Stacey Rackham + Hair

Owner of Mint Hair Crafting
Savvy biz development for salon creatives + wellness brands


A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to mentor Sophia, an aspiring entrepreneur, on business development, processes, marketing, guest journey and pretty much everything else in my mind at the moment. 🧠🤓

She took it all in and at the end showed me her report of the process we had and I was in awe of what she took away from the experience. 🥹🫶

Our paths crossing were meaningful, her mother was my floor manager when I worked at Texas Roadhouse 🤪 before, during and after I graduated Paul Mitchell for cosmetology school. Her mom was also one of my very first salon guests when I was a new stylist and I specifically remember asking about placement techniques for her haircut before she arrived. 😊

Reflecting on all I’ve learned and for the brilliant mentors in my life who’ve challenged me and offered their guidance. During our conversation I could hear the voice of Nina, the creator of , in the things I was sharing with Sophia.

Forever grateful for Nina and other who’ve led me and feeling so fortunate to have earned Sophia’s trust in learning a bit from my experiences. 😍


“Let’s sit here under the leaf.”

The euphoria after a haircut is real because my tiny bestie had the biggest smile. 😃😍❤️💆🏼‍♀️

She then explored all of my plants and acted like a cat. 😊🐱 🌱🥰

Thanks for visiting Jen and Ellie. Loved every moment of our time together.


I felt really good about this haircut.


While I was creating Luis’ shape, I recalled the first time I cut shorter hair but kept it longer. I was nervous.. so nervous. I was newly licensed and growing my clientele.

I kept learning every single time I maintained and cut his hair… and I got more skilled and competent. I cut his hair for 7 years.

So last night when I was finishing Luis’ cut, I was reflecting on all of that and feeling super proud of younger me that didn’t shy away from the discomfort of learning something new. Because it served me well as a younger stylist and the lessons continue to support me presently.


Thank you Luis and Miguel for coming in while visiting Detroit. Loved the opportunity to take care of you both and look forward to catching up in the future. 🫶❤️

Photos from Stacey Rackham + Hair's post 11/11/2023

Loved the opportunity to create this Grunge Era Bridget Bardot today on Lauren. 😍🤩😍

A huge thank you to and .greyy for their support to ensure Lauren had a smooth experience in the salon. ❤️

I am welcoming guests on to my schedule and feel grateful to reconnect with so many wonderful people from throughout my career lately.

Looking forward to a cozy few months by the fire at home and the privilege to love on more guests in the salon soon.❤️




In 2016, I began the journey into sharing my passion project, Mint Hair Crafting with the world. If you've been around since then, you may remember the bare walls of our cozy space at 510 South Center Street in Royal Oak.

I can still remember stepping into the building for the first time and the mixture of excitement in the possibilities "oh my goodness, I never thought I could have a salon in Royal Oak. Is this my life?!" and my worries of "but what happens if I fail? Can I really do this?".

Between then and now, there have been hundreds of those same conversations with myself. But Mint Hair Crafting grew in all the incredible ways I had dreamed and worked for and in mid 2022, we moved into our new space at 1930 Hilton in Ferndale and said goodbye (so bittersweet) to our cozy corner in Royal Oak.

Stepping into our beautiful new space with all the windows and daylight before anyone else arrives always gives me a moment of reflection in gratitude. It's wildly incredible how it's all come together from a blank space and into a salon. The hearts and souls of our team who contribute to all we have today; their laughter and growth as professionals is deeply rewarding to experience.

Thank you for being part of the journey, for referring us to your friends and sharing your experiences on the socials. Small, independent businesses thrive with the support of the communities they serve, and it is an honor to have your trust.

Thank you for choosing us. ✌♥️

Photos from Stacey Rackham + Hair's post 04/13/2023

Little humans deserve to have the best first salon experiences. 🥰

Celebrating kids communicating what they want to see on themselves and having some healthy influence over the outcome of their hair cut experiences. 🤘

Supporting their understanding of who is allowed to cut their hair (adults 🤪) and how to begin caring for their hair is important.

I feel that building trust, letting them be heard and caring about their experience is really important for kids to feel more confident in expressing themselves in and likely out of the salon.

Thank you for the opportunity to take care of Amelia and Charlotte today. Love seeing my friends parent and meeting their kids. 🥰🥰


Ryan and I met while working at Bonefish Grill. I was enrolled in cosmetology school at Paul Mitchell in 2008 and he was my trainer at the restaurant. I took the server position there since it was closer to school and I could work after I finished the day of class.

