Prem Thierry

Prem's music sounds like a mix of Chris Cornell and Trevor Hall


Hi friends, and hello from Encinitas, California!

I’m doing a little research for my new business and could use your help.

I’m going to work with executives and professionals who want to lose weight. They’re excited about this new chapter in their lives, but they’re also overwhelmed by everything in front of them and confused about what to do.

If this hits close to home, I’d love it if you could answer a few quick questions with this very short survey, to help me put together the best solution for them.

(Link in bio)

Thanks so much for your help. I truly appreciate it!

PS. Do you know anyone else that’s facing this situation? If so, can you share the survey link with them or to your page?

PPS. If you would be open to discussing what overwhelms you or confuses you about weight loss in person over the phone, that would be even better. (I'm not selling anything just yet, just collecting information to create a great solution soon)


Do you love sweets, but are not sure how to make healthy desserts?

Would you like to learn quick and easy ways to make:

-Blueberry Sorbet
-Chocolate Mousse
-Cacao Truffles
-Raw Vegan Lemon Bars

All gluten free, dairy free, keto, grain free, low glycemic, celiac friendly and no added processed sugars?

If so, this workshop is just for you!

The workshop is this Sunday, July 09th at 2pm!

Come join us!!

Sweets & Sounds Workshop

What's included:

- 4 different desert cooking demonstrations :
- Education on how to use healthy processed sugar alternatives and better ingredients.
-Recipe packet with instructions.
-Blindfolded tasting experience
-Relaxing, rejuvenating sound bath.

Can't wait to see you there!

Spaces are limited, so reserve your spot today and embark on this transformative journey towards guilt-free indulgence.

Simply send $150 via Venmo at: Prem Maurel
or PayPal at:

Jennifer’s crystal sound bowls are made with gold, platinum, citrine, and amethyst and are all tuned in 432Hz for optimal healing

Come heal, receive, relax and learn how to make healthy desserts for your friends and family, while making friends and nourishing your body, mind, and soul!

Plus, we will send you home with extra to share with your loved ones!


Happy 4th from Lake Minnetonka, Minneapolis! 🇺🇸


One of the old Hermetic Masters wrote, long ages ago: “He who grasps the truth of the Mental Nature of the Universe is well advanced on The Path to Mastery.” And these words are as true today as at the time they were first written. Without this Master-Key, Mastery is impossible, and the student knocks in vain at the many doors of The Temple.

This Principle explains the true nature of “Energy,” “Power,” and “Matter,” and why and how all these are subordinate to the Mastery of Mind.


There is nothing that exists in the material universe where this is not the case.

The Principle of Mentalism
“THE ALL IS MIND; The Universe is Consciousness.” — The Kybalion.


Let the fire of doing what you love be your pole star. We have a short amount of time to experience our desires and interests. Make it your dharma to transmute doubt into a devotional offering of love at the feet of LIFE.


Letting loose with ❤️


Clozee ❤️


🌱💚 To all those struggling with unhealthy eating habits... It's a tough battle you face. You're aware of the impact your choices have on your well-being. Others may envy your discipline. Yet, deep down, you know there's room for improvement.

🙌💪 You find yourself trapped in a cycle of self-sabotage, and it's disheartening. A cycle where you give in to cravings, despite knowing better. You make promises to change... only to break them time and time again. You have the desire to make healthier choices, but temptations often get the best of you.

🤔🌟 You ask yourself, "Why can't I resist? Why do I keep falling back into old habits? What's wrong with me?" But let me assure you, you're not alone in this struggle. You seek solace in temporary pleasures... until they become a suffocating pattern of unhealthy indulgence. Indulgence that brings momentary satisfaction but leaves you feeling guilty and defeated.

❤️🍽️ You're avoiding the truth about your relationship with food. You're avoiding the discomfort of change. You're avoiding the possibility that... you deserve better. To be nourished. To be vibrant. To be free. I understand. In fact, I've battled with this myself. And here's what I've discovered.

