Americans for Limited Government

Americans for Limited Government

Our Name Defines Us – Americans for Limited Government. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.)

Americans for Limited Government is dedicated to fighting for the survival of America by restoring constitutionally limited government, allowing individuals to pursue life, liberty and happiness. We are leaders in identifying, exposing and working with Congress and state legislatures to prevent the continued expansion of government. Never shying away from the big issues, ALG is perpetually ahead o

Harris’ bump in polls against Trump shows it is still tough to beat incumbent parties in their first terms as race tightens and economy looms as most important issue 08/12/2024

Vice President Kamala Harris is enjoying a bump in national polls against former President Donald Trump following President Joe Biden stepping aside from the 2024 presidential race as Democrats are re-consolidating around Harris with less than three months to go until Election Day on Nov. 5, with the latest national polling average compiled by showing Harris with a slight edge, 47.6 percent to 47.1 percent. This appears to be the incumbency advantage reasserting itself. In U.S. history, the years the incumbent party won after one term regardless of who the party’s nominee was were 1792, 1804, 1832, 1856, 1864, 1896, 1916, 1924, 1936, 1956, 1964, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2004 and 2012. The years the incumbent party lost after one term regardless of the nominee were 1828, 1844, 1848, 1852, 1888, 1892, 1980 and 2020. Therefore, in U.S. history, incumbent parties in their first terms win re-election 66.6 percent of the time and lose 33.3 percent of the time. So, what about the one-third of the time the challengers win? The thing to do from there is to examine what was unique about one-term administrations in modern history. They were Herbert Hoover, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush and Donald Trump in 1932, 1976, 1980, 1992 and 2020. And they all had economic recessions.

Harris’ bump in polls against Trump shows it is still tough to beat incumbent parties in their first terms as race tightens and economy looms as most important issue By Robert Romano Vice President Kamala Harris is enjoying a bump in national polls against former President Donald Trump following President Joe Biden stepping aside from the 2024 presidential race as Democrats are re-consolidating around Harris with less than three months to go until Election Day o...

Working Class Minorities Liked Obama's Vice President More than They Like Kamala Harris 08/09/2024

Before being shuttled aside and replaced with the terrifyingly extremist Kamala Harris-Tim Walz duo, President Joe Biden was already running into deep trouble with swing voters this year including working class Black and Hispanic voters. As we noted this spring, “older white liberals who favor abortion” were the few Democratic leaning voters that remained loyal to Biden until the end. Younger voters, minorities, and the working class were walking out the door. What was driving Biden defectors away long before the president’s sobering debate performance against former President Donald Trump revealed his grave health concerns? The economy, largely. The latest New York Times poll has Harris polling five points below Biden’s 2020 exit poll numbers with Hispanics, with 60 percent of Hispanics planning to vote for her in November compared to 65 percent who supported Biden in 2020. Harris has also failed to garner the same support that Biden did in 2020 among Black voters, with 72 percent of Black voters intending to support Harris in November while 87 percent supported Biden in 2020. Harris is polling about seven points below what Biden earned with independent voters as well. By choosing a far more radical version of Sen. Bernie Sanders as her running mate and steering her campaign directly into the perilous waters of diversity, equity, and rioting while the economy struggles for breath, Harris is likely to continue to lose working class voters regardless of race.

Working Class Minorities Liked Obama's Vice President More than They Like Kamala Harris By Bill Wilson Before being shuttled aside and replaced with the terrifyingly extremist Kamala Harris-Tim Walz duo, President Joe Biden was already running into deep trouble with swing voters this year including working class Black and Hispanic voters. As we noted this spring, “ older white libera...

