Eleven Sixteen Church

The official page that gives you events, info, and inspiration for your week.


To prepare ahead of time, we have a Christmas in July opportunity for you. In December Full Circle Refuge has Christmas parties at many of the YDC’s across Georgia to share the hope of Christ. An important part of these parties happening is blessing the youths with basic items.

Items Needed: Socks (boys and girls), Liquid Soap (small), Deodorant (small), Hair Accessories (boys and girls), Coloring Books, Activity Books, Journals (non-wire), Notebook Paper, Puzzles, Board Games, and Crayons. All items can be purchased at stores like Dollar Tree. Drop off items at the Blue Wall in the lobby on any Sunday in July.

Photos from Eleven Sixteen Church's post 07/16/2024

👇 Response Caption 👇

Matthew 5:48 “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Why would Jesus say this when there is clear evidence in the scriptures that speak of our depravity (or our imperfection)?

Jesus is teaching in this section about His Kingdom, specifically, the values and law. Some (Pharisees) believed they could be considered perfect or righteous through striving in outward actions to be good. Jesus will later make it clear this way of thinking is wrong and that no one can earn righteousness through performance. He even takes it a step further by judging not just the outward actions but the inward intent of the heart.

I know you may be thinking, “How is this helping?” But stay with me.

Jesus is perfect and proves this by fulfilling the law. The law shows us that He is perfect and we are not. But because of His great love for us, He invites us to be in relationship with Him. Through that relationship, we are covered and considered righteous.

The way that relationship begins is through faith in who Jesus is (the Christ or Savior), what He did (fulfilled the law, died on the cross, and rose again from the dead), and what He will do (empower us with the Holy Spirit and return for His Church). The more time we spend with Jesus, the more we become like Him—perfect (also known as sanctification).

See Hebrews 8:10; 2 Corinthians 3:3; Philippians 2:8-13; Romans 5:14; 8:3-4, 11; 13:9-10; Galatians 5:14 for more details.


This month we’re highlighting Full Circle Refuge. Full Circle Refuge has grown from a God-given vision of Pastor Devon Harris to reach out to incarcerated youth as well as other at-risk youth to share with them the love of Jesus Christ to transform their lives. They offer several ministry opportunities like Juvenile Institution Ministry, One Degree At A Time Program, Gang Awareness Education Intervention Program, Community-based Prevention Ministry, and “Christmas Fellowships.

Would you take some moments this week to stop and pray for Pastor Devon and Sun Harris, their team, and the young people they serve?


Some of our leaders were able to tour Hope Women’s Center in Grovetown. They are a Christian non-profit with a team of medical professionals. Their desire is to support women who are unsure of what to do when facing an unplanned pregnancy.

Here are some of their FREE services if you or anyone you know needs help:

➡️ Pregnancy Testing & Ultrasound
➡️ Education and Decision Support
➡️ STD/STI Testing
➡️ Post Abortion Care

Thank you for the good work you do, Traci Corbin!


Some of our students got back today from Crossroads Camp. So thankful for amazing student ministers like Brett and Caroline for leading them closer to Jesus!

🦩Students (middle & high) meet on Sundays at 10 am and Wednesdays at 6:30 pm.


The root of our true identity and satisfaction is not found within, but in the loving intent of our Creator.

Hear Jesus’ voice speak over us: ““You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet. “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.” — Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭13‬-‭14‬

Temptation | Matthew (Jesus Speaks) 06/07/2024

Why was Jesus tempted? How does he respond? Check out chapter 4 of Matthew.

Temptation | Matthew (Jesus Speaks) Teaching from June 2, 2024Jarrod Adkins, Lead PastorTeaching Notes: https://bit.ly/4c3zZsaThank you for watching this video! Our YouTube channel exists to co...


Join us in praying for the amazing volunteers of Golden Harvest Food Bank who care for people in our community like Cindy.