🌿🌻 You, striving for dietary perfection, is not what anyone wants. Most importantly, it's not what YOU truly want. You want to cultivate a healthy relationship with food, to find balance and harmony within yourself. Perhaps you've tied your worth to your ability to control what you eat in the past... But that's okay.

💫🫶🏻Your struggle with unhealthy eating habits stems from a need for safety and comfort. Yet, if you genuinely desire to nourish your body, enhance your well-being, and embrace a healthier lifestyle... Merely surviving is not enough for you. So... start with small steps. Embrace progress over perfection. Cultivate self-compassion and forgiveness. Be courageous enough to seek support and guidance.

🌟💚 Because the beauty lies not in flawless eating... It resides in your journey towards mindful, nourishing choices. If you're curious about transforming your relationship with food with 1 on 1 cooking classes, please click the link in my bio 🙏🏻


Hey friends! Ready to start your day with a powerful sense of inner peace and positivity? 🌅

Dedicating the first part of your day to positive practices is so important. Research shows that starting your day with positive thoughts leads to a great day! So, upon waking up, take some time to sit in stillness and meditate. Set intentions and visualize positive outcomes. Speak words of kindness, confidence, and gratitude.

Here are some techniques to cultivate positivity and empowerment throughout the day: 📝

🙏 Affirmations: Use a beaded mala necklace to repeat affirmations like "I am brave, I am strong" and "I love myself" 1-3 times around the necklace. Bonus points if you can do this while looking at your third eye!

📝 Gratitude practice: Write or say out loud 10 things you're grateful for each day to cultivate abundance and positivity.

🎉 Celebrate accomplishments: Write down 5 things you accomplished at the end of each day, no matter how small. This builds confidence and pride in your accomplishments.

🌟 Remember, discipline and consistency is not always easy, but it is always worth it. By focusing on your mental and emotional well-being each day, you can create a life filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment. Let's start our day with the right mindset and take on whatever comes our way with confidence, abundance, and positivity! 😊


Today is the day


🧐Want to learn simple exercises to activate your Vagus nerve and reduce stress? Hey everyone, today I want to talk about one of the most important nerves in your body that you may not even know about - the Vagus nerve.

🧠 The Vagus nerve is the longest nerve in your body and is responsible for controlling your parasympathetic nervous system. That means it's in charge of slowing down your heart rate, calming your body, and managing your digestive system. In other words, it's a key player in helping you manage stress and anxiety.

💪 Here are three exercises to help you activate and strengthen your Vagus nerve:

🌬️ Deep breathing: Taking deep, slow breaths can help stimulate your Vagus nerve and activate your parasympathetic nervous system. Try breathing in for four counts, holding for seven, and exhaling for eight.

🎶 Singing or humming: These activities can help stimulate the muscles in your throat and activate your Vagus nerve. Even just singing along to your favorite song can have a positive impact on your overall well-being.

🥶 Cold exposure: Exposure to cold temperatures, such as taking a cold shower, jumping in the ocean, getting into a cold plunge for at least 2 mins, cryo therapy or dipping your face in cold water, can activate your Vagus nerve and increase your heart rate variability, which is an important indicator of your body's ability to manage stress.

🧘‍♀️ By incorporating these exercises into your daily routine, you can help strengthen your Vagus nerve and improve your ability to manage stress and anxiety. So take a deep breath, sing a song, and embrace the cold!


Hello friends 👋🏻 Here are ✨ 5 Yogic Mindset shifts in order to cultivate lasting happiness that I learned while serving in Paramahansa Yogananda’s ashram (yoga monastery) ☀️

I wish I had this list as a child! 😅

🙏 1️⃣”Be here now”. Shift your focus to the present moment: Too often, we focus on the past or worry about the future, causing us to miss out on the beauty of the present. Use slow deep breathing to anchor in not the Now. Learn to meditate and practice every day until you become proficient at becoming loving awareness. Go on a mindfulness walks and spend time in nature.

