SOC Children In Motion INC

Caring for the youth !


If for some reason you haven’t said “Thank You Jesus” this morning when you got out of bed , tell that reason to go to Hell, stop whatever you are doing and say : Thank You Jesus For Another Day! Amen !


Hello F/B Family, my name is Pastor Joseph (JD) Roberts and I’m Just Telling The Truth ! I received a phone call on yesterday from a friend who asked me why do people not, understand the importance of us getting our children on track to be better, wiser and more productive citizens in this world we live in today ? Then he asked me what do I think it would take? I quickly said by Sharing,and Teaching them the Word of God ! The impact that could be made now could change the face of the earth if people quit keeping the Word of God to themselves ! Let me give you an example that may help you understand better ! When I was growing up there was one thing I always saw or heard, that was someone Praying and Thanking God ! When things were Good or Bad, someone was Praying and Thanking God ! In the morning before you left the house,someone was Praying. At the School house,someone was Praying. On the streets, someone was Praying. But now, things have changed. Some of Those that have a little Stuff don’t Pray anymore like their parents did,their Grandparents, their Great Grandparents, their Great Great Grandparents or their Great Great Great Grandparents did ! No my brother, I told him, that stuff that some have, has took the place of the Sharing and Teaching of The Word of God ! The letter I , have took the place of God Did It ! It’s now I did it! And our children are now thinking the same way ! And if you don’t believe me do the Pastor JD Roberts test when you see some of our children in the Park or at the Mall and ask them the $5.00 test . Ask them for $5.00 (because that’s the mind set of most kids today, money),to tell you what is their favorite verse in the Bible . One day I did the test, I started with $100 in $5.00 bill and sadly returned home with what I left the house with after talking to about 20+ kids. But I did share and teach God’s Word with the most of them that wanted to listen and asked them to find a Bible verse to remember because I will be Praying for and looking for them to share God’s Blessings with them ! So before anyone of us start talking about our Children in any form or fashion, ask yourself this question, have you ever shared The Lord and Saver Jesus Christ,with any of the Children you are talking about? And if your answer is No! Today would be a Good Day To Start! I’m Pastor Joseph (JD) Roberts, and I’m Just Telling The Truth !


The City Manager was hired to do a job ! And the Tax payer (All the Tax Payers) allowed the City Council to pay him and two others a lots of money! Now it appears that his recommendation is not good enough for some of the council members. After all the things he has recommended in the past has been approved. Myself and other tax payers who have called me , would like to know who rejected his recommendation and why his recommendation was rejected ! Isn’t that what he was brought in to do for the sake of us, The Tax Payers ! Please let us, the majority know who and why!!!


Good morning everyone! I’m Pastor Joseph (JD) Roberts and I’m Just Telling The Truth! Today is another day to enjoy the Life you woke up with ! So please Find Peace, Joy and Love in it ! Knowing that everything isn’t going to go as planned if you don’t have a Plan ! So Plan on being Kind , Thankful , Humble, Caring , Understanding , Hopeful and most of all Loving ! Remembering that all of these things are protectors of your Heart and Mind ! Knowing that All Things Are Possible with the Lord Who, woke you up this morning to see Another Day! Yesterday was Yesterday. But let Today, be a Day of I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me! I’m Pastor Joseph (JD) Roberts and I’m just Telling The Truth. Amen !


Every vote does matter and Dade Phelan was not only the Best man for the Job ! But he has proven that he cares about every Texans and that’s why he won ! He’s done a Great Job and he will continue to do a Great Job and bring Texans closer together to make it Better for the Future ! And that’s what Matters!!!


Good morning F/B Family and Friends. SOC have Partnered with local businesses to help find Jobs . This week we are looking for people 17 and older to work in the Restaurant business! If you are interested, call (409)504-7450 and ask for Luis ! Be Blessed !


