hip which CAN be fixed with surgery. We're waiting to know which vet would need to do it and how much we're looking at, we may not have an answer on that today.

But at least for now we can get him stabilized. His blood values look good with the exception of high liver values that we believe were caused by the trauma. So far it looks like he managed to not catch anything from all the ticks he had. ❤️

Donations very much appreciated! We're headed to the emergency vet momentarily and we're just hoping we manage to come up with enough in time. 😱

CashApp: $muttlovin


Ember Spark has arrived at the vet and we are awaiting an exam and a plan!! ❤️❤️❤️

CashApp: $muttlovin


We believe he was hit by a car and left to die. Fortunately, good Samaritans intervened, but that's where his luck ended. He's covered in ticks, no chip, no tags, dragging his back legs. There's nothing medically that AS can do for him so he only has a couple of hours before they will have to humanely euthanize him.

But he's fighting and we think he deserves to have someone fighting with him, can you help is to help him? We're making arrangements now to get him.

CashApp: $muttlovin


Eddie wants you to know that if your neighbors are being jerks and launching fireworks right in your backyard, you get to let your dog bark all night long, especially at 4 AM. Them's the rules. We didn't make them up. (Ok we made that up just now, but we think it's a pretty good rule.)


If you're anything like Claire, this day brings anxiety.

Prepare for any lost dogs you might find by trying to have a safe space to hold them temporarily, whether it be in an extra kennel, spare bedroom, bathroom, neighbor's house etc. Using your backyard is NOT recommended since a dog could escape from there too.

If a dog is friendly enough for you to catch without a lot of effort, it almost certainly belongs to a neighbor. Post online, check for chips, check door to door. Walk the dog once the excitement dies down and maybe they'll lead you home. Let's help keep the shelter and rescues from being overwhelmed by checking with your neighbors before assuming a dog doesn't have a home.

And it goes without saying, keep your dogs indoors after dusk and leash them if you have to go out! Keep your dogs where they belong and help them through the fearful bits!

We can work as a community to help keep the rescue community from being crushed today and in the coming days by ensuring dogs make it safely back to their people if they do get out!

And as always, drive cautiously; we don't want any scared dogs being hit!



The good news is she was not diagnosed with Cushing's Disease. Buuuuut......

The bad news is it's cause we haven't had any diagnosis at all yet. We're hoping to get results tomorrow and then we'll actually know if she has it. Womp womp.

In the meantime, least enjoy this picture of her and we'll tell you when we have results and what happens next for our little princess!




Thank you to everyone who has donated so far today!

Can you help us get to the finish line? We're just eight $10 donations away!!! Check the list below to see where we are!

We've actually already dropped off Tali for her Cushing's Disease and we need to have about $300 by the time we pick her up this afternoon. It's a test that takes the entire day.

Cushing's Disease can be life threatening for dogs and since we're definitely seeing symptoms for Tali, including liver issues, we want to make sure we take care of it and get her on the correct medication.

All you have to do to help is donate $10 to either PayPal or CashApp and we'll update the list as soon as we see it come in! ❤️❤️

CashApp: $muttlovin

1. J.B.
2. E.P.
3. E.P.
4. J.C.
5. A.R.
6. S.M.
7. S.M.
8. S.M.

We're good!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Tali is looking for a man in finance, trust fund, 6'5, blue eyes...

She actually doesn't care what you look like but she does need some donations sent her way to pay for her Cushings test today!

We believe Cushing's will account for her body condition, elevated liver values and possibly breathing issues. Unfortunately, we weren't able to test her earlier because the test checks cortisol levels. Because she was so stressed, cortisol levels would have been high anyway and would have hidden true test results. Now that she's had plenty of time to rest and be calm, the test is in order!

If she tests positive for Cushing's disease, she will be on lifelong medications and her quality of life will go up exponentially.

We're asking for 30 sponsors to donate $10 to cover this. If you have anything to spare she would be forever grateful!

CashApp: $muttlovin

1. E.O.
2. E.O.
3. I.H.
4. I.H.
5. B.S.
6. B.S.
7. S.A.
8. S.A.
9. L.R.
10. W.L.
11. W.L.
12. W.L.
13. W.L.
14. W.L.
15. Ma.
16. Ja.K.
17. Jo.K.
18. Je.
19. C.A.
20. C.R.
21. C.T.
22. A.G.

See the next post for the last 8 slots!

MuttLove Dog Rescue 501(c)(3) non profit
Our mission is to explore every medical opportunity available for each rescue,


Guess who's looking for a home!!!

It's Tali!!!

Tali is not done with her vetting. She needs at least one surgery, maybe two. We're not rushing through things because she is delicate.

BUT we're looking for a home for her. Why, you ask? Because her foster will be leaving for a while soon and we'll need to find a spot for her. We'd rather she just have one move than be bounced around. Bouncing dogs around can be traumatizing for them. It would be a foster-to-adopt situation.

So if you saw this sweet girl and fell in love with her, now is the time!! We cover all of the vetting until she's in tip-top shape, all you would need to do is love her and help her recover.

If you'd like to meet her, send us a message!!

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A couple of updates have gone up in the stories, we'll write something out momentarily once we have a game plan, but it'...
**COURTESY POST**Have you seen this sweet girl?  Her family is looking hard and losing sleep to find her!  If you spot h...
WE'VE GOT A GENIUS ON OUR HANDS!!!  Look at how she knew to use her finger to move the little slider!  Hopefully Tali wi...
Tali vs Fly. Who will win?
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GUESS WHO GUESS WHAT! Full update later today.  We still owe a lot for the surgery. 😭😭😭
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Update: No parvo!!  They were sent home with some diarrhea meds and we expect them to be just fine. ♥️Schneebedeckt has ...



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