🧘‍♀️ 2️⃣ Let go of attachments: One of the main causes of unhappiness is our attachment to material possessions, relationships, and even our own identity. You are not your role in life. You are consciousness. Become the observer and witness things without judgment or agenda. As a soul, made in the image of God, you are light, power, and love. Your true nature is beyond space and time; beyond things and titles or even people who are not meant for your highest good.

💭 3️⃣ Change your thoughts: Our thoughts create our reality, so it's important to cultivate positive and uplifting thoughts that are aligned with our values and mission. Focus on gratitude, compassion, and kindness. Write down 10 gratitudes every morning, big or small. Write down 10 accomplishments every night. Avoid the 3 C’s: criticism, condemnation, and complaining. Think thoughts that our worthy of your true status as a child of God. Spiritual royalty does not complain or engage in useless negativity. Use your power to uplift, build, and upgrade a better world for yourself and others.

(Cont’d in comments)


👨🏼‍🎓During my 3rd year of college, I traveled to Hong Kong to study Chinese history. Instead of studying, I ended up doing drugs and drinking every day and partying all night with Triad gang members who hoped to do knock off Armani business ventures with me in the US. What I experienced in China was a stark contrast to the epic beauty and peace of Sequoia National Park, where I had worked construction the summer before amidst the ancient giant trees.

🌃 I was instantly overwhelmed by the overpopulated and polluted city, and I felt isolated and depressed being away from my friends, family, and anything I had known. On top of that most of the school kids didn’t like Americans and called me ‘Gweilo’, which means ‘white ghost devil’ and gave me dirty looks in class every single day. I turned to alcohol and drugs to cope with my sadness, but it only made things worse. I was running out of money, food, and happiness. I often felt like jumping out of my 6th-floor window.

🙏 One day after 3 sleepless nights and living off of granola bars, and tuna fish all week, I got on my knees I prayed to Jesus to have this pain lifted from my shoulders. It was the first time I had prayed sincerely before. I had a mystical experience with Christ that lifted my depression and self hatred away within seconds. I felt the love of a thousand mothers and fathers melt away my pain for several weeks, and I was provided for in more miraculous ways than I can describe here. But even with this new faith, I still struggled with recurring nightmares about going to hell. I was afraid that my mistakes would condemn me to eternal suffering.

🧘‍♂️ When I got home to America, I discovered a book that my beloved saintly gramma gave me on my dresser called: ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’. That book changed everything for me as it has for millions of others. In those pages I discovered the power of meditation and yoga and learned about the lives of saints from many other religions including that of Jesus. Through my practice, I found that my true nature was joy, and that my path to happiness was not through numbing my emotions with drugs and alcohol..
(Cont’d in captions)


👋🏻 Hey there, have you lost a loved one? Can you relate to the pain of not having them around anymore? You're not alone. You are a part of a community of people who have experienced the same kind of loss, and who continue to feel the impact of that loss in different ways.

💔 You might feel the pain of their absence in the most unexpected moments - when you're watching a movie they would have loved, or when you're eating their favorite food. You might feel it especially hard during the holidays, when traditions and family gatherings seem to highlight their absence. You might even find yourself struggling to move forward with your life, feeling like a part of you is missing.

💕 I know these feelings all too well. I lost my mother to breast cancer when I was just 24 years old, and the pain of her absence is still with me today. But I've learned that there are ways to overcome the suffering and pain that come with losing a loved one.

🌟 First, I believe it's important to honor their legacy. Take time to celebrate their life, remember the moments you shared together, and keep their memory alive through the stories you tell. This can help keep them close to you, and remind you of the love and joy they brought into your life.

🙏 Second, embrace the present moment. Don't let the pain of the past or the uncertainty of the future consume you. Focus on the here and now, and find joy in the small moments of life. Take time to be present with the people you love, and cherish the time you have together.

💛 Third, lean on your community. You don't have to go through this alone. Surround yourself with people who care about you, and who understand what you're going through. Seek support from family, friends, or a therapist.

🌈 Finally, remember that your loved one would want you to be happy. They would want you to find joy and fulfillment in your life, even in the midst of their absence. So don't let their passing hold you back. Keep moving forward, living your life with purpose and passion.