Battle for the Soul of America 08/09/2024

There is a battle for the soul of America. The first shots of a long simmering revolt were fired when Democratic Party candidate Barack Obama pledged to “fundamentally transform” America five days prior to his winning the presidency in 2008. Twelve years later, in President-elect Joe Biden’s victory speech on November 8, 2020, Obama’s oath was spun into the battle-cry to “restore the soul of America.” Last year, this refrain was more ominously stated as President Biden spoke in front of a red-lit backdrop of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and gave his infamous “Continued Battle for the Soul of the Nation” speech. And Biden continued the assault in his 2023 State of the Union speech before Congress where he began by defining supporters of President Trump as ‘domestic enemies’ which must be fought against as robustly as foreign ones. But it was breathtakingly audacious for President Biden to usurp the symbolic meaning of the building where liberty was conceived in America. Donald Trump has become the champion of the American Dream, an unlikely hero fighting to maintain the promise of America that all can achieve based upon their ability, hard-work and ingenuity. There is a battle. It is not lost. It is a battle that cannot be lost as it would mean the end of this great uniquely American experiment in declaring that individual rights and basic liberties are inviolable as they are not privileges handed down by government, but indeed endowed by our Creator. If you are not willing to stand up for America, then who will?

Battle for the Soul of America By Rick Manning There is a battle for the soul of America. The first shots of a long simmering revolt were fired when Democratic Party candidate Barack Obama pledged to “ fundamentally transform ” America five days prior to his winning the presidency in 2008. Twelve years later, in [...]

Non-seasonal unemployment continued claims increased 116,000 in July as markets struggle to regain prior highs. The worst remains ahead. 08/08/2024

Non-seasonally adjusted unemployment continued claims increased almost 116,000 in July to 1.91 million according to the latest data compiled by the Department of Labor. That’s up 711,000 from its Oct. 2022 low. But overall unemployment has increased by 1.47 million from its Dec. 2022 low of 5.69 million to July’s level of 7.16 million, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data. As the numbers came in, markets initiated a selloff in July and August that has taken major market indices significantly off of their recent highs, for which they are struggling to regain. Now, market sentiment has shifted with increased expectations that the Federal Reserve will begin cutting interest rates in September to deal with the generally rising unemployment level, but investors might be more careful of what they wish for. When the Fed cuts rates, in every single recorded instance in the postwar era, usually the worst of the unemployment remained on the horizon. Meaning, sadly, the worst may yet be ahead. That’s likely bad news for Vice President Kamala Harris’ election bid in November against former President Donald Trump, but maybe if the Fed had hiked interest rates in 2021 when inflation was rising, instead of waiting until 2022 when it was already 7.5 percent before Russia invaded Ukraine, the worst would already be behind us.

Non-seasonal unemployment continued claims increased 116,000 in July as markets struggle to regain prior highs. The worst remains ahead. By Robert Romano Non-seasonally adjusted unemployment continued claims increased almost 116,000 in July to 1.91 million according to the latest data compiled by the Department of Labor. That’s up 711,000 from its Oct. 2022 low. But overall unemployment has increased by 1.47 million from its Dec. 2...


You can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs.

Will Kamala Harris’ Running Mate Tim Walz Cave to Radicals and Criminals Like he Did in Minnesota? 08/07/2024

The mainstream media may be attempting to portray Tim Walz as a folksy “dad” figure from a friendly midwestern state, but he is a radical who watched Minneapolis descend into rioting and looting for three days straight during the George Floyd riots in 2020 before finally sending in the National Guard. Walz’s reasoning for allowing the city to descend into chaos was not comforting. At a press conference in May 2020, Walz remarked on the riots: “I want to just be clear, there’s philosophically an argument to be made that an armed presence on the ground in the midst of where we just had a police killing is seen as a catalyst. My point to that was is, we don’t need a catalyst, it’s already burning.” The city was indeed already burning. Walz was a sitting Governor watching a city in utter mayhem and chose to allow it to continue far longer than it needed to based on a radical assertion that there is a ‘philosophical’ argument against breaking up a violent protest. Americans have a right to peaceful protest, not to exert violence and destroy private and public property, and the fact that Walz was willing to let the city deteriorate to the point that a police precinct was set on fire does not bode well for his approach to crime as Vice President.