Cindy cares for five people at home, including raising her 5-year-old granddaughter. When her family began facing medical and financial challenges, Cindy had to find resources to feed her loved ones. “My husband has cancer, and I didn’t know where to turn. [Golden Harvest is] here for the community. They’ve been here for me. They’re not strangers; they’re an addition to my family, and I know I can count on them,” said Cindy.


It takes a village. ⬇️

“I taught the first week of May in the PreK class starting a new lesson on prayer. After the class, I asked my daughter who was in the class, what was 1 thing she learned. Nothing, she could think of nothing we did after 10 different activities on prayer. Honestly, I felt a little demoralized but I tried to tell myself trust the process. The next week she had two other teachers in her class teaching the same lesson material, and on the way home, I asked her what she learned. She said, “God’s words are gentle”. Another example of why community and having other believers as faith cheerleaders in our kids lives is so valuable!” — Pastor Patrick

Children Classes happen each Sunday at 10 am.


May’s Mission Partner Highlight: PREPARE FOR BABIES

Meet Mandy and Rushton. God gave them a heart for every mother to be supported and every child wanted. Currently, if a woman is in a crisis pregnancy situation, she has three options: raise the baby in an unstable environment, give the baby up for adoption, or terminate the pregnancy. Prepare for Babies exists to help mothers by providing a safe and loving home for pregnant women in crisis while equipping them to build abundant lives rooted in Jesus Christ. PFB provides mentoring and counseling, supportive care and needs, and plans are underway to establish housing for mothers and babies from pregnancy up to the first 18 months of the baby’s life. To learn more about the exciting things happening and how to support Prepare for Babies go to www.prepareforbabies.org. 


On Sunday, one of our groups shared testimonies about being in community. This diverse group included people who have been a part of our church for several years and some for just a few months.

Why does community matter?
Because Jesus is inviting us into His family, which is made up of apprentices who come together to learn how to be with Jesus, be like Jesus, and do what Jesus did.

What does community look like?
Moving from individuality to the realization that we need other ordinary people in our lives takes time as we build trust and vulnerability. With the help of the Spirit, these spaces become safe spaces where people become known and loved.

How do we do community?
A starting place may be to join a discipleship group on Sundays at 10 AM, but there is so much more. There are organized groups listed on the Events page of the Church Hub, as well as unorganized gatherings of ordinary people spending time together. We encourage you to step out in faith, open your homes to others, and make yourself available. You have permission to create community.

Photos from Eleven Sixteen Church's post 04/26/2024

Would you take a family photo in front of toilet? 🚽

That's how much having a safe and sanitary place to use the restroom means to underdeveloped communities.

This month we've been highlighting our mission partner, Water Mission. Did you know that they not only provide safe water across the world but also customized sanitation solutions for communities?

Last year alone, Water Mission provided 31,000 people, including schools, with long-term healthy sanitation solutions. In the second picture, our team is proud to stand in front of a concrete mold sent to villages across the globe. For more information, go to watermission.org.


One of the most important truths you’ll ever learn about following Jesus: Proximity > Performance. Here's a 4-minute video explaining what that means, which may change the way you view Christianity.

Scripture references include Acts 19:11-20 and Luke 10:1-2, 17-20. Watch the entire teaching video at YouTube.com/.


Each week in the teaching notes we offer some “homework” to help you apply the teaching into your life. Here is this week’s:

☑️ Continue to spend time this week memorizing Ephesians 6:13-18.
☑️ Read Revelation 12:11. This verse speaks about believers overcoming the
forces of evil through the sacrifice of Jesus (referred to as the Lamb) and their
testimony of faith. It emphasizes the power of faith and the willingness to
endure suffering or even death for the sake of that faith. What stories from
scripture, your life, or the life of others help remind you that God is able?
☑️ What doubts are you wrestling with? We encourage you to spend time praying
about these doubts and talking with other believers you trust.
☑️ Have questions about the message or need help with the homework? Please
email Pastor Jarrod at [email protected].

