Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!!

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Join us on a mission trip to Mexico! Bring your church, bring your family, bring your friends, or come on your own!

The first short-term Servant Event mission teams to serve through YLM were from Concordia University -St. Paul, MN back in the 1990s. These early Servant Event missionaries helped built churches, dormitories, chicken coups, rabbit hutches, fish hatcheries, and even helped put together a pipeline system that brought water over the mountain into the indigenous community situated in the mountains of Chihuahua.

Today, Servant Event mission teams dedicate their time, talents, and treasures to providing houses for families in Cd. Juarez, assisting with repairs and renovations stateside, leading Vacation Bible School and Women's Ministry, and serving through medical, dental, water/hygiene, and eyeglass clinics in partnership with other organizations.

Call (915) 858-2588 or go to www.ylm.org for more information on YLM's Servant Event Ministry! Take a leap and put your faith into action and watch lives be transformed!

Photos from Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care's post 08/29/2024
From Canada, With Love 08/14/2024

We are blessed with every opportunity God gives to work alongside our Brothers and Sisters in Christ! This last week, we had Bethel Lutheran Church of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada bring 20 of their missionaries to serve at Kilometer 30, building a house and doing children's activities at the nearby Comedor Emmanuel.

What an amazing experience it was for everyone involved! We cannot wait to have them back again next year!

From Canada, With Love Visit the post for more.

2024 Mexico Youth Gathering 08/12/2024

So many of our Servant Event missionaries donated towards this effort!

Thank you!

2024 Mexico Youth Gathering Visit the post for more.

Photos from Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!!'s post 08/10/2024

Day Five: A Day of Blessing.

Today Bethel Lutheran Church from Canada blessed both sides of the US & Mexico border. In Juarez, MX, they completed a new home for Berenice y Jesús and their growing family. Pastor Hernandez blessed the house. Afterwhich the team gave Berenice the keys for her new home. She told the group they must come back to visit next year.

Upon returning to the Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care campus the team went into fiesta preparation made. Earlier in the week Bethel's team of 20 went around the neighborhood of San Pablo Lutheran to invite the neighborhood to a block party with food, water games, and Christian fellowship. What a turn out!

Thank You, God, for bringing Bethel Lutheran to YLM. Thank You, Lord for all the blessings You showered down to the people on both sides of the border through Your servants. "May He who began a good work wIthin you bring it to completion at the day of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Photos from Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!!'s post 08/09/2024

Day Four was a hard day. It was a hard day to say good-bye to the kids at the Comedor Emmanuel. The team of youth from Bethel Lutheran in Canada had really left an impact on these children of KM30 in Juarez. But even more so, the children left an impact on the team from Alberta! One of the members said she never cries. But today she did.

The home is almost done. Drywall, windows, door, and trim are all installed. Berenice, who is expecting in a couple months, never takes her eyes off her family's new home. Oh, what a blessing. Can you imagine what emotions she must have?

Such is God's grace for us in the life and death and resurrection of His only Son, Jesus. Undeserved blessings.

Photos from Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!!'s post 08/08/2024

Day Three was a beautiful day of great Christ-like love and fun, and Christ-like serving.

Today the team from Bethel Lutheran from Alberta, Canada, spent the morning and afternoon with children at KM30. When it was finally time to call it a day, you should have seen the kids holding on to the hands ard arms of the Bethel youth. They did not want them to go. The good news is the team returns again tomorrow! (Oh, and they continued on a new house for Berenice & Jesús, who are expecting their first child.)

Mission work here on the border brings out the very best in each person. None of us is perfect, but by loving and serving Jesus for what He has done for us, we are transformed to be more than we could ever be by ourselves. And the rewards are priceless stories to share and lives transformed.

Imagine what God has planned for YOU to accomplish. Who wants to meet you? Who needs love? In fact, maybe it's God's plan for someone to touch your heart and soul in a special way. What are you waiting for? Someone is waiting to give you some love.

Call (915) 858-2588 today to bring your team and be part of the Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!!

Photos from Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!!'s post 08/07/2024

Day Two for Bethel Lutheran Church from Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada:

Today wasn't all about building a new home for a family expecting their first child soon. Today the team of youth wanted to spend time with children at El Comedor Emmanuel in KM30. And so they did!

When members of Bethel were asked how was their day today, "fantastic," & "great" were a couple of the comments from this team of 20.

And tonight they will continue to grow in Bible devotion, fun fellowship, and a drive to the breath-taking Franklin Mountains' Scenic Overlook, where they will see the night lights of El Paso & Juarez!