💖 I hope these words bring you comfort and peace, and remind you that you are not alone in your grief.
(Cont’d in comments)


So that’s how they do it


At the age of 21, I got a job cooking for 30-50 people 3 times a day, 5 days a week in a yoga retreat for celibate monks. (Self Realization Fellowship. Hidden Valley Ashram.)

🍽 Understandably, food was very important to them and they were from all over the world, so pleasing everyone’s palette was a high stakes situation.

💪 For the first 6 months, I thought I was going to have a heart attack from the pressure. I would sometimes have panic attacks and thought something was wrong my my heart. If you’ve ever tried cooking even one meal for 10 or 30 people, you can imagine what doing that 3 times a day was like. When I started I didn’t even know how to cook rice. And the supervisor in charge at the time told me to quit and that I wasn’t qualified for the job. He wanted the job but wasn’t a US citizen so he couldn’t do more than volunteer until his visa ran out and it made him angry at everyone in the kitchen. Especially me. But I believed in myself and I told him assertively that there wasn’t even one cell in my body that didn’t believe that I can do this job. He laughed at put me to the test: 3 meals, with 4 different recipes, desert and a drink by myself 3 days in a row. By the 3rd day the retreat administrator (who was a monk that ran the ashram) gave me the job right in front of my supervisor who not only had tried to get me to quit, but would also yell at me, sharpen his knives in my face and practice kung-fu on me in the kitchen to intimidate me. It only made my resolve stronger. That day was a huge accomplishment for me and I was hired soon after on my birthday.

🧘‍♀️ Every evening I would select and memorize recipes, meditate and visualize each and every little step, and then I would affirm success in a way that my teacher Paramahansa Yogananda taught it; out loud, whisper, and mentally, to program the conscious, subconscious, and super conscious mind. I applied 100% of my will to becoming a great chef. To be responsible for a crew of older men was also stressful as I was still searching for my voice and confidence. But I kept at it.

🌟 Little by little, as I got better and better by doing, my self-confidence grew. In meditation, I discovered the ability to calm my anxiety and learn to be present. I realized who I was as loving awareness rather than to identify with the role I played as a chef.

🌞 Now, I can remain in that place of mindful awareness regardless of whatever role I’m playing. People underestimate the importance of being rather than doing and thinking. I always say we are human beings, not human doings or human thinking.

🧘‍♀️ So practice more BEING, my friends. Spend time and get to know yourselves in a quiet heart and mental stillness. Quiet some of the noise and chaos around you and listen to the universe revealing itself in ecstasy at your feet when we wait and be quiet.

🙏🏻 Now, I want to invite you to experience that same kind of growth and transformation. If you're struggling with anxiety, depression, or just feeling overwhelmed by the chaos of life, I can help. Through my Inner Peace Mastery coaching program, I'll teach you the tools and techniques you need to find peace, mindfulness, and presence in your everyday life.

So if you're ready to make a change and start living your best life, comment "me" below or send me a message to set up a discovery call. Together, we'll figure out if working with me would be a good fit for you.

Thanks for listening, and I can't wait to hear from you!


Resurrection and Easter from the yogic perspectives based on the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda

🌅 Happy Easter ( and happy Passover) to all! 🙏

Easter is a time of rebirth, renewal and resurrection, a celebration that dates back to pre-Christian times. The word "Easter" is believed to have originated from the Old English word "Ēastre" or "Ēostre," which was the name of a pagan festival celebrating the arrival of spring and the goddess of fertility and rebirth.

When Christianity spread throughout Europe, the holiday was adapted to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and became known as Easter the changing seasons were marked with rituals and festivals. It was a time when people were much more in tune with the seasons and their connection to nature, not to mention they were outside in the light of the sun a lot more.

Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of the Christ Consciousness within us all.

🌿 Each one of us has the potential to experience the resurrection of the divine light and love within ourselves. The journey begins with our willingness to delve deep within through meditation and contemplation. By turning our attention inwards, we awaken the dormant spiritual power within us.