Will Kamala Harris’ Running Mate Tim Walz Cave to Radicals and Criminals Like he Did in Minnesota? By Rick Manning It is official, Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris has settled on the radical left-wing Governor of Minnesota as her running mate, rejecting calls to pick someone more centrist and obliterating all hope that she will govern reasonably if elected. The news broke Tuesday [...

Harris catches Trump in national polling average with popular vote up for grabs as Trump still leads Electoral College 08/06/2024

Vice President Kamala Harris has caught up to former President Donald Trump in the latest national polling average compiled by, 47 percent to 46.8 percent. The implication is that the national popular vote — which is what national polls measure — is up for grabs. Republicans have not won the popular vote in a presidential election since 2004, when George W. Bush was reelected. But Republicans don’t need the popular vote per se in order to prevail in the Electoral College. Notable examples include Bush’s win over Al Gore in 2000 and Trump’s win over Hillary Clinton in 2016, where the Republican candidate lost the popular vote but still won the election. In the meantime, Trump still appears to be leading several of the critical battleground states: Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia. Harris appears to have overtaken Michigan and to have closed the gap in Georgia, where Trump leads 47.8 percent to 47 percent. That said, if the election were held today — if the state polls are correct — it still looks like Trump might win, in this case, 297 Electoral College votes to 241. No Democrat has ever won without the popular vote. And Republicans don’t necessarily need the popular vote (although winning it would seem to guarantee a Trump win), and so once again, the polls to watch will be at the state level even if the national shows Harris ahead.

Harris catches Trump in national polling average with popular vote up for grabs as Trump still leads Electoral College By Robert Romano Vice President Kamala Harris has caught up to former President Donald Trump in the latest national polling average compiled by , 47 percent to 46.8 percent. This comes after Trump had been leading the average against President Joe Biden since Sept. 2023, but Dem...

Recession signal 10-year, 2-year spread briefly uninverts as stock markets capitulation weighs on Biden-Harris economy 08/05/2024

The spread between 10-year treasuries and 2-year treasuries briefly uninverted above 0 this morning on Aug. 5 for the first time since July 2022, when it fully inverted in the wake of the sticky inflation which peaked at 9.1 percent in June 2022. It quickly reinverted itself and stands at just -0.1 percent as of this writing. Fully inversions like that tend to predict a recession on the horizon. Now, with the unemployment rate up to 4.3 percent in July from its 3.4 percent low in April 2023 and the Federal Reserve signaling it is nearly ready to begin cutting interest rates—it usually does that when a recession is closing in—a slowdown or downturn appears imminent. And stock markets appear to be agree, with major indices taking big hits in just the past two trading days. Additionally, unemployment continued claims are up a full 746,000 since their low in Oct. 2022 to 1.945 million as of July 6, according to Department of Labor statistics. But overall unemployment is up 1.47 million since its Dec. 2022 low of 5.7 million. That indicates half of the people who lost their jobs have already run out of unemployment benefits. And with the yield curve finally beginning to normalize itself, that usually predicts more unemployment on the horizon as the air comes out of the economy. What do you think?

Recession signal 10-year, 2-year spread briefly uninverts as stock markets capitulation weighs on Biden-Harris economy By Robert Romano The spread between 10-year treasuries and 2-year treasuries briefly uninverted above 0 this morning on Aug. 5 for the first time since July 2022, when it fully inverted in the wake of the sticky inflation which peaked at 9.1 percent in June 2022 . It quickly reinverted itself and st...

