La Mujer Obrera

La Mujer Obrera

Advocating in defense of Mexican womens' heritage, rights and contributions. Our work requires investment! If you can support us, please visit our Cause page.

La Mujer Obrera is an internationally acclaimed & award winning, 40 year old grassroots organization dedicated to development and advocacy in defense and recognition of Mexican migrant women workers’ heritage, rights and contributions. A private, non-profit 501c3 membership organization, La Mujer Obrera is comprised of low-income people living and working in El Paso, Texas, particularly displaced

Exigen a Ciudad fijar postura sobre ‘trocas’ en puente ‘Libre’ 03/13/2024

“Mi mayor sueño es que quiten las ‘trocas’ (tractocamiones y tráileres) del puente ‘Libre’ para que ya no nos estemos enfermando”, dijo el niño Francisco Torres, de siete años de edad y alumno del segundo grado de la Escuela Primaria Frederick Douglass.

Torres formó parte de un grupo de activistas, adheridos a la organización Familias Unidas del Chamizal, quienes exigieron a los representantes de la Ciudad, adoptar una posición sobre el retiro de los camiones en ese puerto de entrada, ahora que el Gobierno federal proyecta actualizar la tecnología, reducir los tiempos de espera y disminuir la contaminación.

A nombre de sus compañeros de clase, y al igual que sus padres y vecinos, el pequeño clamó a las autoridades para que atiendan la problemática mientras exhibía una pancarta con la leyenda “¡Fuera! ¡No trocas!”, con la esperanza de que la lucha comunitaria cristalice en una justicia ambiental.

Exigen a Ciudad fijar postura sobre ‘trocas’ en puente ‘Libre’ Integrantes de la agrupación Familias Unidas del Chamizal se manifestaron en la reunión ordinaria de la Ciudad para expresar su rechazo al tráfico comercial internacional en su vecindario


We ♥️ barrio Chamizal. Show us your love and protect our health. PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR COMMENTS TO NEPA BY/BEFORE FRIDAY, FEB. 23, 2024, 3PM (MST) to: [email protected]

We will be collecting comment cards to hand-deliver, too. Please come by Cafe Mayapan, 2000 Texas Ave. to fill out your card

We have not had clean air for 30 years! Protect our health. Tell NEPA to "Get the Trucks Out!"
El Paso's Puente Libre- The Bridge of the Americas in barrio Chamizal is receiving $700+million of federal Bipartisan Infrastructure funding for necessary renovations. This long-overdue investment should be used as intended- to reduce the emissions and address the impact on overburdened, vulnerable communities, specifically, our children’s health.

It's a public health issue. Lives are being affected. To dismiss the health of residents and prioritize industry is not acceptable.”

SAMPLE TEXT: Dear NEPA: (Introduce yourself) My name is # # # # # and I am very concerned about the health of my community. (Highlight concern) Barrio Chamizal has heavy semi truck traffic is a public heatlh issue causing dangerous levels of pollution. (Personal is Powerful!) My child has difficulty breathing and suffers from asthma. (Demand) Get the Trucks Out, Now! Protect our Health! We urge NEPA to select Option #4: REMOVAL OF COMMERCIAL TRUCKS. (*Extra: Ask Questions) Will NEPA'S Environmental Impact Statement include a Cumulative Impact or Health Analysis? Thank you. Sincerely, # # # # # #

‘You can taste it’: El Paso residents fear air pollution will worsen after border crossing upgrade 02/14/2024

“It’s a public health issue. Lives are being affected,” said Cemelli de Aztlan, a community organizer with La Mujer Obrera, an El Paso organization committed to empowering working women of Mexican heritage. She worries that local leaders aren’t doing enough to elevate the concerns of its most vulnerable residents. “To dismiss the health of residents and prioritize [industry] is not acceptable.”

