Edwin J. Tazelaar, II Insurance Agency

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Edwin J. Tazelaar, II Insurance Agency, Insurance Agent, 414 Lucille Avenue, Elgin, IL.

http://www.EdTazelaar.com - Independent Insurance Agency specializing in Health, Accident, Cancer, Critical Illness and Dental insurance plans for individuals, families and small businesess.


Okay, so you got all your ducks in a row so to speak when we're talking about your health related health insurance plans. Correct or do you? Lets face it, there's some things that people don't want to talk about or even think about. Life insurance, cancer insurance, dental and vision insurance plans are just some of those things. What are you thinking and/or telling yourself as you're reading this? Are you thinking that you or your family don't need any of these types of plans, after all "we're healthy, eat right and exercise several times a week!" Then it happens, cancer strikes a family member and you're saying to yourself, it's okay because we have a great health insurance plan that will cover everything. And in many cases that's all that's needed. But we all know that sometimes, because of how serious some cancers can be, that now there's some expenses that health insurance plans don't cover. Think about it. Could there be a loss of income? If there is, what happens to the every day non medical expenses? Still have mortgage or rent payments due every month? What about utility payments? Still making one or more car payments every month? Food purchases, health insurance payments, car insurance payments, home owner's insurance payments? Other loans or credit card debt? There's a lot to give some very serious consideration to. If you have any questions and/or concerns about any of this, I'll answer your questions and concerns. I'm a believer that it's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it. And when it comes especially to cancer and life insurance, that saying is certainly true. Thank you for taking the time to reading this message. ~~~Ed


As we all know, prices continue to rise from everything from food, gas and yes, health insurance as well. So if you're an Illinois resident and your under age 65, I have a suggestion as to how to cut your health insurance premiums by 25% to even 50%. And the insurance company that I strongly recommend is an A Rated company! I've already had clients that have used this company for health issues and not only was their claims paid, but they also received checks from the health insurance company! Several of these clients called me and asked me why they got such checks mailed to them instead of the providers. They couldn't believe that those checks were theirs to do as they wanted! Of course I told them that if they didn't want the checks, they could send the money to me...laughing of course! But no one has sent me any of this "extra" money to me. So with that said, are you ready to save money on your health insurance premiums? If you are or are just thinking about your saving your health insurance premium dollars, contact me! I can be reached via email ([email protected]), by text messaging (847) 602-4646 or calling me at (847) 602-4646. You are also invited to visit my Web Site at, EdTazelaar.com as well. At Edwin J. Tazelaar, II Insurance Agency, we've been helping individuals and families with their health insurance needs since 1978! I can probably help you too.

How to read your blood pressure | health enews 03/01/2023

Okay, so we go to the Doctor's Office, get weight, height checked and we get our blood pressure checked. All easy right, but when it comes to taking our own blood pressure at home, do we really take it correctly? Do we know what the numbers mean that show up on the screen? Take a couple of moments to review this article and maybe even pass it on to other family members that might be taking their own blood pressure readings. As always, any comments, questions and/or concerns, contact me at (847) 602-4646.

How to read your blood pressure | health enews A blood pressure reading has two numbers. Systolic is the top number and diastolic is the bottom number. Learn more about readings.

Financial Mistakes to Avoid in 2023 02/27/2023

Financial Mistakes to Avoid in 2023 Avoid these common monetary mistakes in 2023 to augment your savings and financial future.

Strategies for Lowering Your Cost of Living 02/25/2023

Happy Saturday everyone! I'm sharing this information with you in hopes that at least some of this information will be helpful to you or someone else that you know. As many of you know, I'm an independent agent/broker, licensed and certified here in Illinois. I've been assisting individuals and families with their health insurance needs since 1978! My agency offers the following insurance plans: Accident, Final Expense, Cancer, Dental, Health, Life (both for adults and/or children), Medicare supplements, Travel (worldwide) and Vision to name a few. For those of you that are in the 30 to 64 age group that are on the Affordable Care Act, I'm able to offer an alternative insurance plan that could save you up to 40% or more on your insurance premium! For more information, call me at (847) 602-4646. Have a GREAT weekend! ~~~Ed

Strategies for Lowering Your Cost of Living Decrease your cost of living and save more each month.