Kamala Harris Is The Third Wave Of Fundamental Transformation 08/05/2024

Joe Biden has repeatedly called the 2024 presidential election a battle for the soul of America. He is right. A Kamala Harris presidency will lock in the fundamental transformation of the energy and electricity generation system strangling the capacity for America to grow economically and creating an economically forced urbanization of Americans who neither will be able to afford a personal vehicle nor the electricity to make it run. And this is why President Trump’s clarion call to Make America Great Again continues to resonate voters who don’t live on the relatively densely populated east and west coasts. The only way to reestablish our economic independence and end the capital strangulation of the essential abundant electricity generation and fossil fuels sector is to rip the Green New Deal incentives built into the tax code out by the roots. And for Congress and a potential Donald Trump-led administration to aggressively utilize the lifeline handed by the Supreme Court decision to cut bureaucrats autocratic power over the legality of regulations by identifying and stripping out regulations that are only tangentially reflective of the law they are based upon. What do you think?

Kamala Harris Is The Third Wave Of Fundamental Transformation By Rick Manning The fundamental transformation is entering its third and final stage through the nomination of Kamala Harris to be president of the United States. Barack Obama’s presidency was phase one – the Overton Window phase. The idea of “fundamental transformation” was never even utter...

Harris Gets Caught In A Big Fat Lie Right Out Of The Gate 08/02/2024

“‘When you read [Project 2025],’ [Harris] goes on, ‘you will see Donald Trump intends to cut Social Security and Medicare.’… The Project 2025 document does not show that Trump intends to cut Social Security; the document barely discusses Social Security at all and does not propose cuts to the program. In addition, contrary to Harris’ suggestion, Project 2025 does not call to ‘end’ the Affordable Care Act or eliminate its protections for people with pre-existing conditions. The document does criticize the Affordable Care Act, especially the law’s expansion of Medicaid, but makes clear it is advocating changes to the law rather than terminating the law entirely. In other words, Harris is just making sh*t up. But that’s not all she’s lying about. The claim that Project 2025 is a ‘Trump agenda’ is also a lie. Project 2025 is a project led by the Heritage Foundation…”

Harris Gets Caught In A Big Fat Lie Right Out Of The Gate Harris is just making (stuff) up about Project 2025.

Another 352,000 unemployed in June as Biden-Harris economy teeters on edge, 1.47 million more unemployed since beginning of 2023 08/02/2024

The U.S. unemployment rate once again ticked up in the month of June to 4.3 percent as another 352,000 Americans said they were unemployed, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Markets are crashing in response. Overall, 1.47 million more Americans say they’re unemployed since Dec. 2022, with the number of unemployed now up to 7.16 million, the highest since Oct. 2021 following the Covid recession. That’s surely a bad sign for Vice President Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic nominee, who now inherits the Biden economy she has overseen by his side. The unemployment rate is now higher than the Federal Reserve and the White House Office of Management and Budget’s projections for 2024, with the Federal Reserve having previously projected unemployment to continue rising to 4.1 percent in 2024, and the White House having said unemployment wouldn’t get above 4 percent in 2024. They were both wrong. Instead, the unemployment rate rise from its April 2023 low of 3.4 percent to now 4.3 percent. The Biden administration clearly underestimated how much unemployment would occur as a result of the post-Covid inflation overheating the U.S. economy — and much of the future unemployment may yet be on the horizon. According to the Department of Labor, as of July 20, unadjusted unemployment continuing claims is now up to 1.94 million compared to 1.82 million a year ago. That’s not good!

Another 352,000 unemployed in June as Biden-Harris economy teeters on edge, 1.47 million more unemployed since beginning of 2023 By Robert Romano The U.S. unemployment rate once again ticked up in the month of June to 4.3 percent as another 352,000 Americans said they were unemployed, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics . Markets are crashing in response. Overall, 1.47 million more Americans say t...


Joe Biden passes the torch to Kamala Harris.