"How can I find out more about An Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!!? Contact us, today!

Photos from Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!!'s post 08/06/2024

Day One for Bethel Lutheran Church from Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada!

This is Bethel's 14 time on an Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!! This year they brought 20 people, all Canadians! In addition to many repeat team members, who have fallen in love with YLM and mission work, they spread the Good News, with many NEW to YLM joining them every year. Hmm, wonder why?

Bethel has been on many different mission trips to many different locations, including within the US. But it is here at YLM, in El Paso, TX, and Juarez, Mexico, where they feel safe, at home, welcomed, and called to do God's work.

Everyone is having an "amazing," "fantastic," and "great" time, according to a few who were asked at the end of Day One.

What will Day Two have in store for this team of 20 from Canada? Find out tomorrow!

Photos from Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!!'s post 08/06/2024

Sunday was a day of rest and culture for the Bethel Lutheran Church from Sherwood, Canada.

This team of 20 enjoyed the experience of a bilingual service, followed by a delicious lunch before heading across the border to visit the “mercado” in downtown Juarez. Hats were bought, souvenirs found, “paletas” made with natural fruit enjoyed, and even a Mexico baseball shirt made it into the shopping bags.

They all described the experience as enlightening, fun, and relaxing. It got them excited for the coming week and the projects they will be starting early Monday morning.

A First-Time Servant Event Team 08/05/2024

What amazing blessings were received for everyone with this first-time Servant Event team of St. John and Renewal Lutheran Churches of Denver, CO!

The team of eleven took on three different projects, bringing kindness to the family of Jesús, a single dad of two, and to the children and women of the Anapra community.

We look forward to seeing them again next year!

A First-Time Servant Event Team Visit the post for more.

Photos from Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!!'s post 07/27/2024

Day Five: "I have been on a lot of different mission trips. This was one of the best."--One of the team members from St. John & Renewal Lutheran Churches. "And the kids want to come back, too."

This was the first time for these teams to experience an Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!! Serving in Juarez, Mexico, they were on fire to love and serve. And it showed. Not only building a house, they led a 4-day VBS and a 4-day women's ministry.

Many of the women ministered to shared how much they were touched and lifted up by this week. Among the women there was a renewed love for Christ and His Church in Juarez. It was also clear that they wanted to see this women's ministry return. There was a definite hunger for the open ears, encouraging words, and relationship building--we are not alone!

And Jesús and his children, who received a new home, have a testimony of God's grace shining in their lives and in their neighborhood. Like the Parable of the Sower, we pray that this little turquoise casita, built with prayer and dedication to God, may return 30, 60, 100 times what was planted--or built--in one week. We await patiently to see the harvest.

Photos from Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!!'s post 07/26/2024

Day Four was filled with amazing blessings!!!

Our missionaries from St. John and Renewal Lutheran Church of Denver, CO worked hard, played hard, laughed hard.

The morning had six of the team members doing VBS and Women’s Ministry. Bible study, crafts, skits, games, small prayer groups.

A delicious lunch followed by an afternoon of working on the house. Windows, door, mudding and the middle wall went up before packing up tools and equipment.

You can experience this by reaching out to us, (915) 858-2588, for information on how to set up a mission trip through our Servant Event ministry!

Photos from Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!!'s post 07/25/2024

Day Three: Another full day in the mission field. "Gloria a Dios!"

3rd day of Children's and Womens's ministry, and home building for Jesus and his 2 children. When you do everything in the Spirit of God and for His glory, what a high you get from hard work in the mission field. The blessings are innumerable AND priceless!

And to think St. John and Renewal Lutheran Churches still have a half week to go. What a blessing for the people in Juarez and this Servant Event from Colorado.

"Gloria a Dios!"

Photos from Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!!'s post 07/24/2024

Day Two: It was a tiring day, but ask anyone from St. John & Renewal Lutheran Churches and they will all tell you what a great day it was! Look at what can happen in just one day. If you think mission work is boring, you aren't on an Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!!

Learn new things you never knew before. But more important, you will build relationships with people that you will always remember. And you will find out what God created you for, something beyond yourself, beyond words. You have to be here.

It is the labor of love.

Photos from Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!!'s post 07/23/2024

Day One: Wow!

Children's ministry.
Women's ministry.
Home build.
What a day in the mission field!

Way to go St. John & Renewal Lutheran Churches!

Wish you were here? Contact Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!! 915-858-2588 or ylm.org.

Photos from Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!!'s post 07/21/2024

Day Zero: St. John & Renewal Lutheran Churches, are first timers at Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!!