In light of the federal push to revamp the Bridge of the Americas, some residents say commercial vehicles shouldn’t be using the bridge in the first place given that it’s located so close to homes, schools and churches in a historically disadvantaged neighborhood. For activists like De Aztlan who have been living with the environmental impacts of trucks coming in and out of their communities for years, the goal is clear.

“Get the trucks out,” De Aztlan said.

‘You can taste it’: El Paso residents fear air pollution will worsen after border crossing upgrade Neighbors want to ‘get the trucks out’ as the idling vehicles choke the air, causing a public health concern in the historically disadvantaged area


—- F O R I M M E D I A T E R E L E A S E —-

EL PASO, TEXAS- ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 2024 Familias Unidas del Chamizal will urge El Paso City Council to Take Action (AGENDA #19) and support residents' demand to get the commercial trucks out of el puente libre- the Bridge of the Americas. Barrio residents have cited serious health and environmental concerns and are asking the El Paso City Council to protect children's health and place a very high priority in communities like ours where environmental injustice has deadly and debilitating consequences. ‘The effects are forever.’

Our neighborhood is subjected to various sources of pollution, the Cumulative Impacts are compounded by concerning health vulnerabilities. Our neighborhood bears many burdens, to include: a major international port-of-entry overloaded w/ diesel trucks emitting high levels of cancerous pollutants; a public school bus terminal of over 150 school buses; industrial waste recycling facilities shredding metals, electronics, and batteries in out-dated & open-air lots; in addition to the 12+ fires/year that erupt from those industrial waste sites. There is an overload of environmental injustice in our neighborhood affecting our children's health.

The residents of Barrio Chamizal demand: ‘Get the trucks out of the Puente Libre!’ The trucks are the highest contributors to diesel particulate matter (see map below) and should be re-routed out of our thriving neighborhood of 7,000+ residents. Our Puente Libre- The Bridge of the Americas is the only toll-free international port of entry because it was intended for the people, not the maquiladora industry. Today, El Puente Libre is the second busiest port-of-entry along the border; and despite years of overuse, the maquiladora industry does not contribute to the maintenance of the bridge, roads and infrastructure they readily overuse.

El Paso’s Bridge of the Americas, El Puente Libre in our neighborhood, is receiving $700+ million of federal Bipartisan Infrastructure funding for necessary renovations. This long-overdue investment should be used as intended- to reduce the carbon footprint and address the impact on overburdened, vulnerable communities, specifically, our children’s health.

Current plans proposed by the federal General Services Administration include: various options of adding more lanes for semi-truck commercial traffic, which will lead to more trucks and more environmental concerns or, Option #4: To Remove Commercial Traffic. If we are able to ‘reduce emissions like black carbon from commercial truck pollution, we would also see an immediate climate benefit.’ We have the opportunity to send our concerns to the federal government.

We ask El Paso Mayor and Council to send a clear message to protect our children’s health and support the removal of commercial truck traffic from el puente libre, The Bridge of the Americas, in barrio Chamizal.


Order your tamales! 🫔 🫔 🫔 !
Cafe Mayapan’s Menu Navideno🎄🫔 🌽 🫔🎄
Every Friday 11am-3pm & Saturday 8am-3pm: Dec 8-29, 2023. Order your tamales! 🫔 🫔 🫔

Una nueva tecnología promete medir con precisión la contaminación del aire en Estados Unidos: ¿cómo funciona? 11/18/2023

Una nueva tecnología promete medir con precisión la contaminación del aire en Estados Unidos: ¿cómo funciona? El instrumento llamado TEMPO se encuentra a bordo de un satélite y busca ofrecer el primer registro continuo de la contaminación atmosférica en el país. "Podremos hacer mediciones cada hora y con una resolución espacial realmente alta", explica una científica.


Café Mayapan Dia de Mu***os Menu Especial Oaxaqueno: Monday, October 30- Saturday November 4. Limited Seating/ Reserve Your Table @ 915 217 1126.
For online/to-go orders:


iViva La Mujer Obrera!
iLa Lucha Sigue!