He went to Paul Mitchell shortly after and we’ve continue to cross paths throughout our careers. He opened his shop, , with a focus on short hair grooming shortly after I opened .

As peers, we have encouraged and inspired one another through this wild and rewarding career choice of ownership. During quarantine we connected over Zoom to process and give one another hope and perspective.

As of this week he has placed his clippers down so he can focus on himself, his business and have deeper impact on the lives he touches.

I am humbled, as he shared that he made this decision in part because he saw that I did the same.

It’s can feel scary and hard to let go of a clientele after a decade of building relationships. It’s bittersweet to shift the direction of a business and it’s brave as hell to trust yourself to do it.

Congrats .deeds on stepping back from behind the chair. Your biz and your team will benefit tremendously from the space and time you’re prioritizing. And most importantly of all, so will you! ⚡️🫶

Photos from Stacey Rackham + Hair's post 08/12/2022

Fulfilled all of my early 2000’s goals tonight!☺️❤️

When I was 15 I stood outside Royal Oak Music Theater with my best friends waiting to catch a glimpse of *NSYNC and Chris Kirkpatrick at their sold out show.

Tonight we danced to all sorts of pop covers and I heard sing live again with and it was phenomenal.😆🔥❤️


Bestie being a brave girl.

Proud the work she and I have been doing in reconditioning her to the backyard.

Firework season and summer in the city is tough on her. We recently started working with to get some fresh eyes on her reactivity and fear with the intent to recondition some fear and build more confidence.

This week I hid her food in different places in the house for her to sniff and find and used a soft sniff mat to create some more enrichment without any adverse sounds.

She also has been learning how to lay in her bed when Ryan or I have been on the couch to build some independence and space. ☺️

She’s a delicate and sensitive girl and needs extra support in facing this world.

Care taking for a reactive dog is challenging and lonely a lot of the time.

Thankful for the access to professionals who are knowledgeable and compassionate - for both her lived experience and mine. ❤️

Photos from Stacey Rackham + Hair's post 07/17/2022

On the first day I opened Mint Hair Crafting in 2016 it was a really stressful day - one I had hoped would feel magical and special. It was complicated, my first guest no showed and the stylists who worked for the previous owner were none too pleased in the new dynamic. 😅

So with the opportunity to have a soft opening of MHC 2.0 with the beautiful team I have now, I asked my friend to come to document the experience.

I wanted to be present to the momentum, the excitement, the conversations and to my own feelings.

The moments she captured hold so much meaning - raw and authentic feeling and so much joy.

My friends who’ve done buildouts have all asked, “have you crashed from the adrenaline rush yet?” 🥹🤣🫠

And I have and I’ve felt more tender hearted in the recent days of reflecting on all that the last 6+ years have brought into my life and heart. Big lessons. Big love. Impactful conversations and a whole lot self awareness.

This journey of owning almost didn’t happen - I had plans to relocate but life changed and I’m very thankful it rooted me here. Cheers to new beginnings! ✌🏻✨

Photos from Stacey Rackham + Hair's post 06/28/2022

Yesterday was cool - got our City Occupancy Approval! 🎉

Feeling relieved and thankful. I’ve learned so much about city codes and use spaces, ADA compliance requirements, the permitting process and signage.

We have one more inspection before we can relocate. That itself has held unique challenges with logistics and timing but last week, after a long phone conversation, I was able to schedule it for late this week.

The timing of the inspection could not come at a better time - once our license is active in Ferndale, we no longer hold a license in Royal Oak. 😬 So fingers crossed 🤞🏻 for a smooth inspection because we are closed for the Fourth of July weekend and it could be a great weekend to move. 😅🫠☺️😬

And my friend came down from Mt Pleasant to share some color knowledge with some of our team and get a peak at the new space - so meaningful to have friends across Michigan cheering us on.

A few more bittersweet days in Royal Oak - making the most of these memories and the salon that felt huge in 2016 that now feels tiny in part because of the huge hearts that fill it. ❤️❤️


Loving big on my sweet girl.

Hair by .hair + 💛💛


When a dream becomes reality. ✨

jk/ not here to romanticize this process. Because those closest to me know that it’s been a huge learning process and it’s been difficult and uncomfortable.

