Restart Marriage and Family Coaching

Restart Relationship coaching supports individuals to RESTART, REBUILD and RESTORE the relationships in their life that matter most. Hosac Sharpe, B.

Hosac & Elizabeth Sharpe – know personally and professionally the joys and challenges marriages and families face today. They took their broken marriage to a restored marriage. Their desire is to see every individual, marriage and family succeed to its fullest potential. They have been professional educators for over twenty years and use a "real" life approach combined with research based practice


Today, I coached a parent who came to me because she is extremely concerned that her teen child will not be prepared for life. She expressed to me:

-he forgets everything
-does not do his chores
-disrespects me
-is addicted to media and video games
-is not motivated
-has poor time management
-does not listen
-dislikes school-impulsive

These are common challenges for individuals who have been identified as neurodivergent. This simply means that their brain has strengths and weaknesses. Their weaknesses cause challenges in behavior that many times we label as rude or disrespectful In actuality, they struggle with executive function.

Traditional discipline strategies do not work with individuals who struggle with executive function skills. In fact, they work against them only making them feel more stressed out and increase anger or withdrawal.

Traditional counseling, ABA therapy, Play therapy and many other types of therapies many times do not full get the results parents are looking for because they do not address the most critical factor in making the brain stronger. The brain is a muscle and can get stronger!

There are over 19 factors that affect behavior and some are not obvious. In fact, most discipline strategies do not address the five factors that are most important in getting the results necessary for children and teens to improve self regulation.

I assess these five factors to equip parents, teachers and students to have success quickly. I not only have professional training, I am the mom of three neurodiverse children!! I get to practice all the time!!!!

What would life feel like if your child or teen:

-had less tantrums
-no more melt downs
-was more cooperative
-managed school well
-remembered things
-was more responsible
-had better cooperation
-developed interest in other things besides video games?

Yes, it is possible!

If your ready, say yes I am ready!


HELLO! I am doing some monthly free trainings for a national organization, and they are allowing me to do whatever topics I would like.

Parents of ADHD children, teens and adults, what are your biggest struggles, challenges and/concerns.

Would love some ideas!!!!

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: HUNGRY HEARTS: How Presence Creates Peace. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. 07/05/2024

If any woman who struggles with stress, anxiety, being overwhelmed, depression join us online to learn biblical tools that will get rid of those thoughts and emotions that are not true to your true identity as a daughter of Christ!

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Jul 6, 2024 08:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: HUNGRY HEARTS: How Presence Creates Peace. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: HUNGRY HEARTS: How Presence Creates Peace. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.


Being "BAD" at math is not a real thing.

While some students do not enjoy math and others love it, a students who struggles with basic math foundational skills, is not just "BAD" at math.

If your child has a tough time:
-Counting money
-Performing mental calculations
-Manipulating numbers
-Performing math-related tasks
-Learning number-related concepts
-Reasoning and problem solving
-Remembering the steps in a sequence
-Reading graphs or charts
-Remembering dates and deadlines

then your student could have dyscalculia. Dyscalculia is not known or diagnosed well in the US.

As a learning and behavior therapist, I have worked with students with dyscalculia with great success.

Students with dyscalculia do not need tutors or more repetition, they need to receive academic math therapy that makes sense for their brain.

Multisensory math therapy from a qualified educational therapist.

I love it when the light bulb clicks for my students. On the first day of my sessions students says they hate math and are afraid of math. Six sessions in, they say "it now begining to make sense".

I love activating hope in smart students because I figure out the secret sauce of their brain.

All students are smart.
All students want to learn.


Resistant and Unmotivated Learners and those that don’t focus and follow instructions well can make us feel frusterated!

As a parent, we get baited into the power struggle.

We shame, blame and complain.
We threaten.
We manipulate.
We offer rewards.

We do this because we interpret there behavior incorrectly. We assume that they are:

Not motivated
Not focused

And they don’t want to learn or are not trying!