¡Chavela regresa a la frontera!

Perdiste nuestra presentacion de "Chavela" este verano? No te preocupes! Este Viernes Septiembre 29, "Chavela" regresara al Cafe Mayapan en el centro de El Paso por solo una funcion!

Boletos cuestan $10, y podran ser comprados en la puerta con efectivo, CashApp, Venmo, o Zelle. Todos los fondos recaudados seran donados a Programa Compañeros.

Esperamos veerlos para esta celebracion teatral de la vida y canto de la inolvidable Chavela Vargas.

Rechazan madres tráfico comercial en puente ‘Libre’ 09/05/2023

Sin embargo, para los activistas ninguna de las propuestas es válida. “Se nos hace una injusticia que antepongan el interés económico a la salud pública de tanto niño. Esto es una cuestión de salud pública para nosotros”, afirmó Hilda Villegas.

Rechazan madres tráfico comercial en puente ‘Libre’ Ante plan de expansión

TikTok · El Paso Hotspots 🔥 07/27/2023

TikTok · El Paso Hotspots 🔥 867 likes, 18 comments. “We visited Cafe Mayapan with some friends last week. This is probably one of the most authentic like-home mexican cusine places we have visited 🇲🇽 The enchiladas taste like those from a traditional kermes, the albondigas al chipotle were a hit for our friends, and an...


Viernes y Sabado a las 5PM!


Please stop by Café Mayapan to sign this petition to Renovate Ruben Salazar Public Housing on Saturday anytime from 8am-11pm
Or Monday 11am-3pm.

Photos from Commissioner David Stout's post 10/31/2022
Request for Proposals: Partnership for Resilient Communities - Institute for Sustainable Communities 08/30/2022

Request for Proposals: Partnership for Resilient Communities - Institute for Sustainable Communities About the Partnership for Resilient Communities Partnership for Resilient Communities (PRC) partner organizations are led by people of color and serve historic, urban communities of color throughout the United States. These communities are often the most impacted by climate change and the least supp...

'Neighborhood is treated like a dumping ground': Activists say Texas should own up to air pollution 02/04/2022

'Neighborhood is treated like a dumping ground': Activists say Texas should own up to air pollution Instead of pointing fingers at Juárez, El Pasoans who live near major sources of air pollution want state officials to take more aggressive action.


On February 2, 2001, La Mujer Obrera opened Café Mayapán, a social enterprise with a vision of creating community, celebrating culture and re-creating a world rooted in health, peace, dignity, justice and respect. To celebrate Cafe Mayapan's 22 years, in the month of February we will be serving delicious specials each Wednesday and Friday. Please come and support!

On February 2, 2001, La Mujer Obrera opened Café Mayapán, a social enterprise with a vision of creating community, celebrating culture and re-creating a world rooted in health, peace, dignity, justice and respect. To celebrate Cafe Mayapan turning 22 years old, in the month of February we will be serving delicious specials each Wednesday and Friday. Please come and support!

CAFE MAYAPAN, 2000 Texas Ave.
(915) 217-1126
Abierto de lunes a viernes: 11am–3pm y sábados: 8am-3pm


Miércoles 2 de febrero
Tamales de rojo, rajas, o tamales veganos con maíz y rajas poblanas servidos con champurrado y sopalpillas o buñuelo $12.99

Viernes 4 de febrero
Pescado en hoja de plátano, rellenos de chile morrón y cebolla morada, servido con consomé de pescado o arroz blanco $12.99

Miércoles 9 de febrero
Sopa de repollo acompañada de tostadas de frijol negro con pollo $8.99

Viernes 11 de febrero
Tacos de pescado servidos con salsa de guacamole y arroz poblano $10.99

Miércoles 16 de febrero
Enchiladas potosinas rellenas de queso servidas con arroz y ensalada $9.99

Viernes 18 de febrero
Mole coloradito oaxaqueño servido con arroz blanco o sopa de frijol negro con queso panela $14.99