Fear of abandonment.
Concerns about lack and a whole dose of “not enoughness”.
Hours of “researching” to quell the inner voice of doubt and unknowns.

While also nurturing myself, our team and showing up as best I can within the other relationships in my life.

But here we are. Sinks installed. Brick painted and a repurposed parking block, original to our new building, mounted to function as our Washhouse Backbar.

I’m proud of my team and how they’ve communicated and held me and one another up during this experience. Proud of me for not losing myself in work and for honoring my threshold with commitments.

I’m excited and I aspire to continue to share this process - messy and picturesque because someone else will see themselves in this story and feel inspired to stretch themselves into what’s possible for them. ❤️✌🏻

Photos from Stacey Rackham + Hair's post 06/12/2022

This week marks 3 wildly bittersweet years with my Sweet Tangerine Fiona.

She continues to teach me so much through her reactivity and fear.

We’ve all made a lot of progress but it’s been difficult - she still cannot tolerate seeing other dogs on TV, from the yard or windows. She can’t hang in the kitchen when the oven is on and hates garbage day more and more each week.

But she still wakes up SO excited to be alive. She loves play fighting Walter. She knows where her safe place in the house is and loves her solitude in the crate when it storms. She looks to me for comfort and has accepted another human as her person.

Our relationship challenges me to find patience I didn’t know I could hold and compassion for her on the days that are really hard - because I have them too.

I know this week girl entered my world to stretch my heart and soul and it’s a privilege to be her human.

Photos from Stacey Rackham + Hair's post 05/31/2022

Had a weekend and wore a dress that wasn’t black. 😆🔥😎

big shoutout to + for hair color refresh, makin’ me feel like a 👸🏼

Packed my Jeep full of things at Ikea for the new salon space.

Celebrated ❤️ wedding with so many incredible people! ☺️ Danced hard with and .

Reminisced with my friends who I haven’t seen in too many years - feeling grateful for the opportunity to spend time with so many people who’ve been impactful in my life and career.

Had a staycation and allowed myself to be present to having time off - away from my inbox and connecting IRL with some beautiful people in the pool.

Life is wild. Feeling both at peace and joy in my heart and anxious with the growth and moving of my business. Learning to navigate both and coexist within the journey. ☺️☺️


Our sinks arrived yesterday! 🙌🏻💦

And this is after, as I sucked up the carcasses of a million bugs inside the new space after I realized the yellow dots in the carpet were dead centipedes. 😵😆👾☠️

But really, I am learning a lot and feeling very grateful for the support in my life + biz.

My mentor for the ongoing guidance. Thank you for seeing me. ❤️

My team for trusting my vision. This expansion is stretching all of us to grow and step forward in communication and our values.

For my professional friends who send me encouragement, wisdom and understanding - I see you too. ❤️

And all the guests - beyond thrilled to share our future with you all. Thank you for gassing me up in the DMs. Y’all are the MVP’s! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Looking forward to sharing all the lessons. 😎❤️

Photos from Stacey Rackham + Hair's post 03/17/2022

Just a couple of Bumble influencers going to shows. 😆🐝

Portugal. The Man + alt-J ➡️ Parquet Courts

Photos from Stacey Rackham + Hair's post 03/02/2022

Today I finally sent an email that I had started a dozen times throughout the last 12 months. 👏🏻

I landed on the words while I flew to Belize and reflected on the last year.

Inspired by the change in climate and local, I got the thoughts and feelings into words in my notes.

Edited in the back room of my salon business while my team ate their lunches and ran color formulas by me.

Grateful to have this time. Thankful for the support. Happy I placed priority on what I needed.

Sharing for those who it might reach and resonate with. ❤️

Photos from Stacey Rackham + Hair's post 10/28/2021

Marathon Hailey for Halloween. ✌🏻🏃🏼

Sneakers. Sports Bra. T-shirt. Leggings. Lashes. Brows. Passion. Thermal blanket.

And a water bottle thats never drank from. 😆😉❤️


Spent the last 38 hours exploring the wild + beautiful colors North of the 45th Parallel watching trees doing tree things. 🌳🍁

Michigan, you’re a stunning place to be. ❤️

and I’m so thankful for the space in my life to know this handsome soul.

Photos from Stacey Rackham + Hair's post 10/23/2021

Today I took care of .lucie for her wedding day and it’ll never be lost on me that we met through my bestie and shared some of the most unforgettable moments on nights we’ll never fully remember 😇.