Good evening F/B Family, I’m Pastor Joseph (JD) Roberts and I’m Just Telling The Truth! Have you ever asked your self , what really is your purpose ! Is it to be the richest person in the world? Is it to have people look up to you because of what you have? Are is it you want to control everybody or everything? Well if that’s what you really think that’s really your purpose, then you have become a little god ! And using the almighty God name to get it is a one way ticket to Hell ! You can fool people , but you can’t fool God ! Every one who have tried it have failed! So what makes you think you are different ! I believe in eternal life and I also believe in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. But what or who do you really believe in ? Do you believe that your Pastor, deacon, singing in the choir will give you eternal Life ! Please think again ! The Bible tells us we must First have a relationship with the Son ! Some you can have all the stuff on this earth, and go Straight To Hell ! I Just Wanted to give some advice to those who want to have complete control of the people of God ! You address will not be up yonder, it will be down yonder! I’m Pastor Joseph (JD) Roberts and I’m Just Telling The Truth !


Good morning F/B Family. I was asked a question by a 15 year old student who I brought to school this morning and I feel it’s worth talking about! He asked: Pastor Roberts, why do they have so many churches in our neighborhoods that don’t do what you do ? He goes on to say , we have been in about six or seven churches in about four years and never really got any help from them at all . My Mama gives them money and all the preachers do is ask for more money. But they never have helped us! My mama work at night and it’s 3 of us.This was my answers to his question! First let me tell you that all preachers are not called by our Lord and Savior!Secondly, I don’t compare what I do to others because what God puts on my Heart may not be what He put on someone else’s Heart , if he was called by God ! And lastly, I believe in giving, because the Bible says,God Loves a Cheerful Giver ! Then he said , well Pastor,that why we don’t go to church! That hit me! In that moment,a question came to mind. How many other people like this young man and his family have decided to stop going to Church because of things like this! I immediately invited him to the church I attend and will be talking to his mother as well ! None of us are perfect and we all are sinners! But are Saved by His Grace and Mercy! Let help our young people see the Goodness of God!


I’m Pastor Joseph J.D.Roberts and I’m Just Telling The Truth ! It’s amazing how people let money control their every existence , but claim our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ as their God ! They will practically do anything  to have it, possess it, and even kill for it . They will use it to destroy, attack and even hurt people that they can’t buy, control or other things to name a few.  They don’t care really about anything but money! And people will praise and worship people because they have that thing we call , money! Relationship are destroyed because of that thing , called money. Officials who were elected by the people, will take bribes, because of that thing , called money. Some people will do anything, say anything, and think of anything for , their Love , of that thing , we call money! But the real sad thing is they can’t take none of it (money) with them when their number is called ! So my question is do they really Believe in our Lord and Savior Jesus The Christ ? Do some think because they have figured out a way to take from the poor, that at their last moments it’s going to be OKay ! Lol . And let me be as clear as I can about this, I have learned that there is nothing wrong with a person having a lots of money, as long as they didn’t lose or give up their Soul to get it ! Because just like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is coming for His people ! The devil is coming for his also ! Some people believe and think that they can do like the thief on the Cross, you know, at the last minute ! But that thief was on the Cross on the side of Jesus and now, we are waiting for the return of Jesus! So your dash (-), in your life , will determine who you will share eternity with ! And The Bible tells us that everyone doesn’t go to Heaven like some preachers and teachers are teaching ! That’s why you should Study the Word of God For Your- Self! God gives us All the Chances to Repentance! The question of the day is , Have You Repented and Gave your Life to Christ ? I’m Pastor Joseph JD Roberts , and I’m Just Telling The Truth!


Yesterday was a day of emotional complexity, with positive emotions like joy and happiness coexisting with negative emotions like sadness and anger. Yet, you woke up today, and that's a testament to God's grace and mercy. The Bible teaches that God blesses the just and the unjust, and therefore, it was His grace that allowed us to wake up this morning. Mothers carry us until birth and become our first in everything, and I understand why someone might feel the way I used to feel on Mother's Day. However, by learning to appreciate God's grace and mercy and His love for us all, I now see the importance of being thankful for all His blessings. I Pray you do the same and give it all to God.


This Mother and her daughter didn’t make to the Dinner With Champions Award Banquet at no fault of their own! But God fixed it , by me and my wife running into her while we were checking out of the Hotel. We were more than happy to go to our room and give her the awards her Daughter would have received by being the Kelly H.S. Girl MVP and one of SOC ‘s Best of The Best Female Champions! F/B Family would you please help us Congratulate Kelly’s Sydney Doctor , A True Champion !