Monthly mortgage payments have more than doubled since Jan. 2021 as Harris bragged we are ‘putting a lot of money in the streets of America’ 08/01/2024

Former President Donald Trump speaking at the Bitcoin Conference on July 27, “We gave them a great country with essentially no inflation. And after two years, they drove this country and they drove inflation through the roof. Two years, cost of living went up in some cases by over 50 percent. They say 22 percent. They like to say 22 but it could be much higher and it is much higher depending on what they include. They don't include things like interest rates...” Trump is right. According to the Freddie Mac home price index, home values in the U.S. have increased by 35 percent since Jan. 2021. Meaning a house that cost $250,000 then would go for $337,000 today. Additionally, 30-year mortgage interest rates have increased from about 2.65 percent on Jan. 7, 2021 to a current 6.78 percent, according to Federal Reserve data. If you purchased a home for $250,000 in Jan. 2021, the monthly payment with principal and interest would be $1007. Now, with interest at 6.78 percent, the monthly payment rises to $1,626. That’s a 61.4 percent increase. But home values did not remain the same, and with the higher interest rate of 6.78 percent, the monthly payment on the $337,000 mortgage rises to $2,192. That is an 117 percent increase in monthly mortgage payments — for the same house! Trump is right.

Monthly mortgage payments have more than doubled since Jan. 2021 as Harris bragged we are ‘putting a lot of money in the streets of America’ By Robert Romano “We gave them a great country with essentially no inflation. And after two years, they drove this country and they drove inflation through the roof. Two years, cost of living went up in some cases by over 50 percent. They say 22 percent. They [...]

Lame Duck Biden’s Supreme Court Term Limits Legislation Would Upend ‘Good Behavior’ Constitutional Standard Of Lifetime Tenure 07/31/2024

In his waning days in office, lame duck President Joe Biden on July 29 has proposed that Supreme Court justices be given 18-year term limits thus ending the current lifetime tenure of the nation’s highest court. Biden stated, “The bipartisan commission I convened analyzed various term limit structures. Based on their report, I believe the best structure is the 18-year term limit.” There’s just one problem, which at least some of the members of the commission were well aware of with the commission stating, “Opponents point to the Constitution’s provision that judges serve for ‘good Behaviour,’ which they regard as providing for life tenure, as one of only two express protections of judicial independence.” The provision in question is Article III, Sec. 1 of the U.S. Constitution, which states, “The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour…” So, judges and justices could presumably be impeached for bad behavior, or they might resign, or they could die in office, but they cannot have term limits under the constitutional scheme. That this is widely accepted is beyond question, but it was explicitly stated by the Framers including Alexander Hamilton in the Federalist No. 78, when he wrote, “with regard to the judges, who, if they behave properly, will be secured in their places for life…” And why? To protect minority rights in the republic: “This independence of the judges is equally requisite to guard the Constitution and the rights of individuals from the effects of those ill humors, which the arts of designing men, or the influence of particular conjunctures, sometimes disseminate among the people themselves…”

Lame Duck Biden’s Supreme Court Term Limits Legislation Would Upend ‘Good Behavior’ Constitutional Standard Of Lifetime Tenure By Robert Romano In his waning days in office, lame duck President Joe Biden on July 29 has proposed that Supreme Court justices be given 18-year term limits thus ending the current lifetime tenure of the nation’s highest court. Biden stated, “The bipartisan commission I convened analyzed variou...

More Americans ‘Never’ Agree With Kamala Harris On Most Political Issues, So Conservatives Should Focus Exposing Her Radical Ideology 07/31/2024

A new YouGov poll shows that a majority of Americans say they “never” agree with Kamala Harris on major political issues. Very few Americans say they “always” or “usually” agree with Harris on the issues, and sizeable shares of the country say they do not know. Take the economy. The largest share of voters (27 percent) say they “never” agree with Harris on the economy, while 12 percent say they “rarely” agree with her on the economy. Only 12 percent of the public claim to “always” agree with Harris on the economy and 15 percent say they “usually” agree with her. This combines to 39 percent of the country saying they “never” or “rarely” agree with Harris on the economy and 27 percent who say they “always” or “usually” agree with her. By a twelve-point margin, Americans do not agree with Harris on the economy. Immigration, an issue that has become increasingly critical to this election, perhaps even more so than it was in 2016, Harris’ numbers could not be worse. Thirty-two percent of the country “never” agrees with Harris on immigration while 10 percent rarely agree with her, indicating a full 42 percent of Americans disagree with Harris on the border. How many agree? Ten percent of Americans say they “always” agree with Harris on the border while 14 percent say they “usually” agree with her. That’s a vote of no confidence.