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The truth is, it’s their brain not there will.

If we are honest, we all avoid things that bring no pleasure or makes no sense!!! We all push boundaries.

Don’t believe me? Do you eat healthy and work out enough? Do you wait till the last minute to file your taxes? Do you speed? lol!

Research shows that to get students to develop resiliency, preserver and learn the content that we know is important or the skills that make you successful in life, we must do three things:

1) Train the Brain -Change the hardware
We know that the brain is Neuroplastic. That means it can change and get stronger. When academics make no sense it means their is a weakness in the brain. When behavior is impulsive, it means their is a weakness in the brain. This is changeable. This is moldable without using meds.

2) Inputs must make Sense-Change the Software
We must use teaching strategies that are three dimensional. Schools and parents typical teach content or attempt to change behavior using one dimensional strategies. You can do it all day long but it won’t help the student read better, do math better, write better or behave better.

3)Change the Environment by giving the student control - Change the Operating System
Students are motivated when things make sense. When they connect the dots of learning or behavior. Kids and teens really do want to please adults.

Are you ready to stop the power struggles, the tantrums (yours and theirs) and finally get the brain to do what it’s designed to do?

Be successful! If your ready to have your child experience success! Reach out!


Traditional methods like flashcards, time tests, and worksheets do not work for many. Especially kids with dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia.

If your tired of struggling or if you want your child to start the new year confident and ready for math, then join us for summer session!

Your student will have them down pat and ready to face their Fall math class!!!

It's never too late. Any age can learn. I have a 100% success rate. How?

I am a learning and behavior therapists and use target multisensory strategies that help facts stick like chewing gum under a table!

I utilize a different part of the brain that presents the content in a three-dimensional format so the brain learns and can recall it!

Once this happens, they feel smart, and division is a breeze!

You can also advance your 2nd and 3rd grade so they can feel smarter!!

I have individual and group sessions available for every age and every type of learner.


When your child is not doing well, it makes a mom feel hopeless. I know, I have been there.

When you know they are smart but not confident academically, it breaks your heart.

When my child was not learning, I did not understand all the reasons that were holding her back academically.

We lost a great deal of time. Time I could never get back.

After experiencing success with my own children, training teachers and working with families for over twenty years, I have a researched based three-part strategy that gets my students a 99% success rate.

I create a plan that is unique for your child. A plan that gives them the information in a way that their brain will understand.

The brain is neuroplastic. That means we can change the structure and make it stronger.

Do not let your student get behind.
Help them gain the confidence they need to feel smart and be successful!!!

All children want to learn.
All children want to be successful.
You can't buy more time.

But, you can be intentional about putting them in a position to make the brain stronger and faster.
To gain the skills needed to finally feel that reading, writing and math make sense.


You know that there are many reasons why your child is struggling academically?

It’s not just one reason. If your child has dyslexia, did you know that there are seven types of dyslexia?

If your child struggles in math, did you know there are several types of dyscalculia?

The worst advice I got as a mom is, wait the reading will come later. Math skills will come later. Some kids read later.

Actually, for most reading does come naturally and they will learn to read or do math with no instruction.

For those who don’t, it means their brain needs different inputs. The hard drive needs to be rewired.

If you have tried other programs with no success or your school intervention has not produced the results that you want, then you got the wrong intervention.

Schools mean well, but they have to stick to one kind of intervention. Many do not have years of experience and specialized expertise.

Many reading and math specialists only get trained in one program.

My students get a 99% improvement rate in 6 sessions because I tailor and create a specific program for your learner. I am tranined in multiple programs and strategies.

In addition, I let parents know what the other factors are that are affecting reading or math acquisition. I get you the answers your searching for that others miss.

I lost time with my student because I was not told all the factors that affect reading and math development. We got the information too late.

You can’t get more time. The longer your student is discouraged, the older they get, the more they will think they are not smart.

Once they think they can’t do it, they won’t.