I will forever be honored to remember joining you, Dan and your families and friends to share in the magic of your wedding day. Thank you for the opportunity to join you tonight. ❤️⚾️⚽️ ✌🏻

You are all so loved. ❤️❤️ Thank you for the reminder in why I signed up to do what I do.


I love the reaction people have when they see my yellow hair - sometimes they have questions but they always smile and are so genuinely kind.

There is so much love + joy in this world and I’m grateful to be alive today to feel it.

Cut .hair


Mammograms aren’t glamorous but they can save lives.

Yesterday I had a long conversation with a guest of about breast cancers, genetics and the small, wounding words that well intentioned people say to those impacted by illness. ie. “It’s just hair — it’ll grow back” 😫😫

It’s never just hair for those who lose it against their will.

The work we do as hairdressers, colorists, barbers.. matters — a lot.

Shifting how people present themselves to the world, especially in illness and recovery is an honor.

A handful of the most meaningful haircuts in my career were on friends who were losing their hair from treatments.

The conversations people have with me, the things I learn about others and how they experience the world — it’s everything. I am a more compassionate human from standing behind the chair.

Thankful for my health, body and career. For salon guests who share their hearts with us.

Thankful for knowledgeable medical professionals, access to early screening and normal results. 💕

Photos from Stacey Rackham + Hair's post 09/28/2021


On Sunday, Detroit Free Press published a story on local businesses advocating for self care.

Mint Hair Crafting had the opportunity to share why inclusion is important and a bit of our journey through the last 18 months.

The full story featuring so many other indie businesses was covered by and - we thank you for sharing our story so beautifully. ❤️

In the physical paper we were on the front page of the Michigan Business section! 🙌🏻

So very thankful for the support + growth of MHC through the last year and a half. Thank you for choosing us. ❤️


Fall or Summer?

Sporting my season change black and big grieving sunshine and 70’s. 😭🥶🖤

Summer 2021 was beautifully bittersweet. Thankful to have experienced health, so many nights out with my friends, live music and lots of time connecting with my fur fam.

You can find me from now until April, hibernating in my sweatpants under the covers with my dogs trying to finish a book without napping. ✌🏻😴🥱


2021 - the year of all sorts of growth - for me, and this glorious corn plant.

It’s kind of wild, I bought the plant at Lowe’s on a Sunday morning impulse in 2017 and packed it into my tiny Fiesta. Today, when I cut it down, it was easily over 6 feet tall.

My plants filled the space of MHC while I worked to provide a space for passionate hairdressers to build their careers. They’ve been cared for by each person on our team, they’ve been neglected during insane seasons of life and nearly died from being over watered, too heavy and falling over.. and setting off the motion sensor alarm overnight. 😆

Feeling thankful tonight for my plants and what they represent in the story of MHC. ❤️❤️✌🏻


I have always loved assisting my talented friends and learning to see hair from their perspective. It’s why I love supporting my team behind the chair now. I learn from how they do things daily.

And that is 100% 1B PM Shines in that giant color block on my head. 😆😍✌🏻

Thanks for the throwback . ❤️❤️❤️


leaving with a bby sloth because if you’ve ever spent more than 5 hours with me you’ve definitely witnessed me take a lil snooze to rest my eyes 🤷🏼‍♀️

Photos from Stacey Rackham + Hair's post 08/02/2021

An honor to use the platform of the beauty industry to share the importance of self expression + inclusion. ♥️💙💚💛🧡🖤🤍

Today had the opportunity to be featured on - BIG thanks to and !

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main character energyShoutout @lorinlange + @taylormackbeauty for making hair dreams come true ✌🏻❤️
It is an honor + privilege to walk along life + careers with people. Thank you @mothermabels for supporting @minthaircra...
🚨The dogs of Detroit need you.🚨Two years ago I walked into Detroit Animal Care and Control with tears in my eyes and ask...
Reflecting on all the things packed into this month. MHC turning 5, spending time with my team and feeling hopeful.Trave...
MHC Field Day was amazing. ☀️🌮✌🏻Spending time with my people + having fun is exactly why I do what I do. I knew I’d have...
Freedom + space is a beautiful thing. ❤️✌🏻☀️March 15, join myself, @lisalcarr and @manocoblue in breaking down the core ...



1930 Hilton
Ferndale, MI

Opening Hours

Tuesday 11am - 8pm
Wednesday 11am - 8pm
Friday 9am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 4pm

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