🌟 Yogananda taught about the science of the resurrection, which involves the awakening of the Kundalini energy, a divine force that lies coiled at the base of our spine. Through the practice of yoga and meditation, this energy rises up our spine, opening the chakras, and awakening the divine potential within us.

🙏 The true meaning of Easter is not limited to a single day or season, but is an ongoing process of spiritual awakening and growth. By cultivating a daily practice of meditation and yoga, we can experience the resurrection of the Christ Consciousness within us, allowing the light, love, and power of the Divine to flow through us and into the world.

🌷 As we celebrate this Easter, let us remember that the true essence of this holy day is not only found in the external symbols and rituals, but in the inner awakening and transformation that it represents as Christ demonstrated by rebuilding his body from death in just 3 days with the power and oneness with God. That same power can be used to resurrect our energy up the spine into the spiritual eye, and be re-born as children of God in the light of that universal Christ Energy. May the light of Christ Consciousness shine within each one of us, illuminating our path and guiding us towards our true purpose in life. May all people, religions and spiritual traditions remember their unity in light, love, power, and bliss.


Happy Saturday my friends! Today, I want to share with you my personal approach to finding inner peace and reducing anxiety. As someone who has personally struggled with anxiety in the past, I know just how challenging it can be to navigate through life feeling overwhelmed and stressed. That's why I've developed a few mindshifts that have helped me to cultivate a sense of calm and tranquility, even in the midst of chaos such as cooking dinner for a weddings with no working ovens or burners until the very last minute or having my one and only helper cancel 1 hour before catering a funeral. I’m sure you can think of your own chaotic moments as well 😅. So, let's dive in and explore these powerful practices that can help you experience greater peace and serenity in your own life.

🌅 Step 1: Start your day with a morning meditation ritual and set goals for the day ahead. By beginning each day with mindfulness, you can set the tone for a positive and productive day. Take a moment to focus on your breath and set intentions for the day. Write down what you want to accomplish and prioritize them.

🌙 Step 2: Finish your day with an evening ritual of meditation and journaling. Release any negative emotions and energy from the day by reflecting on your experiences. Writing about your thoughts and feelings can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and growth. End your day with gratitude and forgiveness.

🌳 Step 3: Curate your external environment. Take a closer look at the people and things in your life that are positively or negatively impacting you. Eliminate the negative and make small changes that can make a big difference. Your external environment should be a reflection of your internal world.

🌟 Step 4: Curate your internal environment. Explore what you’re consuming - both mentally and physically. Evaluate your thoughts, media intake, and eating habits. Replace the disempowering habits with those that are supportive of your highest vision for your life. Take control of your inner world.

(Caption cont’d in the comments section)


Greetings everyone,

Today marks the 18th day of my 45 day long fast on nutrient-dense liquids, and I feel an overwhelming sense of clarity and focus. This is my fifth or sixth time doing a long fast, and each time I feel more attuned to my body and mind.

Many people ask me why I choose to fast for such an extended period. Well, the scientific benefits of fasting are numerous, including autophagy (the process of cellular regeneration), improved insulin sensitivity, and lowered inflammation. Plus, when we fast, our body goes into a state of ketosis, which helps burn fat for energy and can aid in weight loss.

Some people may worry about fasting and recommend checking with a doctor before starting, but we don't always do the same for consuming junk food, ci******es, alcohol, or drugs. In my opinion, fasting can be a safe and healthy way to reset and rejuvenate the body.

As I continue my fast, I also recognize the importance of energy flow throughout my body. When we consume unhealthy foods and substances, it can disrupt the flow of energy up the spine to the third eye, hindering our ability to perceive our true nature as peace.

It's also worth noting that I'm fasting during the Spring season, which is a time of renewal and growth. Just as nature sheds its old leaves and blooms anew, I too am shedding old habits and patterns and growing in new ways.

If you're interested in trying a fast like this, please feel free to reach out to me for recipe ideas and support. Together, we can experience the powerful benefits of fasting and thrive in our holistic health journey.