This past Spring, I have had six year olds, twelve year olds, and sixteen year olds say “I get it now”!!!!

If your ready to see results and hear your child say “I am smart”, I am enrolling now for summer session

Summer session starts June 2. Online and in person.

All kids want to learn.
All students want to be successful.
All students want to behave.

I figure out the secret sauce to your child’s brain.


The mom I thought I would be to two boys!!!!

No one prepared me!!!! lol!! All you multiple boy moms we need a special prayer group❤️❤️❤️

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Homeschooling Your Spirited or Resistant Learner. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. 03/26/2024

Free webinar. 3/26/24 6:30-7:30pm (CST)

If you can’t attend, register and they will send you recording!

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Homeschooling Your Spirited or Resistant Learner. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. Come and learn how to increase success in your home education program or how to supplement traditional education for learners who struggle with focus, attention, engagement and/or boredom. Join Learning and Behavior Therapist and Homeschooling Coach, Elizabeth Sharpe, M.Ed. as she discusses the myth...


Children with autism may have difficulty processing sensory information from their environment, which can lead to overstimulation and anxiety. Excessive blinking may be a way for children with autism to self-regulate and cope with.


Excited to be speaking next month at the Attention Deficit Disorder Association Support Group!

Feel free to invite others.

THANK YOU ELIZABETH SHARPE!! On March 26 at 6:30 pm Central, ADDA-SR will host a webinar titled, "Homeschooling Your Spirited or Resistant Learner."



My son wants a hoverboard seat attachment. What are your best

recommendations for good quality and low price?

I typically shop on Amazon, Costco and Walmart.


The struggle power to do homework.
The I hate reading fits.
The I hate math fits.
The calls from the teacher.
Or maybe you are the teacher.

The feeling of frustration from the student.
The feeling of frustration from the parent.

You have tried tough love and soft love.
Consequences do not work.
Yelling does not work.

You know your kids is smart.

It looks like they are not trying.
It looks like they won't focus.
You are at your wits end.

They may have an IEP or 504 but it's not enough. They are so behind and so discouraged.

Let's start with researched based truth:
Kids who want to learn, learn.
Kids who can do math, do math.
Kids who can read, read.

Students who struggle need strategies that work for their brain. Not a tutor, strategies that make sense for their brain.

Their brain reads differently.
Their brain does math differently.

You have to deal with the hardware: the brain.
Before you enter the software: academic information.

If they could already, they would.

If you're ready to have your student THRIVE!

Trying harder and hoping it will get better won't work.

I know. As a learning and behavior therapist, I equip families every day to be academically and personally successful.

Online or in person, my students begin to thrive!



When your child won't read or do math even with intervention, that tells us something.

When your child hates going to school or refuses to do their homework, that tells us something.

When you have tried tough love and soft love and your child still gets in trouble at home or school, that tells us something.

When your child has an IEP or 504 plan and they are still not at reading level or math level, that tells us something.

LIE: Schools can accommodate all learners
TRUTH: Schools do their best within the legal laws of what they can and cannot do. Many times, they provide intervention but the person doing the intervention may not be qualified for your child's needs. In addition, they must follow district and/or state approved curriculum. Thus, they cannot always individualize what your child needs. Many schools are short staff and cannot find qualified applicants to work with students whose brains are wired differently.

LIE: My school tested my child and that is enough.
TRUTH: School districts do not test for everything, and many tests are not provided for districts.

LIE: My child is just stubborn and disobedient; this is why they won't learn or behave.
TRUTH: ALL children want to learn; ALL children want to behave.
Children and teens want to please adults. They do not want to be in trouble or feel stupid. They want to be successful like everyone else.

LIE: A tutor is enough
TRUTH: Sometimes. But a tutor is not a Learning and Behavior Therapist. A Learning and Behavior Therapist is trained to assess and develop strategies that get to the root of the learning or behavior challenge.