More Americans ‘Never’ Agree With Kamala Harris On Most Political Issues, So Conservatives Should Focus Exposing Her Radical Ideology By Manzanita Miller As predicted, beltway Democrats and their mouthpieces in the mainstream media are being swept away with Kamala Harris fever, delighted at last to have candidate who can string full sentences together. Democrats can finally expel a great sigh of relief that their [...]

Harris’ ‘Equal Outcomes’ Is Dangerous To Your Rights 07/30/2024

Vice President Kamala Harris outlining her vision for equity and “equal outcomes” at a panel at Hampton University in Virginia in Sept. 2023, stating, “If we want fair outcomes, we must understand what are disparities and then accommodate and adjust for those disparities, if we want equal outcomes.” Equity sounds like such a benign concept, often confused with its sister word, equality. But the two words have very different meanings. Equality is equal opportunity under the law. Where every American can achieve according to their abilities and the work they put into it regardless of race, color, creed or religion. Equity means equal outcomes. Where every American is allocated the same amount of wealth regardless of their achievement, effort or value they add. Harris understands this important distinction and says “we have to make adjustments.”

Harris’ ‘Equal Outcomes’ Is Dangerous To Your Rights By Rick Manning “There’s an attack right now on diversity, equity, and inclusion… where supposed, so-called extreme leaders are suggesting it’s a bad thing to care about and pay attention to inequities, to say DEI is a bad thing, when in fact, if we want fair outcomes, [...]

Kamala Harris’ Poisonous Word Salad 07/29/2024

Americans are being subjected to one of the most blatant and obvious brainwashing campaigns in modern history. Utilizing the power of those social media platforms and mass media outlets, the American left is engaged in a true battle for the soul of America. It is a battle that is being fought by destroying the concept of absolute truth and replacing it with situational facts that can be changed to meet the immediate need. The most obvious current example is the rehabilitation of Vice President Kamala Harris. Harris is often mocked for one of her favorite sayings as being gibberish, “I can imagine what can be, unburdened by what has been.” However, when deconstructed, this saying reflects two diametrically opposing philosophical constructs. Harris’ imagined unburdening undoes the Constitution, which is based upon a system of majority rule with minority rights along with a separation of powers. The left is very fond of referring to our nation as a “democracy,” offending those of us who know it is a republic.

Kamala Harris’ Poisonous Word Salad  

J.D. Vance is right, ‘we’re not having enough children’ and plummeting fertility is a ‘civilizational crisis’ 07/29/2024

Sen. J.D. Vance is right: “There aren’t enough babies being born in our country… This is a civilizational crisis, and if we’re not willing to spend resources to solve it, we’re not serious about the very real problems that we face.” The amount of newborns is definitely declining, the latest birth rate numbers from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) shows, to 1.61 live births per woman in 2023. That’s even lower than it was in 2020 during the Covid pandemic, when it was 1.63 babies per woman. The drop in fertility has been a long term trend, from 3.6 babies per woman in 1960 to 1.61 babies per woman now in 2023 after birth control was approved by the FDA in 1960, and combined with women going to college, entering the labor force and deferring child-rearing or foregoing it altogether. And it’s breaking the budget with comparatively fewer taxpayers, with the explosion of the U.S. national debt, now $34.99 trillion. Since 1963 through 2022, the percent growth of revenues has averaged 6.9 percent a year to its present level of $4.65 trillion, according to data compiled by the White House Office of Management and Budget. In the meantime, mandatory spending including net interest owed on the national debt has grown an average 8.87 percent a year to its current level of $4.64 trillion. The saying goes, when you less of something, you tax it, and when you want more of something, you subsidize it. Towards that end, Vance in 2021 supported a proposal by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) that would dramatically expand the child tax credit to $6,000 per child under the age of 13 for single parents, and $12,000 per child under the age of 13 for married couples. Vance said of Hawley’s proposal at the time, “Lot of ideas out there for how to directly help parents instead of giving them only one option. This is a good one.” It’s all about incentives. And the consequences for not getting the mix of incentives right appears to have dire consequences. In short, if we want to continue to be a growing, prosperous country, it’s time to get busy!