👉 You can find the teaching notes each week on the Church Hub (go to www.my1116.info, click the yellow Sunday Resource button, and look for the Teaching header).


💧 How many access points to water do you have in your home? Sinks, toilets, showers, outdoor faucets? 💧

Now, imagine needing water and then having to walk several miles just to get to a dirty stream. This story is all too familiar for the billions of people who are impacted by the water crisis. That's why we partnered with Water Missions 5 years ago. Water Missions brings safe water and the Living Water message of Jesus Christ to those in need.

We invite you to join us in PRAYER for them and the thousands of people they serve around the world.

Photos from Eleven Sixteen Church's post 03/31/2024

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. — King Jesus


If you're bringing your children to Eleven Sixteen for Good Friday and Easter, our Family Ministry Director has some important information to share with you. We cherish seeing families worship together and aim to ensure these days are smooth and bring life for everyone.

Good Friday, Friday March 29, 6-7pm
Childcare available for ages 0-5 in the nursery and prek room. Drop off starts at 5:30 pm. This is a more somber service with multiple call to action moments including prayer and communion, but children are welcomed to attend. The Family Resource table in the lobby will have an activity and coloring pages.

Easter, Sunday March 31, 10am - 11:30ish
There will be no nursery, children's, or adult discipleship classes that morning. There will be some extra activity pages at the Family Resource table in the lobby for kids to do during service.
>10:00-10:15ish — Fellowship time in the sanctuary and lobby with light refreshments. There will be 4 family activity tables set up outside under the drive - through you can do together as a family or with other families. I and a couple of volunteers will be at the tables to help teach and explain the activities.
>10:15ish-11:00ish — Extended Worship time. Mrs. Kristin will be up front and to the right in front of the stage if any kids would like to gather and worship and dance together (especially with their new shakers).
>11:00ish-11:30ish — Gospel Message. We know with no nursery/kids classes this could be a challenging morning. Our leaders will be looking for ways to help families by holding babies or toddlers or sitting with families and helping engage with kids.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Kristin at [email protected].


Water baptisms are happening Easter Sunday! Water baptism is a public celebration and expression of a person’s decision of to follow Jesus. If you would like to be water baptized or have questions fill out this form: https://1116church.churchcenter.com/people/forms/223650


Here's a beautiful moment from our corporate worship. We join the rest of creation to enter into the throne room, lift our voices, and worship Jesus.

Revelation 5:13 And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, saying, “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!”

Photos from Eleven Sixteen Church's post 03/19/2024

Swipe ➡️

Pastor Harrison said Sunday that, “everything around us is shaping and forming us. You don’t have to do anything to be shaped. You do have to be intentional about being shaped into Jesus.”

In the week leading up to Good Friday and Easter (Passion Week) we invite you on a journey through the four gospels of Jesus. May the intentional reading of God’s Word shape our lives to see Jesus rightly as the King of kings!

Photos from Eleven Sixteen Church's post 03/09/2024

This is a special time of the year for followers of Jesus. In the coming weeks, millions will gather for a two-part celebration: one focusing on Jesus' death and the other on his resurrection. We, like many others, are grateful to join in the worship of our King Jesus Christ for all that He has done and will do.

Eleven Sixteen Church
1116 Fury's Ferry Road
Evans, GA 30809

-Good Friday, March 29th at 6 pm we're remembering the death of Christ.
-Easter Sunday, March 31st at 10 am we're celebrating Jesus' resurrection.

*More details on the Church Hub: https://www.my1116.info/events


Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the LORD is good.

What does the fruit of the Spirit taste like?

Joy! Greater than a thrill of an exciting experience or good circumstance. Joy in the Spirit remains and abides in the presence of Jesus.

There is joy for you this week from the Lord!

Photos from Eleven Sixteen Church's post 03/01/2024

Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the LORD is good.

What does the fruit of the Spirit taste like?

A love that sets people free from our expectations, not one that keeps them bound. A love that lays down offense so we can walk in freedom. A love that trusts God sufficiently to be guided to the outcast and broken, drawing them to Christ.