As a mom of two neurodiverse children, I understand the personal frustration one feels when your child is wired differently for learning or your child struggles with behavior.

As a Learning and Behavior Therapist, I work with children and parent to get the results that they are looking for:

-less tantrums
-less yelling for child and parent 🙂!
-focused learner
-less power struggles
-more peace at home
-successful student
-no more anxiety
-more hope for the future for the child and parent!

When you are ready to get to the root issues of your child or teens or young adult's struggle, message me.

Would love to help you find the secret sauce of your child's brain.


All behavior tells us something.

Perceived negative behavior is not a student being bad, difficult, stubborn.

Parents tell me, he was so good yesterday but today he won’t make good choices.

When a child:
🟠won’t do homework
🟢Does not want to go to school
🔵struggles with school transitions
🔴throws tantrums
🔵only wants to play video games

You keep repeating yourself over and over and still no change of behavior.

You have tried tough love and soft love and nothing!

You have tried every punishment and bribe and still no results.

That tells us something. It tells us a lot!

If you keep using the same strategies, you will get the same results.

There are three questions we need to answer to change the behavior. Just three.

Are you ready to stop the madness?

Are you ready to stop the roller coaster of emotions for you and your child?

Message me so we can answer the questions that lead to better choices.

All children want to learn!
All children want to behave and please the adults in their lives!


Important to understand.

Photos from Restart Marriage and Family Coaching's post 04/13/2023

Got this from mom of of my 4th grade clients who has dyscalculia.

Results in 8 weeks!!

When I hear this is makes me soooooo happy!!!!

If you or someone you know needs educational assesment, academic or behavioral therapy, please send them my way!!!

I am currently enrolling for Summer and Fall session!

Online, Fortworth and Godley, Texas


It’s that time again!!!

99% success rate!

Every student wants to learn!

Every student wants to be successful!

Every student is smart!


Photos from Restart Marriage and Family Coaching's post 01/13/2023

This is from one of my clients!❤️

This is why I do the work that I do with the students I serve online and in person.

It’s satisfying when parents see the return on investment.

Even more satisfying is seeing children succeed and that they realize they are not dumb.

Every child is smart.
Every child wants to learn.
Every child wants to behave well


I got this text a month ago from a client of mine who’s son had been held back a grade level but school was not willing to acknowledge that something was going on.

After trying for sometime, she realized she needed a plan. Mind you this a mom who knows her stuff. She had advocated for her older children with results and she knew the 504/IEP protocal and laws.

But, when the school was not responsive to her youngest, she called me.

She knew her son was bright (and he is!)

She knew that he was wired differently and he needed a different key to unlock his brilliance.

She knew she could not keep having the same discussion with the school.

Most importantly, she knew she was loising valuable time.

TIME is the one thing you can’t buy more of.

TIME is your biggest enemy when it comes to students who:

-learn differently
-thinks differently
-struggle with behavior or academics

Students who outside of school are a joy.

Students who outside of school love to learn in the real world.

Schools are not evil. They just are not designed to dig at deep levels and understand some student’s brain,

Post-Covid schools are understaffed abs finding qualified interventionist is harder than ever.

Even when schools provide intervention, it may not yield results.

I have another student who just told me she goes to group reading intervention every day and she’s bored because the books are too easy.

Group intervention is not always the answer.

After six weeks of Learning Therapy, this student began to show improvement. More improvement than in 1.5 years of school intervention.


Because I assess and develop a wholistic plan of action that targets the gaps.

I do assesments schools don’t do.
I inform parents on what’s missing in their intervention plan at school.

But, more importantly I show my students how they are “smart”.

I show them how there brain works and when they see they are “smart” it motivates them and empowers them to be active advocates of their own education.

The more you wait.
The more you loose TIME.

As a mom and Learning and Behavior Therapistst I know!!! Personally and professionally.

You CANT get time back.

The longer a student thinks he or she is not smart, the deeper the hole of
unmotivation and resistance.