Financial Mistakes to Avoid in 2023 02/18/2023

Financial Mistakes can be avoided by having other supplemental insurance plans that pay in addition to whatever your health insurance pays. There is no coordination of benefits between a group or an individual health insurance plan, against a supplemental Cancer insurance plan, which pays the policyholder directly. What this means to the insured is that he or she now has the added money to use in whatever manner the policyholder chooses. This includes paying insurance premiums, deductibles, copays, co-insurance, mortgage payments, car payments, utility payments, probable loss of income, etc.

Think about this. If you were a male or female, age 52, and have the current health insurance plan that you have and you were diagnosed with Colon Cancer or Lung Cancer as an example, would you be able to use $30,000 to help pay your health insurance deductible and co-pays, etc.? Would you have the need to help replace some or all of your income so as to pay your monthly bills? If you were 52 years of age, could use the extra $30,000, knowing that your monthly premium would be $36.93 per month? That's $443 per year, times 30 years (age 82), works out to a total 30-year premium of $13,290. Think about it, $30,000 minus $13,290 equals $16,710. Thinking about "Financial Mistakes" certainly makes sense to having a supplemental Cancer insurance plan, knowing how widespread cancer is in my opinion. What are your thoughts? Contact me at (847) 602-4646 or send me an email.

Financial Mistakes to Avoid in 2023 Avoid these common monetary mistakes in 2023 to augment your savings and financial future.


Hello again! Just a few items that I'd like to bring to your attention. First, I want to express my gratitude to each of your that follow me here on Facebook. I hope that all of you are off to a great start in 2023 and are still able to stay on your New Year's Resolution(s). I want to also remind you that with the start of the new year, 2023, that those of you that have health insurance deductibles, those deductibles (and copays) are for calendar years, not anniversary dates. So as of January 1, 2023, our (yes, mine too) calendar year began all over again. I want to remind everyone, that it pays to have a good dental insurance plan. If you don't have one, this would be a very good time to obtain one. Another thought for your consideration, is that for some, it's that time of year again when we start thinking about going on vacation! Perhaps you're considering such countries as Australia, the Bahamas, Jamaica Italy, New Zealand, Mexico, Norway, Spain Viet Nam or another one of the countries in our world? No matter where you're traveling outside the USA, it makes sense to look into a Medical Travel Health Insurance plan. Even though you probably have Medicare, Medicare supplement or other health insurance through your employer or on your own, I ask that you contact me for a FREE no obligation quote and learn why it's a smart thing to do. Lastly, I have started a new "keep in touch" program for Illinois residents. I'm sending out a professional biweekly newsletter with plenty of new content in them. Included is a "unsubscribe" link that you can use to unsubscribe from at any time that you would choose to do so. If you would like to receive your own copy of my newsletter, please let me know! My best wishes for a great 2023 to each of you and your family.

Lemon-Salmon Foil Packet 11/18/2022

Check out this awesome post!

Lemon-Salmon Foil Packet Salmon and veggies make for a fantastic dinner. Salmon is full of protein and healthy fats, and it pairs perfectly with citrus flavors. This foil packet version makes it so easy!

Is This The Death Of Advantage Plans? - Government Crackdown Begins! 11/10/2022

Are you currently on a Medicare Advantage plan or perhaps, thinking about changiong your from your current Medicare supplement plan in order to save money on your monthly premiums? If so, I hope that you will view the following video which shows both the pros and the cons in regard to the Advange plans that we all have seen and will continue to seeing during this year's Open Enrollment period. So please view the following video so as to make a logical decision, rather than an emotional decisions as to whether a Medicare Advange plan really makes sense to have. Click on the following YouTube link.

Is This The Death Of Advantage Plans? - Government Crackdown Begins! In tonights video premiere, Marvin from Medicare School will reveal the governments action to crack down on the bait and switch Advantage Plan ads that have ...

Jeanne Robertson "Don't send a man to the grocery store!" 10/21/2022

I just finished taking a little break and ran across this, "Don't send a man to the grocery store" and want to share it with each of you! I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did. Also, I'd like to remind all of you, that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month nationally. With this reminder ladies, if you're in that age group of 45 years and older, please get yourself checked out. I'm of the opinion that it's always better to be proactive instead of reactive!