J.D. Vance is right, ‘we’re not having enough children’ and plummeting fertility is a ‘civilizational crisis’ By Robert Romano “There aren’t enough babies being born in our country… This is a civilizational crisis, and if we’re not willing to spend resources to solve it, we’re not serious about the very real problems that we face.” That was Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) in 2021 before he was elected ...


We present a collection of Kamala Harris' most baffling and nonsensical statements, showcasing her frequent misspeaks that are even more perplexing than Joe Biden's gaffes. This compilation highlights one of many reasons why Kamala Harris is not fit for the White House. In contrast, Donald Trump remains the best candidate for America, offering strong, coherent leadership. Watch and see why Harris' word salads disqualify her from leading our great nation.

Music: Clowning Around by Shane Ivers -

Swing Voters Hesitant on Harris, Favor Trump on the Economy, Immigration, Crime, and Foreign Policy 07/26/2024

A YouGov poll released Monday shows Americans broadly believe Vice President Kamala Harris will not beat Former President Trump in November. On immigration, Trump maintains a fifteen-point lead over Harris, 45 percent to 30 percent, and broad support form swing voters. Independents trust Trump over Harris by 17 points on immigration, while voters under 30 narrowly trust Trump over Harris on immigration by two points and voters 30-44 trust Trump over Harris by eight points. Hispanics narrowly trust Trump over Harris by three points as well. Trump enjoys a fourteen-point lead over Harris on handling inflation, and key groups of swing voters side with the former president. Trump holds a sixteen-point lead over Harris on handling inflation among independents, a seven-point lead over Harris among voters under 30, and an eleven-point lead over Harris among voters 30-44. Among Hispanics, Trump holds a nine-point lead over Harris on handling inflation. And on crime, an issue Harris has attempted to seize on as a former prosecutor, the public trusts Trump over Harris by 12 points, 41 percent to 29 percent.

Swing Voters Hesitant on Harris, Favor Trump on the Economy, Immigration, Crime, and Foreign Policy By Manzanita Miller With the nomination of Vice President Kamala Harris for the Democratic Party’s presidential pick seemingly imminent, she is enjoying a bump in favorability that may or may not be fleeting. YouGov polling reveals Harris’ favorability rating has climbed by five points [...]

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Videos (show all)

Kamala: BE MORE WOKE! 😂Is Kamala too WOKE?#kamalaharris #news #politics #trump #election
Kamala Harris Word Salad Compilation🤡 #memes #KamalaHarris #kamala #politics #trump
Kamala Harris Word Salad Compilation
Rest in Peace to Legend Lou Dobbs #LouDobbs #foxnews #conservative #RIP #CNN
Lou Dobbs: A Pioneer in News Broadcasting
Undeniable Proof Illegal Immigrants Registering to Vote
How Biden's Actions Encourage Extremism #news #politics #Biden
How Biden's Actions Encourage Extremism
Biden’s Immigration System A Breeding Ground for Hate #BorderCrisis
Biden’s Immigration System: A Breeding Ground for Hate
Loomer Unleashed: Rick Manning Exposes Dangerous Bill To Censor Internet
Loomer Unleashed: Rick Manning on the Danger of Destroying Section 230



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