Miércoles 23 de febrero
Huarache (2 huaraches por platillo) con nopalitos o bistec servidos con consomé de pollo o de verduras $9.99

Viernes 25 de febrero
Gorditas de maiz con picadillo o vegetarianas servidas con arroz y frijoles o consome o fideo $8.99

Cada sábado especial de atole de sabores


Congratulations to our Cafe Mayapan, rated best restaurants in El Paso 2022 via Time Out Magazine:

Cafe Mayapan ranked one of "The 10 best restaurants in El Paso 2022" via Time Out Magazine:

"Here are the best restaurants in El Paso:
Café Mayapan: A beloved café and a social initiative (the concept contributes to female empowerment and local community development) that has served traditional, nutritional Mexican fare since 2001.
The menu changes with the seasons, but visitors can rest assured that their meal at Café Mayapan will be excellent regardless of the time of year. Indulge in hearty, healthy classic dishes with a twist—like roasted cactus and turkey picadillo lettuce wrap tacos—and then shop for artisanal goods at Lum Metik Fair Trade Company, located right behind the café."

Visit us:
Monday - Friday 11am - 3pm &
Saturday 8am - 3pm

Photos from Familias Unidas del Chamizal's post 01/27/2022

Familias Unidas del Chamizal, the neighborhood organizing project of La Mujer Obrera, has been working to establish the necessary infrastructure that would lead to improving Barrio Chamizal.

As a woman-led organization with over 40 years in this community, La Mujer Obrera has the experience, practice and commitment to support and defend barrio Chamizal families.

Together, we assert that EDUCATION IS A HUMAN RIGHT. We are committed to developing our public schools because we know it is an essential and important component on our path to creating long-term sustainability and success in the barrio.


iViva La Mujer Obrera!
Celebrating 40 years of Resistance

La Mujer Obrera, presente!
Café Mayapan, presente!
Familias Unidas del Chamizal, presente!
Rayito de Sol, presente!
Lum Metik Trading, presente!
La Mujer Obrera Community Farm, presente!
Juntos Y Vacunados, presente!

Our efforts are grounded in the belief that we are a part of nature and part of a lineage of earth-based cultural practices and wisdoms that are key to restoring balance and health not only to our community, but to the soil, plants, insects, and animals with whom we share the earth.

This is why our resistance work is multifaceted and interconnected: we resist by organizing against injustice and by building alternative systems that nourish our community.

We resist a system that dehumanizes us and continuously work towards establishing an alternative model, along the way learning to heal our relationship with each other and with the land.

Photos from Café Mayapan's post 12/17/2021

Come by Cafe Mayapan for our special Menu Navideno!
Open 11am-3pm


Come by Cafe Mayapan for lunch and stop-by Lummetik to shop fair-trade holiday gifts!

Come by Cafe Mayapan and stop by Lummetik for holiday gifts! We have beautiful hand-made, naturally-dyed, fair-trade products from women-led indigenous cooperatives in Mexico, Niu Matat Napawika, which means “United Women Working” in the Zapotec, Nahuatl, Totonaco and Rarámuri languages.
Lummetik Trading Co.
2000 Texas Ave
El Paso, TX 79901

Photos from Café Mayapan's post 12/04/2021

¡Marca tus calendarios!

Video: Contamina la región refinería de El Paso 11/15/2021

Video: Contamina la región refinería de El Paso Provocó una movilización de Bomberos en Juárez pues se creía que era un evento local


Cafe Mayapan menu especial: Dia de Mu***os::: Oaxaqueno:::
Nov. 1-6 enjoy our special menu. Pre-order online or call to RSVP your table (915)217 1126.

Want your business to be the top-listed Gym/sports Facility in El Paso?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

La Mujer Obrera director, Lorena Andrade spoke on August 3, 2021 at the BNHR memorial service for the El Paso community ...


2000 Texas Avenue
El Paso, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm
Saturday 8am - 6pm
Sunday 8am - 6pm

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