Have a safe and wonderful weekend!

Jeanne Robertson "Don't send a man to the grocery store!" Jeanne is on SiriusXM Radio this clip is from Jeanne's Southern Style!Jeanne's official website http://www.jeannerobertson.com Check Jeanne Robertson out on ...


Remember ladies, the month of October isn't just about Halloween, but it's also about Breast Cancer Awareness Month! As an idependent insurance agent/broker, I strongly urge you young ladies, age 45 and older,to make your appointment for this year's mammogram test.


Are you less than 65 years old? Are you looking for a lower cost insurance plan?


Are you under 64.5 years old? Are you covered under a health insurance plan that has become unaffordable for your monthly budget? Are you tired of paying for maternity benefits that you feel that you don't need or want? Are you concerned about whether you are in network or out of network for your current plan? Does your current health insurance coverage include a Supplement Accident plan or a Supplement Specified Disease plan that covers such as: Cancer (Internal), Angioplasty, Heart Attack, Stroke, Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery, Pacemaker Implant or insertion of Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator, Heart Valve Surgery, Amputation, Joint Replacement? How about Major Organ Failure/Major Organ Transplant (Bone marrow, heart, kidney, liver, lung and pancreas)?

If you would like to learn more about how a Supplement plan, such as the Specified Disease plan pays additional benefits in addition to your current health insurance plan, contact me. My consultations are always free!

What to Store in Your Refrigerator Humidity Drawers 11/09/2020

What to Store in Your Refrigerator Humidity Drawers Using crisper drawers correctly will free up space and help prolong the life of your produce.

How Your Mind Gets Better at Processing Bad News 09/30/2020

How Your Mind Gets Better at Processing Bad News Such neural engineering could have helped early humans to survive.


Questions about your current insurance coverage or what's new for 2021? Contact me!


Open Enrollment for health insurance and Medicare supplements is fast approaching!


Happy Grandparents Day to my family, all of my insurance clients and friends!

Jack Webb - "What is a Cop?" Famous speech from "The Big Interrogation." 08/18/2020

Great description as to "What is a Cop?" that should be remembered by all. Especially to those that want to defund the police, rather than DEFEND THE POLICE. To those individuals that think doing away with police officers is the solution to today's riots in Chicago and other Democrat cities, you're proven wrong every day that the Democrat mayors and Democrat state governors stay in power. Think about it, who you gonna call when someone is breaking into your home during the middle of the night? Who you gonna call when someone kidnaps one of your children? Who you gonna call... Ghost Busters? Yea right....🚓👮😉

Jack Webb - "What is a Cop?" Famous speech from "The Big Interrogation." Jack Webb giving his greatest performance of all time in the episode "The Big Interrogation" starring a very young Kent McCord of Adam-12 fame.


I received the following from my brother Greg and I need to pass it on with just a couple of changes to fit my own situation, so please bear with me, because I need to rant for just a moment... Something I seldom do.

I am 73 yrs old. I’ve worked hard all my life. I have made my reputation, the good and the bad. I didn't inherit my job or my income and I have worked hard to get where I am in life, some of the time working two jobs at a time. I have juggled my job, my family, and made many sacrifices up front to secure a life for my family. It wasn’t always easy and still isn't, but I did it all while maintaining my integrity and my principles. I’ve never put anyone beneath myself or denied help to anyone. I have friends of every walk of life and if you’re in my circle, it should be understood that I don’t have to remind you of what I’d be willing to do for you. However....

I'm tired of being told that I have to "spread the wealth" to people who don't have my work ethic. People who have sacrificed nothing and feel entitled to receive everything.

I'm tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it themselves.

I'm tired of being told I must lower my living standard to fight global warming, which, no one is allowed to debate.

I'm tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians of all parties talk like their opinions matter to the common man. I’m tired of any of them even pretending they can relate to the life and bank account that I have.

I'm tired of people with a sense of entitlement, rich or poor.