Good morning F/B and welcome to another Day of Get it Right and Stay Connected to God ! This week so for has been very difficult and challenging for me and some of the people I care about and Love. But I have realized that through it All ,”I’m Still Here”! Not because I have been so good, but because I Serve a God that’s so Good . A God of All Day and Night Chances! Not just for me , but for All of Us. Staying Connected to God is not easy, but it is worth the Battle! Praying, Praising and Worshipping our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the way to stay Connected to God ! It’s not a one time thing but a All Day and Night Thing! Please listen to this warning, Just praying when you wake up in the morning is Not , enough to stay connected to God! It’s a All Day and Night thing. Because the devil is a 24/7 worker! He takes No breaks! If he can get in between your Joy and Happiness, he will bring misery and pain. Sorrow and doubt. Jealous and anger. And then death. That’s why today we have so many dead people walking around on this planet because these things have infected their lives! None of us are perfect, but it’s so important to be Connected to the one that is and His name is Jesus The Christ! Have a Blessed Day and by All Means, Stay Connected to God ! Amen!


If you really want to know the Greatness of God you don’t have to look far. You woke up this morning , that’s the First Greatness of God you received ! If you can Feel anything , Secondly that’s another Greatness of God that you received! I can go on and on but the Greatest Gift of God’s Greatness was Jesus Christ!


Good morning F/B Family and Friends. If you are reading this right now God has given you the opportunity to Get or Stay Connected to Him! To Repent, Release,Replace,Remove, and Remember some things! One of the 5 is stopping you from your Full Connection with God ! Your Full Relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ! But here’s the Good News of the Day, He has Given You and Me another Chance to Get Fully Connected and Maintain the Relationship With Him that Will, I didn’t say might or maybe, I said Will, aloud you to have His Peace that Passes All Understanding! I don’t know what you may be going through at this very moment, but I can tell you this, their is Nothing! I mean Nothing, like having a Real Relationship with Jesus Christ ! Now having that Relationship with Him doesn’t mean you won’t have problems! But it does mean you will have the problem Solver on your side! So the Lord wanted me to tell you this morning that His Doors are Always Open and All you have to do is Just Come In and Receive Your Blessing. Amen! I’m Pastor Joseph JD Roberts and I’m Just Telling The Truth on how to Stay Connected to God !


Talking to my daughter Thelmas Hope, we started talking about letting people define who you are. Hope said Daddy, I don’t let disappointment , failures or people define me. I have learned to let them teach me , and to do Better next time!


A Person who always put others 1st will always be Blessed by God . Mrs. Paula O’Neal is one of those Persons ! Thank you Mrs. Paula for giving back to others less fortunate. May God’s Grace and Mercy continue to be with you and your family.


What God has for you is for You ! And No One can take it from You! Unless You let them! God gives us all a choice to believe or not to believe ! To do or not to do! I chose Jesus Christ as my Savior! And I Pray you do Too!


Good morning everyone, I’m Pastor Joseph “JD” Roberts and this is another lesson on staying Connected to God ! We all have and will continue to have that problem of getting disconnected from God ! Everyday is a challenge to stay connected because everything nor everyone is connected to God ! As I get closer and closer to God , the more I find myself in the battle of staying Connected to God ! And I am quite sure some of you have that same problem. But I’ve got some Good News for those that been worrying about that problem. That it’s only a Test ! In the Bible , everyone who said Yes , to God, from the Old Testament to the New Testament had a disconnect experience! So why should it be any different now, since we all know that the devil is still around seeking who he can destroy! We must used the same technique and methodology they used to get Re-Connected to our All Mighty God ! Faith and Prayers is what got them Re-Connected to God then and will keep us Connected Now ! Also remember that the devil used people to do his dirty work then and is still using them today! Pick your friends wisely! Not because of what they have , but Who have them ! I Pray that this Lesson this morning Helps you to understand and Stay Connected to God ! May God’s Blessings Continue to be upon you and those you Love. Amen!


So Deserving of this Award!

Congratulations to Paula O'Neal, counseling alum, for receiving the SOC Allison Getz Lifetime Achievement Award!
SOC Children In Motion INC


In this day and time,sometimes no matter what you do to help a person ,giving them multiple chances to change their ways but ,they don’t listen and continue to do the samething! My Mama used to say Pray for them and Hope they change! So that’s what I’m going to Do !


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