Photos from Prem Thierry's post 04/03/2023

🙌🏼 There's nothing that brings me more joy than seeing the transformation of my clients after a session. Recently, a couple of my clients left some amazing feedback on my service, and I am beyond grateful for their kind words. 🤗

It's so fulfilling to know that my passion and dedication to my craft are making a real difference in people's lives. 💆🏻‍♀️ To hear that my clients leave feeling relaxed, refreshed, and pain-free is truly the greatest reward. 💫

I am humbled by the trust that my clients place in me, and I am committed to continuing to provide exceptional service that helps them feel their best. 💪🏼 Thank you to all my clients who have shared their positive experiences and helped spread the word about my business. 🙏🏼

Photos from Prem Thierry's post 04/02/2023

🙏 As a healer, my personal philosophy is that everything around us is an expression of the divine mother. 🌿 Nature is not just a collection of life forms, but a tangible manifestation of divinity itself. This divinity can be felt in our hearts as compassion and devotion, connecting us to the intelligence, love, and energy that permeates every aspect of our world.

🤝 I believe that every living being, whether human, animal, tree, or flower, is connected and part of this divine unity. This is why I approach all my clients with this perspective, inviting them into this sacred space during healing sessions.

💖 By accepting that we are all part of this divine whole, we can begin to truly love ourselves as an integral part of the universe. In this unity, all suffering dissolves, replaced by curiosity, concern, and compassion for all life.

🌟 This philosophy guides my healing work, helping my clients tap into their own innate healing abilities and connecting them with the divine energy that flows through us all.


Call me 😆


💫 Are you feeling lost or distracted from your true purpose? Addictions can be a major obstacle that prevent us from living our passions and identifying our true hearts desires. Whether it's dating, s*x, alcohol, drugs, food, social media, or media consumption, they can take away our time, energy, and attention from what truly matters.

🌟 But what if we became addicted to fulfilling our purpose? What if we became addicted to investing our time and energy into our true hearts desires? Rather than being addicted to a substance or distraction, let's become addicted to fulfilling our soul's purpose.

💜 Ultimately, being addicted to the love of the divine, regardless of our faith, is the best addiction we can have. In the quiet of the soul and in deep meditation, we can find soul bliss behind the senses and remember that our true nature is peace, love, light, and bliss.

🙌🏼 Let's shift our focus from temporary distractions to eternal fulfillment. Let's become addicted to joy within and to our soul's purpose where can share that joy with others and leave a legacy of light. -> PREM MUSIK


Are you struggling with physical pain, emotional turmoil, or mental stress? Are you tired of feeling stuck, drained, or overwhelmed? If so, I invite you to experience the transformative power of a Whole Being Reset session with me, Prem.

As a licensed massage therapist with over 14 years of experience and more than 22 modalities at my disposal, I've had the privilege of working with people from all walks of life, including those with acute physical, emotional, and mental challenges. My background as a master healer at the Chopra Center has given me a deep understanding of the mind-body connection and the power of holistic healing.

During this 4-6 hour session, we will work together to fully relax your muscles from head to toe, detox with infrared sauna, restore your nervous system, identify limiting belief patterns, release and clear stuck emotions, repattern your mind with an empowering belief system, realign your light body with the physical body, release emotional tension in the muscles through somatic healing holds, energize your chakra system, and entrain your cells with sound healing at 432 Hz frequencies using a vibrating massage table to offer profound sound healing during the session under infrared light to reduce inflammation and accelerate healing.

Throughout the session, I will use a variety of modalities, including deep tissue massage, craniosacral therapy, reiki, guided meditation, and more, to create a customized experience that meets your unique needs and goals. Whether you're looking to release pain, reduce stress, improve sleep, increase energy, or enhance your overall sense of well-being, this session will leave you feeling renewed, revitalized, and reconnected to your body, mind, and spirit.

So if you're ready to let go of what no longer serves you and embrace a new level of healing and wholeness, contact me today to schedule your Whole Being Reset session. Your journey to wellness starts here.

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Do you love sweets, but are not sure how to make healthy desserts?Would you like to learn quick and  easy ways  to make:...
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Clozee ❤️
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