I’m upset that I’m labeled as a racist because I am proud of my faith and trust in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

I’m tired of being told I need to accept the latest fad or politically correct stupidity or befriending a group that’s intent in killing me because I won’t convert to their point of view.

I'm really tired of people who don't take responsibility for their lives and actions. Especially the ones that want me to fund it. I'm tired of hearing them blame the government, or discrimination, or big-whatever for their problems.

Yes, I'm really tired, but, I'm also glad to be in the final quarter of my life. Because, mostly, I'm not going to have to see the world these people are creating. I thank God I'm on the way out and not on the way in. I HATE the fact that my children, grandchildren and my great-grandchildren are having to face this messed up world. I want them to grow up understanding their freedoms of living in America, have respect for authority and the older generation who risked or sacrificed their lives to give us the rights we currently have in America.

Individuals are not entitled to anything other than those precious God given rights and our U.S. Constitutional rights. Each of us have a choice to work, a choice to stay off drugs, a choice to make something of yourself. I have nothing to do with your choices. That's all on you. You are entitled to what you earn.

There is no way these thoughts will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on! Surely the politically correct police censors will try to quiet us.

If you're “tired” too, feel free to copy and paste.

Oh yeah...GOD BLESS AMERICA! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Pass this along

Edwin J. Tazelaar, II Insurance Agency 05/14/2020

Moved my office to Elgin, IL. My contact cell phone number remains the same (847) 602-4646. My new office phone number is now (224) 238-7166.

Here's a sampling of some of the types of insurance that we provide through our contracted health insurance companies:

Accident Injury, Burial (Final Expense), Cancer, Critical Illness, Dental, Health (both on and off the Marketplace, Life, Medicare Supplement plans, Vision, Short Term (Temporary health insurance) and Travel Insurance.

We also provide no Brokerage or Service fees, free quotes and free Online interviews and Online Applications!

Come visit us at wwwl.EdTazelaar.com

Stay safe!

Edwin J. Tazelaar, II Insurance Agency Edwin J. Tazelaar, II Insurance Agency is a Professional Full Service Independent Insurance Agency serving the needs of seniors, individuals, families, and businesses in Illinois. We specialize in Medicare Solutions for Medicare eligible individuals. We also offer Health Insurance, Life Insurance, S...

How to know if you are experiencing anxiety or depression 04/03/2020

How to know if you are experiencing anxiety or depression The global pandemic is turning most people’s normal lives upside down. Many are experiencing drastic changes to their work life, social activities and routine. While much uncertainty comes with such changes, there are ways to identify emotional responses and minimize their impact. “We need to he...

Helping children cope 04/03/2020

Helping children cope These unprecedented, ever-changing times are difficult for most adults to navigate, but what about the kids? How can we help the children in our lives cope with this new reality? Whether you believe your child is affected or not over this sudden lifestyle change, they certainly know things are diffe...

Skipping breakfast may increase CVD, mortality risks 03/03/2020

Do you skip breakfast?

Skipping breakfast may increase CVD, mortality risks A meta-analysis published in the journal Clinical Nutrition found the risk for cardiovascular disease was 22% higher for adults who did not eat breakfast, compared with those who did. Data showed all-cause mortality risk was 25% higher for people who did not eat breakfast, compared with those who ha...


It's that time of year again when we start thinking about going on vacation! Where to this year, Australia, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, Mexico, Spain or maybe the Bahamas or Jamaica? No matter where you're traveling outside the USA, it makes sense to look into a Medical Travel Health Insurance plan, even though you probably already have Medicare or a health insurance plan through Aetna, BCBSIL, etc. Contact me for a FREE no obligation quote and learn why it's a smart thing to have on your next out of country trip!


Happy Valentine's Day to my darling wife of 37 years. You're loved and very much missed Mary and I miss you so very much.

While Mary was not only my special love these past 37 years, she was also my insurance client... who would have guessed, right? So with that said, I want to wish all of my clients and friends a very happy Valentine's Day to each of you! May this day of love be with each of you and your special one's as well.

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414 Lucille Avenue
Elgin, IL

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 8pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 8pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 8pm
Thursday 8:30am - 8pm
Friday 8:30am - 8pm
Saturday 8:30am - 8pm
Sunday 10am - 8pm

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