Where will your student be 1.5 year from now if you keep doing the same thing?


“The school says she’s not behind enough to test”.

“He has an IEP but I am not seeing progress”.

“I have tried everything but she won’t sit still…she does not want to do any work”

“He gets intervention at school, but he’s still not passing”

“He constantly forgets homework, misses school deadlines, and I have tried everything..and nothing works”.

“They said she’s fine, but I have a gut feeling something is going on”.

All my clients said this to me before we started working together and 99% of my clients saw improvement and solutions to the challenges when they implemented the strategies that I use. The 1% that did not see improvement did not see any because they did not implement the strategies😁🙃.

I am not a tutor. I am a Learning and Behavior Therapist.

What’s the difference? So glad you asked…😜.

🟢Tutors assist a child get through school work.

🟣Tutors teach content that the child is struggling with and/or does remedial subject matter.

🟣Tutors do not necessarily have the training necessary to figure out the root cause of learning and behavior challenges.

Many times children have had intervention at school and/or have gone to tutoring and the child has not made progress and the parent and child are stressed out.

💪Say it with me…all students want to learn!!!!!!

💪Say it with me..all student want to behave well!!!!!!

If they are not learning or behaving well then their is a neurological glitch!!!!!!!

Tutoring do not work with some students because they need a Learning and Behavior Therapist to do the following:

Assess and find out the root cause of the issue?

The root issue could be:

Or all of the above!

The human brain and body is complicated.

All brains are different..that’s called Neuro Diversity.

You believe in diversity right? 😍🤪🙃😁😎

Schools are not structured to handle the abundance of Neuro diverse students and homeschooling parents need support sometimes in figuring this out.

✔️I assess
✔️I find out where the learning or behavioral glitch is.
✔️Customize the strategy.
✔️Share the strategy with the school and parent.
✔️Student begins to have success
✔️Parent begins to have success


🔥🔥🔥🔥Motivated Student!

Less Stressed Parent!!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥

I have been the parent.
I had that student.

I know how equip parents and students to stop cycle of failure.

I would love to help you find the hope your looking for.


The question a student should be asking us not…

➡️Am I smart????

The question a student should be asking is…

➡️How am I smart!!!!!

I provide that answer and would love to partner with you to show you how your student is smart!!!

Message me if your ready to see hope return to your student.


Elizabeth Ramirez Sharpe When a client is happy with the solutions and results I helped them achieve!

As a Learning and Behavior Therapist, I find the solutions that are often missed by schools and tutoring agencies.

I am super duper comprehensive and individualized in my assesment and reading, math and behavior therapy.

I identify the missing piece of the puzzle that tutoring and other assessments miss many times.
I can quickly look at what the root issue is and where the gaps are!

If your not getting the results you want from the support your student is receiving to overcome their behavior or academic stumbling blocks, message me.

It would be such a privelage to find the Sharpe Solution for your student! I do this in person or online. I currently work with clients in four states. I work with typical learners and those with special needs and learning disabilities.

All students want to learn and behave well!!!


Your marriage is the most important relationship!

We can help in person or via zoom!

We have helped many!


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Our Story

Hosac & Elizabeth Sharpe – know personally and professionally the joys and challenges marriages and families face today. They took their broken marriage to a restored marriage. Their desire is to see every individual, marriage and family succeed to its fullest potential. They have been professional educators for over twenty years and use a "real" life approach combined with research based practices to equip and support families to not just survive but to thrive to an OPTIMAL level. With the right mindset, tool set, and community of support, anyone can be successful!

Hosac Sharpe, B. A., is a certified Life Coach, a professional special education educator and specializes in working with men in addiction, special needs youth, unmotivated learners, family dynamics, holistic health, and couples.

Elizabeth Sharpe, M.Ed., is a community college professor in Early Childhood Education and a success coach that specializes in working with women's issues, anger issues, family dynamics, feeding issues, holistic nutrition and dyslexia and learning disabilities.

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