Maybe before we operate in this kind of love, we need to empty ourselves.

A Prayer to Love 🙏

“We acknowledge and seek forgiveness for harboring bitterness, unforgiveness, prejudice, and hate. Spirit of God put to death those feelings and replace with a love that reflects Jesus.”


Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the LORD is good.

What does the fruit of the Spirit taste like?

LOVE (agape, Greek) this spiritual love is above and beyond natural affection. See verse below.

Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭43‬-‭48‬
”You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Prayer 🙏 “Holy Spirit, help us to yield to the good fruit you desire to grow in us. Empower us to love our family, friend, neighbor, and enemy.”


In partnering with Compassion International, this mission serves children by sharing the good news of Jesus and loving our neighbors as ourselves. Through monthly financial support, prayer, and letter writing, you can invest directly in the life of a child living in extreme poverty. Jherson Javier is a boy who lives in Bolivia that our Family Ministry sponsors. He attends Sunday School at his church and enjoys learning about God, ball games, and clapping his hands to music. It takes $43, each month, to help provide basic necessities to Jherson.

A few ways you can get involved:
>Pray weekly for Jherson and Compassion International.
>Give monthly — Give on my1116.info/give and select 'Ministry-Kids'
>Draw or Write Letters — Email to [email protected]


We yield in faith and God produces fruit.

1 Corinthians 3:4-9
For when one says, “I follow Paul,” and another, “I follow Apollos,” are you not being merely human? What then is Apollos? What is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, as the Lord assigned to each. I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor. For we are God's fellow workers. You are God's field, God's building.


It’s almost been two years since Kirk and Amber Saxon were prayed over and sent out to help with a new church plant. We watched Kirk grow up at Eleven Sixteen and on Sunday night we watched him become an ordained pastor at Anchor Church, where he will lead their new student ministry. We are incredibly proud and excited for him as he walks in the calling the Lord put on his life.

Matthew 9:37-38
“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

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Our Story

Eleven Sixteen Church in Evans, GA is a re-plant church from the remaining 8 members of Bible Cathedral Church. Our vision has been to be see lives changed through God's Word, and we continue to see God do amazing things in our church and city.
Each week we celebrate the gospel of Jesus through prayer, giving, serving, singing, and expository Bible preaching. We also believe in community outside of services, so we meet in small groups throughout the week that connect families, singles, and students.

Videos (show all)

Jesus frequently speaks about the kingdom of heaven throughout the book of Matthew, yet many Christians are unsure of it...
One of the most important truths you’ll ever learn about following Jesus: Proximity > Performance. Here's a 4-minute vid...
💧 How many access points to water do you have in your home? Sinks, toilets, showers, outdoor faucets? 💧 Now, imagine nee...
If you're bringing your children to Eleven Sixteen for Good Friday and Easter, our Family Ministry Director has some imp...
Here's a beautiful moment from our corporate worship. We join the rest of creation to enter into the throne room, lift o...
Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the LORD is good.What does the fruit of the Spirit taste like? Joy! Greater than a thrill ...
Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the LORD is good.What does the fruit of the Spirit taste like? LOVE (agape, Greek) this sp...
Jesus gives us three metaphors to explain discipleship: carrying a cross, building a tower, and a king at war. See Luke ...
If this isn’t Christmas cheer, I don’t know what is. We had so much fun at Cocoas & Carols. Thanks for everyone coming o...
Join Elaine in reciting and praying what the apostle Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:17-23. Let’s behold Jesus together.   #1...
Join Terrall in reciting and praying what the apostle Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:17-23. Let’s behold Jesus together. #11...
Join Caroline in reciting and praying what the apostle Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:17-23. Let’s behold Jesus together.   ...


1116 Furys Ferry Road
Evans, GA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 4pm
Tuesday 9am - 4pm
Wednesday 9am - 8pm
Thursday 9am - 4pm
Sunday 10:30am - 12pm

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