This team of 11 will be bringing a lot to the people of Anapra, the western colonia of Ciudad Juarez: building a new home for a family, 4 days of children's Bible school, and 4 days of Women’s Ministry .

Today, they were blessed by San Pablo Lutheran Church, enjoyed Rita's famous meals, then checked out their mission field for the week.

Watch what this brand new YLM Servant Event team does over the next few days. Pray for the Holy Spirit's impact through them, too!


This rainbow from yesterday is arching over the El Paso Border Highway 375 Loop. It crosses over the border fence and into Juarez. The Big Red X is a major landmark on the Juarez side of the border, familiar to anyone who has been down for a YLM Servant Event.

Some will see this as only a natural phenomenon. Anyone who has been on an Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!! trip will know it has a much more profound meaning.

(Photo compliments of a friend.)

Photos from Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!!'s post 07/01/2024

Buenos días. Dios los bendiga! Nos gustaría que estuvieras aquí.

Good morning. God bless you! Wish you were here.

Behold A New Thing! 06/28/2024

Twenty-six years of serving through Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care alongside the congregation of Iglesia Luterana Santisima Trinidad has given the congregation of Trinity Lutheran Church of Centralia, IL a multitude of "God sightings".

Despite their many years of Servant Event mission trips, they are still amazed by the way God moves to bring everyone together to change lives through acts of love and kindness!

Behold A New Thing! Visit the post for more.

Covering the Bases 06/26/2024

Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church of Pierre, SD has been building homes in Cd. Juarez through YLM for several years. This year, their team of eleven were joined by Mark, from Boerne, TX, who has a heart for Jesus and mission work.

Read how building houses is not the only thing this team dedicates their time and resources to...they make sure to make the most of their entire time at YLM!

Covering the Bases Visit the post for more.

Photos from Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!!'s post 06/24/2024

Day 5: BEHOLD! What a week!

No one this side of heaven could have imagined the "spiritual intensity" one mission trip could end on. And it wasn't about the house! It was about the bond formed between a family and a team of 13 from Trinity Lutheran in Centralia, IL. The team committed itself to God all week, and something wonderful overwhelmed them by the end of the week. The emotions and what could only be attributed to the Holy Spirit were running through this team.

It culminated Friday night on a drive up to Scenic Lookout in rhe Franklin Mountains and then the drive back to the YLM mission, and with the evening devotions ending in the wee hours of the morning. The spiritual transformation of 13 people was unmistakable and evident.

Come and see. Make your spiritual transformation at a Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!! Come and see God at work on the border.

A Third Blessing 06/21/2024

What a blessing each and every Servant Event team is, and this third team from Family of Christ Lutheran Church of Ham Lake, MN became a double blessing through their service AND their fire for their relationship with Jesus.

They inspired so many amazing conversations and opportunities to grow in faith. They modeled the way faith in action can change the lives of others.

"Let no one look down on you because of your youth, but be an example and set a pattern for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in [moral] purity". ~1 Timothy 4:12

A Third Blessing Visit the post for more.

Photos from Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!!'s post 06/21/2024

Day 4: The Kingdom of God, where every day is better than the last.

Every day that we wake up is one more testimony of God's steadfast love for us, and in all things He is drawing us closer to Him. In each of these pictures from today in KM28 at at Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care, you can see Jesus, His love and His expression of love in service.

Want to have a better day? Want to be drawn closer to Your God and what He has uniquely created you for? Discover what plans God has for you at a Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!!

Photos from Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!!'s post 06/19/2024

Day 3: A very special day for everyone.

The team from Trinity Lutheran Church, Centralia, IL, got a very early start to the day, and wrapped it up early to avoid the hot afternoon. Metal roof, electrical work, insulation, ceiling drywall all done. Fascia boards, trim, and sheetrock for walls will be finished tomorrow.

Pastor Hernandez came by to add joy and song to a hot afternoon. Of course they sang "Alabaré!"

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Videos (show all)

The first wall to go up is always exciting!
Day One: Family of Christ Young Adult Mission Team hit the ground running this morning! They divided tasks to conquer wh...
God was seen today…
Only at a Ysleta Lutheran Mission Servant Events!!! can you get to sit in on a real mariachi band rehearsal.  Mariachi S...
See what you are missing by not being here?!  Sit in on a Mariachi San Pablo jam session when you come down for a Servan...
A Coca Cola Chorus
Provide Opportunities in 2023 for a Better Tomorrow!Thanks to you, our ministry partners:* Twenty-six Mexico students we...
A joy-filled VBS this past week!
Prayer before we leave for Mexico! 🇲🇽


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